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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1898, p. 4

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US'! - - D . 0 FIELL0WS'AT 110E. AN ÂM2EIIICAN VIEW. i. -----mm........s..a.. A s~~~~~~~~" WallSSSSSSl=SStSSS--~'5' E n HS i:~ISeldom indeed has it been our pleasure Hlenry Clews of the well knon al LirI ~to attend a more delightful entertain- Street banking house, New, York , n W et E n o ue Vmiii ' 1101 .mnt than the annual At Home given weekly letter to THE STATESMAN, refer- r. od-e, No. 66, 1. 0. 0. P. in the Town 'W&r with Spain shoud be prosecuted B W M AN IL Lti:Hall, Wednesday night, April 27th, in with vigor to bring it te a speedv ter- dà honor of the 79th anniversary of the in mination. For a na*tion lilke this te fight j.stitution of Oddfellowship, in America. a feeble one like Spain wilI bring ne Êtita The platform was nicely arranged and credit unless it isdonc quickly, as the .îthe audience completel - filled the audi- Germans whipped France in their last Ii.torium,chairs bei ng required in the aisl es war. .Within a weck thc Germans «.11Mr. C. Arthur Cawker, Noble Grand, P ~ ~ ___ *,presidcd with grace, and becoming dig- and got iton their own tcrms and in iiii IR nity, while surrounding hlm on thc plat- cash too. It would be worth our while ~U luI~~~ ~~ __________ w .Ere the principal officers and Mr. te flght sucli a nation as France in place tl/I N 1d JE.Frwell, Deputy Grand Master of a-bankrupt nation like Spain, be- frOtroand Bros. Huggoard, ýVhitv as an indemnity would compensate (od Illli~ ev'.> dyat IIoW.1-11-1:~ and Bro. T. H. Wilson, Brooklin. The us, which it:will b e impossible te, obtain I mad fro thei~r:program was excellent in every number from Spa!n under any circuamstane bes m teraland j~f *,~and was as, follows:-Overture-Bonnie se that the only. prospect of gaining We have received in this week a lot, of New G-oods, TED.l an-te UIY . Scotland, Orchestral Quintette ; Son! glory will be in conquerrng Spain cnitn fGoeViigrs odlueLcs ilil:i WARRANT D Cali n investigate m ierits EH" -Clock cf the Universe, Mr. H. . quicklv. ostig fGlv ,VeîrsDesGodBou s Lc , " :2:11- Knight; Mal Quartette-Sligh Riders'__________________ 11 of the W:1at1ef113a0n o rdr Canada, Mlessrs.Iligginlotham,Kight, 1TRibbonÉ, Parasols, New Shades of Velveteens, llosiery, perir Farn and- Garden To lMesros cnGard; InstrumentalQuartette UUOL >ANILU a- ut'ns oelDs h ei',ecec bUp rio .r U!f~ -" -Mrs. ePethick Bros., Osborne aiid VlL . o e ns t. :!u Unexcelled in Quality and Finish. Higli Grade Handies Brown- Sng-Tolsti's Good Bve, Miss Cutans Shtthgs ~:î:earfuly seect~. he ost ompeteune veroffred i l : G;: lover; Waltz-Toreador, Orchestral II.te wn. Yor1nsecio!.