The N ew Presbyterian Hymnal, with tulnes, Price 60c. Do Not Fail To Procure A Bi ble--most Wonderful Value, 0* # e School Supplies. BOWMANVLLLE. FEt3. 9, 1898. Mr. Whtney belongs Vo the Church af England. From a character sketc h in Sa turday's Mail we learn that Mr. Whitney came of Liberal stock. The Flaneur in Saturday's Mail says "neyer be dead sure of a race until its wo," 50 work like beavers the rest of month for Dr. Mitchell. Because the British have perfected the party system the v are the freest people on the face of he earth, Tbrou gh the clash and f riction of opposing part- ies cores great good Vo the nation.-J. p. W*dtey. '"Independent Indus rial Association" is the namne chosen Vo take he plaice of Patrons of Iudustry in -Manitoba. W'e don't like the name; its oo cumbersome. The frst word '"Independent" with an *"S" added would be cqually compre- hensive and sufficienth- distinctive. When Mr. D B. Simnpson entered the Reformû Conivenition while ini session he~the other day alter his r"turn fromi Dansville, N;. Y., where he spent"six weeks in regaining'lost'health,his heart mnust have "Irisen in bis tr at,"aSwe s3ay, when hie wisnessed the spontaneous out burst of welcome home applause that greeted bis entrance. Ris re-elec- tion as Ronorary President by a stand- ing vote was likewise further assurance of the respect and confidènce entertain ed for hlm bybis fellow electors. Al were delightedVo see the marked im provernent in bis physical condition. Opposition papers' stili persistentlv assert that Ontarioolias no surplus, on the ground that he interest on he out- standing annuities must be aken into account. At that rate the Treasurer would be justified lu. crediting bis pro- vince with future assets. If a munici- pality issues 20 years debentures for $100,000l at 6 per cent. it does noV, in making up its books,convert that Hiabib- ity into one of $Î20,000 by adding $6000 of interest for 20 years Ito the face, value of he bonds. Yet this is exactly what he Çonservatives do with regard Vo the Ontarto annuities,and make hemselves ridiculous hereby in he eyss of busi- ness men. God's sakeVto shut Up" 'about the whiiskey bottie lu this campaign. WHÂT TwO CENTrS WrU, PROVE.-For a two cent stamp Francis U. Kahie, 127 Bav St Toronto, will seund a free sam- pli of 'frask's Magnetic Ointment and gook book to ituy one seuffering from Rhexmatism, Cillan,]ezmaTtter, Malt RLheum, Bruis", Fever sores. It is a posiïive cure for Piles DAItLLNGTOiN YOU-NG LIIE-RALS.1 The following mneetings hiave beeni rrgd:To-wn RalRmtnMn day venngFeb. 14t1î, Vo be addiressed by Mr ". .Gibson, Peid VTorontlo Youngl- Lib)eral Club, andf Dr. Mitcell. Sons' IRail, M.Carswel-Tue-sd1ay. Feb. l5th, o be addïressed by Mr'ýi. 1R. J. Gxibson aud Dr. Mitchell. Sous' RiaIl, T rionie-Wsdiiesday evening l'el). ltVo be addIreý,ssd by Mr. E. S. C. Ruyceke, LL. B., Cobourg, and Dr. Mitchiell, A cordial invitation is sxtendsd Vo ail Chair o be taken each eveniug at 7.80 p. m. THE PATRONS. Mr. Whitney conceived a strong aver- sien Vo he Patrons of Industry as far back as 1894, and since then he bas been at no pains Vo conceal his opinion of hem. When this organization was struggling for existence the Opposition leader,, speaking lun Dundas County, is reported Vo have said :-' 'e (Mr. Whitney) drew attention Vo the attempts Vbat wsre be- ing made Vo bind the Patrons Vo