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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1898, p. 7

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lht ïani aen t WM NUN OME. BOWMANVlLLE, VEEB. 9, i 898. A.N IM31ORTANT CASE. A PEDLI4& SENT TO PRISe ON Roi'P- TIESENTING AN IMITATION PILL TO BE THE SAME AS PR. WILLIAMS' PINK Pnuq-A FAR REAcHiiNg DEcîsxIOŽ. TIIN'RELJan. 24, 1898.--A tist et amore than ordlinary interest lto !e. public came befure Ju Ige Lalontaine here to-day, the' facts being as follows: fror some time past oes-E. E. Migner has been going abouit pedliitg àa pîliwhich he represented as being the same as Drl.Williams' Pink Pis. The Dr. Will!ams Medicine Co. placed the ! atter lu the baîîds et Detective fapies, cf thie Canadiati secret ser- vce, who soon had cehected enoughIi evidence te warrant tlhe arrest of Migneor on a charge of obfaininig WoneYIc under taise pretences. M.eanfime c Migner had left Montreal, g oing te St. John, N. B. On his arrival in that city he was af once pl aced undej, arreat and an offiiciai sent te bring him back bers. lie was brought before Judge La- fontaine f hie merning on two ~% ~haresand leaded guilty te both. > it wa"3 pointed eut that bis offeuce was a grave eue and .Ieff hlm hable to a lengthv termof imprisoument. The i-otiuscl for Dr. Williams Med- leino Co. stated that his clients did flot wiish te press for seve-re punish- ment at this lime; they only wlshed te establishi the fact that represent- fIg anim ritation pîli te be the same j44 Dr. WiMhams' Pink Pille was a tt.i,,,cvliiih1(4tt hi. - et+et,- iIab~ t a enghy mpriscnwmnt. On one eharkre the judge then im- posed a seýntenàce cf ten days, with theoption of,.a fine cf ton dollars, and lu the other case a sentence of two days in jail without the option offhie, This decision ïs likely f0 have a far-reaching effeet, as it seems to eitablish the principle that substi- ! tters and those who sei imitations rcpresenting tLhem to be "the saine as" Dr. Willias--'- imIk P>n, s, are hiable under the criminai code, which is lu force ahl over the Dom- inion, and it, wil1 no doubt, te a considerable extent, put au end to this nefarieus business, as it is jcdent from the fact that the Dr. ýîlhliams Medicine Co, went to the expenise of bringing this man back f rom so great a distance as St. John, that they in-Wend sparing no expease te proteet boh h de public and tlîem- s elves iu such cases. Interesting Notes for the Ladies. Success in Dyeing Means Pjeasure and Profit. 1Bbware cf crude and worthlessimita- thons cf Diamend Dys. Seo that Your dealer gives vout the "Diarnd" when youi ask fer them. Diaiioadý Dyos have a world wide ieputatioa: their werk is cf the highest ordler, and thii(ýr success le deserved Th71ere are forty-eight colora la the IDiamnond Dyves fer dyeing woi and Cotton gods ach àye la perfectiy 1true te celer, aad, as reliable as pure .gold. Diamtoad D ' es color anytbing aay ~clor. They -are fast te soap, washiag and sua, and surpass ail others la brit- Iianciy. Dhiniond Dves are the strongeat dves izde, hience tUe cheapest; cas package le etqiai te tItree of aayv ethier make. Never be deEvedb the faILse claillis of lMtatcrs of amod Dyes. If ycur rhant asks o-u te accept alother make0 Ye besure he is a! ter large Y rofitm and neyer tiaks cf your, ern- !ort anud StICeSS, Bock cf directions and sampie card of forty-eight colore sent free te any addxoss by Wells & Richardseat Ce., Mentreal , P. Q. BJSINESS POINTiERS. Na after-ciap cf bad dehts where a cas bsiness te donc.