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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1898, p. 5

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A Stott& Jury' s Continned from last week. Our Regular. Price Hood's Saîsaparilla, $1.o0 75 Ayer's di 1.00 75 Stott & Juîy's Saisaparilla (guaranteed) î.oo 7'- Doan's Kidniey Pis Dodd's Kidney Pills William's Pink Pilîs Carter's Little Liver Pis .50 40 2 for 75C. .50 40 -50 40 -25 20 I 50C. for 25C. No oue should sufer wîtlx Siomaci or Liver Trouble while a remedy like Stot & Jury 'a Liver Pis can be seeured. No pllhlas ever given better zatisfsotion. S pecial price 2 boxe@ for Mue.1 Thomas' Eclectric 011 .25 20 AIl leading Patent I4edicines re- duced, in saine way. Best i(k eam Tartar .50 l-b 40 Perfect Headache Powders (guaranteed) .i5 1o Perfect Butter Oolor, '« -15 10 Special in Tooth Brushes 15 EXTRA &SPPOZA.LS. 15c, if you like them. Youî money back if you don't. This is a special line of Iniported Tooth Brushes which we can recommend so highly that we offer to retuin the money if the brustIes corne out. SP1EOTÂOL!S. Clarke news on inside page. Mrs. M. Porter is vlsiting relatives in Peterboro. Mmr.nR's Wouii POWDERs the Medi- eîue for childien. 1Rev. L. Phelps, Millbrook, gave ns a call Wednesday. About 10,000 persous îead this newsy journal every week. Our Faim and Garden columu is out of season this week.' Mi. Thos. Brown lias been visiting lis parents in Ottawa Send this paper to a distant friend after reading-lc stamp. Bain came Friday ni lit following two weeks of lovely weatlier. Dr. Talmates sermon this week ig a good one. See inside page. Mr. John Heard bas a span of colts, comîng swo, years uta, for sale Mr. W. C. Rosevear, Coldsprings was recent guest of Mis S. Clemence. Mr. Norman Rule, Collingwood, is vislting bis aunt, Mre A. Buckier. Miss Bertha Slierin lias gone to Essex Centre to visit lier brother George. Miss Fannie Gould, 'Oshawa. is visit- iug Mrs. J. B. Taylor, Churcli street. Bananas for typhoid patients is a new idea. ýSee article on inside page. Mr" W. A. Neadsa ismovedý theEx- press Office thîce doork. east of the old stand. Mr. John Runnals was liere last week looking rather shaky afteî lis recent illness. Hood's PuIs are the only pis to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure al liver ilus., Mrs. (Rev.) C, Parker and Miss Mattie were reuewing acquaintances lu towu last week. Mr. W. M. Horsey's buildings on King St., are being fitted up. very mudet improving the appearance. Pîettiest Scotch song we have read lu many a day John Imrie's I'Merîy Whistling Men" on an inside page. The Ontario and Durham exhibition is to be hield this year on a Thursday, Friday, and, Saturday, Sept. 29th and, 3th anti Oct. 1. An effort is being madie tomakeOsha- wa the southern terminus of the Whit- by andPort Perry brauchof the G.T.R. instead of Whitby, Dr. Mitdhiell's acknowledgment to bis political supporters in our last issue lias been most favorably commented upon by many pbople. Mr. Gilberat Hl. Jrne. basp h,,t, his Mr. Abner Butter and son, Leaming- ton, and Mr. George Butter,Kin-sville, arevisiting their sister Mrs. Walter Todgham. Mr. James Gale went to London yesterdav to attend the Grand Council of (janadian Home Circles. Ile ill act as Press Representative during the sessions. Can any ëf odr rentiers iii Canada or the U S senti us samples of the common hcirb eslled Flue Weed, a medicinal plant? We waint a small quantity o! the real genuine article. Where tices it grow?-Mý. A. JAxEs. A well known canary bird fancier wîote recently 'II find that vour seeti (Brock's Bird Seeti) is the best and senti me some more Bird Tient. " Ail grocers and dîuggists Mark the name "Brock's". A cake of ±ird Treat ini eacli packet. eow. Toronto Westminister of Mardli 12 coutains two illustrateti descriptive art- icles from the facile pen cf Rev. R. D. Fraser. Both are very interestino. Au excellent portrait cf Rev. W. J. Cîlark-e of London graces the longer one ; also one o! our genial one-time fellow ocean traveller, Mr. Robert Rleid o! Customs, London. Merchants wishing to order pure maple syrup anti sugar from a reliable man should write at once to Mr. James Stuart, Henrysburg, Que., who bas one cf the finest maple orchards in that Province. Mention THE STATESMAN. We visited lis faim last August anti can vouch for thc higli quality cf lis maple protiucts. c As au evitience cf the incrensing trade thce West End flouse is doing, Mr. McMurtrylias matie a new contract with [HE STATUSMAN for exactly double 1 Stock Takillg Closod. 