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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1898, p. 6

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'The Calladian Stailan, BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 8, 1898. Y111u CAN IF YOU ISHI RESTORE THE SNAP, VIN, ENERGY AND STRENGTH YOU HAVE LOST. Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pis have been a great boon tol my daughter iMaggie. Prior to taking them she had been suffring from excessive nervous- ness for a long time, and ber nerves were in na îerribly shattered condition.Th aion of ber heart was so weak that it did not have strengtb to perforin its functions, causing violent palpitation and smotbering alter retiring. Frequent. i y, on account of this suffocating sensa- tion she was afraid to go to bed. Slight exertion exbausted her and caused short- ness of breath. Her blood was impover- Èished and lo:st vitality,. and she bad no appetite. She was wasting away and as very hypochondriacal, feeling de- jected ail the time. Last December she began taking, Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Puis, and she improved at once. Her blood became healtby and strong, and in six weeks ber impaired nervou s sys;tem was restored to its normal healthy condition. Her heart responded to ýh healtby condition of ber blond and nerves and resumed its strong and healthy fune- tions. She now sleeps without any of the cangerous, distressing, smotbering and choking spels; ber appetite is good, and she bas gained in flesh. Hec ltby color bas replaced palior, and she, is now well and strong, tbanks to Dr. WVard' s Blood and Nerve PuIs. 1 tbaniik ou. gen- tlemen, for the remedy Iti bas resýtored my daugbter to beaiîh. A. G U NN, Paggaigeiiiaster, Grand Trunk Railway, Oshawa, Ont. Dr. Ward's Bi0od add Nerve Pjfls are sold at 50c. per box, 5 boxes for $200, at drtiggists. or mailed on receipt of price by THE DR. WARD CO., 71 Victoria St., Toronto. Book of Information free. MON EY T0'LOA iN $ 100,000. A ýgn P R5 bewi Illced 1,i n air: r r' ~ farr ~rr'iî jrr a tklr ai oi Fâvor ej lotidvs, ;lt 5 J-2 ver 4liet xî~~~~. r.ÇC!i i k- pr,â .i t'rIV, Sttefil. tory lt' a rre riir a iiiIrarrarrgecri A Book for Young and OId. 250.00,il ME M i5Â S 250, 000'nCURED YD0U NG M A N "v.i, y? u wheu ignorant of the terrible crime yen were commtting. ) ds'ou oniconsder the faswinating allurements o thls evil habit?> When too late t vi the ter-. your peril? Did yen Iter on in mani- hoodontratanyPltlVATE orflLOOD disease? Wereyoucured? Doyounow and then sec orne alarming symptoms 7 Dare you marry in your iresent con- dition ? You know, " LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON." If marrîed are you con- stantly living in dread? jl marriagea f iue with youon aeeount of any weak- ênose caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have yon been drugged with mercury? This booklet will point out to you the resuits of these crimes and point out how our NEW METJiUD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It shows how thousands have been saved by our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we eanu(4UARANTBE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. ê We treat and cure-EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS. GLEET, STRICTURE, IMPOTENCYÏ. SE- CRET I)R A.,NR UNNATURÂL DIS- CHARESHIDlBEY ad EL l WueS GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin"' sent free by encloing 2e stamp. CONSULT I0N FR BE. If unsble to cailiwrite for R"rESTTLON .BLANK LorHOME etker' h-ads and maiking great asum p- and it will soon pass away. Trime! It is ebon - itHaman bas inot yet got te the throne 0f judgment. Our days! They fly II I tpý Pride is a commander, weil plumed swifter liban a shuttle, weaving for us a i. à -a làand caparieonred, but il, leads forth a dark robe cf triumphi or a garment of shame. and frowning host. We have* the best Begin your life with religion, and for is authority for saying, that "1pride goeth greatest trial you wlll bie ready. Every H aran ied on he allo s \ hic He Had befere destruction and a haughty spirit day will bo a triumph, and death wili Alinixghty's qtiver are apt te strike a royal banquet. Pr p rdfrAoti man when on the wing. Goiath shakos In olden time the man who was t his spear tin defiance, but the sinal Teceive the honore ef knigbthood was là constemit p.anuýwhen 011 etenes from the brook Eiah inake hlm1 required te spenti the proviens night fuliy your feet?. Rov.Dr.TalageTaks Tis ncidnt a Ilusrat a sefl L s eagger and fall liko an * ex under the1 armeti and, with sîielti andi lance, te Is that draggig, puffing Rov Dr Taniae TkesThi Inidnt o Ilusrat a sefl Ls- uhubers biudgeon. He whe le tiown wnik up antidewn aniong the tomibe of son--Wrongs We Would Do Others Return Upon cannot fall. Vessels scudding under bars the dead. Through al the heurs ef that selaiowtydrmnr Ourselves--Wealth and Happiness. polos do net teed the force et the storm, night hie steatiy stop wae hoardi, and tili iiight? but those wlth ail sails set capsize at the when mxnreieg dawned amiti grand Why not put thue medioie ___________________________ udden tiesceet of the tempeet. parade and the eued et cornets the eaextfv on the dtisese ? 'Why '1.. Again, Ibis oriental taie reindts us et honore ot knlghthood were bestowed. o Waeinton Jne .-heWho cares Whetbir Mordecal bow-,s wlxee the fact that wrongs we prepare for others Thns it shaîl be with the good man's a pply thure right to Wasinton Jne .-hedqom or you pais or stands ec andi itiff ai a return upon ourselves. The galiows that 'seul in tb. nlght betore heaven. Fuiiy t~so itself? arrogance and the reward eof fdelity are cotiar? Th4p woodman 'would net nmake Hamnan built for Mordecal became the armed with shielti and sworti and ÎYou ean dQ it with lessone whicb Dr. Talinage hore tiraws mucb cearing le the foeot who shouid prime mieister'e strangulation. Robespi- helimet i shall watch anti wait until the tram Mordecal on horsehack anti Hamnan stop te bled up every littie buioanti erre, 'vho sont se many te the guillotine, darkeese tiy andthIe memning break, andi afoot; text, Esther vîl, 10, "Se Ihey scratch hie receivet inl the thicket, cor had hie own heati cloppeti off hy the amidti he sounti of celesîlal harpinge the I Y hangeti Hamnan on the gallowvs Ihat heo iillibat mac accomplish mujlch for the horri instrument. lhe evil l'eu practice seul ebaltake the, honors of heaven neîi hati prepared fer -1 ortiecai." werld or the cburch wbe le tee wavïtchfui on ethers will recoil upen your own pote. the innumerable throng wlth robes Hlere le an oriental courtier, about the anti appreciative et petliy annoyances. Siantiers coame home. Oppressions comae snewy, wh ite sotreang- over seai of most offensive Iian in Hebrew history, There are multitudes