f S UBSCRIPTION RATES, 1898. Clarke township news on" inside page. Ses inside pages for more news. TOWN COUNCIE. STTSA oedo 88(e)Allan and Dominion Line ocean Two obituaries and, Mr. Ruse's letter -- Ado% BTAESAI t ed o 195(nw) $1-00 tickets for Sale at STÂTESMÂN Office. are held over.' Appointments made at Monday' ST1ATESMANand Weekly Galb 1.5 Have you'seen those fancy rockers Miss Mann died quite suddenly Sun- mee(-ting of the Town Council: Auditors: "A Nand Family lierald 1.0and cýhairs at M. D. Williams & Son's ? day from paralysis. J. Moorraft, S. S. Edsall. Board of SA and Farma and Fireside 1.50 L. Morris is rushing trade in Parlor One o h êtfnnilsece vrHat-r ily .0 aelR we% % gT-,iTEsMÂIN and FamesAdvocate 1.9 rw Th* Al weeks supplement-14 cols. T. HH Ey POli PU LAR G ROCE RS STATEsmAN adMnra ins1.5Sceymeshrtoa (qdeay nn hvga Parlor Social at the Cornish; Police-J. McLMurtry; Poor ________________________ &ATEmANandMonrealHerld .75at 1p. . rsidnce f M. S J.Hosken, Church Relief-A. Tait- Printing-Capt. W. C. ST.&TEsmAN adWestern Advertiser 175 See those lovely Quarter Oak Side- St., on Friday evening, Jan. 14, at 7:30 King; Court of' Revision-J. K. Gai- STATEsmÂN and Breeders Gazette 2.50) boards at L. Morris', the newest and p. m. Admission 10. braith. _____Orsok i i eatet scm lt. W SwA=mAN and Leslie's Weekly 3.50) very cheap. Mr. Stanley Patterson, private bank- Orsok i l eatet scmlt. W STÂTEsmAN and Toronto Daily ta 3.0 NxSuayRvR.D glsFsr er and agent for the telegraph and New Jeweiry Establishment. m lya fiin tf nc ee norhsoy hv STÂTESMAN and Toront G l Str7.0 will close his ministry of 12J years in express companies, Port Hope, for the--e STATEsmÂI< and Eavn Globe 4'5 t alsdr past thirty-six e, didSnawfe- JmsGar a pndhssoenx had such heavy selling. STATEMAN, Daily Witness, North- For the biggest stock and the best 4Mn aftersan illn ers of eeawe. toTait & Co's. and is ready for business.-- ern Messenger and Peopîe's value in Overcoats caîl at Couch John- rPaesows 2ersoae. Watches, Clocks, Jewellerv and Specs. I.d.. Cattle, Sheep and Swine Doc- ston & Cryderman*s. Thfagrian engettat dis repàired promptly and 'Satisfactorily T IiE<: .. Ž tor ($1) 11.001 Mr.' S. Jeffrey, nephew of Mr. John why so many colds lead to a faa rds gurnt e asnwgtiastcMu ot Y e~ase. Ransom's Hiv Syu n ouo atches, Clocks and J ewelry of a are du ote good judgment of an intelligent- People ini Aill other publications at proportion. Jeffrey, Maple ,*rove, has been elected is made for throat and lung. It acts choice assortment. Ahl repair work put their aDpreciation'of our motto: ,Highi class- goods, n(> ete 1rates. "Ail orders must be sent to Reeve of Port Ferry. like magie. Soid by Stott & J ury, drug- n, safe at night. 'M. A. JAMES.- Bowmanville, Ont. A fine stock of Ladies' and Chiidren's gists.______ fanypcealv gpritorhe etgod tatso Underclothing in ail sizes at Couch, TEfnypiealvn rftfrtebs od htso GRAD RUK ~ALWY. Johuston & Crydermn's. PERSONAL. HEPiESS. cash can produce."1 M. Mayer has some fur robes, coats Shirley Mr. C. F. Nicholson, editor and pro-BaansiHninLmpilewdigs BOWMANV 1 LL STATION. and caps which must be soid and will MiseShre Morrisoe le visitieg ie Toronto. prietor of the Oshawa Vindicator, Yias Special agisnHnigLmpl ewdsg. OG ES.QîN ET go at remarkably low prices. Mr R1. T. Stephees is homne fromn Indien Head, the Kiondyke fever india olh Banquet " B~xres.81a.n.'Eprs,.. 