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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1898, p. 5

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Bye Sight..0..0 Ailthiough con1stantly used, the huani eý e is understood bv x-ery few exýcept those who have made a speeial study of its rare power and capability of adapt- ing tt$ielf to sev_-ere coQnditions of labr.- It is capable ot perform- ing feats of muscular str.ain that no0 other organ of the body can even approach, and, because it can do-so, people force it to'do them until the strain tells upon the muscles and they become unablc to do their work without help. A perfect eye should be able clearly to see a well- formed letter three-eighthe of an inch in height at the distance of 20 feet, and it should also be able to read riaypnl4sx iuches. Each eye, sbould, be examined singly. If the eye is not able to see the far letter at twenty )feet titere is -apparent myopia, or uearsighteduess. If the near point of vision is over eight; incolhes there is bypermetropIa, or farg 'ighteduess. There is an abnormal condition frequent]y foiud called astigmatism-the lin"s ruunning in one direction are( mzore- distinctly seen than thos;,e rnuning at right angles. No defeet of -the eye is more likely to produce serions disturb- ance of the nervous s *ystem than astigmi-atism. To correct it leuses must be grouud on> purpose for the indîvidual, L aving a greater curvature in onediectonthan in the other, W ýe mnake Scientific Bye Tests free of charge. ' Stott & J ur y, The Druggist and Opticians. DONT FOOL... with a ougli, cold or sore throat Use a remeýdv that relieves from the starî, ExceIsior Cough Syrup.. is a certain remedy based on a clear knowledge of the diseases it was cre)tecd to cure. It soothes and heals the inflamed, tissues -of the brouchial tubes, prevents 'the formation of dibease germs and gradually restores to a healtffy condition. It is sold iu large boutles at 25 cts. and no house should be without it. Stot &Jury. BUY A BIKE. Every one can afford to ride Bicycles fiis year. Cali at our store and sce the Vuiceinents we are offering. We have %#ew patent appliance that everyoue ,M~ll want, Stott & Jury. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. BOWMNVILLE STATION. GOImo EIAST. GorNG, WEST. Expreu ... 8 si a. ni. 1 Express.. 23 a. nm *Express -10 1, a. n.- Local. . 185- Passenger.... 3 21) p... Passenger.. 2 05 p. Mi Loal.. 5421 * i.Express-. 6 22" *xrm.105 BOW1AINVILLE, FEB. 91, 1898 Miss A T, Clemens is visiting friends at Cold Springs. The County S S. Convention is being held atI Rampton to day. Mr. Win Jewell is visiting his sister Mrs. F. J Jollow, aI Erie, Pa. Mrs. W.P. Prower has been guest of Mrs. C. E. Ewing, Cobourg. M,ýr. S J. Fox, the Liberal-Couserva- tive candidate for West Victoria was bora in Bowmiauville. Miss Maliry Th6mpson, at the Sons of England concert, gave in response to an ejicore a graceful performance of a Minuet of oldenr davs.-Torouto Globe. Town H:1all, Feb. 15).1 The laies of 'he Missionary Society of the Method1ist JhLurch enîjoyed a sleigh yon will surely say a gre4at deal more %atwe ask. Ouir ,to-re is fil of themn. Bter corne and _-et surprîsed1 at L. Mrris'.,1 >uiy your Puru]iture and bfuse; fur- w&îýg* freiu, L. Morris u1ad yonu will bappv. Ëlhauld unyth ing he ei flu ot be eutirelv satisfactor - as lie liai; pre*senit(d illhe wilbe pl)eas-ed to ma eoIt right. Doia't Lerge the place. Comfortaile brick bouse for sale. Sec ad. Oshawa Curlers played a friendly match