9uiRROS SLNI pogIlto o Finncil tatemen-,t of Hon. R.Harcourt. Leglelaluu a Assemisig, Torontho, Dec. 14, 1807. M. SpeuIrer, Os'iusg 1tisaheaatusucllg cor- lg dtlcoff tisaconmaeiweirî toff t0e ses- sion, oudtol the fart ilut tOe accoîtts la the bauds of bon. meilies caser anlg ten mastbs off the pest gie, losheat offtise funil caicuder gear as herclafore, my istata- usent tîtis afteuuoou aist off nacessihg iiffer conuitoeisig frous Ibosa t bave preîloniig liait he bonor ta doutver, I0010 ns ta ils suh- jeol muater acuit ierangemnti. AI ïlite ve-r(ca;iret It, our passible the et-- roCuaIs, for tbe balure off thei 0ar, tIz.,, far 10e monîbi off Saveater an] Deceaiser, wili 0e presenteilt b the lieuse la tise usuel forn, tutdItouuembers s ili tbcu, ce ai- sago hreloforo, Oaethec luet oppot- tuitg te examine iscma adetailh, autsuis- Joct theis lanroimilîce, if neet ise, tb clos- est sceutiny. Il unss le tiarient to evauyaue Ibet illuehitilubu liuoe sill lu Iis suug be set e], I t l.atc usnesoff tOc sesihoîn w-il Oc gucals tailiare i an]expeitet bg btnguu ia~o os id ehave dutise bflcc 11 f u ga P to tOc eut off Octbreio,, andI LiIlIlIte conuico eoff ho. i 7mes ut'.I tus Oj bt utiho] TICIPS iF.N 3 1lt IND IDSst OCTOtiEN, 1897. $uubsuî'----------------- 1,872 $0 Sutecbe grut................ 0 10 d lut' teb,> lit Io il i in (0 CraW-n Lands eDpi'rtii Drown libats._...... .........$ 1Ilnt rucCrotu ut lantds..... :,111,a011utSis........ ........ ClRgy it .................. f ...... 8 -tot Iutuu....... . hfsu I........ ........ ... 19M, e72 80 212,414 48 $(22 4,647 51 J740 1 17148 October feot tlslsasen$18,8112. Taebalance le sti11 outstaniding. Omîilhang altogoether tOc procoees off lis saie, OUF CrownalInuis roceipts, foi' the0e buuotbs off 1897 bave bora eýCxcotlionelgla rge. The SacnItocIt Mecoucît (bvrment, Il w-ii e rorumrberet, hait four sales of tiin- ber, 0o1l' durîi-u ecchygar af its tluiaoff office?. TOhe Verage price nalzt et Iese fou slesw-s 2130.1 erH il. avue bad oug etsen1sals luiliregsIx geais, an] e ba-e rulizti a aureerage price 1(,2;17 pu ile. w-Oc be"rtlOie(Isp)Oso] off ciiosesala ast Agarce sîlualtdchicfig neer LaR!,e WiO- inplc, uthe Totrashipo off Reýthbun,Scad- dinýg, Kelly, Devis unit tanuser. TOose fÈve tonshiips are sILUaOteItitn adis- trhrt tbat hasbeon peorspectet (jg minonis cnt in himb buutria ;off appileetions basa eeu mate forn hises or pateýcnts under th,- mines ant. Tbo deocii-ieat rouit unI grant lcaies or patents befrc -itl u] disposait off tOe plue tiliIer, It s'as tboreforae bsohutelg uecessarg, as w-cl as Prudent, 10 sou thi i tber la oruler that tise annlcauts algol uhîninritht-iF titios an] 1lthal ry serloujs lose Oy irem îgb (je ]NTIIET IRGEIPTS, Merc Iro s itarast Ibis gearon aure Irus fauils ut ne;ts 124,4.Off :1bIs nemoInul $_"12,414 w-a reusutei.tota nus (j tise Dcrloiu Government as the Interest Idrise us outise fiands Il boîte lu trust for ug. Twb iqnn, (223,cpesenîs hluelon 0111 daInge eotuiras au]nd trete- cle rbeOn aueon 01j', apsis TOe g(paia farM. Speaker, Ilat ire libae thus rre ItIis verg gear 121,4H14 fraîn 10e Doilon Goverumeut. jLan]d 1 pcitan edhiulsua heforp tOnhece crloses, is cuisieproof ltaIth',ieDomnionaîsbolde lut trs o sa latge capital font off eoe uthh usof tolartison wieit rl egulnrhg paTFs us inîceost. f us-1hI tale ocesloain ter ou to rober te Ibis usen LICENS0ERCIPS 1we reccohsed ahogthr bs geer frâma lilqiior lcecs (2015. I lematde mP as f lla w- Ilavenua Cri>,riîgi ltcpnilev 612 12 îlttqe rous îsanIrIMýpn1lIhis l- TOa.....................12i371 Ret onuefins rettera ani dis- t'u-ittt- .. - 811 13 dnse....................(1,3 liuffrutîî toy ~ uttis 101Sos w-b uavnna fraIiuFlrue o t'asueu icscu 350 u htfom00rr icipailn ment--------------- 13.10 Froiiicil higisttit- sunel, î,o î, 'iIt? ce fr abrettrrs ilýeuIse is$20 Ilolore Gne-is autu 111 ts'Sac OotesiOthtOc Irit y t -1liru Fusn i--------------. tqtnoi) tveue rit ta exact a liteuse îlee Iroî )n Ciii .i~-----------------10. 