- Ail merchauts are aimiag tey do busi- ils more on a cash basis. Business dons on a carah busis dos nt deceive the proprietor. Live country newspapers give life adprcgress te communities. pay cash and cultivate habits of pru. deice and 1-00d management. Advertising ls soid te merchants just athie sel1 goodis te a custorner. Vcdvertising is an absohute necessi ty toýe ccess ef every hegit imate trade. whe,-ýIj wish te sedure and held t,4,mulst muaintain a deceat degresef nd4iity. AdivertissrS3 areý recognizing every day the valuei and importance e! live advertising. Our paper relesthe advaace Bew- manville mnerchauts, have made la ad- Vertis;ifg mtos tMerchants buyv space la TanE STrAS- AoN th samel reas;on the y buy geods - .to make iionley. We dlon't appeal t0 local merchanjts or aersngon the g-rouad cf s hy. ifs thoir business. A JAý'PANESE WOMAN WHO HAS WON SUCCESS WITH H-ER PEN. The rtUtth of the Homeo-The Faînily Yaevn-Baby's Bed-Selflshaesa cf Fam- ily Lîfe Tii Luxury of Hospltality Beil.t-tThau the Bent Hotel. Tfitiîliima Kata Hasebe is tbe real or fan.-l naine of the clever .Tapanese girl 'wlîo le living in Chicago ft îresent and -inring faine by writing for the mg irsand newspapers of Chicago anîd tbe'itider the pen naine of Otano Wa,-tan- ia 'wile itiore dollars cerne fretît ber wojrk e-)'î,rap1i er. MiJss Hascbe, or as she' protr te lie called Miss Waana-tbe twvo naines rneauiag the sanie tblng, but belonging to diffcr rat Japanese dialets-, asMsaeîrof ilioa-d .-P.le ne4hra the a cra,,ge woni et twice lier ae. TUeo reliit hich iîa-kcs hou fiction se true te, life ciA seencly itresting is based on a kneowledge of life and, the world wbicb bis hem, acquired in tbe mcsf practical Bora luinYokobamua, she was takea by bier parents, la cernpaay with tbe tbree brotha,,rs and nine sisters wbo sbcred wîfh be h cre Cand e vsion, teLiver- ~~~~n oý J te 1 L ire te Man- echester, before sho was 8 years of age. Tbe jeurney fmen Japain te Eîiglaiîd was made by mailing vessels, and eccupied an entire year. Frorm Manchesterthli farnily ernigrated te (c'aaeîuc u-in -a asîd if was in this City that Ms aaa e OTASO WATAINA. celvcd moa f ere educabien. Sborly eftfer eatering lier teenis sUe rauaghf lierself sbertband, tobally unaidefi except hy s book on tUe Pitînan sysîtnicf shethand, and sUc left -Monfreai ultra oîîiy If)te go to bbc West Indie as court reporter atnd correspondent for TUe News Letter cf Kingston, Jamaice. XViie filling.tUis po- sition sUe mas tUe caly weoian alloerd fe ha .pusetat ethbe sessions etfte British pa'rliamnent, anîd ber reports, diffcriug fuot thoseofe ber fclew w'orkers lanttat tlîcy weue unofficial, w'rre witty and sarc.astio enongh te eau 'gearral attentuon te tbelu A ,,svre atteek of yliew fever, wibUifs conseqluent wcakcnieg cf tUe entire sys- -nuîade accessauy ber rebura to ewe 1; -!-, and Miss Watnnna's, oldest sîster ncýocupies ber former positiont la Ja- moireý,. Anotber sister, aise eamrer, N mairied te ena cf tUe, best knowt philo- soîibical anîd scientifle uwriters et Americu. Affer rcnîaitîing it New York for somoe meonthe 'Miss Waranne caine te Chicago. - lIerce Umade the ecquainfencaetfMiss Floence King, bbc mona law'yer, wbo peesesses tUe distinction cf beiag te enly ropresentative cf ber sex te ha rcgistered et theeIJnited States patent offie, and by Miss King mas set afleat in the business and liteuary circles of Cbicago. At pres- rat tUe Japanese irriter le hîîsily ocnpled iU- steutograptUic mort. dnring a portioti of erery day; the reniainder et lieu timue, iiecluding rny midaight bous, se de- votes te the uritiag cf short sbories sud pomma. Some efthtese aboulas, narly al cf irhich dccl m ith Japanese lite and eîtstoms, and wbich ara pealiarly tresb and unback- au'yed in