witl Bowmanville on Frlday. Mr. Jas. Carnegie, Port Perry, las been elected Warden of Ontario County. Pire damaged tle Montreal Herald office 10 the extent of $10,000 Saturday morainüg. Mîýs Emmerson and MiesRenrietta Emmerson are visitives relations at Jeddo, MicI. Major R. J.Suelgrove of Cobourg las been elected Presideat of Cobourg Poul- try and Pet Stock Association. Mr T. B. Carlaw, Warkworth, was clected Warden of the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. Mi-. Robert Beitl, M. P., las been rc-elected President of the Rackncy Horse Bi-ceders' Association, Chicago. Mr. W. T. Martin. an old Port Hope boyv, las been appointed Torouto 'rep- reseutative ou the Mont-cal Gazette, A Masquerade Caruival will be leld at Ile skating 'riunk -Frida'-i-, night. Admiis- sion 15c. Ticket lolders not lu costume loe. Wardeu J. J.Preston*las been ap- pointed Clerk of Manvers township bo succeed the laIe Alfred RyleY aI a salary of $275. Gel your watches put lu order now whilc you bave time to go 10 Town. Rickard is thc man wlo wlll do it thoroughly for you. Wednesday, Feb. 2ud, was Candie- mas Day ; Briiin saw bis shadow and wc rnay expect six weeks more of win- ter's slorms and snows The net cash i-cecipLts of tle Regist-ar of Deeds for West Durham have been for the iast tîrce years as follows: 1895, $887 ; 1896, $402 ; 1897, $289. 11ev. G. B. McLeod, B.A. lectures lu the Assembly Room of the fligh School 'this eveniug at 8 p. m. on "Browning as aPocI." Silver collection. 11ev. D O.Crossley,pastor of the Char- lotte St., Métliodist cdurcI, Peterboro, wlo las been lu 111 healtb) for some lime has, gone 10 Preston Springs 10 recuper- aie, Burglars cntcred île G. T. R. freigîl sheds Weduesday nigît and stole a case of silverware valued aI about $60. No trace of tle thieves bas been: obtain- ed. Mi-. Joshua Wright, slhoe and coal merdhant, Port Perry, died suddeuly, Fec. 8, at lis home iu Prince Albert from apoplexy. H1e las been one of tle promineut men of the couaty of Ontario for y7ears. Miss Mary Tlompson made a great lit as an eloeutiouist, she was recalled several times anîd checred 10 thc eclo. Rer rendition of "Dawa ou tle Rilis of Ireland" was particularly fine.-Toron- 10 Saturday Night. Re.arhler Fei.15. About 450 persons participated lu tle Ssci-ameutai, services in the Mellodist dhurcI, Suuday. A reception service was held aithe close of morning and cvening Fervices wlen 88 persona were received int churel membership. The sermons by the pastor, 11ev. J. J. Rae were vt3ry appropriate. - A grand concertunder the auspices of Floreuice Nightingale Lodg-e,. No.-66, 1.0. Y F.wiil le given lu tle Town Rall Tu _sda%, Feb. iSth, admission 25c. Seat re eved without extra eharge aI Big 2i). Plan of Hall opens Satnrday 121h. at non. Proceeds for Oddfellows Home for Indigent Oddfellows and or- plan childrea. The employees of tle R. S. Williams &Sons Co.. Oshawa, will hld lIeu- Annual BaIl on the eveniug of Fcb 18ý Thc famous Gleorina, Marsicano Italian Orchestra. 12 pices, will furnish tle musie and no pains are bcing spar- ed to make this thc eveut of tjie season. Tickets, admit lads' and gentlemen $1.50. Ladv's ticket 50c. Thc average reciter or elocutionist is usually a disappointment, but Mi-. Bur- ton is nol that kind. Ris mauner is natural and unaffected, aud lie is a comedian of gie-clmirth-provokiug power, being quiet, easy, and free from roughness or vulgarity. 