support every candidate nominated by the soc- iety. This was a most monstrous pro- position, and he warned Cons -rvatives and Reformers alike agaiust its couse- quences. IV was a direct stab at their liberties and freedom, he snjoyment of which thsyhad been conïmemorating that day. IV was a sin against huinanity. Think what iV amounted o! A man who is an annexationist or an infidel or a thief -thle worst man in hs commun- ity-ighlt bechlossu, and hs good, lîonsst, God-feýarinig man will'be coin- pellsd Vo grovel in the mireand vote for sncb a man. There was; neither pallia- tion nor excuse for sncb au, attempt Vo undo hs work of centuries aud irob the people of their anodndtheýir liberty and those who weure the, instigattors of iV had noV the interest of hs farmners at hseart aud wsre unworthy of the confi- dence of anybody." Iu the Legisiature, on Mardi 2 Î, 1895, speaking against Mr. Raycock's medical bill, Mr. Whitney said :---"Last spring a squad of adventurers wvere 1etV boss over he sasteru portioni of hs Province. They presided at oyster suppers with great unction and grew sleek aud fat. They old h farmers that ths prof es- sions had special lsgislation and that they -were fattening upon hs poor, downtrodden and oppressssd farmers. Occaslonally they got people Vo believe thenm, and bers, Mr. llaycock, noV al- toge ther master of himself, got up with this bill for fear tbese imisguided people xill cal hs instructors false prophets or soraething worse. The bibi should be Vrowu ont of hs Rouse without cere- mony, and Vere had issu imes wheu bibis lîke that bad issu bui-ned by hs common.haugman" Iu hs debate on the address, March 4tb, 1895, Mr. Howland says:-"There are 110w five -parties- instead of Vwo as before.. T.bsre was hs party which, ike au insurrection, had cone from hs rural districts, and which, as anoient conquerors passed hs plough over hs ciies of hs vanquished, Vreatened the country the boon of free goverument." In hs Legisîsture of March 26h,1895, Col. Matheson declared that hs Patrons had aken no part in hs cri icism of hs estimates, their voices had neyer beén he'ard upon hs subject of hs Province's expenditure, aud yà thy were hs men who had held forth f romn every platformn in hs country that Vbsy were, going Vo hs flouse Vo check over-expeuditure. Then Col. Matheson detailed his own experience in hs electou-how be had issu opposed by a Patron, how he had been nominated by a convention, three fiftbs composed of farmers, how he was confident ho represented hs farmers of bis coustituency quite as wsbl as did Mr«. Raycock, and finaly, how lie had heaten bis Patron opponent by 1,400 majority. Dr. Willoughby at Ramilton, on Fr1- day, March 5Vh, 1897, said :-"Tbe Pat- rons had shown Vemsebves Grit fb-st aud Patron afterwards. Likehs rooster 1 arn prepared Vo denounce hs Patron party as exemplified by their represen a- ives lu this bouse. "..-If iV is noV hs 'ipinion of hs Patrons tb-rougbout hs county that Vbey were a lot «f hum- bugs-I hop& that is a Parliamun*ury term-V]i I caunot inierpre-t rightly hs expressions which 1I have hourd from Patron sources. " i hs fol lowiug committes : Messrs Bris bin. Baker, Cryderman, A.. Fer g tson, Navior RickaMRdloss, Spence, Treb-iI- cock, Wessells, WalkO'r sud'S. Fergus- on. Ameudmeut carriei. (To be ontinued.) ConsrvaVves ave got to geV a uiew policy -WJ. .