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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1898, p. 2

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The Canadiaân State^sman. BOWMANVILLEG, JUNE 15, 189)8. RESTORETRE SNAP, Vimy ENERGYe C"TU~rMT 'r j WEIGH iK 61 /XI'I iiYOURSELF YOU BEFORE YoU TAKING THEN. HAVE Y tscI~r LUS f. /GENTLEMEN- 1 have been a vous ty.spopsia, wth the usual symaptemaso!ftom- ach weakness, 105e et ap- peite anti flash, cumula. lien t enasnt gigsjanti hearîburn. 1 usad varions patent nietictues eut othen remettes wthontanov favor- able resuits., They wonl iev tenprary rlief sometinies ýnat thaeffet. et the moi t ine wore off but Dr. Wnnd's B looti anti N'erve Pille over- ca]3inea1l tiseseobstacles. I amn bei er ta ev'my way n"xv anti have gaimietisevem ai pounts ta weigbt. ROB3ERT McTAVTSII, HAMILTON. Ardvorliek anti Duns rSte. RARKED GAIN. Prce 5oc. per box, 5 boxes for $2.o., at ddruggists, or if not obtainable ar your druggist, miied on receipt of price by the DR. WARD CO, Vj'_to la St., To- ronto. Book of Information FRE E. MON EY TO LOAN $1 00,000. A large soin of mofley has been placed in sny bsands by a pri ate person for investment, on alppovedloao kn farm secnrity for a terma of Five rIe e ,at 5 1-2 per cent o re "nlbe aredpab1e yearly, Satisfae- tory conditiohs for repayment will bce arranged. D. B. SIMPSON, Solieitor, Bowmanville. Di t ed Oct. lst, '94. 4o' - tf. The Leading Specialists of Anrica 20 YEARS INi DETROIT. 250,000C EO WECURE EMISSI10NS Nothing eau be more demorahizing to young or middie-agedimen than the pres- once of these -nightly lesses." They produce weakness, nerveusness, a feeling of disgst and a whole train of symptoms. Thy ifi man for business, married hlfe and so.cial happiness. .Ko matter whetber caused by evii habits in yeuth, natural weakness or sexualexcesses, our New Method Treatment will isostively oure.Ton. NO CUREF.-NO PAY later excesses mnay have weakened you. trosre may have diseased yu. Yeu ur o safe tili cured. Our New Metbed wilcure yen. Yen runDo risk. * ~~9~ CUED band haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You beceme forgetful. morose. and despondent; blotches and 'pimples. sunken eyes, wrnkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. W.ECURE XURICOCELE * No matter how serions your case ma, be. or how ongdyou say have had it, our NEW Il BD TREATMENT will cure lit. The "wormy' velus" return te their normal condition, and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourisb- ment. Tho organs become vitali3ed, ail unnatural drains or losqes cease and meti owcrs return. No te!nporas beee,but a permanent cure 'ured NO VUPE, NO PAxY NO ('RA- £TEON NEICESSA-RY. NO 1) ZfEN- TIO~N FItOM BUSINIESS. CURES GU,1AATEED1. We treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET, -E31JISSIONS, IMPOJTENCY, STRIC1URfRI. VAtt1COCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSE , BLADDLR AN D KIDL *NEY dise-ases. CONSULTATION FRE. OOS FEE. CARGE MOEr , f T Er If ale t c vryl rîf for Ç1JSToN e ANK foti~rcsHot Yruil Gmu ~f Oit'i6~î~~ practicai beip. hIa ret edotfluewe veiso got9choiurch go te siiurmisbaaus-e t~ muet have only a teve hyines. Nae lunes liey Àlka l, and tise muiltitude oftppople. ______________________ anti naw hymnseavory Suad&y maire poan wio stay away front chut-oh s*a yy congragational amning. Flfty hymns au e heause they do mot, 1k 11. h an) met lv A E E A MVAN s.uogisfer 60 yeams. Thme Eptecopal speaking about the way thme cerît ougist AJIAX TABLI3TS POSITIVELY CURE chut-h pt-oye lie saine pmayeme evany Sab- tu ha. I amn .sakiug about lise way lise AF~IALLs'sis~s 