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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1898, p. 2

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The Canadianï Statosilail EPPSS 000 MThie foilldinoe are the namnes of theOHW~ N AEgEN GLISK, s,1cessfu1pl s in the ordîer of rmerit, rs W.yith Mû.s7 he"ri .1ac1 osvisiti tronMr, litbl BhePB R E V A SthéQA in various classes of the P . S. D e- 1ïs 5 t i is m ii o no to W r ý ý' n t . .1n,-D An ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RA F S E0htPa0F0tyEAhCoum'esa.Cr artnent ait the rocent County Promo- seoae' disedi r Pos~sesth fllwi ton examiinatictis: Prom Jr. Pt. 1. 1 t ieiU.Ms t tfo Was ( EEYWEDNESDAY M1IGD ic~v ert r. Pt. 1. -2; D. Da-ddson, E. Orpwood nyakp ewhti~ htef Mis a lobi...r JQtnaJ. HIunte(r, G. Lycitt, R'.nCa.Ir l id1eyPiekerngviedM.RH.___ THEOFFCE I~rmIr!vfl ~'1UIl~ Thornpson, J.. o. 2 rnonths h1.2t AT T1111'. Jhas returnedhom . tne obrecently . ... Messirs.- John Coop- Poe Cn 26 SATEIANBLOK, KNG TRET, UPERORIY IJQA r. S Pt. I ;M. Finley, B. Barfett, I.Bar- Jackson, who hans been spending Xmas er ayd JamnesMichael, s;pent the holi- Teo n6SAENNEOK IGSRET UEIRT NQAIY ett, W. Singer, E. R~utherford, G. Mar - oid'nethpanalofhs day in Port Hope ...Mr. Chas.Larke s BOWMANVTLLE, ONT., BY YRTU ndCMRIG ten. Sr. Pt.. to Sr. P.L ; AHunten returned to Port Hoe..n Tuesday Manager of Standard Bank, Coiborne, fier! and Conviocer!. GRATE.L and COMORii ,F. Lycitt. Sr. Pt. toJr Il. N.Par- ecigavr laattm a pn usi onrcnl ..Ms .S to the NER VOUS or DYSPEPTIC. ken, E. Gomme, F. Gomme, B. Toms, tevein eyofasntiessrsspent as li aswnce tly.Hamiltons. R. S. 1. A1AIESEditor,&Proprîetor. NUTRITI- E QUALITIES tJNRIVALLED W. Eilbeck. From Jr. IH. to Sr. II ; F atte-sdnc fMsn.Underwoo a ledto amltontbroug Brothers. A numben of the membens of the illIiess of her mother, MWrs.Cusaeck.. L L ETF iQuarten-Peund Tins onlv. Wright, 1 Knight, P. TaylorS.Barfett, teMtoithi pee nCa Mn ,\xçbie Robent and Mrs. Robert, i- Subserlption81.5O per annum, or $1.00 if paid Preparad'by JAMES EPPS & Co., LImited W uhefrR.Cjs_,.aido.E Sutton with a well. filled 'prs, x f felle olPwre giusts of Bev. J. P Iht.Mno R 8, at ihT Homoopathic Chemists, London, Enurland.' Sr. Il. to Jr.- III.'t; E. Orpwood, il. WPlsonex- day es... r hs stityf dac,41--6m. Langler. Jr. I. or. 111..;; .Mason ,preossve of herappreciation cf his in--sna eek.Mn. Thoiiy vs'.epeadWeGu H. BarnettnC Barftt, E. WarrenOC' alcultable service as a memben of the Hinkson, of TraveiseCt, eety'i-PopeaGMaeGo A. E. MoILAUG fiLIN, 'E.lBaetC. r. I.t Jr. IWarSreChoir cf that church.. . ,The Chieken-pie ited lis parents, 'Mn. and cMrs_ Geo._____ ADVERTISING RATES Bartýriste-, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Offie:- M. Brown, E. Onpwood, E.Toms, Supe ndCocrtXms a mnieMHatn. , sMr n M.etsaRolatsn, 1 >R M .E TrninBdatsn.TnCnspr lreakle 'yBlock, King street, Bowmanville. MR.alltego hnspeitdfri.j ,Cuci lv Mpney AýeriIg TnCnt e in,ý01ý0o an at reasonable ratefl. 