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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1898, p. 6

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ifyouiare ill you need a J. M.BRTMACOMBE DENTTST. 0ffce.-Restr of Messrs. i.i- botham & Son'sDug tre (Down stairs), ing nt Moville, for London.dý-rry, every Saturday, froin Poo-t- land. STEAM5tiIPs.ttr LX, Nalmidianý ............... Saturday, Jan 22. Carthaginlan........ .... Mongollan................... b'eb. Laretia........Sait Numidian ..... ......... Wednsd a N Mar. 2 Carthageni an.............. 5 Californian ..................... 16 Laurentian, Ist cabani only, Cr "~tL.2x cabin only. Passengers are tratisferreti fro, tte tvain to steamer without neonventience or expense. RATES 0F PASSAGE. By Parisian - Liverp, J Lo.donderry-sst Cabinu, 60, ý70, Tetu, 0, eo 114, $133, 2nd Cabin,'(iniud- ~U Londoni 3à.25. Steerage--Lt vrpooi,Derry, Befast, Gasgow,Lodoi-,'23.50. îy Cali foriia n,Nuidian, Lauren tian or Mon- glan, Tt Cabin, 5nd 0rtu -1,1. ByNumidian, Californian, Mongoltan or Car- thagIian, 2nd Cabin (in'Iudinig London), e34. By Numidian, Mongoianl, Californian -steerage, $22. 50. For tickets and every information Ply to Alitin Linle Azentîî Bîwntiîna, , Seamnstresses, and familles shoRld procure the best and simpIes.4 Pnethod of cutting, viz; it 12 up to date and will save fulliv haif your time, and give your work the elegaiiee of Prench Style curves.. Tais syst em received first-elass Dipi- ornas at Toronito and Montreal Exposi- tions, 1897. 1 IApply to W. SPAULDýING, 278 Euelid Ave. Toronto, General Agent, or to J lss J. MARTIN, Bow- manvil le, (at Mr.Davis', Beech Ave.) 80 - 1 yr. ADAMS' Avariety ofvery hand- F REE , mre and useful presents fae sent free for the return AJXTABLETS POSITIVELY CURE .LrNý"-va,, 1i«asesFaiIing Main- cry, IMPOteucy. S0loeisnes,etc, caosai b>' Abuse or otber 1Excasses andiiIodle' cretiots. s-N,û omcky and as-e0j mrer.Loît titaiity in old or Young. ant eit a mnutonrindy, busimness or marriage. î prevent Ins.,nity and Contsoption if t anintima. Theiruros hows imimettate impreve- ment and, affects< a CURE wbere ail othêr tai In mel un he igeths eî'oùte Ajax Tablotî. Thv-ý have eeredthoasadutwl curaon. W. a 111,. *nittmn guaranteea ta affecta curae I 5'O l eâchýcise or retand the mous'., Prices o DIapar packaae; or six okees ffoIl treelmeoti for $250. B>' mail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt et ýrioe. irculer îre- AJAX REMEDY CO., ;1"«b" t For'sale lu Bowmauville hy RTOTT & .dUICY THE R.ELIAriNCE' Loan alld Savings Company, 01 (Yntario Inearporateti untier Chapton 169, R. M, 0. 1897 BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD M. A. JAMES, Esq. Protide,ý ,Editer cnt Propnietan CANADIAN STATSMAss J.H . JUY, Em~.Viee-Presadet (Druggat anti Optican.) R. D, DÂVIIVSON, Esq. Isecrelaiý (Principal PubliceSîrbool) Mje28s MAGDOUGALL& JONES, Sohetcat, (Equit>' ChemIsons, Toronto) -J<IIN GÂIJD,'Esq. valuaI (BîmIlter andIJCantracor.) W. W. TÂMBLYN, Esq., M. A. (Ebewseenavilie )[lgh Scisool.) Boeardmeats for the causitieration oai bans thseeut f1. D. Davitison, Esq., Secmetary fi-an wýhia linformation ma> hie obtaineti. 1 ciai, acaintii, agricmumraI Or menata -that isàflot within its grasp. i u churches and scbools and Colees anti asyluins and art galleries feel thO 1. quaJklg of the prlnting press., The institution Of newspaPers arosa in Italy. lu Venice the first uawspapesr was published, and mnonthly, during the tirue Venice was warring againstt Solyman II. in Dalmatia, it was printeti for the pur- pose of giving military and' commercial, information to the Vanetians. The first newspaper publishet inl England was in 1588 andi celled the English Mercury. Who cau estiinaÉe the political, sclenttflc, commercial andi religious reyolutions roused up iu England for many years past by the press? The first attempt aI this institution in France was in 163 1, by a physiclan, who publsheti the News, for the amusement and healtb of bis patients., The French inâaûu±etk fully baw to appreciate this