lit TERMS :-81.50 PEiR ANNUM. NEw SERIES. ftUUbîft tales TRAit. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST ; THE WORLD AKTERWARDS.M.AJMEdto nPrpit. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1898. VOLtME XLIV. N ,o..2. SaleI of Dry God ~hitmsbeing o-vrÊu% Coueli, Jolinstqon & Cryder- mawnls uldvote their attention to clearing out Winter Goods before Stock-taking and many tines of goods will be sold at greatly reduced' prices, Ladies' and Misses' Coats will be sold at exactly haif price.: Several uines of Dress Goods will be sold at about haif pri*ce,. Boys' and Mén's Overcoats and Furs .at greatly reduced prices. Genuine bargains will be given in ail departments ýý%s the goods must be sold. One door West of Post Offi!cQ, Bowmanville. ehoice Not Vour Vote, But your trade or a share of it is what I want and if you do patronize my New Grocery Store you will neyer live to regret it for I have without doubt the freshest stock of groceries in the town and as to Xmas Specialties mine cainnot be beaten either in quality or price. Ourrants, Raisins, Nuts, Figs and a thousand other articles t>oo nwxierous to mention, ALIJ FRESH. I give no0 coupons or any other foolish inducements but a> straight one-price-to, all. My discount is taken off before the goods arte marIýed. Don't be infiuenced by any f ake presents, you pay'ýdearly foir them. Give me a Xmas order and be convinceud thatSANDERS SELLS CIIEAP. RILE. S. W,.SANDIERS. 46-3m. w and (ish. m a a Our New Goods. Are Open for Inspection, Holiday Goods. You can save money by seeing our ines", Eyery Hne is splendid value so ill wh,.o see them say. Wait until you have seen them before order- ng elsewhere. M. D, WILLIAMS & SON. io wm ANILLri FurDiture Dealer and Unidertaker. Undetakig alaysreccives prompt alid pprional attention dAy or niight, S5tock Taking will seil this month the balance, of: their stock of Eall and Winter Dry Goods at prices that will aston- ish the purchaser. We are determined not to carry over a dollars worth of Winter Goods. Profits will flot be a consideration during this sale. The most desirable goods will be the first to go. If you would secure some of these bargains you must give us an early eall. Grocers due bis and Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Bo W.M so WSn 1One door EaBt off Standard B3ank. Great Farimetrs, Combine. A Pork-Paeking J4ouse foinr x*ntanvi1e-The Stock List Openedi-The Pinovnejal Pr~ess on the Outlbok forn the mYeat Expoint Tirace. Now, farmers, the time bas cone for The Monetary Tirnes says:ý "The iu- promp t action. 1 have laid befone you vestrnrent of tho city in markets bas not the scere for startiug- a pork pacîting~ proved veny nemun erative and theCouii- bcil should carefully weigh tbe new bouse in Bowmanville and shown YOu sclieme. The promoters say that in the bow o asily you can pay Up youn stock, event off their plan meeting witli suc- My plan is to pay as the first instaîment, cess sevenal large packing bouses wiIl sav, 2ý per cent and 10 per cent calîs eantedinouronto, w ici, if guar- antedsholdbe a strong inducement, aftenwands. Evenv farmer in 1tbe dis- to accept the projeet, trict, wbether renter or owner, can If Toronto people are ready to start take a reasonable amount off stock on svrlnwpcigbueteot tiiese easy conditions. I bave been urg- looklooebgon nfwan.vle ed as prornoten of the schome to also ho obe ry big oin'tBomuihhe corne tuie promoten off the company, and soi farmers ? as no) othier man lias corne ferward to WNSTECTL AKT lead in thin matter, I bave consent- WNSTECTL AKT ed to render ail the assistance I can in The Toronto Daily Star, Dec. 28th. iThe fatal weekness o! the offer o! gettiug- the cempany onganized. Wm. Harris to purchase the catthemarý The first thing to ho done is to sub- ket pivileges lies in the fact that lie scribce enoughstock to secure a chanter proposes to stick to the present site. If the