15., MatinMe bah andi year atter yenr ansi century wrlt in. Taking things as tiscy ars, w. W-doyInoeecspaseseccaused s ar hcnrptlfuýco h Sby Awuse un itceses ud dis- afLer oSlUt-ry. Feot tisIreason they hava InU5 ar iacnnptlftc !h cretions Vr~quic4v ansi< srijls ervmsoss a tire aunicbuntch migla ie ts tise cenir-ugal. ft -a atur ta4d ,tlitin det- oru'arad m tha acfant iàus sîng lis-e sanie We muet moire aur cisurces sagietis le J"d Pt-et - anits and Consumption if 'abi .Ony drth ie people bieretini. e, » al a n a -ntu liaTsi-uu oe imait mrv-songe Salih alatler inets ,ays mnent aud ffects a hURE aha1na ai olSiertlailt I-.tisaIway eau we come t te lsetuftrce oe! yul teel uneasy if ha tees imot go te ýs!st neer bat-tas the gennins Ajax Tabiets. Tfitythiseeis.Tet ouadarwU uehsyig"IwR1hdgn t have et-aed tisoLssds aeiwilluoeryou. îVeivea p iio xrieswîlytsuatyasiii iucs oi.:" vii a eeIi Ithte wttn gearantsa lu eSs et a e a 60 Ts*te no -Wesar out tise hymne of william Cave- moming. I wooasiIf I can'tdrese yei Pkage, or si es(fl tfetmntb fer r-50.B -'et-, Char-les Wesley andi Isaace Watts at a iealslîo>I e1 'l~R muait, in plain wrnuo'er. ven rreit of W-,Circler Suppose, noveamis persan in au audience NoW tbhey'ara slng9ngg. it tS ait Past il.- fr AJAX REMEDY CO., hl.s,t ceso iîal ieanoa of ethtie Nev tbey ara preacnes. I wsndr wissu For sale in Bovemauvilîs hy STOT'r & JURY3?,itt SM dtaye. FUI tht' ttans te ccoing tise folks wil ie ahomme le tellsas wsot Dnurclsts. - -i ris ~saoe-etsang, anti yen -wenlti drown ~Ssi. htia eugin n out ail Ihose annut-ances e !tise l 365 Wlien lie kuprmeon te ,oîmirmn-tt j TrHE SlST TLINOfl ta.ys, ansiyou veoniti trown thezu ot for -ont- chut-tisa, hy a-iileture, tr flUssi,1 Caa de noe mrefer 700en ulie WaY et OaMtebe Le.C-a n ontaeol ojlp ya"yadb emn ia lieds snd good Man8 IMh* rnkiD Be. BAtes rcver. ugn ic ctet thaenl te at-- by smaetemst atft=y set-maesn, hab $160ta j2.00. Woodwrd adhffeaD oAessiyca ievte e i as eum i-ots ~5 ±tatv'pues an oeti a bîscir away. ]ELH. J.MMESON.Ptgictu ns, ant intucompanies anti lu hattalioma timon wea wil Wirt tvcce aus ny ehurches Botes and Lsrand Btu& eb tiI. bbyc istom a-m okothsae btintacy a"d atmneofa. tbAvO t-n, f*.As lAM2, andt4auwi mau taikiug te o Ggd.Oh, If ve nter- stboçti lise grandeur andthelspathos o! bhis exarcise of prayet-, Insteati o! hoing a dm11 exet-cise sw eenoit imagine th'stlise rmoam veas fule! divime ansi angaloc appear- suces. Thse Olti Style of Cissrcis. But, =y friade, tise 0111 styla of chut-ch will net do tht eerit. We msght as wel nove try to laite ail tisa passengers frein Washington to Noe York by stagocoaeh or, al the passoageme frein Albany -to Buffalo by canalisent or do all tise batth- iag Of tise seat-lt itis boy andi art-oveas willtha ait style oe! chaste -meet tise exigencias o! tise a!. Udlesr, isa ahut-ci ln eut- day seul adapt itýeif ta tise lime it wll heoomne extaiaiie.,Tise peepILet-cati- tmg ue-wspapers, anti books, altisa yack, ta alt-t, piGMcIrasqîaut-ut naennsiing htyle, veinhav'e ne,0parieue e kIs Sabbats humit-tm. We kave neocb*eatop te bands and ant-pliu ant iaIl tUsa paraphet- inoa eof cherinai litro but tusse tisings lxv renu .eee n-m ae ne orelus asily ahuset, tisougis, if faken ia sensi- ble mnensumes, feve are mot-e iealtistul et- oujoya hie." neiiclons Lemon Tapioca. Twu tablaspuonuls tapioca soaket ovar nIgbt ita halî, cuptul veaier. Att bal! çuptnl colt water in liemenor-nlug, the peelat t-lut ot a lemon, ant i ltuntil cicar. Than take ont tise t-lit, addtthis juicaeofthfialemmon, Icaspoanful ismon ex- tract, hait cuptul eacis et sugar anti bull- ing vaels, a pinris ut sai anti