48-lyr, sens, J. Lycitt., Jr. IV. te Sr. IV. ; J allThe good thins aprnedtdafout avstedMnan rforenton - V frtisrinjivCetpe neec u-Mangan, E, Dicikinsçon, A.Wilmot. TTegosrcit mutdt bu n.J .Cactivle o o-____ first Insertin Five Centsper Lune cad suù- -50,'Jhose who tock part la the pro- on'risc ela uny Ms 15equent lnsert-ion, Dr. G. B. PATTERSON, Douglas, Il. Taylgr, ý:a aemd undying reputatiens Mii Luke has retunaed clfrom Màon- mis iRemedcies are ]B.eoas4ag $h CONTRAOT IRATES. Dauist. tHonor Gradiiate Toronto University You handly realize that it is medieine, In Kendall. The y-oung ladies who tneai, a îd has takenchitlarge cf ber Saféguarê tIf the Houle-The. Peu« and Royal Collage Dental Surgeons. Specialties when taking Carten's Little Liver PRIS: Cuelo oe owl n aeul duties ait Centre St. Sehool..Mran lHveTutdndlïeNo Artificial Dentures .9800 ; Amalgam Fillings 50 onclo oe s ladcarefuuu.yB. . . . . Toon Mn. and pi- ee Hacve Tud. adHv o TIMES INSERTED. sixst çlas work ait very modarata prices. Office they are very smalu ; no bad effeets ; ail trained, cneated a pîeasing impression.Ms..B.omeTonoweee- eeDeev. SIZE P ADVRTISEENT Oanetroubles from torpid liver are relieved Mn. J. Goard cf Bewmanviile, Messrs. cent guests cf Mrs. E. Dyer._Miss Mth 3aths 6mths 1 Yr. b hi ueQîc Drgebs efliri Lc s r.D Dvs, retn naro ai by thein use. ~Roddis aind Ruadue of Port Hope de- rc rgelsbe nae saMs .Dvs rnoOtro ln QnartrCoiurn. 00DU. J.EROC.OLLIEGEFPYTCAS IBY igte ilwthteigodlist in -medera languages and ada, says: "Mine bas been a marvelicus Onei Columl........ 20 00 40 110 1 / Esei . hpmnngîng. teaitin the IHarniston High Sehool dr fazm yMno' eei. Eighth Clxn....5 00 10 16 26 iVand Surgeon.s, OntarioCoroner, etc, splendid recitations as did auto Rv ,Rev evn Hdrf TiluryCenrethe began usi thesa n remdieo oewenty-flve Lina ...4 50 9 12 18 Resideuce, Euiniskiiien. 74 Mn IFned. ie eeroowsreceat Mn. Snell. The mdcl rfsio a aaceented à al t' h Pebyeter ins aan rm h Twerty Miles.....400 6 8 13 __us flsuceM.E id..isal ersne yM .Ffi n daurehhere ...ev. E. A, TnknIrritation and pain. 'I fait so bad thiat ID £itejunTÀ e 3 ......50 5 7 50 12 gumbusf bsoccup Mrbe.iavadMist Imy osreibteelby MaPerFlget nweA 1 I ha!, .....2045650ilD, BURKCE SIMPSON, Sharp, MidIançI is visiting at Mn. Thos. T. Stantosi who both made short speeh-Col mu'cuid h uptat Simce éusled aunibrofreeIemtpfostec.MOiS'belesn'.!o MssD.eaviewsrnli S.Mehutt y onig urba 1sea, asgetngwos tie Larsnes ......t..... . 