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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1898, p. 4

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'~ ~ ~ ' ' 3 TORONTO WANTS FACTORIES. (IF1HIMR'CMIE "If four or five factories shouid corne (otnelfo i 14'flfVflI1I ~ to Toron~to in the next tweivýe months Cotue/rmFrtPa.) 1 I 'V il II II V ~ -it would create a full movemeut iu this cepted, hog choiera is almost uuk'nownl ' uin Canada. During the last few er irection the full effect of which n, man this brauch of faming has growii in fa- cnpredict," says the Evenig News. vor rapidly with Canadian farmers,and 1 "Once start them coming and they will from ailWe can learn it sCems ikely to 4% reo hi wnacr.Afe h expand even more rapidiy ini fnture, XJ.VAoe f her wJacor.Aftr h and to obtain a footholdin the Eng]ish rs afdoe oat ee i ilb market equal to, if flot greater than, an easy matter to persuade others to that of our appies and cheese. There Great Display of Holiday J corne, and the inducements they will is an unlimited demand for this quiality Goods at seek will grow iess and less as the num- of pork in England, whichhbas bitherto 1W er increases. We cannot afford to farmers are wise we shall in the near -3hf !ve up to finie-spun theories of econo- fture, see pork packing conducted by mies any longer. We want people. themfactung theseue ht atre We want factories. And the people mnfcueces. * SPECIALS I N * ook to the Mayor and City Council to After this introduction the Reformer Albums, from 50c. Bibles fromn make every possible effort to, bring very innocently suggests to the farmers 25e. A Leather bound Teaeh- themr here." of East Whitby the propriety of starting *ers' Bible for $1.25. Books for Yes, that's our belief too. The towns in Oshawa a packîng house on the exact *Boys and Girls. Books for that have live, energetie couneils are hunes suggested by TnE STATESMAN, but Men and Women.ToBok e. de vrit' Disvr getting the factories. What is Bow- no mention is made of thecheme being e.special, Kid bodies and, every . manville's new counclil going to do originated by us. ~Jother kind of bodv, some dress- about adding to our industrial institu- O ur proposition is this': Se d. A beauty for 25c. Sieioehs, ..Doils Cabs, Tin Toys, Woodi% tions ? Within a radius of 25 miles of Bow- Toys,,Games-just see mv Cro. manville there are 8000 farmers, more or miole board for $1.00. £very- OUR FINE STORES. less. What we propose* je that ail these thing that Sauta goes down amrcobnt fniaopnyo the ehimnev with. A lady re visiting- Bowmanvilie a few frescmiet omacmayt ÏWf Christmas'Cards and Calend- days ago who has lived lately lu another cryo okpcigetbihnn ,r,. ount remrkedhow yery nice andini Bowmanville. It may not be gener- Shop eryi on dic. cut-rmredal uw mn armrthat there ik eary i sond dvie 1V*ýconvenient the stores are lu this town al nwmn aie andhowver uielythegoo~ ae ds-a great monopoly in Canada i pork,and ___________________ layed. She spoke particularly of the the paekers and dealers are fast becomn- booktorscntratin thm wih toseing millionaires. A simple statement of 1Z 4II Ù t2W ston & Crydermau's, and John MeMur- 10arstk 10soLiitecnen try's splendid large, well lighted and or at the rate of $1 an acre. Iu this BOWMNVILE, AN.12,1898wel arange esablshmetsandeasy way ($300,000)three hundred thons- BOWMANVLLE.JN. 12, 898&we osarr in esalshmntrsioandand dollars could be invested as capital. Youu & o'sChia Hal ad PoviionThis amount woiild be quite suffIcient to The minister wbo knows God, the stores-aii