treatatent, bavaheeca recently ae- crîîted hy bbe editers cf Munsey's Maga- zitne, The Ladies' Home Journal, The Black Cnt and TUe IroquoisMgaie The Mtroplitan Magazine was the tiret te bring out a bit et bbe Japanasa wrlter's merli, ad aba li alse contribuited te soins ot the loading naîsaparrs bIn eeuiýtn iblas. A Jepaesa novai, mittea 'by M1iss 'wataana sema finie ega, is sonlte ha draimatized as ea l n eueebtof e Japanese lIfo and t aneysd W. G. GiI- latbas basa asked te prapare flic menu-, script for. stage us"e. Ia person MisWanna la dacldedly sud dislntivlyJainsea, la spife efthtue slibbad9lfue f nglisbhlopd il flowFeturough ber reins end benenfthliber olive skia, and ber long, dau., almiond eliaped oyei, lender bandsansd straîglt, black. bair could blenig te nnaiýtloaalitýy la thbe merld Save tbat of flic gentie Jap. Shle istaller iuneliliure than aretflic0or* diýiarv wioea cft ber race, but lbar volc, nef withstanding tf li sapeaka exellent Englishl s aisefliat of s Jepanese iroîan, and sUe possesses that shrinklng tram pub- licity and attenticn mbicb cherectarizes the woman of Japen te a ntarked deguce. If usefor this reaeon thât aie adepted lier nom de plume. Miss Wafauaa is tfi lut Japaea emen, se fer as kaown, te en- ter the business worid of ChicagoeIlaa ciericai eepaciby, and abe le aise said te ho aimoaf alene la ber deermination te foi- buw litarabure as a lite eut.. -Chlcage Times-Herald. The Heaith cffte Home. Iu a practicel taik by Chiarles Wingafe, bafoue bbcelIousebold Economie association rcceatly mers many peints et great value te heusekeepers. If iras almeat pabbetic te wafcbhemo engarli#tbey listcncd, soe et the bet. cf tbbc mcm standing up la au- der nef te bece a moud, The lecture iras given lanflic kindergarfea roem, and tek- lng bis eus from bis surrouadinge Mu. Wiagato tooli S. A. W. fer bis fext. These Initiais represcat soul, air and mater-the thue signîticaut elemanta cf flie Ualtbtal- nase et s dwling or flic reverse. Ha urged ionien te go labo tbcir cellars and looki fou evidances ot daiupness. Rttbiag weod, rnînbliag plaster and moist soil n'eue ail danger signale thaf mean more or less iliacas u p steirs. A bouse, ha said, sheirisi ncf bave "iWret tat. " Re gave an înbersstiag illustration et flic insidieus mcy in mhb-b moiefure worlis ifs @vil desfiuy. Ia oas of fthe fine 12 or 15 iâory apartment hausese up towa t Êi~r wa s ertin cm,12 ests mrsi ~Ie~frOm P(Ily's stera eye. If Pcly falyc1k1 iti in discov er. tle cauise. k nas ut ff ndthe str*ieteaf tdiscipline !ou; ;alipl pa1:ý1ýig upIl) fro'lt the cella, rnaaie.Naturally they hd fot loved pr-e.Aite hr!byeannn 0 h 'sgcalso ife, ikebeing kept inacd ubaenenwbere were tble big neaÀe the best of. Now, ln maturer years, spps of the heating plint, and near one tbeylokdbc with positive affection pipe be found serne wate-r standingz.. He 1 upcn hber grirn ituls and they rec- was told thau a lui,,e suriace water occa- cý 1.. et . ,oý eriotion rigbt îionPýi'y settled there, and once a week be ani i - îe na the building of 1nogl:hd accunlaý'ted1 to be rSnIQved castr-Ixhn Tnue-- - er~y was soivjd There ,Was the luracewatr of NwYork sol, lrnpreg- T1isa La2i.ury of Bospitaiify. 11J ted o n g-s anc cnordaleterjous mat- Te,Àaî0s oîa oxiptîment that we ter. Theýre was the beat to generate Its t'au e-xtend toý a frie-nd is an invitation te latent eL inents of har-n. Ther0 was theo dinnelr. dýittueýr il', g u, an art net ad- strOng UP'ward 1draÏf cf etd air'tO crrTy atttiî grif dsIl an his the most theai f Ucewas 1fiaally pleas atpae h aca ie, the very lu- ia the conde1nnd rooni an open fireplace I ury f o pliyIf It ithe occasion where t0 orcate thoe suction wbich drewî then intO 0aur betimental &.