of peepie min the home. Crueities corme borne. sapphire., Hamnac hy namne. He piotteti for the werid constantly harroweti bcouse Ithey Yen will yet lie a iackîy walking Mordooal will oxiiy have te wait fer Mrs destruction eft lhe Israellîlsb nation, andi paie tiroir livecet lu searohing eut those bouide the very charger oni which yen day ot triumph. Ilteok al the preceding I wonder not that ln some uf the Hebrîw Ihiegs which are attractive anti teserv- expecteti te ride ethers dowc. When triais lie make a proper backgroundi for synagogues te Ibis day wben Hlamaxn'O ing, but in spying eut wih il their Charles I., who hati destrayed Strafford, hie afler succesios. The scaffoiti builir fer camele entonei lbe engegamonpowrs ef vision te soe.wbetbor they wae about to e h eheatiet, i saiti, 'I hlm makes al the more impsieg anti clinch their fIste anti îtarnp their toit cernut fluti a Moiedecai. haseiy ratîfieti an unjusir sentence, and picturesque tbe berne Imb whose long anti ery, "Lot bis camne b. blotteti eut!" Again, I learn from the life et the mac the similar injustice I arn now te whitie monoe h. twisteti bis flegere ot the Hamnac wos prIme ministir le tb. magni- under our notice that werldly vanlîl' ai underge is a sensible retrihutien fer the meunticg. Yen waet at least tw mister- fdccci court et Persla. Tberougbly appre- sic are very acxieue te have piety beow pueisbmenl I inflicteti on an innocent lunies, bard as flilet, te st riice fire. Heavy ciative et the bonor conterriti, hi ixpicle before thema. Hamnan wae a fair oembher n . LodJfry after incarceratmng adln otne nw n>tewne everybody that h. passim te ho ebiequi- ef onIire woridliness andi Mortiecai the rny innocent andi gondi people in Lon- are signe of goti crope cexl ummer. Se eus. Coemlng lxioee day at tbe gale et ronresentative et unflinccing godlceis. tien ToWer was himseit imprisonreti li ibe many, have yleitietiwenderfîml harveste et a the palace, the servante datire ibealns Sncb were the usages et ociety eocienhr samne place, wbere tbe shades eofthIbse benevolence anti euergy bicause they le bhonor of bis office, - but a l1.ebrew tlrmes Ihali hati this IsraeIite boeweti te whom in hati raltreated, seerneti toliaunt were for a long while snewed untier. We namoti Mortiecai gazes upon tb. paeeleg the prime minigter Il woualt bave heehlm, e that i kopl crying tu bis attend- muet bave a gooti rany bard talle Ia s e dignitary wîiheut beeding hie heati Or an acknowîedgment et respect for bis anIts, "Keep 'thom off, gentlemen,, for betore w. leare Ie, walk slraighî. It me taking off bis bat. lia was a goodt mac character anti nation. Mertiecai would Get's aki, ]cîep Ihern off1" lTle chiokens on- lb. black aiivil et trouble Ibal mec ia s e anti would net have ben negligent c f therefore bave sinnetiagins hi religion hati corne home te roit. The bodiy of bamemar ouI Ibeir fortunes. Serrows bake the erdieary ceurtesies et lite, but h. tilt hat iehimatie any obelsacce or dre,.ppati Bratishaw, tbe Ecglisb judize wbo hati up men on Ibeir eoulder'a anti entbrene inumeiately after ste norepet îterfo Hm~ o l. atonbis chic hait an inch beoi lanian. beeni ruthiies anti cruel in is decielone, tbem., Tentes are irenrlyalways bitter. ter i3 applied, you feel frern whicbhi ha.d cene. So hoe coulti Whee,'Ibereforo, prouti HAman attemlptiti was takeýn trem bis splendid 10mb lu Mon, ilte -fruit tries, are barren ucles tB