The Canadian Statesman. TWIWMANVTTT1. MAY - 1S9i< WE SBALL WALK WITB HlM IN W11ITE. When our warf are here is ended, And the foe no more we fight; When with Christ we have ascended, We shail walk with llim ini white. CHORUS. We shail walk with lihu in white,' In that land so fair and bright, In the soul's et ornai morning We shail walk with him in white. Tho' the el ouds are bending o'er us, And the path is dark as night, There are brighter skies before us; We shail walk with Him ini white. This shail be our war cry ever, "ýStand for Jesus and the right," For Be will forsake us neyer, We shall waik with Him in white. By and by we'ii cross the portai 0f that land of pure deight; Where withiu that home immortai We shall walk with him in white. How a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsiomn is hard' to explaini, but it certainly happens. Lt seemns to start the diges- tive machinery working properly. You obtain a greater benefit from your food. The oul being predigested, and cornbined with the hy- pophosphites, makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh'- forrning power. Ail physicians know this to to be a fact. Ail druggists; 50. _-i$î.oo. SCOTT & BOWNïE, Cheists. Toronto MOPNEY TO LQAN $100,000. A large sum 0ffauoney lias been placed lit my bands by a private person for investment, on apprpvedloans on farm secnrity for a terrm of Five orTen years, ut 5 1-2 per cent interest %vill heasaked payable yeariy Satisfac- tory conditions for remrent willbe arranged. So-licitor, Bowmnanville. Dated oct. 18t, '94. 4", - tf. The Leading Spe !ibîý is f merl 20 YEAIIS ýN TIT 250,000 P EB WECURE ISOS Xothing eau ho more domranugt younpg et midd!e-agcd mn itau thoeic eniee of thoe . -ttily "c-se." Thcy Sproduce weakness, iervousmeos, n feelirig of disgstand awih lo" tnie fsvn1ptomý. They unfit a man fer buslors. married lifo and social happinc-s. No matte, whether caused hy cvii habits in youth, naturai weaknessa or scxual excesses. our SI"" Method Irreatment wii positivcly cre Yeu. NO CUVRE No PAY~ Iteade(r, you nieed helpn Larly abuse orî, luter excessesmay have weakened y ou., Ex1p0siea have diseased yen. You areriet safe tilloured.CrNwMto wil cure yen Yourun no rask Young Man-You are pale, feebie1 vand haggard-'nen-on airrab tii and ex cîtable. Yen become £orutfnl, imorose, and despendent; blotches and 1pimoles sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stoplng forra and downeast côuntenancoý revea the bliglt cf your enistence. WE CURE 'RCCL No înattcr how serions yo'ar case ani b e, or hewy long yen rnay have bard it', ou NEW MEiT1101)'IREATMÉNT I K cure il. The 'hvormy veina" rcturn teýpý their normai condition and hence -the. sexual organs recci\ e proper acuri li. ment. Tho ergnisecomo eýitaliacd, ail draina or losses cease n pari ýlt. roretun.1 (lpot TION ErO1M BUSLýNECss CU R E S CGU 1ARýîAN7EE L lUiL-qTS < dPOEN STRC'UIE.VA1uICO ,'E ESEMI1 liFREE. BOOKS FIRE. CHARGES MODERATE. If uniahie to eall. urW for a RUISTI'ON, BLANR for IIOM KBENEDY KEGA ,4,0AMS' rITTI FRUTTI, 410S DIGESTION. FREEse l prosn o etesupot tamTutti PratGuns. et ana. a64 MVADE ME A MAN AAX TAiES 1OSITIVELY CURE rye - in , IToe neyiow5imepiss Issata. esaea mentusanrotèar Erei assgr Idi. ha 'g nt use, s A i..eneallal seîre. roin.-I ere,, m. Wevav ea * . rlh estea Z=i rtah 50s iOT Sn.sia AJX EIxEoiY aOal Chuîico,1il srie t s brets eaiaMxTbes ia MÂ1KES WJIONG iRIGI-IT DR. TALMAGESAYS CHRISTIANITY 18 Not a Be11nei Imbacilily, butl a Robust Force for Bettenlng tise Wor-]Itaeli- gion le Net Pese but Tisai Wlil b. th. Final Recuit. 