bell. Mlt at-d serve xilh sugar anti creain. Frled Swucbteadts. CnTt a saftilciancy cf Sveeereats Imb loug scsansi paint tfisamuroert- r1 heaixn-ap yelks cf eggs. StreNv e c,icie vlus a seaaeoing a! peppet-, sait anti ht-ont ct-anibs, ansi !ry bu butter. Garnish is vl C'rtspat butter andti m mals o! toastet isaefl. AKlondiica D4a12 nI 1; fPi-a erec A valuct et ,5, or Paes of tis aes g~Shoot Music Istu ,na anti Vocal) valed A %t $1.25. <A value ef $i.So fer tic.) A Von' siouiti taire edvamtage of 1h18 Alor AAT ONCE. Gentleman rarmer Magazine A le Mmtdnismest Paras Magazine A la Aserica At il çtains 96 pages profuselv illuatratemi, e Ais etitet with a siew te make it awelceme zw IA indespeusible vis1tor l t ev at-m fit-ciMe. l nstructive andti nî'éiag Ad tabat-ers of et-ct-y cass. AO.Dollar a Vear. Tons Cents a COPy ABrother Jonathan PubIjshing Co. AMahattan Building, A CRicago. The very bet Machine Oit ut Rkck- at-t'$, I ; ADýA 1 -- , .. ;ý" ifwqqn ix tion taiKing te prayer ls i be too orten reise is More f;. I..Iý -t . ~ tný.,7 will not hia ccomîjnoÈinte the pel- ression on the grent masses, of the peo- 'Am m'y W ~ ~ 1100 pie than the ordinary buiness sut that U lU Religios Hnmdrum.yoir woar on Puslal avenue or IWallLstLeFtL u kailorEL lu no0 putk:namore ,. I say te the youniig men whe are enter-.Walsre.Atirenutakamn fore, i.1re liugy nd ntooui teligionsth)bq oheadinyaacwds Rev. Dr. Talmnage Tells His Hearers W hat the evfs more vivacity if we wanitthe mnbas dsone1rmteadeas C huch ugh to Be.court of any doiWinination of Cbristians. mon that slîook earib and heaven witb ChuTc Oug t to Be.First, you wvîll fince the men of large its Christian eloquence. Ne new gospel, common sense andi carnest look. The, cdu- onuly the old gospel in a way suited te The 4elp of Music in the Sandtuary--A Broadside Fille of Song- cation oftiroeir mninds, the piety of their the time., No new ehurch, but a church hi the holiness of their lives quaiify ta0lio the asylum, the inspiration, the MoroFreshness Needed--Religious Humdrumthe Worst them for their work. Thon You will flnd practical sympatlsy and the eterual help lu evcry church court of every denomina- of the people. of Ail Humndrums--The aidStyle Church. tion a gronp ot men who utterly ainaze But while haîf of the doors of the vour ith the fact that such somi-imbedil- church are to bie set open toward this Poor clothes cannot mi Uattered aScordlng te Act of the Parliame ut o! Canada, in the' year one tbonsand itycan get any pulpits te preacb ii ol teohr afo ted9s fteyou look OMD. pa eight hnandredl and ninety-eght, by the Central Press Agency of Canada. Those are the mn who give forlorn st a- chure *h must be set openj toward the cheks n5>gt à i (Limited). ut the flhparment of Agriculture. Ail riglits reserved. tisties about church docadonco. Frogs next. You and I tarry bore only a brief Y~hueodcrsn tire wprld. If ybu cannet sing for yeur- neyer croak in running wnter; always in space. We want somnebody ta teach us be heav and disappoit Washington, June 12.-If people nun- self, sing foi others. By tryisîg te give stagnant. But I say ta ail Christian bow te get out off this lite at the right inents may be deep, bý derstood religion te be the practical re- others geod creur yen will bring good woirkers, to ail Sunday sehool teachers, time and in the right way. Some fali eut they cannot malte you loo enfercomreati that Dr. Taimage says it la chreur te your own heart. te nil evangnlists, to ail iiiiiisterrl;et the of life. some go stumbline out of lite, old. lu Ibis sermon, the number cf Christian Wheu Londonderry, Ireland. was bo- gseiwe atcr ndyshosasine' go greaning