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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1898, p. 2

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f KENDALL. V~kC~n~ o~t'mn in our idg-e and his wife, th(ýir iunited 0eeer n1hu-say 'ihe deceased amlountino' to 1147 y'LI]]r Bnjail Thle Cana 1 l ~ p PSS 1)0 QOA. Ml.D To snlias a sore k1ne'. wýyt!i ler fhusban dfl mlw resi- Rowe and' his w', ',l,, ivThomp.son lias gone to Mit- dents here for a nuraber of years. .. ..Mr 151z; Mr SaiLWx1tobibit»s and lis house Ân1hPae N CL S H chel1.... .Miss Lily Hlagliey is vsthgand Ms J. L. Bclyand daul4er keeper 1630 ; Mr. Henrv Bryant aL.1 i' uaihdBREA4KFAST 0OCQA1 friends in Port Hlope,... .1endallfisIiery JEminalMr audl Mr. R. R1dliad, 1 c; wiff to-etlier 1,8; SIÉ Roger Jeli- lias pagsed into the h lands of anewConi- Courtice, -Mr. and )îMr Wl1n. Arrnlstrong n s>who Ii his oung-er dl, S lived as EVERY \11, . .Pôssess the .foiiowing nany,. IC. A. Murray is retâiined as and-, citcl ios. fir OrbnQ, viit sci'vat t111(i reiailcd as i im n Sistintuve Mrdes . ..Mr.J ohm Ogdon has pd Mr. and Mrs. Wes1eyý lenny i y- the pI)ov ofMr, . . 'l,,liton's father Distinctiv<MFTCits coved on the Miller farm .. Miss L-ily pool, reIeIlth ... . HrrChapple, anid e, andfath0er at A1faiýdiswortliy for ~6 SATEIA1 tL~, ii~~ £ DELIQAQY 0F FLAVOR. Forsvth las been visiting ber auntM'r.s, Býilings. M 'n.ism for- the hl-enefit over,50 carn-, lie with hi, wife ard 1.'2.Vcoy0~ heM btnt SUERORT I~JQ AUY.W Ltte Mrs, John Maethewsi lias ofh1is heaith ..Mr. johin J, Momnent eris od r, ,SamuelAshton and his ROwMAJ--T 13'Y retre rmPr oe..M.Jh o fM .MmnP a student w mife mnake together 146 years. Mr. Faùimsî ' of Dlisease. GRATEUiL til COMORTINO Jackson attended County Counceil at a't Pr.inceýton Smîar, ent down to iel. Sanguin, Boot and Shoe manu-____ ~rni te ER OUSorDYSEPIC oor.. ..Mr.Wm Uderwood hsLwec a.2,t tedoeonrfacturer, witli his wife make together etr to teNROSorDSE 'returnied from a rolong.,ed viIt to at thie Yong M 'preparatory Col'- 135; Mr. George Sie. who 15 wiîli bîm IMPROVE !" HOMOPATHY il.i.UtII 5iUIUINUTRITIVE QUALITIES TJNRliV'1ALLED Tara.' lege and a short time after received an sons doing the masonry worko0fthe new Subcrptoui.O pr nnmor$10 i ludInQuiarter-Pounci Tiùs only. offer ofS $800 to) teacli, the balance oif the eslya Chapel, lie with lis wif Subcrptoni.o pr nnmor$1.0 f ai Pepred by JAýMES EPPS & 00ý., Lmrited, i<'teTi1iUf about five months .. .. Rev.1 make oehr12 Mr. Samuel Jhs'epei l rýkàe ieCrdb i stPrl h àiilc.HmopathieChen4îsLodnE Wnd. lMÀams prom-lied in the Simcoe a lnd li,; wife make tgtir12,3 C1,s ,Lno, nln. IEeigtgthr12MJln e 4 ei AlWik tif u1d l _____ I1UV ~ ' Street AMtlodist Uhurdli, Oshawa, Scun rs Mary Walker, trnryof ttise___ AB.MLUHN day Areek.' Bradwortliy H0ol anid Little Foid AVRII(, RTS Barrister, Soiltor and Conveyancer. Offie:- ___________ now,we are sorry to say o-CRS Kâ f ES FI I'ranaient Advertisille. 