10opyrightI 55, by Apeorlca ,unprou. Assoc-ia- Washington, May î-lssdiscauriea < Dr. Talmage le nevolutlenary for g00d la familles and cisurchos and palionesud espeoialiy apprepniate fer ibasa tlimas; texi, Acte xvii, 6', "Thae htisihavaý tur, ed the wold upsielde"aw ara cama itisenaise.", Theo is a Nvild, bellewling mol aenannd tise house of Jasdn in Thessuionica. Whèi bas themasi doue se greetly ta offoual tbe people' He bas boep entertaining Paul und hie comrades. !tho analsurrounal lbe bouse anal eryt "Brîng oui those turbu- lent proachere! Tbey are iuterfanlng witis our business!; They are ruining our re- ligion! Tlîoy are acîuuily turuîng tise werld upsîde dowNvii" The charge was inca',for thore isenotis. Iug abat se interferos witb sin, thora la uothing se ruinons taevaney ferrm et establieheal iniqnity, thora e uoîhing tisat bas sucis tendency ta turn tise werld up- sida down as nur glaniaus Cbisllaulty. The fuetlsl that the world uow le wroug side up. aud It noods e taiha urneal upsida dowu lu ender Iliat l may ha nîgbt side up. The tirn. was wban anon wrole hooks entitling Iheni ".Apologies, Fon Clii - -alan- lty. " I hqpe abat day ha% passea. Wo wanl ne soeaapologies fer Cbristtasnity, Lot the apologies ha ounh part of thasa vvho do net blieve lu oun religion. We do net moun le make any cipromniso in the malter. Weo denet wlis ta bide tha tact ablat Chistianity Isneouiar wud tabat ies teudency la ta 1cmn the world lpside denu. Oui religiaxý bas efteu beau misrapre- sented as a pinciple ofI bars anal mildness ansd fatiallousuess, ufralal of cressing pea- pi's prejadices, afralal er saking serna- ho dy nîal, vithilh lken gloves lifting th, peopleu ip frorn thée churcis pow mie glory, as though tbey -waoe Bobesulun glass, 50 very de! olct Ialt wlboeetonch la may ho damolishoal braer. Meu speuk at religion as thoughi il wara a refinoal insbeciliiy, as thaugb il were a spiritual cliloroforn that thecpcophe wee te -tuke luiil thes sharp cuting ot life were aven. The Bible, se fae fnomn thie, represenis the religion of Christ ae robust aud lrawny-rausackisig anal upetting 10,000O thinge abat uow ceeus ta ha setîloal ou firmn founidalions. I Isear soîne'man inl the bouse say, "I theuglil religion was peacs." This lls e final resul. A wn's errn ia eut et place. Two men coae, sud wilb groat offrt -put il haci te ahe seeket. Il gaes back wlith great pain. Thon :il gels well. Our wanid le horihiy disordonodan sd ont ut joint. Il must coae undor au omnipetent eungory, henealli wisicli thora will ha pain sud auguisb hefore Iheroe an coaeperfect healtis anal quiet. I proclaim, tiiemefore, lu thse uame of my Lord Jesus Chris- revelutian!1 The. Religion of the Bibie. The religion of the Bible uili ,neikeaa rovolutien lu the farnilv. Thase tbings tinat are wrong lu the faanily ciri will he ovenlhrown by it, while justice anal sariiny will taise thse place. 'Iho Jane. bandl will bce isabod of aise housaholal only, wliien hslafit le le. 1I kuow a man who spenals ail the meney ho miakes lu drinik, usveil as ail the mouey abat bis sylfe iiaies, anal somoalmems selis the chul- dreu's clotbes fer rmm. De you teli me Ihatlihe is te b. the Jauala o ýtisai bouse- holal? If the wlfe have more nolility,ý more courage, more consisaoncy, marcet ail lItatis r ight, seshul hâva the snproînucy. Yenusy tisat the Bible eays tisat'île wife l e bhie suhj oct af the buiebanal. I kuew il, but lIaI les alune- baud, net s masculine caricRture. Thono is ne bunsan or divine law Iliat makes a womau subordinale tea a an unwentby of bier. Wlien Cbistianily cernas imac doinesîla circie, It will givo the dominsancy te abat eue 'vbii s Ithe suest wortby aofi . As' religian cornas lu ut the front aber, miinî anal leughtor wili net go eut of lbe lacis dean. Il aili net boppie.tbe chil- dlren's foot. John will isngkis4ssst ns loual, sud George wïll jfussap ltlghser iihob ever <idl bafoue. IL aili steai frein the 11111e ana nitber ball ue'r bat uer isoap non lite. Il aili astabllsb la fainify altli. .Angos wihl hven