Fedthe Nerveý1s! South American Nervine 15 a powerf ul nerve builder and makes rich, red, bce1althy blo 1od. We live bfý nerv nus force, and ïf there is derangement at the seat of gaood healthl, tewh-ole physical organization suffers-two-thirds Of al aliments conimon to hurnanity can be traced ta sick nerves. Naturaily the weakest part is the one attacked, and in cases whose nuniber is legion the trouble begins in the stomach.-and ends too ýoften in physical and mental ruin-siuggish circulation, impure blood, exhaustion, ernaciation, lasof appetite, insomnia, generai de- i bIlity and wasting diseases-ali for lack ~of replenishing an overworkedý systeni. South American Nervine is.thç greatest1 A'\ ý fai;ereJod-urifies th; blood, An cersth yjtem of ail inipurities,tones adStrerigthens the 'digestive organs-a 45P wonderful rrnedy ln cases of femnale weakness -and functional derângements peculiar to lber sex -truly .a goodhealth angel to wornankind. Mrs. Geo. Schlée, of Berlin, Ont., says: 1« always feit wealc and tired ; at night 1 could not rest on account of nervousnes; my body becamne wasted almost to a skeleton. Doctors claimed it to b. womb trouble, and deuired to per- fornm an operation. 1 tried South American Nervine. The first bottle gave mre great relief. I tooi< eight botties and arn cured completely. " SOUTHI AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE-dlsauwes the sclia mattmrswiehch eog andi iUped& th natural and beaifbhy warklng 01 thtua tnoas<f the kduneys-Curea Dlabetes, Briglit's Dlseose, Iammation of theJ Bladder, Grava cSo Stone in the IllIad- d4er, an'd aan discrders directly attributabls to dîseaeed kldmeys-, neyer ft1lng, qulcX reiieviing liquid speciflc, endorsed h best physicians everyw'bere. SOU7H AMERICAR RHEUMATIC CURE-In hrouic case- of Rheurntfrm, Neralgia, Lumnbig and kinttred altxente, wbere the ufferlng bias, been IntenBe, rele~f a" corne &fte:r f>n dose, sud inany rnsyelaou3 cures iiaY* heen affeeted-A sentence f rom one testimnry : "My Joints were stiff andi swoiln adlthie Paine were aimot beyoud bearing, but a few doa_s of South Âmerlicsii Rheum<*tlc Our. worked wondrs." DR. AGNEw'8 CINTMENT-Our.m bllnd, bloocdlng, tohlng or ulcoratlng plilesla from thyceo to five nighte,-heals àkkn dieoaeusu, eseoe., alt rhmoum, ecxemo, totter, ecald had, etc.-on* application. givea inetant relief-30 CENTS A BOX Sold by STOTT & JURY, Bowmanville. ring Z Cail at M. MAYER'S if you wànt to be suited with the Latest Spring Hat .-in Fedora or Stiff.. ~ Fine assortment of Glent's Furnish- Sings aiways on han.d. ~Z EWMSX M,. M AYER,- We have the largest and best assortrnent of New and Up-to-dlate Furniture at the lowest possible prices ever offered in Bowruanville. Cail and sec Full Lines and Dainty Designs in al classes of Furniture. New gooda arriving almost every day. Having bought the Furniture and GnTide-tak.îing busi- ness of Mr. 0. Scott, Oronio, we rnust seli ail the old stock of Furniture, etc, regai-dless of price to make room for bran new goods, as we -intend to keep a first-ciDss Furni- ttWe stor'e in the store lately kept by hlm in Orono. Lejvi Mur r is Funjeral Director and Furniture Dealer. Bovwmapville and Orono. THE SkRIIWIIMSCo. MA KE PnAINT FOR NoCi&kw priced, but highest grade at lour re-putation. We say these are the say se too aftem you bave used themu. flouses, Barns, Floors, Bath Tubs, Faim