'T.î ýcents pe.r Lne Bleakley Block, King tree, Bowaiianville. ONLÎ VETERANS CAN REALIZEMle G i fined to lier bedroom, and has béen 'SO - first Insertion; Five Cents v'er Lîne each sub: onyto la at reasonable rates. 8lr SUFFERINGS 0F ARMY LIFK le y for 3 ears. she is in lier 76tli ý car. .Akemnarig rm sequent Insertion. Richard ~~~~~~~Osborne lias lived to'see hlýt r e.1.Alcivi rrig rme COeRAueRAtS.Dr. G. R. PATTERSON, Ti IIJIIIbirthdayand Mr. Gac i. . i O -icerýpt A.7Rdii&nÉo, Fies:dl1 ga s CONTRACT RATES. Dentist. Honor Graduate Toronto University ""' GrePirltAlc sret Tontay Iwa and oya ColegeDentl Srgeos. peelltis sster, lier 78th, and SUiR nimbie on hle tronbled for 'a year witb dyspepsia and at riMEs INSERTED., ArtihcalDnt-restS.o; AmalgamFillitigs 5oc. STRONG MEN MADiE IIELPLESS INVALIIYS,- fe.MToa iteioe . tmSuUutr î'd iletr oin. whgasvelmg BIZEOFADYER IS MI uheirst ciass work at very moderate priees. Office THEE TORY OF ONE WHO oFEEDA f John, before mentioned, wýho Ili'.at- c onsideril uineatiness. After using a 1 M lle Smts 6mhi Yr. Orono. t (3d 0 annual das and ' a uffer;, ial rli o ro whlch gavem ~o1n Clmn......20 A0NI0T ORT'QT'4E0I. S$60INGTORmMY A inners at the Tradesmnen's Club, never 1 1,1vr r ai nno fplngan Il V Rail Columu DR. J. C. MITCHELL, Front Chatham BannerW missiîsg once since le joine'i, lie 15 flow Mno' og n tt'Crsfs QuarterColumn,.. 00 16 26, 40 EMRE R OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS i ittýva.Te ehv,_,ý ip irým!j ýuU ar I t uu....00 10 16 26 ce n rudi ls8tiva.Tenw aeM- tiegr lhslndi eut.Ihv wengty-lve Lne. 4 ...12 m and Surgeons, OntarioCoroner, etc, Every cone livinginad ro' Twenty Linea........ 400 6 8 13 Residen e Enniskîîîen. 7 the village of Wîeatley kllows Mýr. BUDNDYITM 0'auniton. wlo lias lived l the parish . noetfŽualteeiU f1l2 tejýZ Fifteen Lines....... 850 55 7 50 12 Peter Sippe, who lias been a resi- RE DVO X F ail n is . m a paish apprenîice to 2~ Ten Lîies...... ..2 501 4501 65011i ier l 't rive lUnes,......125 3850 6 10 denti fl of thepac"o upwards o rise to be ene of the iargest farîners in s-n' v~~'<i- s ue i The above are contraIt rates, and apply ony R.PE . E, TAenIpacefo o DIEAtee .i n ow 6D r te frusts Of .~ f t ciIrbsnmdetsr.twenty years, and woduring pthseeîjos ôt.eol 'ee5m etiatmeh roisce hseariy dalvs tlift and carefuines,, q>.M'.Cii -nt ennoln Chainges of esntraet allvertisements must e Gentlemen'slothes made te Order. -%liole of that period up 10 last y-ear lias lived 96 years. Few villa ges ac- I~t.a. . aî sî.Pîe2e handed ns inlot later that one o'lock on Saturday _ -this rude will Se trictly enforcedl was a constant silferer from acute cording to its siz have so manv5e i, . fn' tue oeh, nîsh Paragrp deismneaognw m rheumatism, complicated by other eople livin luhirnis IABE tt.