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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1898, p. 8

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The First Sign 0f a. eold should remind you that the best time to coin- mence taking something is at the -beginning. It should also remind you that the best remedy to head off a speil of coughing is Nuniber 301 which contains the tuedicinal properties of the Norway Pine. It is an excellent remedy for Coughs, Bronchitis and ahl throat and lung troubles-25e, per bottle. Delicate Skins which are easily roughened and irritated by exposure to extremes of weather become velvety and smooth when our eream of W,,.itch I-azel is used. Gentlemen wihl find it an excellent application after shaving. Prepared by J. Higginbotham &Sons BOWMANVILLE. Cheuists andi Druggists.1 The . Hlolieday li -1* port.......... So dear to the lieart of ail young toys andi to many a one who long ago ceased to be young is perfect when y9ur skotpoB are the Eokeir maie. The Steel in these Skates is the very finest and the prîces very low. Dusta & lloar BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 12, 1898. BRADLEY'S. SQHOOL HOTJSE. Mr. James Parr was eleciedtrnstee lu place cf Mr. James Heatlie, msigned Mr. Geo Milison taies tic position as Scecretary-Treasurer... ýMrs. J. Pasce and Mrs. S. Souci gave pleasant parties recently .. ..The "lMitchell Farn" lias Ibeen soid 10 Mi. Chuls Rogers. wio lu- tends taiing possession in the sprng.. ..,This section daimste have -turcd out as nuany clever men anti women as auv purely country section lu West Diirham. 'Who eau naine them ? SOLINA. Mr. Wood, blacksmiti, visîteti Port Ferry, recently ...Mrs. R. J. Luke, EKedon,visited her parents recenty.... Revival meetings are being lielti ai El dati.. .- Mr. anti Mrs. J. T. Rundie lu tend visiting frientsisnl Mari osa Ibis week . ... Messrs. TIcs, antilF. Short-, ritigevisiietiBookiîufrienis recentl y.. ..r. T. Baker, C.C.,has employeti Mr. Nelson Hudson, Haydon, as forem ah for 1898. ... Mr. C. Rogers has a big wcod sale Thursday .. ..-Mr. A. Hogarth vis- ied Port Hope, rccently .. .. Miss Polly Worden visiied the Misses Pasce, me- ccntly .. .. Mr. S. J. Williams 18 impro- ring &gain nicely. BLACKSTOCÉ. <The' greate8t and miost cenjoyable okat1xng Camnival ever hçelti lu Ibils section came- off on the Privceýss Skat ng inMonda y cvening, Jan 3. The ittendace was, large, xnany were cos- twned. Tie voti, beanty anti active lie of ic locality were neyer dispîsycti to better advantage. Tic success was conîlete 'Ti judges awamded tic rizes asfil :Gents' Costume-Mm. £NTm Becoc. Ldies,'Costume-Miss E. Gibert., Enniskillen Girls' Cosinnie -Edua Jobb. Haîf-mile racer-Chas, Deunisen, Port Perry. 0 HAYDON.. Mr. H. C. Rundie lias resumeti studies at Trlnty .. .. Many frorn lieme attendeti the sehool concert at Burieton receutly, A jolly sîigh mati amusedth îe earlyv sîcepers on' tie retumu.- .Mr. Wm Brimacombe lias been very 111 but is improving siowly. Tic operation ap e ar s te have been very succcssful, un cm Dis Michell anti Hackney. - - Pleasaut gatheings of young people were iciti reccntiy by Miss Maud Trewin anti Miss Aidie Broad . . .. Mr. Victor Goodman is the happY possds-aer cf a baby boy-.,. . Mr. Robert Fallis visiieti lere lasi week. Ile bas rented thc wesi part of ils faim te Mi R Ashton, whilc Mr. T. MountoY take- the cast side ... ..On Sunday, the League at HaYdou helti special meetings A sunrise praY et meeting ýwas helti, a ina s meeting addressed by Rev. R. N. Adanisý in lie afterneen, and an evangelisti.