of whichW are a great cre dit ereet suitable buildings, equip them with bible,aud man is lu league with a triple to our tip-todate town. Mention might the necessary modemn appliances and alliance which will ineure a glorious have been made also of the drug stores, with a $10,000 bonus fromn the town of 8uccess. hardware, boot and shoe and furniture1 Bowmanville, the strougest financial b~ ouses. Besideo the pleasure of deal- concern of the kmnd the Dominion ever The minister who suceeeds to day is a ing in Bowmanvilie stores, there is like-cntidcodbeptno erto. mnan who knows how to uýe bis people wise great satisfaction in getting suchc to the best advantage. lHe does flot good value for the money, for it is otten (ob otne. attempt to do everything himself. The said that Bowmanville is one of the best Correspondence referriu g to the organ- more work lie gets out of others, the towns lu Canada for buying cheap. Not ization of the Canadian Farmers' CO- better the people will lîke it, and the cheap qualîtv of goods, but good quai- operative Exporting Syndicate, should mnore timie he wili have for study-.and itY sold cheap. We believe it. Our be addressed to M. A. JÀM.Es, Bowmian- ville, Ontario. work whîch no one else eau do. merchants are flot saving much money ____ ___________but they are belping others to ave CANAIJIAN APPLES. rnoney. Tun 5TATESMAN is tru Iv proud A LEADINGCOLLIEGE. of the good stores in Bowmanville and The chiet objeet for which the Hamil- In a speech before the French Cham- of the straight-forwamd way that ouIr ton Business College was founded, six- ber on Dec. 7, M. D'Estournelles, a merchants do business. teen years ago, was to train Young men member of that body, drew attention to and young women lu such a' way that the quality of Canadian appies and to DR. IIITCUELL'S CANVASS. they mnight go forth from the rooris, of the institution fuliy prepapd to dis- the market France afforded for them. Drn h atfwdy eea charge their duties lu the bu ùess world Germany, too, wants our apples becansDrn h atwdy se rlin a thorougly equipped, andlAeatisfactory tiyare so solid and of such rieh fiavor. ectrluSth arigo hveadmnr.'lihe abi itv of tliý 'foIlege to thyau opportuuity of becomîug acquaiuted do this is amplY attested in, .1e fact that Sumely there must be a good prospect with Dr. J. C. Mitchell of Enniskilleu, to-dayv hundreds of its graduates are en- for the Canadian! farmer when nearly the Liberal candidate lui the ensuinoe gaged as accountauts, teachers, steno- everythiug lhe grows eommands suchPrvnilectos e exess graphers, clerks, merchants, and maniu- favor lu the European markets. Poica lcinH xrse facturers. Witbiu thô~ past year col- _________very great, satisfaction with the exceed- lege courses have been made more prac- ingiv cordial and friendly mauner in tical than ever before, and thecole A M~ANTOBA PÂCKING COMPANY. hhhe bngetdbyaclss is uow.a fully-equipped modemnolTle casswhereini stjideuts are required to per- Th aainPcigadPoueirrespective of political leauing. Even formn their duties in as comiplete a man - Fhe anadan Pckig an Proucepersans who were frauk euough to say uer as if they were engaged lu an or- Company, Limited, give notice *of ap- that they canniot vote for hlm have dinamy mercantile -establishment. Iu plication for letter patent iu the Mani. rae l ihtersetai r- this space it is impossible ý,o give ev.en toba Gazette The headqplartems of the a synopsis of the interesting courses cmaywill be Winnipeg, andtbe esy due' fromn one wothy citizen tO pursued lu this leading