> r 10ec p fine eaeS insertion. Zlît tI fl d nWestern Exeter) 'fjîîes, Jâiiuaî r& -,s ' e14.urSpen Ii h,2c arae n ets 0.11te4tO 4U troubles, until le was worfl almlost f edr Y ii'Ltue nialfrse 13b, 2e arae n ets 0 _________________~Many edesof THE STATESMAN in bi,;,ey n ee . end Dlsplayed advertisemenie are meastired by'a bo a sliadow. At the age of 20 lieflhIll Ilmlhfl Canada are connected witli - ntsoute' t'SOP nrofCet &cale of soliti noripareil andi so eharged. 13OWMANVILLE, FEB. 9, 1898 joined the 2lst New YorkVoluniteers rt'htrlise wortliv old people or are familiar Mll1 ný' "' . -no s t bedaîbeýý lit Orderer for diseontinning advertieement3 must__________________ and after being a member of that or- IlIbl l îl te cames, havino' heard of 11cm se tnt bli lb wrtlnjotserwise the publislier wli not gnzto o rprnt.iiCc1t~îus ,i~"Uonn e ircres il THE ÂN JSE SALE îrceyeas e ondda manv natives of Bs-ýdmortllv whose -t. 52nee ~.s aaiS lnpnr1t1eë8 Noý ýiaper wl be stoppýed until ail arrearag-esteNe Yok aarxan srvd - -' ' -ci5, ite-t'.-2. apof aid, ex ceoat tlie option of tseuit le.A Witl the tlireatened destruction by . avOe a Life arîer îîteen wl aiywiiwgetoenîîton snyne i d2t i~t es are a lcut i p iIoffc S to dseontinne lesot enficient. the terrible San J ose Scale of the blîs trougli the War of the Rebellion. cd bv "R'am ier." Wemighlt aIie miir - Doube reIserates.are cîsargetidungpas inicenlyapesnisrmta- Mstt Csr5imeî eerfl.T Mar-el, ÀArl anti Mîîy and Otober, Novem,ýber gant prospect of Ontario fruit-apples, 1He took part in the lhistoric babtie of tionLI A Cetarralî Custs-peýustau 2àe,-eradleateS tise dîsVfEI andDeeembr rdi9l y gdvýertislong bot con- peaches, plums, peais an(d grapes- Bulles RuneFredcrickburg, upp ea li ) 0 g ny e this connection. Mýr,,John .James, t. 1 , tu ise b.Catarris Tablets-P&c# traceti dfor by be eara mrkc lu Ic ritihAIiesfatlier of thé, Editor f fTiIE STrAl-iSMAz,2 euts ate eîy ati llkn jl rnigdn -t u.esgaining amre nte D ihIlsper, etc., and at one urne rode 80 wlio wili celebrate lis 7Srd birtliday, iîtte att,-emeâtee. reev la an kdeof jndon Printi doenis.A?1 5Eroemiles ai a stretalgrcarrying daspatdli- cu depthmdo esoal ere e an o elu therehcnisluda even - rin dsp tlMardli 5, lis brother Thomnas James in 51lgnyn.staie, agrttol nr office la supplied wth a Freat varie 0f th iigc a e o cdesepro NwY- Sae"aO hirtresitr t"orr-f vital ,;riingtbi 50 weak "Pe'te.,$1 latest antiMost fashlonable styles of fl-pc. crsct of the Province, the prompt and esthrougli thc enemy's lices. Ou N ewngrland, an tioraore itliy A Separaie CUre e eC ieLeAt ildruit Businss noicesin loal o nowsequinis frst i Engand, ll naivesofisis.orhyi gs ete T 25t centcente a vall. Buins Ltie î lcl r ee clme irtviocý,rous measures tb figli tbhîs snscct another occasion hewasouhorseback P~~ oa sw asaietse ' tes'eruin. nt. ,P. nsu i l ert~e Imeli Dry- reqenatsriout pr(tf 14e4-Stf totaii a las ceariy a ectiaPtai 6J erea et. otetSOnto. PsrofMcnisn.reI AXb Nelicsof me takn b> Ic Ho. Joh Dry-for four days and five niglbs, atn IVILIJ(aeaI al. dîe