power. So eariy as Iu 18120 there were in Paris 169 journals. But in the United. States the newspaper lias corme to unlin- ied sway. Though inl 1775 there were but 37 in the whole country, the numiber of published journals is now counteti by thousauts, and to-ay-we niay as'well aeknowledge it as uot-the religions andi secular newspapers are tn ,;-at educators of the country. Power of the Press. But, alas, through what gÉruggle the newspaper bascoma ta itEtproeni develop- ment! Just as soon ns it began to deinon- strate JUs power superstfrmon andi tyranuy sbackked it. Thora is nothing that despot- jsm so imuch fears and haies as the primmLng press. A greai writer iu the south of Eutope deciareti that the King of Naples~ hati matie h unsafe for hitate write an any subweciSave natural history. Aunstria coulti not bear Koslsuth's journal- istic pen pleading for* the redemption of Haungary. Napoleon I., wanting to keep bis iron heel on the neck of nations, saiti that the newspapor was the regeisi of Àangs ami the onl , afe place ta keep an editor was 'n, prison. But thagrent batike 'orthef ootm f ýthe press was fouglit -a Lhd court m0o1n3 Of Englandi andttho Tnlted Srates beEore this century began, ,han 11,n12mtom made bis great sppecluý S iinlf of the fr-eedIon of J. Peter Zengers üJezeýtei1n America, anti wheu lürA.uo uatie is grtoat speech in behaïf'oX the freedowtu#o pubiisb Paine'. "Iht2 e« yaur profession bas mata lu influence anti power sinco the day wb.n Peler Shaffer luventet cast metai Iyr'e, anti because îwo books wera fonut juel allie tIsa> wemo ascnibe o the bmwork oai Iba davill, anti books wene printeti on etripe lof bamboo, cuti Rev., Jesse (lover originctmt ho lie r Americen printing press, andtihIbmcoim- mon council ai New York, in solemax resobuîlon, offoreti $200 la an>' printer wbo woult came lier. anti live, anti wbeu tIse speaker ai the Han se ai Paruea- ment lu Engianti announcet i wth indig- nation tbel the public prints bat reoog- nazati some ai Ibair toings, unul in luIis day, wben, we bave lu Ibis country' man>' nespapere sentiiug oui copies b>' tbe billion. The prosseandthtIe taiegnaph bave gane town ino teIbmeagreal Lbarvest filaitota eai>, andtIhe telegirapb scys la tIse uewspaper, "Ill reke, while yon bint, " aeutheb. on beelliof tbe telegrapb are set down aI one mati ai tIs a brvesitj fd aneu drawn clear acrose, andthle hewspaper gathers ni> lIe sheaves, setting towu ouaebehai on Ibm breakfast table in tiesa hape ai a mornlng newspaper, anti putliug down another sheaf an thb.tac table in tb. shape ai an aveuiug uews- paper, anti thal nan who neihber reatis m takes a uewspaper weuhld curi- asity~. WbaI vaet progres luce lbhetiays ivien Cardinal Wolsey tuocredti Iat either tihe printiag prosse ausI go tawn or thse cisurch ofi (ot muet go town ta Ibis tune, When 1h. pintiug press anti thIs puipit cr, in butitiede ai ýgioriausý combination ent alliace. Triais of thse Eitlor. One of thse great trials oi Ibis newc- paper profession le the acot thal lb.>' are caoinplledtotasac more ai the shains ai tise world Ibamiany otber'profession. Vrough evor>' newspapôre aiea, day b>' dày, go tisa weanress aiflthe woridtire1v vanilles tisaI wcnî la ho puffet, 1h. mveuges Ibat want ta ha weketi, miiitira mistakes thai wanî la b ho arcedcali tho dÙ1) speakers wbo wanî te ho Ibauglît eclaquent, aclithse meennase tIsat wants ta gel ils warec naii-otgratis, in iii. e4itorlal- comue nin order ta save the tex af the adverlieîug columnu, clithe imen Who wai a-nhi e %et ,rigt hmwio aOî'er wereigbbh, nil tIse crack m ,an ,Iî>blesspàe%,:wltb sien>'ai; long ma t4s& itUt ni aIs gI, oaa>'as. tbeïoh, 1 ger D'le, aDE b ltiý.eicwt bQr1s Vwhf W,4 t tal f.'ive 2,2iUtSS 1anti stip au hoàr. doctor in whomn you have con fidence. If you.,need a remedy you want'one that has been tested for years; flot an obscure, un tried thing that is urged upon you, or on which you save a few cents-that is no consid- eration as against health. ,For wasting in children ,or aduits, Scott's Emulsion ~of Cod-1iveé,r 011 with'Hypo- phosphites, has 'been the recognized remedy for twen- ty-five years. 