112 8501 6 10, B- ARISTER, SOLICITOR, ecM edro'.. isGairdner, Penny- es. D Fli a nbswa oeS.Mtoitchurch Sutia onicue utised,1wsgttn o boya uara cinrat rts, ndaPiYof BLOCK, Up-stairs, King Street, BowmS.n town, is visiting ait Mn. S. M. Billings'. fnom a trip to Bitshop's Colege, Mont- and Rev-. Dr, Hare, 1KhD., of Ontarlo I ut Orayceutlostl forethreentily e villa. Solicitor for the, Ontario Bank. ...Mn. Samuel Bllns ssick... rr wîiî,en l'ead been the evenîag bat th y Monandot h eip e.I inaliyun- Changeýs,-f cotraet advartisemauts mustb rvt anyslae i etrteshaams Pwebn iinavgs ....m t-rea l", a n deîiIdh ieased adîs Clhies nltyt de on' try Muan ou, anemdiefter ingMua. hanqdd i not lter that ona o'eck on Saturday Piaeroesbae tlwatrts ae oeý nqwfehv env$t ense tlihc1 eeatananul 1 ..M r.'T'. G. Ifvley a odbi ýn-yn' av u ohrrmdesIrcle his ,d!b tityefre.1iný friends in Mariposa... ,Mn. E. Birch l nir.some residence on Kin.- St.; Ea-st, te immaid1ate relief. The medicine sesmed tU Paaqah deriemns mne"w items ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. an dangîter, Miss Carnie, visited n.M L EeY....M.W lit padcolteirtto.Ianh1y ioa iserio. -DFIE N ESSDRc EW 1 ito say now that 1 hava not a mark coe 5O a;ý lia ac I§etin.FECEINWET URaMnE Wil friends in Manilla ... r.Chas. Birc shûiwed five white Plymiouth rocks amdisny body and feali h la my duty f tffli Binha tc; tî~nagep ~5 ~~. tok1whee h çl uî N ~8j8an Wlland Miss Lillie McAllister visited, NETO it' sackhwandeured 6 irst andbeen effacted hImy case. I have unbouli- iisiayd avarlsatens ro fi$i~t~I ly bonn.~rm5 . n. lI. n. ight ecals'et Bailiebene, redeatiy....Mn. T. Y ieder- 1 WOV L ~ fvebakHmug t h odtc ers fathh wnoudnl cure whlc b. oc !solifd nouiparail and 50O haÉged.rasideuca, diractly opposite Drill Shed. Calta hy snadduhe ,ele te e iic .3seodd idstospeas Faîth mnl & yo' reatrnlen't n r- Oidars for discontinuluF adý-brtlâe00ants must teeçraph or teiephonte.will receiva Prompt et- snadduîe eue t~ddt~ mn.W. Hoîsten h lis etunned frem seconds besdes two spedias. u -1ýcýi % Cua lo esb- ba in writing, otherwisa tiea pubiLaher will neLtntIon. 171 - yr. wedding cf a cousi ix'xbridge.soending his helidays with Mn. Jno. O VRFFVVAS ech n ue uef, sarsosba isIaretundfe Pend- M in Toronto ...Miss Hattie MsWilw113tiigvii asbe sd No papaer will lha stopied ontil ail arrearagas L nvaaMcWatiosSohugynp bas beau usedh aand au'a U.vspail d.,r" ,jy.l l lcres ail ara paid, axcepi t the option of bhe publishar. A8 a actowih ew atead shw eid, Millbneek, is home at ber father's miIïonsofý mothers forer children whileTer'onis ci'nleto m ,iiai ruls post office notice to dsconîtinue îs eut sufficient .Pfneds..Mr. A. Rutherford and famiî J. Hl. Reid. ...Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Lock- taathing. Ifdisturbedat nîght and rolca of erce 2 e. Robl , IAIatsLr ear-d uIViyspent New Yea's, day in Onono. art . Trno aebe iîighr.your restbyasickchiidsuffeiirinig nd crying iiuuo' r l.ueprv spuuoia an Doulapral ar atar etobr -d dumbrln eî1îe'Cuhsmaîde te Order. Messrs, Geo. Henry, 1Peter Gabraith, ..-.Miss L. Brimacombe, Bewmaavilue, gai a hottieuf Mra stoi,,ws' Soothiuig Srup MUflOan o:, Cu a stops CouIgbi, niaht and Dacenihar for diapiay advertislng not conu- _____________________Albert Chapman ,and Wiil Cooney ha ve was guest cf Mrs. Wilson at the panson for -Children Taathiiiug. U wîll reifava tha p-our CCiS M.ssoeesed jecdiy 1heais the tractad for by tha year, ~ .~ purchased new cutters ...A large ag ..Teanuispe l onc tile suffarer at one. Dependt upo uthrligk re2c Att kinds of Job Printlng doua witb neaitiacathera ls nu mistake about IL. lb curas 1 DiiSax Mno~ lte ua-sedl ua s and despatch end on reasunabta erm.Te t A L gatîerîng assembîed ai île bouse c inwt l ehds ltnhbdreiulaetas bc tomach and bowaîs, curas Wlud in thticklin rrisadilfra omce issupplie y, itba greatverietyof the Mrn A. Rutherford's on New Yean's -oeIl, iwYeairs Nigît was a decided ces.Colle sultens the gums, reducas Isimain lnyfuas.Pla2e oficIs uplI mt aIea arei o in ' es. )MunyOa ierveCua tops nervouaneas and lalest and muai fasitionabla styles uf type. -:.,_:L ý:-=-ý ..Mn. Jno. Clemence and wif e reoent-1 The Kendalli choir alilycendactedte and gives toua and anergy to bbe wliolea systani. tuPcýis ni 1e sse.Pie2 Business notices iu local or news cluinna firt ly vîsîted iný Port Hope. muisical part, and Mn. Snell of Kendall, r istw otin yh orelde Mîyes edh ur tp dnah i ien 10 cents par lina Nouparal; S cents par' PE AD V1EN. r. aeahnglMpisettosasatead1ath ra- <brcea iua.Pie2 Uina eech subseguant insertion. NoticesonImccl- B I Ouneara To ho free from sick headadhe, bul-iss Poliard of Orono, Miss Brima combe srpin ln f b iet n at aaasnynsFleOuret 1o1itvi ues i Ings of any kind et which an admission bac is lin uwok acngieyuafuat iousness. constpaionec., use Carter"s and M.F.R.Folev, Bewmanville, gave adnresl h nta bs oins of plias. Prise 25r. chrcdo cletinIta msbpado h.ih ODPA r dynea uk o pr -u otl. odbyaldrTisatrcg- Mîno1 ladCr eaictsai murte lima ethum or raviin. Ta wok i Ll ht itil Lien uis Stnctl ve etahq s me xcelent nectatons whîc de on th word. e ara ad ak fr M,,, ics"cfthahleo."Pie'rie OICE CULTURE-Miss Gloveroine exîllendalrchir and de uted t-. beal25eas. ho.udenelitwse erc ouo.25cA hoasb Peaîed yea ndcohsd a - mnue nuuapr enui. Jre liiar inibo r o fpion s, aen t be o. ihG ODP . e. 1omeLittleMn, T. uis.n it-ir atorar -cf vil s rg ta eGýs aieopl.