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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1898, p. 2

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ThieCalladial tlcSutwimftll t&PS'S CO6OARU An Efgbt Page, Fort-Eight Calumn Newsa rer ENGLISH is puihed IBREAKFAST (C)OOQAi EVERI W EDNES11A ixrî îPossesses the folowîng iDistinctive Merits 26 , S ATES ru oCK KNflSFFPT D ELICAQY 0F' FLAVOR. 26 TAESMN LOC, iNC S'-IT. t0UPERIORITY 1IN QUALITY. BOWMNVILF, "~" " ~CRATEUL ailCOMORTI'NG ILA1JIvLEEdior&Poprî to NIthe N ERVOUS or DYSPEPJIC, !TRITIVE QUALITIES -UNRIVALLED Iu Quartor-Pound Tins only. Siiissrptiou$i.50 por ennuni, or $1.00 If paifi Preparedby AES EPPS & Ca., Linîltefi, strictly in adva ee. homo eopibcCisemits, Landau, Enzlaad. 1ADVERTISING IiATES Tra.nsient Advertiaing. r.< s" filrstinsertioni Five (lenVI ti Ï-- -cil bano moquent insertion. CONTRACT fTS BIZE OFADVERTIIOaENO..... it One Column .. ý020 0k 40 '410 100 11slf Columin .......1 0 6 'In0 Quarter Coluimn. 130 0 1 26 t411, Eighth Cauin . 'i-' Twenty-live l'iuî .i2 18 TWenty Lin ....4 V To7 - 650J là ni-e Lunes. . 'îf t The aboave te eontiie't retÇsi 511Ç-%SPPly ouly ta regular bush tcmadt ti, Cange io'rIclt %lniits 11lUnC'hî baddi ntlSrthat ou e a d'ý1onekon Saturday -ibis rule will bc alib' I r.""l Pars graph sIc ertisem . ianiong news items l00 ahUe oach iîmertion. Births. 25c; Marriages and Deaths, 50c. Displayed adveri3ements are measnired hy a seale of solid nonpareil and se charged. Orders for disciantinuing advertisenionts inint be in wrltin.g, otlierwige the pnhhiýher wil pot be resnonsIble. No prcper Vw11lbi. at -:mt' il i,'voagc are paid, Peet',t Ite o' ýtioci of the pubisbher. A Pest offie notice ', di"" ig Da ot suifficienit Double regulxr ,rate!a 'haIirgpd du ri "g Mareli, April an.d May and Otober, Novemiber anod Deember for absos, iYnivertiaging not con- tracted for hy thec ye, Ail kiuds of Job Printing dlone wlth neaines and desptch and on reasonable ternis. The office is supplie mith a great variety of the latesi and most fashionable styles of type. Business noties il 1-1 lor npwa C, inn i l-ai insertion n?0 cets per i'o *,mari 5 cents par fine each Pubs ecpucnt h,'et1n.Notices of ni't- nigs off auy kin't nt which ,in admissaion fee is bargeed or a cite etion la laken must be pabdfor. Ailtomt bn should be addrossed, M. A. JAMES, Bownianvllle,Ont V OLCE CULTURnE -Nigs Glover ilp Vproenared to givp 1"sg> ýng i, Voieqlhltreton aIlite rit crof pu tiiher, home, 1,n Street, Eace. 10 ti AGENJTS Ilpn brwid Poncu 25 c warth P- Big. pay Capital nincecsary. BRÂLE ii~ c.LTsMO o.Limited, Toronto. w AN TED-TRTJSTWORTHY AND) ative o--itIeeen or ladicesta travet for reeponaibte as c olshed honise in Ontario. Nîouoh- IV Î65 and eptssPosition stesdy. Referente Encos ct'iidesedstniod nvloe.The Dominon Cpalnv, Tlenti y, Chicago. 3q - 13W MUSIC -Anyone can Iearn to plax' M org 't" or plmn in twn waskalz bv lisinirj thue Maigïu 13î tiec (hrt Tt teacheqea varvtiuin, simples ùv- d rott cmprehenisive yet invenied. Pl icee 50 cen ts Apc.iî Mc.a-ted. E. L. WEclSy, Pulishpar, Lock Draeser 7. B;wuoanville. . 49 - tf. W AINTED-T RIçT W&RTHY AND ai 'ixe gentlemen or ladies ta traVel for res"nncblpe etabliSed hanlse in0nta-rio-.Month. lv 545iev d a pensas Positioni steaalY.Refereance ~lncocasel adra cessniei naelope. The Damia';' ýCoampauy Dept.Y,Ciceago. 89-1itw. I l YI OUARE ENERGETIC AND ýLSTR(iýNt, if yýonare aboya fooliali prejudice agahoat c auvassaing for a good book, write anti get y cpsto The information wilt cet otio.T ihave put bundreds of mon n he wa'v nfi i.