present market was adequate for and incorporation. I arn calling for the requirmen ts off the trade the citv subscriptions off ($100,QO0) one bundred would keep the management il, th~ tbosii;id dollars for this purpose off bands off the officiais. But a new mar- whic 415,00 mat e pid henthedet-is an immediate necessity, and as whic ýý2,00 mus be aidwhentheit will involve a very beavy eipenditure amouxrt is ahl subscribed, before a char- which with the state off the ctv's finan- ter la 4ôbtained. This will mean 10W1 ces doos not justîf s-, it bocomeý expedi- shanyes off $100 each. To show that 1 ont to accept the oiffer off the Union Stock bave full confidence lu my proposal1 Yards Company. arna rihIing- to subscnibe 81000-ten shanes Mr.Harris is the gentleman who bu3's -to ýstant ftie ist. I arn not a farmen, nearly ail the ive bogs that go into To- it is ýrue, but as the promoter off the ronto and now he soems to want to con- scboïe I 1arn sure no one wihh object toj trol the cattle market as well, and the me comuîga stock bolder to this ex- Star seems not to favor acceptance off tet bis offer. Mn. Harris is a slîrewd busi- Mplan is for farmers to fortbwýitb ness man and bas ample capital to carry maý appicaýtion foir stock te me, but both departments of theolive stock trade. ne .11e wl be r eceived by me. As A later issue off the Stan says: soon as a suficient amount off The Mayor this morning received a new ûfer respecting the Western Cattle stocilà applied for, I wihl caîl the app - arket. The present offen cones front cant tongether whcn definite arrange- %Vmn. Harris, president,and John Slieni- men eýau be make for ffrther action. da'n, secretary off the Toronto Stock I p r or this plan to caîîing a general Yards Co., and is a counter offer to that made" mec~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~md ngnwabhvcee a enwî i the Union Stock Yards Ce. It mec in., now as the schremeba en ilb rnbered that the Union Co. pret fully presented to the public o«fercd $10.000 per annum for 8u cars Lhro gii this district, and only actual for the cattie market franchise anîd ste-ý ihdr bave a iglit te say what pni vil eges.- shah'ti hit!e wav o! oganization The Toronto coinpauy arnds tlîls or m iîg fun-thefr arrairgernents. by makiîug the following as a bonla fide ormý,,.,offer. I a tkn'ti eie action, be- Wo ewilhease fromn the city the pres- causJ.I fÉee the importance off immediate eut catthe market, carrv eut ail the pro- stp 'ig taken. The responsibility visions off the rnarket bl-aw in refer- Iuw s:wthyen farmers. Ifvo ence thereto, keep ail thie Yards, stablesi Ssheds and other buildings iu gecu re- want.lieceine te go into opet-atuen, pain, erect others as they mav ble requir-j now your chance. The shares wilcd, and wll pay the city thereffer tue bo $1 -1 eacb. Yen may apphv for as sim o.ff$16,000 per annum for8O ' xears, man ires as you wisb. Every far- agreeing at the expiration off our heae to leave the market in as good repair mer ould tako at least one share. We and erder as it is at the pu-eseuit timie. hope iamy will take more. We furtbor agree, if the cit%, couitil Unierstand this point cîearîy, your will cancel the hease o! the à.- Surit tu, 1 Lumber Ce., and set anart the land ce app!i'tien te me fer shares does net cnpied by that company, te erect stables cer1,,_,i $ ont anytbîng. I arn simphy sheds andweight scales and pav thliý askin iyoýu tedo this, îugood faith off city au additional $4.000 per anniuiu Cour e the sceme a going, and from th e date tbat we are given possess-t t en ion, the city agreoing at the expiration1 te on in~ e te caîl a number off inter- off the lease te pay the Toronto ý)t ,t, este no.n together for organization. Yards Co or the said buildings and lic SA 3E HGS ROMCANDA.provemreuts at a reasonable valuation," te armrs Adocaejrn ~.t. Theremnstbe big moneyinbavingen. A çigAmreian exponiment sta- trol off the