eut of lite, somtiego Qeîigde la disciples would be greatiy multiplieit; sieged rnany yenrs age, the people inside andi our prayer meetinlgs tiif',our churohes cursing eut of lite. We -want te go sing- rneer faits. text, Psalmas xx, 2, IlSend thee help frein the city wero famishiug,- and a vessel - t galber the people we ui freshen up. ing, rislng, rejelciag, triumpbing. We w~b the saactuary." came up with provisions, but tIhe vessol The simple fact is thie people are lired want halt the door6 0fthe churcli set in If is impossible t,1001; If you should ask 5u mon whnt the rau ou the river bauk ansi stuclt fast. ef the humndrum iotreligïiists. Religions that direction. We wanl hait the prayers Young vt becoter ef l church te, thoy weouid give yen 50 differ- The enorny went dewn with lairghter and humdrum le tht' worsv t, ail ludua that way, haifthIe sermons that w~ay. We seventy years in yonr haïr. ent answers, One man would say, "It le derision te board the, vessel, when the Yon sny ee p over again, 'Coru te,,w'nl toi know bow te gel ashore freim tht' a convention of hypocrites." Another, vessel gave n broadeide tire agninsl the jesue," unitil lb,, phrase meipe ýnsablso! mb- umuît oet Iis iverld !into the landi cf "ht lean assembly of people who tuel enoaîy and by the shock wvns tnrncd backt)y aothing, Why (e1yen n t tell t1, a everlasting peace. WV3 do net ant te theinseives a great dent botter than itt the' strean, -and ail was well » Oh, Ye story which wili makeiie comeo te stand doubting and shivering when we others."' Another, "it les a place for goas- who are higii nud dry, on the ro-ke etf.jesus in ive minutes? tiu sy thajt I go asay freim this world. We want te sîp, where wlvorine dispositions devour inelanchoiy. givo a brundeside tire ot gong Sunda echeol teacheýrs d ail eag have lthse ehilaratione of a dyiesg ohilsi in eacb other." Anether, "Itl e a place fer against your spiritual onemios, andi by leSts.nn ail 1l ministerest bring theïr England, the tather telliug me the stery. the cultivatiou et superstition andi cant." hely rehunad yen wil corne ont !inte the illustaib ,o h Bbe hitdd he siit e,"Ite h path nr- Anothet-, "It le an arsenal wbere theolo- cairn waters, If xve waat te rnakeOunr- net whea ho proachetidW_ tb înio ierow?" ahcanswer1d,'The path le nar- glane go te get pikes and muskets and selves happy, wo muet make others hap- Bible 'vas writîen blefure ,Criýts t ime, row;.lilt asu narrow that I cannet walk sht." Another, "Il ils an art gallery, py. Mythôlogy telle us ut Amphion, who but where tit ieh get biilustrations?- arm iniara with Christ, se Jeans goes wbere moan go te admire grrand arches plnyed bis lyre until the mnouatains, vere He drew them frein theluîýjistram the, ahead. andsihe enys, 'Mar, follow.' and exquisite fresco and mnasaical Nvarbîs mnoveti anti the walls et Thebes aroeo, but t-avens, trom sai, fromn a cnnte, froinia Threugb the' chiurch gates sot beaven- and the Dantesque ia gleomy irary. religion bas a, mightier stery lu tel ut bushel, frein long taeed hypocrites. trein ward bew mariy et your frionds andi Anether naWould say: 'li le the beet bow Christan song mny but wholo gants, trein mobhs, frein largo gares ad mine> bave gone? pince on onrthl excepti my ewn horne. If I tonîplesoutalternai. joy and litt the' round simili gatos, frein a camel, from tht' Tht'< last lime they were out ot thet'E terget thec, O Jerusalem, let my rigbt earth mbt syrnpathy with the skies. noedie's eye. frein yoasb ln the dongh ut banse they came te chut-eh. The earlhly band torgel ber cunning." I tarried many uights iii London, ansi bread, trein a musarlat sedi, freim