4JEDAR DALE. FEUSONAL. M4iss Nicholson, Whitby, lavisiting at Miss Allie Dingmýiian is visitîng in To-a P. Mallett's. .. miss Hetr Tatton has ronto. returned to her home in Toronio .......Miss Dolla Doncaster is teaching at Tý Mrs. J. lonbb, Toronto, isattending Mr. Leskard. and Mrs. Dickson who are improving Mr. Bert Harnden is horne from 7 b .Miss Hanlav, Toronto, is visiting hier Chicago, Ill. brother and other friends here. .... Mrs, Miss Rose White, Toronto, là; home - Wr. Maxwell, Toronto, has been viBilt- frhldv * ~~iug Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cleverdon. orhldy Mr Geo. Mallett is assistant mail cari-i Mr. Ne!iYellowlees,, Clînton, is visit-ftM L!IL l, J or for Cedar Daloe .... Efforts are being ing his mother. fu I(IIUU u il' made to g et, the G. T, R. to mun their Miss Forsythe, Oshawa, spent Sun-I II'I if tant ail ucin i htdya m m orîes Uw ,. , U Ufroin Oshawa Junction....Mm. Chas.. John 5job1in. Oshawa, spont Sn- -i aearvd ietfo lsoavr ag Kelr lakmt at MeLaughlin day with olcI friends ln town.haerivddrctfo Gls wa eylrg in tîý s ip m nt, h *la g od sare bouglit d irect from m an u acturers I b I 3 j~~fned ino. Wop YouER iaful vau wey: eetego Miss EihJnig svisiting i guest of Miss Lillie Fligg over Suuday. We have not space to mention more than a few d Toronto. .... Mr. Jno. lol v-lited fmiends Mr James and Miss Maud Wright in l Pickeing. ... Mr. Rusl a adhave metund to their hom t Micel. of the items. WilI give you more particulars next week. liI as b e very l but is slowly recfvêt Mr. and Mrs. M. D.Williams visited bis alý'and Miss Jessie Mcflonaid '-!t 4s wçcJadehes IN AL DR~TIIN~Mary McMillan's; Mms, F. Burns town, Mr Chas. C. G ooda, of the Salvatio¶i if Pantiiigs Lace Curtains I N A L L D I R E C T I O N S . ~~at M r. S. W ood's; M iss J. W iliam s ', A m y farrni, B d d d à vst n town,' at Mm. John TmuIl's; Mm. and fmin'ds in ,dod,isvstgod Cashmeres Daak Tbi Mrs. Ezra Hall, Omono, at Mm. Jse Messrs. James and William Sot rnhDesSuf r uln Miss McLeod Newcastle, at Mr 4 D. Brooklin, have bec"' visiting their aunt Moffatt's. .... 1benezer Epwomth League Mrs Lewis Lyle. British "Fry Frillings s epetd to visit the Christian En. M . A. Mitchel represented Bowr n a pety C r e s ote o P vr de=ree next Fmiday evening ville Camp, No. 54, at the Grand Camp TaetyCres ote o P~IButtons o u 5 tol10 POUNDS per. month is the li. in Toronto lastweek. odCae.T ed aps LcsVing *ual inicreaso of weizht when takiug Rev. W. R. Young, Port Hope, willCodCas.Ted apLcseing '~MILLER'S COMPOUND IRON PILLS, mreach educational sermons lu the Black Capes Gloves, I3ibbons but as high as 80 pounds incroaso has eothodist church, M/amch 6. thirty years known in West Durham as been reported. Sold by ail druggists. Miss Minnie Wormy and Miss Josephi- Black Surah Siiks Black Cashmere Sox ieePefondofTyone hveben Fast Black Cotton Rose India IRubber Braceât VIa NEWCASTLE. guests atM.Jh ellvar's. Thei Roliablo" Bowlnal îlo Drlgît Visitors Mm. and Mrs. Joseph Symons Youngne aepl aumemd ofac young os etsU brl and Mr. Ed. Symons, Lindsay; Mrs. very pleasantly on V\ ednesday evenin dBakCthmr oe Gnt mrla ar nw