Your E Y,:3S. The Javal Ophthalmomeie is the most acnrabe instru.ment knowu for corrcting thc vision. Wc have tic ouly one lu the County .and lu no other store iuTown eau you get thé services of a Post Graduabe Optician. Our experience enables us 10 give a positive guarantce with every, pair of Spectacles and our pries are lower than others other stocks iu town combined. Stott -& J ury, The Druggists and Opticians. G. T. R. Ticket Agency. Prices 0f Bicycles Ail Gone To Smiash.... Owing to au offer just reeeîved !rom lte nanufacturers of one of the finest wheels i the vior1ld we are able to off er in- duements that will surprise the publie. TernIjs of payment easy. Cali. early. Stott & J Ury. G. T. R. Ticket Agency. Stock,' Taking Sale. We are stocktaking this week and bave a lot of odds and nh Soaps, Toilet Sundries, &c., &o., whieh we want to clear out, and the following priet~s are attractive enough to enable you to Iay in a year's supply.. .êssorted 'roilet Soapa wûrth 5c to lOc, WVindow full at 5c each Joseph Rogers' Razors vrrth sî81,15 for 75e W. and B. Razors worth $1.50 for $1.15. Shaving Mugs worth 25o for 15c. Purses 10c, 25e and 50c, some of them worth twice as mucli. Toilet Sponge , apî iai': - . Cominon Sponges worth 10e to 20e for Se. Little Liver Pis, 2 boxes for 25e, Patent Medicines worth $1.00 for 75c. fear Trumpets 25 per cent. reduction. STOTT & -IlURY, Chemrists and Opticians. G. T. R. Tickets for sale. GRAND FRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMNVILLESTATION. GOEN«iEAST. CoING WEST. Express .... 831 a. m. 1 *Express... 5 28 a. mu *Express.. 10 16 a. ni. Local .S 18 ' passeager .... 3 29 p.m. passenger.. 1 35 p. m Local.... 642 p. m. t Express... 431 p.m. Ilpra. 103 '. Express.. . 5 (>0 1 * Daslp.t Sundays only. SToTT & Juny, Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 1, 1898. Read ail the news insîde. Clarke news on inside page. Belts front ten cents up at Rickzard's. Blouse sets from 5Se. np ai Rickard's. Plain Rings in abundance ai Rick- ard's. Curtain, Poles in great variety at L. Mlorris'. The mnost beautiful new goods ai Rickard's., SSee our hunes of Secretaries and Book Cames at ali prices. L. Morris We dîo uphoîsterino' and Carpet lay- in in frst-class st3le ai reasonable prices. L. forris. Thie RoQvaI Oaks won the, basebal game at Ôshawa, Queen's Brthday ini a score of 17 to 18. If you want to'buy or sell anything try an 'ad'ilu THE bT.ATESMAN, and you are certain of success. Messrs. E. Leonard & Sons, builders cfteeigines and boliers, London. Ont., bave issued their 1898 illustrated cata logue and will send it to ail applicants. TimSi ATESMAN lias had rmosi satisfac- tory dealings with this old established and reliable flrrm, The junior basebail team of Oono visited the junior club here, May 241hl, and play7ed a friendly game. Score 26 to 9"ifavoy ol Boýwrnanvie. The Ckoo lads behaved themseives like litte gentlemen and.are a great credit ïo the village to which. they belong. ' A horticulturist remarki, a mistake is made in cutting the grass with a lawn mower and raking the grass off.- He clams that the smali pieces leit ou the lawn after it is eut serves flot only to proteet the tender roots fromn the sun, b ut protects theur from the frost in the wîîter, and return to the earth the sub- #tance which lias been g-iven up 'in veo- See card of new groccry. Read Murdoch's new advt. Some news letters crowded out. Good Camera ffr sale,, Sec ad. Report of Darlingion Council naext week. Meriden Britannia Goods always at Rickard's. Window Shades and Picture Prames lu great variety at L. Morris'. If you want a bargain in Furniture eall on M. D, Wiliams & Son. Mr. F. Grigg, won Bmd prize lu the one-mile novice race at Oshawa Mav 24. Mm. and Mrs. J.T.ll.Hancoek of East