warmiing, soothinig in-~ net b' hypocritical, and wIhýi, eOthers lte cempol a bornage which was net tiltu, Wîetsmiester Abiy, and at Tybure bang trimmîti witbb îharp kelves. They arcelec.Ishaigrmde made oriental sallaami, gettîlng chýar down ho ecîy tii wbat the werlti ver ince o agallows from mrnrcng uclil cighî 11k.wheatahl lb bittr for b. filhicg bier tiaprmemiiserwhn he baedtriedta10do Whou il woulti force our lu the premocce of jeerieg multitudes. Il requireti the prison darkiness> anti chili q1nickly penletrate d eep passid, MÎUrdecai, the H1ebrevw, relaxîti holy religion ln auy way te yioiti te is Hamac's gallows came a litla le, bul te malte John Bunyn dream. Il 100k into thue inflamed tissues. > neot a muscle ot bis neck andi kepli hie dict'tes. Dani, if he bati ben a maxi et it carne. Oppertunities flyin a straight Delaware ici anti colt toit aI ' Valley Paniquedoeesir- chin cear up. Because et that affront religious compromnises, weuhti nover have lice-anti just toucb us ai tbey pass fromn Forge amnd the ivbiz ef ballets te -make a lee n teghiiatd Hamnac gîte a tecree from Abasueruls, bien tbrown int lbti en et liens. Heo e.rcity laeteerelîl' but the wronge w. Watshingtion. Paul. when ho clilîned.iupoun ivdadsrn-hiiatd the dastartily kir , for the massacre of rmighî have matie mone arrangements to othors fly le a circle, anti howîver tb. lb. beach -aI'Milita, sbivericg le bis wot No plaster w!s ever made like ii. al h Ibe rolites, anti that, et course, vlil wilih King Daine whE)rc.y ho couiti bave, cirche may widec eut. tb.y are sure te clothes, was more ef a Christian thon No plaster ever acted so quickçly Inlut. Mortiecai. retaiceti parI t bis torm etf religion wilih- comae back le the point from wblcb -tbîy wben the sbip etruck the breakers. and tboroughly. No plaster ever Te, make a long sbery short, tbrougb eut miaklng bimself se compiîtely starltid. T'here are gens tiît kick. Prescelit, the histerian, saw bitter witb- lmd such complete conbrol over al Queen Estimer Ibis wbole plot was revealet obnoxlous le the itiolaters. Paul mlgbt Furîhermore, lot the stery ot Hamnan eut bis eyes than hi coulti ever have kids c'a pain. le ber huehacd, .A.asuerus. One nialbt have retainîdti he faver et hls riiere and teacb us how quicklv turcs tb. wheel et sein witb tbem. Mortecai tespised ti t he Jlcdoe h ha t~ A hasuerue. wbe wae afflictet wiîb escaped rnatbyrdorn if ho hati only bien fortun,. Oui day, -oxcepting. the king, gaI. le ecly pnîdîcessor of Merd,ôcai Place over t Ayet î, i insemmnia, le hie leeplese heurs clis fer willing bo mix up hie Chrtioln faith Hainan was tI e mightiest mac le Pirsia, grantly rnouulted. der icoa;rlev iris secrolary te read bim a few passageis wibh a few errors. H-lm unbentiicg Christ- but the ncul day a Iackcy. Se we go up,ChryPcoa et Persian history, anti se while away ian character was taken os an nsu1t. anti se w. corme down. Yeu seidomfint congestio.n and drawing out YUth nigbt. ln the book readt hatnight te Fagot anti rack anti baller le ail ages an' man 20 years le the sai circiwmr- THE UTILITY 0F naupto. rtbe king an acceunt was gîvîn et a have bien eniy the tifferent waye le stances. 