528a.rn The, American Agriculturist adver- N. W. T. paper to Messrs. Fairbanks & Porter Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, ail new designe. Epesse.. 29pmPaeer.. 52sm 'ep ntîsed in this paper is one. of the best Miss Walsh, Toronto, !S guest of Mise Zella whohave assumed control. We wish iad up n Snes *Exprss...10...a.... oal 8 18 " farm journais on thîs continent. Brirnacozebe. Local.. 42 2i?, *Express... 5 22 0 We receive two ofkl Mr.mnt .HarSctan iof fhahmare th ~ rpitr ucs.Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies, etc. 1ekl shpmnt gesto ai Mr. J. Lyle's. Mr. A. H. Gibbard, B. A., Toronto, ~ 05"oysters which you can rely on being Mrs. Geo. Perkin, Moor-efield, visited Mr.Johnl an old Bowmanville Boy, has purchased We can handle any quantity of dressed and rougli dressed fQwl. __________________________fresh at ail times.-Cawker & Tait. L. Perkins, last week. the good-wiil and planît of the Whitby The Bowmanville Horticulturai Soci- Mr. Jas. Gilfilian, B. A., preached in Ceeil Si Chronicie from Messrs. Henderson & et et ngwil be heid lu the Council Church, Toronto, Stinday.Grhm M. aateleedo, eymeeîn,, will ~~~Mr. Thos. A. Deif and son, Toronto, hav eGrhm M.Gramheatedo, Soambe at 7:80 p. m., this evening. ibeen guests cf Mrs. W. H. Dustan. has a position on the Tempiar of Ham- BoWMANVILLE a v' e 'T ait. Soeiron and brass bedsteads also a Mr. J. Ausman, re,?resenting the Toronto ilton. Mr. Gibbard's frîends in town _____________________________________ BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 12, 1898. very pretty line of rattan chairs are sold World,was lu towe on hursday. !wish hlm success-and the newspaper very dheap at L. Morris' furniture store. .Rev. J. J. Iiae wll preack on "Childlikeness" men of the district welcome him to thëîr It- eealoiinadi i n l the Methodlst cherch Sunday nlght. ranks. Ay ubcrptinsno. t i te enralopnin nd t s hMise Start, Woodstock, was a recent guest of _______ Thirteen news letters on inside pages. offering some great bargains in fturni Mn, W. H Greenwood, Whitby, was guest of -A MINISTER'S WISE WORDS T Darlingtou Council report on inside ture. Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, M. A., last wpek. - page. ~~~~~~~Dr. Jua Thomas, 243 Carlton St., Toronto,was At the coigms igo h eko pg.The inside pages of this journal are guest of Mrs. M. A James, over Sunday. closrin mting of te Weeko Bowmanville ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rae in Hamiltons Rnw rntdathmean reamotasMieMa .n tNeiltMndytotkeaMoc.A.F.h.earo nvle h MU0 wa iast night. newsy and interesting as the outside course ait Ontario Ladies' Coliege, WIhitby. 