Ing ofts-tie a wic a Cadmglon e den, Min2 ster Agriculture, are bira~8 ~a 9 ae oa -oleh'isaeu 0t splio.eiecs~ htwr cdd fîeis lbitte wondcr iliat sud liardships Tîcir parents ivedto 94 ý 8yer Al dorc cons esould iSe sddrteeci, wisdom -îî4idî l2arked the sciection by left liim, as they did tlousanids of Oyer Discases Ever Recorded, dthrganpretwreoog- Sir Oliver Mowab h-hen Premier of îlee.Allers, witli a wrecked constitution. rnS, onè abaiing10 years M. A. JAMES, Government, to, wîhis lic is cow H-er Whiie lu the armay as a resuit of poor O~NEET OMN Bowmanviiieont Majcsty's represontaiî,o rcia and often worse water, lie was a-Ts teto fteraei ait oa at- __________________farmer as bbc responsibie 1,1',d0fTh actetioen ofkh re latey uble to tat m- CUTR Ms lvr pariment liaving to do with thî, great- backed witli diarrlioea, whidli ssi-Ln- t cielti okltl uls db hted -XOC CLUE.Mg Goe i hrnefom hi fcoregT, -Mr. Kevili Says: "Your T)ltxePy ieis. lUBoisertzM.D 252 ý gielsoi u-Iieclu est 'î utccunr.acrne om hWo cus a-oodward Ave., Detroit, MieSTc i oJt a 1, imberoutlpntile, at bier home, King Under antlioîitv conferr*x vtilg ywakud lan i fuh oinon Baihe J pes at Sneaanc wl cranl eutBoo lieslastt otnaua ato itet aeS f iltretcMiitr fEcation lias prcy to île pains and berrors of o rIefan-emstntua ato etetEstilaue utMnke f dCo preaansedaltest value to anyone desirous ofseee-uring th - lxtcl ad booB. ries and ordliards of the districts wldrýet My che andPais." peretIelSat iCrArqt'tfrad. tOf4L, i" ell"RIondyke Goiti Fielde"aredjnsetrsa or nîl use aIËer ho a crvroneo ~ IL Ac)je adPin. d îsealed copY wsîî Le somîtee i!a nitut ar AG N Sle,,, o'lf,..Prospecîu's'îte scale lias got a start and il is heing Inc h. " ~repci to'emsed as above andTi TE STÂTESEiN Menîtion-ai n~ls nwn cc i fc r 24ec Worths1.nBg Pay.c-ptaluinnecessary. tlieroug-hiy starrped out. be any better in tiss wont1ad ail '1l' d pcci cusrnd as igt yf' e, vCÉontain, BRADLET GARRETSON CO., LiiteS, Toronto. How serions a. malter dealing- with tried scores' of, inedicines wh-icýh HD this dangerous microscopîcal pest it ma v bHAYDONruhno6'-t- F -all ~t1'AiTED~Rl~S1WORT1Y ANDbouederstood wlen il is learncd thatbrultcneeifaial oe-ns actaciivegntlmeeorlaiemtotraeoforceload!ilkins f fui tres slrusfore fr wek aia rneI oailfot O AS 10 CoMPL CA ED Tc euîg eope ereenerlind Il Pouiblo estabuIsed boustein Ontario. MontS -anid bushes are suhject to distructsoe by lie dow-, tDr sleep, and could cat but FRTEGETMDC E by Mn. T. R. Rloar, Betliesda, recccîiy Euýclonee aisesedosto etad enlPe tsc cle, but al l ard wood growtb ie litbbý.lç, iw-as notôouîy roublcdvwitih... . Mrs.W V1. Creeper andMr. Wm. ,ominioCmpany, Lept. Y bteago. 