11e is also capable of siugiug a good conne Song. -Watertowu (N Y.) Daily Times.Hear him in Towu Hall Fel. 15. A sieighingý-party from towa drove Out 10 Mi-' Rd Davey"s ieyond Tyrone, FridaY evening sud'-speut a very enjoy- able lime in games,music, etc DurinÏg tle evcning oysters and man other tempting edibles wcre served bIv the voung ladies and ejoyed byall. Messrs. Gai-net Trewin aud Fred Hughes de- serve credit for tle able mauner in wlieh they managed aiffairs and tic chaperon, Miss Trewýiu performed bier dulîes 10 the satisfaction of ail. What is vour eYeosi gît worlh 10 you ? Truly more tlan tic price of a pair of spectacles. If von lave tlic least trouble with your eyes listen to reason and have y oui- eves tested aud fitted bv T. N. Rickard. Scientificallv no one is more capable, of testing îhc6rouglly than lie, We rece'iv\' two weekly shipments of oysters which you can. rely on icing fresh a al] tim6s.-Cawker -& Tait. Il is thc o'eneral opinion sund il is a fact tiat kI.D. Wlliams & %ou are offering some gi-cal bai-galas lu furi-a s Of your hife is sýpent in bcd. tin gel a ring ortuffcd Mattress from'L Morrissud Il will slecp wcll and risc refrosled, Qî1I you.r own price.) Ahl wiuter genl's furnishiug, caps, ruifs and ahl fui- goods will he sýoid at eleauing ont prices ai M. Mayer's. Take youi- purse with. you wlea you go 10 L. Morris', to carry home thc money yon lave savcd iy bnying your furniture from hlm. Gentlemen who are particular about laving a pe rfect fitting,,, suit of clolles should leave lIeu- orders ai Coudh, Johuston & Cryderman's. Your trade is what we want. If you deal witl us once you will agalu aud we are goluglo cnt all prices on oui- large stock ofifuruiture Ilis montl and next, eall aud sec Oui- goods. M. D. Williams & Sou. Thc Prcssmeu's Union gave a success- fui concert lasI night. Miss Mary Tlompson. a very clever clocutionisi, recitcd "Widow Malonc" aud"'Sparti- cuLs," witl gi-cal success.-Toronîo, Em- pire. Corne and hear her Tnesday Fei. 15. No M A-%TTER.-No maîlci- low obstin- aIe-e tcongi,, ow seve-re- tic- cold,- NoJIwAY PlNE Svaup will cure and cure quîcklyW No oller remedv cousils il in cative power over thro and lung troubles. 7Miss Tlompson appcai-ed ai Ici- best in " Shandon Belis. " She excels ln lîi rI-ish selections aud, in ber statuesque -posiug sle was cxceptioually good, som-e of the emotions elicitiag gi-cal applause.-Barrle Gazette. Town RaIll 1 "Tic Ribboîî Shc Worc"-soug and -chorus. Mi-. Geo. M. Vickers la comn posiug tle words and arraugiug the mnsic for tle piano las offered oui readers a lovely treat. This piece, of itself, is worth a full year's suiscriplion. Address Mi- Chai-les A. Dixon, Publisl- ci- of Leisure Rou-s, 908 Ai-eh Street, Philadelphla, Pa. 18 YuÂns TowN CONSTABLE.-Mr. B. Kuisles', Razersville, OnI., iolds lic record of havio been Iown constable for 18 ycars. Mr.Knisllv sava:* I was cured of kidney andblddfwkus iy tii-cc boxes of Doan's Kidney PRIS. I often lad to. risc five or, six limes in tIc nigît on accon of bladdcr weak- ness. Thc piîls entirely did away with Ihis snuoying symplomà. I lioely i-e. commend 11cmn for'ahl kiduey or%ladder troubles." Mi-. Thos, Jcunings, Wlitby,. died Pcb. 2. Deeeascd las lad severai aI- tacks of tic grip, whicl weakened him very materially and aggravaled a trouble which lie las been subjeet 10 for some lime. For upwards of tifty vcars lie farmed in Whitby district, and about six years ago look up lis residence in the casteru limits of the towu 10 dB 30v the fritis of an industrions life. H1e was a most peaceful sud worlhy citizen. and aud a stauneh memier "of Oshawa Medeali SI. Clurel. 