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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1898, p. 6

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SUpRpISE AN» RSNAIN A",plensarit surprise was given Miss Ema Brown at the residencèe of Mr. T. Hlerbe(,rt McMuLrtry on Tnesdey even- inge Dec. 251h when ber emnplover and foiow em-iplo,ý ees o! the West End I-louse presented ber with the following address read hv Mlr. WS. Paluton and Miss M.%argaret Climie presented her with a vory handsome parlor larnp on the occasion of ber severing her conn)ec- tion wlth them: D.rAkitM Iss BaowN-It is with gra regret thet we your felowemoes have learned that you are svrn your connectïin witb us and our os- toemed emyplovýer and removing to a distanit ity %Ve feel thal we cannlot allow tbis o-pportunlityý to go by wibhuut givin - expression îb onr sympatby vith you ilthe cause o! vour removal and t0 the great estoem in wbich you have always been beld bh'y us, and we trust that vour future lot i whatever part it may be cast will be a brig-ht and happy one. We beg ',onr acceptance of te aocornpan ying lamp as a slight memento of the pleasant feeling which has so long exisbed hetween us and in wising you a very happy New Year. Weo-romain, youîrs truly, T.IIuRBearT MONIURTRY, W. N. llLr,, Jowix MCVIuwRa WM. QuicK. MARGARET CLIMIE WM. PAINTON ÉFLOENiÉ )4. VANN HIntty ALLUN J.IIIOWARD MCMURTRY IRWIN ll&xLuv J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENlTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Iliggin- bobbam & Son's Drug Str, (DoWn stairs), BOWMANVILLE.- MAD E M E'a M Aman ___AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE e ory, Iipotency, sleeplessmess etc cansed WIbY Abuseo or ther Excesses end Indis- Cretos ý?êcy escklit andZ suaef restore ïLetvitailly in old or roung. and es"t nd Consamption i t. euIn i, him o. e sh o.1- W ei ael o M't anewoa 621 aBCflVh1rre k "i't 1 0!1laxvi thoTîIets. he have eu O h isde 'l wliCnre ion. We vea'O.- ~itive W iteagua nt eaffet a ente m PO,&.l lach Ma»e r refond the money. Prie . vr PaýCkaes r aix P kgee(full treatmnent> for 210.B mail a in eet fnc.ccle frOAJAXIEDY CO., Isearior CLICAgeHL. F'or sale iii BoWmlaoville by STOTT & JURY Druggiste. iaA 11) T A ir A xTr fA 0-x REV. DR. TALMOAGEIS SERMON ON HOUSEHOLO CARES. !Kartis. lathe Kitclhe nd sfi atr i» sthse Parler-The Trials e1tiseh Good flousé- beeper-Kow They May b. Oi ercome - fiema Influence. tCejyritht 1897, by Amérioan Preus s moeL atlon.1 Washingtoa, Jen. 9.-D)r. Talrnagc's sermon to-day gues thrqssgb borné lité wîtb the lread of oewbo lbas 2seén a4 îl depertnieats and wmpathinés wlth ail ho tees and heu words of oheer for ail wlvés, moîherF, daugbters and Sseters; tuzt, Luke x, 40: "Lord, doït thon net care 1thazt rny sister bath lft me te serve aleste? Bld bertheretoré, 'that she helpai" Yonder ls a heautiful viliage homéstead. The aInma oft thé hanste lu d"d, andibis widow' la taklng chargé of the promises. This lu the wldow Martha ot Baîheny. Yes, I wiil show you aise the pet of thé honseboid. This la Mary, the younger sîster, wibh a book undér ber armas ad ber face heviagno eppearancoot aUixiety or cere. Company bas corne. Christ stands oulside tIse door, and of course there lu a good deal ut excîtemeat insidé the deor. The dlsarrenged furnituro 1a heýstily pub asîde, and thé heur is brnshed back, and tbe dresses are adjnsted as well as, in s0 short e lime, Mary and Merîhe ca attend 10 these matters. They did not keep Christ' stanffi ng etý the, deor until tbey were newly appereled or uî,tud11bbey bad elaborately arraugodtheir tresses, thon coaing ont with their affeeted tur- prIse as though lhoy bad net heïw4k the twu or bhre provions knlockigs, saying, "Why, is thiat yrou" No. They