îing manev. sanie of theni are now rlch. Tic-j do good litions for you. if yen are honîorabl e cid work hard. T.,S. LîNSçOuc, To- ronto. H ELP WATED.-lleliahle men in o'oylocalfty. local or travelling, ta In- troduce a now dîscovery and keep aur show carda .c-kedlup on troes fonces and bridges throughout the country and town; steady eni. ployn oent ; commission or salary. e965 per month and expetuses. andmoney deposited inaiy bank WaORLD MEIcAPL EL 10c0o oLnn.Ot w ANTED.,-Canvassers, "Queen Vitoria: Her Lif eandueigo," bas cap- ture t the Britisht Empire. Extraordins.ry testi. monta-is- froin the great mon ; send for copyý froc. Maroti, a f tomne says, "The besi popular lite of theQu11a1Ihave seen." UHer Majesty sondsaa kindloter t aprelaton.Selling by thous- anuIte; g ii ethusiastiesaatIsfation. Canvass- ero muke $15 ta 040 weekiy. BRLALaI GARRET jLluediToronto. B OAIRS F0OR SERVICE-The im- pra',nveýdYorkshire "Oak Lodge Emigrant" waseu ofr.J.E. Brethonmns fanious stock ho _;; and sire 0f a nunnber of bis prize Pi g s;ha is )f immiense iength sud depth,. Sir&I olywell Emrigranit" imp. Aiso a Berkshire"'Prince Lee" -a-ire and dam imparted by Mr. J. G Snell. T -s50.Young Berksbire pige for sale, Irbred-ready toweanflec. 20. T. J. COLE, a ic Grove, Lot 19,can 2, arlington,Bowman- ville,P.O. 50 -4w* NESPAPER ADVERTISING IN Ntht nited Statese. A book of 2w0 pages e -otaintng a catalogue of about 600Nowspapers htniýg ail that are credited hy the Amerucan Newspar Directory, (tieconiher edition 1897) w!i11h,1baU unregulat issues of 1000 copies or ion ret. .Alsosepa aie State nia ps of cacitand o; c; SLtttlu tte Aneiacn Union,1fleming cèi- setwîîs only in whicb there are î.ssued news- >Lpprs bax ing more tbhan 1000 crculation. Titis hoek (ssuod Dec. 15, 1897) wilie ha sent postage îa-id. ta any address, on rocipi of$.1 Addres, Tt aO G P. IIOWRLL Advertising C ,0 pruce F4t», Ne'w Yrk. Mî EN \VANTED.-To sou for the Fontitîll Nurseries. Ovar '00 acres of Caad î rawni stock. Wa import no -stock f *tteSates. Fermera, ftarier3' sons, lm- ji n agents,.tudents, test '.ec, retlred min- eu -, egticci.'rks who Wish te niche ad- tg ln - itSu tework of sFIitr.,, our hardy o. n' ard for ccir go-odo- la o,.ceng 0w. i. ete fiact thatwa gnuantoo all aur stock f 1: 19 eutSau Jose scola 5W, ix ke contracis -,'t oleobor hart incme en, h pioyînent al ,,,oiid. 55e ii h otu ali- dciicommis- us - iec'for our cci., Outit free. 5 O WtLLiSGTIO,Toi,l i eariea.7 -Sm BAFRISTER, SOICTOtt. M0ORl~Sý vlie Solîcîitor for theià ntt (- iC Priaate pýnenys lce's ctrts O 'ýFFIGOE 1N WESTP DURHA M NEWS li3bok,wl-eehlnsel' or ,,iýassstant wilI befoandfromt. n. ta 9p. cM. iight ali t mi asidence, drectly opposite Drill Shed. Oels hy telegraph or telephone willrctette prompt et- tenfitan. lil - yr. A. B. MeLAUGHfLIN, 1PrrBter, Solicitor and Oonveyancer. Offie:- -eakley Block, Kiiig street, Bowmanville. y ytoiloan ai r . moi ohle ratefr. 48-lyr, Dr. G. B. PATTERSON. ï)eïntist. Ronor Graduate Toronto tfnlversjty and Royal College Dental Surgeon8. Speclalties .Artl1ifcial Dentres. 500(K; AmalgamiF!iliiqgs toc. Fï t lass work ai very moderate prices. Oflice Oouo. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, 4EM BER 0F COLLEGE 0F PRYSICIANS IIan d Surgeus, OlitarîoCoroner, etc, Residence, Enniskillen. 