- meeting ai night. Il is wlat a congi h " -' eti at makciesocle angerous. ia.nsom's Rlive Symuip anti Tomlia medi iethat bas long beeniliste(l îin rivaî I-ctc soltih%, Iitott Iî:iIIIId dlu-gists V'n.eaIy. NEWCASTLE. Receîît visitors :Mr. Frank Rowand Picton. at home; Mr. Ceveland. and Miss Evie Clemence, and Mr. and Miss Cobbleidick,' Kirby, ai Mr. J. M. Cobble- dick's: Miss Maud Fisher, Toronto, guest of M iss Florence Behiwood ; Miss Lena Dancasier, Bowmanviile, ai Mr. Uenry Barrable's; Miss- Liilie-ickýard. at Welèome- Miss L, Piekard visitiug hier sister, MirsD.Brokenshire, Haydon; Miss Lizzie Clemence visitiug lier'sister Mrs. S. Turner, Shiioli; Miss Ethel Bon- atian at Newtonville,... Rev. W. R. Youiig, B3' A.Por t Hope, preacied twc splendid Misinary sermons, lu tic Methodist churci, Sunday ... Tic Legu is holding, special meetings cvr igit tuis week in connection with thc Forward Evangelistie move- ment .. .. Quite a number aitended thc sunrise p rayer meeting lu tic Metiodist churciinday at 7:30 o'clock. TYRONE.' A Literary Society ln connection witi tie Tyrone Publie Sehool was organizcd en Friday, Jan. Vith, tic new officers being. Prcsident-Bert Creeper ; Vice- Presîdent-Florence Frazer; Secretary --George Sandersa; Treasurer-May Byarn; Committee cf Management- A iC6 Creeper, Ocra Scott, Willie Stock and Otto Sanders. Mr. Thos. Ncwton is receveriug frein pncnrona... Misses May and Hattie Ciemeus w8T ec ent guests of ýMiss L. R. M Broad, Little Britain. ... Rev. A. M. Ixwln spent New Years at is home, near Lindsay .... Miss Mande Creeper, Haydou, bas been vlsiting Miss M. Haw. key .. .. Messrs A andi J. Bond visited ticir sister, in Mariposa a few days since .... Tic Senior League continctedtheic Sabbatil evening's servtce vcry ably. Rev. R. N. Adamns led the devotional ex- cises, Mr. Arthur Aunis tic responsive rcadings, the tcogregation assisting in tic praise with the exceptien cf a speci- ai selection by Misses A dams and Werry and Mr. A. Brent. Tic beast features cf tic service werc tic papers on-'Pray- er" by Miss R. Berry and "'1lic Even- geliti Campaigu" by Miss E.M.Wcrry Thesepapers frein earnest Christian werkers should have ut powerfuI influ ence for good upon île Lea&ue Evan- gelistie effort this week_ in Tyrone chiurci Tic members are grcatly en ceuragediby tic large attendance ai their 7.30 praYer meeting on Sabbati morning. Lasi Friday ex'ening tic aniual election of officers took place under wiich efficient staff we loek for tic best year lu tic Lcague's hisiory. -...Cotîgratulations te N]r. Geo. Me- La*ughlin, Oshawa, ou, us haudsome majoritY at the receni municipal elcc- tiens is lie not a West Durhain boy- aimost ?. .Our ucw icacier was un- aile through l iiess te take charge of his reomat tic opening of thc ternu but is now getting uruderway very niccly and pomises te be very sudcessful .... Mr T.T'P. Jardine, and son, Wallace, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mis. S. Pol- lard on Sabbath.Mi T. Farrell lefi. last week for Ontario West, te speud tic2 remaincier of tic winter wiii lier sister. AT70TION SALES. THCRsDAY,' Jan. 2 -Mir. Chas. Rog ers, will sdi on theiLuMitcl farin, lot,.31, cou. 6, Darliîigton, idai Bradley's ScUlI oleuse. ten acres of geood bard wecd ini siali lots. Sale ai 1 ociock Sec bis, L, . AW. ToLE, audctioneeri COURTICE. Mr. S. J. Courtice lias returied toi Victoria University ... . Mr. Leslie Pas- coe, Enfield and Miss Pascoe, Solina, have been vlsiting Mrs. Littiejolins .... Mrs. S. Flintoff, daugliter of the late John Trick, died on Friday after a ling- ering illness. That her husband died just six months ago adds to the sadness of the case. The cbildren, two boys, have the sincere sympathy of the coin- munity in their bereavement .... On Sat- urday next will be a meeting at the Sons' Hall to arrange the' routes and lire inilk drawers for the D U. C. Co., for next season. Other business will, aiso be attended to. Everyone interest- ed should be present. ENNISKILLEN. Mr. A. B. McLeod, Brandon, Man., is guest of Mr. J ames Pve His numer- ous friends here are delighted, to have a hearty shake from Sandy once again. . ... Mr. and Mrs. Card. Uxbridge, have been visiting their relatives at Mr. Jas. Stainton's .. . .Rev. R M Phalen, BA.,, held the annual Missionarysrien Presbyterian Church last Sabbathand delivered a very interesting discourse.. *..The service at Methodist churcli at niglit was furnished by the League and conducted by the pastor, Rev S. G. Rorke. Excellent papers on theForward Movement in Missionary and Evangel- istic work were read by MriH.J.Werry and Misses Mary Virtue, Tiny Stainton and M. Welch. The churcli was crowd ed and mucli interest displaved in the work of the young people ..The Mitchell Estate near Bradley's School was sold to Mr. C. Rogers of Hlampton for $1.000.