a fish. pîlgriînago endcd at the' pillar et publie New, wba tever the church ie, my texl uset ta hear the bells, the'ie aIl belle af ing net, freim tebters andi creditors. Thatý worship, and then they marcheti out teaa tells >eu wbat it ought to be-a great, the' dily, sîrike the heur ut i,,;ht-1, 2, is th-3 reason multitudes tolluwed Christ. lîigger andi brigbter assemblage. Saime of practical, homely, omnip)otent help. 3, 4-anti among theni the gre:st St. Ris illustrations wvere osuias and se) un- tiremr were su aid they coniti not walk "Sent theg help from the santuary.' Paul's cathetral wolt corne i ta t mark deretandable. Theretore, my brother withou t a cane or two crutebes. Now they The' pew oughl la ylehd resttulses for tht' heurs, making ail tht' othet- sounde Christian worker, if yeu ndt I int two have ebern al juvenescence. Or they wert' the body, the celer ut tht' uphohstery sueurin tterly insignificanit as with inighty illustrations for a religious subject, and sa yeuag they couldt wetiaik axcept as eught toe .leld pleasure ta the eye, the longue itananounced bbe heur et the' tht'eue tena Bible illustration ansi the' the maternai bandi gudi thorm., Now permanenîhly postpenes tl? satire service enght to yield strength for nigbt, every strok-eanu overinaetering ether is outsitie the Bibis, h will take tbe bhey cound witb tht' hilaritiles celestial. tell-tale signs ef age. Use th' mail anti struggle of everyday lite, baoum. My friands, Il wa4 inbtetie that !,utter becauso I wamt to ho like nmy Mas- Tht e at tlme we sarw' thons thsy wereacrdn te ietos- tht' Sahbabh ought ta ho barneeseti te ail ali the' lasser selnude of tht' werltisheulsi lcr. Lookia on toelea abill, Christ cave WaslOd with malaralo pinonedi rdally e rectionsack tht' six tinys ut tht' weeit, trawing theni bc drownod eut iu the mighty longue et tht' city ot Jerusalein. Talking fa the orter, but aow thoy have ne fatigue anticee e àuh At tlfty yog la tht' righb direction; tht' chut-eh cnghl copgregntional sang beatîng anentut thtecopie abioub tht' cunspicuity ef Christian ne diffculby oet respiration in, the, pure haïr may loek as it dld a te be a magnat, visibly andi mightily galtes ot heaven. Do yen know- bow lhey1 example, be eatd: "Tht' vorît is leeking air et boaven. Hlow I1 outcr wben yen fiîeen. It thiïckens the hiai affeeiag ail the' homes of the' woîshipers. mark tht' heurs in beaven. Tboy have ne, -t yen. Bt' caretul. A ciby that le set on and h will cross over! Suait'oftyen have aiso; stosi rmflia Every man gets roughly jestiot, gete dlocks, as lhey have nt canties, butaai a nuth i." Wieha a about enough of!the, tbuinping and o!p OSilfe al a bil cnno bc id. 'Wile is as ut;andsi cîîses the sca ahused, gels cnt, gets insulted, gels grant pentulumi cf hahieluinh swinging spenlring et tht' divine cars o! Got's flafling of Ibis lite. A draft firm the frein dandruf, Shal we slightod, gels exaspratet. By the lime I'aveu frein ebdrnity te t'ternity. children a bit-t llew past. He sait, "Be tounlains cf heaven wouud do, yon goci. send yen ut- h ook on the the' Sahhath coînes hoe bas an accumula- boit thoserfs »sn o teravons. " Thon, looking dewn Cumplebe release- yen couit, stand very Hait- and ils Diseases? tien of six tayF et annoyance, andt hat it L alyalcvrda ththot rfue t' sngweli htfyen gel on the t' u sitda'andi in a sarveliug chut-ciiservice which bas Who nover Rue-,w Ouir Got. mate thrmissionyteaIlmaovet-etyan;that senson il yu d otobti-dlte. netstrugh eouh t tRe ha acu- But chiltrea of, tht' Heavoaly King with flowers, lho sait, I"Consider the bt -misontIcft'bek enwnl ii.B.tdo oai. aFteo.p nostenthnoghctae