cattle market when $20,006 a tienylien it waîîted model types off the year can be paid fer the pnivilege. All vani - modem breeds off hogafr tio impdtant feeding test, came te Canada is kept sout off the pry eucer's.pokeo te g tom A couple of! months ago eutyteciydaes a nep ýsentativeo of Armour's big Chica- "TAMWORTH'S AND BACO1N." r go dss3edi meat establishment vhsitod "Sanders Spencer, an Engliali breed-P som f the swine raising districts off or off white pigs, lu a letton te the Coun- WVes -n Ontario te observe Canadian try Gentleman, says Danish bacon pro- meth , s, and shontly after eue off our ducers de net like Tamwontbs "becanse0 we1l- îown buvens (Mn. D. Mcîntyre) the Tamworths and the-Ir crosses do net f noceie -t an order for adouble-dock car- furnish the best bacon, and for tic .'ti1l load b og-s suitable for what is called more important neason that the v foii id "Wý'i hre"brand, and oumr Chicago cor- that th,, Tamwortb sows are slow bried- resp d(ent wrftes us that they bave an- ens and net goed mothers, the oîui" riebrF tacsdt n io pigs slow growens, and costing - unuci per ,that they dressed well, and more te fatten than, Large Whites azid' ouglite make fine bacon. The Amont- the crosses." canthits and paclkers are deterý miný te o't at the true inwardness off LEARNING PROM CANADA" n Canea's tine bacon trade,and it is pro- The Chicago Dreyera' Journal. u poseýr te ake a test off this lot with an "On Wednesdav, De. 15. Armdur ne- ý equý iwumben off the 4est U. S. bacon ceived a double dock of Canadian bacon0 hog oýrand 1ail as "Ameican,", but hogs direct ffrom Ontario. Dutv a nd a Il, kee ne twvo lots sepanatê, and compare these 180 te 210 fb will cost cl6àsc te $, sale,, n the British market Thiere is laid down thoro. It là proposed te mike t n î-icular secret about the success a test off them togetien with i m n Uta ofqfîC adian bacon. For a good many number off the best United States b-.con vea our breeders and farmers bave begs, and carefulhy brand tire meý t as Leec reeding for the ideal bacon type, Amreian bacon. The prodncets of lite C and ,is, coupled with an, intelligent two lots wilho kept separate, ard it is la fefoding and management, bas desined tesecbow they wvihls -ýl 'n the tý me, Western States hog-man, with English marliet. The Drover'Journal bis .Chean. wbolesale mctbods, and savs: "If the hg growu upon gromund. bigi it animaI.sfan inthe near. The peas, bau-le ' , rye and shorts produce b nue I' for the Canadian is that bie cari- rnch botter results than thiei Vesteri net wafford in anv panticulan te relax conn-fed ho-si an effort will drnitless teomSthat bave preved advant- lie made te 'get oun bog growei's to pro agii, the past. duce bacon hogq in a samne on tn1 lettet- CTTLE TRADE INCREASING. w8ay. t Mail and Empire. tmtement bas just been prepared FOR M 0F ARP by cemmissioner giving the follow- iug iiipjaison o! the stock wiicl, pass-R'Ifl-lj~n anna ed gbthe cattle market durng- JOM. h. AMifISÔ, P[roiUi 1 i U1 1U 1JJtJU the vt tw oyears B w À11 Cattle, Sheep. legs. B V M X anuar IPLIOA.TION. -4VILLE. ion for................ a f be agreed ?upOn byf7)!" foclthe:sr Canadiau bacon is worth eight te ten shillings a hundred more in the British market than American corn-fed bacon, hience the novel plan to test the monits Of the two countries' product-under a deceptive label. OURI SCHEME ENDORSED. .Toronto Weekly Sun, Dec. 30. "The Bowmanville STATESMAN makes, a novel proposLion. It is that the far- mers about Bowmanville, and the, busi- ness men of the town, combine for the purpose of creating a large, pork-pack- ing establishment and earr3 ing on other industries. "The proposai of TE STATESMA N iS not so rash as might at irst appear. Farmners bv combining in a small way have made a success iu the manufacture of cheese and butter. Why should they flot be equally successful hiy combining in a arger way, in the packling of pork? Why stop even here ? %Why not combine the clieese and butter factories of a dis - trict into a smmdicate, provideý for uni- formity of poduet, and seli the entire output direct to the next man to the con- sumer in the old Country P Why flot apî 1> tbe samne idea to the producetion of poultry, eggs and fruit? 