50c. and S nal druggists. SCOTf & BOWI\E, Cheiiists, Toromj. Soa down unudr Inlemperanre." Oh, in>' Sho openeti Il anti read an etivertîsement milions0f mottions forn ttneir Ohe-hltid-ren -wh71 tear bhr ofm ihlbnewepaper profession, wbicb announceti thet sho bat becoîne holig ta iturboildai mrimand roei ai wbat yon cannaI <la without artificiel beirees tla alarge propert>' anti thal frag- withthe1paMn af cntttnig tecth8eiidat oneealn etlnulusCati dos uat wan-l you ta <&Io!1ment ai e newspapem lified iber ni> irom gia~tl i5 lilwîSoothing Symnp Thora le no hall way graunti for aur liti- paupericen la affluence. Anti 1 do flot for Childuen Tenhîng. Ib wil relieve the otanr oIl derer_ et o..... fleJenti upou lî.motîh e erary people hetween bototalissu anti dis- kuow but as the Ibreciad o liMiaeunroils tir sîomistLakeaoti.I crs1irhe sipation. Yaur pirafess.,ional sucoss, your ant i uwînts a littie farther Ibrauglilb. reguLlates tLhe stomach anti bow lires Wiutd daetcpae orarà avtosileul yel epeaking newspaper me> ay Cellstn tenmrdaeIflmto, dometicpeac, yur eemnl cavatanantigies toue cund nergày ta ie whol.e y.;eem wMil tpent upon your, theonies la regard foundth Ie vast inheritanea ai 1h worlt's n. islw'Soothinik Syrup forebire la arti4çial stinitshî. 1 bave bail so0 man>' retiamptlen. teeting is plesscut 10 tthe tasLoeut le11 the pre- friedit go dcswii ùudi er a ptstibn, Jiasus gisali reiget whére'.s tbe Sun sel aptiomi af onea f thie oldest aeud hast fertale lb~r #l~yqush~~ o~s es ie~Ivosvejmnyre , 1 hystclian'iaid inurses, luithe ulted steles,3 bisÉùýçesve oara" u-n Pce 25e a babtl.. Sain by ail dug thr il- £ia4t, bal l ay qi ~hs npmnng i ~lis,~ln«lomstrteli irom iiore la sboe eont the world. Be sure andIek1r ~ 's *1a ýf«rdai uavnT sapashalrise zmd setWs'Soonolmore.,îp <-~--~-~~ mMati" lu Êingî'nut. Tlioso werà the Mare. PEuurIT AND.I PR SS. .on andthebmTharmopylce where Ibm _______ tbatile Nwae fonthlt wbîch decidici Ibe 'rce- daolif tho jro-s ila Engiaanti Ad 1,' ri ýa, DR. TA'>7 tI TAKES THE PRINTING u nti ail the pawers of earhh ant itl will fi1eilr again ho ahi. ta put ripau the prînît A7FOýý HIS SUBJECT. lng press the hanticuffs andttheoopples af liierar>' anti politicai tespalisen. Expresses M& G ratitude te o Td andt he' Iris remenkahie that lrhomas Jefferson, Nwppr- Commemorates thse Twswb wrote the Declaration ai intoîpent- Newspaper nce, also wrote Ihese worts, "'Il 1 bcd ta Thousa'adth Publication of Ris Sermons chaos. betwoen a govamumrent wihout -An ppea teEditrs.newspapere anti newspapers withoul a' -An ppei b ditrs.gaverameul, 1 wonîti prefor rire latter." Copyright 1804, by Arneican Press Associa- Stuug by caerpeuew fabrication lu print, tion.) w oaetaWrite or speck about au "un- Washington, Feb. 20.-For tIbm frt' bnitleti pnînting press.- Our new book lime Dr. lagelu this tiscaursa telle graunt ni> in unjuet critlcism, w. conte in wbat wcy is sermons bave coure la a ta Write ar speak about the " nufair print- multiplicity ai publication such ae bas lng press." Perbape thraugb aur owu In- nover lu an>' aller case been karown înce tistlncluess ai utterance we are reparteti tb. crt ai printing wcs inveutati,; text, jas sayiug jusl lb. opposite aiof tWo _Nahum ýil, 4, "Tbey shailseerilike tarai- dit se>', anti thara is a stuail riaî ai sei- es; they shall mn like the iighlniings."ý colons anti byphens anti commnas, anti we 1Express. maii train anti telegraîphie corn- Camie la Write oan lu about the -"blunti- nucilation are suggësee, If net forataiti, t ring printîng press," or we take ni> a Ini ibis taxi anti tram'it I stant ta preecb' flewspaper fl af social scandai anti ai a sermon lu gratitude taelotianeutheb.cases oi tiyorce, anti w. write or iaik' newspapar press for Ibe fact Ibat I have about a "'ithy, scumious prnnîng pros." badthie, aiportunily of telivering trough But Ibis morning I ask you ta consitier thse nexspaper prose 2,000 sermons 'or e- lb. immeasurable and everlasting blase- iglons attirasses, so that I have ai man>' ing 01 a goati newepapen. years been aliowedthtIs priviiege of preach- Next t the Bible. ing tIse gospel every week te ever>' nigh- I fidtnoa ifficult>' in accountlng for horboot in Cbrieteudom anti in many tbe worit'e etivance. What has nadtie . lande outite af Critentam. Many have chanze? " Books," yan sa>' No, sir! The wontieet ai the procese by whicb Il bas vasî majorit>'ofai ctizene doua ne en coaet pase, anti for Ibm fIret lIme lu books. 