iritacu- Shuuid sk theirjos nbroad. hueé,s." Oh, mny brother Christian work- nltcoret. Thougb yen, wert' bnvibosi le fils von expeciedfi rrm the useî o mulatet annoyance and han it inlas per-- e rs, whnt ile tht' use ot eut- going awny off cerne back anti juin yonr triants on earitlb, Vigor, write the docter abouiit it. dtba. Tht' business man site taven ln Agaiu, 1 reimark that sancluary belplila sornie obsoure part et history or on the yen would gay: "No, Iclet'etait-y hero- ithobably ter ilsas dffce1t chut-ch heatachey tram tht' weo's en- eught tcaet' rti-m lic set-mon. O! 1,000 ether Site tht' enrtb tu gel ai illustrationunatil lhey came. I shah nmot risk geing -Lmas~,,iiy reinoved. AdAre.. gagt'înents. Pihape ha wishes lho batl people la mny audience, how many wanl batttahat h.oveeaetî ac.I Ja eahsh'vr~ i ai»-,. c. ÀYV., LwlMa~ tnt-ned t ainoîn n the buge wlth tht' sympathetie heip? Do yen gnose 100? Do o f illustrations? Why eloulti we gel away botter slay hore." 11 - nevespapers and tht' lippers. That mani Yen gnoe500?*Yen bav-e guessat vronscfl e n lutainattercnn Oh, I join hante with, yeu n iii ta p- __ wants fa be ceoleti off ansi gîaciausiy I Will telli yot i jt tht' proportion. Ont suffering of Josus Christ wheu as near us littet spiender: e duvetted. Tht' tiret wave of the religions of 1,000 people ln uiy audience thes't'are as Bloomfied, N.J., ft<> littît' chiltren When lhs short' te won atIhast, B a sorive e ught te dash ciai ever tht' but-- met 1,t)00 who. need sympnthetic heip, wet-e wallrimg on tht' rail trnck, anti a Who wiil ceunt the' billows past) ricane tecks anti bave hlm dripping with The-t yonng people wnnîil just as much train was ceming, but thoy svtrt' un a In Freyburg, Switzerlana, thore lis, the, THE BANE 0F MANY A WOMAN'S boly anti glati andt heavenly emotion. as thetai. '[ie ait peopile' sometinies bridge eftlresîlework, anti tht' ittît' girl trunk ut a t-ce 400 years uId. That trot'IFE "Sent thos beip frein the sanctnat-y." sceur te lîhiRttmey have a monopohy tof teck bier brohe anti let bu tiown was panatedita comni&mciratel an' oyant.LFE Thse Help o! Music. the rheumnatisms, and thse neuraîgias, through thet restIewo'-k as genrly as sire About. ton miles fruin the city the, Swiss A Berlun Lady Telis anti tht' headacheos, and the physieal dis- ,nult îw'sid tht' wnler, very carefully conqueret tht' Burgunins-, anti a young f~ oGtRdo t In the' tiret place, sanctuat-y belp cnght eors ef tht' werlti. lut I tell yen tiere anti iovingly and cautions,, se that lho man wautedtielutaRe tht' tidiags tu: thet't etRdo t te corie freinitht'msi.A wonnndyiuag are ne worse, heirtncht's Iban are felt by muguit nultho hurt ta tht' rail ant i mght cdry. He ooeRa tret' branch and ilanwth ,--s .-. ia naglant persistet ta singiug te the oseao! tht' young people. De yen u r ibc pickoti up hy those who wore standinîg sncb speet thet' eu miles tha.ù whm.It'- Doan's idîney Pnus ast moment. The attentants triedtaf thal rnuch eto tht' -work bs douie by1 lie mear by? Wbile toinz thaitishe train t-cachot tht' city waving the t-os brancb The Remedy. pclrsuoadt ber te stop, saying il weulti ex- youug? Raphael. iet aI 37, Ri!cheletýat struck lber anti hardly eaoogh et ber body ho hait oniy streagth te et-y "Vietory 1" - baust her ant imake lber tisease rvorset. 31. (intavus Adehishus tiet ai 38, hutice :,% oteagalber itl a tumetal casket. andtt roppeti(tenad.Th'ft'ractar Mr.Exa eî, 3Wlmge Sho foswredtht' boavea iy yclet 87. code tnqa-is itexit t What wns ibat? Vicarieus snff oriag. LiRe ho cnt-rie-Ixvns piantet, andi if greve to, BerlÏs, Ont, sav-s, For ton years: 1 bave Ipracticiag frtehael hi. ui t3.Crec urdMxc t Christ. Pang feor tthers. Wou for others. lie a great trot' 20 fetedilucircn.mterence, beeu affliced with kitinet-and back troc. Ionneatlb tea releatsai fernuic lnDon lehu w,,orm Lepautoai t25,, Gratins Suff ering for uthers. Death fer uthers. anti tht't-cmins ou t, tare thora iutethis. 