74 PEATE, TAI1OR~ Gentlernen'sClothos made te Order. Zktëaudîa BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 23, 1898 CLARKE NEWSf8 (Cundenseci from the News.)j NE WTON VILLE. Mr. Elias4 Smith is talkiîng of moving to Manitoba . _.Mr. Arthur Morganhbas1 secured a situation at Elizabethvlle.... Mrs.(Rev.)M. E. Wilson, is visiting at Belleville .. .. Mr. Thos. Stanton, Ponty pool, recently visited here- . A siîhN load of voung people fronPonty pool were entertained b.' Mr. and MrI.S...1 Arnott, recently .. .. Mrs. Elias MeCul-c loug-h has returned frorm visiting friendst at Stiir-eon Point ..Mr John Gilmnore is improving in health.,.. NIrs.Bark well, Hope, has heen'visting lier daugliter Mrs Dr. Aldrich. Must flot be confounded wîth common cathartic or purgative pis. Carter's Little Liver PIlls are entirely unlike theiin everv respect. One trial will prove their superioritv. False Representations. An Ontario, Lady Compels a Mer- chant to Pay for Damnages. A lady wrifing7 froni au Ontario town suvs.: "A monit ago I vsited, one of aur fawn stores and asked for f broc packages of Diamand DYe Navy Blue for dyeig-aIl wool goods. Tisenier- chant infonmed me f bat ho was ont of Navy Blue lunfisc Dianiond Dyes,'und falked me info buy ing a dyeo0f unofber niake, at the same tume guaranfeeing thorm f0 do as g-ood wonk as I eould g-et fnom thc Diamond, A lady friend was wif h me utthfe finie and hourd fIe whole conversation. I fook flic strango dc os home, nsed tlem aecording to directions, and ivas sadly disappoint cd wifh the nesuif s. TIc colon was any- tising- but a Naàvy; lu trufli, my niaferi ais wene spoiled. I ut one. t ook fIe goods fa tIc merdhant and fobd hlm lis do os wcne frauds. Ho offered f0 give me more of the sanie dyes or mv mgnev back. I nefused botis affursa ndaffer-1 had tbreafened luw pnoceeding- ho flonghf ifbesf f0puy for flicmat criais spoiled This morebant wlll nover ugain have fIe chance f0 seil me any mo re dyes. I shal g-o where 1 eau gèt fise Diamond Dyes ut anv timo tbey une wanted I have had m~y basf lesson withpon dyc." -KIRBY. Mn. J. Deyell and 'Miss L. Cooney, Peferbono, visted ut W. Coonoy's.... Mn. and Mrs. R. Bowen, Carivale, Ma,, ar=vsting tene ... . .Mr. W. Hennings, Necstle spent Sunday ut Mn. A. Rutbenf ond's eccnfly .... Mn., I. C. Cbup, inuand wife, Leokard, visifed Mn-A. Morow reconfly -. ...Mr, A. Robbins, Leakard und Mn. J. Scott and sisfon, Kendall, were recent g-uesf s of W. Cooney. ... Miss M. Warrpn, Newcastle ha refurned hom ..... Mn. P. Biglow and son Charles have fhe mumpo.i*» Mn. C. J. Tbornnon'is homo fromfroun Fenelon Plls,,... Mn, Mlvin Fowens is recovering froni nenulgia.., - Mn. and Mrs. John Dowson. Lindsay, lave been visifing here .... Congratulations ta Mn. Thos Powens, and bride ... Successful wood becs ut Mn. Wm. Liffie's, Mn, A, Rutisenfond's and Mr. Wm. Sheppard's ...A splendid entortainiont wus givon ut fhe Leagne Literuny meeting M1on- day week and wus fhoronglîty enjoved by îlhe large number present. Readlng-s by Mrs. Powers, Miss Lillie Hendersan and Miss Lonie Brown- sonoes by Mrs. Amos Cobbledick and XIns. ras. Po wers, and a vory clevenIy rendoned quantet by M~iss Ethel Riekàby, Mrs. Alf. Cbap- man and Mrs. Jas, Powens. A ps pur on Lifenary Work waa nuad by Mrs. AIt. Chnprnun, wîich was cnbsp and f0 fisc paint. The Presudent, Mn. J. L. Powcrs, wus appointed delegate f0 tbe, Peterbos-o'Convenition Retresismets were served ut the close. OF INTEREST TOMEN, The attentintof the ireadeu ba scalled ta an et- traction lîttie bock-ietely publisited lîyt4t eini- npite,'Ciestliysieliiu, G. H. Beitertz M. D 252 