-Great wood sale there on Thursday of this wee MAPLE G OVE. A sleigh load of young people from Oshawa enjoyed a very pleasant even ing at Mr. Wmn. Foley's last Wednesday ...Rev. J. J. Rae,_ of Bowmanville condureted Missîonary services here Sunday afternoon and preached a for- cible sermon on Christian givîng.... Visitors: Mr. Stanley Pickup, Millbrook; Miss Edith Goard and Miss Ma--ei Tait, town; Mr. and Mrs. J. E.- L. Cole; Hampton; Mr. Alfred Crumb and Miss Lyda Crumb, Toronto; and Mr. John- ston, Newtonville. . .. The oyster supper and concert oelebrating thie 87th an- niversarv of Maple Grove Division, S. of T. on Jan. 7th was a grand success financially and socially. The oysters and other goodies were served in good style by an active staff of waiters and the concert was one of the best. given here for many a day. Mr. James Gil- fillan. B. A., a former inember of the Division, performed the duties of chair- man with easy grace and bits of humor The musical numbers were supplied by Misses Ethel Trebîlcock a nd C. Little- johns and Messrs. James Goard and A. B. Cornish. In elocution Miss Estelfle Reynolds and Messrs. N. F. Ilundle, L. T. Courtiee and S. H. Pickuo) Rev. E. E. Howard gave a pithy àddress on Habits. The hearty vappause which greeted each entertainer was sufficient proof of appreciation. It was altogether the most successful anniversary the Sons have had for some vears ... The following are the new Division Officers: W P-M. Munday, jr; W A-C.Wor0len! R S-W. C. Frank; A R S-Miss 1. M. Stevens; Financial Secretary-J. D Stevens; Treasurer--Wm .Jeffery; Chap -Ern est Foley; Con-John Gay; A C- A. Wellington; I S -T. Power. O S-R. R. Stevens; P W P-M. Munday ; D G W P-M. Munday. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Jan. 10, 1898. 'lhelCoune,îl for Darlinglon (the samne as last year) met pursuantto Statute and made the usual Declaration of Qualification andi of office. After some congratulatory remarksý, the Reeve callefi the Couneil to order. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. An ac. count was presented from James Gallaglier for 67 loais of gravel 8.25. Ordered tobe paid. communications were presented fromn Amen.- eau Surety Company ln referene to insuring Townshlp officers Receivediand fyled. Fromn D. Eagleson, Chartered Accountant, asklng for anlpointm'enlt as Auditor. Received and fylefi. vfrom Peter H. llryce, ackLOWledglng recelpt of Report of Local Board of Health. Reeîved and fylefi, From Municipal World acknowledg- lue receipt of $5.00 for renewal of subscription. Fyled. From J. Ross Robertson, chairman ofThe Hospital for Sick Chuîdren, asking for grant lu aid of sald Institution. Laid over. Fromn Secretary Provincial B3oard of Health canin attention to ameudmeuts of the Public Health Act. Heceived and fyled. Fromn the Hlamilton Bridge Works Co., Business Otrenlar. Receivefi and fyled. From'The Times Print- ing Go. proposng to do the Township printing. Laid oer. Applications were received for the office of Trownship Clerk as follows: Messrs. Thomas Creeper, Tyrone; Richard Avery, Hampton; Peter Werry, Tyrone; Fred T. Alun, Hampton; Lewis Johns, Hampton; W. R. Clem. ens, Tyrone F.L. Ellis, Hampton; John Lyle, Bo;wmanvill'e. A By-Law was lutroducefi for appointmnent of sald officeer whlch was read a first limie'and laid over tili next meeting. ïï wasi moved hy Mr. Clemeus and seconded by Mr. Courtice that the Clerk be a resîrient of Dan- nington and that hie