wereiledleu. nCi wero alweys prosentable, alltsougb tbey rnay net bave alwayu lhad on heir bout, for noue 0f us a!Ivys bau on ur bQst. If wo sud, cur boul wou~ld not ho worth having on. Thise throw open thé door and greet Christ. TIesauy: ',' Goosi morniug, Ma.ster! Cor o ne and héueat0d. " Christ diS nlot corne aloïie. Rie had ,a gro up of friendu with hlm, naIl snîcb an influx ot city vis3itors wouild tbrow, any country hboine mintperturbatiun, I suppose also the welk trons the ciIy bad been a good eppelizer. TChe kitchea departînent that day was avery inpprtant, 1deperLInent, and I. Suppose thaI Marthe, baCt no0seooner groeted the guesîts than sbe fled le that ruoin. Mary bad ne wvr- riment about bousebold affïaire. She had foul confidence that Martha could gel np the hest dinner ln Bethelny. She seem:s lu say, 'Now let us have a divisionut leber. Mertha. you cok anS 1'11 sit Cowa and Wo good. " 50 you bave otten seen a gréat dîfforence between two sisters. Mary anS Mertha. Thore is Mertba, bard worklag, pains- taklng, a good manager, ever inventive etfBerne now pestry or discoveriag soe- thing la the art o! cookery and bouse- keepiug. Thore le Mary, also fond uf con- T u tIi* ru lIl versation, litorary, su engageS in deep questions ut ethicse has ne l1ine bu atlonS to tho questions of househnld wcl- AIDS DIGESTION, tare. Il les noua. Mary !inlathe parler î_ t1reor ,~~ with Christ. Marîha is in Ibe klbtchén. cpýe froro 'rutti TAsfle It woul bhave boon botter if tbey baS FR EiE handîiorn and Usefiil prize sot. SivlCcC the work, anC thon tboy ceuld 1iA for a Chiirnaipcm have divided the opportunitîyoet ihteniag wilibe ret S. 1 Ç' 1t Jesus. But Mary monopolizes Christ wblle Marîba swolters et the, fire. lb waa a very importanùtbhing lithül-hey should TH E have a good dinner thet day. Christ was buugry, andClho duC nut often baye a îý- , P urions fentertalunent. Aies uni, if thé duly baC Cevolved upon Mary, what a thig wnt ron inthekitchea. Per- Cen do Do more for you la tise way of hape the flro would -not hum, or thé comfortable boSs and good sn'eals than bread wonld nul boire, or Mriba scaldesi thse-FRANKLIN HOCJSE, et Bates bier baud, or, uonching wes bUoe and LarnedSi ts. Rtates are s1.50 te black thal ought only te have beau made bruwn, and Martba lost bier patience, and 82.00 per day Amerloan plan. Woed- torgetblng the proprieties o!the occasion. ~wàrd"and Jefterson Aves. are oniy a Witb beswoaled brow, and, perhaps, witb blocks away, wth cars te ail parts oftise pitcher in Oee aud anS ltongs ln thé elty. Zzexelleat accommodations for other, sh ruthes out ofthIe -kitchen lint ,wheelmen. thé preseisce of C.hrist, e'îyiug, "ILord,' H. . JMES& ONropietrs dosl thon not cre thait ny si$;er at H. H.JAME & S NPrprieors, loft me ho serveuln" Christ Sclod Bates and Lamne StCI., Detroit, Buch. 1 net a Word. If il wc0ldnving, T ho1 raîher have bis ecolhtîng than auybedy E els's blosslng. T-.'sv nothiag acerb. Ho kaew Met-tIsa L t workod lier- soif lu dalb te o ll -nuohiug lu ual, A U A Rmm anS seu ho uws , cof, benderuiese Royal Matl'ý SteamtshIp 'LVerpooi1,catu- dinner go. I' d Iis ottoman lux et Moville, for Londond.erry, baside Mar, 'oî rsister. Mar- every saturdaty, from Port- lin, Martha, l' Iand treubled lad. about many Llnîc ne1 thing lu 5TÂSISFROM PORLAND. needfl." 1As - 1e open tIsat MonKo.oian ........... ....Saturdey Jan. i. kitcheu-ndoo r J1I 'cee agroat Parsen......"*«.............15 . NumiSien ................." 22. lieu$. Carthagieu.............." 29. Firul theýe IF ,)noappreçiîa- Bfongolian................." Feb. 5- lion.The ta w ita soeniaS Parisian.............. -'Wednesdey" 17. Laurentiin .............. Saturdey ' 20. wltb M..* or had no Numidien ............ ... Wednesday Mer. 2. estimat. of ber. ;Igues. As Laurentian, lut caine unly, Crheginien, 2nd anow, mounub JieItIes of cablu) oniy. the store euS orr or comlng Peassengers are tranisferred frent the train lu from th11- reSay Whou steamrer witbouitlnconvenience or expeiaso. thoy gel oe:ltto RATES 0F PASSAGE. Our tactory aitoughî lu By Parti1sien and Calfornia-Liverpool and bave te mert suhurdisi- Londiodrry-îst Cebiu, $52.50, M0, $70, ;aIes, anC t n knOW what qîýtarn, $100, $114, $183, Led Cabin, (inludd trouble e î dilan:;i sir, thé * tng-Lendon) 15.25. Serage--Liverpool,Derry, wlte ami. thb1-1- conduet at Boitfast, Glasgow,Lendon-$23.50. tesretacobn y Nuuldian or Leureullen, ittCei,$00 salîbn' and $0; rtera $100, $114. laundry, a By Nunidien or Carîhaginlan, 2nd Cain (n- lbý ""tlcer, police oiodtng London), $84. ffld peXi '13 Mustdo By Xnuidiani, stéeoe, 8a25t:=l l-1-nweil,' un Ver tickets and overy Information ap- orair ta k'o noîhly, and puy te 0 Wt ra.. . aetaxeS lu AUenLUno A gent. Bliwranvile Who ale w't"elf. miuait lu an ambi 'lue on the boiled plP iii the care upon Tuu eing large wages inseattend tle DRESS-1VAKERS, aie ho mon lur) .le,anuS wbo S@amstresses, and faillies sbould et PO ugb lhoy were 40,,-'l thoy vwore procure the best and simplost 50, - ,oih lhoy e, method of cuhing, -viz ; .'i. iîd Austerlitz anSd ý o are a urneli IU 010 up-or (j Blain in the reatm .ý ktchen, You It is Up 10 date anld will savo fuily -dyou wvill 500 Y I b dSbeeullfully, balf your lime, and give youirw<wkI wét" the elegançceof Frencli Style of t Ibem wonld env ~ukilied by too curve. muc' :~and baking Thi3 systeni reeived first-clasu, Dipi-' i.Thé weapoa ornas at Toronto and Moareal Exposi- -vttî as a broonsi or tiens. 1897.e t.v,'l" Apply te W. SPAULDI,'NG, 278 Lrs Euelld Ave., Toronto', doneî t héworld, t1mb Agent, or te MLïs s . ýRT1N, O Y" dauxietios. If manville, (at .ais', Beeeh Ave.) ,î t' ci. h e u * ~ an Irovoa e hur. tlight; whaif i ite, sé n1, au an irrévocable itu'bnmut h gt off W) ~ I rhirgarments are wntif thoy d not know thelr wif they have loéit a hat or ~-d ho in~stbe roady. Thon you have ofthe day and perhaps o ~vor1 ~as f plan, but what if tb 'brc sont mat uninasticable, or 0 Crba,; sent articles of foodad- radand wbat if sorne piece of silver onc, or soine favorite ohalioe bo r-acked, or the roof leak, or the plumb- nig fail, or any one of a thousand things occur-you must be ready. Spring weather ýornes, and there mnuet be a revolution in the family wardrobe, or auturn cornes, and you must shut out 'the northern blast, but what if the moth bas preceded you te the chest; what if, during the year, the children have outgrown the appqrel of last year; what if the fashions have changed! Your house must ho an apotbecary's shép; itb must be a dispen- sary; there mnust be medicinos for ail ail- rnents-something to loosen the croup, sornething toucool. the burn, somothing te poulticé the inflammation, sornebhing to silence the ,jumnping tooth, sornetbing te soothle the earache. You must lbe in haîf a dozen places at the saine' turne, or you muet attempt to be. If, undfer ail this Wear and bear of life, Marthia 1makes an impatient rush, upon the li brary o)r draw- ing room, ho patient, be lenient! O wo- mian, thongli I may feul to stir up, an appreclation in the souls of others ln regard t'O your 1household touls, let me assure you, from the injdliniess with wbIch Jesus Christ meýt Martba, that ho appreciates ail your wo-' from garret te cellar, and that the Go,- f Deborab, and llannah, and Abigail, anJ.,,-paothor Lois, and Elizabeth Fry, und Hannah ,More is the God of the bouisekeeper! Jesus was nover rnarrled, that hbe might be the especial friend and confidenot of a wbole world of trou bled womanhooc]. I blunder. Christ was mnarried. The.Bile- says that the church is bhe