0 m Miss Annie Berry lias gone to Toron- to., Mrs. Wûi. Hyslip is visiting friends Mr. Peter Kyle lias secured a situa- tion in Toroto. ,Mi. Chas. Jolliffe, Toronto, visited friends in town recently., Haydon,, New -Haven, Tyrone and other uews ,on inside page. Revival' services will be held in the Trinity churcli ou Thursday and Fil- day evenings of this week. Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Cedarcliff, was At Home Wednesdav evening to a large conmpany of inviteti guests at a 6 o'clock dinner. Mr. John H. James, Columbuq, vîsit- ed bis brother Thomas F. James, Bow- manville, who is lu very delicate health just now. obtaincd or ru ea oe rnc twîll more than ever be maiutained lu the incoming season. this office, Insertion free. BORN. RicE-In Bowmanville, March 9, the wife of Mr. John Riee of a son. LLn tthe Manse, Gobles. Ont., Maruh 9, to Rev. and Mrs. A. Leslie, a daughter. PxiqwARiDEN-IiiClarke, Mardi th, the wif e of Mr. Chas. Penwarden, of a daughiter. BIÇKLE.-In Darlington, (Base Line>, Feb. 24, the wife of G~eorge Biekie, of a son. WEHRY.-At Solina, March 101h, the wife of Mr. Slas Werry, of a daughter. DIED. PaiNGLE.-In Orono, March, 5, Mrs. Mary Pringie, aged 61 years. MCKELVY.-I1î Clarke, Marci 8, John Me- Kelvey, aged 80 years. ORMISx'ON.-In East Wiitby, lot 17, coni. 7, Mrch 7ti, Janet Watson, relict of the laie Robt. Ormiston, in ber 8SSii year. LANG.-In Hlartford, Con., March 3, cf hem- morhage of the lungs, Herbert Millwa'rd Lang, second son cf the late Williamn Lang. formerly cf Oshawa, aged 26 years and 8 months. AokR-At Myïtle Mach 9, Ella, foitýLi dangliter of Mr. William Hoar, aged 21 years, 4 months and 9 days. VANCAmp-In Darlington, March lbih, Levi VanCamp, aged 73 years. HÀNst.-At Ennlskillen, on Mareh 10, Myrta S. Wiibur, wife cf Ezra Hanna, aged 30 yearr, il monihs. LIDDLE.-Drowned. near Brooklin, West Whitby, Sainrday,.kMarci 12, Geo. Llddl'e, aged 76 years. The llarniony Maie quartette of Bowmanville. Mr. F. H. Frost Mr. H. J. Knight. Mr.J as.Goard,1 kr.T .E.Higg-inbotham. Musical Director - -- - H. J. Knight. Secretary -- -- ----Jas. Goard. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. For terns., etc , apply to 10-tf. JAS. GOARD, Secretary. Toilet Soap Sale ail week. AiU new, boug-ht direct from the manufacturer, There in price as well as quality o! gootis. Elderberry Soap, re Palmetto i Palm 9 Heliotrope d Coeoa s Oatnieal i Turkish Bath 99 Witeh Hazel d Glycerine 4 Unele Sam Soap loe. Cash paid for ail farm produce. BowmAVML( is a ulagnet egular 8e cake for 5c. 8c, ci 5b. 10e 14 b. lOê id 5c. 8Ce " 1Sb. Se 94 be. 8c ce bc. 15e box for 10c. 8e cake for bc. 2awker & Tait. S. W. Masoil & Sonls Popular DOMINION ORGANS AND PIANOS HAV'E A BOOM IN OSHAWA. The Organs and Pianos manufactur- ed by the Djominion Organ and Piano Company at Bowmanville are surely ap- preciated as notwithstandî.ng the fact that this is the dull season for the sale of musical instruments, Iast week Mr. A. J. St%1ter sold five pianos and oue organ People evidently look upon the "Dominion" as one of Canada's favorite pianos. The Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, have 14 Dominion pionos ln use show- 1Ing in what hîgh esteem they are held b3 that critîcal institution where instru- meits are subject to the severest test as tliey are constantly ln use. Notiees of Birth, Marriages and Deathe CAWKER & TAIT are entering on a new year of business, and woul first thank you al for the very liberal pat- ronage extended to us in the last year. Each year our trade has steadily in- creased, last year has been the record breaker, far exceeding our expectations. Bear inI mid that this store pýossesses special opportunities in buying that make for the advantage of the shopper. With îts enormous out- going of goods everything is bought in large quantities for spot cash~. The undislluted name that the store has for reliableamd hîcih - lass nodi , ' 1 f- MA f., ý.i. i ý - .. 1 socentst when marriage iloeu ses ar" i à v- -1 ý-L -Y

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