39 - jýw our forests as wt-tllmav bce mmcd bîa re a u tc>aeudrîedco' ae. _ ,,- 1 - , - mheumnatism, bu ItmsWý Mr. Wm. Brimacombe is- areund after Thé Iiê IlpioIs lôs8 9iffercd In thei 17 ject to faiubing spelîs, and atitrhsvv er Top-oa- i other lits er-see ilinctts, , Thosç u> lie ai U"SIC -Aflyone can îearn to play sttcs of tRViI' ii amý5~e~1c efo-ryhny aeys. I would etSua:-o&bc as ifce indd t tecform ceo 1ît01 i ýi 4h i>PbolcTno, the MusiorCpiao. Su tweek evey ttifgO Wtvmt's admvirab llecaion t fe l ika m tr ai. W 1ih ihave been tnoubied witl diseased kid- GuW. le la to eel i ib-db1dUsr-C-t-'Tunîr, isulAcead smlsadmuet cotrprehlensive yet invented. velmn'adialacintnfe ikam tmr iRrfe dtw1gs ,iledvdonr'a4 P. ce 50 cents ut prpitinti oncintmsfo olhélahoili>io.Iameggdith afa-0Ilw Agnte waîted. E. L.WERRY, Publisher, Lock cnI.NQustehseeg eea Dbti. 1' f isLur DAae'.er7,Bomavile.4ý- f.- s hefoltowing extract f rom an:inter- m ykd sas ruldneturc of clicese, and am obliged te work ever -for the sex i egitieho tîapied two VieW with Mn. Allient Paye proprictor of doMysid..y.also toublednîe moe on cssblea sbooicg poture, t d ______M - tIcý Prospect Hlli fruit farineisear St greably and my nervous Sy'stem limnes 1 foued il aimost impossible 10es.. i- laMue a canvst are: -ucif î~~l~2~t -rcin seemd cmpl'rel slttced.'J'on- work owing 10 severe poins acr .oss My ing at Nilapoi-i:j\,enîîin -\dw'unet.,, 0ufr k2liaiving a, fairtrbia 1~ANTIED-TRUSTWORTHY AND S.CtcieOtre nbcBfaobecs-LWr. T-Goodhnan and tr I.\Vsi- aDrdock Biood V'activ e gentlemen or ladies ru travel for Express of Jan tI inst. Ides featrwrigi gue can scarcely tell low ini i kdus Ote 1ferwo1iu î ia.gton. .Mrs, E G Pa ceevisit-d lier rsoibie establiebeti beuse luOntario -MontS- l's ose'otcGe- -3 tooping positioc for a time i"weuld ahrr.JsMoercnty.... lv ent xpenees Position teady . Rfe"ne MY plte r poe'oteGv nu during hs long ilied it very difficuit tri straighteen p atMaselventeteerdo sti ~nselfai adtireirçèstamîe srloe eS rnment of Ontario," saeid Mr.Pàybu Dominion Compa.ny Dept.Y,Chleago. 39- 13w. - 1 ust sayblat in Mn Dryden the pres- weary years. About a year agi once and could only do s0 alter repealed hamlet. o nt administration las a most compe- was advised '.to, mv Dr. Xilliamas' efforts. T YU REE~BGTI ADtoet man. Whcn le asked me 10 crime Pink Pis, aud lb w-as a grand day 0v f iate yeans, wlîilc laboring under T ON i yuAREEaboveuteS preNDetri Toronto toc look over lis ",iii, 1 and for me that 1 began tîcir use. A-tlese severe attacks, I became vcr.y X STthoe wth m, epeced t fid tat w te I ad ued fe ï)nervous, and continually liad tircdte against canvassiug for a gooti Souk, write antitod wtlmcpccdt idtltw e lduc fwbxsry wr n eins yrs Ing get my proposition. TSe information will cuet wcre necessarv to the perfection of Iliat onutfeig.M rs a gh eothit.p, h ave put bundiede; of men le the bl u cwcrc flot Thc biiila d pains decreased and I was cie- seemcd to do me ne good and I always way of mnakiug monev, seme uf themn are nuwbilBtw'J rieS. I can do good thiures for you, if you arc ecdafd and was snhmitted 10 ns ably better. Later, througli cen-itin- felt ti red ont in the moreing. honorable anS workisard. 