aven ht. Ludaere af lighi ailliroais dlownte il. The glory et beaven wil tream upan lh. The heýoks af nernembrauca wilrecord ih, anal hales of everastlng blesseduoeseaili pour tramn il. Net aucis s amiiy altai as' yu usMay bave aen wber. tise prayer ln long. aud a long isaplîer la nèa, withIodions ex. planatien, anal tbe exorcise keepa anunutil tbe"ochildreu'a are ro, sudtheir backs acis,, anal thein patience is lest, anal for l,avanth lime ihoy bave couni- ed ail lb. rangs !lu lb. chair, but, 1 meac a farnlly aller suais as may bave bacu seeauin lunr faibe's hous.. YenI rinay have waudaored fuirçoff lu thm patk of sin snd darkurs, but yous have'nvii" tergaùtîsu tistai anihy aitar wbei. aud. rnotetl ikueliIrnponiuning (lad las yonn seoul. That las àmermary lliat a issan ,pover gels over. Thon. vill bhora haaçly, jayfui fsily sitar lni every dolfià"lo circlo. Yeu ili Dot have la go far ta lie 510 menebants, anl yen flud Ihaltbey have 50 standards etf wbat la iglil and wrong«. Yeu ssy ta sanie eue about a rehant, "Is leho heuemî" "Oh, Yom," the man sys, "ha la houesi.;, bnt ho grinos th. faces al hie clrks! He le hou est, <but hao xaggerstes the, value of has goode. Ha la bontet, but bho bans snoney on bond and imortgage wiIlh Ibem'undiu- standIng that the mortgaeau ie quiet tor tep ycara, but1 as seon as ho gets the morîgugetho recordsait anal begins a ra' clasurle suIt, anal theseis' writ comas tstsavb, andlthé day et sala arrives, s«d aiway gaies tise heaneateal, anal lbeý'redi- t-s' laya itintlu ai 0lI prîce. " Honesi-? Whu;,.«etaneallb. uîeny, lie kneav that ho Nrnu d ~t tiseshornestead t I all prie.. 3 onest? IL 1he goee ta the insnrauCo oiico ta gel a plilcy en bis life anal tolA, the decton abat ho à~ welwlie'uho kuýows tisaI for lois- years ho brs bail but olle '&u~ Baee -Tbeugàis b. "li110 ppest 1 eaealgb. If yenavant to gai lo e bven. ta ratlier lisa ibat I'sbuld fl 10 ar yen weIl baye ie go by tho way ofet iista auu, I aent ta stand on'the »)ngialn aiapa." Tisa mission chapel lias mounteutop te Catch lb. tirai îay et tb. bocme .tb kîehei aber lb chrebdawss anal avhIlT ling teet hbng the does it siopy ons. There are huiidrada neave. And, eh, evsi e heur tb. dat- and lisousa nda is fhurches la.Ibis creu- ierIng hbeau ibai bring ou ais., eKIng'a try-ger-geonaly luili sud supirted- chianlt may avo ail b. ready, wfavis adbe tbsI ovan oas brigisiaiandnhiuy days pung anal aih band an tle nope oet ibo ara nai hall full aifavoshipaensanal yaîetbal tsatIsletasenalthe victony, aud thay arebuildinsg miosion chaàpela, le- aitlswPeahis .11 taisteal for ibheavay,' causaelsy seaexpressecl or Iuiplied 1 gU ane vhen Jeans d1ianau nt£ lot It le. amial laîlon tise gieai masses of tise peopla ais tise huaza! liuzta oef a avalalredeerneal! k ept out ai tb. main audience î'oum. ,Wbert anal when waili thal revolulson laglu? lBora anal aaa. Iu yaur hourI anld Gales of th* 4¶uîeh tl e b. ok.a rswn mine. tb ti et go dewn, aur pride muai Nýov, I may tisai auy place q1i 5iniïhp godo*wu, etir aeldlos user go aleav, W-bjeh l4ap&pîopnlatO fer oee ases i'o. ht Ohnlui yay ae a p. Ravelutionl pracriate fer aIl clamses. La. tXýeh rmd'K aqlt.& iail bhobskseagainha eau- is, poar'- iseet togatisar, the Lord è6e ot te m ingilem f et eiL" Why mat XakiofaItbem ahl. Mmnd yen tisaI I gay nov lotthlb. revelutian begin? Net nexl tIsat mission chapels aro a necessity, lb.Saîhoti5, but i n. v. ti-anerrav, wbný way clàunclas aru o siaconduoteil, but ybg'as ou i-i to .o>auEssoial gielle, but' 6« ~~.ed ltu .*hu e ls iey OMM ala' Du VY IVI-11-LN V I.LiiiID2 maneut cure. IKuowinSg to i is wTn sorrow, that se xny poor suflerers are leinzg imposeal upon by unscmupulous, qulacks, Mr. Gra ham cgissiders il bis Idulty as an lionestmau uud a firm ha- iever in chuistiaxu .ympathy aud ki na- ness, te give hîs Ieilow-men lte benefit of bis expenience anal assist tisem te a cure. Ravin.