elin PtetsatDavis Midland visiting hem aunt Mms Miss Frances E Willamd, President Flannellettes Cufi S W. MoesMr il enr rlaUnion, died in Now York Fab. 17 fmom Embroideries Boys Navy Suits É% S iiighssse rS ao;M.pneuxnonia. GmsTwI Vn ne evsfrRslnB . Mm. and Mrs, Herbert Shaver, of lkGmsTws D e artm entaiy St rrPic. and Mrs. S~.Turner, Shil Little Britian, have been guosts of hem Beaded Gimps TowliDgs Dr.in p&l ê d f miy o D tto O thirwedding ti ,C l r d G m sT p s r a 9 Toronto-v has ,éhôveo Mr.. . JI Mm. ho , J. . ae is que of the paî usn bont buy bLrtlgs in~ Strrntwj ~ôhLaeCnetio of M slis Lawns Silk Parasols, &C, 6oe... Mrý iuhamd ugh and f arily the Montreal CoUterçluco which meet& haemoved to the Moffatt famm.... in~ Ottawa this week G onsw t ~Eaton's catalosr , be Society will hold its annual meet an ispse udr nwtrf the ethdia Mrs. F. Mason Miss Mason an isAi!u se ne the nwpreverential ai. curchndynih in teningthe Shar-in, Petemboro, and Mise Nettiol then go to Higginbotham's and teacliers and officers of the Sunday Shemin, of Nape, wem e theaeasorciiggod rmCnainhne 99 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lau e t h oeo week attending the wedding of thoir eaeas eivngodfrmC aîa hOFg rfl Miss Annie Eldridge. Miss Edîth Orch- stradae1WsownaIresoc ofntrinw h a Lao s r ce,--ard read an address and Mm. John Mm. G. B. Wray and family have re- and ar î hwn ag tc fetrl é hngs, bu rg t EtnS P îepDouglas presonted hiem with a beautiful moved to Stratford whome ho goes intoorne CadinT esaeexletvlu. Btor family hi ble as a slight token of the business as a grocer. They are much une Ca di T esar exletvle. Btor yusave postage. esteem lu which she is held as a teacher esteerned beme and their departure la ts hoosaeorldigetrehswek Setem in l the Sunday 'Sehool and an active regrettod. Biihgosaeorlaigfaueti ek e hm womker iu the League. Sec Newcastle Rev. A. C. Cmews, genemal socretary news on an inside nage. of Methodist Epwomth Leagues and Seokors ator gold are Often disap Sunday Schools, has gone to Bermuda. onted. Seekers after health take lie will visit ai Mcthodist churchos on T hE--%s oi U Spei*& T his4 W ee dl lo 'g Sarsaparilla and flua it meets the island. A T h s W e :evemy expectation. Mrs. MeNeil, gr,, Haydon, is visiting hiem daughtems, Mrs. D. McU'onnachie Dodd's, Pink Pilis (W. M. S.), Doan's Pilîs and Scott's SOLINA. and Mms. Alex., Colville. Although 94 -?,mu1sion- (smali). 40e, or 2 for 75e. Division la boomin.g, h tiv e is as rtrigitr a nd al aO 13 Grain, W ood, Lu~ o ,ec Scott's Emulsion (large), Paine's Celery Compound, lastmeig..M.A Lv Pascoetit quarte cenur berun B. B. B., etc., nearly ail standard $1 Preparations 75c. cd Toronto last week. ,... Mm. and Mrs. Mm. Fred Quick, a Bowmanville boy-,-____________ J G Laugrnaid gave party to their wbo bas becîî engagcd ini the drýý gooda -Thomnas'. jElectrie Oil and Carter's LittieLiver Pis, fiends. A very enjo ble tirne was business for the past ton .