Whitby have gone 10 the Old Country ou a trip. Garden City leaves Toronto at 5 o'clock instead of 4 p. m. as advertised touminîy. Base bail match next Fiday-Co- bourg vs. Bowmanville. Good game sure. Geut's 15e ; ladies 10e this time. Attend. Cyclisis will find' W. Fishleigh's Bicycle Repaîr Shop the rio'ht place 10 getwheels put un order. gee advt on 2nd page. Dr. A. S. Tilley of Bowmanviile 10 bc Associate Coroner for the Counties of Northumberland and Durham has been gazctted. A very fine and choice stock of Ladies' Sprîng Coaîs and Capes; a] 1 new goods, just reeeived at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman 's, Messrs. L. Morris & Son are doing a splendid furniture busiuess at their Orono brandi and were neyer busier at home than uow. The plants for tice.Iorticultural Society arived last wcek in good con- dition and were disributcd 1t ci mem- bers hb' Mr. R,. Jarvis. Mr. W. E. Vanstone and wife,Pieker. 11g, were called 10, Lindsay 10 attend the funeral of the later's sister,Miss Ida Aluin, who died May 23. If the name of your vîsitors are not recorded iu THEs STATESMEN t is not our fault. Send or iaud the names 10 us, and we gladly publish them. Whcn in town don't fail 10 sec M. D. Williams & Son's fumnitume stock. .Our prices dcfy competition, as is proved by our apîdly inceasing sales. L. Morris., Elegaut stock of silver plate at Rick- ard's; any amount of things for wed- ding presents Most beautiful engagement rings at Rickard's--Diamonds, Pearis, Opals, Rubies and Emeralds. Mm F. A. Cole, Hampton, bas a vemv fine stock of goods ihiâ Sping and fs selling ai moderate prices. Sce his new advt. An immense Stock of New Prints, Mustin,1 Silver Silks and Fancy Cotton Goods of ahl kiuds &t Couch, Johuston & Crydcrman's. Dimectors bf West Durham Agricul- lurai Society will mcctinl the Council Chamber,Saturday afternoon ,J une 111h, for the purpose of rcvisîng bbc prize list of the Faim. fBurgiars entered the larucss siop of Mason & Dale sometime Monday niglit May 23 and stohe a '98 Massey-iIarnis bicycele. No trace lias yet been fouud of Iliieves. I theme ever was a specifle for any one complaint tIen Cartcr's Little Liv- cm Pis is a specifie for sick, leadache and every woman should kuow this. Onl1y one pili a dose, try them. Buy y our Furniture and House fur- nishings fromn L. Morris and you wili be lappy . Shouid anything le seils y ou nîot be entimeiy satislactory as le has mepmesenbed il lie wiil be pleased te malte il rugit. Don't forget the place. M. D. Williams & Sou are seuding out large numbers of be'î-roomn suites every week. Tie quality and price must be ail rîgit judging from the business they are doing tus Spriug- alreadv Queen's Bîtiday was celcbrated vcmy quictiv in buis town. Some o! our citizens went te Port Bowmauville for a pienie while a large number attended fthez Orrnfellows' Celebration aI Oshawa. Theme seems 10 be a great attraction for our àyouug people in our sister town. Mr. J. S. Wiiiison, Mauaging editor of Thc Globe, gave an address on '"Joumualism" to tle "Twenty Club" ai Lindsay receutiy. Ris opinion o! joumu- alism in Canada is, that taking ail thuugs int consideration, we hohd our owu with any countrmy in tbc worhd. s0 far as our ucwspapers are coucerned. What a shame! ThcWesieyanLadies' College of Hamilton, says tic Templar, 15 now tbc Waldorf hotel, a liquor seil- ing taveru. The transformation is as sad as il is starîhing, and lias bronght ff lef to the hearts o! thoupands o! lovsi e1thodists, who were once preud o!ftfhîs hall of iearuiug as an institution o! the churci. GRnpu's LEGAC.