Lambl's ',vife, and that inakQsme kitow that ail Christian womon have a righb te go te anýd tell him. of their annoyances and troubles, sînce by his oath of conjugal fidollby -ho la sworn to sympathize. George Herbert, the Christian poeb, wrote two or threie ý1verseson this subject:- The servantby tbis clause Makes drndgery divine, Who sweéps a room, as for thy iaws, Makes, this and the action fine.' A Young woinen of brîlint education and prosperons circumsbances was cal"e down stairs to help in, the kitchon in the absence of the servants. The doorbeli ringing, she, went to open'lb anad feund a gentleman friend, Who sald as ho came in: "I thoughb that I heard muisic. Was it on tis piano or on Ibis brp"She answered: "No. I was playing on a grld- iran, wlîh frylng pan accompanliment. The servants are gone, and I a-, learnîng how to do Ibis work." Well done! Wlyen will woiiien lu ail circles find ont that It is honorable t0 do anytbing that ought te ho done? Severe Economy. Again, there is the trial of severe econ- omy . ,Nine býundred and ninoty-nlno bonseholds out of the thoilsaind are suh- jected to it, some under mlore aind some under less strecsof circurnstances. Especi- aliy U af i ai e soke very expensi vo cigars antd take very costly dinnors et the restau- rants he will ho severe la demianding domesîlo econornies. This ls what kilîs ýens of îbousands of women-atornpbing te make $5 do the work of $7. -A- young woman about t0 enter the mairled state seld te lber înotbpr, "IIow long does the boneyrnoon last?" The inother e nswered. 1The honeymoon lests until you ask your hushand for money. " How seine mnen do aole.ont money bo thelr wlvos I "How much do yon vant? " " A dollar. " 1'Yeu are always wanting a dollar. Cen't yon do wlth 50 cents?" If the bnshand bas not the money, lot hlm plinly say so. If hoe bas lb lot hum meke cheorful response, remornberlng that bis wife bas as much' right te lb as hoe bas. Hlow tbe bills corne la! The wornan is the hainker of bbe bonsehold. She lu' the president, the cashier, the teller, tha discount clork, and t4horo lé a panic: every, few weeks. This 30 yoars' war agaînst Ihigh prices, this porpetual study of econoinles, thi s lifeong attempt to koop the ontgoes less thanl thé incomo, -o xhausbs lnmrhehanse- keopers. Oh, my sîster, this lu a part of the Divine discipline! If lb were best for yon, ail yon wonld have to do wonid hé te open thé front Windows, and the ravens would fly la with f ood, and after you had baked 50 times from thé harre1la the paintry the barrel, lîke thé one ef Zarephatb, would be full, and thé shoe. of tbe chlldren would lest as lonig aso the shoes ,ofthé lerelties la the wildernés- 40 years. Besides that1 thîs 1ù golag to malte heaven the more atttractîvolaI thé dontrast. Tioy nover hunger there, and conseguently there wlll b. none of the nuisances'of caterlng for appetîtes, and ln the land of the white robe they nover lave to meud anyting, and tho air la tjiat Thoreaiare xnany honsekepera who ooUid getl l, ng. wilh their tcoll If it were nol for sIc1k --i and trouble. Tho Tact le, ono-huat o ù women of the land areý MOre or Tle. invalltls. T'heiountaîn Lf who hsb t, rhad, an ache or a painla ay conulder 'V Il toil laooa1si4.rable, éndow. ',g shp imay klp .mlles 1o 1- and drive hoe, thé oïtie, a mnaY Until 10 oclOck aé i0t £ i,. usewiJth lau whlis Feo. But, oh, tu do the work of lite wlbh worn- ont couebtlton, whea wboVhopiag ccugbl bas boen raging f or i,ýjx -weeks lu theo 11ouschild, making the uugbî as,;sIc pis as the dy!iThLt le flo cs.Peihap Ibis cornes alleor the norv, ,baN c N'ý,En shattored by sorne eeaoe'îtha:t iha loft dosolation la, every ronrn, of the bouw end sot the crib la the garrot bocanse , ie occupant lbas been bsbeiuno a S111,1 borwhioh