'us is a day for combinations lu manufactuingi generally. Why sbould the farmer,whü us the greate-,t manufacturer off ahl, ln Canada at ail events, lie the only one te refuse the benefits that caut le secured bv co-operation on a large scale ? The scheme advised for Bomoanville should b e applied to every similar, center ini Canada, and to every huie of production connected with the farm." AN ENLAItGED MARIKET, The Toronto Daily Globe, Dec. Soth. "The growing importance of the live stock trade of the city renders the ele- tion of several representatives famîliar with the teclinical details o! the business necessarv. The receipts o! stock at the Western Market are increasing at a phenomenal rate, the Toronto pork- packing business is the largest lu Can- ada, the dead meat trade to Great Britain willbe commenced on an exten- sive scale iu the spring. and everything points to the need in a vear or two of an enlarged market, either upon the pros-ý ent site or that for which agitàtion has been iu progress, Two of the Aldor- manic condidates are pre eminently suited to represent the live stock trade iu Couih-Aid. Dunnand Mr 1H. R. Frankland. T'le former is a large ex- 1orter off cattie, wh 'ile Mr. Frankland is the soni of a g-entleman who begau the catt.e export trade anîd las flimself idon- .tied aillhis lite with the stock interest. Both off thesie oentlemnen will un doubted- 1Y li e turneei' and it is to he hoped the >y Vii1 he able to thorougll., impress the Council with the inporti, of stock trade and the paciýng îidubtry. IMPORTANC.E 0F STOCK TRÂDE, The Toronto Daily Globe, Dec. Sotb "The buiniess of preparing food stuifs is one off the steadiest and most profit- ;àtmIe that any cit ' vcau erbark iu. Dur- il, liard times menu eau do with ohdl Ie les and few luxuries, but tbev must eat ; anîd the city that, like Chicago, acks pork, caris meat and renders lard i-i iever so seriously affected by depres- sion as tIiat which *manufactures other than footigtifs It should be the aima of Utui1 to make Toironto the Canadian Chicago. Oun neighbors may then have more warrant than at present for caîl- in- our citv Ilogtown, but we can stand it if it means the ernoovment of several thousand people in preparing the ani- mais grown in Ontario for the table of the British consumer. We have already .made an excellent beginnîng. Our ex- port of hog products are made by the train load, Special cars are now being bult for the dead meat trade, and iu this way Toronto will duplicate the iS1 îosChcg meat trains to the sea- board. Stock to the value of almost &9,000,000 has been brought to this city t4kîi year and marketed. Iundreds &f persous are employed iu the various packing, houses and provision exporting warehouses. There is room for indefi- iite expansion.- A wise' management of th-e market will aid- greatly lu stili furtiier developing the tradte and gath- eiîng it to Toronto frontail! parts of the F'rovintee~. CANADJAN PORK IN ENG'XLAND. Oashawa Reformer, Jaii. ]st. "Canadian pork now has an establislied 'oputgtion lu the English market, ae* 0coud to noue, (owing te its superior firma- ness and fiavor . This seems to be nat- the prodluets of the northern *i>utris hre ogaare- fed largely onpeas, 1 riev, milk and, whey. In tVestern ýd Southerly sections corn is .lmste'ehuivlyuqed for feed, and herp the pork is goft and off an oily nat- ire, therefone nnot nearlyso palata .ble as the i _'avadian article. In ail countries tieretorn is thePrincipal diet, bog holera prevails to a more or less extent. If the north.shortis of Lake Erie are ex- (Continiued on Editorial Page.)