0WMA BD B u boy ..D'VE ' Read the West End House advt. in Pages. Mrs. W. R. Bond and Mrq. F. J. Bickeill, Osh- sp'eaking on the Moral Dangers and é*'z thi isue-t illpayyou Rv. has R.Asdow, frmelywa, were recent geests of Mr. T. F. Jams Safeguards of a Nation said some very %W4,~ We were pleased to recelve a cati from Mr. plain and sensible things in ail of whîtch Aniother grand sermon by Taimage pastor of TrinityCongregational church Alex. B. McLeod, Brandon, Man., on Monday. we heartiiy concur. "~In the course of ~on an inside page. Read it. bas joined the beniedicts. See Inarriage 11ev. M. P. Talling B. A., Toronto, occupied lis remarks on the ideal public man lie We have now -a good correspondent column. the pulpit of the Presbyterian chureh, Sonday. said it was enougl to sicken one's soul -at Cadusý. See inside page. Speciai evangelistic services under Msr. and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds Guelph, recent- to c napîtett fiesml ¶1vste i father; Mr Js.ieyno1ds, eca se a anspo punt i orc served Correspondents wanted in every the auspices of the.Epworth League are bcueamnwspplro evdAA schooi section in West Durham. being heid eacl evening in the Metho- Mr. Wm.,Robbns~ Draton 1No 1rth Dakota, lis party. One danger to tle nation dis chrchthi wek. he s vsitng id iedsin barîiiugtoe gave was a lack of the home idea. In thîs Lais oassiig fthafpie H. Dnlo the pblie .eier nus a call Monday. City there were men, lie saîd, who loved ýat Couch, J olinston & Cryderman's. . n w ucrctrî lW Mr. John McMurtry, ln bie 95tb vear, from ever tt~ plac dhaohmean Smtigi "LtrrNoe"agent for the aUEn-o draft stove Perrytowl visiting hie youngest sister Mrs. evr oterpac etter ih. n S aen onl ail insid e page will interest you. have two QUEENS and like them very Mr. E. C. Sothey sailed hy the AllanLineS.S. whiclî if he were to 'tellbut lie dared t if a c ti o.n , Read "Rifles for bathing" on an in much. Parisiae on Saturday for London,' England. H-e not, would Cause the congregation to ýsdepâe.Wlat do you think of them? AterecutefrteJugonwas bootret by M. A. James. -1 - turn their faces toward the doors. Mrn ai ayt nte ayfin ntaiga -side ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~A page.ontbfoeth ueo Rev. J. A, Ranikîn, of Dun Ave., Methodist Mehesn togthainea adaldytaohrldyfedinrdng t Aunual meeting cf West Durham the election of Mr. F. L. Fowke as churcbToronto,will preaeb misslonary sermons abrowout Mutista ~h1 ScietWednsdayJaneiected by three majority instead of two Mr. Walter E. .Dearborn, Lakeview Farm, people shonld speak of the imperilied Oshawa, and Miss Loule J. Savage, Toronto, hoMes. ýHe said club rooms were train- ( lI. fThe oniy paper in this district jBub_ as tirst announceu. weeguests of Mr. and Mrs. W. BBceiover igYoung men to fors$k thei hoes N , G%' & ~ 'A M; A0 lhing Taimage's latest sermons is Tu Staff Capt. and Mrs, Hargrave, the Snlay. Igaeterhms STATESMAN. sectional officers of this district will con- Mrs. C. A. MeLea, Winnipeg Man., is visltlng H-e spoke of tle danger Of entertaîn duet eetigs i the alvaion rmy er father, Mr. S. Burden, calied here bly the ment, the passion for it even affectingLi T. Winter goods of ail kinds selling (ofdab fbrmther. Her maDy friend are the church, whicl also must entertain. k Ii4 i Li .at greatly redure" pîcfla t Coichl Barracks, Saturday evening and Sun- gladi te sc bier looklng se well. aeern onwpprlesi es 4 Jolinston & Crydermani's.dy vnbd cm. this town, bas heen elected to Peterboro twn papens in some quanters were no better Its a pace where quait is not saerificed for cepes Mr* J. . Allinthe fasîonabletailor he elecion in anaebigesvote.as ceulal madebigfvte.eHr lghtdthanthgooset pondsoofi pn ed witld gossiping' no ocuistesopopst h