-Grippe often leaves beiind it weakencd icart, shat- teréd nerve and uudermined iea]ih. Nothing will restore bte system te its old lime vigor s0 quickiy and per- tectiy asMîiburn'slieamt sndNerve pis Mrs. John Quigley, 8(j Sherlif St., St. John, N. B' sayh : "Since I had an at- tack o!ftc4 gippe Ihave been weak nervous an u n dowu. I doetored *with some of tie best physicians but got no relie! until I commeuccd using M il- burn's Heami aud Nerve Pills, whidh have compIeteiy cured me." Tic pretty little 'white and gold picasume yacht '*V'enetta",p owned by Mr. D. Smiith. Toronto, which is taking a trip around the lake came int Port Bowmanvilc 0on Suuday afiemnoon and memaiued unl Tuesdiv eveuing. Just before leaving on Tnesday Mr Smith verv kindiv took a number o! our citiz- ens for an hour's sail on thl ale. The "Venetta" is a very handsomc steam yacht, 70 teet lu lengtl and munning aS about 15 miles an-hour. She lias a crew o! tweive smart iooking and very oblig- iug yonng men. Thc regulai meetingo! the League Monday evening was ratier slim in at- tendance but the progmamn was one o! special interesi. Il was an evening oiven te the lateMisïe Frances E . Villard. N'pers wcre given b ,v- Miss Biimacombe on Miss Wîllard's early lite, Miss Jouess on Miss Willamd's womk, and anuaddress by Mms. I. JcweIl ou lessous te be learu- A~ from Miss Willard The. Misses Morris gave au instrumentl duel and tle chorai club çang two seicetions suit- able tictheeveing's sub)jett 11ev. J. J. Rac acted as chairmain lu thc absence n! the president, N j- OUIR BICYCLE NUMIBER. NEXT week Tins STATES M&N bicycle number wiil appear. Some people wiil be sorry unless they send lu their names and malte of wheel they ride. We have a very large number: (over 300) but we want all. There are many more. 'No persoual criticisms wili be made. We are printing a large edition and want everybody un town and sur rounding country included in our list. We want everybody 10 send extra copies to their friends. Our aim us to show that Bowmanville and vicinity can tumu out more bicyclists than any other town of its size lu Canada. Send luvur owrn name and name of wheel. cludcd, Will some wheelman prepare a lisi of your local d3 clists and send il iu ccrt-ificd by your owu signature, (not for publication.) NEW GIIOCERY FIRM. A. new grocery firm lu be knowni as Parr & Co., will open a stoek of siaple and fancy groceries, provisions, etc., ln Big 20 Blocit, Bowrnanvi]ie, this week. Watchi for their advemtisemeui nexi wcek. Nicholis seils cheap, try Un.~i Ladies' and Gent's Rose 10 cents ai Nicholîs When y6n are lu Bowmanviiic caîl and sec N icholis: Burgiary at Omono and other Clarke ncws on inside page. Students should commit te memory -Tic Sovereigus o! England" in thi paper. Three bridai parties left Bowmanville station on the aftemnooîs of Queen's Birthday. Several thousand spawn fromn New- castle hatcheries were meceetly sent to Wilbemforcc. The Garden City made hier firat trip fmom this port on Friday, taking on 50 passengets fromt here. Port Hope town council have granted $2J towamds the expense of the encamp- muent of Durham Field Battcmy. The Onitarios were defeated by a la- crosse team from Toronto aI Port Hope on May 24, the score being 3Bte 2. Messrs J. K. Galbralith and F., G. Humuber h-ave impmoved the appearance of their residences by a coat of pain t. Mm Tuckcr's ietter"Lifein California' is very iîîtemesting . Sorry we have not found room for it before. Sce inside page. "Cuba and lier People" is a subjeet o 'which William Elcroy 'Curtis does full justice in his article in Thc Chau- tauquan for iday. Mm. Brodie Martin, Bell Telephone Exchange, Lindsay, won two gold watches worth. $2Q eaeh at the races lu Millbmook, Queen's Birtlîday. The Port Hope Times calîs thmee of the towu Councirs who are opposed te the Ma vor's wishes and refuse to at- tend the meetings "Baby Bolters. " Volunteers, quick marel to Nic holîs', gel cvemvth'ing vou it l ncd in camp before you go. Nieholis bas been there hie eau tell .