- noîbino. te seil, le asks no moues', the proud' satisfaction af having doue a great service ta eue in ueal, le niglstly cousiders au ample re- vaird ton bis trouhie. If- you write te .Mr. Graham you eau roly upon being ci,ýred anal upon absoluite secnecy as, well. Adalmess as abevea.eiosing a stamp andl refen telte STATFsmAN. No âaten- tien isowever wilhe g'iveu te those writ- ' of~u memre euriqýty, therefore state that yo 'ai ealy need a cure.' by the map, forgettîiug tteltal thet'puir. chaser tbat the greund le ail under water, but it le generouà lu hlm to do that,,for lie throws the watcr into the hbargain. .Ah, mr fiands, there le but anc stand- ardr f-thé verlasSùiuýï ight and of the evorlasting wrong, and that is the Bible, and wbou that prinoilel shall gel its pry under aur conmaercial bouses I believe that eue-hail of thein will go over! The muin 'will begIn at oneenofa the street, and It will ho Crash!1 crash! crash! i l the way, down ta the docks. "iWhat le the matter? Ham there beon a faulu goid?" "Oh, n." "Bas thora beau a uew tar- Iff?" "No." "Ham thora boen a faîlure lu crops?2" "No." "Bas thora beau an unu- accauntabie pania?" "No." This ls the secret: The Lord God bâs set up bis tbrone of judgmewnt toexehauge. Be bas sumrnonad the righous and the wlcked ta coaeboaIer hln. What was 1837? A day of judgiueuit! What was 1857? A day of judgrnent! 'Wbat was tbe extrarne depression of two einaargo? A day of judguiautl Do yen thlnk that God le goiug te wrait nutil ho bas lurned the wonld up baera ho riglits tbose wrongs? I tell yeu, uay I Every day is a day of judgmeut. The Frauduient Man. The fraudulont man piles up bis gaina, boud aboe bondi, Uuited States securlty aboya 'United 8S'tatas securlty, ernolumnt abova emolunut, uill bis property bas becom aa groat pyramid, anud as ha stands lookiug aI iii b. thlnks it eau noyer be dostroyed, but the Lord God cornas and wîth bis litt1e lInger pushes It ail over.ý Yeu bulld a bouse, and you put luto il a rotten bearn. A machaulo standing by says: "Il iviil neyer do te put that heam Iu. It willi ruin your wbole building." But yoc put It in. The bouse is cern- pleted. Soou it begius to rock. You cali lu the mechanie and aski "Wbat îg the, Mutter -with Ibis door? Whýiat Ih the mat - ten with tis wall-P Everythinsz seeme te ho glvlug oct." Says the ueebuaaiic, 'lYeu put artottan beam Ie ibtat structure. aud the whole tbing bas rot ta coe dewn." Haro is an astate that seoms; ta ho aIll rigbt now. Il bas beau building a greut rnanyývears. But 15 yeams ago ýthere was a dishoneet transaction lu Ibat com- merriai bouse. That oua dishouest trans- action will kaap ou worlaing rulu lu the whole structure nutil dowu tbe estate, wiJll(corne lu wreck uuad ruin about the possesore cears-ona dishonest dollar lu the ostata dernollehiug aIl bis posseisions. I hava soea It again and again, and so have y-su.. Boerols yeux monev aea- Tise mainu- facturer aucýyourselt aaly kuew bew il car ho oponefi. You bave the key. You toncli the look, andl the ponsderous door swings bàck. But lot me tell you that, hewever $lrly barred and boited your mioucywsafa may bc, you caunot keep God eut. lie will coae sorno day luto youn eonnting room, and ha will demaud ' Who;@ did that note of baud comae tram? Hlow do yen. account for ibis oeeurIty? Whcre did you get tisai niortagge tromn? Wbai doos Ibis moun?" If it Is ail riglil, G od wlll say: " Wall doua, goofi and faith - fui servant. Be prospered lu thi> world. Be happy in the worid ta cam.", If it le ail wrong, ha wil Say: "Depua, ye, cursod. Be nileerabie for your iuiquities lu this lifo, aud then go dowu andi spoud your etcrnlty wiih tilevesý and horse jockeys aud pickpockets." Yen have au aid pistograpb et tbe signe on yeur street. Why bave these signe nearly ail cliauged witbin the, last 20 years? Do0e tbe paeing away of a generatien accouni for il? 