< cen I claim that tus edgsof tVhs Liberal partv have beecarr dout Vo Vhs letter, Canadians are wise Vo put forthevr effort lu their power Vo secure trade fo r their country. The fiscal policy of hs Liberal party bas coutrîbuted grsatly Vo the prosper- ity of Canada. IV is a good thing Vo .be bold -and plucky and hs man who is bold asud plucky will succeed where others fail.- Bertram. Couservatives are now lu opposition because their leaders jollied heinhto supportiug a measure ,wbich sho-uhd first bave issu submitted Vo hem lu sessio)n for their approval.-W. F. M1cLean. If hs Toronto World bad hs courage or mauliness, instead of deaiing wiVb maliclous aud lyiug inuuendoes Vo make a statement for which iV could be beld respousible, I could forgive hem-if tbey feit warrauted lu hs public inter est lu making it.-,Sir C'harles Tupper.-, I bad satisfied myself thattVhs inriý wealth of hs Yukon is inexhatiffî aud came Vo hs conclusion that it is of hs bighest importance that wo shouldî have an ali-Canjadian route intoý that country-I old Mr. SifVou (Minister of Interior) that I was proparsd Vo -ive my lîearty support Vo the immediate construction of a railway froin Stickeen river Vo Teslu Lake.-Sir (hre Tupper. Dom sYouR FOOD DO voU GOOD? If you have dyspepsia -vour food cannot do al hs good'iV should. B B *B.cures d yspepsia. and regulates the stomachl, so thiat every- grain of nutriment is ex1 trac ted from hs food. Solid facts counit. Miss Mary Rose Bsliveau, Church Point, N. S., says : "BuanIocu BOO BTTERS made a compflèe cure in myý case after I had suffered for two 'erjs from dyspepsia. I believe iV caniot fail Vo cure" COUNTIES' COUNCIL. The Le gislators of the Uni ted Coun ies were cld ogether lu Council Cham- bers, Cobourg, on Tuesday,,Jan. 5. A quorum noV being present at Vhse afternoon session, au adjourumsut was made until 8 o'clock, when hseolo ilg members were lu their places: Wa_ý91den Preston aud Couuty Coulis. Brisbin, Baker, Cryderman, Carlaw, Devitt, Donaldsou, A. Feroguson,Fishecr, Jackson, S. Ferg-usou, Macklam, a- lor, Rickard, Ross, Sî-nale, Sret Stuart, Speuce, Thomupson,Trbco, Wessels, %Vest and Walker, Clerk :Ne!il F. McNachtau in he chair. The Clerk called Vhse Council Vo order sud asked Vhem Vo proceed with Vhli 'rt important business of the y ' ear, Vhleec ion of Warden for 1898, On miotion CouusCry-derman,Dona]dso sund Xa ker were appointed scrutinseers.Du bain having supplied hs Warden for lasV vear, Vhs bonor belougsed Vo North- umberlaud for the present .ýÉ ar » T.' ',. Carlawv, Esq., was romrinateo by mr. Jl. Jackson, secouded bv Mr. Brisbi-nl. E.C. West, by Mr Na.ylor secouded by, Mr. Rickard. D. Stewart, Esq, by Mr. Spence seconded by Mr Crydermanl Mr. Stuart withdrew sud on a frst bal lot, ?vr. Carlaw was declared e.ected, hs vote standing Carlaw 15, West 9. EscortedVo bis seat by-bis mover sud! seconder, the-new Wýardeu thanked Vhse Council for their expression of confid- ence iu hlm sud hoped Vo perform hs duties of bis office in a maundr satisfac- tory Vo al. The minutes of tbe previousseio were theni read sud confirmiedl. Reso- lutions were read from Vhs Vtowniship of Ops sud Manvers,' disclaimiing al re- ponsibiliy orVh aintainiance of Pigeon Crcekfr idgesud appronelhes I as abouud1ary bidge Petition fromi Teachers' Association'of Durham county asking hs council Vo reconsider the resnlutiondscuuun grant for hs holding of promotion ex- aminations. From the laVe chairmnanof Commissioners of Bensford bridge, lstat ing that ahitheir monsv had been ex- psuded sud he comiiion bad ceased to exist,as hs bridge was uow a coun ty bridge.