'Tae. Iis audiencee or an>' other public place 1 state tb. Ibm.. causes. pnamiscuaous assemblage, anti baw mrany Ma>' years cga a Young i-nan wbo bas histories bave lbey enti? Bow many stuc. become amnioent lu hie profession Ireatises un caustituitional lcw or poltical was thon studyîng law in a distant city. economny or wonki ai science? Bow raany Ile camne ta mie anti sait thet for 1i ck aif elahorate poams or books of Inaval? Nai imites lie muet stop is stying unless many. lu the United tatîces the people tbraugh sieaagrapby -1 would give him would flot average on. sncb book a yeer sketches ai seronsir, Ihai ha migbt by for eacb individuel. Whcnc,, then, Ibis tho sale ai tbemr securo mecus fer Ibm Intelligence, Ibis capacitl no talk about coniipietiait ai hie education. 1 positiveiy ail Ihoînas, saunier anti religions, this tieclineti, because it seemedtle 1n. an iDa- acquaintance witb science citai art, Ibis possihiliby, huit aller somns mouthe bat power ta appreciaî. tbm beautilul anti peesoti, anti1Itbat redlecteti upon ' he great grand? Nazi la the 'Bible,, the newspapar, satuess for sncb c biliant yountg iman swit wingeti aut everywhere present, fi>'- to ho defeatot inl hie ambition for th. iug aven the fence, shos cd un ion the ton, legal profession, 1 uîîtcrtoak ta serve hlm,, i taseet inia tbe connitiug bouse, laid an ofcourse free ai charge. Within Ibrea the wonkbencb, bawkedtIhnaugh lb. cars!I weeks tbexç caine a request for those îAI'l i-ont i-wblle anti black, German, stenographie reports from man>' parle of Irishinan, Swiss, Spaulant, Amanican, the continent. t ai anti yaung, good ati bat, slck anti Timue pessoti on, anti came gentlemen Iwoll, befoebeaklast anti citer lea, Mou- afin>' owmî profes sion, evitenil>' lbinking day mamning, Saturda>' nigbt, 'Suntiay tIsai ihere ssWas hardI>'mromfor them ndutneutweektiay. 1 uow tdeclare Ihat I con- for myselini Ibis continent, hagan ta ia b nwp rt h h rn asenail me, anti bacama sa violent in teragency b>' which the gospeble latekm asseuit ibat tb. chiai newspapers ai prearbati, ignorance otîst ont, oppression Ainerica put special comepoutentsisl n>' -detbrouet, crime axtirpebedthe b.worlti cburoh Sabbahh b>' Sabbctb teta te.dawn raîleet, hbeaven rejoiceti anti Cat glaiiet. encît repiy as I mightl maka. I neyer mude lu the clamkiug of the prning prose as epi>', oxcepi omnco for about tbrce minutes, lbe shoots fl>' ont I hear the voice af tbe but ibose correspomdenie couldti ua WîC rLord Alutighty pmcaimtug teaci the thiborimtandaui o tho>' taiegrapheti th. tccd nations oaithb. aanî, 1'1Lazarus, corne sertnrîns ta their paticular papors. Aiter' forth!" andtlatise rotreating surges af wle Dr. Louis Elopscli af New York 1tarnnes, "Let there ha ligt!'l"Ia man>' syettntaucod the work int a syndicat. ai aur cil>' uawspapene, professing no tîniili înroîgb tIsat anti other syndicales more than sacular information, thtere have hoe bas put tbe discoursas weak b>' weekj appeareti turinig Ibe peet 80 yecrs sama bofomo more than 20,000,000 people an af the grandeet appeals lu behali ai reli- bath sites the sea. Thon. have beau co gieon anti came of tibm moslteffective inter- mnan>' guesses ar.,Ibis subiect, mat>'ofai pretations ai Catis governînent arnong ilîcmn inaccunata, I naw 1e11 Ibm tmua ithe nations. stor>'. i bave ual inîpravedthlb.opportun- ToKnd f-waaes it>' as I anght, but I bai lbhelime basTw Kitso espa. coti. wisa as a matter ai cominon jus-j There are ouI>' two kintis ainewspapera iice ho the aewspaper prose I shouiti maie -the one good, ver>' gant, the other bat, Ibtis statenietil in'a - sermion commemama-j ver>' bat. A newspaper înay ho cart titre ai tbe twa bbonsamrth full publila- 1wlth an unclecidot character, but citer il tion af sernious cuti religions atidrasses, bas beau gain« au for yeans av.n 1ybodly sayinroîbing aif ragmntias-yreparte, fidt n ie wa ila t lale vm whicha wouhti run u ni> mman>' Ibonsantia goat or it le ver>' bat. The on. napun more. e .embotimnent ai uews, itmecl>' af Nothing bat Points.I virinue, ibe foc of crime, tire talectation ibor aneirîcdou Ibat I igli aielaivateal teste, the mightesl agency ou was reartb for muakiug the worit botter. Tise meutiota la Iis coninectian, showing bow hr ppri rgn m oa air insignificaut evani nmlight influence us othcespaper je a bi rig uam agior l for a haitimne. Man>' years ago on a Sabi-focsileabsiuraieuatnI le the igbl amm ai deacl eut bell, il is bath morning an n>' wa>' ta churc inlu the migbîiesl agene>' in the universe for Brooki>'n a represoutaftveofaià pramIneul -meking the world worse anti battling mewspaper met me cuti sait, "Are yan againsttecueo oteoea going ta give ns ar>' points ta day?" I ag ftll ce an ieCati, ebmoer ceiti, "Whct ta you tmena b>"points?' ,,a neof ai intalgen e t mc>',tIse othe Ile rapliid, "Auyhhing w. enuromn- ange], andtis yis t> e taob. agbt Ibm ber." 1 saidtua myseif, " We onglilta o ratbeîl bcb a aie b aiea makiug 'points' ait tb. lima lu aurr e World. IMyou have an>' doubt as ta pits andti uleal lu platitudes andtun-i wbich is ta b. vioo, csk Ibm prophacias, tic." halon.intrroalin pt l m ask Gat; lb. chief batteries wIth wbich Ibal maning startoti lu me the déiecf i ho would vintdIcate tise rlghl andt Iunter but pinpte. ilte Thend ohngdonthe wrang are uow unlimbered, but pints Thegreel Armagettan aoflise nations Is Anti now bow Cen I imore approprlatel>' neual lahb.fonght wlîb ewortis, but with camnmemorate the twa lbonsandli publi-stepa,;p.,wh ulsibtih Cation Iban b>' spaaklssg ,ef -thea news- te ed a it uitbtwt papr poseas n ci>'ai bm uipt atitype; not wltb camion, but with- igbîn- cam oftIa tial a nevs-, ng parfading pressas, anuthIbmSuiens, mentlaning sm o h til eues-adtheb.Moultries, andthle Pulaîk 1is, and: papes- mon? Itlb.Gîbraitars af Ibat cauffil e ll bb hie Ibm TIse uewspaper is Ibe greal tindcator aifIedtoial anti repartarîi.roome -oî our' tIsa niriteoaîb century. There is no force jgreal newspaper establishments. Mon ai compareti witb it. It la book, pulpit, plat- Ithse prose, (lot bas put a more siupendous faim, forum, ait lu one. Andt lera le ual respousibility upon, Yeu Iban upan au>' an inîmet-religious, litarar>', commer- îrsrcs inres.Wa o~,hihs F'rom the editorlal andi reportoarili roomnu 1 the wine wliezîit is red, when 19 g!vetb aIl the foiliets and sh11m9 Of the world 1iIls colar in the cup, when it moveîh lîseif jjIRj(ITH CAMII iLL - are seeni day by day, and tbe temiptaIion t aHght, fur at tho 4%a,t it biteth 1ikêeý is t0 believe nieither la God, man, nor serpe.,&a t ls2aigath like au adder. " woman. It 13 no surprise ta me that In nother triai 0f thia profession In the The Assv*5I enee reffl les u nu your profession thz-e are saine sktepticai facî no one seema ta care for their seule. sfrêkà£u 0fMa 118flP. men. I only wonder that you baheve lbey feel bitterly abdut it, thottgh tbey anything. Unless an editar or a reporter laugh. PeDple sometimas laugli the louti- bEr. To.portoene, thç /r!2 " bas lu bis'present or iu bis earliY homie a est wfhen they feel the worst.