- ~ fl Le l iin herreasury. Thle- ex- cause 'i 7-tsYr tlidt0niefficers are; Chiot Ranger, J110. caue L ii~S prts jWatson, Jr. ;Past(I JR., Ge'. MoLaughlin S~ao'ENGLA. Sub C. R., David Mine; Secretaryv, R. The S fEnld ra.y o rated i.Fielýd; *Treas. and Surgeon, W. A. Fish, oîl ne -ft- togs ldms ~eir~M. D. Meetigs ae hL the Oranlge prsde. learsre- îecd 1 T rIIHE nxnFÂcTRoY. Geo. ,.~ t Hiechar ii I~Ž ' 111T the Une of business and îuarnufac. Malnlo î e'~i.WîtildX St~ t-are Blackstoeck meets the deinands of Jeffer- J~.J..Marlow, - ~ Ie times. Olne of the most successf ni 1897 aucn~Mnto UUJCt he- se facteris in the province is situat- posiinh 8 Asi Vn ; eeUe nulreport of-w hich ap- pro:,pi 1! 11m1 j s poInt iti inP e~e aTnT.IE AT.S-MAN recently. te~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ý a akreîto 0,acl e 0 'edrceshl eeting on the n7ch fifty î . t eehîttooaIrs..t ia~mtersrgard-ing ,the ï,pe nntaty 0 an îîaig f le rfo ext sî.The hitoy ni tc unulJ ww eouriozj80,00to Ow00 ob', ~1183',per lb. out being affected. The eeuinof[ her weil-choseni solos could net ïbut please the most critical, and ati tOc sam ne timne rminister !blessings to tue common was madle stilIi more dl- , ful by the singing of Mr. Hi. CroxaIl of Ux1 de This gentleman combines- it a rich, clear voice a distinct eîîuiatilon tbat gives teis andience a ,ýrr dgreof satisfaction. Mr. Croxali i. a faorite soioist ln this îown andisaleaxs 1,, wel- core-H.J. Nott luin iby hreiel Topnis OF THEL r ver on i surprised zat itue apdiyamdica with which evln nuv ancr NerviIn !ei aspecif!ic f4,r ilJ ne1r ve pa i is anldsilîould -be- kept onhndby eve family.v n. - Mr. LeCvi b1inner5s iamily fhave hditifos t s ev r lY--.. r. Ed.- Virtue cut bis foot so badliy with an axe on Sat- urday that nine stitches had to begiven the iniJured member. . .The Sons' have been making the final improvement to covýý2jrig -the- doors with-igreen -baizc. . .. Epworth Leaguers expect to pay a fra- ternial visit toEnniskillen on Feb.25... A goo dly numnber will donbtless attend 11ev. J. J. Eue's lecture at Bethescla Friday evening.. Owing to the death of the'late Mr. C. *C. Fie.ds, ex-?M. P.P., iuncle of Mi. Hu eke, he was unable to aittenid meeting here on Wednesdav las,,t buit will dlvran address te the e ictisl Sons', Hall on Wednesday Febl](3b)a t 7:30 p. m. IT'8S !o peazsant to take thatiAhld ren cy forp Ilt;but its death to om of al kidDR. LowlsWQIUNI SyR1jP, 25C. Aildetbiers. vu-ICK-baies -w-i h--Maii r-rofits - is our m otto, and should you require a piece of Furniture of any kind, or a quantity of it Our pr-ices nd - x~ illnot keeyu fromi being supplied. Wc have anrtmus stock to select trom and you will be madj-, - ele at any time vou can make it conî1,výenient to take a look througyh our stores, whether you intend to purchase or flot. Don't for-get th-e place. L. Morri' Frueral Dùictor an.d Furniture Deiler, EowmnvîUe à- ï eýý