2 '-Inils ýourILuse e udthtOcamousit iltstlo Frai Local Ilcoter-, if titic~. 295s)182 Lcd sîîns îeîîuhuehtc trn oî ('irrite.ern...................572 21 Iutluslu'>- t-lots nitete)s... ....... Liruisege l'oî-ice. ualciseitl,7 Itiuitt ki-,----------------.04 6)189.......... 277.,809 14 28',471 c11uur---- -------- 400 o r7------27,17122787000110 l Iud-............................2i 41ýltI 'i ....... 1 7 w O 'ne ccof Qaebc e rria Ia i i-t;'Se 1uuui-aucccoipauls -user iougounulrehuras mue part off thi.lu tohte iie-i r,> e-xpicu ura for in- sriuebraire------------ 2..11....o..a.lie. Itrenle rfom tIbis source Rltoiuui off patiente 10 aigluiîs -4,338 24 hatgar66,37 w T-i tliuiser off Inverii, ssop suit Surotoia dihas----------11. 10 oc uu1 (lt inclsîdlug treivers' and dis- 1)riuîaeMsonke seitual.,,14317 il-)lecss I)auardehîulietvres--------.....s.... iii13 --s.............. 12< Dria e dleuuIi trcs, lia - - ,2 .........ut.804.tits:3.132 sale of i atilc .......... w,142~ si-] ti 80 a s ....-- - - - --... 3200 83.92.08 12- Atotl ecreaeo11luivfiar Omeof213 lu- 318w 17NCTO NTl, 18 l,'. ; 'Cite îuuuuuber Issue] la 1874 ws e6,185, ha Ciiil 'tenîîisnt--------~ -îi~ ~188 3,70andidnha194 21,1. 'l'cean. tflic Leg'ihiit---------------..,014 icaIl iin lut tuli pol-bilMuit lIos a still z turI.rubn---------, 11,7t ,I0 l tbrceta> -ruliectuesfor lise fii toto4,) eg-iusr. ................... i .t231. ' etf,: fu s nfr Repais atu uuîausleuenca 7,414131 car gaes, u l,,; toe ilense for echl l'uilebttidiig............111.104 1;600Iheoaferimsteat off 400as lornîîctly, l'lic so'ls------------ 23,307 . -sill iilu oaeeiosththie unuritten lats' (linetorle--------------..... 0t37i Ohage Crîsus s-auls----- -1>.27 C cof tOc uvi-eivl 0f tOe fitteut, îucs'ltaisigcou- ReCttud....................3.8_ 1t'l m-ta 10titis resuit. .Stelujites coosolidatcit...........1,96 Miistellaueoius..................12,1 w-beiaa off 1.0,represcnnîg tise - we 1rail "Casuimi revenue," Iteumade tup off $3(02q,1 i r thali twetr 1scoleneous items off ne- Dirainasge ditebecînres........... -- .,8- 1I larhutge rientirc, he 3:810 10celpts. The largest off tisese temnsi thit itcitcuv i euhcertifie-îles ........ 123183off $3.80, u-Ii Ocose OClo-thPr- Anuutty------. .-----------4,10 irdiucal Secretîr'e Deprtirar, lan] oeaî-hy 1(-t00218 ai hoff tous i6 mcde up off feos erait-et for Our ota reeips fo th, t us onths iL eharters off incrporationî. Tw-liauuer e-f 089r ttaie tnd or t obr gOi-Ia asbo.charters issuici]gîreatlhg exeectot litIoff gentlcutsenutivil notice, la 13,139,18. preclouts goure. I'tei tucriage licoîiseca tt Il uxceets aur Ctîtimlne, iOiOwas Ofrecuet 1 2,000. fa 18139 the saufieitMc couse ar ho hae gerby 1$477,000. - donit GLos eriîtutealrenelu-citfreinumarritîge I lusisui-iusg otgstatemeal, 00w-ever, ast h s es13,3. obp bsl u Febnuautg, I expressly inlormoith10 ouiseonhg instance ou record of aa bei offrevrenure tiatI fw-is coufitdent Ihal 10e ntual ne- Off hicO evergoneaeppraren. reit sîti execi 10 esimae. ehavei Prom the IsiuFace Depertie-nt w-a ce- renevde]lrcai]g turinlg Ira months of lOs ietea bied1 montiOtn o1(2,000. w-c g'oF n conosi derablg iarger sumathn w-e-bc ericlatirIaOttn Iuiîur. ,Ive receivet onone0 0ycar since 1893. Il le art Off lasI Session arnountet 1 $1884 grulllngtamas tut a uce recels-ii Thue annui reglsng fros off DoiisuLaha duueifing teorsI w h moulia f bI erlicerseci an] 'fîiendlg sotitie itimouna t :54 47 marce a w-arendrait for ailioff11,8.Ma eciebg agoftisl Ibsl car.rcgistng certificat,> fees payable bg btII]Hing wThe main source off lucrease, Il w-llluie aieisn o eaesan]d rstcn nloticed, i n ha1e recipt rous Croiu auts. nalcoa]fcco esctepialî -fean 1$10,200. This source offreuvenuea itts For Itîr pariaitoff Ira imoth bl rscis1Iunea rercîpîs fre bois(the paaîsling Of our lean eneporetlus aos eonsidomiuig ouF bld ltsfrm act off lest session. the Crmo Lanits Depeirtweit amualDedtet l,0,7,the langest receipi off ang gene i ASSUITIES. sivce 1803.Wn rereivat brain our sale offnuaitis