-d social gifts core ne m [te afaiesphere. Ten cents' worfh of s-pla.y. Its atrnesphere is one where ae-_ 7 nicoetb ie p~ng iatd ttvquitanglce nîay ripen into friendsbip. For room forever of its bad reput4tion. Mr. the hsesiiafferds oppruty o i Wingate frowned on unventilated clothes tric-enead posîbiiesfor ber close' s. Ho2 said that, being a more man, densi aetfor, b er social graces, wît, it did net seoin te biia acat te pack bouse tc n aei nlpewers. Robbed of and persona ii n lastuffy closets and itsjo .,~-o:s, of the excessive close an ai , i d 'r upon tbern. Every Iefr e À,- taol be tbe most pop- closet ii n tee bouse sbould bave a wire uLar form of4 eotcrtainiag. panel la tbe upper part of the door. The At tbe regular homne dinner there là oh- asb closet lieder the city steops was anotb viouýsly 1ne bar to tbe presence of tbe acci- er place that needodi ventilation la the denral oDr forinally inivtei guests, since it Satne way.--New York post. costs us noshLiîtg, but tac inmpulse te give pleasure. Wby net let a few of our friands The Family Yawn. hobmt eres feel s7--e of a cordial ro- "The Fainily Ya-in" is the subjeot of a oeption whitnever înclîned te join us at thmely article in Harper's q7azar., The aur eveýning ineal? If on tbrec eveaings writer staltes tl'ef the "yawn" is becoîn- out cf ever'î s'veo we bad a guest, it would ing popular. It used te hae considered a miake ne difference in the suin total of sign of weairuess or beredoîn, but we are our ye-arly e aoeyet wbat a deligbtful now teld that if la net oaly thîs. We are revenue of p-lmure tl.i,iht yield. inîformed that tbere are varions types of 1Do et ot 1 ' ' p a debt and credif se- tbe genus yawn. 0f course thero lse Ccouint vihniel exactness in Our social gape, tbat undeniably ladicates drewsi-afis ewl naturaily entertain those ness and in whicb one is supposed te in - w-)enetanusý, but let us bc leaiont ia dulge cnly la tbe privacy of one's sleepingovrsepin such limtitations, and aise la !alartment. But, besides tlîts, there are giving itwe or more invitations for eue re- yawns of nervousness, of ebîlliness, ofcfeeived if conditions are more favorable headache, of exciternt, et apprehension, with uis than witiî others. ot grief. In accordance witb fUis idea lIf Ir, short, eue way of getting the meef weuld seern thaf the yana i.tbh e otout c-f life is te make cf Our beomes radiat- mrnleo ad afifater fraicfexpreS- inlg centers sendlng out sbafts cf goed, %ien. Seriously, if 1-,irme we cbecked thîs happineis ansd love, attraoting a return growing habit. Wlîatever may bo said te proportienate te the five talents wlsely cm- the centrary, te gape, epenly, or witb the pleyed. Te this end wemusf study la Its âtternpt to sm other the action, le rude te vcry esse ntial essence the meaning of tbe the person witb whorn one is tallring and word "weleere."-Ella Morris Kretsch- RnUBBERS &OVERSHOES ASK FOR THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO.'S WELL KNOWN -BRANDS., m a m AXDeaiers. Ail ioepfhe. ..STANDARD NEYER LOWEIREDO There are inany kinds of Sewing Machines, but where purchasing a new ,ma cîhine you should by ail mneans get the very bes,-'This is the kind 1 seli. lor Tlailors' and 'Dressmakers' use, our Machines bave ne equai. Prices reasonable, terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers shouid eall and irivestigate, or seret postal card'and agent will be around. Best mnachine oil for sale. Buy no orbier. Machine parts and repairs supplied. J have a heautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper,' Pure Paris Green. and hest varieties of eTurnip Seed. Henry EllieMU Jr. l )A,-.]'TON. calis fr an aulogr. ifone it nt eil or i1îmar in iomaaFunoi~ne uomuor.lzn. i- - - -- is vory weary, e yawrc le perbapa impos- sible te suppress, but the, perpetrater thereof should ast. pardon cf bis compan- ion and explain thaf, Nwhile i!sinterestcd ltI ronvnrsatlc.n. b"otese oweary thaf 4bc wucnt.fies,] l eclines te ebay the dictates of the W;llngsprit3. But the erdinary yawn le l1argely a mrat- ter cf habît. 