Woott'carîl Ave., Detroit, MNicit. Titis bo Ibsf mouîssfgcnuiîue itueraat ta e'ecy ma. and ts plain sud honoît advîee wil crtainiy he of of groatesi veine to anyaue desirous -of secouvzauî peufeci biealtit sud vigar. A requesi for a froc and sealed copy wlll h omnpliod with, if ad- dressed as above and Tua STATESMAN menitiný oS. NEWCASTLE. A (quiet but prof ty wedding took plae at 1 2 o'clock no0on Woduesdav at the residonco -of N.Sylivester Eldridge, fvhen his daugbhtir Anînie Henorain a united in the halix onds Of Mat rimonv with Mn. W. Il. Baen,,Davisburg il igan. Miss Nellie.Eldridze ise« o h bride acfed as bridosmaid while fhe groom was supported by Mr Arthur Eid-g, Toronto, cousin Of the bride. 11v .Taylor, paof or of tihe Methodist church tiod, the knot. Aithdugli tIe wedding was a quiet one the bride ne- ceived a numbor of beautifuli preseuf s from bher many friends. in Newcastle whicb showed the high osteem in wbich she was hld., The happy couple loft for Detroit, via Toronsto, where tnoyv will spend their honeymoou and thence to their home in Davisburg, Mich., fak- ing with tbem the wishes of their many fniends in Newcastle. BuONenrnîS. CURED.-MEssRS. T. IL BUEN & Co., Toronto, Ont. ,DEAR Siîn4,- I have used Hag-vard's Yellow Oil'for my children when they had bronchýtis, and always with g-neaf success, 1lu o if also for sore throat, and eau say ti ere is nothing ta equal it as a sure colre. Mntt. JAWMES O'Bmîîi, ]jýxntSVille, Ont KENDALL. Mn. Geo. Henry, Amberlv, Hluxon Co., bas been visifing bis uncle, Mn,.,G Henry.. .. Miss Mabol Kennedy, teacî- un, Oakland, spont Sunday week with fniends here.. .. Mr. Wm. Undenwood wiil serve as one of Hon Majesty's jury- men at the next Court of Assizes at Co- bour.-.... Mr. and Mrs, Wm McLean and Miss Susie MeLean will neside lu Toronto. .... Mn. Neil McMillan, Chos- ley, Bruce Co.,^ who was visifing bhis nepltew, Mn, N'ellStewart, is 8O years of age and is stili cornparatively litho 'of 11mb and as bnight lu intellect as over., ...The sehool entertalument given boeo Fniday week was the begt of the kind we have vet aftonded, Miss Lizzie Watson, our teachor, ce-,t ' inly deserves the, thaui.s of 1 e vý pulIIiç for the excellent prog given. 'The local talent was assisted by Mn. and Miss Rhoddis and Miss Merrificld of Port Horo,.Mn. D. Coi'sstock was JUST se IF VOUR BABLE wAs CiiOxiNU cîrru Cttoue' -Every second would count, how you'd wish'for flan- som's Rive Syrup ! Botter keep a bottie lu the bouse-lt aiways cures croup, colds and congîs wheu taken lu time. 25e at ail dnnggists. ORO-NO0. Mn. Thos. Rauîîey, Box Grove, isvis- iting fniends bore .... Mn, R. Kniox was lu Toronto last week attending meet- irgs of Loan Companies, ... Mn. J. G. Honev attended the Grand Lodge A. O. U. ..... Mn. Wm. McPherson, Ont anlo Business College, Belleville, is home .... Mn. Wni. Pope slipped on ithe ice and sprained bis wrist and ai , . Mn. Chas. Doncaster, Bowmanx'illeç, recently visited bis father. Mr. 1,'o. Henry, Amberly, Ont,, is visiting i ula- tives and frienids bore .... Mr. O. Scott has purchased the Gasper Scott fans, Srd con .... Mr. Wm. -Holland's valua ble St. Bernard dog waî; poisoned recentlv.