-you whai you want and wil selliý to you cbeap. Miss Martin las a complete stock of Ladies' Goods of ail descriptions at lber Faùcy Goods Store. Cali and sec them 'às an iuspection will amply rcpay you. Priees reasonabie. Rev. J. T. Rae will be absent aI Con- ference ai Liudsa y next Sabbati and Rev. W. Jolliffe whom our people ai- wavs delight to hear ivili preadli in the Methodist chureh morning andceveuiug. During bbc thunder storm on Uay 11, Geo. Sandercock's house.8rd concession Darlington, was struck by liitning and considerabiy damaged. Fortunate- ly theme was some one at home 10 put out tic lire but several, of tic wlnd ows and doors arc a complete wreck. Ou Queen's Birthday aI Port Bow. mauvîlîth îe small boy and the envet- able tire cracker weme much lu evidence and whai inight have pmoved a sciions confiagaion was noticed jusb lu timeas tle elevator was secu te be on fire but the blaze was luckil «y extinguisien witb out doing much damage. By tic kindness o! RZev.D.N.McCamus we have received a report o! bis chureli lu Port Perrv for the year just closed. Thc finances Are cetainly well sustain- cd aud wc arc pleased te sec that our Methodisi frieuds lu the neighboming towu are prospering spimitually as well as fiuauciallv. We note aiso that there are s veral lihemal givers in the congre- gation. Thc 7911 annivcrsary of tic birth of Hem Majeqtv was igit loyally elebrat- cd on the shore~s of Blue Outarlo, large crowds from boti town and country having gathcmcd te speud the day. Thc cottages as well as tie shippiug lu the harbor wc7re gayly decorabi d witi flags and buntîng 'Among the vessels lu port were the Schoondr I"Rapid City", CapI. Thomas and the iandsome steam Yacht I'Venetta ", Commodore D. Smith. CapI. Smith won the hearts of al -present bY taking out a party of about lifiy, principaily ladies, for a deligbtfnl cruise. The vessel on her cutime trip provin as sbeady as tic proverbial ch urcli Ali bauds were voted jolly good feiio*s and wiil be weicome aI PoÉt Bowmanvîie again. For a Watch liat wiiI put more iu vour pocket than it wil take out you just go wheme vour ueighibor was suitcd so wcl-thab place is Bickard's. No lady should buv a uew Spiring Dress or Cape before seein 2 the large and clegani Stock o! New Goods now sbhowing aI Couci, Johusion & Cryder man's. Read what Couch, Johuston & Cry- derman bave to say about Carpets and Curtains, we know tbis flrm carry a vemy large stock o! these goods. and as; Ihev buy theen direct !rom the manu- facturers no bouse, can seli them cheap- Niotice s of Births, mlarriages and Deathsf 50 cents; when marria e licenses are obtalned or funeral notices printed at this office, InsertIon free. BORN. BoDuy-At il Cuninghiam Ave., Toronto, May lSth, the wife of W. A. Boddy, of a sou. BOWERMAN.-Iu Port Ferry, May 21, the wîfe Mr. A. A. Bow2rman, of a daughter. SisowD)E.-Iu Darliugtou, M ay 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Suowden, a sun, TiHosnsoî.-NearTyrone, May 30, the wife Mr. Ed. Thotupson, of a son. MARRIED. SALTER -PRIsmNS.-At the residence of the brides father, Greeubark, by Rev. R.A.Leitch, May 18, Mr. Theodore Salter and Miss Annie F., cidesi daughter0f DaN*id Penkins, Esq., M er- chant, ail of Greunbai.k. CHANDIER-ELLIOTT-Iu Elizabeibvilie May 21È by Rev. F. Johnson, Weicome, Mr. à . J 0 andler, Toronto, and Miss A. E.BÀlltotteidest Hïo5RlN-CORAm. Near Lesltard, May 25, by RZev. W. H-. Adamus, Orono, Mn. James W. Hos- kmn of Dalington and IMiss Martha Jane (Jennie), eldest danghter of Mn. Win. Coratu, Clarke. Piiricit-LANE.