ineeds no moter lllaby. Oh, sha -could p)ravide for the whole, gronp a great deeal botter thoni she cau for a pari Of the gr-up, now tbe rosI are gonnd Though yon miay bell bier God lu bekiug cae of thoe who are gono, it is mother1- lke tu brood both fIoýcks, and one wing shé pubs over the flock la bbe bouse; thé othor wlng she pubs ovor the fioc} in thé gravé. Thore in nobhing but the old fashioaed religuon of Jesus Christ that wull labo a wornan bappily tbrougb the trials, of bomeé lite. At firet, thora înay ho a ro- mnance or a novelty Ibat will do for a substibute. The merriage hour. bas just passod, and the perpiexilios of theoliouse- hold are more than aboned hy the joy of heing together and by the tact Ibal when lb is late lbey do nul have tu discuss thé questIonas 10 wbether lb is lime tu go. -The mlshaps of the bousehold, instead of heing a malter of enxioty and repro- bension, are a malter of imerrirnent-the boat of broad turned mbt a geological spécimen, bbe slnshy cuslards, Ibe jaun- dicod or meesly biscubis. Il, is e very bright sunlight thial falîs on the cutlery and the mantel orniarnoabs of e new home. But afber awbile, the romance is ail gone, and thon 'therae b sometbing tu hé propared. for the table that the book ad " Cookory Tangbt ila'Twehve Les- sons" will flot teecb. The receipt for rnaking lb le not a hendfni of Ibis, a cup of that and a spoonful ut sorncbhing else. Il le not sornctbing sweobened With ordinary flavors or haeed iu ordlnary ovens. It is the loaf 0f domestie happi- aee nd ail the ingredients corne down tram bheaven, and the, fruits are plucked tromi the Irce of lite, and il le, sweelened wilh the new wine of the kiagdom, and Il is haked iu the oveun 0f homittrial. Solomon wrote ont utf bis exKperioce. Hlone InfluenVe. Huw greet are the respoasihilities of houskeoprs!Surnelimes an indigestible article of food hy its effeot Upon a kiaug bas overtbrowa an emlpire. A dlin>ùg- nisbed statIsticien says of 1,000 unmelrried amea there arc 38 rmnland uf 1,000 married mcaouly 18 are crirnilnals. -What e suggestion 0f "homie influenices! Lot thé most be made of thern. Housekeepers hy the foud tboy provide, by the couches lbey spread, by the hooks tbey introduce, by the influences they bring around thelr borne, are decidlng bbc physical, intellect- ul, moral, eternel destiny cf the race. You say your- life 15 one of sacrifice. I know it. But, rny sisters, that sii the only life worbb luving. Thet was Florence Nlghlingale's lite; Ibet wes Paysoa's, lite; thet wes Christ's lite. We admire il In others, but buw vcry bard il ýis foir us 10 exorcise it ourselves! Wbea ia Brook- lyn Young Dr. ilutchinson haviag spent a whole ulgbb lu a dilhîheritic room for the relief of a patient heane sate.ratod with. tbe poison ad dled, we ail toIt as if we would like lu Dul gerlands on bis grave; evcrybody apprecilts tint. Wbea la thebohning lbotel et St. Louis a Yong, man .ou bbc fifth story hr9ko open the door of bbc roorn whovo bis moîhor -was sleeping and pluuged lu. amld Isrnoke and, flre, crying, "Mother, whàereý are yon?'." and nover came ouIt, our heerts applaulded thel youIg aiea. But how tew of us bave thec Chiristlike spirlb--a will- laguess te, suifer for others. A rough t-eacher in a scbool called upon e puor, hait sbarved lad wbo ind offended ageinst the laws 'o! the school and said, "Taie off yourý coat directly, sir!" 