-ears, in Scranton Coal, ail sizes, at harbor, - - - $5.25 per ton. 20. hrPatents eutein proportion. -spent. .. Messrs. Thomas and Frank Lindsay. bas entered loto partnershipi catnCa 20e. ohrSotridge intend leaving for Thorn. with 4Mr. Stewart Robinson, also of ScatnCa, deliveied. to any bilh, Manitoba, soon. .....Mi8s L ydia Lindsa and will carry on business for part of town - - - - .5prtn 1qindui wd-kMont orner ils visitin on Scugog themse vos inBelleville. BuVr J4 gginbot am 's D r g s11san . ... b1 r. and Mrs. Y C. Langmad iMisses Shur1eff and Dobie, of 4 sntario The Peopie~s or BerniceCoal, at harbe, 4.0prtn and Miss Laura Brirnacornbe, Bowman- Ladies' College' Whitby, woro gucats so 'rtn ville, are visiting at Mr J. G Lang of the 'Misses James, "'Lorne Villa," u&livere 500pe tn ENNIKILEN.maid's. ... .Mm. .J W. Brooks, wboilaone over Sun.day.ý Miss Sburtleff is a junio oï~ wJNISILN f ou live up-to-date farmers bas me- pupil ln the vocal depamtmnent and sang Having handled Scranton Coal for 23 conseeutive -centlymade a nurchase fromn Mm Chas a solo in sweet voice lu the Methodist years and almost ail other kinds.at times, we can recom- A very successful political meeting Garbutt, of Clarernent, of sixteen thoroý chumcb at nlght by special mequost. mndteSrto asheB TadCIEA ST nth BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 23, 1898. was hold lu the hall home on Fmiday bmod Cotswold sbeep. Sorne of them mn h catna leBS n H AETi h ,oventnK by the Liborals, the speakers were irnportod and took fimat prize at HiGOH SCILOOL REPORTS, market. The public can atways depend on getting dry, H DO.-beinz Mir. John M1cMiiian, M. P for the Royal Stock Show lu England, FOM1EGII RMA.weil-screenied Coal as we have shedie --ate, Dr. Mitchell. The hall was cmowd- od stock and have takon flrst and F. Couch; F MeCrirne1 Reid M asoe t Our school bas beon much broken by od and the greatest enthusiasm prevail second prizes at Toronto2 Lond(l G Bilkey; C MeLean, lâuiaequal B Laat?~ for th e supply of this section. - oses . Sick ones of Our villagTe are od, .. Young people of the village spent Brampton, Milton, Orangeville, Boltoni. V %el Aln ~ait; A Morria W@aeaintelatpeae t a hvr dhrdvvnn wAt Mrgh andMr arebrdg asd man thee places pTpae top1t improvint nieolv .... The politicafcoet- Thrdvooigwt madMsWo ig nmu to lcs yer;a Maudýbilok We L Pearu; M i ghst .market .price for ail kinds of ,Coarse Graju and ing at nbkillen Fmiday nielit was Thos Hill1, 9th con., and Fmiday with taking ln two yoars thirtoon fimat and Buztoný A Hill A WghzT scobei;* E patin* Seeds deliv-ered at our trhuecre Kn adGéog iarglv tteded.Excterent i~or MMiss Amnot of the village. Thoy report six second prîzeq, Mr. Brooks Fhould son; A Lyle; M asuî.tor P t SoehueconrKigad ere Drsicelpolso b u nding very ,,,at vnng.. feel justly pru usecuring hs d Foam IIn . OAY teto tPr Darlington. Frid9y Uvrn nal hite . and Mis Tamblyn of Omono spont dition to bis almeady valuable flock of KAar ar an mtathpart of last woek with Mm. and Mrs. H Cotswolds. Riaed, P Mitchel, L Gilbert, R i c îel LJrvie, Just to hand tlresppyo at ;&ZdgnOce of Mr. John Slemou whemo J omv ery .... it itejou and ir. SUFFRrnX STOPPUD.