lbave an office In Hampton onex tlree afternoons in each week, namely MdaWednesday and Satnrday from onue to live o'clock, p. m. and that applica- tions will stilîl le received up to next meeting of Council. Carried. By-laws were passed for the appolutmnent of Mr. John M. Jonegs nadMr. Iunlthe wold thene isn other tncuiment sn pure, so sweet, so safe, 50 speedy, fo~r pre- îerving, p)liifyiug, and beautifyiug the sikin, scalp, and hair, andi eradicatîng every lha- mon, as warm baths witlî CUTIcURA SOA8 l, amid gentie anointings with CuTicuA (oint- ,ment), the great 8kin cure. la sold i holenthe iWorM. lio .r". o & -ýr C o"" "',Soe 1'ap . 10gW,. S-AI AUat the Ski-, SeAp, ad ar'c. EYIERY ]HUJILOR Fr- ipî7. 2 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Last Sunday was the Quarterly Comn- munion Sunday in St. Paul's -church, when six new members were added to the roll. A gratifying statemeut was mnade by the Rev. R. Douglas Fraser that, the wiole number added to the Roll during 1897,namely 36, was larger than the number added duriug auy year of lis pastorate. The total nuin- ber uow on the Roll is 198 wiich is larger than at any time since 1888, and 27 more than the number on the Rol when Mr. Fraser assumed charge of the congregation As siowing the changes that occur, in congregations it was stated that since 1885 whist 283 have been added to'the Roll no less than 208 have been removed from the Roll by death or by removal fromn the town. The annual business meeting of the congregation was held on Monday eve- ning, wheu reports from the varions boards aud organizations were present- cd. They were all of a most encourag- ing character. ,Tic finances are in a solid condition, $1781,47, some $20 more than last year,was receîved by the Board of Managers during the year, and $1802 02 expended, lcaving a small balance of $21 .05 due the Trea8urer. The Ladies Aid have on hand $884 97 towards the School Rooxn and Organ Fund. which with otier amounts held for like purpose makes up a total of $1818319. To the varions Missîonary, Education- ai and Benevolent Sehemes of the Churci, the Missîonary and Benevoleut Association contributed $282. the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society $186.71, the Sabbath Sehool and Bible Classes$387.40, and the 'y .P.S.C.E. 317, making in al $463.11. The Board of Managers were re- eleeted. It was gratifyîng to note that the saine progress as in former years had been made lu ail branches of the churcli work. This progrcss and the hope for the future shown by the reports have always made these annuai meetings a source of great satisfaction and pleasure to the congregation. But iast night the sad dutv devolved upon its members of receiviug Mr. Fraser's resignation. To enabie thein to do se and to discnss thc subject, Mr. Fraser after speakiug a few words of tianks retired and Mr. W. F. Allen, J. P., was moved into the chair. Mr. J, B. _û airbairu, P. M.,wîth appro- priate words moved andDr.McLaughliu seconded the foliowing resolution : That as the reasons given by Mr. Fraser for this step preclude any rea- sonable hope of lis alterin_- lis decision, ,ue are tierefore compelied, aithongli witi great reluctance, to acquiesce in bis request. Then several spoke in the kindest termis of Mr. Fraser, of the dignity and tact of ail his acts as a public man of the town, of his faithfulness and frani- ness as a pastor, but especiallv of al the littie uunoticcd acts of kindness, words of advice, helpiug hands and con- ciliation by which he kept up thc home- 111 eof the congregation se tint perfect liarmony prevailcd and assisted s0 wcli tic work of tie Christian Endeavor. Messrs. !F. L. Guy, EdgarW. Aluin, Thos. Power and Thos. VanCamp, representatîves frain tie Base Lino Sehool House,came over to the meeting and were cordiall~ welcomed. For tiese. Mr. Edgar W. Allun spoke of Mr. Fraser's great kindness, to tiem and thanked the congregatien for their help and hoped that