0f thos. wbo in politicai lite 20 Pitn conspiracy, frein which Mortiecai, the wbich the werlt bas tiemandet ebelsacce. years ago were tb. meet prominent, bew Sometimes Thsoýe Who Need Thmm oatJ.C yreuLwl Hebrew, had stvetl the kIng's lite anti for It wa once, away up on lb. top ef the tew romain le conepiculîl'! Political Can't Itaise Them. whmcb kinticees Mortical bad no-ver temple, 1ha1 satan com ecthe b hohy parties make certain mec do Ibeir hard Iwîl iediyase y1f, reciva ay nwad. ama, h atonei of Nazareth te knel betere bîm, but werk anti thon, afler using Ihemu as sait a young atterney' wbe le beartiuees, bien fixing np a nice gaîlowe te bang il ls etoi ow mernucb on the top et bocks, turc lhern eut ou tb. cemmons te "te haro yeur wbi'sk-ers." This nos sait Merdecai on, was walking oulseteb churebes as dewn In tbe nishe andtihl. die. Every tour years thon les a complote te a trient Whe wos supplîcti witrb deoor et the kince's sleeping aparîmrent pin andti h. pelpit Ibat satan toînpts revolutien, anti about 5,000 mon Who ahundant wbiskers. "INon, yen as a and was cllet in. The king toit hilm tbe espoucars et the Christian foith le eught crtaiely te bo the cdxt presitent clerk bave ceouie for bbat bair on your that lh. bat jusli bai reat te hlm the kneel lietore bir. Why wos lb 1ha1 the are shametulhy tisappoinlt, wbile iomiI face. It mnight ho botter if yeu dit net accounl t o orne one wbo bat savait bis Piatonle phîhosophers et early limes as wbo Ibis day are obscure anti poerîl have It at ail. XVbie liensarn I who (the king's) life, ont i e akoti nat weli as Tehant, Spinoza ont Biolingbroke strieken null ride upon the shoultiers ot muet t in my business, ont yeli calicotEl1 R ,0CK renard ought te ho given te sncb a onle. et haler ticys nere se madly opposedta te he people anti taite their turc at admira-rasaharitcvem lt.Ilîmse hýelt conceitet Haiman, sepposicg that.he Chrisrianity? Certaicly noir because Il tien ont* the spolIeoetoffilce. oh, bon me that the per copito circulatiomn et haîr bilînsitwae te gel lhe bonor andnt lavoreti immoralities or arresti civihizo- qnlckly tire nboel turns! Ballet boxes is inadequate te the neotis et the notion. iîrragninug fer a moment Ibat the lien or tinarfet the intellect. The or, th~e stops on wblch mec corne downcas I have noever batl the slightîst use for a doivorer efthIe kicg's lite nos Mordecai, gennino roason, wholber atimitteti or cot, ofttn as tbiy go up. Of thoei ho wero azrBe ilL lte0atiy;0ncaber a ts Whyfor bmiandsl'pulte oe n ws bccanse the religion ot Christ paiti long ago, incessfit h e iiaccumulation as yenrs wnenîtlb. worth aI tost $5000 a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n trup o iuoi u rn erespect te their intellectuel vanilles, et properîl' ho ew nbave noet mil witb emt ea ayr tahr hlmant so hl ona slenid ers, Ileunt anti Boyle anti the bosl et infitlels evres! Wbile many oethIose wbo thon besitat o teompley an attorney leau hih tppngatif ii lotton b bchet ont by the vile relge etfCharles rnO straitonet inlecircumstances non Important case if lho bas col o beard. 0f B T, bave crie et yeur princes lbadt lhe rse t IL, as reptiles crawl ouI t a nîiarsb t o i odthIe bonds anti the bank keys cflb th on , r. are exceptimons te Ibis rueo througb the streetq crying: 'Bon the 1 siimno, coulti ccl kîcp thoir patience nation. 