(lit "flERMS :-$1.50 Plut ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY PIRST; THE ý,ORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. ' ZW SERIES. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WED'ESDAY, MARCH 16,,1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 1 1. ~A1L ~AlL dJL Ait, AIL. AIL ..XIL. ~ML ..XIL. ..XLb ~AAJ..- ..XIL ~AU... AIL in the newest designs and colorings, which they are prepared to make up in a style unequalled except bý the best city trade. Ail those who appreciate -a>perfect fitting Suit or Overcoat can depend upon geti ing, what they want by leavingr their orders 110W with Couch, Johnston & Crydermian. SBowmA&NvILLE, Reilaoare? 1advised tobuy ~ ~ It has an ýestabIsh - ___----- ed reputation for TIIEIR ON'LY WocQý.Tqu ....... MPýSON <I.DAýL E$ Agents, Bowmanville. Nolhing is more suitable for a present than a photo and -we ar e prepared te turn ut culwrkeu o Ici the fineat eihy work and ae pnices 1 that will suit you. Special atten- ftion given le family groupa. Cali 1inisec us opposite the Bennett H4fouse, Bowmanville. ON THE (MÂR.Ku'),SQUARE Best Werk. Lowest Pr] "8. ÂCholce agsortuxelt cf SxsA5'LE G01100 sud. NoVeME~S. REPAIRING A S~iLLT pain quîcku t"aanyD HENIII otlir. Put op mrl 25r- titi0< adS Otyard rou. allows yw o ad*het 6 Pla'tuaa' d'e DRshoul4 bav ou* ~5 ~ ready for « mer- gency. DAVIS £ a WDENC ce., LIMITIe. ITEi Beware et Imitations SPRINa WEATER WEÀKNSs-Il'S net the weather that's at fauît. Jt's your syslem, clogged and poisonous msterials, that makes vou feel duli, d.rews v, wenk and miserable Let Burdock 13ood Bitters clear away all tbe poisons, purify and enrich your blood, make you feel brîght and vigor- OU&. TYRONE. Mr. Tics. Creeper l8atatending tie Supreme Circie ah London this week., .Mr. Remmer's scienhifia halk was very iuheresting ah tic League on Friday evening .. .. Tic members of tie League are preparing an Easter pro- gram for Good Friday .. .. Visihors: Miss Agglc Mann, Bobenygeon, at Mr. Jas Bingiam's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamn- ley, Chicago, ElI., at Miss Carnie Sccll's ...Tyrene Division S. of T. le antici- pating a gced lime ah Mount Cnrswcll to-night.... Rev. L Picipe, Millbrook, iad a pleasaul re union wilh oldfrieuds during is bniefvieil 10 Tyroue... Building cperations: Mr. Tfics Curtis finisied afcw days since is neat stable and wcod shed combined .... Mr. Wm. Hilliar, biacksmithilemcviughis sbop wcslwnrd onUMr. S. Pollnrd's town lot. .... Mr. Jos. Hawkey iatie material on hand to bu-Ild new our, buildings and Mesars. Noble Bros. te build a flue resi- douce, WEIST DURHAM1 E PiHMLIS' COMBINE sary If whe a a ies olt oly ne-tqud nervo os,. and realizes fhat he la snfferin- Misa Mabel Waller is visiting Har- freux bilousness or indigestion, *he kl mony friends. . . Mrs. Wyborn visihed take tLte ight remedy, he can always kee Tyrone frienda, .-.Messrs. Bert and A. himseif in good heaith. Mlyserions ilinesses have their incep- J Gay are operaling thie cooper siop tiou in indigestion or in an inactive 11,cr. tUrniÎ,g out barreis for next fall's fruit Dr. licre'a Golden Meditai Discovexy la a . .. . Every persen should hear Tvrene sure, safe, speedy aud permanent cure for lu their iutereshing centest aI Mt. 'Cnrs- ait 4isorders ofthe digestion. It also aires wcll Weduesdav eveniug. Ticy are ail (ýf the maladies that have their 159 ighyseencâsenetier.Cm tin nthese disorders. Il la nprompt cus'e ýytascrase ..Thsdvv for gýiddiness, sick headache, pain ta the eryh euensa.. irdvee stondach, fuluessansd swelling after meals, niug Marci lOti relatives et Mrs.