1He leaves an, >estimable wife.two, daughters,and tIi-ee sous to moura lis ioss. TIc danghters are :Mrs. Jas, Rar-ris, Vaucouvcr,B.C., Miss Julia Jennlags, Bowmanville~ >tIc sons, Jabos, Brandon; Mai-lin oi 5Jeffery Bros.' Farm, Whiîiy ; sud AI- bei-t, Lambton Countv. The entertaluimeut lu conneclion with thc annlversary services of Triuitv dhurcI on Monday was of a refiu&d claracter and tle pêople who stteuded wcre exceedingly well pleased. 0f thc maay elocuttlonists wbo have enterlain- cd a Bowmanville audience of laIe years, seldom iudeed bas one given better satisfaction than Miss Ethel Webb of Toronto. Whetler lu tle dramatic, the patîctie or thc humocrous sle was equallv nI lhome. Mr.Rodsdon posscss- es a fine Icuor voice and sang with case ana expressiou. Both artibts were en coted, several times wlich showed the appreciation of the audience-botl will le heartilv welcome 10 Bowmauvillc ou auy future occasion. Tbe choir sang two selections and Miss EditI Freelaud gave a piano solo durinoe the eeiî Miss Frecland sud Mi-. W. Alexander actcd as accompanists. PERSONAL. Mr. Sam. Allin,Toronto,spent Suuday ai home., Mr. W. I-odsdon was guest off Mr-. W. Alex- ander whtie in town. Mr. Frank Pc ste is visiting bis brother Alffred lu Milwaukee,is&. Mrs. S. O. Taylor, Hope, bas been guast off Mrs. J . K. Gaibraith. 1Mrs. Thompson, Orono, bas been visiling ai Mr. Jas. Alexander's. Mr. Geo. J. Bell off the Newcastle Times gave us a cali ou Mouday. Mrs. J. L. Smnith, Whitby, was guest off Mrs. M. A. James last week. Mr-. and Mrs, John Beer, Courtice, vlsited Mr. Thos. Nichols recently. Mi-. James MeConnacbie vlsîted bis sister Mrs., H. FaIt, Oshawa, recently. Miss Leah Hutchinson, Newcastle, was guesi off Miss Stella Mason Suuday. Miss Louise Hauson is visiting bier sisýterMrs. J.R. Laite, Fài-îîam, Que. Mr. J05. Cole, Red Deer, N. W. T., visited with friands lu towîîlanet %weçl. Mi-. Jack MeClellan,Galt.-,a home attending the funeral off bis grandfatlîer. Miss May Vanstone. Optaio Ladies' Coliege, MWbttby,spent Sunday atlhome. Miss Ethel Webb was guest off Mi-.. R. D. I.4-Mrs. Thos.iloar gave a skating party on Monday evenli:,g off laýst week jiahoni- off ber iais retui-nad ilt br homne zat idn Man., after a pleasaut vi mit1 be e-l. 11ev. Sali Me1Phei rzoni , M.- A ., B. T)., Hamuil1ton, 8a guît ofl)f biS si der Mi-s. J .Lw ,M on- day onils atoQensClaeKigo. Ir. M cPliersýon looks well a iifiisaiçlenllyquite popular witiî te congragatioti off st al cub.As a pi-oof offtheir appriaion Cîaye.,eý r ceuulyicri-ascd bis salai-y 10 $ . 1 Br.LLMNrÀ. -InBcwmauville, Feb. 7. the wife 0f Mi- Albert E.Bellman offadaugbtai-. 0m,'.-Near Solîna, on Weduasday, Feb. tud, the wife of Ur. Wm. Oke, off a sou. MIna titi Jauuary 17,1898,ai the Honokaa Plantation, Honokaa, Hawaii,ibe wife off James Watr riuile-r Muir, off a sou. CiiOssMÂîai.-Iu Wbitby townsbip, Jan. 26tb, the wîl11e off Mr-. F rank C rossm an, of a s on. BRYÂANTr.-At Asbbnrn, Jan. 28th, tbe wiffe off William Rani-y Bryanît, off a sou. BnNBALthe Parsonage, Myrtla,Jau.30tb, the wle off 1ev. W. A. Buriner, off a dauglîei-. Qvuîz.i-At Myrtle, the wife of Artbur Quinn. STEyEN-b iaikeJan. lSib, the wrîfe off Mr-. 1), Steveus, off a sou. WV aty.-In Darlligton, Jan. 9tb, the wif a off Aribu r Wei-îy, off a son. Scoi,.-Iu Osbawa; Jaîn. 25th, the wiffe off Alexander Scorgie, off a son. HOLLOWELL.-Iol Stai-kville,Jan.31st, tîhe wlf e off W. J. Holiowell, off a sou. CaOSîtsM.-Iu Eàst Wbitby, Feb. ist, the wlf a off John Cioskasu, off a daugbter. MARRIED. PrHc-Lvraz.