«îed Master Farewell, Whitby; Galop-Lim- a h o P ri u a i e "iii Quinett inpcto AddesDputeGan HA MPTON M L S EU10 ited, Orchestral Quintette ; DuetN 1VIL S :11i:~i< 14 It ii' Night ln Venice,, Miss Glover and Mr. Any quantto olfrwihtehibs I OS Viiii:Knigiit, M ale Quartette-Soldier's Fr-cash prices wi1be paid for ail grades. Farmers Vii well; Fantasia---Darkev's Dream, will find in selling here they can do better ail Orcesra Quitete Intu1e »R1 rou, wewemfacture the wool than "Priesticys" Blaekc Soliel,]ovely goods,wortli $1.00 y d, our price 85c, Quatete- they eaudobyselliig tomiddleunen. We have t:.Ili« Qna -lliii Sehc PirOs., ,, fuit stock of fiannels, lnes.ok yarns nette-laktsstckn Very Fine Black Lustre, good width, extra bright finish, special mii IowmANviLL. Opposite Ontri Bnk 1 OJsborne a nd Brown. The intrinsie etc., whîchwe wil be glad to exehange for 1'î menit of t4e selectiotîs given drew forth wol. Thankîng ur eustomers for past iavors per yard~ 50c. iuuu.....ii..LUu.. ..t SiIdl.t and hoping for a continuience of the a e *j5555~555S5tSSSsS.sSSsSSS~tSSt~tSSM13 S*SU =_S S- S 1119S!S 1: very hearty applause from the large 18 - 2M D. TAYLR.o, BakSre iemkwd odwrh6ey. yseil5e ~ ~ ~ *~*** auiene ad lmot eerynumer asHampton. Velveteens, ail the leading shades cf our -very speelal -50e line. This _______________________________________________ encored. Miss Glever sang that prime . etaqaiyfrtepie iRow ANADAWAS DVERTSE0.favorite Tolsti's Good Bye with a spirit sa HOW CAAIbA WS ABVETISED.and daslî that captivated bier hearers i netaqaîyfrtepîe and she gracefullv honro'-(od the encore Prints, very heavy, Indigo dyes, German make, ,reg value lac yd, When Mr. W. J. White, Press Immi - with another familiar air --Comin' thro' speeili 121c. A..n 1 y lu gration Agent was returning frorn De- the Rve"whieh was e v-ohl nender- -Sateens in black and white, very fine finish, extra width, reg 25e c troît, says the TrnoWorld, h e d h amn uret o o pea 2c twr, Englishmen on the way te Wing themselves decided popiîlarity, on their spya 12e 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ 4ham, Onît. They stated they were go- finst appearance in thé town liaIt Their Dress Muslin.-We are showing an extra nice range cf Diînities; 0 ~ P EA. ' 'ing ioWnhmtoprhs MrWite nnacesomlnid, erathynd appreciates le ' lcto per yard and Frech Organdies in faney patterns and pure white, asltcd themnhow ct ame the- shiou--ld be the change. We hope to hear thej guret atha 25e per d Is the bargain yen get in in Canada for such a purpese. Their often. Tee much cannet be said in Hosiery, a special ine of Plain Black Stoekîngs,seamless feet, spliced ainswer was that they had heard s0 fai or of the instrumentalists, bioth the nls35peparo3pirfr1.0 Theaeral much about Canada lasit summer that Orchestral Quintette and the M\andohia Memo of Expenses of J. C. MITCHIELLEsq. anls 5 e aro arfr$.0 hs r ely worth 40e pr. athe Election for the Ontario Legisiature held Wall Paper,., thie.vhad beeu led te cerne here te sec, and Guitar Quartette givin-' excellent on the Frst day of March, 1898: whatthe cold -etin te wy o fun- isBlouses,. W i now Shdes, heysadtoeg:~itcscvra1Iage s titon Lwyr earewell'saddress To Pr ing.......................... $ 3.88 Hae 3U enths uran P ls shipmenis. Mn. White also met other After the pregram a social urne was W. F. ALLEN, 11.3New Blouses yet ? They Cuti oe. representatives. who were purchasiDg spent la games, etc. The Order and Financial agent for J. C. Mitchell. are without a doubt the, herses, and ethers again looking fer (ceseiehll>- the program commitcee (le- The above abstract of expenses ineurred by Yo wntte cs, rttes adbutter and cgg-s. Mr. White says thai serve great praise for ibis