-In Hampton, May 24, by 11ev. C. Culpits, Toonto, Mr. Fred W. Pe5hick, Toronto, aînd Miss Rosa M. Lane 0f Hamàpton. AIgNIs-FOSER. -At "SiMp)SOu Honse," BOW- maîsyllie. May 24, by Rev J. J. Rae, Mr.Arthur W. Ainis of Tyrone aîd Miss Anune Catharine Foster, ouly danghter of ýRichard Foster, Esq., Counûellon HARDY-HEDIUON.-At Mounut Vernon, Dan- ltugton, May 24th, by Rev. S. (i. Rorke, Mn, Arthur M. Hardy and Miss Sarah Anu, dangh- ter of Mr. D. Heddon, both of Darlington. MORDEN-CREnRIY.-Aî Cherr-y Cottage, 130w- manvlle, May 24, by Re. J. J.Rae, Mr. L.E. Murden, merchaut, Deseronto, and Miss Sophia E. Cherry, second dnnghter of the late Robent Cherry. ROBNmSON-IELFOR).-At the resideuce of - lier Mr. Win. Cox, Sollua, May 25, 1-ev. B. E. Howard, Mn.,.loselh H. Robinson ef Whitby sud Miss Elizabeth M. Elford, Dan- lingtou. RUNULE VIRruE.-May 25, ut the resideuce of the brides nother, by 11evý R N. Adamus, Alberta May. daughten 0f Mrs. R. Vintue, Dar- llngtou, and William F Rundle, Mariposa. DIED. GLENDENNNG.-In Newcastle. May 20 Mary Gray, beloved wife of the late 'John Gienden- ning, aged 61 years. BALFOUR.-At Hamilton, May 24th, Robt. Bal- four, aged 59 years. Interred at Ashburn. THEompsoN.-A8 lot 5, eon 9, East Whitby, May 25, Isabella Moffatt, relict of the late Win. Thotupson, aged 62 years. PIIILi.-At Oneida, N. Y., Ma 16, froin con- sumption, Dora Eddy, wife of Mr. Fred. Philp, sdin-of Mr. J. R. Philp, Whitby. PiEnSoN-At Port Whitby, May 20, Jos. Pler- son, aged M5 years. MANING.-In Tyrone, May 30,'âohn 1-. Man- ning aged 39, years. Funeral to-day (Wednes- day) at 2,80 p. mn. to Bethesda Cemetery. NiCHOLS.-In Darlington,' May 29, Richard Gichols,aged 60 years. FREEMAN WAUGH, L. De S'5 BAS OPi,.NED A Dental Office in the Rooms above M. D. WILLJAM8 9 8ON18 fumnIl9re 8Iare. Mr. Waugh has spent four years in a First-class Toronto Office and is prepar ed to do modern Dentistry at moderate rates. (iold plates, Crown and Bridge work a specialty. POWMANVILLE. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Correetedby J.Mo3lurtry each Tuesday FLoua, P 100 lbs ý........830 to 850 WHEAT, Fail, bush . O..000 nfi 100 't Spring ... 0 00te 1 00 Red jfe ...0 00 et 1 U5 Goosmsi .... 000"fi0 90 BARLýEF, e bush, No. i1..0O34 'i O 40 Il '1: 1 ..0 26 '0835 il j 1: 8.... 025 fi 080 i etTwo rowed O 25 ilO 0 OArS, white il.............000 t08 Ryz il'............000" 060 BucKwEAT Il............. 0 0 O 45 PEAs, Blackeve, r bush.. O 55 et O 60 fiCanadian 'Beauties.. 55 fn O06,) ilMummey fi 0 00 etO055 iSmall, fi 0 00"il05.5 if Blue, et 0417 il0 50 BU'rrE1, best table, e lb.. O0 0 il O18 EGis, Pdoz ............. 000 fiO09 PoTATOns, bush .........O0 00 fi O 40 Hay per ton ............. 6 (0 f 7 Ou $eo9ooo" TO LEND Von gond mort- gage securty at moderate rates of lnterest; A. E. MrcLAUGELIN ,Solicitor,Bowmaiiville,Ont. 16 -6mu. M ARRIAGE LICENSES-M. A JAEs, Issuer of Marriage Liceuseli. Resideuce: Centre street. VIAPLE TREES.--lOOou pretty lYsales sultable for spring planting foir sale. ;Pnaw TYLEýR, Kingston Rnad, oeemtile West of Bowmanville. 19- Sw ?-$~EGGS FOR SALE.- White Bîahmnas* thoro brýed C~~rNoue better. SetnngI f13for 25c NOMNS. It. JAMES,, Bowmanviiie, B OARS FOR SERVICE.-Berkshýe ..Fand Tamwortb boars for service, on eot 34 Con 3, Clarke. Ters si$. D. J. GiEsoN,Pro. prietor. . 20 - tf. PILTONFOR SALE AT A BAR- (_ý1ZA modern Photoî-leatber top- cilidreu's seat-nphiolstered; double adjustable bick eushions ; very Iittt Ie used. Cost $210. Wili seil for less than athird cost. AppiYRt STATES- MAN office. 21 - tf. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT ,- 150 acres, being oarts of Lot 29. Con. 4 and 5 Darllngtou. Gond dwelling anîd out buildings, good sojlil; good state of cultivation. Plowîug po ,ssession next Eall, full Possession March 1, 18ff9. If not sold soon wiihe rerîîed for a term ai vears. For Furtherparticulars apply to JA>,[s MooRE, Brooklu, Onut. 20 - if. IREFRI GERATORFO AE-u t fWtrow & Hillock's Refrigerators in good order for sale - t a very great hargain. Cost s88. Can bh.t seen at W. TrHosnsoNsOronc, aud partictîlars may-- also be had from JOHN~ GAuD, Contractor. Howmauville. 