'IS. Lisse o for oun apprrva. cfoedt ig ldied use of the pillsj couldetskp I lad hee taking varions inedicines ____________________ fuily oed and iestead o tecig and feut as able te. work as I liad and was getling worse ail thc lune. At and Best for Table end DaII7 the Miister how te preserve thc fruit, dn twenty ycars age. I-o eliastl1 decided te give Paicc's Cclery No adulteration. Nover cakes. ' ELP WANTED.---Rcliabio mon in we f onnd oursei ves listeeing te Mr. Dry- du Compoud a trýial. 1 procnred a bbi la ery lo<alty, local or travelling, te In- dee's plans. Il wonid ho impossible to w-cil and strong and if aî1,iof nîly sd took itacriu to direction,;, and - troduc e icvr n epureo find a more capable IM seister of Agricul- old conadtes sec thîs adan aflcî-ci e ils efew onderfnil. Beforo I1liad Tic Living Age issues for January carda tlacked iep on trae fences anti bridgesy throughout thse country anti town ; steady em- bure in le Province Wc wcre deligît- cd1Iwould urge thern to try Dr i. nseid île firsi bobtie I began 10 improve; shiow tînt bIc spirit of its fosi-ider stil plît nt omisinoreaay.55 a msb dwitlnsn'aflr i lad used tlic second bIbtle I felt lîves : and tliev showrnore. Tîcincon- andi expenees anid monley deitintleantboknGo wber tarteâ. For particulare write TuE it 11is tbc cvrnimcnt's itnin" ilan'PikPls"as w-cl i4as ever 1 dld Ii my life. Ih lad lents are glea ncd fromn a widen field WOR m MEDICAL ELECTRasCe., Lontion, Ont. eontinued Mn. Pay, 'etc destroy or Au anialysis shows tlat Dr, Wil -banislicd&al aches and pains, my licr and there is au upl-toe-datencss in bhe T H E (l0K' ES Z1FRFiE N D 35- , M«cause lo be destroycd, cvory fruit troc liarns' Pink PRIS contilu lua con-vousess w-as ail goce, and the ired articles whý,licbcidnclife and rcncwcd LARGEUr IDALE IN CANADA. that is knowu Vo le infoctod witl theie sdfr l h lnet - l and worneont feelings w, re banislicd. vigor. TIc recent eniargement of tIc 'TANTED.-Canvasscrs, "Quccu San Jose Scale. Ib is believed Iliat the d1e or i leeenusnc can go bo bcd eow and soop well. and magazine, tic addition of new depat -_________________ VYVitoria: lier Lif c anti Reign," lias cap- post was lnongltib mb Canada frnm essary to, give ncw lhf cand ichnliiess risc in tIc moruiug rested anîd nefresli meejts, tîle w!- ioning of its scope by the turcS the British Empire. Extraurdinary es!-U ctd States nurseries, and ib bas le- to the blood, and restere slabteredc cd. introduction of ranslations fromt prom- moniale from tesgreat usiu; senti sur ory-free. Ui Mrisof Lorne sys, "Tise lest pupular life 0f cone so fatal to bIe fruit trocs that ex- nerves. They arc an unfalg I hiav~ ec meedPl'sCer ntotinalatosntpcsfTH tien Qi,,e1 ibave seen." HerMajes ety s a tromle measures are uecessary. Thcrscedsessa oo Compound to My friecds w-ho -wene prosent ictenost, are evidenices ocf enter- inilteofapeatn.Sellng uv thou specific for uhdsae qýlc0 an-; ies