$1 S tr e e t, B a s i t é50a t io n THî "KnuySaGodNFPAa" mireeie mfr.. omr. ndMile . Pont home fR. . ortiNe a ors. - MnoisCtrbRmilsnvrf.Il AGLNTS M.iAa hrd. A rSpacOCHSTER. N. Y. 38 - 4M ord miYAvipte fnîorwere..Mss Menon, .Pr oe, s pilirr s i52pfl cal sdvice îgr ethediacae- 2 cwuthi. Bgpe. apileOnecss yNi l Li li Mr.ns adJam g es o hiatr, Mrs. en- ili ho aiessenbawedoTisneot heandpaadîteiesrhTaltspr IUIfIII~& asga WvsiinAlRe. Mn Dvewade. . MssAnleJoes Coeugwil tehoestypeatrts..e IjJ II.) onison Toont, sentChiasisisiîu er s ten, Mchor andGe nag og you endrs o feahersas IhavetiiaRte.!ý eîv ut ITOICE CULTURE-Miss M. ove s ion .. M. ho. yaucdidenn.e Pethick viitedsoles ..A Tas eaedyerkandîloes eanr iisadcr tmntiPies. otee, Eu odMdla e b ai asties0-- fnr.ends lee n is way t etPontyeel te Mr cf arad odgn lle ainrth fe Fiv HOand PEATo Piesnvi 86-tf.l 2 cnt aVII ...ghîb iî eevvppîiosîir Codna Ioste 'asi tking ibre lisschcithrere .... , SArwlee ...Mn. Fre. ae, princal 6f sn hmea rpacaadItee.Trno.otaqeetwth une tinIvl e lure et 27 etaStG o wmaSFieLSEC ION NO Bvry sadive.t..Mccund Mnday .D. PB toey sc hooefornt Neis holidavs with fthte ,i t stnmls rce riavc ý n AilENT ieawilid rsetsÊ -% 27tjin île adat cf Mn. J. Wrilnds in- lisun..eMr. a idio.Mis ottioe, M OEd 1 V Tlls2c. I] fat . 25e woth,.ý. Bigpay. apita unneessar. rfantlyda...ter Derna.anMms. Wilson Wer u To t Busis lee, sPe-w sent Iackwhen L.'and.prties 11 ATD-RUTORHYAD s Dula set wYar5hd attndedorotis fnai rismsC honvationa ihe...Mns. Geo rge.aogyu reso actvegetleanorlaiestuIr aleraiMn M laklr s Mi Jo now, ndîlebay asla erec Panela ben leaesaIcbohavete ..ciR repoabl sthlsadbus nOtai- othCelagls eamedfomCîbn ee, .wlen Tshe Ref t n Wm Pdoe 's,.. r. e Yens if teaspteeaSniedn tegdtowrkte eovt ired yor on biaudytexpanseal tPofsitiond ostaedyPot-Hoe Ffiay ca XASFElToe B manîsîted6-t Encosesel adne ss~taj~e eneloa. ht .nde. b,., a the ewso. e hagerfarMn.Fsen Tl éey l.A Mn a..d.Mrs. Bre aeyyîlearival cf $0,0.TO IITANTEDTRUSTWOTHY AND~ear's a their ome.Mn.A, Mc- ntbe dthBrokesMr.sJ.ppisnted can- eid yeaer Ad ericf..Misîle ae . apOvE Y ooo anoscnT"%o emo AG~VL .C _W activa gentlemnuor ladies to bravai for Leoe spent New Yealr's ai. .Mrs n. Cif rowknand îetee ys re : Wm Lt PayneMiss ulign eand Miss Lonanetruse Fv rnaer.u - ua i nspousil expenssahl i ti ouse l ao. Morenth adaxpanIraF Position steedy Raferenca. rown s Seras., B..FCascaddTenJ,vista fins aLnda. ,$10r0wllca apybl erlSTisfac-F)E, nclose self addresaed stamped envelupa. Th T helnt.c if a i nrasdFae .n hs iiea mv isBnd M i alebothsent New orycndton9orrpymn00. herag Dominion Company, Dp. Ch cgo. 3-3 w. o N w e r' d y .. isS.oticr ul altttor. ml t g a d iayo nmsn..uyA um eloignle en. _______________________bys lesseiaguts a hes.Te ...o.cty r aoher noe thbboed.. heRx.Yas oe Mn.JfiWnka, aa Otjt4.4 t.