fLst -ar w-e rencit1($92,262. w-be ave"- 'thlIai, gean 1156,842. ne a gcaulg receipt beom lOis tepamlomet fori' Our tust sale %ues lie 1884. Ia thnt year tiveugix geers Oabecu 1$978,264, Tromu we e.ahteho1e autnoff 113.4001 e ger. the sale off Crann lauts s'a renelve th'is riii geai' tva oaîg ueetedtab salit<>lte gene $8,405, rous rels, rnung hases, lise Rantount off 1(,000 a grar, anu i Iedîoc moticeablg large amoual et 1$154,715,et IL,-arnolint off course aics I ouF iu- feca os and et oeis 1$,12,387. Fronti prov'ed position us te Iheoera-r,îll' îg >bllige- mioiag hasen w-e reccu1veilest gear 1$46,040. jlos -oatutwrsi ii erwa We soit turug te geer 1501/4 ailes off lni- 5011rtissa tOat off eugprevlouisgor hanrllatds, oitinng bar il $265,162, ner1$1,665 IDuring tOc aext feir 's cse ules se greuiFat usenitinte, these rails-mg obligationasîwll ssaolicontribution Isaretise iýr iainen- decreae couieiemalyaroce, amuonting ta one,-ffis af ýtisegrs Nat -car thbse obligationis-il0ec$28000 expenlditure. In Ontarie tOc-anliiall- less thIln hosew-e Octve iet tto g eem, in lies. an the other bau, arerlieved toff'the> 1899 tbcre trili lie anothe trop off 114,000l, itrdeit alîûgethen.11 the fejl'ewing geer a drap of 6,000, unit t cîtul]rciiy giro fnrtltcr ilîistrilons four ycars frontl nos' lbcy trihi, as compateidt o show- tit titis Provtiace is orrcîocy with Iis gece, Oc dîrinihi$dtotathe amotuit ibcralin luie gricnrs it giveswIth. the off nearlg 180,000 tuIn1884, t0e yeem cff our olject off relies ing1emuipatis off Literaliae ln bi' roiceM., 17 uutth1e eni] of 181A6, amdgon -hilnd1 10eL opposition l inthe varlîtintevei tarlianients have cttellenged leý Ontrc 1117111 of 1t lienit. Of il ouree, i]tuo TOe Oppositiounin lOb- pte-ent Pari tt bas takea objecilonti lss !ibmij pet citt. lOt ail air oxpenit res. .NLîely al! of Our expendilurespe lso un- first sale, tise purriasers lu-estaient Our 1w-n lergeol Items off expendIture are boeug-t lhia au latereer gislit of about 41/1,Ihose for eluration ant for aintenamnce per ceut. The purcisasera this geai w-ilta- Orf aur publie lustotiOue. doive loas ta 314 par cent. on tiseir ho- lu 1895 s'e, expendeitr! etîeahes 80, vestment. 012, w-ghile the prov ince off Quchec oxreai]it TÉ must ehw-eys ha reineusredtIbet thc onhy 1$371200.t issue cnt saeeoff 100eeannuttieq dees nol Isn the saure y120cr. -e speu fuor sntcu- attd one dollhar 110 aur exiting Obligations. auca off publie instillau,. iuelîudlug bas- Wben w-e souitnnultes w-e merely postpone pils, $98,413, w 1ie uehrspcurt anlg tise rails'ag oligations wbicli matura dur- $378,158.t iIbo ghe ear lashicis tise suie takes place. TOc insane asyluina o-- tbe Saeoff New Ve baveOcal ine sales off annoltîrs sInce _17u11,are hgisqe stto caefîlhy attui- 1884. We hanielhait tcselcs duriîîg the aget Inhssîthttons. TOc ie-ai of tOc Sate last 1w-O Parliameuito. We aeanot salit as f bave a sel, aeiai] ireth fr isciri thons everg gear. Wc did. not sali 10cm, f or SUpp et. A rutepaycm ussasse -It for 11,000 oxenîple, ho 1893 or 1894, or lu 1880, 189 oe pays about $3 a gerfor is purpose 1800. -We baa ppii otut for rauhway it Il Ile rn urge] îtat w-bore ir,1iet ta- silcel 184 $1,013,2014musealOn webaraelion is resorteitt>te ;-iayr -i hoe recais-et freo Ouraine suies off aunul- JiV seritini-zée ery ouvtag nldtuiiSt oi tles. strîcteset canoorg. 1) lrilîg theOse 1w-n Perlieuentsý, more- An]d eliS iestîceeaitit lia is Pro- os-er. thalleI frous 1800 ta 18t)7 inclusive, w-o rinCe lunkePiag Our asyhua eoxpeodituras buve peut oont forruuiïw-ey ait, cuite 0retire eans1derablg nndem tusîse offt0e Shato off anîiîttîs 1$1,090,732toure> than w-uhase NewrYork. rereised froimt 1e sales off aituities re- Dois not ibis tend le prove tsaI w-e min- ferrei ta. age oor institution s altO due regard to SUCCESSION DUTINS. econamy ? f estimate] tat w-e soalitrecels-e from Tise SIaCommiss*-ion lu Lunccy in 1es' succession dtles turing tOh eer $175,0ü0. York ,Staiee ieffnuy rvsstise detaihait Uptu th1e cnd af Oloher se bat reset e mOntisly ostiarche,,, hlb reprepared Oy $$3,546. Ouly fffty estates ou]. of tOrecs or tise stewiards off litaains ophîcîs vnuder foar thoosanîl came sithinthOe artt1tvil, tise direction -rff 10e Sprltndns.lerg belote the session closes lie able tu gise precautian ho iLaî tkoi ue xp, pBeso. 