enthsistie satisatîin. ~anvuse ilpoie o cmesto 0a suffering from the saine roubles as 1 prise lIai will be apprcciated by, its E 'NE crs mat,,5to-O bkillRDETGaSE aron idli forlcomnsa t ieoworu A ai ti epati t HREN'" motor ataxia, partialchwileparalyseis, ert.nlad an.. have been gneatiy benefit- rendons, and furuisl wliat w*as need to R- sua, (Liniltedi, Toronto. to replace tle trocs witloub blie expense Vitue' Dance, sciatica, clî, cd. Knowing what ltb las donc, 1 can make The Living Age a complotec RE ho hirnsclf, and the penalty for negecet- rlcunîatism, nenvous licadadhe , île (,cleenfnlly necommend lb to auy person pedu fîewnd's lest current it-EDIE _3 fARS FOR SERVICE.-Tlie im- ing bo destnoy infcctcd trocs is suc as3 after effects of la grippe, palpitationi suffcing from inydiîease, erature. TFlic puiblîsiers' offer of bhc I>t proved Yorkshire 'Oak Lodge Emigrant"' to induce every ow-uer of an orchard to Yo0ustMuI, ciglit numbens of 1897 coutaining the Taking blie lead ec vhere. wa oa f n.J.E. BretiourS famous stock sec that tle iaw is carried oui. Wleu n I ennrospotain C. F. rIL, Dunsford, Ont. oecingeh les of bbe serial "Witlieaewrin a n i Sog a srecfa ombe t he pire"pie thle îlhlfecbed trecs are destnoyed w-e eau al diseases dopendine' upont viiate _____ al lier HReant." frocebo ail new subscril -Weacwrindyanngîo Emùigrant" tmp. iAlso aBerkshireIPr!ics Lec" thon starb ovoýr a gain unden a new law 1 urnors lu île'blood, sncb as scrof- ens for tlie v car 1898,. stililiholds good. supnly îhe demacd. D. BURKE SIMSPSON, sisting eue of thc men to put dow-n tle carbutele ou lis seg.,.. -Mns. Jamues md oaje, )II. :.J ,luoiz on a Driving Lamp to bc Sad, ask your ARRISTER, SOLliDITOR, etc. MORRIS' sernapliore, the lever flew- up and struck MeonPtroo iietfies icul.1 casa 0~dee ' daler foi- thec - Dietz.' B BOC, p-sr, Kig Sre, Bewman h Mn. J aosteei Conisongand ee... -r.Chas. MLa oo , îWr issue a spa liCataloguez of ibis vleSocrfonhetario]ank.t hrnjviabvetseeyinditngaeri ene. M. iea.. r n(4Tornos. dî îu f etn Larnp, andi, if yen e er prowl areunt d E lIS R i ~ oncy loaeti set rates. B Wlrot, Newcastlc. picked îim up vTe nied e..neraedfMrs. - tiA (1her lte aai nighs-taill i il lIinlereetyo ________________________________and carnieS lim te anilbnn bs aur akeflelit, wregiecsts1o fer a nRT OUN, ii . andfixd n tI w-nud -father Mn. James Linhôn)... . -Mn. and 'Tie maileS frer. D l J 1ST ROBERT____YOUNG,____V.__S. Mrs. Lewis St. Lonie anuidtultr fA E' nlokwlCrabI Msefo isassat il'a imuccs n oep cr'*.- Ctirte i. LDI( 1C 0 . 1HARNDEN, L.D.S. EFCEINWETDURHAM NEWS Moosomin,N.. T.,w-î-recent gicsgenOaro reiincdrclyopsieDîi ht.CaUs by alozls nOFFICE.-Opposite Express Office, tee~ap o tlehoe lî rceveprmp a- îgairs eliet cof tbbc laie Hlitipry Toms, w-ene R l ~ ~ Rtluaadln a1840. VTLDAR 171- y. ? /~4,4 .Wlpp. roughi bere from Mvar,iamRoad, -V- A-*'tE' -AIR. il

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