'T ho boy refused t10 teke lb off, whereupon bbc teacher said again, "ýTaké< off your coat, sir!" as hoe swung the whip through the air. The boy rot used. Il was inot because ha was afraid o! bbc lasb -ho was used. lu that, ab homo-but iA wes trom 'shame-ho bad nondorgar- ment-and as et the third cuimrned hé pulled sluwljy off bis coat there Weat a sob, througb the'sehool. They saw thon why ho dfldnul waut to remiove bis coat, and bhey saw the shoulder blados had al- mosbt bbrou-i-gb theskia and a stont, healthy boy rose up and wonl 10 Ihe teaoher ufthe ucool aad saisi: 1"Oh, sir, ploase ho' urt t his poor fclluwf! Wblp me. Suu, he's notbing but a poor cbfap. Dun't bort hlm. le's pur. Whiip me."' ' Wtill, ' said bbc beacher, " it's going to ho a severe whlpping. I arn willing to tpke you as a.substilube." "Wall," eaid ilie boy, 11I dou't care. You whip me, if yon wlll, but let Ibis poor fellow go." Théiestut, healîby boy boiok the scourg- ireg Wllhoul an outcry. "Bravol" Say$ every man, "Bravo!', How many of us ara, wullag tu bakethe scourging, and bbc sufferlag, and thé toil, and luee axiety for other people? Beanîltul thinge to ad- miré, but boss littho wo have et that, spirit! God gîve us that self -donying spîrit, se.tha, whetber we are la humble sphures or la conepicuous epheres we may pereimunr whole duty. for Ibis 'strggle will soori ho over. Thse Chrnistian Housekeeper. One af theo mout affec.tlng rnlinscea.- A-ny sarsaparila is sarsaparilla. True. So ,iniy Stea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ.. You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. T-here are grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it Swould be easy to determine. But you don't. How' should you ? w W hen you are going to buy a commi-odity woeva]Lue you don't know, you pick out an old wsahoed house to trade with, and trust their experience and reputation. Do so whien buying Ssarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ba' been on the market ffy;ears. Your grandfather used Ayver's. It is a reputable medicine. There are many sarsapartiillas. Bu nly one Ayer's. 1W CURES,'. Haô-.mpto0nû r Geea Store. New Spring Goods at prices that wýill astonîsh you for Cheapness and Quality.- j Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great valuie, See'our $2.50 Pants to order. We have thie largest and most attractive stock of Im- ported and Domnestic Woolens ever shown in the County, bouglit in the best market for SPOT CASH. We carry fulll unes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-madeî C-'lothing. Fine orderedClothing a specialty. Our Grocery Department Is well equipped wilh Choice Groceries and Provisions as ehe.9 pl as the cheapest and as good as the best. We have special values in TEkS. Full lne in Patent, Medicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantibies ab 3c. per pounid. HAMPTON. Frank A. ole. East End Grain De The uiîdersigned desire to thank the farmers of Dn~t )rhamn for the liberal patronage extended to up, during the',, listseu, also ta remind them that we are stillinii the market and prepared te pay th e HIGHREST MARKET PRICE ]FOR AIL KINOS 0F COARSE-CGRAIN & SEEDS de(Iivered. at our storehouse cor. King and Gog feL u o ~Por Darlington. We have'also on hand a large stock. NEW AND FRESI-, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt ini Bags. Rock Sait for os 111e and homses, and Fresh Ground, Grey Piaster in Barrels which we are prépared ta 'soit B1 OE~ Ai kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENEI) OÂL aIways ini stock. We invite inspection and guarantee-satisfaction. McCLELLAN & GO The Nohhiest thé table, most of theigene nover le Corne, ack. At oueeudo t tabe, ns father, witb a smile lhat,*éver lft i his couatonancee eveilN wbon h. lay in bis Coffin. Il was au 84 yas sile-ulot tise insile of iinniti.on, but of Glwistian cour- age'a"i'l Of.Cl!i.en hope. M, lin othar elldof the table was a beautifuL, beaigii- aul beùwoln~aged ChriLsianl honue;- keepor, i>' mot - . hé iyhu very tlrûd. 1aml Ira l ýso goýod aplaceto ret in. "iilessed art thé deâd who aie ln thé

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