sehool of busi- copay nd anotîher, and hie bas only good words uess. JInterestcd parties are, therefore, capital stock $100,000. The objeet lethe to s ay of ail whornlhe bas met. invited to drop a card to tbe principal, paeking and haudiing of cattle, sheep, Mr, C. R. Mtclllough. Y. M. C. A., hogs, poultry, dairy, produce, fish, etc. One very high rocomnMend for Dr building, Hamilton, Ont., who will be If ur estDuram yndcat do'tMitchell is that hie is such a very friend- pieased to mail acopy of tbe haudsomie organize very soon tirey wiîî corne in at ly man himseif. Everybody lilkes hlm an~ounceenit of the institution. The the tail-end *of the commercial race, Who knows hlm and. those who know .year of success with a large 1ly increased eh? hlm most intirnateiy like hlm best. No attendaneof pupils from ail parts of ________man could be more po pular in bis own the Province. During the hioliday sea- PAR1MERS, BEAD TRtIS. eommuuity than bie is. - is special son additional accommodation was pro- vided for new pupils., This, however, -interest lu tbe cburch, ln educationai is beiug taxed to the utmost and !It ls Mm. D. M. MacPherson, M. P. P. for matters, the Sabbath Sehool,, young fuily tsxpec ted that further changes wil Giengarry County, bas given to"'Farm- people's societies, temiperauce organiza- have to be made very soon. ig a Toronto agriculturai journal,an tions and the weifare and uplifting of _________________ -.account of a vear's workiug of his ýfarm humanity generally brings hlm very Athoueh - of 125 acres. The resuits are so re- much iu contact with ail classes of the Arnerican wo. markable as to be worthy of the widest people. Ris extensive practice for so men~ do not lit- ,possible publicity. The net value of his mauy years amoug the farmers of West etagrat deai crop for this past summner was $6,577. Durham bas given hlm as favorable of work which 0f this $3,735 represeuts silage corn,bay opportunities for uuderstanding their inuit s fat i and oats eut for fodder,1,105 tous in ail, position and necessities as any other ing cornes of raised from 75 acres. The rernainder man lu tbe ridiug. Hie bas. we believe, nevesy woa cornes fromn 47 acres of cow pasture and the confidence of most of the familles in who takes any and tbmee acres of pig pasture. The the nortbern part of the ridiug. Having part in the af- faits of raticae f atm accounts for ast year, frorn Nov, ail these thinge lu bis favor, coupled liée, h"iei list, 1896, ta November lst, 1897, show a with the enemgy and good feeling hie is wu-î eofi profit remaining to Mm. MacPherson of puttiug into the canvass, there eau be ~ety wonien as it $1,445. And besides this lie was able to no doubt of bis election. is l of their 1ess pay for labor the tidy sum of $2,150, fo_____irtunate sie. ters. Social ah- This is an exceptionaliy gaod faimn THE PATRONS' MEETING, ligatione may give taothers the benefits deivable cantalus 16 large pages wbihe the Mail cent stamps, or clothunnafotr~ stamps. and miecntis8pge dr World's DispenearyMdca &s. from a knowiedge of what they a nti-Eprlotis8 aUFrcaioBfao .Y doîngOntario~ farmiers the Weekly Globe is de *e he beet and cheapest weekJly newspaper. We sav this nat because Why do merchants advertise in Tnu W hen your busi nes becames irksome we agree with its ipolities but. because STÂTESMÂAN? Slmply taernake know'xý and distasteful, y ou are nlot weih, Mii- It is a teal up-to-date newspapet with ta the people that th6y have for sal#q -ers Cornpound Iran Pis will make it sufficient variety ta interest, instruct what