'Oh, ne. Boom the tact iliai thora ara linudrede of bau- est mon 'Whoe go dowu every ycar accouit for il? This le the secret: Thbe Lord God lias been walking Ilirougli the conmmercial streets ot aur great cities, and bo bas beeu adjugalug things accord- lng le the priniciple of etornai rectitude. The lima will corne wheu, through the revelutionary power of' Ibis gospel, a Ialsebood, Instead f Ibeîng oalled cxag- goratian, oquivocation or avasion, will be' brauded a lie. aud stoalinge Ibat now semetim'es go unrier the beadaloe percent- ages aud comm issions aud bonuses wil ho put Inte the catalogua of &tata prison offenses! Society will ha turned Inside out and *upslde down aud rauqackad of God's trutis untîl business dielionesties shah Côme ta an end, aud ail double deal- ing, and Goea wili everturu aud ovrtuiru anvertuî'ý, sud commercial mun n lual Lè thi }a' ~ upsld'e doi'n are Coma sha. Theo Religion ot Jeans Chx1tt Tise roligipn ef Jesus Ohniist wll pro. dluce a 1-avolution lu our churobes. Tha non -comruittal, do"nohIng policy of the churcis of eot will give way te a& spirit of bravoit conquosst. Pioty ln thls'day us me taie te b. salted dewn just se as te keap. It acmus fas if tle church ware ebloft j~mrous a tk. çareofai tmecf, and If w. liiar of want aud squaýo1r ancl boa- theulsm nentsilde w. say, "'Wbai a pîtyl" aud w. put our bauds ln our pockais, a-d- - t.e arouud fer a 9-cent place, and wlth grant dlounîis we put Jt upan the plate aud area amazed thait the world. le net couvertad in siix weeks. Suppose 3O,SOOwa*1ides,,but mal et tbese"8m.0QO goldiort, .xeepting ton miware 1lu thelr cease ta ho a nccessity. Ged wil i sa up andl break down the gales oft he churcis that have Itcpt back the masses, aud woo le 10 ahose wbo stand lu thse way! Thoy wili ho tromped under foot by tha veet populations maklng a stampodo fer boa- von. I saw lu soe papar an account et a oburcb lu Boston lu whicb, tls said, thora woro a greut anry plain people. rhe nexi weok the trustees of lIaI eburcli camna oct lu the paper' and said Il was aot se at ail: "tlicy were elegant people and highiy conditioneal people that weni Iliere." Thon I laughed ontriglit, and wheu I langli I iaugh very , oudfly. " Thoso peeple, " I enil, "are aînald of the aîckiy soutlmeutulity oetheb.churches."l Ne-w, my ambition is net te preacis te you se snucb., Il seemes te me Ibai you muet ha Iaring surnptuously avary day, aud thea marks of camIont are ail about yen. "You de net ueed tbe gospel balf as mucli ns do soeaWho nover corne hera. Rallier than ha piding mysoif on a churel ian front ef wblcb thora ahalhaIt 60 splendid equîpages ou ahe Sabbath day I would bave a churcli up te whose galas thora sheula camne a long procession eofIlie suffering, and -the stnicen, and the dylng, begging for amittance. Yen de net ueed the gospel se mucli as tbey. Yen bava good things lu Ibis M1e. Wbat- aven may ba your future destluy, yen hava had a pleassaut lime bora. But tise dyiug populations, et wbich 1 speak, by roason of thoir, waut aud suffeniuig, whsi.- avenr sây hle ir future destiny, are lu perdition uew, and if thabeehaany camIort lu Cliist's gospel for God's sake givo 1* la thern1 The Pria e oflthe Churcis. Revolutian! The prîde af the churcis must corne dawu. The axclusîvenees eto the cbureis muet came dowu! The fin- aucial beastiug af the churcb must coma down 1 If meuetary sueness were thie chiot ides lunlthe churcb, Ilian I say tisai Ibe prasaut modeofe couducllng finances le the ha-*st. If il le ta ees ewnydolars yeu eau gain, thoen lb. present wmode la the, bast. But if il l e s aviug et jouis tm sinand deuIls anal brnging tisa