11e, suffering greatly frorn tizziness,net-.. hae.If yen anti I are geing te tR a mîre-oea I2 niIhv part la that gleal orchestra, ifte h igh wne tt aineyt acl ast 2mand havoue iisrtos1t.îa a day My hoarer, whoa yen have fuughl esoa ea -eih, ose le your hast battîtleili sin ansi deatb anti ant' peti nian1lnscntn tliue thal wo wert' stringtng anti thrum-' et the ceverosi hbatties andtihie tougbeeli What le tht' use ut aur goimîg away Off bell andt îhey have beeu rotdin athe lit-s, wacfeeling. 'i-,F-bruary hast 1 img unr bnrps. They tel ns that Thai- wurk cernes beo attteui. Therotore we muslt tint an illusftration ta nasi age wben conflict, lb ili ho a jcy wemthy e of i gel abo-1 etDoans i,-tniiey Pilis andi berg anti Gotsclalkiael-r wuald ge mulehave our serniais anti ont-exhtortatitons during tht' graitfrest fit-es in Mý,ichigan bratien, Yenuxiii 11v tatise cily and cry mreoivet s, much bencfit fron them tirat concert until they batl irettanprivate lu prayemetnai sympaihotie wilhs a maicarrier on hot-seback, ritiing on, "VI c tory!" anti tropi aItht te ia cntne theirufautt attao roent-rset, altbouîgh tbey wet-a sncb mas- the yenng. Anti se with these people tut-- pursuet by thuee dames wbich bat swepl great King. Thon the palin brandi Ofthtretemr- aal antiw-as cornpletoly tors et the instrument. Anti eau il be ther oa n luitte. \hal Iodu heso doctors antiacoir 100 miles, snw ai ultiman by tht' tht'earthly race xvll liho pantet, te bu- cnt- re reiov's e-tcxerýy vestige of that wyt'expedtt aepatt h' ra nyrs anti nercbanits.and iatcbanîcs t-cadette, tismeuniet, hlpet the elti sancorne ht' uotbranching t-se otovenIasîng paî-, diâziness anti nerveusnoss, andi ii- oratorio et hoaven lf vea do eitt ehearse cane about tht' abstractions of religion? on the herse, sayîug, "N 0ow, whip up t-ejing be i e e eto lop etî hors? What lbey wanîte ht'elp ta bear t1isa anti gel awny?" Tht' oit man gel nway, When shaiî thesei eyea thyho venm, i ,fi-oasbe-ing a sîck woman h arn now But I am net spoaking o!flime uext wbimnicalities et patients, the' hrowbeat- but tht' mai carrier pertehet. JusI liRe sti-ong anti well again.' -vet-d.Sabat sngoaht e etai th îg t egat oppoenats, tht' tntait-nassaoetChrist tismounaiag frein tht' glanies o o! a loan'i dney Pills are tise best remedy lu week lu music. We want net mnieabar- sustomers Who have plenty o! tallit fint-henvon te put us on tht' way o et t'hvtr- Ati penn arwto salbeho t ti re orld fir Bîght' raelsSeeDibetesn , monv,no met-oe atbieeexpression, bal ing fort- eronyimpertoction et hanaiworR, ance, tiraenfaliig bac nt tale bcames oet Anti streols et shining goIdi' Urine, ant ilh idney and Biadder Disea-es moe volume in ont- chut-ch music. The bui ne praise fer 20 excellences. What sacritice for others. Pang fer others. Woe _________Soit by iruge-is, or stnt by mail on eej, Enls isn gcisorches far- sut-pass tees thse brain-racked, hanti-bliplered fr toie'rs. Deaîh for cîhors. Vicat-leusw etpt-me, 5o conta a box Or s boxes for$.. eut- Amenican churches bn tis respectma car. toi- Zwinglirs "Doctrine. ut suffering. T4 UYL AT h onXde ilC. ootOt Au Eaglish audience e! 1,000 people will Original S," or Augusline's "Retran- Again, I remnrR thal sanctuary holp Ttsi CmetOfesiiyts givo more vlum. e acacrot sang liban au flous?" Yoen mîgla as wail go tea aman aught 1e coreint rougli tht' prayers ut ahl. I Bt-litais Cmmenticaf or-al. th Ametiran audience of 2,000 people. I do Who bas tht' pleurisy anti pot ou hie site tht' people. Tht' tour et the t' trual store- ~T~F'l'C net Rnuw vehat tht' t-tacta te. Oh, Yen' a plasler matle eut cf Dr. Parr's "Trouat- bouse is huag on une hinge, a geiti. Several ei-RouFremnch cycliste b T I SR cughmî te have board thoin siug tn Sur-rey Ise on Metical Jut-isprndonce" hinge, tht' hialge et prayer, anti whea tht' have ia.bsly, the British Metical Journal chapel! 