follows: Reeve, George Kincaidhby titnber for a business mac and wifl ce credit te gee. Iu this connection lie referred Their store is stocked with "900d things to eat,"1 just 'tWest End flouse. Seci ad, acclamation; Ist deputy, Henry le-the mnost alive cfthe liveliest towns le D Canada. toHon. S. H. Blake as having probably what you Want most and the prices are so, reasona-ble that ders; 2nd, deput, T. Stanton: Coun- Our former wortby citizen cf ears 1age, Mr.itdentpa tobyhecepg dsofrdby oe Dr. houhld aes semin pleas u ladyf CilrMses 'iutadHc bas been eIecteâ an alderman for the beautiful Bi&ke's feeling was riglit. tdenopa t byhec a g dgofrdb readersehand csoe m le 00 Thladyo l ene fletrsl cîty cf Kingston, beadlng the pol In bis ward. y_____________________ ,reader and sme mentoo. Te firs of theseriesof lecuresinThis________surpris_ hanyseins nOurd advices-s.sOto caileisand inspectins our o goodsdsand the HTgh Scoo wil bc Thîn ine netuprsheyhiganidc Ailw' ite get'sfurishngca sembly'CuOi wi on i iedne in tue lion tttheowit p e , mnor le the-ý wil ap. partake of the pleasure and satisfaction. lit will certainly ruisa. fu od ilh oda'19, at 8 p. m., by Frof. W. S. Milner ciatehim,unless city life bas wroughit a change wVi _-cýf Mlr. Ge,_orge Ain, cf a son. 2,tebe a lauefr st shwy hego . claigout pnices M A. Subecye"Tosti. Silver lebscarce.1hk i. libs. The 5,oke macthr nFia olcin ______~Mtbl' onrJn ~~ e prou a of them and it will be a mutual satisfaction if vou , Aocéy- atchhereon Frda olletion. mlfe et, James Aiman, of a son. I s" nîght betwee n W hitby and the Victorias Among the 20 pensons killed lu Lon- R. T. oif Temperance. WRiiTE-At Newtonhrook, Jan. 4, the wlfe of purchase for your CHRISTMAS COOKJNG some of oUr .of this town resulted lu favor of the dnOt.Ja.3 yhegvgwyofGeorge White, Esq., c fa son. latter. Score 9 to 4. dnOnJn.,byîegvgwaofDrSwAR.-In Minneapolis, Minei., on Christmas Rasn, IigS gr luFilberts, Iwill spruce up your ideas of furn a part of the floor lu thei city hall was Théî District meeting of tle Roy ai day, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dewer, a son. Rasis ycn ugr Benj. J. Nash, the canniage dlealer fnom Templars of Tempenance was lield lu IIARnîNc.-Neer Enfield, Jan, 8, the wife of Currants, Ohocolate, Sugars, Brazil us ture 10 see the Quartered Oak Writing- wliom Mn. Levi Morris of Bowmanvilie, Fot Hope on. Frida-i Dec. Slst A Mr. Rueben Harding, of a son,.1~VI7~L4Oags -desks Hall-racks anid Centre Tables that bought lis hearse. Union was organize of the Midland Geensi)AN-Near Burketon, Jan. 8, the wlfe .Leels, Slle±e Na"utsSyrup, Oaz -ar selin aiE. orrs'.In Cavan Mn. R. Hoote'n defeated Mn. District with tle Durham District and cMrVtr 4odafasn.Extracts, Dates, MVolasses, Lemons.' Gentlemen *ho are panticular about Chas. McNeill for île Reeyeship by a île name was'echanged to île Midland -MARRIED. eddRnelis Tlus having a perfect fifting suit of clotles large majority. Mn. R. Coeiwaselected District Tue.foliowing is tle list of, Dsf-I'ýPOen-PAvNS.-At Saeem, Oregon, Jan. Seeddo.use. oe r. .a.lnds, should leave their onders at Couh, - depuiy reeve over Mr. Geo. Berry by officens elected. for the èurrent yean: F 5, Mr. iGeo. Dunsford and Miss Addîe Payne, read foÇr ue.P w e.A m n Joînston & Crydenînan's. close figures. The Counacillors elected E. C -M. Lent,. Coboung; D. C.