bols, Etc. A special paint for each pue pose, not one slap-dash mixý tume -for ail. faim, honest prices. Youi know best paints we kuow of. YVoull 1oL Horsey Block, Bo-winanT ic.le We also carry a fulli une of Garden Tools, Cliieken, Wire, llarb Wire Annealed Whie, at honest'Market Prices. .OWMANVILLEI' JUNE 1 ý9S8. F (Uondensed from the News.)i LESKARD. Mms. W. W. Truhi aud Miss Marlon Tmull, Newmamket,visiteti at Mm. Alfredi Trull's .. .. Mms. (Dm.) Beatty, Gardon Hill, visiteti hem father Sundav week. . .Mr. Wm. Comam bas starteti on bis i milk route for the season.... Messrs. J.- Davey, J. Spry and A. J. Staples. Sons off Englaud, uniteti with their brethren ln their annuai church parade lu Oono. S Arsarill, ch cure -hen ilther] medicine fail to do any good. KENDALL. Messrs.Bert McLeaîî and ChasSutton nf Toronto were here Sunday wtek... Miss Lizzie Scott was down from. To- ronto Sundlay wee .... Mis May Matt- Ilews bas returned from Woodstock... MHr. Robt. C. Cowan is piaiinting his bouse .... Rev. J. A. McKeen preacbed two good discourses in the hresbyterian ciîurch on Sabbatiî week. The evening sermon was illustrated by relerence to the Spanish-American war and modern war equipnîent was weli described and aptly used to present spiritual truths. Collections $20. CHILDREN 'S CouGris -Are quickly cur- ed by a few doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup ; and besc off ail its so nice the youngsters take it without any fuss. ANTIOCH. Mr. David Somerville, Port Hope, was home Sunda -y week. ... Mr. John Robemtson and wife and Mr. A. Scott visited at.Starkville,. . .Mr. W. J. Roy and wife,' Darlîngton, visited with fiends Irecently ... . Mms. Wm. Barett visited at Mm. R. iMcLeod's hast week.. .Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Seymour visited her father Mr. Wm.- McLeod, Oono. .ý.. ,Mr. Jas. Waddeil shi pped his' cattle hast week .. . Mrà. John Sith continues in low heatb.. .. Mr. Waldimere Huater visited lu Bowmanvile,,recently... Mr. Herb. Ammitage has engaged to work with Mr. David Moffatt. St. Vitus' Dance raphdflyý cured by Miller'sCompound Ironi Pihis. Bases of years' standing now- enjoy ing the best off health as a resuit orf taking them. KIRBY. Mrs. Geo. Cain, Wiýelcome, is visiting her mother Mrs. Jas. Chapman ..Mr. Geo Henderson anîd Mrs. Henderson are visiting relatives at Coldwater.'.., Mrs. Jas. Morrow, Bowmanvilie, vibit- ed hem father Mr. John Chapman ... Master F. Trebilcock, Bowmanville, visited Mr. Jas. Power. . .. Mr. W. G. Morrow, Pont yýpool, and Mir. james Morrow, Bowmanviile, visited their brother Andy recently...Mr. Wm. Bvems trimmed orchards for Mr. Jas. Brown, Wm. Coonev and others.. The death off Wm.Powers took place at London on May 21. The romains were brought to hisbmother's bere and interr- ed in Oono cemeterY.iiiessrs. W. Bryson, Andrew Moffatt,jr., Geo.Hend- erson and \Vill Coonex-, we learn, will go witlî No. 3- conîpairv 46tb Batt. to camn on Jutie 7tb. That tired, languid feeling and indis- position to effort off any sort will be rap- idly removed by the use off Millers Com- pound Iron Pis. NEWCASTLE. Mr. Walter and Mi-ss Mabel RickaidV and MissA.Mlý Biekeli visited at Welcome recently..Mr. Davidi McNaughton and wife, Cobourg, visited at Dr. Me- Naugbtoi's last week . ... Miss Ida EilI beck, Toronto, spent the holidays at home. . .. Mr. Wm. Rickard was in Tom- onto