mîgbty pOpUtisofetOur citles ta lbe knowvledge of Ged, thon I cry revolu tien! les cosinrg test. 1 feel il lunlise air. I heur the rusnbliug et au eaunîquako tisai shall slisukadown iluoeeterrifie crash the arrouganea et aur maoderns Cisistiauiiy. TWe sea la covereal witli wrecks, andl multitudes are drewulug. We coma oui wlth the churchli ifeboat, and lb. peoplej bogin ta clambar in, andl w. aboult: "Stop! stop! Von muet thlu'k Il- earts ,othlug te keep a litedeat. Those soats at thie prow are $1 apiayco I-hase I the ml<l-i a 5 0 couýs, andalthose seas inluheb.sberu 2 sUillings. PIeuse te pay up or aisei floundor on a litîle longer t111 the mission, boul whoso work it le te save yen peuni- les. wretclies shahl corne along wid pick yen up. We avae niy lirai aus alunais lu thisk bot."j Tiesa lt is whetbar Protestant churcha. or Roman CathMiIc churches are copÀng eut aheud. I tell yen, Protestants, ahis truth palny-tliat until your churcis ara as Inca as ara the Roman Cathalie cathedrals Ilaey wiIl bont yen, la itiir cathedrals lb. millionaire analtise beggar kuoel side ly side. Aud unail that trne comas lu Our churches we canasot expect the laver etf(led an permanent spiritual prosperizy. Revolutoni , It may bha that befone the churcb bearnna Ie duty ta the musses (lad will scourge il andi coeowitisahewhlp sf ainnipoteit indignation.anal drive out the sneney- changers. X i ay ha abat thora is te le na great day of upseating. before thut lime chall corne. If' h muet corne. O Lord Goal, let il coma uow 1 Iu tisaI futuare day of the ra-onstriieled ehurcis of'Christ the cliumcb building wiii ho the most ceeniasiof al buildings. Insteati of the 11gb t of the sou stramued Ilirongli painted glass unail an intelligent auditony looks green anal bine andl yellew and copper coiored, wé willi bava ne ýsueb thlngs. Tise pure aamoepliereo et anven will sweep eoul lie fetida tîosphero thai hias heeu keptinlu mauy of oua' churches boxed np frein Sunday ta Snay, A Day of Great laevivals. The day et whleb I speak wililha a day et greai revivals. Thora wIll'ho suais a line as thon. waslu the a psiàîb oISheIla, wliare 500 seuls were bhem ta God' luoe day-sncb tianes îus wore sean ln Ibis countIry when 'Edwars guyca tisa alarrn, wben Tannent prouchaed, and Whîlefield thundsewl. andl< k.husi PxwjffoMpyn-yel; si ýýzwta*- as'eseetfyo enr a r inl 18à7. he lb.oes et pryer andI praise -vae.shourd lu tiseater and, Wareisouse andl hýlaeksbop and faaooy sud englua bouse, and, the auctlanee'ei amy ef "a bali, and s bull, and a hall," war. drownad oui byý lise adjeiulug prayor meeting, lu wblch Ibme people erlea oi,"]Won andl traîliron, wbat shaîl w. do"' lIb e%*day. ef wbicb I am espeaking tisa service, a! ibme churohs ef Ga wilhl bu more spirîteal. Tise nistars ei Chriot, lusteal etfIeing aDuinaabout wisether 1hcy are going ta les. thair place lu their neos., wlll gai on fine wih the thae andl pour tii. living tnutb etf(lad upan au aronsewd auditory, crylng out te tb. rightcOuls, "It shalho well with yau,"1 and to ilhe wicked - "Woe! Il abaîl ho IU with pou." lun th oeedays thelie îging willlb. Vary dîforenit ram what il la 1; leedtAlwlaviwt c-é aýiEke il aWeicomcnýfd V A plsesible visiter le every farm fircside. A lsîrnctive'and Iinteresting PA telarmera ai every ciass. A OeaDollar a Yeer. Tee Cents a Corpy. 'V Brother Jonathan Publishing Ce. AManhattan Building, ' A Chicago.- THE DEST HOTEL lIN DETROIT Ose doua morefer youiu the waap f confortabaî, las sud vod mesis thaun lia Franklin Houe. Rates 1-0o20.Woodward endJefferMonAveues oeily a block awai'. IL, H. JAYES & SON, preprietùrs, Bates anal Lrueda SaIs. eDl-troit. Micb. M.