- They are bceihc oeih i miodel of earnest.character, or lie Lhrow expecteti ta gather Up religious prc-eeti- nawàe&k.noh gave W, . t. thmei uponhe poldiiog gracia 0f Gad, ings, and tadiscues religious doctrines Inlu" hae inay malte tempo)ral and aiernâ GLip- the edital columns, but Who expects 1 t~ Frlb aSaya wrec k. Ithetu to be savati by the sermons ihey Demands of the PabhiL. etenograpb or by the doctrineâ they dis- Another great trial of ti nwspape- eesil the editorial columms? The world profession is inad.'quate cmesto.loepn thema as professional. Who ýSince the days of Hazltt andi Sheridan preaches ta reporters anti edulors? Some anti John Million, anti thea waillngs of of them camae fromi religions 'homes, andi Grab sîreet, Londau, literary toi1, wîth when they left the parental roof, whoever veryfew exceptions, bas not beau proper- regartati or diseagardeti, tbey cama off ly maquiteti. When Oliver Goidsmith re-i with a father's beniedictian anti a nmot ,her'm ceiveti a frient inl bis house, lh. (the au- prayer. They neyer think of Ihose, gondi thom) badtot sit on thie wiudow, because t aid times but tears cameInmb their eyes, there was only one chair. Llnnaeus soIt andt tey move thraugb thase great cilles, bis splendid work for a ducal. Defoe, barnesick. Oh, if they only kniew what a the author of s0 many volumes, die ieu heipful thing hl s for a man fo put hie uliloss. The Iearned Johnson dinet i bnt weary beati down on the bosomofay- sereen balcanse i lte ete patbetic Christi He knows hownrvu sbabby ta allow hlm 10 dine wlihtbhem anti tiret you are. Ha bas a Leart làerge gentlemen wbo. on the other side of tbe enougb to taire lu ail yoar Interes o serecen, wera applauding bis works, Andti iis world andt ha nazi. Oh, men of the 4a s0 on down ta the presant time liîerarj uiewspaper press, you sometimee get sick an dhavred bn ry em, cmy epl..X houl is a great sîmuggle for breati. The of Ibis worlti, it seems 50 hoilow anti un- and d inethed by reame, cosé.quenh-m woriti seems ta bave a grutge agalnte a s atlsfyingl If there are auy people lu ail ~ i b onn neld I man who, as they say, gets bisliving by [the eartb that need, o, youare Ibm frei t11 àeroidlzzyand'cau oeM4a bis wits, andthte day laborer says ta the meu, anti you shall have hlm if anlythis troublai! wath a my iýel ta e efor.v ndI man of llterary tou, IlYou came towfl day you implora bis xùercy. at Làtering of the heart, together wlth a bere anti shove a plane anti hammer a A man was fount aIta.h foot of Canal sharp pain Ibrongh iti ai limes. In iis shoe last anti break- cablleshoues anti earn sîreet, New York. _As tbey picked hlm n u condition I was eauily worried and! hIt an bonest living as I to lnshead of slttinig from the water anti brouïgh bin o lbthe onervatesud n exhaustai!. Two inontho &go tbere lu idlanoss scribbllng!" But there morgue they saw by tbe contour of hi, I begsn takiug Milbttmn'a Heart anti NerVo are no harder worketi men lu al the forehieati that ieha bd groat mental capac- pilsI since that timte I have been gaining in cartb than the newspaper people of ibis lty He bat entereti the newspaper pro- heaith ana ti eath daiiy.' They have country. Il is nit a matter of bard i fession. Hie bal gone town lu bealtb Ho restore my nervesto a healhy condition, times, it ile cheracieristi a a al timon. i1tek ta artificiai stimulus. Be went tiawn removeti ail dizziness aud.hoarttrouble, and Mon have a btter appraciation for that furtbar anti further, until, oua summer now 1 sieep weil and derive comfort and which appeais 10 the stomach than for day, bot anti hungry antisiok anti in des- reît fromil i. That Milburn's Heart andi that which appeais la the brain. They pair, lie flung hutuseîf off Ibm tock hy N'oreedfiYzus bave noItea aitba imense fiancial nti font i k bey I erve Pille are agoire.yfo Lvpe ,hae n ida o te iimese lnacîl ad 1foui n bis pockeît a reporter's pad. a neos, Weakness, Heart Trouble and im illr inteb'ctal xhautia of b. ewspperleati pencil, a photograph Of soma One complainte goas without sayn. Pre pross. Oh, men of the press, l wil be a 1; who bcd lovet i hm long ago. Deatb, as 50 ce. a box at all druggists or T. Milbur1 groat belp ta you, if wben you get home somnetimes ht wiil, smoathed oui ai the. CaoToronto, Ont. late ati uigbî, fagget out, anti nervOUs wrinkles thai batl gathereti prematurely witb your work, you woulti just kucol on bis brow, anti as haie ay there bis face Laxa-Liver Pis oure Dyspepsia., tiown anti comment your case 10 Cati, was as faim as when;,seven yeams before, îvbo bas watcbeti ail the fatiguas of Ibtho i left bis country home andti ley bat. day andthie nigbl, anti wbobas promiset