0f ail fickie Ibiegs in the worldt coure eal od'od uttesie knec ae ources a mon Who bas saved hocause, as tbey passot aieng, thon non er ortune is the meut llcklo. Every day she u eerIf oaniy boîte getinuilts ame.o the king's lite.' " Thon sait Ahasuiruesivtting .An Ibe gale ot the cherch sncb 1changes ber mind, omit woe tle bmn a Ifes ac les penny anc ti ,abuot in-severe tenes le Hamnac-. II keow al mec o s Mattliewa andi Marlr and 1,1L-r1 whc -,, ni ruy confidence. in wbot she taigteaerg 'yrorpoesoa about youn sconntreliem. Sew 'von go anti John, whe onîti dnet bond an inlch promaises or propoes!l She chiesenne amgIeaoaeiayro rfsinl MRS. THos. MCCAikNi Mooresville, eut ont moite a triumph for Mordecai, I epc »tman, tho boardi cuti censiterablo fIgure, n. nie Ixvstobldwt lx epc eheir philosophies., you go up, oct, she laughs wben l'ou 'I have a brother nbe hs in business ltwie a ruldwt the Hîbrew, wbem yen bote. Put the Satani toît 0cr first parents Ibat lhey corne donc. Oh, trust net a mment nhere a huard is et ne parîelar bouefit biliounses, headache, and lest ap- bout srtdtie on the inçst herse, octdl'eu, nonit hecoîne as gotu if tbey weult only your beavt'm affections le Ibis changoful1 the prince, boit the stirmup white reach up andtlaite a toute eftIhe fruit. nenîti! Anchor your sontinleGot. Fem nt 'Ib ebar-ihk on.Hl eie. Icu fo rs tngt .lortocai gels on oct thon ieat bis herse They lrieti il anti fllet, but Iboir Christs cecîpanionship galber your salis- liu o tetrco Y*y n ryaJnsvm ek u fe sn lhroumcb the street. Make baste!" dsednsaentvlutsit ihIe ato.Tocmesre rgaeslait summier nîh n olews walking on 'three bolîles of B. B. B. my appelite Wbai a spectacle! -A comody anti expoiment. Wo bave cnwmocv dosiing succese or tieteat, riches or povorîl', houer bue nd sitednmbirshc ointeahsrlread r otrta tragety at one ondthIe sarn, lime. There le hie as gots, roaclicg up afttr yel or tiegrace. bealtà or. siokneos, lit. or soi hor hushacti, nhorn she tbôught I have been' fer irearra I would not tbey go! Mrdecai, wbe bat been anether apple. Heason, scrclul ot Get's tealb, lime or elernily, ail is l'ours, ant tylng. The ether moreing i nos be withoet Burdock Blood Bitters. despisoti,' now starreti anti roed le lbe Word, imay toam and ti liut vnlh the ye are Cbrist's, anti Christ is Got's. ceigdn lu o aNohSbeItssuhaaean godr ey atirrupu. Hamnac,_ lb.chancelier, aloeel, 1prend nratb ot a Ramac anti nîtempî te Again, Ibis Honian's istory shonw s stroincar, nbîon awon a Nothîatibe thatissua sagvic ha n ychd ren."y holin Ie racigrenigcbmng D9cempel the bornage ofthIe gond. but in Ihal eutWart possessions anti circumu- contuclor bon she shouit go 10 St. slaliion. Mortecal bonds bis nieci t a be, the prise, et mec anti angîls il sali stances connol moke a nian happy. Luke"s hespital., The contuctor ceuit but i mislete lnoek tewn aI the tegratiot 'li cemoundd. I"Goti shahl imite Ibie, Wbilo yot full' vestet inleauthority ontd tj e ebth oktaen b a prime micister walking beceatbhlm. lhou wbitmd nali'!" Wben science began the chiot ativisen et the Pensioni mocancb anti pleketi ont my brother, ant saidt le Huzza for Mrtecail Abas for Hamnac! te malte Ils billiant tiiecevemies thone anti everytblng libat equIpage( anti pomp hlm: ,'otr htsre sS ues But nbal a plîl' te bave the gaiiows, weri grealt acts broegbt le licht that anti spientirofn ientice couti tenai Dcona ln sS.Lk' recently buil, ontirol wnsted t i l 50 soemetle ovetbroW Ihe bnut.rh of ,ho Ihie,bele isan ebjoot lesson ot nnelcbeti. hospitlion?' Wbeever ha goos te oam D E N i I T R cubits bigh anti built nith, cari, anti Bible. The archaeologict 1witbIs crwnces. Thon re l e day mnie.acbîng bim n rothe senal t1 is ct.'Ianid lve M ET Hamnac