10ho exact nusher off sicleas. bieh w- Tt lwill, 1 am sura, inteFesi bon. members ainisi.ceit uring lIse gear. Iii 25 off OuF If I compare or coatreot 'a lOsea eleil1 counitias not a single esthne paît dîtgIbis oue off Ibese NaewlaleSaýIiue IitIo:ns ygenr. TOec ouulg off Yark, iucutiog Te- silhonOuaoff ours asirgards epediture. rotîopal]hlnf offtise total suai se mc- TOcie sylîsuem Onot -,Nes' York, Is Crivcit. calledthettaSt. LsrneSînaifasittl.Tise Siîa12 i- weus our aet was passa], w-e River St. Livwrereý. vuniit lcoa separutes bae reiedrt $744.376, 'Ple Goveue-nct it fIrna oîumasyliiii at leirriie.Na tw-n chýil a ndeut e eîitleu.t 10 uonscradit for institutions couIise oe siimllrlg circuai- l1isIe large roceipi Ail eccnouisie agrea staece. Tîtera lý eaccoimmotaition fo-r 1,300 ihettlis is as jt a nd equitatulo ameans patîiets et Ogitoshuirg eut 5-06 îai lirocle- off raisiug revenue as lisevcer been de- villa. s-set. lfully conformes wh thetsafountsa- Tise cipItal axpend1Iltume;onilnts, hau- (tinperidle tOt ail taxation oboulithise aItgsaunit ffrishiu s tOg]nbr regard te tis a etlitg 10 pcg on tise pari off smounts te 1(,7,07 ia t LitecrIljIe thea taxp-,aycr. Under aur net oalg largeo1$440,12C. estaies lant w-o have titt fes' off lOea laThte rate orf nost PCF tdait aIOgdensbumg 1aur youltg country) are dutilo1ý. lfi nee ho $1,758, nItlîrochivIlh 870 estale on1 off everg ifhg ' v rachee!-y ire The PeVcapita eotoff ainteanuce i proy1sioos. Direct hliita -,ry îarl afOgterc>iurg ast goar w-es S initlirock- annîtiug. iallateral,-andt -rante ersville $143. ber ar ny ail offte Onirae. No rot e los Thc nuaisar off medicCýlIo nart Ogiteni lu sauelOa1$10,000 pays cny eiuîtyv antem Ou-g ils 1 for et ery 12'7pieniýlts, aitiBrock- c' irîui otai(Cc. Nlrtiser usisunt, alfa vilîle 1 for et eg 193 ýpaientsi.t cor ciit, faibar, moîber cor giauii], nr The autarber of offdCerd,,tndnts, nurses sonÉ-u-eIr tsaor tangher-iu-lew sv clciteutandeniploeeos ai Og:iea-burgis 0lie forf îîpaîî i1) psy ungtbIng unhese tOe colete cx- everg fourm patienta, et lironlvll]laonue for1 cict'1(0,00In vaîie. ci erg six. uottrStules eut counlnîes, New' Yort, AtOgtcusshurg $821, paît fo ýr salaries off Peote lut ud n]Euslnt ilirif, far c-official8 aut e unlogees Cojr -et erg Paient, ai ampeilniac arts Osto e mut-tSiabro- t $ 48. appiiiltiat, a hur iscale off ttîM ni AI supplies ut Og1oblriae rlIgt bg --ra~i--csstt-sni~1i~Sastistl. a i as ff10e!oenai(lho 11-,opom 1areet: 'aboy lin a its ilian - Th Frtipa iîste- ea.,:igtatitl s :lf, aui tst go t hii,> llptnoce euymalic stueofg-tivîrsiioî f 0 on, dii tor beql1_eiit anregust ise buliituss t ;nOalr.1. bn rg m- eheeltablo or educul hput-pes. St-ga tOc oîîotttbee-i t' aes cssitlt ou'- lutîeni lente dlais tu tlteae1ootLt uli a s tts ilrcs lo iepFe~i e-C 1,120,8 'a r ti iet iilirisnl a row ý sI off ualîîencne b53 pclccttllîga Stata dtî neout il.al geer, îe.195 .Tt CtOc nîbar off fiils.0pFcent. Mulisb Goitrn ttrecehucit ltst gear alargen isihîlion off dollars f1mai nsingle cestale. TOc sîlerles paîdtplaoficel illnralgnt« A8Y LB EX'ENDTI M~. îgdeosbîîig ire nuîrig tasule osepalit M ccueuietdoriug lise tenlmoilitfinr Ieru['btctntaui !flite Ogdensbîmrg I5iiii isttutOssaiitenauncC (i ,1.Asyhumth ie Issistaint ataitedn.nui Thi;i mr ltnoua ithftlboffat uri 0F x- liseItîrsar, ech off barçiv wieas p( titre. Wrspeit for Ibis purpose dite- large a sttil:Fy as w-cpaythu saneoC1,i un;Il off18t1: (701,317. Ill Otan iOt ouilairgoe ut lrot-i ic. negurs t t trre4,151 1patits n, luresi- TLoce figlre8s spankson piainilgeutnfori- dceathie ")10 day Off el ibrlet ly ihat 1 needt uaI lime1br cesment an 'it -iyavcraea ustian foi, 18117 tas ulîcu. 