i hm gootiby foraver. The world looketi to be your Cati andtihie ati of your througb th. wintaw of tb. morgue anti V bilidren foreveri ralo tenesaprsait, "It's nrotbing but an ohtcast,"' but GVNAA Aniother great tra ftenesae Cotisaid Il was a giganîle soul tbat par- A$ 10 9 IE A P I profession is the diseaseti appetite for unu- ishati because the world gave him ne IoESNT. bealthy intelligence. You blame Ibe chance. INA SENS V newspaper press for giving sucla promain- Fight Corruption. Lrnce toeinurders anti scandals. Do you Lt me ask ail men c onneetid with tbe1 A This le NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE SCIIEME VP supposte that en, raauy papers wouid givelA -but aSTRAIGET BUSINESS proposition. V prinînuceta bes ting ifibepeoleprintiug pres bat ibey belp us more A beautiful Present tai everyone-FRE di nioldemanti tbem? If I go imb the at aei beefr aeCONDITION'S: botter. I charge you i h an fGd nent nmarkt of a foreigu city, ant idt l lb.nameai Cti, thatthobuther ban upon he ostbefore wbom you must accaut for the A o ah esn euing us ý5 cents lu ilverv thatthe utchrs hng u on he mstAfor 3months eubscrîptiou b IEGi FzLEM1AN v conspienous booka meat that is taintet, Irementous influence yen bolit Iis j FARMER MAGAZINE, Io laclurte tht heautifulV ~vble ba eattha l frsh ntieavrycountry, ta consacrai. yaurseives tobigher ;N "Special' Christnas number, we will mail V le put tîway witboui any special came , enev1e You are the mon ta figbt back A nena ni th ealoig preen'Vicrouia Ibhis invasion of cormupt literature. Lift A slecFEnaeleA hauPi telatQu oeVltrI coma ta the conclusion that the people of AGliEaee cr i telts oet thatcit lov tantot inai. ou now up your right baud anti swear new aile-A for lady or gentleman) value t 1.r25, or a y verywel tha ifthe rea mas ofpeo lgance ta the cause of philantbropy'anti AKlondike Oiamond Scarf Pin-a perleci gem V verywel iha ifthe rea mas ofpeope A valueti et $1.25. or 5 Places of the Lateet V in ibis country geu boît of a newspaper ; eiin niwe I et tnigo Sbeet Music (linstrumental anti Vocal) valued %y anti there ara in il no runaway matches the plains of jutigment, yon look out A il $I25. (A valuIeOI$l.0 for 2SC.)y na roonni>failesnoteamatton of upan tiemtuntaumbereti throngs over whom A You should take advsntage of Ibis aller V no roenupfailes n df ouhave bat influence yil ba fotid A AT ONCE. men lu bigh position, they pronounce the yucma n A___ ___v that yau were among tbe- miglitiesî en- tA * ___ H paper insipit. They say, "'It le shocking- t ly imii o ngbt" beiev i isone0fergies that lift inen upen the exallet r5 ly dll t-niht."1 bliev it s oe oAGenlmanm Fl armer imagazInw the trials of tha newspaper prossethat lb. patbway Ibat beats ta the ranown af r, heaven. Better than ta bave sat in adi- A le the Ilandsomest Farm Magazine ~ peope o thi contrydemnd mraltorial chair, froua wbicb, witb tb. linger I meAa siusb instoati of baalthy anti intellectual tAIt contains 96 Pages profusely illosîratat. 5Vý food. New, you are a respectable tman 1raf typa, yau tecid tieIb destitues of em- A lsed edaiwit a viawtoimake it aumiel, anp an intelligent man, anti a paper comes pires, but tiecitieti thora wreng, Ibai yon A indespensitile visitor to evary ïarm lireside.7 juta your haut. You- open it, anti thora bcd beau saine tungeanoti exile, wbo hby A Instructive and Interesting the iigbt of wiutiow iran rateti an t anesoAeeyças ,a threc columus of spleîîdidly written erp f egetaetlu, p A ÂfM olarm ers ni e ery sa C adtoriaî, recammontiin soime nmoral emîs faNw etmetia£L>ced AO.Doe Ve. V setiiin o eoliigsele'scenileup from. thle eartb, speliet ýontut Ize story A sheryIm nthrevng scotiat ee sa 0fbin wo taketh awdy the sîns of tbe ABrotber' Jonmathan PubliShing Co. V tbery.