- ...Revs. W. H. Adams and W. Hl. Clar~ke, and Dýr. M. M. Tucker are dele gatos ftiste Bay of -Quinte Conference League Convention in Peferboro.. Mrs, Farewell, Oshawa. le visiting ber sister, Mns. Wm. Ganisbv. . .. Miss Jean Adams,- Bowmanville, is visifing fhon sbster, Mrs. Len. Ganisby.. .. Mrs.. Ai- fred Moment, New York, bs visiting Mn. R. Moment.... ,Miss Ida Beer, bas been accu ted as a studeuf un thse Deaconess WomeToronto .... .Mn Herb. Hill, Bowmanville, and Mr. Samnuel Allin, Toront o, were lu fawn recentlv. .... Miss Kate Sqnain and sister, Mrs A. Craig, Deloralue, Man., are visiting friends lu Toronto .... Miss Drew, teach- on, is iudisposed . .. Mr. A. Lcïgh lias received an offon of $200 peor monith fto go "as engincer with a Victoria ,B. C. party, Ito the Klondike.", ...Rev. Mn. and Mrs. A. Terry, of Eddystone, and 11ev. Wmn. PeyM Fletcher of O>shawa, were recent guests of Mr. A. A. Gams- by .. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Renwick, entertained about fortv frieîîds Thurs- day sveek,.... Mr. Jas. Leigh, Victoria, B. C., us iii and his son Mn. A. J Lil has been sent for .... Mr. A W Carvath us negotiating fora Turbine -wheel for his mii . ... Mr. Heni-y Rowe, entered action against the Township Council to rec!over expensesforsending his child- ren to Orono school, they being unaible to attend school ln the'section to whiceh thôy belong owing to the action of the Council of 1897 closing up certain road- way . ... Death entered the home of Mr, Jabez Layton,' lot 21, 4th con., Feb14Ï, and carried off his only son, Jabesh, after an ilnesa of.three days. Deceased was ayouug man 28 years of age, of a somewhat neserveddisposition and bigh- ly respected for lis many good qualities .... The Sons of Temperance H al ýts filled Feb. 9, to hean Edwand Cars~1 the noted Temperance Lectuner. 5Ir. R. Kuoxs,, chairman introduced the lectuneèr and for an houn Mr. Canswell delig'hted lis audience by a succession of wit, pathos and appoal; and evervocie feit the hour ail too short. Mr. Momý-ent recalled some incidents in Mn. Crels last lecture given here some thirty-five years ago. itlurk in ithe blocU1 f nuaroya Sgocd health. Let a 1iioli sicknesseize 1-ni, 'd t nid el'nmy break~s oiit c"i 'rhe ault s 'l tnçdl-tiiecs Ctht s'cPpr- s ttoad of euirig cisea cniisc'-adicate 8c pnnifv youc blootl, ofy fhe standard 'nemcdy Sarsaparilla. yotî use ouf tht TYRONE.' Public Schuoel Hlonor Roll for Jarii- ary. Stîtnding for flrst cîass hnonr 75 per cefît.ýNarîus luordtsr of! m0Vit» nen Pulic Schooi Leaving ê.la- First clatss îonons-May B', arn. Second class honons-Floreuco Frasen. Alice Creopen, Cona Scott. Enfrance clas - First eiass honors--May Sandens, Mag- g-le Lindsay. Second C]ass Houors- Pone y Clemens., Jr IV.-First class honors-Louie Welch. Second Class honore--Aida Coiiacoft, Gonfle Skinner, Addie Lindsay. Jr. IlI.-Scoud ciass honors-Ray Wiibur. Gardon Notes. Plan before planting. Pot Iyaeinths now iead. No plant fînives lu a erowd. Is your grape frellis painted? An enlanged anea may moan iessened profits. Strage to, sav flore are familles on whose fables the footîsome pansnip la nover seon. Heavy winds somotime .donude the_ strawbenny beds of imul in luplaces. If shouid ho made up f0 fbem. If the seed is paon île ,"cr*op wiil be Soor, no matter Iow muel of an outia v as beeu incunned for proparing ftho soul. Waste tlwrofore goes witî poon seed. Ghildren of the district schools of Indiana planted 20,000 maple frees on Octoher 29th arbor day Plant trocs; and fruly wo plant blessings withouf limit. Slips of gonaninms, double petunia E. verbenas, hello trope andýother bodding- - plant s put info sand on eanth tan rooting lu Fcbruary, wiil unden favorable conditions make fine bedding stock b: May. The Germans seem f0 kuow how f0 mun a successful honticulturai show. If