4,,!'7. T'liea ure 13useore fetuale palcaets May I gire ilOteFcomerec2 I nl ISsu .tlO.refer 1u six represenlatir asyl,, s sluiea Tiile acaorîr foirtties ut many pili han foutr offthlicsust cdausqit Stasofftise culs t- , ire l!iai] lu nty gieto ago. liii F0 iion. w-cF 13- tsaie han src tha lluriîrg tie piC Pcr capIta cost off pat!inte luiisix Ameni- 1 lou o.Tuba dally averaige poatilotsaua nllis lan18h16 lut184 a 4,334; ut 181in ,it tas 4,557; in Duihgy At'ge1 1 6,, 0,andinla1807, 4,867. 'tOe annuel Anouai. Wea,,ýlg. puop- cl,, ý Patentthi yer I 28 asCeOt. Cos-. latioum. cr>t pr leuit bisgis 1 $1628 ~ Kahnucszoe. Minis. .118992 $1140 1,177 againot $134 155 last gear. Il 'ilhea a 'oila.Mes _..1731 3 ;îî 1,i- once iaduilelthte lis ilu t>ehff os suces ouin 'lusiOio-..111h 7 , 21311 1.1274, lIe art off those lit charge off these histi- tOhioau, ..01 ..34M3 2i7 11 tîmîlouts greul came cuti] sali-ofunessaes re-MeraiPennt.- 1i 72', 1 - Harurisbuarg, Puu 81 8 4 l,',s cirrg heuisoff cxptutiutuure. protijnca off Ontario. 12028 23 4,211 M' iîlutC, utn omis si ihsevera Off 1Tiseaeorago ireirosit-aet paepita fuir lI1 Uii tth(pr lapia oslts fr tx-1e maintenatnce off luncties ln tisese asy- utspo, tuour prcptac ',ortiuau-y uas ws $31(36. lu Ontario usyluams, for1 ranrulr. 18r>. Il was $2 4.1, e di]fforncae par cepita lui ix Sataalseoff M1aaCisusetts lise off 73 cents ireekl'y. utuîttaiusn epIa olt n-as 1(1713 80. 'Tha c, c utertge egppilo f utc 9cýr cupitir-t tancite seven asylubalse J$lu 1897 us urttO as4.54 f heiiiO-. 1At te Ipauniir-Asyltîni, Micblgan,ît was aeeeiaeofnantnic'tc iagu a' uui. etuIs unta -pt,$7 ~liOntrio as la 10e A1îuarurau institutions ýîja a ile, attaweu Nw Ykýil iroitîtmecu 10 uSsu anncreese] expetîdi- 1020. tut-a off$16147064 e goan. TOaitu crets I Orsaee t lient furnisîis If the average rate Ilu Ontario wtraan mue-rsIl.u soîeraulitionel iourpariseuiswhide iepî-te1 te ahoî'aAmeican agasil Milîl, ITliants, ttoct shetuse. TO"lieas-- s--ii usen ta thent e set lng off $24,42 luais, oan Oc-plas, as 1utasîxprefer to talil< -ar tbern, whýieb 1 will'lIte fare lread Tefrgaing six Aicerican asyluis are til epens dl(histitvii crea- g n t u horoughhg eepresentatIlie, Thelr crcur- w-CIleqnlptîdinsllutios:stance an] Conditions are net uîliîeaours, Werlg AnitaI A camparIson iritOIbem Is Ibereffore fair iot,t Cooladrsoabe h e cpt otO l'er cal)t. t .ctrnsîel. Te per capt e f 717-;i1, Illitiqi............--2 70 $1 40 10 uaanaiu>oont lu enrO off hiea ile iglis-. ta U!tics NewvToile. 180,0....t382 198 62 -in cuir offeues. Wiiarl ei York, 189t5 .. 2 83 147 42 '1Oey nove n largee popaulatlîcu ltison ,trg Hu-qtiRiveci,- 'NvwiYor. . 3 92 20 1 10 tw1iI1(tlcutitNles' Yosr--..;375 193 ýîcndtl taIfait shouli] teraioa ]mhibthir . tituu, 'S'Nes' York----------i. t1SI3 5,1pcr cupita cost, dance the caîl off tonage- Cxl ritgettru-ut wr t-tail. A cou, itable porýtIaut off onIVy>-111.cx pctttlînî-e Conisit off drec gant, t1tttOi- lienuoluts off moacg sentta ouutgTrico ers. Ti-easreus Off eelleee f gi cutuural Socleiles ais] off laia ors We, alvtoh1e ussoney iýLsei itircrhly bockta tOc people, au] they puti it ihoýr otu lniediato Ioealihies laiehe f 10 oa turtenis. ll1896,3.for Isaue 0ir ae dilect granIts Iha lihoSvsg 1te0 1 0 tînot Off $(1,002,G908.i ou- exapie, If welueAhh tt etpcitues off a single guitr, 'aii fl t Itaut tt off ex erg $10)tisa Piai uepett $19 93 off il hs spenl for aaucuigai P'hlic hIstiturtions,$1(695 fonrieoe f educailan, $15o12 forpbIc srk O] builings, $0974 for etlilaiu fls tire, $3131 foi- rahlîuay ait, $1!1frerri lune, $422 for bospitals andtcîniie,161 foi civil goenuuusct, $ 3frlgsein $2 87 for colouizathen ratd,124 o charges ou Ceauîs mite, $2 013 1er- repa 'lu Is ta public buildings, 18 cealts Cor lmaigmetion anti $4 89 for the many re1noue iiunhaslefi Items s bicO mace np sisal su-ziiiî mîscel- louiceus, expenittur>. This onnigeis of iteit îhoua e t e gie nre sud large suars w-c relava nrh gee ,ýr le10te people, en] boss' uîîele cxfi,: t oror- dinarg pur-poes offgrrnet INCNNASEDGRNT t) AID. We htare spoîst udrts etoffeur liou Iis gear 1$673,189. OU; total xeui ture last gear for tiis puirpse ,e 1(02,37 Ia 1877 s-o spetit $570,760. 