receîtly.. . . irs. Johnston and son Cccil, Belleville, were revent guests off Mr. W. HL Chaplinî. . .. Miss May Kimbahi, Port Granby, was recentl-v gue st off Mms. M.. L. Argail,. ...Miss Jla J ennings,and M r. Walter Hoskin,1 Bowmanville, visited Mr. Rich.Warren, recnthy .... .Mr. Alan Brown, Toronto, was home 24th of May..... Miss Clara Hedges bas had measds. . ... Mm. W. and Miss Mary Sainsbury, Port Ganby,1 recently visted Mmý A. Elsworth .. .. Mr. l.Wight, of the Standard Bank, Bradford, Mr. llobt. E. Gagen, B. C. L. of Toronu, and T. R. Bryan, London, speut Queen's Birthday in town .... Mr. ? V. Poole has built a new fonce around his vroperty .... Mr.M.J .Eibeck lias retn.mned frora Lethbridge, N.W.T. .... Miss Mâ1ri Nott and' Mm. George amaWelcome, weme iecen~t gestsf off Mm. Ge P. Rickard.... 13ùrt-îars enLtere1 the, store off Mr. John iU1ow, merc:hanýt-taqilor and stole about $100 worýth of ood on May,,16... . Miss B.t J. Rickýard visited friends in Oshawa..., Dumiiing t'ho severe thunder stomm Suday mor ning, May 22nd, light ing struck Mm. IM. L. Argalls' mill; it was bttned totlheg,-,,ound. Loqsspartly cov- eredb insuraïiee, .. . Ms.M. Glenden- nîng died Satnrdaymorring, May 21, from jaundice and blood-poison., The following friends were present from a distance: Mr. David Gray, Brantfford,, Mr. Katerson, Hlampton; Mrs. T. Rush, Mms Ulun, Peterboro; Mm. ý.dain Thomp' son and wife, Otonabee; Mrs. Alexander Gray, Hamilton; Mrs. Reuben Bennott, and Mrs. Aif.' Bennett, Bowmanvilhe... .Rev. Canon Farncomb bas purcbas4ed a Cornet bicycle, Air. Ernest Rincli a Cleveland, and Mr. Chas. Warren a Massey-Ilarris. .,,.The Newcastle Board' off Education have sent a letter off coni-j dolence to the widow of the late Chas. Wright, expressing symp.athvywitb ber, and also the Ioss tb.ev have siustained in the death off one off their nost x ahued members. ImpURE BLOOD IN gpnjG.-Tbis is tiie almost universal experience. Dimin- ished perspiration durin g \vwinter, ricb food and close conifinemenit indoors are seine off the causes. A geod Sr medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, i-. ah- aoliitely necessarv te îuifv ~the bloodl auJpuit tbe Systin aÏ ea1hy conditý ion at thisseason. ilood' Pis are tbe best familv ecati atie and liver tonic. Gentle, rÏehablec sure. Voi Afi toI WeIlanc GThere is a tendency to cheapen qualityr in most Bici G compete with cheap and poorly made wheels, G not so with the Welland Vales. G DOMINION -- -------$45.0 G GARDEN CITY -- -- ---$5,5.00 G PERFECT - - -- -----$6.00 G CHAINLESS - - - - - - $100.00 G SPIECIAL FEATURES,-One Piece Crank, Self 0iling bull GSel Lockinc, and Acjustable Handle Bars, Oval Rear Forks, New1 G Friction Brakes. G In finish, durability and easy running qualities they cannot bc G THE W11[00 ÏULE Mil C o., RD. tg;% GManufacturers, S t. Catharines. Agent, B( ORONO. Mm. Wmi. Noakes, Boston, Mass was in town recently. ýMm and Mrs. Ê. D. G sbTorontoýý, visited bore Mav 24. ... MiseJenieand Fmank McCuiagh speut Queeni's birthday. in the ctv ..., Mm. Thos. Vinson, Toiont o, was' home Quteeni's birthda. ... .Mmýs. Tyler Gains- by>ý and daughter, Mariposa,ame visiting relatives bere .. .. Miss Maggie Ballagb, Newcwastle, bas been visiting at Mr. Wm. Balag's .... Mr. Frank Soucb, Bowmanvilie, visited at Mmrs. Boweu's recently .... .Mr. John Miller, sr., bas been, i1l. -... Mr. O. A. Gamsby sings at a union