is reponted that thc great exposition bld at Hamburg, Germanv, iast ycan cain out with a ýurplus of $86,000 affer payiug expenses. Do you think of set ting' a new sfraw- berry bcdtfis spring? Thon kindly taketfis hînt whicî should ho botter known; Obtalu plants froni a young bcd. To use runnens from planfts that have borne several enops la oquivaient f0 est ablisbing a veny poon bed conipan. aratively. Peas may bc had sanie weecs carl ier flan thc outdoon cnop by sowing theni on invented nods in a bot-bcd lu Febru- ary. Thc sods many be eut into, stnips four inches wide. ain uf ls way a hot- bcd will stunt plants onongh for a long drill, when the socle later on are trans- fcrned int o fbegardensoil For iniveral weeks befone plunting- ouf fhe plants should be weil handoned off. -Vick's Magazine for February. WOMNEN AND ÎWEAK Lives ofMisery and Affliction. IVarvelIoRs Case in Ilanitoba, Paine's Celery Coinpound Proves a Wonderoiis B1eming, ,Miss Parr Says : "After.the first Dose, [ Fait New Hope and New Life Coming." Nervous Prostration, Mental Dep res- sion, and Excruciating Sufferings, Are Banished, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND) THE GREAT LIf E BUILDER AND VITAL IZ ER. WE-LLS & RICHAiIDOON CO.,- D)EAn SIRo :-For sevenr.l yeans I lave had weak nervos. and was gruduully unigdown, au o and 'ac I was pn=rfd witis nervaus debility. Mv sufferings wene cxcnuciating lin tise oxtrome: I really fhought fisere nover wus anothen who suffenod quite us mucd witl mental dopression and weak nerves. This lasfed about flirce mont la, and I was fuking doctors' medicine confinuubly, but, -us g-et ting worso insfeud of botter. One day while feeling- quifo discour- aged and( wondening if I was over f0 g-et ouf of my.dî-eadful stuate, a dean friend suid te me, I Iwisis you would fny Paine's Celory Comspound. " As I lad intended f0o try if I acfed upon ber ad- vice and stanted using if île verv samo day, and trou tise firot'dose' I fuit new hope aud new ite couîing-. 1 coîfinned nsing- if, and aunilf11 fking- if once lu a wliile, ulwuys asking Goda blessing- uipon each boftle. I, am. vcry much iniproved and cannof suy foo muinl tavon of the niodicine, and' WOUd roc- omniend if foalal suffering fmomieurVouns prostration and ment ai depression. Vours fait hfull,' L& EPARIS, CytlCfMn 13 RUJNNING SURES. Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport, N.S., found (Bunîlock Blood Bitters) a wonderful blood purifier and gives his.experience as foiiows: 111 was very much run down iu healfh and employed our local physician who affended me fbnee months, finally my leg broke ouf in running sores with feanful burning. 1 lad thir- teen running siires ut one time, from my knee fo fhe top of my fot, Ail fhe medicine I took did me no good, so I fbrew if uside and f ried B. B. B.; when one-huif fhe botie wa, gone, I noficed a change for fhe beffer, and by the fime I lad finished fwo botules my leg was perfecfiy healed and -my health'greatly im- pnoved." Attention Iaving- been called f0 fIe fuet fient some 0f the figures relafuîîg f0 tic provinecial finances in the Liberal Cunîpaigu Literature do not agree, if may le well f0 expiain the appsarent Is OnIy What Ought to le Expecteld From HIS METHODS Upright ln Everything-,Always Keep- ing Faith with the People, and Above AU, Curing Thom of thoh' lUM -Why Wouldn't Succesa FolIow? Mrs. Wm. Shaw, 15 Montagne place, To- ronta, Ontario, Canada, ,asys :: 1 havq great confidence lu MunonsRenedler, baving u8ed tihem wlth wontierful suesu3 bat fo yef sband sud ciild. I W., subjeci ta severe atiacks of headache eaoh elc udsekuessa )f cite s -toauacscom- paaled tish aie ue u3bug Munyon'a Headache cure Ï bave noi been troubled witb an sitack.L Is 'e case, of.