they want. Goedadetislnig Con-1 a -pleasure ta attend ta business, and and satlefy every miember of every sists in makini t'hia se thoroughl 1 ýireater profit will resuit. Sold by ahi famly~. Even infants must laugh ovèr known that the moi-chant willh b. aMe rUýiSi S., Bengough's cartoons. to diapoîe of ai ho has for saW~ j Wet Ed H"wouse,i BOWMANVI LLE. Two reat Bargain aDays, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 1 8th and 1 9the We are having'a Clearing Sale ail this month as noted in last week's advertisement, but we have decided on having two sCecial bargain days, -when we will offer some extraordinary snaps in addition t'a the regular January Sale prices. Remember the days, Tuesday and Wednesday next. Ladies' Ja ckets. We have divided aur Ladies' Coats up into three lots and will offer thezu at these ridieulously law prices: lst lot for $1.00 cadi. 2nd lot for $2.50 each. 8rd lot for 85.00 cach. These Coats range from $4.50 ta $10.00 reg. :f we can fit you uow, is your time for a first-class Jacket cheap. First corne, firet served. Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Fine Embroidered bordered new goods, balance lef t from Xmas season, reg 15c, 17e and 20e, choice for 12ýe. Fine lemstitehed,pure linen, reg price 12le and 15c, choice for l0eecd. Fine Lawn, hemstitched, 3 for 12le. Men's Ties. Ail our best goods lu Puiffs, Four lu Hand and Kuots, reg 50e, for 35e eacli. Ail of aur 25e and 35e hunes in Pifs, Four in lland, Bows and Knots for 18e. Men 's Underwear and Gloves, Men's ribbed Undershirts and Drawerr, reg 40e, for 30e. Men's ahl wool ribbed Undemnhirts and Drawers, reg 50e eaeh,redueed ta 75e pet suit. Men's leather faced Wool Mitts, reg 25e, reduced ta 20e: a pair. Men's leather faced Gloves, wool back and cuifs, reg 50e and 75e, ehoice for 35e pr. Flannelette Remnants. We have just reeeived,, espeeially for this sale,a case of Flannehette Remuants direct from the Mill, in ends of 3, 4 and 5 yards, up ta 10 and 12 yards, ,prices rangiug from 3îe pet yard up ta 6 le per yard, the regular prices of whieh would bc 5e ta 10e pet yd. ,This is the best bargain we ever offered taontu customers., Ladies' 1Hose. Ladies' Wool Stoekings, plain and ribbed, very special value at our reguhar prie 25e, for 21e. Dress Goods. A lot of Dress Lengths in nice noir goods, reg price $3.00, $8,50 and $4.00, choice for $2.40. A lot of remnants at half price. A great reduction mn Blaek Goods, this will be a good apportunity of securlng a good dress very cheap. Boots- and Shoes. Men's ialf-foxed Feit Top Boots, very best quality, sizes 6 ta 10, reg $2.00 for $1.80. Men's 4 Buck Feit, reg $2.00, for $1L65. Men's 2 Buek Feits, reg $1.75, f or $1.25. Men's wool lincd Oversiocs, reg price$.2-5. >for $1.00. Ciild's Feit Button Boots, sizes 3 ta 7 . reg 60e and 70e, for 50e. G-roceries. Evaporatcd Apricots 4 lbs for 25e. Britisi Columbia Salmon "tred fIsi" 9e tin. Kippcred Herring, large tin, 2 forý25c. Pure Soluble Caeoa, per lb 19e. Large botties Extraet Lemon- and Vanilla, 2 for 15e. Canned Corn 4 tins for 25e.' Butter Color, reg 25c package, for 20e. Buttermilk Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in box, 9c< 2 large 3 lb bars Soap for 25e. Canncd C. C. Beef, 2 lb tins,reg 25e, for 20e. ,Mixed Candied Peel, best quality, 15e lb. IRaw Sugar from Pemui, pute, 61-'lbs for 25c. 2 Brooms for 25e. Don't forget tiat we are afferinig extra. value in Dinner Sets for this.month. A ncw lot just lu a' monti late in delivcry and in cansequence we Rot a big reduetion iu priee--you get- tic