picnic,to be held at Oisaca June ist.... Miss Lena Doncaster, Bowman- ville, is vîsiting bier gandfatber Mr. Thos. Doncaster,. .. .Rev. J. W. Buiner and wife. Halibumton,weme in town las t week .... Mm. James Lcigb off -Victoria, B. C., dieti on May l6tb. Deceaseti for many years was a resident off this vill- agand was well known as an ener- giebusiness man. ..Mm David Hamb ly,Ch-icago, accompanieti b v Mr.Henry, Millbmook, visiteti bis sist r Mrs. J. L. ..w.... . essms. Robt. Allun and Tom MeNei purchased ecentiy two well breti colts froin Mm. O. A. Gamsby. ADVICE TO MOTIIERS THE HEALTH 0F THEIR DAUGH- TERS SHOULD BE CAREFULLY WATCHED.. Young Gis Susceptible to Troubles That iM4ay Resuit in Decline-Pale Faces, Headaches and Fickle Appe tite the Symptoms off EarIv Decay. From the Sun, Oranzeville, Ont. Some rnonths ago Maggie,the flfteen year-old daugbtem off Mm. and Mrs. Jý Sweeney, off John Street, off this town, began to fail both in healtb anti spirits. Hem face was almost as white as chak, hem appetite was fickýle, and lier limbs began to swell, Notwitbstanding bier gmowing weakness she persisteti in alt- teniding sebool until one day hiem teach- er advîsed hiem to go home, and nflt tof return until she f elt botter. At the saine time the teachor, who knew the value off Dr. Williams' Pink Pis in such cases, ativiset iber to takte them Tho, a4lvice w,,, followed andt, Mrs. ffmomne the ou reorher w a a mbve- Soeneyheolti oiim reportr atimost Jve ment in hiem daughtem 's condition. Her appetite became bettor, the color re-f tumned to bier faco,and the severo head- aches that had matie hem so mîsemable .anse , t she is now feeling lettor than sho has doue for many months. It is quite evident that this youug inaiden was suffoing fmomn a lack off blood, as do so jm any young zirls who are just at a critical, point in if e, and it i.s quite as apparent that theme is no othem emetiy the equal off D.Willians' Uiuk .Pis in, snch cases. Thîey enricli the blooti, stimulate the nerves and builti up the entire systom, andi mothers wvil1 act prudently if tbey insîst uipoui ithleir tiaugbtcms takiug an occasional box. We know fromn experience thati Dr. Williarns' Pink Pilis have, donc great goodi in Oraugeville anti vicinity, and tbpre is É- arcely a day that nur me porter doecflot corne in contact witb sorene uevbo bas a gooti word te sav for this ýý>onderf ni medicine. Dr.WTihiians' Pink Pis cure by going trothe rootoff thedciscase. Tbey roeew. aîîI!d builti up the blooti, andi strengthen the nerves, thus driviug disease, from the systern. Avoidi imitationsbv-insist- ing- that every 'box y ou put ch ase is cn clsdiia wrappinZ beariîîg the ful tr-ade mark. Dr. Williams' Pink Pis for Pale Pleopie. ycles to .0w Axies, Departure , excelled. 1owman ville, Several Great bis Are Now Attracting Public Attention, But the mnost important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we arle now prepared to give the public better value than ever before. For Ordered Clothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date line of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just ex<actly even with quality. We have just received a new shîpment of Dres.s Goods, Prînts, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for every day and Sunday wear, and the prices will seil theni, In Groceries we carry only the best goocis and will always be found with a full assortment of ail uines ini public demand-all priced bargaîn- ishly. We also carry Crockecry, Maéhine Oil, Paint Oil, Paints,Axle Grease, Fence Wire, Nails, Binder Twine, Field and Gardenî Seeds, and Patent Medicinies in ful une. We don't ask you to believe, but ask you to inest.igate. HAMPTON. VIAIR WORK.