- my uItile boy tise resulîts have been iruly remarluable. Thraugb teethiug tise utile fellow was com- pletely run dowu, had loat,, is appetite and was resties.sud irritable ail thse tume. We gave hlm tise Blaad and~ Dehillty Cures, sud in a short tume the change for tise bat. ter was marvellous. He la now enijoylng splendid bealtit. 1 use nothîng bu.t Mune. u n's Ramele, Dow andl bave greât talth thein," alei onÔtu ;a, e Oi dc ur:es ialus e r fiaes. jre eS2Cr. hir aScue l ,fu ul's. e PridepsaCue25e.-,,y uesu. ;rmiuno ndigsjesnancue pslilvdzhy res alil- FormaG 25C. gsto u soabtrnue. Prlyone 25e Cre.eetspemnl n. #-.b.n'- «o-d Cure. fr h.-tspenionla an b reas aup a eold lni a ccw, 5cw i'. discrepancy. If must le remcmbered blunyan's tlougi Cuire stops ceagita, nlght tînttacspeeh o th Tresunr Ho. R suemas, alays sorenesas nd speedîly bels I te thatthe peec of he Teasuer, loi.R u as. Prise 25e. Hurcourt, îvas deliveî-cd onflic 14f h !Munyons ildne,7 Cuire Sr't-,lly cures peîis Inte lîack, loIne sir groins, sud ail forais et December, and contained a stafumont kldney disease. pltle 25c. for nly en mnths Munyon's Nere Cure siops nervananess and of fho finances froytnmofs uul¾ls p lte sysheut. re2., wbie te igues iitis Reor ofthe MuNlili>n'sHeadache Cure stops b'eadaeite là whil th fiuresin he ecor Ofthethrae muniiles. Prise 250- Dnpl' liçýQntmgînt lusitiveir cures .a1 Liserai Goeerm nt, which was issued ô ~~IC~lS. ride c. at a lafen date, are for the Whole' ycar, a4uuycn's'Bleed Cur-e eradictutaS8 ailtlapttritlkes e ite blnod. Price 25c. w4fjh One exception, That exception nuh g5 t Ieulalo hemedies are a linon to, ail Fwill lio fouud on page 170 of fthc Record MeunoufiCata1rrh rtemedlles never fttil. Tlié if cm-8 of ftho Liabilittes of tise Provi ce, t-liCm ha sysîsut, sud tiseCats thetdsprit 25ne frmes-iesi ad the tite rhtabesre Quebee's share Of collections on accoun 5c-esin andsba lietearlIe l tte of Comîson Selool Lanîds for 1897 'notntinutesautd cuire peintsnently. Prîce M-. Munyon's gltalizer, a great ioule anSdne'- boing included, fIe figures isot Iaviug stuter af vit5l.sireiitiito weak people. $1. A. senarate cuire fatr saci diseutse., At ail ùrus' core ne uwhen fisc Record was issned. giais. ince.liy 25 cents a vial..* The urffus i thee satedto b $5,24, Persensi bie-tera te Prof. Muinyni. Il Albtert TIc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~et son sfbr ttdt e8,2,ara.Toroneto. Ont..answered witl ff55iqdl 663.86, luI a leafiet isslied at a later mlaliifroydssi date on Ontario's Finances Quebec's - shurois inciuded, and nialks adf erence of about tismen thousand dollars lu tbe surplus, wltich ut tise end of 1897 aînonnted f0 85,121, 345,24. lu stating tise surpluse, therefore, if ivili b. webl te ;- use tise figures on fhllut page ofthtie leafietiiu4ead of those on page 170 of 2- D the Recordt Saine apprelension hIasaso arsntn u from thse tact that thc figures of ' Revenue and Expenditure on p)age1(i8 of fhe Record are boss in aiount flan thoe ppede talIn.Mn. Ilarcocirt's A vegetable treincdy for diseasea spëees, lc-st tUe assertion sîtoniu fM rsigfrmDsod1e ieS made fIat flic fig-unes wene 1ars"gfooDiodeeeLveSl0 A careful roading of tlie figures %vil mach or Bowels, sucb as Headache, show th-luthfent is