'ulIioff c 'h10~i thc Provint-e sîseude aboli, l0 ff Itgos 1 support Our seboals. Fomrbspielseu iliaritbes w- ave ogiro' n, unittid r ei payegmnîssent te lthe Tesre of lie v nus Institutins, tibis ygeer e1289. W gare 1$400 caris ta heBusso'ff Nefge In the Conthes off PolO an]d, bln Fom agriculture se ispent l er $1l(8- 052. lu j887 w-eset F,57 omit- uiluiistration off juiîe saupoti lIs gear $(358,642, w'hite eu ygeai- s aowoSpI)"!) 24, 495. This iliasîrutes Ilu w-l sage11our ex poudituras increase. la each rse tO ett hiouai expaudturo carrnes w-,it i nars pondlug relief ta tis amuliCpoliCae. Our totaul cxpcaiiture fer ahi offl-8,7 w-l 1w- consIitcimlylees$than iOn BJouse aji- thiorhVeil n u s fpcn]f. M'a speut ituot ye $(143,587 hess lhra itb e foue ol],ca O saieatoearal le Irue ïfor cY garfor, Ion geairs paet, ondth10e amouni uexPcudate( carli 'ear le coasiderablo. le col th!$ fartc' nlsiaprof off 'J'On Ittitlforal ofad Ita7i rtl expndi hl unes$s- ten înhuîsyierae o Our g, a tt3,8h for03 1113,il1(3l,38,30;106r ( pendChur for ail-of19 iI0 osdr aMy dirt isonIht1"" 1131 hab e. cg hareasa 11yoiahc!g re urrla gege pudil, Our ghallîgtemreuana, eraicL, a , 10Fe mht aisait uela rge."'Il litýeIs ,at saidilhas bn sxercish, ero cd cutoa ir iio geenteni- aibgger fr r iras-siipatia lkingsccsio!0 tu oi- eutic agdgute xpeitiofluCMac M b It Ituhenticiacuntohpnt onaaPo vince or a n hle in w-blchse deraMe aýfinl cu iOs Gberen t scssuhg ccîcllsabed3 ý, forsatisigleinutlit.g 'c,,luîalll abou tilus policgnuiet eInuangof 0 Sflt ac- doctuit Gavrnefl t h Mas ut e plt off lobaü autdaIlthac duait ahslusidc, 010 uplsg Our tie lcisoll rilaceae b aah uc (lftnîult auss? NlieF e crngitOîtl omat'l ît arnuont tocae sr > p for ar Pxungletoeo0]-l. NI mus11P ffa GeruaIoof tlh g e I Irg p o f Ils ou fnaes.roi -a iefnuilpIc Sorn. ofWhnieYl icelcwn ult treaoy, as I uebl o'lhroaseti anue cashs rlus of aeteo113000 (luehinoclilete epposIi ron lîusre tlfe respet thulmIforas ave reenl tetei Cres. cuolntr lui1,0000. ,erl ms ier exgg ni1atiO lmala tueotIl-of'] 2, 5013,000 banaoffneoveaiothkuu ;aIp, aoue fnces. an f i, b, e 1 Lîfnneal condition off the Proviloto sas, the dou!bt wltiî,bàprýevaileit as 10 t4OcameurIt off tOc, sulus iiýof delat lu excess off $62,50litt0W, tOiL igthe exteut offProicil dc010,s wiilieDominion ag o d10 isue ir i Conlfeitcîutiou.îe at iaditcloi ts'1I t1w oînooîînt off tio1 ei -rAictoiili mitade fouorsaiiytOetr alyegars, u9i ta 1874, eo nict lt noetcagson ibis exeetss of di-OtL; til tiirwe his pre- tteig ou-pou ils îîoliey off distribiithtîl Sur- h is reriico carlier tO lii] itti notL be for sîtrh crumtredlt douat,Gor,ýernment w-oltitot05. ele n aiulecash sut-plus of0011(300000 Ouir friradsopoîposilte sciai, ut cel COr tintes ah' last, su Corget. an( it wutee10, 10eo doîlîîatiîtg cireinu stances, off lce. SAM}ýFIELD 1MýACDONALI-)'S SRLS I liea teçt, sir,> that thceedi5ltA miuittion Irîl office w vith an aslil cash surplus of ,;30 filsTuefaleshIl Coîtucetion Nwitit It are als fellaw5. At t'O, close off 1871 tOc Provihure hui t etls ereitî (1) titi eteit fonds tb 10e emonnlt off$3, and,7, u (2) cash on blaud 1120 or ai- Fi'r is j,ýtotaltere musît, baeah Ilo 181 1-y)vstatue for rcilw-ay aid, cuit s-b counlmot Oc useit for eeg otherpoe (2) $691,1,',l composet off paynieuts md s the Dominion-foýr Onterlo ituring tie loFa off thc Macdonaldt Admnîistration for vert- oas services reudered tise Provine etffOu- tarin f rom uiJly lst, 1867,, te December Plot, 1871, snob ats educatioti, admiinistrationi off lurstlce, Isospîtals anit oharities, nitmain- tenîance off lunatirs et ltockwood Açyluto. Tîtese Items w-ere charged, uîa gainst Onla- rie, ani not setîleit for until long affler 1871l. (3) 1700 due ta tOe Province off Qnebec froîsiý Ontario, as Ils share off t0e collec- tions