- Jas, dizzijness and drowsiness, coid chilis, fiush- Ceurlice surprised ber by comîng in mos, of heat, lacs of appetite, shortus of large numbers te her homîe, il being rhblatches on the skin, disturbe4 6cr jubilce birtid.ay. During tie eve- sieeý,, frightfni dreams sud nervous sud ning Mr. Y. H. Everson, Oshawa, lu a trernbiing sensationis. il makes tte aPp- neal speech on beinîf cf tic friends titekIeen and hearty, the digestion iperect, the l'ver altive sud fuls the blond wîth lite- presented Mrs. Courtice wthi a beauti- giviatg elemeats that buiid healthy tissue. fui mniegany rocker aiid Mr. Courtice It la, a cure for nerveus exhanstion ana wihn walkiug cane cf corrcspondiug prostra-tion and it cures 98 per cent, of anl worth. After tic response by both Mr. cascs of'consumnption, branchial, throat sud and Mrs. Courtice, complirnentar ' kiudred affections. Au ho>nest dealer will speeches were made by Mr. Robt, Cour nottry ta induce custemners ta take saine lice, M r. S. Eversen, Mrs. Squires, Mr. worthiess substitute for the cake of a fe-W atrObne1ndM. YCoti. pensies added profit.Waer sorendML..Ccri. Mr W. Rogers, Of 607 Grayson St., L.ouisville A pleasant evening was spent togetier Ky.ý bas this te îay for hiiioseif sud the "GoldeU and lie beat wishes for lie future wcl- Medical Discovery." l'twas adyspeptie. i bcd fare cf alwere prvalent.. Thc E L C. net ivid a comtfortabie night in six years. 1 have -pfa-e rewiliiEeeeo takýn three bottles of Dir. Pierce's Golden Med- E. *Cf al rvwl hi bnzro icai iMscovery. 1 amrno0w fifiy years aid. 1 féec Tuesdny eveuiug Marci 22nd, and tak-e 'bryyea"rq yeUnger" te prcgrami. A very plensant lime is EJr Pierce's ?ieasant Pellets are -a sure, aulicipahed. Ail are welcomc. speedy and permanent cure for constipa. ti(r on e Queiltie "Pellet" la a gentie lax- Broken dow-n avahema, shattered ative sund two a mild calhartic, Thcy never nerves, and emnciated formas are rapidlv gripe.restored by Miller's Compound Iron Pilla. Sold by aIl drugisÎ M ~ ANITOBA LETTER. Nuwsy Ep1sTLE Puoin MR.LEoNAR.D WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST Tfavelad Extoflsivoly Thro&ghout the Provinces - It.eatlng Stat.mnte Concerninq H-ia Experience. STELLARTON, N. S -James R. Murray, à well kuown violluist, of this place, whe has traveled extensively throughont the Provinces, makes this statement: 11 was running dowu ln heati sud My weight feUl off f rom 175 to 150 poundu. Prescriptions did me but littie good.. My trouble was calied nervous dyspepsie. I resorted te Hood's Sarsaparilla and atler taking five betîles I was greatly benefited. I feel as well uow as ever in my 111e, and have increased la. fiesh se that 1 now welgh 177 peunda. I arn well known lu this part of the country, having followod my profession, that cf a viollu musicien for the lest 26 years. I gladiy tell My friends what Hood's Sarsaparilla has don* for me. Before 1 began taking the Medi- cine 1 did flot have any ambition, but now ail is changed aud my dyspeptia trouble perfectiy cured." JaxEs R. MUREÂY. N. B. If you deoide 10 take Hood'eSeBr-, aeperilla, do flot be induced ta buy Ruy substituts. Be sure to gel Hood's. ThePok Pckng ndstr Aain-What oter Paces are Dong-Caiia- dia fiBacOn in the Engtish Markets-Canning Factory Promnoted. THE S'IATESmAN has net weakeued CANADIAN EACON. any ounicpork-packiug îndustry we "Tie benefila cf Canada's success as have beeca dvocating for lie lie bene-acmetorltiEnihcesea- fit cf Weý,t Durham farmors and the ket wiil net be ccufiued tethie cheese lcw cfBowanvlle Ou fath n te idustry. Aready tiere are cropping promisin- cutlook la even strouger lia n up luniuany parts cf Canada evidences ever. eý1 mean for lie profitable mar- c naaeig1 i attn ir kel. W9 caunot say tint 1e proap eýt la anoîher large market awaiting Cau cf gttliug lite farmers te invest il very adinu produce lu Great Britain -16e promisîni.ý. Tiey apparently lack couii mariet for hams and bacon. For some fidence ielie acheme wei havepuropos- lime Canadian bacon ha gradually cd or in lie undertakîng as a business been gaining ln favor ou lie British venture tor them. Herein tiey differ market until il now vies with tint of from us. Every day nimast presen'ts Deumark for firsl place. uew evicleuce of lhe seunduesa of Ouir Toronto packcrs state liaI it is uow proosiion Ti pok-pckes al Oerafrequeut occurrence to eetlrepreseut- Canada a'rc extcuding their business,aivaoBrtshoeswcidsree 10 a greater or lesser extent, aud new aie fBiihhue h' eiet indstres re romted Wile e nuiease their orders for Canadian