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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1898, p. 6

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How a perso n can, gain a TH E BO0A T 0F_ RIUS H S s a irin tlgwhnhwatced mnfroin Ethiopla, <and Mirlam lis sùdig. 1Erothers and oisers Iher. wlll me, A WO D kU C A «. ____boa____ n ýerive p pntSalid inad4i t ________watr.tidhtiwit a ýLa] f, a aig i e çuse leha bd a1arr aiall, an~d nux i rea aia ehld n teCHAnNGE*h oune ofdayu'byEtak ig R.aLP1bt A1,_ IS R one p grDtshe not ilItail the' beuause ho had ri reticfcd mlsoegnthncointon, " Sotts Emusiom R. TAMAI.~ AKva ObES lST~R aigos o iaioff a cmi'g tiy that she le tlrawn intoý a frenzy n hnwmdetained at a nozghbors bose on o u n c e d o eC AlHai nT,-bu t C u n d r o b 1 g atÜo w h e n cA l een d b r l e i s to t ra.~g e s ~ î i e s to r i n ig h t b y so mje fa sc ln a t n g t r e s M r R . W h e a tle Y ,o f th e D e p a rtm e n 4ý f is ard to xp air, bt k______helies brthe frm te~pri1 aqati, ;r0- and tm wbtrthan a corps-. that werc.e being tolci hlm, and then looked Miltia?, Ottawa, says la retereuo. t@ repilrn ndraenn? he ýrIlwsha Hecmpei'ti kchl-tefti~*otansI w so darkjlie did T)ot D n'q Kidney Pilla Ihat they are the bell certainly happeis. lie o hhethat onderfnl li heib ad s se a te gptaniersy Adtji.qdare go home. Tha incident ilmpres,,sed ir rnedy hoeer iled. Lt seems to sscart tlie diges- IiBrnJ1Iînt and St w.,c -lriam..Exi.ûrtsinother togetiier, so thî,at h wII) s r4azred tW the b r >xher whlOîn slcbaildefenided on the more bý,ecause in rny clldliood 1 Ihad 1Mr.Wbeatley Ssters te Bestow Cave on Their Brothera be the decliverer of bis nation, when otheýr. the ",i!e orniies to bier rescue in a prayer ""!elh the samne experienice. ""h" boy makez the follOW- tie -chinerir workino- wise, if saivedl at ail fromin'h le ruhes of tat1 rbings; ber restoration. Let there be asked hl is comirades to go v;it1h hlm, b,;t ing s Lateme t:- te b -H ome Thought,,. lie Kile, lia would have bliinonti'y onc' no rooin Iail vour house for jealousy tbey dared nol. It g-u later and itr--7 .11I "iL11ferecl II more of the God- aefyiing Pliraohsý,; for. -lbefo sit or stand. It -is a leous,, o'clock, 8 o dlock, 9 O'clOeý. h, ho : great àeý0for a ong prJ-perly. You obtain '. a Copyright 1898, by American Press Associat- Princessý Thermiutis of the liathing housa aboination. Your brother's suiccess, osa0 ," wish 1 were ho" A i ' aewthsvr gratr enfi to yurtOl 1WOuld have inhferited the crown 0of Egyptstr, is yoqr success! His'victories vill OPenled thle Cdoor the last t1ime a Whlinding pains in my baek fo.Washington, Foi. 6.-In this sermon and as slie lad no) child of lier own thji e Lour ictories. For wbile Moses the flas'h of Illtlng and a deoafening roar aver the kidnoys, food. of ~~~Dr. i almamo the character of a wise, adopited obild would have corne-to çcoronia- rte led thevalm iaerle overcaine hlmi. fu ftra hulesaw relshaah The oil being predigested, sBympathetic and selI1 denying sister je set tion, Had thera been no0 Mýiriathtiere CrosSiag of the Red sea, Miriam the s iIn the distanlce a lantern, and, lo, lis Bleepesadgénie. fo th a., an exampie, and iie stOry Wl woufld have