pleasurable J. C. Mitchell. connection with the EIec- greatest sriap ever offer- Yu attebspetetadmost of thliose ho met had been attracted eeigtion for the West iiiîîig of tie County of Duir- inil mos fr ourmoey I il gve t e ana af 1er heanin- se muclàh about ________________ _hamn belli oi, tte First day of Marcli, 1898 is pnub- *..ed in i3ow n vil. te ~~ ~ ' ye. Iseti ilcnic aada ai the ju',ilece celebraions la flieo dc ect.on21o h naj lc They ar~e not the ordin- toyu npcinwl ovneLo'ndon. J._____ W. OffUG Leer 'ry Print Blouses, but' PROMiNENT BARRISTER DEAD. Bowmianville, Mtay 2nd, 1898. 18 -1w fine Amircan Dirnities My aim is to, give perfect satis- -_________________ Ncw usie nc Bocs, ew . -. I ~~a/dil Urgandies, -fast faction. MR. WRIGHIT op NEWVCASTLE SUCCUJM13S o rs god ftw NwMse e Boknw TO A THiREE WEEi5' ILLNE55. ' I etachiec colors and cuffs Stationery,newGarncs,new Pietures, A verv sad and untimchy deatb ce-\' Thev ae pstvl curred at Newcastle Suîîdav morning, ~. y ae pstvl etc. tht cf Nr. Charles Wright, barnister, -~Worth $1.25 and $1.,50, In I l f f aged 39 y cars, Three weeks ago he There îs a star otir price 75c. These ~ fl I j Vas seîzed with a severe celd, which i that points every l tŽe Uù developed lie plcuro-pn)ieumonia. For oatothe path- ai ura t.ood eannot be duplicat- BcWMANVILLE. B ~~L O ~ ~ way of happiness. It Oft~ hnteeg. D a.m ecsdwsbrii otHp opoint ont ibis star yuwant soon. and in 18841 seitled here, durîng which and indicate this pathway to, ber daughters. S19ALED T ENDERS, addressedi to the- tinie he cstablislied a large andi lucra- There are too mauy unhappy-too miany un- Postmaster General, wîlt be recelvea ai Ottawa Stra-iv Hats-Men's wvîde bnimhs esn1e o 5. Go £ ~~~~tive practice and w-on the esiecm anti healthy womcen iu the world. At every until NOON, onlodnr iedHt c 5 for 12. Sao 17c, finosraw 15cg 12Go confidence of the whole township. Hlis gathering where womez meet alone, the orinr sie Hat,, ré 15cN for2c ta Iasfn t e 2c death is a bard blow te Newcastle, as stoey is bearti of sicaes and nervousness rluay the Ti'rd of Jlll5 1898 fo 10c. Boys' geod Straw Hats for 10 e cach. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 4, 1898. he was ever forvard ha any undertaking and despondency. 1 beneicia te he t wtt Ferseveal aThe wuman who suiffera in this way miakes for the couvejance of HerMa.jesty'SMqAILS, IJ > ~ . Nr' ___________________the______For_________a mistake to cousuit the average obscure on a proposed Contraet for four yeaira, six times U UIU N IE years hie was warden ta St. Geerge's physician. If she doca so, the chances are per week each way, between WALO T H ENK £1JG THE SPANISH-AXERIJÀN WARS CDhurch (Anglican), aise aL statunch ibat she la told that ber trouble is nervous- 9 0 - . supporter ef iheý Liberal pa.rty. He ness or insomnia or indigestion or heari lt ~ ao We arc selling clcthing te parties whc4 iever wore a rcadymd hevs hc n ou onwo aetrouble. It dues not happen very often that II-mad The Ameican fleet under Commodore file hearifelt sN-mpatli- of'the entire ibis diagnosis Bo winanvi. Whub oesi eoe" Te idta h rc 5aothl adta hesye hs fotnecacre t. Whe byi atei~ ui oe"Theyn thath thet p ice i s bout l ha f nht uper ste Dewey capiured Manilla