--,D USI.-Ayon ca lem e Miytbes asNewm coatehypnompiiy Atotceumchll myeekdeiiveS. Ning1 i babygr.. n, M. J. brt hlani fbteriA7lafrgre: v tioof dmoirn yet invantaf. aisis. - on Moadayfweek, siîip Monda .fompleatras aP. tac 50hoents....._Mr._A,_Me as tender. . .. Mis s MapnI Frar o ut c,- a handsth e d cst fc t ih e n s. poelaso amsert ,rat io ag ients ntle men r. lW aePlsh ta-, Lock suNeffa' a r.Cifod aer nd thfeomrasevsaeoc. , m. L- Wi i ss ad ibeha. MHlan ivi e te rTu - plis. Iii olîand Misscrocsrstihtn a p1. Islb(c tailonnnlug buss neoeain 51 1 ad x nes ostinstad.Rperne.SD-reds, B*T an mnnrsiian, fEl patnken.. s i Mr.ungtrycontonsrforoudaStoe for 11 bmarfans oudsudcin. h cpisiA.n Tl P seOelfAd REssENmERGeTIC AND Th Miss elma Jewef il e ma ave ilreasi Teasee...'MsCas. "i regrAe rs foiks sampron, isedMn.and sMcnilogNew co mB.adh sinssorlI:- iN o Do inodCmp ny..p. .Chcao 3 -- 1V vleseiugtgdng rs-he a-rty inonpleasantorod .. heRm easafier cifeci.a , oicto,-,> ianile ageisi cuvasiugforagoo boc, wite ud .. ... . rspanî as e o cc- e îon ,gants aîf bys sstaun ai ta i-te4t4, I- tcec the ofmknvuasm fthmaanwMs nen r labnî bo îeîadhae aeg is,. M.Miss. ol and aWaaadt patierus t; il",f m gacn d op ianfor wowekyou. if y u si RoueG an d T ieSrpadTl. edsorë.. u sho pi lce n dpt ev o h o hooablee udic worbIteeerd. T. . Licinoiî o s&Jr, de. - Ht. PowmsKinb, i naents. r.W.Mm. Pi ipe lrke Mndawe îeguos metT A U ,PIE25CNSO 5FR$. rope ndo.aiMn Jon anem'mpn.Traan- nMniT Hncok ecntl. -hinabiaEW TLO S O.tuor. _________________________________ tw aasis te cw ntapeGo e ir.. is at__Faer, y_____11____ s -1-, i p r A e L Ps W A NTed .L E .R eY uli h er, m o i M ss A li o oa l, ow an ill , ndom ý s vrO N O ld . . il a d t e ba dr,________ o P e nd ri n d ho a eýi a r i g on g t v s e e s r , h c ils \il Jleery, omafyiclor tavelingt inMm.ARKEs.Jo NON.aldBowmen CEeDARDALE.buinss n ý trouc ne dscoar an kep ho vile aiMmC. oul'sLittleambe o M. honhemt Bamreanit, Toroato, wa Dr.Shilusga eub buehsiiac(funtrye of.a.nA letown;dof osb.esdion' Dycm-od Jorenor Buckiey yers ouCOULOiien.HTeRDpÎlY -WORn cara tok Adnpo tRE eNfen Icas A NfbrDe s n eflk atteded a goa nig a M n. onesently . 'II . rs. Wm. Alia Mlk s e ay rWhity, v sod fo niin s cn-ne uiesfrbiIi om piSt; cG I o eaommisionou-sier. 68pre monlh Tuistig erssday werek.. oiand qusaite 11.andhe rs. blo-ickeia. Ome'uMn.HilBrcu,Tomnewa l wheuisl antass. gFor articuibookwrite advsios 2isAd iklS Heai neatan Wasf avwod-plaaI ie eetl i We ypopos !incc. e infratie. oudoOnt. ACnîn MAN ANaiDTO noa ibiswore gosisFfrMn. 