Leencou OMoses. Whatý1r a gar ter, wiVtli two sheets of shilling up- brother was cong aftiiTjnhme aelIndn and conbne wîh th hy st oores f on hikig ve od anuel for faithifui sisterlioodl! Frho lifted ad ,L i~rxglu the sunt, led the an, the lad stepped Out and with swlft lf udn pohshîemke od ie;text, Exodils il, 4, 1"And bis iter many alawglver. ad how 1r1nn Lia hero instruinmnal mclclappîngtlie cymýbals efeet lastenied on to lis iroilier, -whioek DànsePill of ,tood afar off to wit whtwuld be done, and how mnany a deliverer and how maniIy' tili the last frigiteneti neigh of pirsuainghmliîewhr eywrs gdtaDa'KdnPib toi o onefu ich 1 lm"a sabint are tlie world and the hclilin- cavalry horse was srnothered in tho wave 9reet him itaudiL foroa lon)iitg tmspp1h thougbt r would Princess Thermutis, danghter of Pliar- debted la a watchful, iovinig, faithfult, and thee bel Egyptian holmet wn enwiig aîa lb inletr~tesen forming power. aoh, iooking ouIt trougli the lattice of GadlIy sistOr? Come up out Of theý farlù- under. figýht of duaLh corne(ýs and Our earthly _ remedyno hee lier bathlng liouse, on the banks of the oss oreu u 0 i noniuu ow strong it maltes a farnliy when ail frionds carnno go wi thl us, and e ar eeed in rnyscas. AIKhscac 1l ilt-, 'aw a curions boat au the river. Tt homes, Coule up front the banks of the the siaters aoîd irotiiers stand together flot go alone; xoay au iohr u ie rr h i e odefinuMYcange to to be a fac t. bail neither oar norlielin, and they would Hudson and Penobscot and the Savannab and what an awful wreck when tlioy dis- brother, aur friand Closer than a brother, Weloo m tlae, ndIrstaoontnru 10 i pe have been uselees an34iew. There was and tle Mobile and the Mississippi and Îintegrate, quarreling about a father's will comae out lu meet us witli the liglit of lhe ti rpltate, ad 1h.eno ix eeks, impwa AI! dru rgsts; l- . end . only oe passouger and that a baby boy, ail the othier Kilos of Arnerica, and lot us and rnaking the surregato's o0iehril promises, which shahlieb a lanteru to aur crpdlyutl tteed fsxwes ri SCOTT & BOWNE, Chenosts, 'Toroto But Ii aflwrtît rui he pli- 5e, hâ bo00 yen, lhe Mirians who watcliod and! with their wrangie! Botter, when orbeet ncinw il oi aji ur " o a 'vlsee el av opl5 grirn falliers ta America, carrled ual su protected lie leaders in law and Medicine wr ite ludu aIenrr, Ia bvd nswatngfrus upe Il d1aznor eadhel, and an la f chim preoiaus a load. The boat was made of anlecads n r n g icutre with your payionse mallets you had acci-, ready. the marriage suppor of lie Lamb l O0. Il tiinke eian's Fi ,Whic-*eh MNI U the hroad beaves of papyrus, tightened andimechanie and religion! If I slioold dentîhiy kiliod oaci aéther figiting acrose needle(ss to 4ay I recounmeriliJ" M ., 8 ~~RI liM L~ togtier by bitumen. Boats were seule- aek ail physiciens andettcrneys and mer- yonr craila than, that, having corne taeNAFL IUEDoan's 1,idney Pille are coid by ail drng- limes made cf liaI materiai, as *a learni chants and mini,,ters of religlin and suc-: the age 0«f raturity and liaving in your gicle ait 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. DENTIST. from Pliay and and Thio- Cessful nmen of ail professions and tradie veins and arteries the llod of lie samte <arrow Escape From Death el' an Alpine plirastus. "Kïbi ail the Hebrew chidren 'Who are indebted te an eider eletor for father and mother, you fight each otier Chamois, Hunter. One Laxa.