[n heuex cousn torais worlt.Inluetemnity Dives is tbe beggar. AManhattan Building, nisa-able, contemptibla divorce case. - Wbcl t yu ea Cet Yu ii itaib rWeil, my friande, w. wiii ail soon gel Chicago. editoial ong nougi tasay, Well hbrougb writing anti priniting anti proof- that's verv ably witieu,"' anti yen rend reading anti publishing. Wbat theuf Our the divorce case from the "long primer" 1f. is a book. Our years are thechaptersq type ai the top,10 the Ilnaupareil'" type aI Onr montas are the pziragreýPha. Our ticys AP I \ k lbe bottoiu, anti thon yenu ask your wifoe ihsnteroainceis. Our doublearebion ofL~. I\. L.Jl if she bas reat II! Oh,, h is 'ouIy a case aof terogteia pons. ksOur iation ai1 s suppiy anti temanti INewspaper mon are ohret. quttinmrk.Oualmpe$100,000. not fi ools. They know wbal you wanî aIutiisplay a tash. Deabli the per1Iati. anti they givo ilt toyou. i belevo thal if EIemnity the peraatian. 0OGot, wbere 'a urg sîm(if roone has b,ý-. laî-ed lu my the churcli andthle worid bongbî nothiug will we spend til? Bave you boardi the - urý ( af 1sa5 sr-ofor uvestine it, on butpueboeet leatbul ewpaer iews, more startliug than any /founti inI -'-îe rn --.irt ra terni er nîgbut pure, hones i aelhflni boapethiulthe jouruals of tbm last six woeks? Itis ,1 Vl orTen er. i.t 5 1-2 percent nothin but ure, onestand balthfl ý2'rec' cdl t'as.aipaý,tC - ît-iv, Satîstac- Iftoheb tidînge Ibat'man lea ls. Have you türy' conalttoiis for reoîrynCnt wil bearrangeti. newspapée wolt be publishei. If he bardthlb news, tbe giatitesi that was D. i IMPSON, shouiti gaiher al the editars anti the re- ever announetd, comlng Ibis day froma Solicitor, Bownianville. parlers ai ibis counatry ln ane greal con- -ii.Iban i atetiOct. let, '94. 4o - If. yention, anti ask oi them wbat kinti of a Gtlglîgcuir papaer ihey wouit prefer la publisb, I b.- leaping frain Ibm palace ,gate? The news I Lieva lbey wonlti - unanilmausly sa, W'w.¶b irasnw! hlteei adn NE W TTAILOR SHOIP. wouldprefr tepubisb a eîaaîin for aIl guil and coafort for ail trouble, paper." Sa long as iihCre le ani iniquitaus Set il ni>tu "double leatiet" columns rh 1esine o hsi- aa na damandthIbre will becertiniquitous Kuni. anti direct il 10 Ibm wbaie race, the tailoriag. business in cannet, .lion wltb Il. make n apology fora debaucbed I The A.nei'o Wing. Masun s Dry (4ootis Store for anIntI r oi years piy. no a ui iineticed business for- himself ntt r s roims new,,paper, but I am, saying, these Ihing- Anti now 1 close"ibis sermon, Kinîg St. west, wliere hoeleolîrenaroîl ta make ln order ta divide the rosponsibiiity bc- ihankfnlly commemorative'ei the "Two genîts anti boys suite lu ailI the la test sty les, tint lwaenthsewhoprntandthsewb"Thusaidh puoretinet f owest prices. For tltose who wisl, la order lias .,~ prnt thoe ,.,~Thauandli pbliatiocro-" soust,,he w..l Carry a full lino of sainpies lu al read. mliv to acknowledte eserviesQ reunrprdl g- -rZo~f--a(i-o hho cl Templations of Journalisîs. r by tbm secular prose lu tb. malter aiofT LLN Anaiher lemptallon af the newspeperr evangalization. Al Ibm secular news- ahobl'flor profession is the greal ailurement thal papers of the day-for I ar aletspeaking giotberîo surrountis theen. Every accupation andti Iis monning oi Ibe lelîgians newspapars profession bas temptatiane peculiar taoil- -ail Ibe secular newspaperc ai lbe day -. self, anti the newspaper profession is ualt isciies al tbe questions of Cati, etemnity an exception. ýTh&. great tomant, as yon andthibm act, anti al th. questions ai knqw, le on tbe nervous farce, andttih e b.paet, present anti future. There le a noS U R E bralut le racket. The biuntoriug paliticai- a single doctrine ai tbeolaogy but bas been ' speech muet reat well for the cake aifIbhe discusset lu the las fant years by tbm sac- rRO P party, anti so the reparler or tb. editar t nir newspapems ai the country; tbey GET r FIQ UICXCLYl. Writ e te-day for bas to'make it-reati well, alîbaugh 'oamy galber up ail lb. news ai ail the earîb sir bcaul.?ul illiutrateduiaLoko >Platoutsaad sentence were a catasîropha ta b g bearing on religions subjacîs, andti hen ibe ?csclng tary auasa o invetchw liis agug.ThA renaprrmue ber ci Ieysellter ibenepwc abroati agin. The atie -- -1 --end s -a r -- -Iel. -i àrà= g 4mpez qs umwmw -_Te-eý 1 - --

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