1111w Sund visOneg hi daugler, Ms. Edwa -Bu Now i WelI noti-, hvepu advedsofmtis t e ment. anbld thon g. sivPan ain's wok curis e-s Adad b lie mnoyi- PoriîHip s . is izieMisBrteRlia suitewleryatlenei w,,,,yoi ___kgmneys __meofhem ar _-OPinss Cora, ExtadM.and tria i îî TonothedMssMr lnlL~cmdandb .. iCtut icn sqCher nanhoo Mm T patrhs.,île ei-kci, tallr, ydy ll uecýtpt(' rih aNud.-Caavainssfors, "ueanoe fis ccue Aifi wnî-sa revsiig n. hpperena Bokvle... is makClvr or Hu. v.,Bodiila Ot, o honorale ndRrLadReS.iNSC, Tasca- r ursland causes.neiten pairia r Is tle ad ste.mnadMii ipoeronaNewomk. the MnEstsof. ofJ. n T.Kidey P Is, someimeTS RagFOe$,GO fopyfac. discomonPtnam'sCer.ETrmatnLdt Cti, oono spot e T~ .Hitn lias gon oateda,C i be ariosyL. - -el.~îb AA tha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nls AieIbaaeea."Re Muuel snd Bomni Bowanviaendas -on vstn niW yh ok iCt S.Puwshm kJLnd lelery o alelonScal tabvln, einM. n Ms-Jh MissldBoma Maron mul la ed enda giea lcepe5tDurtSshowe Mra.ysa-HerbertE. .. une ewYar'sTyorMonTIc..Cnn.,;a ara cuek ew5 to 0 eky. adLE-ÂBRT Nwmanet.. ,MissCa.eyOsha Mss ona..haeAntumad om enn cataokmiedI, Toi-colfane a i yonolTheann scîcolmeingpased. omfws es cf ly..Mi iiacson receli~ivai an uflo. an.Lsi . . Mn. nd is. . L~Aadas ~Mss GeRgarhtvy Tomteo, visdPHE 'ImtI ro= li cAS ouryadtw; SEVIE--he.veyquety M, .H.nmnsto dib cidra aLidayreetl iei paoareeti.M.W.S .D revdioknbrc "Oa o r . 5rm- emtayTesweroevdpaiefh, m.BomudaMs iite M nt and ...wif e B iiirotovis ite nm aoue cf M ndJ.m.ore ethcdi ananostck îeorta eejyhad e ihe bck adahd Mn.Misske, REMEDIE lienstae .or artculas wî TEhe Ake-to eMcCi er uii h eety,.. -e . ohye n Hrety... . Tre fruTboses cf J -IBu Nws el. hoga MEdiofaLnu bar ol 0i, pnize - n h n asc dth bui) sfo l seticJ. DoANe t. o hus. N Hillfo uada , isit rying Sbi Ruielenfrd & SoineÈ1 l 35a 6IImneinbadd b adywe1 ibeps ear . an h givatuitnms M. euest .i& le Pandrso Anaw m olt1Pilp._Mis Bo is Enîlgiornent" imp.a tril.oIteorontk artrMI"PrarycAnoce,-i.- ared awoliiis'indheyareh Pal eLcTak01iMrgTthe lead he evemywhere.alor ai-So. Yonn ashfrensaleQ110812 ,Mn. Wils t G.aacc ls intumew fiec r t entiiLidsy.. diaad oy îleandemand. un bededy tý fr e an d e g. hJ. i», homefp-mCellevlle ad is ocAve.,g rono odgo . F. A.tM,,c1lct a tuep herithEpicnrie. troiv,iwman- fomr lis ete seepMssn-wem-iastale ad My rF B Erankonsaý oii rnefou e o fDaisXdcyplsSmtm g.