-Llver PIII evepy Niâ;ht for' born, " had bt-on Pbiaraeli's arder. To good finfluences and perhiaps fo)ran educea- acrose the parental grave in be cenieter3r. 1 aoi-utigaoa, poîicssMoth wifl Cswe Constipittion. MS ~v ir oJolee, b oîe !tien or a prospereous starlte letixil10i, hmi-utn mn h Ofie.R aro tile Motssliad pu, hlm in thixî quéer kuown, hunidrerdswould testify.Goud IfDo on y ke tour r et. are ie Alp isaltne lynaetc Ofi e -ero otadlauncbed hlm. Hie sisr mir- kiiows how many of our Greek iexices Ifyuonyknwi, or neesear î-mn.The uthor of "Spots la lhe boha Sn'Dxim stood on the lian watching Iliat and how muci of aur cclooling ;veoe aid 1intical. Of ail tho inmilles cf ilie earth Alps," wile ont with a, keeper named « bta & o' ,; precicus craf i. Sic was far enougli oil for by oty htwolftirie aetat ever stood together prliaps tlie inost David, wounided[ a buük, which escaped $ 15G0 IVEN AA (Down stairs1, rnot to, draw attention le tle boal, but gone for lie repienishtng ofai itre cnpeo is lie famlly of the Roth- he1m, and fluially was set-n standing.on a A111 ( ~~~~aa nu1ofor - potection. There wardi'ole. While the bhrother sailedj pÈ Iciids. As Mayer Anseim Rothschild Wa. tMny projection on the face of a precipice, I RSNS she stands on lihant)m-Miriam Ithe pool- for a resounding ephere, the , sitor watclied about ta die, in 1812, le gatieredhils as if gloed t,) liec rock.A BOW MAN V I l!-FIess, Mirinm i e qulcit wllled, Itira he hlm from lie liants of self ciLial. cîde bu l-nem Slmn "l hne fgttighmwere iowA This le NOT a OUESS or PUZZLE SCIIME V faithful, thugh vory Iiiiiiail, fo in after Nthani, Charles and James-anti made gone, ad tlieonby tim; liaIcould be A -buaeSTRIHBUNESposionV ftbful, oug oyhmn o ualr The Eider Sislerls Guiding Hand. lhem promise thal liey would aiay le doue was te end tlie apoor besîs suifer- A A IGi i Peet tBUSI)NPRElMsiIo. -Miriami was a splenid sietùer, but badl Miriam ins Ilie eldest of th famlly; unitedi on 'change. Obeying tbat inijunc. lunge by a ciel. To do thue David, afler ~' he fulelie ail thie rest of us. Hovi Mases and Aaron, lier brothors, viers lion, tht-y hav.o been tle migitiest roui. takiug off hie béats, sidied out a few 1i CONDITIONS:- r à ;L% caefuly se wache theboat cotainng ounoer.Oh, the powier ut the ider siste± l erciasi power on earlb, andai tht- raie-, yards on the bedge te gel a botter vit-w af , ieach perso-n eudul'g 1oF, 2 cents in suver %y a ~ careullytcIbeatcieddéeide tchetaintig yg I . I for3 monthis subscription te T1112GENTLEMAN lier brtherf A stroug wind migltI pset t ii eie i rte' character foi, ing or îowerîng of Ihoîr scopter nations 'the animal. The bank upon which heo FARMER MAGAZINEý, to inclnde the becotiful --- t. Tht- buffaloes ofteu fouud there rnigbt usefuinoas and for ht-aven!1 She eu teep hatve riseai or fallen, Thal illustrales lihow siood was net .vider Ihan ten or lweive jr 'Special" Ciristma nmer e il 'i ~oya ~1il Sonishis.Lierpot, , t a udduLn phunge of Ibirsl sin], it. off f irbrother