1 bave sera ail tUe îtnembc Jrs Df a farnily wbo exercised ne rstrinl this direction,' but wbe ope;Ily inedl enc anthers faces uiii tbc stranjjger la their utidst found bis jaws acb'ing witb irrepressiblo sy tiîýtby. TUe father yawu_ ed audibly, flnishîîig flicperfrin ciwirh a lenýî drawa out 'Ah-c b!" Tho son fol- lowed suit, but cotipletcd bis effort with a peculiar clickt of thie jaw, as if Le Lad there a blddr n splUing w hici needrd oiling The mothers vawîi was of thegoin variefy, w bile the pîetty daughter tappod ber moutb with the tips et ber fineors as she partod bier rosy Ilis te gixo - ent te the family weakness. She performod titis fat- tee as if tbe action 'vas a sert of apolegy. for the yawn. Perbaps it is because w(e Atorrirans are seotteti tired aîîd 'laaeedj cf rest that this unsigyilyhit ba. f m growa I upon us. If 2s e lus eedielts-ha :bit of self control, wblcb is aIse ours, and de- termine te supprcss tUe etîcroeclîing yawe. Baby's Bed. Hdjw mueb the very carly influences of bab.yboed affect the hlinan bcbig la later, yeurs ts ecuminîg daiiy more tuily recog- îîized by serions iîîinded parents. An lu- tant, for instance, whose ignorent nurse le lazy enougb toe lt lus litlile naiNs grew long and look as If tlecy were la constant mnournung will Iu ail probabîlity growu p lato, a yeuth of Tcry careless personal habits. This 1, oaly oeaof tîhe scveral instances tliat prevail. Oneîcoeuld quoe e aaey otb- ers w'e,êre net space liimited and the ques- tion cf suitable hedding for baby cf rnncb more iînrnediatc importanc. It is alîneet needles, te say that tbc old world eriidîr on roctkers bas goee b xay cf aIl obsoîrte things aed that tbc advan- tages cfan iron e ribbave long lbeou receg- aied by those who undcrstand childrca. Now, about tbc small mattrees. Featb- er beds sbould hie qîtite ouf of the qîtes- tien, as tboy are eaervating and likely to barber impiritie and microbes mucb more caslly than any other stîîffing. Ia France the pensant women use bey or straw for theit littheoes' bedding, and the practice is ratier commeadable se long as the mother relies care thaf the paddlng le cbanged effea enough, for ra- neber, please, thaf the:ro are few evll i the mnanagement cf babies greafeir than iucleanlliness cf clthingor sroidna For tuwn ulse nef bing enu beat, perba ýpF, a relyfrfrate h lorsebair stinfflng, iwbich hes net that pecullar musty sutnel insepa- rbefrcm blay or straw. Now canes a greaf peint te ha observes! Ia ftie planning et hahy'e cet iiarrange- nits. The tcicking, lnstead cf holng sfifehled closely tegether over thbe padding, should ha fasiened lu the shapce f a big pillew case, Se) as te ho easlly unbuittoned -wbea the horsehair reqires rleansing or chatnglng. Thisý system will ha fouaid very practicl, anid the asea inathoil rlight ha 1applied te baby's haad cuelon, lc mueýt ha finally Incased in a isoft catten pîllow slip.