tliey wouid soon be suppliid with another pastor. Tic chairman then put the resolution which was adepted uuauimously. Mr. Guv, Mr. Paterson and Dr. Mc- Laughlin were then appointedto repre- sent the cougregation at the, meeting of Presbytery. It would speak iii for the power and influence of our religion founded as it is on love to God and our fcliow-men if the tender and intimate tie which has bound us so long together as1 pastor and people could be severed without causing pain and sorrow to many amonz ns, indeed perbaps, to the whole congregation. We feel it riglit to say that during ail the years of lis miuistryv here therelias. been, no disquieting ciement. The kindliest aud best of feeling lias prevaiied boti among our- selves and towards him, lils puipit work lias been niarked by care aud abiiity and at ail turnes by a maniy and fair advocacy of any and every question affccting the welfare of lis own congre- gation and tic geod of tie community ,ombined witi a fervent desire to maie known to dying men tie great saiva- tion througi tic crucified Redeemer, neyer failiig to give great prominence to the missionary, benevolent and cdu- cationÏai sdiemes of tle cdurci. As Moderator -of the Session is course lias been wisc and considerate, In tic discussions that have arisen pertaining te the welfarc of the congregation, itq discipline, etc., no friction lias taken place; and lie leaves wîth the affection of every member of tic Session. does flot tirive, a dose of MILLER'S WORIM POWDERFS oceasionallv wili cure. %bi ao WakoU tlp'o TYOiuxOplor'ti=tles Dou't Fait to Attend The Mason Co a Breat Bargain Sale Ail Week B EFORE STOCK-TAKING we are t~ound to clear ont 1seveial thousaDd dollars worth of goods. iPrice is no objeet just now, these goods must and will go. Doubtless you have read the bis containing list of prices and special attiactions. iNow is the tirne to act. iPrices wiil be the same ail week. Saturday wiil be a big day, if you can't corne beforej corne then. You wili be sure to see just *ha t you want and at a price that will surprise von. Our Flannelette ljnder- wear for Children and Ladies, now bein,, soid ail ready to wear for less than the cost of the material, Then again the prices now put on our Clothing <"nd Overcoats Wil1 surprise you in many instances, only haîf its vaine. 0f course we are losing money on these particular lines ont we have ont object in doing it and after the' iirnense trade done this fali we think we can afford to be somewhat liberal. Ladies Coats and Purs stili further reduced, ail must be sold, we wont carry any over. Sorne êtartling values in Dress Goods, ask to see them. We are clearing ont odd limes ail through the s tore, now is the tirne for bargains. Our Gz'ocezy :uins lias been constantly increasing from the day we started and there is a reason for it. J -ust as the people find ont that we give better value our trade will increase, We are here to serve the public and nowhere can you get more or better value for your rnoney. T0he Mason Co THÉ CHEESE INDUSTItY. BLACKSTOCK FACTORY's GooD REconD. The foflowing excellent report of the operation and resuits of the Cartwr ight Cheese Factory for the season of 1897 cannot fail to prove interesting reading to ail, but especially to those whG are watching the upward and onward mardi of the great agricultural inter- ests of the country. Such a report goca far to prove the expert and business like mnanner in which the factory is conducted. 