~uns o m fuerisGven the Counav t Difuirbali. duriji,- busiaîa-,s lsnrs ut#'iffice, ut lus radrc et SllfforÎllg Vallqlislid. A NOVA SCOTIAN FARMER TELLS HOW HE REGAINED HEALTH, Had Suffered fromn Acute Rh euma- tismn and, General Debility- Scarcely Able to do the Light- est Work. From the Acadien, 'W'olfville, N. S. One of the most prospereus anal tu- tellig'ent. farmers of thîe village ef Grenwickç, N. S , is Mn Edward Man- naing. Anyene intimate with Mn. M=niu knowis hlm as a Pian et streug intenî anal veraeîty, se ahat evens- confidence eau ho phuced l inte inter. malien wbich lie gave a reporter et the Acadien, fer publicationa the othor da *y. Dnniug a very pleasant interview ho gave the fellewiug staternts of bis severe suffering anal recoeons' "Twe yearis ugo la st Septembor, " said M. ^anunug, 11I was takzen with an acute attuck of rheumalism, I had net heen feeling well ton soee ime previeus te that date, isaving been troubleal with sleeplessness and gonenal debility. My constitutien seemeal cempietely mnui down. Beginniug in the smalal of any lpack the pain seau passeal into rny hip, ivbore il romaaued wîtboul interanission and I becarnie a terrible suffener. Ahi winter long I was scarcely able 10 do any work anal il was ouly with lihe aculest of suffering that I manageal te hobbie le the humn eaeh day te do iny chores. 1 appealoal te medical mou ton holp but they faileal te bring any relief. At last 1 decided te try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs anal with aboi- use carne a complote andalhasting cure. I had im~t useal quite tlree boxes wlsen I began te feel decidedly boîter. Centinnedlusin-- thons until twelve boxes hal been consumeal, wben my ceaupleto recovery waranied me lu discontiuuing tbisî use. I have nover feit botter tîsansinuce that liane, My heuith seorns 10 hase imeprovoal in overy was'. Duriaîg the pnst summrer 1 wonked verv' iard lut have toit no bad effocîs. lIe gratitude I teel to Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. noue but these whsa have suffereal as 1 bave anal heen cuneal, eau appreciate. An analysis shows lIaI Dr. Williams' Pink Pis coutain lu a condenseal bran ail ail tle elements necessary te give uew ile anal ichness toeblioed anal restere shatteneal norves.: They are an untailing' specifie for suela diseuses as locomotor ataxia, partial paralvsis, St. Vilus' Dace, sciatica, nenr>'lgIa, rhen matism, nervaus bonda che, îhe, aftor effecis et ha grippe, palpitation of the heurt, alervoûus prostration, ahi diseuses dep)ending upon vitiateal Iurnors efthtie blood, sucht as scrotuma, dhronile ervsip- elas, etc. They are aise a specifie ton troubles peculiar te fem'ales, sncb as sui pressions. irregnianlîles anal ai, terme et weakness. 'lhsevbuilal pthie bood anal rostoeethe glow et bealh tot pale anal sallow cheeks. Ini mon tise- effeci a radical cure in ail cases anisiîm,- fnom mental worr.v, overword, or ex- cesses ef whate-er nature. Selal bv al doulons or sent Post paid ai 50e a box on six boxes fer $2.50 lx' addressiug île Dr. Williams' Mlediciiie Ce., Bnockvihle. Ont. ____ _ THE LICENSE BOARDI. The License Cemutissioners met bore on, Saturdav ýast wheu these. licenses were grauloal for %Vest Durhîam for the onsuiug liceuse yoar : Bowmauville,-Reubeu Bennett & Sons, Henry Warren. Darlington,-D. N. King, Burketou; George Bone, Hampton. Cartwright -Frank E. Hawken, Biacksteck. Clarke,-Peter Biue, Kendal, subject te insoectiot) ;,William Pape, Oreno John; B. Baruden, Orono, (subjeet to certain reoirs). Newëaste,-Frank Bennett. Tise licenuse appleal for bg.' J. W7V. Tuff, Port Newcastle was net granteal.. 'the Cornaissionons are: Messe. H Midaletan, Peter Werry anal Robent Pbilp. R. Knox, Inspecter. A RELIABLE OF'FER. BONEST IBELP FiSEE 7'POMN. IN PRESENTL. > AThisjla NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE SCIIE M E V - but s STýRAIGIIT BUSINESS prGposkien.p AA beaalitui Preseelte evcryone FREEL ' A CONDITIONS: Toecdipersexi sending us 2ecents l iteî!