-Fned OaugotrcM. J.MPyebicfaem' Wat is nicer for au old lady or an wene W. J. Fisher, R. Shaw and H. Ouîtram, F ont Hope e D. C.-Miss h, Oreon. , by Re.H coelfahro ,oid gentleman than, Solid Gold Specta- Staples~ G6etie Moase, 1Newtonville; Sec-Treas., THMMDWEîL.-Jen. 5, in Methodlst II ~ ier -ia sur dces, Save your money children and Rer. Dr. Marvin, Courtice, preached -Millie Grigg, Bowmxaniville; Herald-, bride, assisted by Rev. T. Denlop, Midland, àn ns ' a buy Mother a pain ai Rickard's. very accceptabiy lu the ?Aethodist F. H. Joness, Bowman'rille;- -Claplain Teom G.aW.meweyo, aurore, Edmulld Jemest eîg dS TSA TO nprhsn oeo h The week of prayer services lu tle iduc Sunday morning from the words - C, Conntiwaite. Port Hope. Execu- .daugÏÏter cf Rev. Hl. McDowelî, Auroreaeu5s ueu articles we are ouferîng for Christmas Presents in varions chîîrches of île town wene weil "There shall be n mr curse." The tive Conimiittee-FYredç Ontram, F. H.. FOtER-,~CAIN.-At Prince Albert, Jan 5, hy ur Chn n lswr epartet h ag tc .atteuded everynight and tle addresses sermon lad been carefnlly prepared Joness, M. Lent, J. J. Fiair,(M'villbrook), 11ev. W. Keuner Mr, John Forder, Cartwright, u Chn adGlswrD rte .Telrg tsoc by tle pasiors of île diffenent dhurcies and contained many new ideas. The Chas. Corntbwaite. Representatives to and Miss Emmekbaile, Meevers. tem s omfrdsly h etvle r ob on were, mnuh enjoved. congregaation was large and attentive. Grn oni-rdOtam, F. Hl ErzrumTurkeDe.14 Bt 9 . m b C ens it hee Your~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trd swa ewn.I o edrd o eebrWie oness, Gentie Moase. Alieruates-M. Britaninic'Maiesiy's Consul, A. w. Graves,C.m. e . Yeal itlad us onct e w .I you wil aaidad ai , le stammrem Welt era Lent, Chas. Byam. The, nut District G., 11ev. Chas. R. Asbdown, B. A., missionaryCusSacr aaIDses ero ,eStP lo Lms deal s onc Souwill gain nd Bte, .the sammeer? Wll, h hasmeeting will be held lu Bowmanville cf the A, B. C. F. M., and Jane, deught.er cf theCus acr, ldDih ,L moaeSts ro a p, we are going to cnt ail prices on our been cnred and las been brought int Good rid r he Grand, Coundil wid lai ae ,ike OotbcI.FI]IfI.Il T oront * us e es hclt esalLm s .nexi, call and see our goods. M. D. fredom in las estaas isne a bine 'y Jan. , hy 1ev. R1. A. Barries, Mr. Norman S.' Mustard rots, .inner Sets, nand Lm s irr Wlia Sn reo.Hehsetbihda oePumr n Miss Lampsa Librarygh "agh Wilias Sn.and sclool for stammerers and stutterens er of Mr. W. Fîsbleigbi. """ Cheese Dishes.Toilet StTable Lam's Ali members of a honsehold are ai 892 College st., Toronto. Write hlm SOIE GREATf BARGAINS. DiNOmAN-MÂDiLL.-In Brcigbam Dee. 2 rui ps thougî,It of and supplies are laid lu for for a circular. by Rev. A. -Whitemr.Fred C.Dinpman,Whty Fut DL)shes, TableSes Baq t -tiach and ail of your friends lu Rickard's A former. well-known Bowmanville To those of our readers wlo are look- Mr. Jemwes H. Mdill' dnhe fAdm n te sfladonm na rilssial stock and children will be ser 'ved wîtl boy, Major H. J.ý Snelgrove, Governor ing out for bargains lu Dry Goods we And~fo the hoday seso n dra etl rilssial 4o île utile ones.the Ponltry aund PtSock Associaiont. tisement of Coudh, Johuston & Cryder- Isaac, eged 67 yeers. Ja.7Wilm Bom:vleLodge No.' 99', A. 0. U. The 8rd annual exhibition wiii be held man on the first page of ihis issue. Tis Tâmiv.