1 lied the cpportnniliy of pt-sach- l o vr n.whole autiiemîce hay boit et tbaIteeor ii peintsont, bean nejoçteti asunatf for C. {ARINDEN, L.D.S. ing the aunntý'ssay-1 thiak tht' nineti- HipfrEayOe muet corne open. There at-t many people,militat-y service by roason ot hypertrophy afh annivet-sary-sermon ta Rowland Whlealal o! a sermien snay uot ha belli-spending thisat-firtetSabbats attet- sonneand ti ber disoases et tia Seat- ."A con- Gauasutteoy, i Cil---eet et I'te 1 EIi'e ait chapel, and wven tbey litteti fnl aliRe te ail, if il hbea aChristian ser- gratboeaemnt.Wht pe yut- îempet-ar7, ept-tsentimsg nedonhî îay OgIE.opt. 'itie.pes0liu their -Voices, in sacreti son- il was simply mou pt-sachet by a Christian man lbs- prayor te ton tireur? Rew wil il heip tht'- optiin, p)rofeýsses astonishienî aI Ibis VTLZDA overwhalmtng, anti then lu tise avenlng wil l e help ton evary ana semewhere. tush in tisaI man's iseart? Hors at-o pao- resulI. But ruetiloal men wiv eihi athier _________ efthfe samne day la Agicultanal Hall WVt'go inta an apothecary's slora. We sut' pie wiso have not lieuenb chut-ch hefore. sut-pt-testtisaItishe numisers are se emaîl.BE many tionsent voicas liftedin duoxoiegy. elbois beiug vaiteti an. We de not coin- forto tn ycars. What will your prayer'do Tisere muetst e-w et ns whe have motJ M B NI~!f ht wns liRe lie voicesoet many waters, amnd plain hacause wa de net lmmedlately MtI fan..tissu byronhng over thir seul hohy ceen the Ill off sots et over exorticu on a J M B I I'I II.J J IV like tisa voice et many thunteringe, andtihie metilcine. We kuow oui tut-n wmi mena-i&'Rte are peoplein taet-tes ef bicycle. Tht' cemmeneet te palpitation like tise valse a!fiseavea. comne a! ter avehîle. Anti go while ail parle avetul templation. They are en tht'verge and liemporary dilla; but aven ibis le DENTIST. Tise biesslng thimiledti itouisahaitise ot a sermon may mtnet a ppiopilate lao!ofdespaur r e- ei lunternig or thef t or. sametimies, 'rty dif1îculî eaura. In a îaheîing tht-eng, ot- coas, if wo wait pt-ayemfià1ly beture suicide. Whiat elîl your vrayar do foi- casa wbicm occutrt't iecently, a lady,i .Anti beovan vas won by vioeance of sang, tise sermnmu in tthnengh ve '~s",11have tis 'embisou lulie vwoy et giying Ihe-mi strength erdofr a !ortuighli's change of ait-r es~ lgt~ divine praelplion. I eyn yyoung men te, rsist? Will yen ha ciifiy unio,%e untber lnfiineaxa, chose te spens it i n Offce.-?earofMsr.lg;n Nove. I ar non werslitper o! noise, but -Whoat-e going le prah lime gospel, we about lima fit o! lhe gleve limat you.,put te htlcolg about rif , miles a Aiy s a bta o' tr heleve Ihal if ont-American bchoes wn m n-semn mor metamta'your torceati whilaypye di Wli hoelehue s vs iîsc0thatrl ni-Dr" weuld veit ul heartinesi of suoi nd' piysie, mar more imaginatiion, mer mot-e Yen be ch1iefiy critlni o! the t-halt ai Dw 121Lna ionît e- pishea i ou fulml emphasIs et veto. slng lise songe cf- logic. net- more, protundlty. Whal t'L te paetor' petifion? No. No. Â lieus- the toast exettion ises te 1,thougis(hnsar) . .........

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