- From G. E Newman, M. A.,! Brighton, applyiuo- for position oni County Board of Iixamineî-s. Fromn Jos. E. Thorudyke, Cavan, applying for hs position of auditor. Four 'teni- ders for Wood wers laid ou hs table. The presentment of Grand Jiry at hs session was read.- Special referen.ïce For Infants 'nd Chlldr n. West En& House, BQWMANVI LLE. TOWN COUNOIL. Council Charier, Fo,, 7th, '98. with Mayor Lo0scomie in hs Ch ai, emrsal pressu1t. Minlutes of hast mneeting read and conflrred. Comimuniceations from Vhs G.T.R,. sud Miciipal Worhd, Laid ota ble, Let- ers from Waterous sud ]R'onald lFire EnisCos., sxplainiug delay in trans- satos Rleferred Vo Pire Committes. Fromna Woollen Factor.y for he marn- facture of carpet sud tdierent woolleu o'oods. Fyled. Taxes of Mrs, Spry sud 1Jlhu Woods remitted. Applieations for V he position as Steward Vo Vhs Pire Co, sund of Nigbt Watch. Laid over. IV wais decided accouuVs would noV is ac- cspted after 5 o'clock. Reports wsre receiN ed from Poor Relief Comm ,Care- aker of Cemetery, Treasurer's Trial Balance, sud Finance Comm., The price paid for Corporation labor was couýtsidersed sud $1 a day was considsred fai-r gages, Auditors' report of Rligh sud Public Sobools was rsceivsd. M r. 1Mitchel's ffBylaw on hs runuiug- at large of cows will be presentsd at next meet- The following wsre elected Vo office Town Clerk, John Lyls, salary $500; Assessor, Samuel Burden, " 150; Colector, James MeLsan, " 157;7 Chief Police, Rich. Jarvis, " 550, ýSupt. Cemstery, W. Baguai," 400 ; Constables : W. W -G. DownsyIN.W. -T. P. Goard, S. W-G. D. Fletcher ; Pence Viewers : Joshua Grant, G. D. sud Chas Fletcher : Pouud Kesper- G. 1). Fletcher : Truancy Officer sud Frui t Tres Inspector-li. Jarvis - Night Police (for ons munth) John Allin The appointmsnt of a Nigbt Watch- man caused spirited talk. Messrs. R1illier sud Percy takiug activep art ag-ainst MVessrs Coruish, Tait sud Lus-~ ani. Strong arguments wsrs advau- ced byboth sides. The vote stood 5for i agailnst Ir.Spry suggested Vo-oraut s ertain amonut Vo Vht NghVwatcIe u hs mrerchants make up Vhs balance. Dr. Ruiler propossd raisiug hs salary of hs Cemetery Superintendent $50 but iV was voted down. The Fire Englue and business connected was laid over until next meeting. $50 was voted for hs Indigent fund. Mr. Percy read a resolution of sy mpathy Vo Mr. W. Win- dlatt, laVe Town: Clerk, referring Vo hlmii as an excellent man for hs posi- tion, lris kiudly advice bad always issu of greatest service Vo ail. This was re- ceived lu a flttiug manuer, sud hs Max'- or spoke of hs sterling qualities of Vhse man whoss services theybhave lest. Thiis wasordsred o be sigusd sud sealed aud (_ooveved Vo Mr. Wiudatt. Public Pro - p erty Comm, was instructed Vo put a letter box in hs door of Clerk's office. Sýome unpaid taxes v, ore refsrred Vo hs Finance Comm. Mr. Wm. Pstbick's taxes wers remitted. The safety of hs town bhail was qusstioned sud au inves- tigation ordersd. The Mavor sud Fin- ance Comm. was auVhorized to raise moules or hs ruuning 0f ths owu busi- ness bY lbans ou VthseOntario Bauk. The Mayor callêd a meeting of hs Council mern at bis bouse ou Pridav iglît next Vo