in the Philhi- community; also three bîfothers, John, fortnat chaérncero sbeas od dises iruib ib t h isdyoJlnet finish, workmanship and fit cf oîîr Cioth-n seulî e ueirt pine Islands on Sunday and gave the cfH0e cdnîgss oet; of the distinctly feminine organîsm, she la Printed notices coutatning further informa what they formerly iiad made to order.. Sec our $8, $9 and $10 Suits wih Ihe orace, cf Standard Bank, Toronto; told ai the same timte ibat she maust submit iou as to conditions-of propoàsed Co,,tract may adcmaewt ree ltiga 1 n 1,ada oftwl Spaniards such a defeit ibat itth Alfred, Detroit, Mich., and eue sister, to the obuoxio 's examinations and local lie seen and btauk forma of Tender may be oh nbopr-ihodrdCchn a 1 n 4,ada efîw~ surrender the backbone of the, war is Mrs. Brodio cf Chicago, Ill. His tuner- treaimneni SO embarrassing to, a sensitive tatned at the Post Offices of Bowmanvilte, En- just try on a eoat and we guarantee yen neyer had on a better fit., uta.A hi suncesr.nskllen, nurketon Station, Onsareacnid at this We aresownagrtrnecfBy'Stgodtepltd togtto lie broken. A few days ai took place on Tuesday. w v hogtThe wise womau will seek the ad7vÎce of' atsgodwepltd mort may se hostilities ai an endi. anme specialisi of world wide reputation. Tormfro Itspecetori's OfficeX cotJIndkikr ndwl ndfo 15 e$,5 ie 3t ______THE LATE MRS. MOORCHAFT. Dr. R. V. Pierce is sucb a man. Fer thirty nt8. A8th Aprit, 1898nget ait n Sok n veal r Only nine ciesqaenwgatd'DahhsbeÏvr uyi u ianl" to the, Invalids' IHoiel and turgacal Post Office Inspector. 50e up. in West Durb am. Prohibition will be lately, anti on April 22ad claimed Mrs. tnilie, ith asuia, . saf Y. D erita _________________ here lu a fcw y cars ai this rate cf de- Moorcraf t, who passeti to the home be- net pitb s the bas taed fha staff of""O T A NmDi-E crea 1se. Bowmanville oncle had 10cor 12 yond at the advanced age o1 8i years. of ailiug.womeil. Hie is the inventor of A N'i> . IfOS liceset hoelsand tors, ow nly Elizabeth MeClellan, nehiet cf the laie tkat wouderful medicine for womeu known licensed hotels and stores, now ~~~~~~~~as Dr. Piercels Fâvorite Prescniptix. This I ot o o ehv necletsok lotaypieo Cuisioms, te whcm she was marrietil impratognnbtmk aent o-nBosfrMnwehv necletsok letaypieo tw.Dalngo wt toboes tWilamMonrfi f 1r'a0s.' imedrtin oacs irely n te dicate nd style and eur values ar e second te, nloe. To give yen an idea et sonie Hampton, Euniskilleu anti Tyvrone anti 1850 anti whc, predeceaset iber several sible. It cures ail weakness, disease, in- ef our lunes, we quote the followîng: one ai Kilmarnock-seven in all-now vears, w,ýas boru in County Armagh, ternal alceration and inflammiation and de- .e bas only one. The temperance societ. Irelauti. anti came wih bier fatber's bilîtating drains. It bas trausformed thon- MnsaetLahrLcdBos i ogoya et lee les Sbbthseoospuli atifamnily te Canada la 1831. settliug lu sands of weak, saffening women lit Students frcm ahi pa~rts cf the Domin- insele,guaranteed net te squcak, new cein tee, J. D.îKingý make, $5.00. ies Sabah shoospubieoplIininln wbat was thon Danhingion Milîs, 1ow, bealthy, bappy, robnai wives. t ls for sae ion attend the Hamilton Business Col- individual respect are accomplîshing Bowmaihl.bslgidmiie,~-D.