-At Omenias, Jan. 231h, by Rev. E. Roberts, Mi-. W. H. Petbick, Cavan, aud Miss Sarah Anne Lytie, off Mauvers. Tsfoms-RrdaEs.-In Osbawa, Jan. l9ib, by 1ev. J. P. Wilson, Chai-les Harrison Thomas, and Mary Melissa, dani-biai-off Mr-. John Riches, ail off Oshîawa. MCLAUiGuLiN-MowBnAY -Feb. tnd, at the resideuce off the bride's lather, by 11ev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., assîsted by 1ev. G. R Clare, R.S. McLaugbliu off tbe McLaugblin Carniage Co., Oshawa, and Adalaide Louise, eldesi danghter of Raipli Mowb ray, Esq.. off Iinsale. RoDx,ÂN-HEitN.-IU Port Pari-y, Jan. 3lst, by 11ev. J. Wbitiock, Mi-, Wm. T, Rodman anîd Miss Emma Herm, uctii off Port Pari-y. ALLIN BOAo.D.-At the resideuce off the bride's miother, by Eev. F. B. Stratton, Jan. 27tb, John Herbai-t Allin, M D., Deniver, Col., aud Lydia R. M. Broaui, Little Britain. 0IED. WRao.-In the township off Clarke, Feb. 5th, aged 60 y eai-s, Mary Anu Petbick, relict off the late Chas. Wragg. RRA,. -At the Methodist parsonage,1 Welcome, Feb. it, Eliza Wade, wife off Mi-. Isaac Ilea, aged 83 years. Tom.s.-At bei-laie residenca, Scarboo,o Jan, 251h, Annie. relict off the late Humphrey Toms,, Newcastle, aged 56 years. Ditw.-bn I-armony,Jan., 22nd, James Mon- roe Drew, aged 84 y sars. JEziszî.-At Wbitby, Feb. 2,Tbos.Jenuings aged 78 years. FIELD.-At Cobourg, Feb. 2, Corelli Colard Field, aged 67 yecars. PÂNTON--At Guelph. Feb tnd. Prof. J, H. Panton, off the Ontario Agricukturai College. aged 60 years. CoaaaamDci.-In Clar ka, Jan. 301h, Lana Far- row, bloved wif e off Alifred E. Cobbledik,agrr DR na(.-In Manvers, Jan.' 26tb Mary Adeline, daugieroff Mi-. and Mrs. Frank bring, agad 8 years. MCCELLN. ii Bowmanville, Feb. Srd, JanmsMCliaged 88 vears. REl.voas.-In Bowmanvilie, Feb. 6tb. John Wesley, infanit son off Samuel H. and Annie11ey- uolds, ageýd 9 montbs 15 days. Hnv-IiBowmanville, Feb. 11h, Hilda Caroline, second danolîter of F. A. anîd A. E aged à years, 4 uonis. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Correetedl by J.3MeMurtry each Tuesday FLOUaiý, r 100 bs,........82 40 to $2 80 WHIAFaîl, bush . GO "ilO85 n Spriung . 0..00GOilt0O85 't Led eHfe .... O0Go0't0O90 Gooa , .... 000 t0 75 PALE, ~bus,4No. 1 .0 O34 0 O85 fi 2 .0 26 0380 il 3..,0 25 0 28 tTwo rowed 0 25 '0 27 -A5,white il..............G GO0H0O25 Rv t............ 000 0 47 BUC KW1,EA T 1"f ...G 0 10 G3' PE, ts, BlacheVe. bush. . 05M "0G60 Caaia eauties.. 54 O 60 *u ny i' 0O0Go i () .7)0 Smal, fi OGoil G50 Blue,'t 05 47 lUTRbsttable, P I. . iO 18 t O1,1 VO ,~ doz>............ 0 ),1 1i 'oAos', bush.....< O 'OO ylJe-,ýrton,.........7 (JGO ~ THE POPULAR GROCrERS. COBOURG. Alr. . . ield, Ex -M.- P. P, for West Nýorthumberlaad, died Weduesday mrigaI bis resideuce bere. The dec,ýeased gentlemen was stricken with paralysis about a fortnight ago and lad a couple of attacks since that time, ter miuating lu heart failure. Mr.Field was bornOct. 5,180,atTavistock,Devonsbire, Englaad, and was thus 67 years of ag e at the time of bis death. 11e was thc third son of the late John Field, one of the first merdhants in Cobourg. Mr. F ield was, twicc married, first in 1857 te MisLocke of Yarmouth, Ontario, who dIied a year later leaving a daughter, Eliza, now tbe wifc of Rev. Rugh Ped- ley of Winnipeg. Iu November. 1859, leý married Miss Mary Rossack, now his heart broken widow. Ten children blessed thls union. The surviving children are Frank M, Barrister, Col- borne; Corelli C., prac'tising medicine at Cardiff, Wales; George R , also a doctor, auid now surgeon on thc S. S. Columhbian ontcPcilOca;J lDonglas, clerk lu the wholesale bouse 'A Alcxander & Anderson, Toronto; aud Mlisses Clara C. and Alice B.. both at home. 