-Loisüre Hleurs. Seeighnês c FmiyLifs. Ona cf cargenfleef and wlsest philan- thrcpists spoke sadly the ether day of the growlng selfisbhness eft fitiiy lite. If ap- peered te lber thet the prasant tendenc., was te reduce tha femiiy te its lcwest terms-fether, mother and chil6fen. One lessen lrntndiately related was rcgerdad a-- a possible cause cf friction, an lafruder nef te be tolerated la -that sacresanef cir- cie. Grandparents, old servants, poor re- lations, wero te ho pensioned off or sent te a "homne'-rnst of them would prefer the county jail. lIera thay imigbt bicker and nag saeh other and fret their hearts ouf wit haut disfarhiag bCe cernfort of srnug papa, nalwous mamme er ceddled hblîdren. A vainable discipline, wbat oit! fashioaed people used te eall a veritable " &means cf grace, " was thus lest. If w-as good fer children te run a few errands te spare infirni cld limbe, suhmif te sorneila ceaveaience, endure sente harshi comment. have dally practice la respect fer ae, pa- tience, pify, self cantrol. Goed fer aduit. tec. In ber cwa ycutb,,sUe said, an clii seru ent bad ebarocd the home, past work, per miickerfy and demineering. Like most ci( pople, Polly lied "wvays" of ber nwn, anr býers were tUe " weysiesb ways" the cblîdreu were ever subjcected f0n. Ail the amali uýsse freassus tbat childran love haý ta ho snm ggluO into the houses andcon Baffer Titan the Bast Hofel. "Home lite ceMents tue love cf husbaad and wife; othor modes efliing offen loosorn the fie, " writes Edward W. Boli, lu Thie Ladies' Home Journal. "Nor dore tUe quesýtien et erpense excuse bbc nef hiaving cf cnesocxn beome. A berne is neft cf« ces a palace. TUe bumblest cottg is a atillon t fîes hetter thîna the nis lxrieus hotel ever plannedhy tbe mad c ia. Ie bbcone bappinese la prbal, athe otîter it i- just possible. Wet cu tt. anl wc chooeaabout married apiîe;that if, afrer all, rests soiely r-twcre bis-to people, ced that ih racles ne difrnowbeue îsby lire. That la very god aatheory. But thousauda et in- stances-- prove tbe ceetuary, that bbc theory wili nef w'ek ouftanpractice. Happines dpdeupon tUe guow tU of the peopîle wbo arei oparte of it. People irbo stol) and argaeare tîcrer happy. 'rohappinese tUrix as on whnt if fecds Lpe.t stagnation enter labo two lives Rud bappiness beeotaes stagnant and un- baUv But lot oîtr 1h es he fillcd witb ceareuitue tvhb dçimestic pleasure, witb tUat gomfet veiutio wiih sprtcgs fromn theý heatï-rIstone, and thbc bappiness wbilit spuinýgs tuom those elemeitte le parer, sacLrand mtueasati-sfî ing tf, oui ne- tuen ui mndsad oui couls A ruan and -,-cUeeemade fi) cUide togethî'r la inscpaLrable lîves, and as new elernruf s coecit,t tt unlc i osw ictru and bal- bu 1it the ahiding place sbould bec onte littie place, souriecocerinl this big world w hi-h tbey eau caîl their own, their veuy oiva, uhere cverytbiag around thein speaks of the bu shandes eneugy, aed tUe ulfe's achievetacat. Titat la home." Starved flarseif to Hemr Patti. Tt le teld et Sembrieh b bat sha once sbarved berselftof0 br iPatti. If occurred. ln Viennua, wbere Patti %vas te gtve a cou- cerf. Litite Marcella Senîbricb, aaxieus tel bear bbe great Adelila, consulted ber' poct.etbok. TUere asctf ucl la it, about eniogh te keep ber iin tood for the lest tue deys cf the weet.. Wlet ires te ha done? She lied no jew'eiry aed site woid bave sfarved betora parfiîg witb ber hIwored vilin-ah, tibere iras the rub! Wliy ,-nef starve s littie te bea flic stîpreme mjisîreos ng? And Mareella, af fer dils- cevering a bat cof stala hreed, four pota- focs and unlirnited water, weaf te the Royal Opera Hourer and teck bar place la a long linaetf iiug pîeple, and et the end] of six boure got e scat bigb up ln bbc farnily cie. But sUe heerd Patti, and for the reet cf the week floafcd la the air lnsfeed etfvsalklng. Eating did acf bother ber mnuch or sleelping ithar. A few, ycars liear ehe sair people petîeafly waiting la long lilas te beau