discass some items of joinit TRIE LITEJAMÉS MeCLELLAN. Aohrof Vhs ohd handmaàrks has issu remioved !il hs person of, James McClel- bau who paýssedI peacefuhhly away Thjurs- dlay luriVhs 89th year of bis age. Decssedwasbora lun hs Couuty of Armiagh, frslaud. sud camne Vo this cuîrwith bis parents luIte year 183-2, settliug in hs owaship of Darling- onl within Vths imits of what 18 uow ths 1ownl of Bowmanvilbs. Aftsr working ou hs farm, for a long psrlod he occu- pied, Vhs i- osition of barbor Master at Port :Darlingtou, now Port Bowmanvilbs for 10 ysars wheu he was appointed Laadiug Waiter lu lier Majesty's Cus- tomus, -which office he satisfactorily fllled for 23 ysars bsing thon superaauuated. He married Ellen, daughter of William M'cMu%-trtry, who predsceassd hlm 10 ysar-s. 0f a large family four sous sur- vive, John of this own, William of St. Thomias, James of Whitiy sud Joseph of Peterioro. TilliIbis death.there wore living la this own four generations of bhis faily. Iu religion he was a Prssby- 1Verian. having iss u nEider in Vhs old Frtes Church sud haviug occupied VhaV office since Vhs union Vo hs day of bis deuath. Iu poitics ho was a lîfe-loug Liieral. But fsw of Vhe, pioneers of bis day re-main lu this loealiVy. He was Assessor for hs Township of Darlington for a numier of years. The funeral ook place Monday after- noon from bhis laVe residence corner Lii- eýrty sud Wellington Streets, sud was. very largsly attended iy friends from towu sudt country. The services at Vhs biouse sud grave were conducted by Rev. John Airahams of Whitiy. The pahi- bearers wsre Messrs. J. B. Fairiairu, P. M., David Fisher, James Beith, Dr. Me- Laughlin, P. Nlurdoch,,sud W. F. Alien. Trinlty Chureh Anniversary. rt ALL THIS MONTH. CLEARING OUT Clothing. Balance of Purs. Remnants of Dress Goods. Remnants of Shaker Flannel. New Fla nnelette Blankets, just in. NewW hilte Cot- tons. new Factor-v Cottons,-the values we ever offeYý ed from 5e Per yýard up.' New Marmalade Oranges ju st in, also fine Lemons and Sweet, Oranges. Boots and Shoes. $1 .00 Ladies' Button sud Laced Boots, dong kid, point or rounid Vos, extension soles, stroug iixff or glove grained, sizes 3 Vo 7, reg price from $1,25 up Vo 8$-.50, goinig for $1,00. 75e Misses (Girls) sizes il Vo 2, Kid Button Boots, also stroug laesd aud button, pebiled and glove gralned, reg price $1,00 up, Vo $1.25, re- dueed Vo Vhs uniforrn prie of 75e. 20'/ off Men's and Boys'-We have sncb a varlety of prices 111 Men's ani Boys' Fins Boots that it would bc eonfusing Vo quote prices on the different lines, s0 ws bave deeided ou'giviug a great big diseount (20%) off each sud every pair. This means for a $2.00 Boot ahl you wili pay 18 $1.60. Ail Feit Goods go Vhs same way-207, off. We want Vhs money, you want hs goods. Now is your'chance. We wxili noV g-uar- antes having sizes after one week-, so corne at once. Dry Goods 'Sns When you core ne u o pick up some of those snaps lu Boots, take a look at sonie of hs Dry Goods snaps, for iinstance-for Vhs week Table Linon, damask finish, 60 inch wide, for 25e per- yard. Flanuelette, 36 inch wlde, vsry fine nice goods, reg price 12-.c,, for, 10e- per yard. Flaunel Sheetiug, white, 2 yards wide, best quality, for 50ec ýard. Reavy Fancy Flaaneusette- in pink and blue patterns, suitable for Dressing Jackets sud hidre's-Cuats, reg 17c, spedial 12ic. -Boys' al wool heavy