more evibe Ihain mch, out e largýe cale auld forsellsh lcead hr i to hr rwaAcrone of the folowin p e may Ing at Moville. for Londonderry. Soule ravenous vaterfowi migîlMrlmcul ae svn aitvaeroupoea ntd fam iY May ach-ieve. i mall latchea bush, tle main stem net A olîd EnameiedScarf Pin (the ltestuovelty. every Saturday, fron ove nd pick hic eye eunt itI iron t-ak. vlo rcdl rr i r fbu-Btspoeta nt famgnituide imachlarger round lien a sixpence. The AN for lady or gentleman) vahiced at $I.CS, or av land. Sonte crocodile or hîppopotarnus crawling rushs h le itrdcdstedI0,o liasa i betf adiggo v leas slp o bispar wold hve entbim Aloit-e us Inmen aicVnd Val) oed en srÂisiIp. îî -througi the rushes miglit cruneli lhe tien inNvihici tht- rmie beat dm1 aft. and making salutary impression anui rais- aI btast a lhousand feet te tle bottoin aet vlut-dat $1.25, or 8 Pleces of the Latest V Nuîii..............Saturda j_ habe. MAirlaini wched anid watcled un- By genttliese, by goud e-s- by Chris- iing this sunkea wurld, h1ev m-uch more tht- dliff. SAet sicîS. (nsaluen al ï.5o o cl) v dW ýCartiýi,,I ........tiaginlanc Therauia aiden on ecci lia erii lie eýcan tara il lavards 1ennoblîng 1 Sister, yen de yeur part and "Wbile lias standing, lie saddenîy lest A Yeu should take advantage ni thîs ffer ofober al e 0t f a wicked Pharaoi, but Jbrother viii do lis part. If Miriam lW11bi ls balac' îd sleeoirc re. A AT ONCE. Motigotberan........................lier ance*ad aspaelaceh net Laureiniau ........... .... Saturday 'lta 0setrh- r tt of a loly God, and a brigiter prinýes. îovingly viatci lie boat on teNlsne ohl lie A ______ oveTHE NumdNue,......en.....d ne1 -bldad olielerlirofopthesdiaailer.A E Nuarthnii.... ...........Woe ndenerithe btnsucmee. hn Tiormutis shouîd 1f t hlm u t oa! Moses viii îop ier htrven leprous dises. "But for uatl eeder latchen stem -Caligei ait...........ovail and elginateredy ar ht-r trssliat e -Califoolan ~Whea fron thîe luttice seesav tie bat ~ri -o eiin is asaevy ossrk.nethlng lu tie warld could have savedl Carox~îx rdre lx rogltod it o f pleasantuese and ail ht-r patis are WhGentlemanan Farmer reMagaLfillUfm Larettiani, loi cabiin ooly, Crairii se - Wlieufauter ad motherare goneand hlm.As Il vas, lie made ont- convulsive AX 19the Handsomtest Farm Magazine IV 1-ablu oly. leaves vitre pulleci bocL freminbe face af pt-aie. Tht-c older sister, hav iach tie they sorin iii hu, if tht-y have net already grasp at it, caught il, anîd se tough and A In AmericaW Passengers are tratisferred frein ïe t -î. lie dhiîd atd thie boy lookt-d np lie ried worid oves ht-r! Bort ilîlhle yetIhe tamn- made exi-tie siterIV and fraternai touaclicus are tht- branches of tle 'staît- AIii contains96 pages prelusely illustrated, andV steamer without Incorivenience or t-x, e c. alould, for lie vies hungry and, frightened ily was inl imied ircumstances, sie ladtbond viii ho tht- only ligamlent tual villi ers frit-ad,' liai for cone ct-couds tle fA indepensible visiter to every farm tireside. V RATES OF 1PA'S SA_ t, ~and vould net aeut-alot the- princess late te hold and take cave af lier younger ht-id the famiIY logther. Hov Manly rea- leaxy mari vas iauging tefit, cîutcloing A Instructive and Interestlng