'Mr. Field rcceived Ilis edu- cation and business training iu Cobourg, w hcrc for over forty years lhe has carried ou a successful business. Mr. Field's public career bas been a long and hon- or able one. He was a member of the Cougregational Churcl and a deacon of that body lu Cobourg. He was elected to the Legislature in December, 18S86 sund re elected lu 1890 and 1884. Au ardent and outspokcn Liberal, be lad thWe courage of bis convictions at al tumes, but even lu the thickest of the fight was ever cousiderate of the feel- ingAs and opin ions of others. Rispoliti cal opponeuts joiued with Liberals lu rnourniug the loss of a frieud, a mauly, simple bearted, courteous Christian gentleman. Birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Pearce, New- castle, gave a ver 'y pleasant party ou Thursday, Jan.* 27tb, lu honor of bis mother, Mrs. Henry Pearce of Bow- mauville. Rer chlldreu, graudchildren and a number of other frieuds were pýre-seut. Tbe friendsgatlered lu good tîmeý for au elaborate dinuer which was lut waitino.-for them aud much eujoyed byv aIl. hle after part of the day was spent lu mus;i- and varlous kinds of a musemuents P nd after doing justice to a cumî!ptuous slupper. The song 'Godbe with you 1111 we mecl agaîn, ýwas sung and the 1ev. R. Taylor offered a ver 'y earitest prayer. MucI wa s added te the pleasure of the company to knowiv i wsthe b;irthday of the 11ev,. Mr.Taylor also, and that both be and Mrs. Taylor wecre feeling well, and much enjoyed tlcmse3lves. 'The party dispcrsed in good time; ahl wishing Mrs. Pearce and Mýr. Traylor many happy returus of their birthdays- employ an efficient staff andi neyer in Our nistvt'y have we had suhcv~ T LL are due to t- -i~ji ~ t of an VIlY! eople lu fancy pliceý;. a iuv.uuy -pr-ont for the hbýst gorui-, 1that spot cash can puue Special a"'r , br.ging Lamps, i!,~~ ~~-s Dinner, Tea and T uIct Sots. ai] ,w destgns. alnCy Cupe anci a Oranges, Imn',s., Candies, etc. We can handie 9,v qnimnldnttv of dresscct and.poîip-resseci f wl BawkMA < Tait uutI, JrIII, ____t~.!'~"etc Scranton <a,? 'it harbor- Scrantoîi . I deliveret to ally part of town................. The Peopie's or Bernice Coal, at harbor, - ý eL,&6 4ý delivered, - fýl rir>per ton. 5.75 per 4.50) per 5.00 per ton. ton. H aving handled Scranton Coal lor 23 consecutive years and almost ail other kinds at times, w can recorn- mend the Scranton as the BESI anti CHEAPEST in the market. The public can always depend on gctting dry, well-screeîîed Coal, as we have uaiüceaenu shed capacity for the squ-pi.- L. ci We are as in the past prepared to pay the very highest market price for ail kincds of Coarse Graiti and Seeds delivered at our Storehouse,coriier Kiug and George Streets, or au ruriL uat-iïngton. Just to hand a large supply of Sait-coarse, fine and dairy, in bags and barrels. Retsof Rock Sait for Cattie and ilorses, also fresh ground Grey Plaster in barrels .which we are preparedti t seli cheap for cash, Brad1ey's Fertilizer a specialty. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, etc., always in stock. Inspection invited and satis- faction guaranteei. Bo WMANVILLE. 0O1c Tait & Co. are stîi. making Ca6inet Photos at $1.90 per dozen. Cali cariy lu the day, rain or shine. TAIT & CO., Bowmanvslîe. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING -Persous snffering from Rheumatism ,Salt Rheum, Piles, Tetter, Chilîlains, BEzema, Skin Diseases, etc., who send a two cent stamp (for postage ouly) witl name and address, we wiIl Qepnd ,pfr--no qample of Trask's M1agîîdtic Oitu4tsÎt with a Rausom's Cook Book free. Francis U. Kalile, 127 Bay St.,'orouto, (j)ý ON THE (MARKET) SQUARe< (JAM[8 MARDIS JEWELRY E8Ibismfi' Work. Lowest Priees~ RUH F USNSW2ANDHNE5. C BU5ON W-2ATHHES. OCR /A choice assoriment off STÂAP ( Gous) and NOVZLTIEP.r PF,ýýAIRNGA SPEC[AL1TY, Jionest Value AND First=Class Goods AT T. N.,RICKARD*,S, Jeweller, Bowmanville. So busy andl lengthy t, hoiiday trade tlat altliough he has been wishing you a prosperous 189-8, le has not lad lime 10 'say 80'. If not 100 laIe he does s0 now, and lhanks you for your patronage and assures you tînt le is prepared 10 serve vou as well and betier if thal bc possible through 1898 thari @ver before. Several invoices of New Goods lave been opencd up already Ihis year. As usual you wiH i fmd just thc lhing for Wcdd(!ig Prese,ïnîs, Birîl- days, etc., ai tlus store. Pleaty of Kuiives, F7orks and Sp,,ous alw ay s lu s:'tock. 'M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. a JTAME9, Issuer off Marriage Ltcenses. Residence: Centre street. XVA IT ED.-A iiiidtile-aged woinan as general servant. ApplytoMa.îEMs 6 - lw* H-A01' WORI.-Lafdies wishing haîr A.LtOne over, t'il at MNia DîcxiNox's, Ki»g C OMFORTABLE ROOM with BOA Pi) WANTED.-By young lady. Add.oess: Care, LOCif DRAWER 7, Bowinanville. 5 tf _WHEATFOR SALE. 200 Bushiels Box a. ' '" ' rTown LUne, Bx7,Bowmanviîîe.à-31i lTEIFER ST RAYED. A red Durham ui helfer rising two years. Strayed abotit Nov. 13. Information leading tû ber recovery wtll be suitably rewarded. WM. SNOWDEN, lot 22, Con 3, Darlington, Bowmanvilie P. 0. 48 - tf BRICK COTTAGE FOR SL- Bconifortable brick cottage, 3 roonis and~ swnmmvr kitchen, 1 acre land,14 fruittrene and ailin good conidition. 1-ard and soft waî,er eltuate on Brown St. Apply to CiiAs. Co,,on- tai St., flowmanville. 3 - 3w. FýýJ F911 SALE CREAP.-112 ..Being the South part off Lot (;. ln the t Concession off East Whitby, 13 Ieieared. Oposite Alexander MeKenziels. Froni ONE, to TWENTY YEARS will be giveu for payrne)t at alow rate of lutere8t. Ifnotsold willbe rent., ed For terms apply to the owoer. W'ýI.GLEZ'.T, Oshawa. 5 - 4w. -"AR FORSALE-Sitatedon Lot Xl 4 aid 5, on.6, arliztn, ustnortll or village of Solina, 1 acre ordhard, 3 acres wo,,d, 25 acres seeded. Plowing doue ready for cirop, buildings and fences in good repair. good stone stables for liorses and cattle, good welland iris. teru. Auply to W .ALtM .a on tbe premises Solina, P. FOR SALE BI TENDER The MUSIC HALL (former B. C. echur(!i;. Fine BRICK RESIDENCE adjoliing,SH, D% and LAND beloniging tbcreto,Corner que,làn< Di-iej,, te. B.wîanvlle ar afercf.for SALE BT TNDERelter sparae~7or eu bloc. GRAND OPP__bETUNITY fer ' lîeap bnildings for mauufacturing purposes. The lowest or any tender net necessar-ily ae- cepted For parliculars APPLI to the Trustees o tb Metbodistehurch. P. Treldlcock, crty; M. A. JA MES, Treasiirer, L. Morris C9mitee inchar,-e. 4ddress tenders up toFeb. 1-itn P. TREBILCOCK,Bowritnviiie. ,3- 4wu Students froîn aIl partsof t'ýe Domin- ion attend île RlamiItou Býaqjs Col- lege.Y.M.C.A. Biunait~Oî T. N. iCKA R D Pyii pl Jewhli- n~flplcanEomaniicHAGYAUD'S IYELLOW 011.. - Lorîîp Tai-e door lasiof Saîa-c al to reilevo a;nd.surcur enb ,olý Grocrs'duebui laen s cs.e p4aPinflin th lctas Ourstol~iriaIldeartments is complete.

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