ba- incoutAifswareeksoageemention was are hcsitalingochers arc securing *hticon e el g eto pîum. îi le fot toc late yeî. If our made in Tic Canadinu Grocer cf a rp tow conci wil howtheentrprseresentative cf a house whîci. wauted they siould and farmers cf1 Étie distr'ct 1,00 ases per weck cf Canadian bacon willcomineb avnpc tîir wu tic theplace cf bacon ticy arc re- tersîsin prctial ay-y ivesingceiviug from lihe United States. Since oeeor twe dollars au acre ln tic cstab- rcli fteu Ja eahoe, ion mau& an d- lisimeut cf a pork-packiug house, lieretrctiKieDnel&Pae- best streke of enterprise tint iabeeniir cLmîd fDbiIead wiluesscd lu old West Durham will be ia becu lu Ottawa making enquiries tie resuit. We have lie market;- we as te wiercis tirai muid make arrange- mentsfo euigarglrspp f wann men wili moucy and pusi and fo niinargursplyc we fear net tic future. Candian bacon. His firm woul be prepared ta luveat capital lu a packing1 ** '- ithCanadian akr if tht This despatci from Hlamilton wilî ncedful te secure a slcady supply. show iow n slroug syndicale ia been Mr. Pakeubaux clates tint Canadian mnade stronger. The Lnwrys are re bacon is fast coming te tic fronî,is uew latives of Mrs. H, Ellicît, jr., Hlampton, soid under ils ewn name and is o,,d and Mrb. J. 11. Cryderman, "Bowman- ered by many deniers as being quite as ville. good as Danish bacon, which bas long' larnilîcu,), Marchi13.-(Specîal.)--Txe been considered tic lenling article-. share-Icolders cf lie Lawry Pork-Pack- Taking these fada mbnt consideration ng Company, wiich wns formed te eue would nnturnlly censider tin t Can - ake over lie business cf tie laIe Tics. ada's share of tic British market wouid Lnawry, bcld lhir organizing meeting be a respectable oue, but il can iardly on Saturdny. Mr. Anderson Fowier, be caled so. Great Britain impcrte(I, presideut cf lhe Fowler Bros , Lirnited, lu 1896, over $53,487,606 werti of lîam of New York aud Chicago; T. I. and bacon. 0f this amount Canada Lawry ý3nd J. J.ý Scott, Hlamilton, were contributed $4,459,756 wortb, cr8,36 per elected dîrectors, At thIe direclors' cent. of ticwhole, Thii aninsi--nifi- ueeing~îurwaus ir.7fi. Lawry caut perceutage wheu il la rernember- was elecled president and Mr. J. J. cd liatinlutlesanme ycar Canada sip- Scott, vi ce-president ; Mr. George Fra- plied Grent Britalu witli almeat 60 per er was appoinlett s6cretnry. cent, cf her cheese. luI addition le centinuing tic import- Tic renson for tie comparative smaîl- ant Candian trade, tie intention is 10 us of cur expert bacon trade is large- upply Fowler Bros. with Candian ly tint we bave net preIuced more. -'-k forthir Englisi busLiess. This This reascu la lie fact tint inakes it l will probabiy become oue cf lic princi- iutercsting te note tint lu Toronto, mal industries cf lie Province if stock Hamnilton, Bowmanvilie, Owen Sound, yards aýe eslnblishcd lu Hamilton. Oshawa and Windsor, Ont. lu Sî.Join Important additions ho lie cnpacity N.B., Middlcton, N S., Winnipeg, and of lie fnclory are about te be made. cther municipalities, there are efither ['he curing cf bcd lun an extensive way new establisiments being promoled or wiii be a feature of tic uudertakiug.oîId ones bcing enlarged. Il is a ïîtewrtiy fact, also, tint tico most astule and enterprising firme in- ilere 1$another strcug endorsomenltcrested lu Ibis in dusîrv are tie mccl )f the prepesed induetry from an edilor-acielleicraugflefsciis !al lu lhe Canadian Grocer cf Marci 4, for dciug business." iandcdiho us by Mr. P. A, H1addy cf ACNIGPCOYPRBRI, Youn iâ ompay, owmavi Ie - Tiere is n probabiliiy cf Ihere beiug established in Berlin, lu lime for lie comiug season, a canning and preserv- ing factory on an extensive se& le. If lie iuduslry le located here, il wîll mean empiovmeul for about 100 person.s fer four 10 six montia enci yenr, anad steady employmnuîte 25 peracus. Ar I rangements will have te be made and contradta entcred int with farmers lu Thn 1_iýé theviciuity ho plant, raieeand de iver is nana b là corn, peas, lemahoca or otier produet is sM-04= of~ a a certain nuruber cf acres. 