ber as sUe wblrled by la, bar carniage f0 ber dressing roem. SucUi le4;flic power et .sang hacked Up by indoîn- ItaUlieneergy. , ____ Waablnàg Blue Flannel. To wah the cerntertable biue flannel blouse suit.s that betb 'boys and girls use for common wear, It sje bafer thet soap bo lftt eut. Grease spots sbculd flrsf ho rcrltcved ivifh a thcrough spengiag ot naphtba; thea the germent should ho sashed la bran mater, inte mhieb a, hait t,3acuptl)ul cf sait has been fbrowa te beld fli color. TUe sanie precaufions are need- cd ia the furtber procedure as la the laun- dering et flannels. "The face et every wmrnn!sa histery or a p)repbecy," said Mrs. Margaret Sang- ster cft te annuel banquet et bbc Emmae 1Willard association. "I bave no synpatby with ,vmeea a-betry te efface irrinkies. A wemen bas ne business te looki youtuger than she le. There is a history la every itte et ber face." Honsekeepers owning big, bandeorne eut glass punch houlenay cenvert theni Ilabo sinpcrb flower holdeus by raas et the mire reeksold for tUepupose.'l'lesa fit acros the tep ef bbc boa-la te hold the blessoms. As netire people sheaild ever unectbb' seaemel arrange on your hatbrooem toirel raek t ow'elswiitU different eelored bordera, essignieg te one person ail those witb red bordera, te axtother ail those witlI blue, etc. A nmedical authority asserte that tUe bigh standard ot beaitb ln bbc great eU-y cf Londoni is leugcly kcpt up by the eetiug of watý-,er crse, Ywich is selod in vast quaanti- f ieýs eh ov rer bceify ceverly noraing. Wcmnen, la order t e ha(edmitted ta Aus- triai unirrsitis, mut be et leastu 18 ers olgreduj-afe of a higItecheel ana et AuStIaý,n hirbh.-1 LEEMING, MILE$Sa& - w w~ e This will net b. the ceue vith an anh=la whee bicod isout oferder. When aore iamg t dowm he needs a tonic the same as, a 3aun. Oftex h. cannot have complete rest. Give Ida Dick's Blood Purifer qi and acte hoir qulckly he will pick up. His whole system ill be invigorated. lHi estion viii lie strengthened se that ail the ne is et vMMi bc dra'wn f romt the food and less of it miU ble required. Dlck's Blood Purifier drives out f043, Worms and al parasites. Ia cows it greatly Inceasme thec flow of milk. I 60 CENTS A PACKAGE. Co., DOR & o., V- en To w wwwwwwww wwS w w wt ww wwj# Warranted Oniv Stove made in Canada with Top Drafts. - The newest, cheapest and best. The inost 1$i~l~keconomicai ever in vented ~Iir~î Made of, best Aian ~Ei~IlI Russiait Iron, and lined with Steel. No ash-pan or rdw damper for ec-ildren to draw out and set lire to building. No ashes need reînovingonly' - -once in moiith or two. SWill warmn a house in five minutes Your in- suranue is less whlen yon us the- QITKEN,. Will se 25 to 50 per cent. - -- __ Sfafel Wiil positively keep a slow burning fire al-night. It is a Queen because it bas no ecqual. MR. H.DUNSLOW, Agent, B-laekstock, Ont. M EYER BROiS. 87 Church Street, Toronto. New Spring Goods at prices that will astonish you for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest and rnost attractivet stock of Im- ported and Domestie Woolens ever shw ini the County, boughtin the best market for SPOT CASH., We carry fulll hues of Staple Dry Goods, 1Eeady-made Clothing. Fine ordered Clothirg a oý-pecialty. Our Grocery Departmient Is well equipped with Ohoice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. We have special values in TEAS. Full Ue in Patent Medicines at popular prices.. Suiphiur in quantite a t 3c. per pound. 1 "1 u . - - l - ll HAMPTON. DEST QUALITY LATEST STYLES » m la rr 11Kn P-..voie,.- --i 9 - - 'Il ý i,17 lél- ' À", *I>Iblka*"Ml ýs Oats;--ý

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