-At the residence of bier deughter, a eY u S lctosE ry W., will r ý-et Fniday evening next, for ai Cobourg, Jan, 26, 27, and 28, open firm do isot pretend 10 sell goods ai cosi Mrà. W. G. Fee, Ne. 1iFerui Avenue, Toronto, on 'tIti ,Instaliation of Officers and other to the wonld. $500 lu preiumtis. -Dr. alleyrronbtiîeedofJau. ih,,in ber s3rd year, Mer 0. eln e Dry Picked, Drawn Poultry W'anted for which we business. Mnr. W. H. Ives, D. D.G. M., E. W.Hayden,Secretary. Entnies close each season they do seli off a lot of lictof the late John Tamlyn, Bcwmenville. wl i~etM re rcs 'will be presenit and instali the officers. Jan. 22. 'Send for pnize lisi. goods at very low prices. And justn w Patterson.-Age 6or oear,Ja., tnepy A fuill attendande ofimembers requesied. Rev. J. J. Ra sermon on Suniday îîey are actnaîly selling off île balance PettLen, age lyil 62n yearrs.n You will flnd ai Riokards iliat you evenin g from the words 'il must" -and' Of ileir Misses' adLais Coats at Ryiwfar.oer tteegi42ersw m- * i, ___ e-an purdliase presentsefor every one cf "Ye must" was one of the best presen- haîf-pnice; also a lot of Dress Goods ai B3EEiz.-At'Gerden Hill, Jen. 8, Wmn. Abner, A '/ JAL ~ yorfins fiod aebe ain f a' uyt o hc afpie e ' n os vrot o fM.ReadBer gd2 er.B MNIt.CIAHL fe onnele busnes ase audîton ac D. a -'D20 c AV1ý>iUN, -sq-.ertr ~any id co.di eTo pa riinod C acitdP-ubîeli68eoxeSceee, crielpuhrv,(Pinipl Auli Suoc) ecelry*EfARIGELIENES- A'A j~~~161 oe yhee §0 yý Elbsrescîe IVJAxs, Issuer c Mrig iess oonntaut, and also as insurance and for the firsi lime lu is himtory. Noiwitli buiessoito at the Wonld'e &2 boxes, Solscitors bris.nce Cppnes, 1,226 M reaI estate broker, coltectiig accounts standigiieevon nceslaFurBfr«hsM.Lneadbe cases cunned meuts, t.054 boxes cured cssr t .M Chamb&Oers, ooeiene.Cetestet in,-tliis(-,ver(Equity Chambers, Torcuto)Béoi- ___________________________,35______________arrel po and renis, etc. The friendly relations wiih hlf a chance Mn J. W. Mc picpaiftt nentiIlBsiesmiasP,75pislad80barl orJr-ADEq et - 16G8 bales l VI0 Vuto ]D YOU WVANT- A O1ME.-hf'youdC10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lo tsu0 so s-r u~cnî~ ~a-'eîa-~etostdse a~ hrt ontern ana Ciii s1,2 bp'- ak .80 caesuilder and Contractor.) a A.. at o ppl te r iCI4 o ane oi nc fort byv the faci liai on leavinug tht Republicaus who elocte4 hhnm wilI noî r ài sasfra nw piee tumben 1nan th Bcadmt ofoR thedon Ecs ereta cf bn a ottg ha e ' es emi-f 'canada' Faper Company. he was present- be asbamed of." We anrno uutlv n.Lieue i ashfand an kthew île only lu_______________teoI fR .DvtioEqSccayfc ,ed~~~~~~~~~JDretn lu Auhei aebr yof-l r6de steerd h rudwe es ahm by o't a emuloyees wit) a handsome seeretaîre aibut in this case w-e mray coy natu- poti ad ctua evew his wholetire âtif e , o a bl h agilbgn or Inhaforaw o lte ads Iol to he cov'te; ib lis lr. andheso onvo~ his 'su91u idm ap-l* thiriks ifhe ongit to b iniroduced to and x cas oif pipeS, t.ogth6r With.-u an e Mn. idaèin- 'P- total reàre TljFcTr),- aprctve ddr$". .. , poiniment.-L~~ ~iaeoyoy h et.* ctbyrwre.JiiFcT'nP -- -------.