W Paisui it. Tht- infantwoiuld ratierstay huagr brothers. And if tht-rt- is anythiag thal sons for your deep and unfabtoring effec- witi ont- hand thatl i -saviing bougi, hi$ A te farmerseftvt-ry ccc. V Byecie y yp P t salrris1iio o ee n W! okd nte an Lendonderry-Ist Cab-to, thai, i i in ectnowiedge any ont- cf the court ecls ysmpî' i e a tle r1infrt-dohr ?td ntt ae.boydnbn îte l okovrîe AOeDllraYa. TnCentS a Copy.J rttrit100, $114, $133, 2ud ai,, (î-,l e as melier. Now Miriam, île sister, Iu- buggiog round a groat fat child and geal- cradie; lient over by the came' motheriy terrible abyca A ing London) 31.iln. Sï-rage-~- îo"v00 ss t-,i lerreaton tin g lier tars hoxed iecause sie cennot t-udt-mess; toloed fer by tle saine fatirs "ixae osy l tvrh- oo rther Jnta PbihngC.S Gg ito noonedosei-tgber reatin tiie, vlcitu aleied, prolel teof'làA Ma Jnattan BuisIng Co. By al lfornio,Nuridif L thnîa , le chiid, lteps front the liant and rushes teep lima quiet. By tie lime cie gels le Nveary arias and aching lirovi; viticoin- le, he r Vlpoal qieAMnata ulig giast eit,5 îl4) ,i,.i- dovin and offers le g-,t e nurse, te pacify yaung vomanlood ehe is pale and vota Ilion iniheritance af al lte family secrets; anconsciously, in lthe otier iend, ut, A Chicago. W ByNuidiiiCa ,lifrniu, ýhe hil. Cosen isgive, ad s eout and ht-r attracliveness las been sac- and viti naines given yen by parente by draving himseif up, le depositcd iii A liaginian, 2nd Cabia icinlding Lùiàdon. ,$3 1. brbogs .Toehebed, tht- iaby's molt-r, !ii- rificed on lie aiter of sisterly fidel i y, adwio cta.iled yen viii lieh glstips . on lie lt-dgt- ebove lis ht-ad. Tien, vî-w__________________ lfy Numidiian, Monmgoiaît, CaIiliotîx,i cognilo, noue of tie court knowing zhat llé consigntdte celibaey, and seiet for your happiness and prosperity, 1 le had tiis freedilshj baud, ho did the att-trage, $22.50. she wa tht- met-or and wien Jochehed calie ht-r by an unfmir naine, but in h-acharge you be boviîtg and kinti and fer: camne vilihbic body. riO N ~ ~ /' f AN For tiekets anîd eveiy lit l'0tkiii 'a arrived tht- child topped erying, for île von tht-y eaulit-r Miriamn. In mest faiti- giog flesscrs- iItt rte For hlfai! an br lie sat oi thleltdgt-, C N E Y T',OJ/X pli' te ftrigt iras caîîned and it lurap es thet io meel uclesimabie places lun eyer wins a syipathizer, thie brother lotaliy unnervt-d.Tien silently ve ro- I.. J"E peased, Yeu n îny am Joceed, ~te the record cf. irths grét-hîe first and lie villi cee liai lie snroitver vents an Jturned te tht- lofge, noîher cf as having $,000 -'.ilrî Lx' -Uo'i imeut-r, and ail lie agas ruay admire lst-lie lirst bt-t-cne-ei le ora eut: oscort. Oh, if'ilie sîcters ofae ouseold any desire 10to t pt Providence furtier $ 0,0 0 ________________________Aloses, but I ciap rny bande la appieuse viti tht- ceres of a blen tntcannot ktutv lrough vint terrifie and damnnng Ihet day." A1-i i o in 'xlas beteplaced in ny et lie bebavior ef Miriam, lie fetifai, afford vo Ilire ielp, and the last becatIsu epgiostheir brother goés la City ___________ ti( rî~'~t-i 17,t)r invostmt-t< ce Dy Ssie is spciled as a pet. Among tht- grand.ý life, tht-y vcuidliardly sot-p iniglits lin " -ir ~nnî t%,vfor e t( e brilian an strtegc sster ShIFeri-dforFlit.'ii t-I,- 1-2 pcrý t.