22 - Sw. CAMERA FOR SAE. -.An Raisîrnan, No. 4, Foldiug Kodae, takes pictures 4xl luches; size of Camera wheu folded5xx 61inlches ; lltted with a specialiy selceced rapid recîlliinear leiis. With Caimera are three double pldate hoIderi. foressng eloth and an exclilent foldinrtripod. Ouibt cost about $27.00. WIli jbe sold cheap. M. A. JAMEs, Bowmanvil1eOnt. 22 - tf. JNFO RMATION WANTED 0if the wbereabouts of JAMES or JOHN WILSON, who was bons about, 1860 or1862, aud w>oe rehits lived atr near BO WMAN- VILLE, at that time or after ; bis father's naiue is supposed to be James or John. The. sajd W ilson. if Se be living, or bis lieirs, il lie bc dead, eau. learu something tu tleîr a( va "ttage-, by 'ad.ireasing the nndersignedilsaud .111y pe rso n aboie 0igvt certai in in formation will be raotll i therefor. J.B M.SrErmsmos, Co'unseclor, Rocises3ter ,New York, U.S.A. Z - Sw Chiide n Cryfor 3-bg And Goodl Such uncommonly choice and mammoth asrmn of real good Groceries as are gatheredl here are enougli to baffle us when we. attempt to convey a fair idea of thAm ra av i frr,1 l-,-.,vu,-i-f J.., S --- - wp.I. Li i t1ILUt 4 iiLe ÎFiv pounds newfresh Raisins for a quarter. Marmelade, they, say its just great, and only 15e jar. If you relish a good old fashioned home-made Mince Pie, try our package for 10c, always ready for use. And say, we have a bottle of Catsup that would do ,your heart good to taste, for 20c. Ensilage Seed Corn for feeding, a car load to hand, whieh is the finest we have seen. It will pay you to seec before purchasing. Cawker &X.Tait BOWMANVILLE. BARGAIN DAY At S. W. MASON & SON'S Popular Dry Goods House Qommencing on Wednesdaý, May 18th, 1898. We guarantee values every day that will compare with any -so ealled Bargain Day Sales. Spend your money in Bowmanville andvassist in its prosperity. You need not go to Toronto for that which you eau buy equally as cheap at home. W\e say it, and. we prove it.-We will not be unctersold by any house in the trade, quality be- iug the test. of value. Notice to oui country friends.-Butter and Eggs and Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash. týF-One door East of Standard Bank. su wu 1VASON &SN BoWMAN VILLE. g s J Speci als For Sprinig Ruse Cleaning. White Blank Wall Paper, complete combination wall, eeiling and borders, choice floral patterns, liglit and mediumu c3loTs, suitable for any apartimdnt, per single rolli....................e New Glimmer Wall Papers with 9 inch borders and eeilin gs to match, pretty floral patterns lu al colors, for Bedrooju,. Sitting Room and Hall, rier single roll special ................ ....................8Se. Gui Wall Pipers with match 18 inch borders and ceilings, prcîîy floral and conventional 'patterns, cream, .yellow, olive and pïnk ceolors for Bedroom, Sitting Room and Hall, per single rol........i 01 New Ingrains, 30 inch wide, latesi art shades, blue, terra cotta, olive,- with ceiling and freeze to match, per single roll, special..20c, White Enamel Curtain Poles, 1ý, inch by 6 ft, flutcd, with ýancy brass trimmiugs, complete wiih curtain pins, special ............. 56. Ebony, Cherry and Oak Curiain Poles, 1-1 inchi by 5 ft, complete with brass trimmiugs and pins............................. 25a. Rooqi Moudings lu olive, pink, green and oak, shaded bo match. any paper, special per foot .................................... 5e. W~T. ALLEN. i.. wpmt D-1 M.'l' similid b". in-.1 danghter of Mr. Arthur Elliott, Port Granby. i bllfôm to vou tiii*ouLrn Ene -P -T. ý-]A --L -L --L