bat erectet il for Mortiecai, by bar and tiIe geologlî i, lb bih is bamnurer serrons untmr crowmîs et royalty' Iban nilim poe o d ant.I th elnt ns G A R D N LD wbose stirrups iehi ow walks as groom, andtihIe chomist witb hie batteries unider lbe ragget caps e b ouselees. ihImon da adte lrwïs C HA N E ,LDS Sîrangir anti more stanllicg thon t ~~~~talkLng te a niai toctor about soneew Oaiit tuCRvlClree etIbr romrance, thn e gonpthe tlipe hananyclhîrnuupen tlb. Bible. Msa'acceunit Much oetheIbesrii',s affluence act gay'ely onteponortl meticineoHi tunceoyalmny geeus, Ofîtam roanethregoupte tos f heofth r'-aIion idemetideiet by the very is oel' misery li colore. Macy a nomanondbroer cl sait: 'Doc tornli aiehin OFFI e.-OppOta res1 scaffoltiing, site by site, the hagmon structures efthIe earth. Thoý astrommemer seateti lu the stneel aI ber appie stand t hradsi.ýDcow tbsbeu OFC. poieExesOfc. anti Hamnac,the ex e-chane.lier. "S Ib ' heîet dareunt hie Iclescope until 1the le happier thon the great hantons. Thb. Dur experience wnihtb lrlyjkitlpeke?' VITALIZED AIP. baagit Hainan on tb. galiowa Ihat ho hoaveely bodieîs semeti te manibai mondiainsetofnerhtily'henior are covenî Bandt . nybrothon titi cet put on a hati pnîpanea for Mordecai. Ibenîselves agaicet the Bible as the stars vrllb perpelual seaw., Tamnenhane one- pminutie about ibe e dticiefoanti h Albhougb se many years have passeet letheir, courses Ioughb agaInsl Susera, 'querit haiftheb. werit, but coniti net tiltn 't ithon beiethr il nas latein J MlxiAC M B Fc cw 2yAbasueru reigned adObservatories and uniyersties rejoiced :t :ubdue bis oner. Abab gees tl'e btJ. . R i r ý shrasee ebswa hycnsdrdte2tnto fsc eas Nabath wnet col iii lmbis capsules on te b. rubbet on the scalp." D N IT wlimns ayti Porcin peiee, yult ram lb. Chritlanlty. Tbey galbeedn en courage vinoyard. Hoeod is le agony becau se a Chicago Chronicle. D N IT lit. andi dealb of Hamac w. may draw at What 1h07 coneiiet dpaît rictory 11111e child la hem teonn leBethlehem. living lissons cf warnîng andti nstruc-- anti presset ou their ooaquest imb the Great Fellx trembles because a pon AmsoTrOf o ess ign lion. Ant irf~st we corne 1e the practical klngdorn ot nature uinlil, alas for thora, mînister .williproach nghtîoneness, fi e - aroMsr.Hgin suggestion 1h01 'when n e tresla rog tboy dîscoveit toc much I Got's Word tempirance ont jutient le corne. Frein thîngi very iignifleai*t wnul de.broy Our bat enly hein lying ln arnbusb Ibal, li tb. lie of Louis XII. le Louis XVIIî. D 'botham & Son's Dru- Store, qçnfrt. Who would havi lhonght that nome unguardet maoment, nitb a sutten nos tIbm. a sInon botlomed chair in D low c-1rs Sgreat pvime minîster, Admtired -anti beucd t i ght tea n ifLteiity te places. France thalt iti net sil, more sclitly -Dwnsais LVI> - ~ ~ ~ ~ "~~ whiobk menn ifer Ilo rn Inlniant le bis cbnrcb, anti, turnlng, zthey drcv. Wllh thelr gltty iaugb, echoing nfr siilogrtncah$oooalkcridmadel .r:rA¶ cueaalIntctit hv caome beast bock Ibein tees in chameo. Thore nos hennIte oheanI, ectlirely tnewn tb. veice divile ep endi pay bek, if se diretri, more J; tC~i. rd tprey tlam4eiasiîy around anti slays fouedtotabe ne aclagonmsm hetween et a Inemeetous conscience whlcb laye: me.sey'per m.mb-r th- any othîr t o r --iv bi sntmhl, yeî rmns noarin.g IJroagh 1lb. tonassnature anti nevelablon. The univers. anti "I arn Imimortel. The stars shall die, but the 1ind i Canda Surphl 1e- min1er,$a.; îJ - or n ~~ a& lthe alighting on his brawny neck of etIhe Bible neri fouedt t h Ibm ont etfI arn immortal. One nove et eternily Per$îofolciae.