% R.E S 1Y.A.KE1{ bibian ed sreege sstr.est equtipagesIliai sveep btirouLgi liegnxiely for n fynSeFac o l ot'.I b l~ o askedtxAyeyeel, S~i A Nonsuohlu ilHtstcry. sirets o f ht-aven wilîl lbetiose oýccup)ied voit 'teaWol ensi Ecy find Once Prof. Sylvester beugbt a nevi pairc, t'ili î)t îtutîl erned AIEA i"Go home," somo caoe mgit have cald by sisters ' viDarfcdtirshe o od nignl teîbn n en-lc ruesat et h-nlteuies SoI -îWor omnvle te Miriamn. I"Wly rnetyourself ont tiere bethers. Tht-y viii have tle flot-st cff tle prayors, tint vcald cave hic coul fromil>'t. Hic vufe, w 'v iei-l avare cf lis fBoedOi.le, 944"-if. Seamstresses, arid famnýille-, ~aioenoitht- oharkiof lit-Nile, hreavhlng Apecalypti vhite horsas, Laid imany vi-ýhedeavi anibide a mulritudeofa! us. But absent-'inded habits, tnt-v noîbing of _- __________________ procue Ih bes. athe ~lie iasme and lu danger of being ai- on earth icotecl dovu uapon li -vihi lelothve sister dash C iin n e d tiinu u Iepurciase. An leur or so ef ter Prof TALO s o . prtor et t., vîz - lackeci fwvid bet-dorruffiant Go homne!" l ave t1- m e ut te lett-Ilit-mpsse, lie 1disdiplechIpof liehentrl, and tht- brother Sylvt-ster's arrivai et tht uTiersiy hi Mehd-fettn, i No. Miniemu, tht- sisier, more ovîngly charioteer erying: "Clear vie wayl A fiee off lnaenotier dTrection ,anti dissipa- -ife vas stenu rushuigbeaiesh ei vavit-ti anti baveiy.dçfeatdd Moses, the qut-en is ceming I' lion. and It viii net lie long litfore tiey île street ih e package limder ht-r arm. ,xorigned wcI- ý ut-earry lng ou tO~I! Q~ -brother. Is hoeioitiy lier came anti cour- Biessing or Cargo, vil mottagein a e i on gale of Meeting eue o! tie professors, %cie l-'{ -trin t-,,r i'numberof yeare W011,8ll's F u g1tlu1uiiý ( ae bh.ygr tei6tcgeuielimehe> despair, tht-Irl, hh-%red falot lutie lot quired iastily, and anxiouciy: "Have yen - - -t - buua-fti out eg'Oh e; i 0 ehuiscfIe Lt-t sdt-ms not îlbad r 1' 1 -i-"fe )ilScid te Omte womit'ehislory have itver batl so ,muel i th tm adasies of a consamc-t 'lifetilîe. Alas, liai set-n Prof, Sylvestem?" i, , -- ~-, i-at styles, cntk Tt s p todae ndwil A e ,came besiowed on a brother.Il tis lard 10 brothoesant i ssters ihougl living ta- "Yes," ensviered tht- asioniclot pro- it.'1 î- ýxliiiitwsîistyle ar JIisu l dt ad il A' i W'involvet lu tle arrivai a! any slip aI euy belle-te tint any boy lIaI yeu n ows o'gto o(er eyefe oni nw fsor -iI -v tx îl - f înls it aile haif your lime,, and give NVOtti' ~-'-port as in tht- landing o a tlipapyrus vela or ioirco-e uu et oc aer yanti tint lit-es donl i m Wll ealrgîeeyîng ailtxxî 'e tslCtt-I0e Gi'- l m plslit Ihe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ene wnsneofF e c ty<~ba cetd calibioune n l oth ey s-fi W-li ayntperfectionsanti noue o! tht- virtues! irigit?" astet hisanaxions spouse. J. T. A LLIN, engyer vsatesbea neusuicia la hbstor-, eaMss h-e soi u !la My dear madan," saidthîe professer, FaSlitonable'raîler, cur e. axytreltema, pliicen lgllaui, int needed for 6,000 yeere. But I tl-l Keow Thy Brother. "uodm vnnuslf; ou hushant spefetl 0Thiis syslem eeived fistciass 1)il11- orgaizer, conquerer, toivemer. Ha lbai pt-mfechly _______ __________a_énéal_____oth____ia cvaly 1- - - mras at Toronto and Mentrial Exposi- suci rernartable btauly bn chiltliood yuvhlyu rle iIb-.llma etriBnre leHsincviyWebi. I env bu bta fevimoments ties. 89. Iet Joepinseny, it- le vnscaretblessing or a curse ta cocielty ant a candi- bldin eariy life vandoret off la lie ag." eîong the rond peopît- stotupedtu vogaze aItai-fripieso mtlens.H rnat i aiyspoe evs "But, I men," saidthîe airneel freaz- k Apply10 W SPALDIN, 27 hlmantiworten vulutlt-ae tî-ir ert iii, lite Moses, haveîlehecoeeen !dent. Aflt-r le gaintt e fortune lie en- bot vauman; "i e oiee hn Eudlid Ave., Toronto,' Genera] le admnire bina. Whot- ie ing pleyfulhy onces ant lving c (o at yuhind.cme n a f ,hsnuepeculiar about hinO' Dit ho 1ook as ho Agent, or to Miss J. MAITIN,130 BW- Put his reva upon tuis boy, ll Iiie l nc i av mc l a ii isd- lce at-mtabnqet nt mog nilt 10? httil-,dî ie" PRl Mr.Dvis'fleeli Ae.) be tng, eerig liai tîs mght ieecston. He May net, ite Moses, het-h le gmtet miliiary mon vil.e vet edine 1JusItiehn Professer Sylvester strollet E !F UOL. Xiet-a o man'unîlle, (aioff iîtîgnannly anti put lis fot on il. deliverer o! a nation, lut he na Y, ai xr -aInvit a.plilu illur antid evf mud i onrvi leu- mnesG1r i xoîîiîr c' o to alenfor '0-IVcm. - taîucbi igiye aeouyeur father anti motion are g.neho îe iivet nar byanuitWvil, al!igiîtd, j 1an, t leItner-i- !bliheveîei-slaigseye o1- inv 'aentr3vile ____________________________deliverer oS a lousehli. Whal ibouisands can, fering corne barrm vomitlie dons andthle ailier professor. moe 21 01.0.seud mc a orlnoughu o bi r-n plida lte est. Aýor-i1,1arghsec iuatojelsleep,±Ie]înnrîoetof homes te day are pibott by 1brotiers! t-unl. The niller end bis wvue wt- r __________fY vour aiL f'Lndct vit- t-ert-are propëeîes nov vlie bavestoti placet ont- on oaci sble oS tue gent-mal et pro"" oîtIly rilIt.iL. i i 3 n 'A -eý ew% ýtve havis te be put htfarethîe cit oeeanti yiehting Inocula for tht- support o! tle *kblt-. Tht- genérali.astot the- railer TheT-ron Duke.prmty-hynFE ifilai-wn ADAMS ~~~containiag rubieýs anti the ocher bamning oasani1letotiecieiev s a ters anti yeanger broîber ht-cauise lieail about his fumiby, andthoe inilliir said t la not genomaliy kuovna iaI Ilie Tough amenct Sordluec.-rhaneiast ADA S' oal, ad i hotou, te calslie)va toeider brother rase ote eleadership from tînt lh ictwo lioilers ent a aiser. "Ko "Iron" Duteocf Wellington vas ih- fomeguaplatc,, s. eei otrba n a- live ati if e bat it- mles .ievine oer ie D. A. R cs. tt- l- Roluer lm itirtic. Forcore reotht- cîslie ock othet-day lie falior lay devin le tue. Whial- ouher brot-e?" "My youngor broîler mensely fout e! lie gai-ne e! drug ts. le T1. Pertilaume, prop. o! IILa Presse," TU Ta! TI litht- coals andi put il la bis meu, s t-eo yutafr ormell vi cr etatoff yuitthe nnuny înaay yeams ago Suai, liowver, vas su. After hobe pa rs Baxka press Conîpanaies & cllenW AIDS DIGESTIOliItint lis liSe vas spart-t, aithotui g bh t in gin gaye s-thm n i et e oli vesthe aokilut)whtn entt ilîe vedcoit gv, leqne i aybeu't.Aleatnaquiarttetnf bumetth- enge ii h vis ndstnclnturet. ceasorleus, unaaeemmel'!datilg tie gent-rai sait,. "Salit-ers, I am thie geme eflen afforiet