-The suffemînga or 1 mu o verv pleaGant evening was spent. W. R. Courtice, Courtice, qpent Sunday caused bv constipation cannot be hum- oit ~1~F Il SE., EtiCLW. drinb sadbrrs, RsfRock Salt for Cattle Qysters weme served lu abuiidance, and at Mm. Jno. Martinsa. berod. Ail of these troubles can e Vu WPoyc, M Rickard, li Walbridge, Hce and ilorses, also fresh ground Grev Plaster In barrels mavother good things as Weil. E MiLLau & Co,, Dreadon. Dear Sirs, pormnen1tlv cured by Laxa-Live Pilla rc, M' Joyc, Macnad, A Meown A Bo hcnear-rprd osî hepfrcsh rde' Messrs. E Ashton and R. Burgess, the -Please send. me two boxes MILLER'S UJne Laxa-Liver Pili evemy nlgbt for B Foiter, V VanCamap, C. macionald, A £nlght, Feri1h e ar speil. Lumb o er, Lhathfor csh.ls Srash,,y promoters et the scheme. denerve credft WoRm poVBs I find thom the boat thlmty days, cures constipation and F ma&-n- X HcnrY. etlzraseity Lub ,Lth Shn e,8sb for the way it was couducted. .....Elec- medicine for children. MRs. (Riav.) billousue6sa. B OR 111iII, JiiESOK. Doors, ep, always in stock, Inspection învitet, and fiatis. tien or officers for Haydon Epworth JSi ou~RLxu, Pai'kbhll. ILBTabc M Wadde1t * 2 ieldlng. fato gurated Lafu took place Thumsday OvHAiA. ______e____s;DOlbat F Posdet-oh Rnde;HAMPTON. -N G A1ix A McRoterte, ens1Il Y Galbraith; à~ lat Vice-John Siemon; 2nd Vice-Miss Re.JP isn .Absbe qe okn; GTl*I.I a Edith Trewin; Bmd Vice-Miss Addie Wisn B.s A. hanqh hol hv been Smie rokn o po; U Tron d Broad; 4th Vice-W. H. Umeeper; Sec- Mis Ela oe luvstn rod na e. ~ tetir era a the lait alrï6wins Xaminatlun. IVCeL Jir..A a-,e rotarv-Miss Ethel ÀMcNil;Treasurer- Oshawa. .... Mr. F M, Cryderman la vis- tor of Simone St. MethodIst church. Trhe _________________B@wMÂNvILLE. Hierbert Slernon; Organiat-Misa Maud lting bis sister, Mrs. H, J. Hodge, Sut- Board'also mocomnended that bis salarv i.Wuky oteyoy Uree....Ms hapebsbe i-ton_. 14r. and Mms. Howard Cmy dem- ho incmeased te 8 1200 ........Mm. E. Bý h hse oý eàoy .t'ast End, merchants are prepaming' ' L W IF YOL' W151 Ito DE WwLmL-You taut orctem tht any injurv 1 MAY bave donn for a siigbtly diftereîît temperature *1 E U Wfortify your svatema agaunst the attacks Yvu i this centest, by uttemîng snoh, Seirus oa ay. W on't s. rn c aoraa ofîs is .. Mrc. n l.H argoesb L c f qtiaiititi ý saeI * U * of diseaso. Îour blood mnust be kept untrue sttretmyh iheIbut we soul good razoma and at much lower prices' tan you 'f ;e. . Mm G.H Jadins bi sae ~pure, your stomach and digeotive or- arn ?nlngt~tyu sail, and request would have te pay for cheap ones. i itesday Uarch 8-sec posters sc 1h iÎ gans in order, -tour appetite good. yen te pub;ish tîd ai nuy i'xpenme CONTINUErD Succuss.-Continued suc a sth indiinttemeD U TANhwold &O"t.». "me r'g I R. ce~means sterling menit. NOItWAY bulld you up, purlty and enrich your ROBERT x HICKS.,Z pi ýqnE SYRup has sterling memit-henco LOO HUMORS c~ i i a blood and gîvo you strength. It 'mre- mariR. Ph n qu %,l <l-'asthma, bronchitis, àoarseneïs, A dose Of !Y!Uleu's WORU POWDURS power, .,isML-q j sero throat and ail throat and luuzt occaàunally wiil keep tht c.:ikh-eu Heed'a Pills are.tho favorite famlly gain. kvîng bu;»â. firct resd &AL tvoubles. holthy. cathartlcý easy te take, eay te Operate. ful]y ezplained. o