$,.6 'rrarîifin insecte. Yen iel ssm nu eatlios tb. ampe baud, Ina strates ofet l , cme chali trownlime le Ils tîpîbe, but I aa TeDsA.RS t O aaie 'dre inPL . ea rh,,am Gd. Imoral Thlert ial hvaavsho- VP 1 dr~-fatrn in business vnith comparative conipesuno, peu, Iboin aulbonsi b ae(lt motl Teenhsa hv hot Foresters hast year was lowen tt.a'itiiat of any of 5 - 'rO. . .* , r -'r ar~s TPIbut yen can thint ot pelly tnicicenios Again, iearn tlb. limon that pnide oet dames, anti the beavene flee aI lbe its cenpetitvrS. bcing only 5.44 ln the 1,000. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ',,'îainir .nan-. sr infliolti edpn you wltiçrbarous, al yun' goetb before a fahi. Wam any nian ovie glanceàethli od btIanImera. The Inteet on the Insurance Surplus paid ;'. .!' ~a ~v~a, ;~ ~ntn~ ~o tka ~ capacîlm' for wratà andi nerain lenyour for up as Roman, Who tam blet ce tan Frein al the beightm anti depîhe et muy ove 20 Oeath Claime o f a 81,000 eaoh t. n.famOinwii ia '.r-eit t min. irrtax hennI an unhearahianenoyance. If yen dwn? Yes, on a amalîer scýaleevery day naLture rngs iinîanti rings np anti oust yoa. ~~~""oo J.X Fi )VC. ?"' otbacit upon ycur life, yen nl idthIbmworit sues.the, comm lÉiig. Agalnst rings out lb. nord 'iinrartal.' *"A For fuiien rpanticulars coquire of any of Iie Fr sali i, Blinuruî'ille îy ST(-Tr'r& ýURi that lb. meel Ot lb. vexations ant isic.thein very ,ativautages men tnîp lie geet conscience anti assurance ef lite Officers onMembers ofthte Order, er addrcss iPiitniis f apit wi ch byyauù nt ena destruction. Wheu oct humbles prend elepriut througb lb. Lent Jerua Christ R. ELLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, 7 ;od: d ycircumsances that wnon cal men, lb le usuaily et the mormnt ef thein are tb.eiy securities. HCR liua-s ffigh Sec'y, BRantford. TrHE BEST MOTEL UN DETrROIT -'o-rlby oetrétice. If yen nant te b. grealeet arregancy. If thon hoc a nl'e The seuil's hoppinese le 10e large a Ciadonnoene fer yeou lb.way oe omfortabie iappy, yeun muet cot cane fer tIndes, Do yeur commueity gnia-t'Ypuffeti up %nilb craftite sailinp the strn of etorîdl' or ERNST GARTUNG, Brantford bedaagedmemciinthPtiuiieloseRates bototeo Tniniutein leurnrspection oet nenidly sncce5ss, yen have buÈtotestand a poo Ai, AFsip )careonîci ul;I rn eie tni od iasa Si ilo$.5i.WoowarandJffi~ ~ Imetnittuml yn ncivefre othrs.I uIle htl.amd yen nUll 5sue lmncerne tee mucb noýteîh TIis eartà le a butaie, b var'e the rw vu reeivefromothes, iewa. yu fMy, 111won" tâ t 0"G.ê nat i l u lin. "kîia flt e *a YIon :Ruar's G tenieman Farmer Magazinie I s the Hlendscmnest ?2arm Magazine A in Amie, AIl contains o6 pages piocsely illustraW I Ais elitetwitb aview temake xla-neicofjt& Airdespensible visiter te evecry Iarn fine ýc A lstruve and lnteresting o tefarmers of over tiss AOpie Dollar a N'ean, Tee Cents n CoDpy Brother Jonathan Publishing Ce. AMvattan Building, Ar Ciragoe.1 Tue m-ry bEst Macine Ou I It0 ý i u*!Mml4,ný19 M lthas a lý-*r au-que "r hýci ana x ou unuum %.aKC uuvan&axv off LU15 ;a 94là, iL Î, j%* - ?5XI5 illmi, AMLQý Me (Mqu'a, 1 aura of the field Christ "V-9 the si Dai 1 libmrN,. wle f-ri*elitien of lire eannet. 1 t--j ý 1 1 1 Ilàlm A ýý ý - el Al;

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