frora sales off Common Scbool lnt mialle durluf the genre off t0e Mctu AdnsinistratIofl- This amount lins been geMil lu cas 1 Qîte scenlce 1871. (4) $06,500, ho- Ing, tlie price off the Recks'oad Asylîn, heughit ffrm tisa Dominion Goverumeut prior tio 1871., tut not plaîd for until affler Tboseýr four Items, takan logetiser, asnoutr to $441,and deduîcllag Ibis from. 8,- h1.8 - ave remaluing $1.326,83M as tise ect 9avaîlahie eash surplus leffi lu the trant- surg y ntUIle Mactonaît Adminaistration. OuF pponalofurtiser say tisatas soon ns oiaSandi fIold lef h office lits suacessors, tise Lisrai, bgeautonce ta dimInIs tise sur- plus. TOusis ý anotiser reckless, aeutotatmg unu-arrauted atatement. THE I U LUS OF TRE llIGWÇOiAT GOV- EIIINENT. Wbatedve:r tie, surplus w-as, sir. et lte uit off 1871, wlita Saniielt Macdonald laIt ofie1t s's rentiy aititod ta iu 1842 ani 18ý73, as wn-ci ns lu Inter geare, bg lise .Mowet Gos rmet. TOc Province et lte cuit of 1871 bt ilu nvi-esîe S antl cass,8351,0,w-bib et iaem(îof 18e 'il a 11it lu ýllike nsotansand lna casýh otf(;is- inasIse id nbl w-a cii is for, ix. 8 at1873, ter4 iatirt 1 ogei offtis MUn et M(levcrutoew -I tise eis large cash, srpul1ewoseouthideacfotie te-n, t fitote, tis ugmetet(bte tse a tuIwof $000, ntis, el, lthe 81000cr tise lde î-bln peaiug lYet Mliiro, I teliMi cuitI ýnoià asu-rls tian floo ffdi ing 150 l tenrcaoh f ic o erMoat The oi.Tmh e air tiser ashocrer bren(ca itat of lmebon.eu ii>' 81eviiG<,taler val isi ilitaeg, reupfuure ialtinga offcrse ouF raeeiiwaobigrtiolnd sa baes ane urpnble cashasurplus of et leant fmom 1wo ho tisme millios cfdolla, rs. Tseques- thon off tise sofpltelis aoant, ormt of Itbe ersWit3> oudat 3,nts, I 1wh dies Jusai os. TOcasxtemcasln ImasO ýndrndoni, tattein offlm , friand7 11s wh Iale 10 ade. itis vry ear 87 , Ilpnlcr, 1-e w-tiIGliera a la re.uplu , 0 toa !mLettsalxeuii ourestotal expeudmnres Savig uand geers pasi le fer I-os prt 1havceaJutien off tOc Mus'torore hn $u tOc gouiran18I2 ahfi 871,tewuns bv examplce, lu 880 881,1887 o1888 180hnui , 1803 ,ane Iis rry ear. 1807, ,f 0e total me bll, i] l Goseaeti wec lag largxe of ise opotal epenytume - e nnuel s h aringo ntheccueoleOurof t aldyer Adiriflistration and iit m oýiaes o exîti"ture are 111 tined and inlsieadli4g, antii that al itçui drawn therefromn are £utle 'ild aloi 1".' We Muttonce aiin rL mUiid lb 'ri tànttihe Ontario rit h(-day is tile etc large territoirially as it lit Sanided'g rtie, I çvet we blle600,- 01, oepo'îleto goern. und tht it o yetrenn ars 1:100,o îrl of dot clapient, Ul or}tiiOiui i rr(ýhb hiein a ain- dre dlf rnt aysltc.ugIng on unehecir- cd. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 1errdel'mwnm fdemnand O11 i l 0e : ircesory istdytor or fivetimes as, linra i. a ilm. 1f mî1t tfor le pre*n eeolrtoyttîif vilth ohly a few 1871 ANtD 1110 IISTIi Jihn S'dticl b-flOfficoe at the ci'ose oit 171.Nrr1 ie Central Prison ner the I-,stition forl 10e Blini].at lBrantford wera in exil ltne t t La inme. 'Plie buildings -,-tQY5 Ot Ia large suai, off money. Tiiei uaiocnaettalone bisd year oii $114.J. Te oly aaylnsefor tbe insana W.,se i1i- hait ettat Ure w-are tinisoe t Torouta ,11Wi 1.adnuit paýrt 'Offthat atKi~n git We e l ,ic boUt large eeylumrs at Ham- ilionr, Orîlai Mimîco a-ud Brockville. TOc erIetionio thesc four new as7lint aloe rsI s 2,36,00,aniefor theti axsa We imai-lntslne4, Only tbree, asylumm 1lu 187, atI a yenrly cost off $190,î124. We no-w malatain seren 8sylums etgan annual cost off $605,788. Iu 1871 only 1,386patients rere oareIf for altogeiber. We now car e fer nearlil 5,01(0 We tmast not forget tisat wheu we aidte Oour public buildings we necesssrly andt proportlonately add to ouit publie au, muailmintenance charges. Undor tise Macdtonaldi Admilnistration net' a dollar s'as actualliy pentlxli aldîng tise .construc'tionS et rail. ways. For ibis One purpl0s5 me bavd minces1871 epent moie ban $6,M0,OW. 