liim tînt Invenrrager. :y Smo brolightl foite publc W A vrityofver bnd Urn6 te onur il h ws iditictexample, it viimrccii upoi yen frcia mman's yonnger brotliem, viiom lie uuiogît pleasure expenieuceui Ouiy by tîcce wvi a .LciRl uti,7 lu over 3)10 eipe gneanti ast-fnl.presents futtraaitve zItIO. av& iomatoIOON, Patent Exper KL.are sent fret- for the rtturc mnuoot, lie preais open thepaillis cf if yca, liy patience viuih.ishieinfirmiiities watsevva lee mbr o lu ace he! era rt-vcetreit-hie ife ti a on cfd i n ml~lc SGrda Eg o! sls cupons!ratUtt ls ens1up6ye4 nt-caanti hy nebiiity of cinmacter, dtIv it-l vii Brother anti 515er, you utetd as mmcli Kentel, tle Due's valet, vies spentinu ezclubively etanitatm partoutlt %3 0,0ûpol -scp.Adhlm l in h ew-vyt-ams ofyoum campention- of auilunrotucîlea tueoaci other as tht-y bis holitays -!tlhbicseftier et Apslo lio put tht- pals iuîas hlnts egeVr h lugraereati leHtt t-acoet ou a p, yen viii have you ceunlsol. rt-fit-atoutd'it. Yon do not knoovieciéter-. Yeu Bouse, anti vas lentinecourse Wslerou lnpL,,iadest. sitlinet n bckupon yom somo dxîy by lis spientor Ibint your brother is groutv anti cross, Inte lie presene-f iegt-tca vl R.D. DAV IBSON-, Esq. - Secreary lieast, anti ' ' -aid '-""-"'-ly"'own lng flventure, anuitfatter anti molt-r "Ccniaiuly, rny sou, I suppose se. At nUi-a]MiertOI, At lug Got lidhîmsoty evi oihle youlmahlmorhe mha art-emenjoyèdthîe reailal as mucl aswvewviteyonr fathe." vselre i v- îetumre A (PiniplPuleS-bl)xMeunai Kbo, aeuthlen the aviglxer, 1f t- or'mantieress. mteIS i hi nlehisdeo Itullt aathm n gî%suts,ormb- ;maii.So 1À,ens Messrs MACDOUGALL&JON-ES, 'Soli1Ltors et la tht- Aliigly's arms,wg'sc cre ware oJoaous btaven t-hase e shlt-rn tail lisoute o! "'Iy, ontl n osnca!Ast m." inre&~i,-hltlla L (Equity Chamiibera, Toronlo) tht- opening of a cave anti placet -una Bw DfJa'uy evnrhas othn l h cnso Wyht osns!Akhm' Pliaepi.Liin JOHN GAUD,'Esq, Vaînclor, crypl, aifnteeestrote o! thc divinue hu ull- eiuy -e nIab~e~ arariyptloanti ht-yshah "Ko, me: yon ast hlm; you've kuovin osW ieaeAei, (Baud-',r auuliContraeeor.) ;erneotheti ibe fStaunes imb au evt-mastiug soul, as lu se ofien tees, ht-cause lt-r Ira- vit-cone us home, as vie say, " Fatier hlm lie enges." W.~~~~~~~ W.TtLNhs-.e.A ra i utarc vsmle 0th-toImgels more iouor o or ))' t- eas. antimatit-r, vie have came anti brougtl (Bowiauville Highi Seliol.> andthIe only obsequies, aet wviilhlGot i d t Even Muriam, tht- lýitmoineo! lihe text, jaur chiltimen viti us. " Tht-oit revival Ciever Animais.k Bori met-t,,for, tht- aoosideition of lbans aci1 al l e offices oS prietclanti untortaicen vas cîmuat by tint t-vil , passion o!fjo1l yma descnibod ti l ith Liio etul- TheoCat-Watch nue run up, Ihls cal- tle cli of R. 1). Davlison, Esq., Seretery froin nigaetignat nmevtrt -d-.emy h a pseetuilntt nu-te:uu vihom ail information obtaned. o h, vec net Miriam. ithe siester tonce aven Moses, anti no)v ho marries, Brothers ant i st ers lt-mre vihi meet, The Pig-That's nolhing. WabocI me 01 xasos, dottng a good thins, anlun1Portxanti <I t 0 19 niy se, but marries a black va- Brothers andl eIsers tht-rt- l ait-t-t, Çts~tg quare raQI,

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