-I adies wishi-g I air Ldone over, cati at MnR, DICRINSoN'S,Xing ]East, and Cor of Ontario St,Bowinanville. 43-ti BFST 1WORK. LOWEST PRICE. r JAVIE GOA1YS Str. Garden City, JEWELR'YrSTORE T 1p 8 9 he -- eklytip Toronto on A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0OF STAPLE GOODS and NOVELTIES. REPAIRING A SPECI ALTY. -HOUGHT NY HEAD WOULD BURST." A Frederiçton Lady's Terrible Sufféring. MXu, Guo. DonzaTy tells the followlng verar kable tomy off relief from suff~ M restortion to heailtli, whioh Oh clemi away ahi douhts as to the efficacy of Milburn's Heami andi Nerve Pills from thei minds off the most skeptical: IlFor several years 1 have heen a con- stant sufiemer f rom nervous headache, and the pain waoseS intense that sometimes I was aimost cazy. 1 eally thought that my head would bumet. I conoulteti a nura. ber off physicians, andi took many emedies, but without ef[ect. 1 noticed Miiburn'a Hsast and Nerve Pills advertioed, and ae they seemeti to suit my case, I got a box teid began their use. Beffome takiug thora1I wss vemy weak anti dabilitateti, and would somo- times wake ont off my sleep with a dis- tressed, smotheming feeling, andi I was fre- quently seizeti with agonizlng pains in the. egion of tlie heart, and offten could scarcely muster up courage t0 e ep up the strùggie for lie, Iu this wretched condition Mil- burn's, fleamt andi Nerve Fis carne ta the rescue, andti taday 1 stata-, witb gratitude, that 1 amn vigorous and st.rong, and ail l is improvement is due to this wondefnlj ruznedy. FRIDAY, MAY 2 7th, eontinning every Friday dnsing the season, ieavîng, NEWCASTLE at 6 30 a. ni. BOWMANVILLE at 7.00 p. ni. Retnrning leave Toronio at 4.00 pýM. Freiglit earried at reduced rates. Fare from NEWCASTLE and Itetura, 650, BOW-MIAJNVILLE and Return, 60c. For further information apply to H. CANN, To.NiEÂAi, Agent, Bowmanville. Manager, 19-4m. Lhy Give your orders for crayons to travel- ling agçnts and mun a great risk off be- ing dissatisfieti witb the esuit, wben TAIT & CJO. wiil make you a gooti Crayoni Portraits for the sanie or les money anti be.sure to satisfY you. On x'oum guarti, when you are told that any photograph can be meuewed bh* vome whp realhy is ignorant off the right pro- cess. Don't be gulheti. Corne to us anti get ahi such work doue satisfactoiiv andi cheaply. Also if vou contcmp]ate hav- îng- your bouse, or otiicy building photo- graphed or stock eitbeî-, don't be Anti -et an amateur f0 do it foi- vou. We will go to au, part off the towii or couuty andi do snch n ork-, ai )-i-ou something durablie. Oct i'or famnily goptakze ion the lhou n this sumýýnecu bv usaud we ivihi givec vou soinetbing finie. Sec sam-pies hafive vourpht takeni at studio. The very best1 anti atest style-sec Our window dli-pa Pic-ture frarnes ou bond. A c6' e'l" cîi aind sce theni. Whien desite e an) ikeý aged pertns et their h s uil -ivc ~ou SOifetiino-fine. Copi , 'lone h-oiaiiv icture Thaukîi-ai ,,,r past patirotalge, we rernain, TAIT & CO. BOWsrAI'VILhE, ÏC.P w Wp -- u w aBiccl wiww wwwut examinng th iýw --I- -V u