'Wal bave psow, In tise Provnce 6,,542 miles Cf ionipleteil raiiwiiy Iu actual opergitioli, en& 1,977 miles off It bave recelvafi subât4At1a&t aid froui tisa rInciTre&$ury., The construction off these rallwtys euw) tRlled au expenditure w1thIn tise bounsl& arles off tise Province by way off wages, mua- terîils, rolllag stock, etc., off $58,000.O 04 $6,0,0,a vast expenditura off morey Nvhlch in a varlety off says atlraulatecd trade and otiserwise nldcd lu tise develop, nient off aur resources. Our fricads opposite In a petulant wâyt complain of OUrFiSnnelal admInIstratIon5, andt in vague, general, loase termes de- naunce It. As a special evIdence off Our nilomaniageint they point to lte ralway, certlicates and annilties îssued fromto tme to, lime. iflore, sir, lm an expenditure off over $6;« 58,00gionb us ln aid off raillsays slace 8 1.-Lt lus corne tocloeoquartera for once ld aux onie OffouF critics, andt some ofiha hav liedsente la thus Bouse for tl, o r ilrei ariateaserrobject frami his sea in bi Bouse 1 a single dollar off i.i l[ WII y on Cicuitfrom Lanark or ;r'a 1We.ý1ý1t Vorti;now 1risc unt l V is sitolit ot bve gron idé 51110 a itttereittllaey poîlýit- o pro- p1ri? iCstc eîtywiiliehoglad t llearît oC1t. S8o fttr as f1lcnoîv, holies not t, titis hour ,on a inglc occasion talien ob- ecrtion t l 10e ouse 10 nur e'he off rail- s-ex aid, or 10l any part off il, or ta tbe Issuie off a sgerailinay critc te.los inonoy so have gait-attta reilwas aalone a e1-71 La% More tItan four Ities 0>/OS cxbustd te ash sturplus lbIt by the Mac- yn elt n laderoff the Oppositionsanys, and keeps nlg thet s'e have sqnender. cd tise surplus of thse prorions Govrrmeit Noaaonedollar offCl. as lie s'eu kuows, s'at spont for ordinarg purposas off governann or aspart off our current, ordinary or nor- mal expenditures. IUrde thie surplus distribution oceem< therm was geM dlrectiy 10 tise aunlelpali tirs off the Province from tise Provinctial Treanry, malaly lu the yenirs 1874, 1875, 1876 andt 1877, more tisen $3388,000 and tht niçiipalitlos tisrougbout tise Province la their tamn expended Ibis large sum ti directly giron 10 tisem out off the Provini- cieal Trensury On rmade and bridges, towe b 'alls andit choolisouses. and lu paylng ofe their otru ralway debîts. Thls lm Ihs klnd off Provincial expenditure wisich cur crities nt one rime cal squnnderlng the- surplus and tiatnuother lime dlssipatlng tise surpluw. Thse Maedonalit Adminstratin la Ils iast year speut (jg the s'ay off educatiocal ail $351,000, Wa spont lu 1826 exaetly twIelf as uruelh, riz.,, $702,000. ,WTho difference, if hoerdiug were oulg Only objeet, s'oultl lu a single gear nieke it nice aiddition te our surplus. lu tise course off sinrgle rliauient we could Ia Ibis wayi sea , ifr Ibis cie ccalled saring, $,0,0 O01 thîs large suto noff $702,000 tise ppo- sillon lasI esalon objectai tol only $890 and (t bas Ib.ea lreotl sbowu, M w paker tO-at the Items so ohjected 10, snalong u1p un1ffeir ent înlýAeadiug. May t al fairly as!ýihaist these Nw-La pretendtu 1instmuel piplli litdîrces shosIdlt u ealiîîg %utO thseinupoîtirtquestionse scek et eîîg rate rex,setiI,,tlt ?uttliI.ot e enlies mgy, - si2otii] lite w-ilOln otirmenus, w' shottijd1 du a -te John Sauthife-lIt (ot enet id. It, secîtta neci]hss, 8sir, t1, prt t1bi tita.bluit I be'l cooîpellet d ! ,, cas cf tise huie off athehof our I oponns, at ail cîîaiosOtrt ise l\I1aedonalri sit ,off eohttîtari7itgr te expentilturos ol o)nt cfrly yeors î,Ittltose of recent genre, i] get, ir.it is lte fart Liatinlu very r eimagnt ite ýh of boit. gentlemen oppo- 01 ,ltahont a single exception, consîcut refec ces Oiave Oren matie tethie scale Mt ex-pidItures of the Maedoiiali]A(Imiiaisîra- tiopt, w iii tue tai nof show itîgthat lise p pet cit Unierattetit Obas becu cltavagant. Lttei:r us piur-,tIis srîject a stop fur- ltcer andti tke sLeen services, viz. :-Ai]mln- istrtîtionl of justice, edluentioti, public insi- tulii ii aintenanuce, agriculture and.art@, aýld to railways to a large extent, !a tiie 1 ver mile. we recelved up to ille eýud of J