1The aîînual meeting of the Blaek- stock Dairýy Company was held in the Town, Hall, the attendance of both Shareholders and Patrons was good and ahl seemed satisfled m iti the resuits of the past season's operations as out. lined by the President in lis opening address.' The followýing ' was stated to be the position of the conceru: The ilunber of lbs. of miik delivered 1,136,445, The aggregate lbs of cheese 105,428. The aggregate cash received from samne $9,087.41. By> paid' Co'y. for manufacturing Cheese at'24e, 32,372.01 ; leaving to be divided amongst the Patrons $6,715 40, less $89 paid Cheese Maker for making 78 milk tests, also $20, to Secretary, and $34.15 expenses ofSalesman, Prom this it will be seen that the Patrons have been paid $6,622.25 for their milk, or 6.28 cents per lb. for their Cheese. The Shareholders made the foilowing disposition of the sum reeeived by thein for manufacturing cheese,viz. ,$2,872.01. B paid CIe Maker 85e per lý00 Ibs .. .. $896 09 Milk Drawers ................ 874 27 Repairs to Factory ............. 115 52 Patrons for Whey wasted,ruuning. o ver tank ...................83500 Insurance on Factory......17 Shareholders, dividend 75 o $1870 capital ............ .... 41100O $317 631 Balance on hand ........... 24 88 $237201i At the election of Directors the old Board was re elected except one mem- ber tiereof who refused re-election aud Mr. S. J. Devitt was elected in his stead At a meeting of the new Direct- ors subsequently held, Mr. Albert S pinks was chosen President ; Mr. William Swain, Vice-President; John~ Smith, Treasurer; and Mr. Gx. L. Mc- Laugilin, Secretary. Mr. Wesley Mouutjoy was appointed the Company's Auditor. For Infanlts -ndChie. Mhe fa simils g of ~wrappers, Canadian W. 0. T. Ul., Day o± Prayer. Thij great White Ribbon army througloot the Dominion sot spart Jani. 3rd as a day of special proyer andi thanksgiving. This was duly observed by ils Ladite' cf, the W. C. T. U. ln Bokvmanvllle, ànd was te îlcse whe avaled themeelves of ius orivileges, a scasou of blessing. It would be an' inspiration tui.e i tyal wonkers in our town if more cf out chrîst4an ladies tonk bld of ibis noble work as they should. For there are cases of reai n.eceosîty and down right poverty In our midast, which oniy a sisi.enhood cf tbis kind, fucll cf .hristian zeal and charitable sympatliy, eau reach -The fuliowing ln a synopisis cf the pro- gramme for the day:-The meeting was led by Mre. Hoar theI'reàident, ln an ýable manner, Occupyiiag seau beide her, were MrsS. Mason, the esteeinedl lion. Pros. aud Mrs* M/. Crydermait the ovangelîsule Supt., At 10.30 the meeting, opened wlth a prayer and praisoiservice.thle mehbeors repoating promises of prayer,,sud led by Mrs. Roariluspecial prayer for the officials in île work throu«hont the Dominionw, Rev. R. D. Fraiser gave an sddress on Wha. le Prayer. This waseue cf uthe hest teachings on prayer we have ever listened to. MNr, Sherin led lu Prayer pointed and helpfui addrek on How eau we epqsie cWindows e.Heaven, Speciai prayera werî, offareti for varions~ departmenta cf work suid special lineR cf work in whioh the W C.ý T UF. are engtaged. Those leading lu prayer were Mrs. Hyslip, Mrâ. Higizlnbotham, Mr,' Stephens and Miss ole. A beautifol Solo was rendered by Mise Tait, after whloh Mrs. S. Mason led the Noontide Prayer and the meeting adjourned tifl 2,30 P. M. Thle atternoon session opened with slnging snd a ivery heipf ci talk on Prayer, led by Mrs. Hoar, after whiou ]Rev. R. A. Burrni apokre iii an able mnanner on hIndrances to work, using Soripiuial illustration. Mra J. J. Màson sang a solo in a sweet voioe end Rev. J. J. Rae gave a fine, adreus on Wk'at eau we do for île Plebisolte Bill, Mre. G. Haines offisred apecial prayer for Prohibition aud the triumph cf rigiteonsness, after wl'ch Rev. Mr. Barnett gave a practical address on The serins dangers thraatenicg the Canadian S.%bbath An interestiug feature cf île afiernoon session was tic teatimonues with regard to special snsweris te proyer. A coveneut engage. ment for speeiaj prayer fur tic acceea% cf the Plehiseite Bill was taken upi af 1er wlich tifs icteresting fervice was closed witli singing the ?lemperauce Doxclogy and Benedietion,1y Rev, a. A. Barrnas. Misa Nes u acîed as orgaulsi. Thc weekiy circulation of tbis paper is more than double that cf it cempetit- ors., Our rates are moderate. tim1 , 1 o of 1

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