44 du inare, 0f (To bc eonâinued.) îty, tbey ste - ne COURTICE. j XALLA 0BFliIIJ UEMiiLY OF flURKETON. EDIToR STÂTESMAN.-Pormit me te address to THE CANADIAN STATESMAN'5 numerous readers a few words about llelland and surrounding country. Holland is situated où Souris Blanc , Seutheru Manitoba, It is a very well bujît bown and la ever increasing ini population, and new !,uildiugs are go- ,n nfne style. Situated on a very ilice bluff of poplar, the town siopea just a littie to thle West. flere are a good sciol taught by A good teacher- Mrý Robert Milîs froni Manvers, Ont., and eue lady teacher; three churches -Methodist, Pre.,byteriani and Church cf Eugland. Each chuch bas one minister. We have twe miedical doctors but no doctor of hai ws. VVe have three dry goods and groceries stores, two jeweler stores, two bakers and coufec- tienaries, two hardware nerchants,two butchers, four bla cksmiths, one Massey- Harris shop, one gristmili, a printing9 office, two tailors, two photo artists,oue furniture dealer,1 oue lix ery stable, one hotel, four ees~r-are s Ogil- vie's, Lake of the Wvoods and C. P. R. roundhouse. Wc have a brass baud too. Withiu a few miles areuud Hl- land are some cf your readers. 1 wîli give a few naines froin Weit Durham . Mr. Rich. Hooper, Mr. Chas. Hooper, Mr. Staples and familY, 2Mr. Flach, Mr, W. Spinks and farily, Mr. Edward Dowu, Mr. William Biglow and family, Mr. Johin Sandersen aud family, Mr. Cotton cf Clarke, whosc wheat yielded 26 bushels per acre; be soid nearly $9,000 worth cf wheat The8e are just a few cf iiauy I could mention who have doue well in aud arouud Hoilaud. Prices new are: wheat 86c, a good, herse $100; pcrk $6 per cwit.. dressed; butter 15c. Now for a lew words te the Ontario people. Meu who have, good homes will do well te stay in Ontarioe but these wie bave Pot wouid do well te cerne te Manitoba. 1 was taiking' te a mnan that had becu eut iast year oùi the harvest excursion. He said hehad beeu offered $4000 fer bis farim and he had a notion te seil eut te please bis farnily. The best way is for people, te corne and see for tbemnselvcs. Farmers iutending te cerne te Manitoba will do well te --et lhe "S" barrow Six sec. tiens will mnake a ge'-d tiree-horse barrow. Mine was made bv Mr. J. F. Hurlbut, Enfield, Ont. Earmers xwill do well as a rule te take a car wfth herses aud hnplements. Ne catîle ex- cept thore'lbred stock. I think- well cf the Farm-rs' Comnbine and the way voit pushied itlag, fer a perk packing establishment. SWe have bad a vcry fine e inter wilh mild wealher just at freeziig Point part of the lime, LEONARD SîLALLAC'OMBE. Holland, Mai)., Mardi 4, 1898. CADIXUS. Miss Lily Edgerten who bad heen ail- ng for soen ie, died Xedniesday and was buried lu the Church- cf Englaud cemctery, Friday, a large procession fellowiug 1the remlaius. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton and family have thc sympati-y cf frieuds and neigtibors .. Mr. IRobert Joues Irorn Tay visited Cartwright friends last week .... Maple Syrup miak- jio lias commcuced iu Ibis viiuity.. Mr Edward Gfinu has been sick latey.. *.. Miss Lulu Pewervisited Bowmnauville frieuds last week .... THE STA'1ESMAXN seems te be extensivcly read lu and areund Cadmus. Even the school child-, ren talk about what tiey read lu il. Ail cases cf weak or lame back, back- ache, rheurnalismr, will find relief by weariug oeeof Carter's Smart Weed and B elladonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try t16cm. SOLINA. Mrs. ilillis is gettiug nicely over tie fali sie receive .... 11ev. Robert Tay- lor, Newcastle, i'ill preach an education- ai sermen here Sunday.. . . Mrs.A. Wood la seriously iii at present, ... Mr. John Williams bas taken a relapse :after typhoid fever and is -very ill againl.. Mr. W. A. Lammiman's sau,,,, wa largely attended and prîees ruled h.tgh.. The farm was net soid. That Levi, A. Tole is a hustler at tie hammeï- Recent visitors:-Mese.rs. Will and A S. Goard, Bowmanville; Mr. B. Hoûere, Oshawa-, l 1r. Yred. Ashton, Eteed; Miss Laura Cawker, Oshawa; Miss Alma Short, Foley. AIL Presents.