ýF motisP.o. te50- t on 4ndfýr e. iOun c. utamsmor e-ýacorendeacehs on R shcbi bcssehtha b£ ____________1_have_________M. E. amis as meovenedfnom er ofBowmanvile, sTel usayevningt. oTfS appER ADVERTI1SING h I lness..d .1n.andMscyWtGhea M. Rbet Kll sîd issJae St. * Pul, whndedauo hndedecrpo ands; COWANVILLE.addrose Bi romend ive, Mnan-e, a, we r To.Clln n teN îaLifngea)catalogunctoutwas gesNaofMpsserolamJcently.Reev A.lvWalsand -Bffaeol... aesrs.appinessH balgel tht aa cadiefhy he meri cn îehe anu son Thmdyee asng off united lMranniageon e. I nd-rus daciy. u~~~~ltlî~~~~n Georgecg Harvey Toronmateodis chncI SudavJan2n Nawst~Îr t'lr.cey ee r. R.tinH182) in n a .theehe anîiiden inmv serv e tue M-aL T urve nwL-a -T7yo 0eveRy0, late luI. eyqit th1mPia nla emnRNTRRSEN es npiiglaatm.D.WoE- vervlouuWde ay both salary and coîmmua ewaste... .violssrs RUdt. n rhesaie oe aecutisnTELNCT O A -NwcHOap RGANVIGOR, a hsb1uete aecmltl ion. ) ue-sor oui- ternis. Outfit frac. White atterided the -basket social ai of. drapery are ah nresiored tbthîl ealth nd mahooIis ullytI i"an amadIhscasy if levo gatcitpdeeyCrccr gia &biiisUIeTO, Toronto, Oitari a-.7 - lu3nixolNwYa'sag iteoriginal Value and usefuiness. TE, ella aanedsfiyol aavrdm, nlayi uto rttdnndTclNO aonaunisol me et ighM... ths. ath is, tley are made as good as ne intenesting 11111e bock, whicl should liho sbleht oblars who suifer in a simiier ma- O NT. OFINTEESI TMEN anlv s cleetingeeMn, Jhohnad l cs nl hy every ttaiking man. Plain ner mey deriva bita hc2îfit from a know- OF atcINouoTluRaaESTucaTad oMEiN. (orane netining. - - .trustee W. .oAllend the st-oî-yistone en iav1 facts plaialy stated. No "Eiectric BelV ledge cf île vutues cf blase pille.DET I TR Y Ilnwctiv'elittle book labely pnbihtiabhytate i-and dtin-lier Letla, visitedM1urs. C. J,1il n uds -ultîthe Diarnond Dc osne n îe c-nîpion fat ."i cen mec fommedcvo niz troulesyteand nentexetPhysici au, G. 1-1. Bohaniz, M. D 252-1 uC.OD uug- Woowad Ae. Dtrotic. T 'l ~i Y I-intcnrecentis-. Beware eofîniStul, that someici hu11NEShugOK ,:uue-, m if'uiIe învo c ruls n AvoDtoiýi,- T'sio foil T r-us 50k u N l0Ž~ (ifatI Lv .~ ' -Iuln oni' Aofgaaiainterastto f, nu.ndle he fMlt ocpaf ulr for tise sakuobig profits. OR. casdoIE; spai uieo e ~, khoiues vera, can rca.b lri cd pli n hci islcaii etuii~L ý proiî1nuetor 1nEE inRpL.D.S7 cfvusaas sun b aîyusilîru t asiig ltui- ii-e desiniins tînt eecru-per eniteWele&RilndonC scresWeealdls usiapr -metondîa nLteau9- r1uaeet1e îve'olc-etCatl . penbtleutadîor eî tfri-ats bî woiieAI ý,ldn u l'll, Moatreai, P. Q., for valuabie ý book e ddes i1-1uhr:G.H(B"Jar endeald opywfi tc ccutict U-lth, iiGRATRlNEEDY, Full boxds directions and samle oo ad O) .D,22WowrdAeuDt:i Lx-ie it ucefhtý~cn draeda ao ut TaS.At15ii stlu-freeati aildruggists. post free te any adires,Mc. salbd19.and S1c!eade-,

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