benefit. Remember Tuesday an'd 7Wcdnesday next. liigiest priee for al kinds of produce, dried- apples, poultry, butter, eggS, etc. JOHN, McMURTRYO I _ vv,ô~R r\ I [4 Q j Speelal BeÉluction ln Photos. ( W A R N I Tait & Ca. wili for two weeks begin- uiug Monday, Jauuary 1Ctb, m4ke the regylar $2,50 per dozen Cabinet photosJ NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVJEN tbat for $1.90 cash. No reduction if quaiitv we intend making it warm toi- ail per- Weceau make as good photos ou a duli sons wearingY aur winter undemwear day as a briglit day. Cali eamly in the and fur goodL. Thimty years' expemi- day. 1-2w. ence as Tfurrier should enable me ta handie furs 'to the advantage of my Sunday School Superintendents. customers. Look at, aur unes and leamu aur pnics bfor bulngyourwiuer nde- las your sehoal made its contribution wear- and furs. My stock embraces theéatetouadtonhpasoito most fashionable styles and my prices for the pi-esent yeam? If nat, kindly da Yo ar vrylo, a nd see me. 50 without any deiay and oblige the N. arevey ow CilExecutive. R. E. OSHoRPNE,, Treasurer, Mi KinSt.M ARIK 8 Bowmauvlîe Box 53, Bowmauville, ar P.TEBLocK. bu- Annual Meeting. o. î3ritish Confederati ,on TH NULMEIETING OF THE 1B0WUANVILLE IK 9 A erican Sothn UORTIUUTAL SOCIETY Commercial& Wili be heldin the Couneli Chambler 41 usiness Civil Service oui on Courses, ani Wedneselay, 12th DayofJaunry,1898 CnIIlcre Owned and PIE At 1:30 p m. for the purpose of reeeiving the e ontrolled by reports, for the eleetion of officers and for the > ~ 4 the following 3yo1 W. F. ALLEN, P. TEenîLTCOCa, Fred. Wty s. .R C ersn,È, l President. S FetC.yACarkson, Esq.,aE, So Sand S.5. MeKinnon Esq Aff1- 0 fied Witbhthe Institute of Cliarte;ed Ac- W last ye ,ar. *Send for free 1 oitos No pDAVID 11OSKIS, CJ. A. Pminelpal. J students ;ftoallparts of the Domi- CASF FOR POU LTRY. leeYMCA Building,liamilton,Ont. The ndAfrsigned le prepared ta pay eYl Wy notfoliaw their-example? Cii-eu- the htighesffïaýshi price for any quantity of ta latrs. Address : C.R.McCULLOUGH, p'oultty Lidresed in'the following manuct Principal, Hlaîniton. viz ; Bodee(,s cdean and dry pickcld, wings, tail1ând'head unplcked and un- O Rrawu; fa4lsmrust faqt atleast24 bours bef are beiu'lkiiled. Kili by bleeding J lu inthi oli4and 1ueck. Th No poor 'fowls wll be taken iunless at reduced rates. Aise cash pald for but- tet-, beans, dried apples, dressed ho Ps and eggs. '. Sout of Standard Ban , C ~vL.O 1 T EÂ Temper'ance st., Bowmauvlle. m 8.14b? à.NZOoLs, Bowmanv,'Ile 80. 3m. -- JAMES AN o o i o o o O t o i e Obm ïi9,old,, n IV estzý )urham. )u will find it by dealng with T. Riekard. I f there was a Gohd ine in I3owmanvilhc you wauld( ake a "Rush" for a share of gohd. why' not folhow thecerowd and y your Christmas Present, where )u can abtain tic greatcst num ber ryour lnoncy. rhink for a moment. You falloir c advice. You eau save mioney id can buy mare presents and tins ease more people. Tiat is what )u wish to do. is it not ? Scores- of speciais, Opal Rings, id Gold Spectacles, "Glood Luek" 'dding- Rings, Sterling Silver ovelties ta suit aid and young. Iu faet, tic Quantity is large and .Quali'ty is excellent. Engrav- gbcaut ifuliy donc. Eys ight vcry earefuliy tpstcd, 'at pains taken ta came for ç4your ,s, no anc lu Canada morcf fitted do tuis than T. N.ý RICRARD, Jeweiler arnd Optîclan, Býowmauivijle, i-ce doors East of Standard Bank. Grocers' duc bils tâken as cash. ................................................................~

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