worsted yarl Stoekings,douibe kuit al hrough 40e and 50e lines for 35c. Black Wool Rose. reg prie 20e, special- 2 pair for 25e. Flue New Flaunelette Blainkets, just iu,vsry large size, special $1,00 per pair. DIRESS GOODS-RALF PRICE,-We stiil haý'e a nicees ce of Dress Ends sud Remuants of Dress Goods, and ws have made Vhs prie Vo suit auy pockst. First-class goods ut rid iculously low prices bothinl black sud fancy colors. St. Loom, finse uew goods just p]acsd ilu stock. Ws have aIl prices f rom 5c a yard up, but wouid particularly draw your attention Vo, our 10e lins, hs bsst cotton ever offered for Vhs monsy, very fine smooth finish ouly 10e yard. Purs-what we have 1sf V we wilI ssii cheap, have a look uttii. IV will pay you Vo buy a Suit now, you'eau save fromn $1 00 Vo 8$2.00 ou a Suit.-Ail $5 and $6 Meu's Suits for $4. Ouir special discount of 10%. on ail Boys' Clothing hoids good for a short time longer. You eau iuy good reliable- Clothiug from us ut a very smnail pries. W e want Vhs room for. Spring goods whiéh wili be coiu g iu shortly. Don'V forget hs 10% off goods ail marked in plain figures 80, that auy person eau ses prices for theaiselves., We always give, exceptional valu:e lu &roceriels. We bandis niorh- iug but Vhs best goods sud ssii that ut close prices. We ssii duriugtVils sale 4 ins Corn for 25e 4 lb Evaporated Apricots for 25c. 2 Good Brooms for 25c. En glish Wor. Sauce Se per bottîs. 3 cakes'Buttermilk Soap for 9e. S bars Eleetrie Soap for 25e. 2 large bars Soap for 25e. Pure Bonsless Codfish 4 Ibs for 25c:- Lumip Glasses, aIl sizes 5ceoach. Fauey Lump witi Globe, reg price$ 1.25, Vo elear ut 99e each. Highsst prie for ail kinds of produce. Jhn MNic urtr-y.0 R11IHSCIfOOL EXAMINATION. Fosa 1 . DRAW]ING. A. dF.ei M. Gand W. Buixton, B. valsuone and F.geCrimon equal,C.MeL eau -W.Rowe A. Morris, J. Hutehluson - E. Pattinson - A. Wightequai, E. Couch -V. Jeweil equa], M. Allun - M. Henr y - M. Rteid e qual, T. C. Scobell -1 M. Trebileock, E. Wordeu - E. Dunham equal,. E. Blackburn - H. Pearn - G. BiIkey equal, P.l Rickard -M. Cryderman equal, H. Tyler, E. Posa I: GOsÂNss. P Oshorne E. King - A. MeKowan - A. ilen wiek - H.Waibridge equal,K.Adair- J.MeLeau -l Hl. Osborne equal, R. NV. Clarke - W. Roy - V. VasCamnp equal, L.Gilbert, HHunter - C.Jones, H. Clemens -V. M. Pollock equal, E. Polev - H. Hooper - J. J. MeDonaid - R. Mitchei -H. Morris- F. Reid equal, 13. Poster -C. S. McDon- aid- C. C. Tamiblyn equal, L. Jarvis, E. Carr -1 P. C. Masos P. TPait equai, K. Waddell, A. M. Hoskîn - E. Mauing equai, F. Mitchel, A. Me- Sorley.i FOiM III : LATIN. 9. E: Gîlillan, S. Hwitcbiusgn, N. Hall, D. G. Gaibrai N .Aflin, N. Pattinson, R.R.Smaie, A M ebe S. BLaekburni M ames, R. T. HoBkin, C. H. Mitchell. Fosa IV : TniGGZ*OMETRY. Ml. Waddell, E. Fielding, B. Tambiyn, W. Noble, A. Cawker,S.BeUmas W.narrett equal, A do se of -NI[LE' WORM Pownmt s oecasioially wililkesp Vhs children LCl ildg ~~~~~' B s n s CiiService College Courses.d controlled by 'r the following il V L qIL U j Toronto busi- 1 ness men: Fred* Wyld, Esq., E. R. C. Ciarkson, Esq., FC.À,E. lTrout,E qWm.McCabe,Eso., Y C: A:and S. F.McKinnon Esq Affil- Siated with the institute of CLartered Ac- countaiits. 110 Students assistedto positions lastyear. 8endfortreerospeetus to DAVID O rI Ci. A. TEÂ Sold b v A N (,nou.Ls, Bowmnux 11e S- --...-..--.---.' - ~ ~ ~ Bargain 1 s i