no reasoîs for suýich an Biliougness, ConstiPation, Coated assertionTise table ii tise Rut ý,l isTongue, Bad Breath, Feeling of foi 'ýorcdiiarys," that is "contro 1 itobe " Languor, Distress after E-atiîng, etc. ncxeise ad epenifîme undut Ie MaS. CLARA HowE, Moncton, N.B., sayris supply bill, "aid does 'lot iniclud e Drain 0'l need Luxa-Liven Fis for Hleadacbeî ugo Dýebetîtures (mniîcipal anîdfl) and Liver Troublie, sud tlay not only re. Railvay Aid Certificates, Aninie, rlîeved rme but ered me. T-ley do no% expendifure con capita'l uccount for ih grupe Or Bielken and are easy ta take."1 new Punliament Building-s and the Sldby al Drugglotsï at 2500 Bnock ville AvsiLuni. wlbciî are provided a, VMal or 5 f'ors $1.00.1 for by stufute, are uncontrollable, sud__________ _______ do nof conie under fIe Sîpply Bibi ut ail 'à ~--. There ib no ane article in fhIie nof niedicin,. fIat g-i-t-s so large a î-etnrn for tise înouey us a gooci ponous streng-th eiiiug laster, sucis as Cunfer's Smart Wecd and Beiladonna Backacise Plaf- ers. New Ocean Steamshîp- Canadians will enjoy a very much im- proved service for the coxning summer between Moutreal and Quebec and Liverpool thon ever before. The Do- minion Steamship Line. with the pro- gressive spirit which they have always displayed, will fIls, soason put on two now steamships,. the Dominion, 6000 tons a sister ship to> the Scotsman, and the ï±orkshire, 5000 tons. Labrador, 5000 tous. This,, combined with the excel- lence of their accommodation in ail clas- ses, and fhe company's wellknown at- tention tothe comforf of . their passen- gers,shouldadd very gireatly f0fhils line's populanity. As ail indications n)oint f0 quit e as heavy fravel. the cormisg ea- aon as last year, those intending cross- ing sheou.ld profit by last yean's, exper- lince and book a long way ahead,i and intending passengeis, who wish comnfort, cambin cd wif 1 reasonable rates, should sce, the Dominion Line agent befone booking. The first sal- ing of the season froîn Montrueal will bu the Scotsnian, April 80- M. A. James, agent, Bowmanville. O ELERYKN UIIR Rîcit, rcd blaod-essential ta perfect heaitit - titis pucely herbai tonic imeures goodhuealth. At alldrug- git. 25c. a package. WOODWARD MEDIINE do.- MAIRRWJD PEOPLE LIVE LOINGEST Tryi smtie.Buyth. JAMES, appoicuted Ithe icGev. uirameut, Isner f'or the County ot Durhtami,and with proper tare wbll lest e lue cime auJ1 gîve yan happcncss.- MýORAL-Doi t romnî, un- married. -lau ealso arrange ta have the Weding.i"Cards and comloeo otfil, printed iii arihodox fashloa bv yenr ahhigiuîg humble ser- van t M. A. J AMES,Issuernof Merriage, Lbceuss at bis residen(çe27 Centre St., or et TOuE STAÂcoS- Mil office, iniavle THE Coor111STFRiEN LARG.Es- - N M Ç>1 PHRENOLINE REMEDIES, Taking fIe bond evonywhere. We are wonkingday auJnighftte supply tle demand. Oun Connespondeuce shows that hundreda upon hundneds of poor suiferons une boing nrestored te heulfh aud huppineass daily. Rheumatic Specifie or Kidney and Liver Pis - They -are absolutely pure i ud h ealtis'ful. Guun' anfed -fo cure nbeumufism, sciatica, nourulgia, lumbago and ail forma olf kidney and liven trouble, BEWARE 0F SP'URlOUS IMITATION WANTED. 1ndustriousmen -of- Charucier. THE LI-NSCOTT COMPANy, TORONTO., C. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduiate of Cie Royel Collgeof Denýtalin gu'okks, Onta'.rlo, VIrALIZED AIR- -i:->1 ý - - -eik startekl- leor- f)avti@ulavs wrtto TUE t: ý-L

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