~ ....~idnHmlo.Ot Men's Chocolabe anti Black Dongola Kid laed Beots, fancy vesting Nvrfil to @»re coûtipaloé Cie-tploderwl, legenolcio, e au 5.O pja that fo r whîch sincere advocates of She ivas sîrcng anti keen in intellect, Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta. îars.r ne olwtereapesicusos:odcrwlseee noe ontc c value $5.QOUH pe~a _$4. prohibition have long wonkcd anti pnav- wihagetkindly beant anti a deep Adrs.C CULOG, Men's Box Caif laeeti Boots, geedycar welt, hanti scwen, hcavy and cd. To our mmd, neman who bas due reh riile, bearing the many trials The tcwn Sirecis anti Improvement ",light soles, new shape toc. These gootis are waterproof and tlie best regard for bis family or for bis own ne- teblsscm t be ruh lotinge cntinut Commitice have bcd the roat ideraper D T ou W s wearing leather you can buy anti always kecpvr'oi e value $5, spectability will be seen îipping in a teebleanss ith snh atinews chereful- and a gang cf mca ai werk cleaning V lIspecîn ,1O nessth antiet tat ibai sne haas aad aiavlt bar4roem, surroun.det by a loi et suckers those wiih wbom she came la contact. ttcdjb 1h streets swekart e madce a ,, Men's Box Caîf laceti Boots, McKay sewn, ncw shape tee, gocti sue ch pace. Sh walon a embe of1he s ad joba; Th conietiorn. wea Tft soes suha reointen asubpae. h~~logaxmb1c h Preaby- iL -UIjI~ egtsls reg value $U.5,. speeial $2.50. Business men ne longer care toe 1o 'tenian ebunet andi even maîifesteti theat aagoicniin e' atlctiBos un egeya tthd ie ý1PO deeplesi interest in tte ncgLress c f r eMnsnsCl lcdBos ieto.-odersitliiQIe l tCu , a efor e ae nlin t te b re, ts , aita Iluttin arkei, sold by gome dealers who priE. ean are give us a eaul. We have "Ulrich'F.G-Iaft Prolifie," 6"White nslae ttccoutr, ati ene bvenoiingtestoie bygret ittrs a apialhum ilarge profits Wýbove thc grand purpose Ahl kintis et JewelleryRepairs anti anti the "Learning." Uiict Cern has always given splendid satisfaction season -woulti prey heavily upnttc for ttc heuseholti anti wemen's work Mfivalue. latdies are warned to bear Wt-h Ilepaiii dn b .N latter. , 110 anti other special departxnentg ot naus- et a,, imitation andi soaîs rap£ dves Rickardwifl be, doe well. aoneu its n yt a v thleni rp, hes prc o oeta ual iuterest. We offer this- unequalle t iai enly cause dissatistaction anti -de- lu Cauada more cornpeteni othae hebet Ttc Gessig Party will tell thc audi -îwpproeyarat nnSaE structioni of gootis * Aok for tte Dia- W laspyhgetpîefraikni ffrapoue ence bew miih "stelet" bis good 'IN t endi et 1898 together for $1~.- menti Dyes anti take no cterâ; every ' awy ahgetpiefr.-1knso ampoue from. Brown. This is imxuenselv,.net i package is1 srxanted. T. N'.RiCKARD Thtis is a new Version ioe, Oh,-you m-t, ýChi Id ren C ry for - Senti te Wels- & Richardson Co., Jeweller arnd Optician, Bowmanvîîle N f f hear tbis. The five elti ladies bave a ýi Montreal. P Q , for bock cf directions- .mu i immense abiliiy forlretaýiliug interestin,, ~'~u n a ecnic 8cln;sn reThree deors East et StandardI Bank UYix~éIV gossip_ oow Hall uray ayCt.1ad ml ado 8clrs etfe Goes u il gosi. C S i,- t i an" aUdrees- - rcr'd il aen as cash. mu IVI DV IL.

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