ýr f, or 3iDonthssuhscription te THz GammarasaAa' FARMER MAGAZtNa, ta incicale the leaitill' A Spçcial" Christimas ncmber,, we wiil mail!' Aau n3r ai ofîte tollowing p ýreseutsyen u m\' select PREE: A hatfu aenVcoria' Gelal Enaeied Scart Pin (lie latest rnoveity, ' Afor lady er gentleman) valul aIat$.2t, nf a:' K ilondike Dianional Scarf Pin-a pi-riait gelui' - valisedlauS or S Places ofthtie Latest ' A Sbeet 'Music (instruamenital anal Vocal),saae~' A t a2.(A vaincoai.5o for 26e-) A Yoa toulal lake advantage oaise fer 'e ON AT ONCE.,V R fentieman Farmier Magazinev ,N galo theandasoeest Farm Magazine ' A ie Amenica ' A Is eontasins 96 page rofnsely illnstrahi. , ' MUNYON'S Victory Over thçý Most obstinato Forms eof Disease. IMPROVED HOMtEOPATJIY People In Ail Walks of Lit e Cored hj Hlm Reniedies. CURES WHEN, OTHERS FAIL Mn. Gao. L.,Ackermau, carnaýg lnimnse, fer Geo. A. Rddl C% ,usIdiue t 10 Aile street. Tenaonte m iaya: 'Il ase troubied fan a year wiIh d7sp4-psi ansd St limes auffereal oxtrern an.Iaas alse sufferlng tramiver trouble wbicb gaoIni. cansfigerable unoasinese. Aller e andl Liver Cures 1 arn . wfeeling.1 i 11gt anal well once again. 1 bave aiso used 1110grl ail1spedi eais.Iba' g rosi t l M*'t, Munyeu'i nbënamtile'ecre selan rlis ta r. lieve ln eusibrtmea. içiia nd cui as in afe,. Muy. n % la. Cr mnî:l s 651Coi ure pre'*x iu nexd'n^ôla zsi breaks, np a ela sofctv burs. Prie t5c. ?Muayonýs gChugFil Cure stops ceeise, aigit 0casais, s0sreneýseandl speaclil'y lcols 5th) longs. Price 25c. 5iunyon's .Kidne'j Cure .speedlly 'corsa vsloaiF Jn tis a le, onsaor graine, and 0a! foune et' kidasi' <lease. Pri 'e 25ej Munyon's Nerve Cnre sapis nervooispess nd tiffds up thse systemn. Paire 0C. Nlunyea's Headacise Cure stops biendaeise ln thre inuclttes. Pire 25e. Muayens l'île Muinent poiLitIvelY Ceres ai feins cf piles. Price 25e'. .- u,înyena nBlond Cure eradlCastes .11 oimpeitleg, of tih lond. Pnice 25c. MUnyoles FeMil. IteMedIC<'ere a einnle ail Mayon's Catarrh Reameies neyer ftll. Tisa Catarl Ce-price 25.-eradleates lise diséusa Sa tets systtsm. and tise Catarrhb elet--lce ..5c.-ciesnso and bles! aports. Munyca's Astisma Ramedies relieve le tliee muiuts nalcura perwaaenily, Pries $L. Mtaariyeisa uitaliiar. a great tonle anal ne. stomr etfvital. atasagita wak teril. 1. A raparatereaf3r eneb disease., At alI drog' s., aioni 25 centr a viol. Pc, slsetters ru Prof,. Munynn. i1 Atiseri strosi. Tarante. Ont. answerecl witls Irce dl elatlvice £or ay dlea'i. D sr de red, Ki'%dneysa Perbaps tliey're tise source of yaur ili heaitis and yon dop't know il. Here's bow Von céan teil If yen bave Éac k Ache or Lame Back. If yen bave Puffiness under the Eyes on Sweiiing of the Feet. If your Urine centains Sediment of any kinal or ie HÎgh Ceiored andl Scanty. If yen bava Ceated Tongue and afty Tasta in the Mouth. Ifyenhve Dizxy Spelis, Headaches,. Bad Dreams,- Feel Duli, Drowsy, Weak and Nervoüs. Then yeu have Kidney Cernplaint. The sooner yon start Iaking DOAN'S KUONET PULLS tise more quickiy wiil yonr healtis retnMn They'vc cureal thon-'- sanals of cases of kial- ney trouble dnning the past ycar. If yonare a sufferer' they eau cure yen.l 00 Book that toile al about Doan's KIdney' Pille sent free te auy asidress.> Thse Doan Kldney PIIl nU« <AK Co., Toreuto, Ont DENTIST"Rm«Y C. HARNDEN, L.D.S. raluale of itie Royal Coilero a!f Dental Sur geoibe, Onîtario. OFFICE. -Opl>.osite Expre-ss OMeie. VITALIZED AIR. J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. OfiRCe.-Re'ar.of Messrs. Higgin- bothame& Son's Drug Store, (Dowin stairs), BOWMANVILLE. 1 TOMULIGTI lu cOmn'eFulzil cl£clum. v luu 1 tao iiiid and ývour shoes are not moed 1 buau Y 1 noieu ilifil Lo opuain a pf-wrpcTý ann per- !;g g cýplalus-ýý PUF,ý. 4-lu-Y 1 lu 1 1 1 1 1 L 1