Sarnmer Szpecialt'ies. Our line iof SOREEN. DOORS and WINDOWS, GREEN WIRE CLOTE, GOAL DIL STOVES, 10E CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGER- ATORS, Etc., is the largest ever offered in town. We are certain no store offers superior goods. [ILE GIANT AiMERICAN SCYTHES, Again to the front. If you want a real good scythe corne mn and see this line. They are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Buy you hardware at Worth's and save rnoney. Rd. W, orth, BOWMANVILLE. An Eye Opener Is the bargain you get in Wall Paper, Window Shades, Cuirtain Poles. You want the best, prettiest and iuost for your money, I will give it to you. Inspection will convince yotI. My aira is to give perfect satis- faction. New Music, new Books, new Stationery,newGames,new Pictures, etc. P. TREBIlOK BoWMANvILLE. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 15, 1898 We have received toc 1898 program of Grimsby Park-services from June 112 ta Aug 20. Some o!flihe est' Cana- dian and AI'urican talent will appea r on flic piafform during the summer season ut tliis groaf Metliodist camp ground. The proposai to establisli a large vaporafor homo (soc fown counil re- Port) should roceive everY considerafion from the c.auncil and citizens.: Mr. Graham profors the Music Hall as a suitabie building and as it can ho bouglit ut a nominal figure flie chance f0 procure, this much -. dësired indusfrY should not lie lost, It would prove a groat-boon f0 farmers and bring thern tr, to-fn iror- u ie ICcounibty on about us. Listowei fown concil passod a roso- lufion ut ifsJane session f0 -grînt aý free site, free wafer and free exemptio from taxation as far as fhelclw wili permit ta flic propored park pack'iug facfory. Bowmanville Council is as dumb as au, oysfer on this question bore. They are having a sort of roagli-and i-i-la lllfL nl.nnl, n, 2 ing over alittl' spraying machine that te may or and reeve want the town to buy, but our citizens are disgusted with this sciuirt-gun racket of theirs, and no wouder. DUitHAN BOYS' ASSOCIATION. Tontoxro JuNB 14 -ýSpecial to TE STATESMAN.) Old Durham Boys' Asi4o. ciation is now an established institution. We organized last uight. 'Aithougli it was a very unpropitious ni <'lt and verywt a large number attenàed the meeting,: and were mosil enthusiastic. The woods are full of Oid Durham boys and looking over the many prominent names of oldboys (citizens of Toront o now) one caunot but notice the mark those mon have made lu the various callings and professions in life bore. We are c¶tizens of no inean country. The intention 18 to have an excursion to Bowmanville on Toronto Civic Holiday. Officers were appoiuted and a committee of management elected. It would be a good thing if Bowmanville could ar- range its divie Holiday' with ours and co-operate in maki ng it a red letVer day JOtUX D. KBAcHIE. TOWN COU?4C1L. Council met Monday night, Reeve bRler lu the chair, te consider a pro- posai fromi Mi Graham of Belleville, owuaer of 13 evaporators ln Canada and U. S. Mr. Grahatm proposed- to move evaporator plant here or enlarge if if offered proper inducemenf. He wants the c4uxucil to furnish a building, free water and exemption from taxation. He wiil employ en an average of 50 te 90 persons and pay out lu wages and foi crude material about $12,000 a year an( put lu a $2000 plant, f0 mun under .uar- antee for feu yearis, then the buiîtdin,. to hecoîne the property of Mr. Grabamn. After much questioning and figmring it was decided to adioumu tili Wednes- day lu order to lind out full particulars. .Phono 66. Opposite Ontario Bank.1 ;THE LATE'STEPHEN WASHINGTON. No man passing from us in receut years was more widely known or more universally repeted than was the late Stephen Wýashýin3gton of Bowmauville. Born June 24th, 1813, near Kendal, Englaiad, lie eame with his parents to Canada at 16 years of age, remaining for a few months in Toronto,then Little Muddy York. The family soon purchas ed a 'tarminin Scarboro. Five years later the brothers Stephen and Anthony purehased the homesteads in Darlington upon which thev both afterwards spent most of their lives. Settling there, ýin the then primeval forest, known as the '-Saxon Settiement" iu 1884, they com- menced for themselves 11f e's battie with axes and oxen. In 1835, on Dec. 9th, Stophen. Wasti- ington and J ane Coleman wýere m arried and no truer wife or nobler mother ever wedded a mortal man. Ten children, ail raised to man and woimauhood,were the fruits of this union. Two ehildrtùi- Margaret, a beautiful girl of 23 died almost 40 ye4rs ago. Rey~. Edwin S. Washington, B. A., was killed> by the bursting of a gun in 1872. Thoi other eight, eblidren survive: Mrs. Mark Jackson of Oxford Centre; Edgerton R. Washington oi Mord en, Manitoba; Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A., of Barrie ; Francis J. Washington of Manitoba; Mrs. Chas. W. Joues of Woodstock ; T. E. Washington of Toronto ; Albert E. Washington, stili living on the home- stead near Solina, Ont.; and Rev. A.G. Washington, Iowa, U. S. The magnificent homestead which, he reared was uiot Mr. Washiugton's great- est work. lu oarlv' mauhood lie took holà of churcli work with a tremend.ous zeal-a zeal which neyer left him tili the latest hour lu lii c. lu those early days hetravelled on horse-back throuzh the forest for scores of trilles, proaching- often twice a Suinday, visiting the sick iand bury iug- the dea7d. Inde:ed, for ai- Most 65 years bce had preached and labored for the up-building oU'mankind ins spiitual life. lu July,1877, the faith. fui wife and hieroie nmother of his famiiy passed. away. Two % cars later lie marri- cd Mrs. Byrom of, Markharu, who for neary 20 years g-e hmsetopu ionship and roudered biseiniger peaceful and happy. cln g> Lea ving the farm some 14 y cars ago, Lthey settied lu Bowinauviile, where the universal kindiness of the people gave hlm the greatest jo.y. Mrs. Wsîg ton, who stili occupies the homehas the Ldeepest sympathy of the community. iMr. Washington being of geat aCuViby u eRralecs, hLijiCI.t !iCOj , 11 mated a cosiderale fortu'ne.ý Uawise invesfmouts la Bowmunville during fthc Grand Trank 11. R. boom of 1854 somewhat impuired it, bat-to flic end lieliad a most comforfable liveli- hood hesides givlng Iis numorous famiiy a good sfart inl ife. Thougli nover looking for publie lionors deceased fook a deep intemesf la public allait-s.Ho was a roui Canadian. a stauncli advoc- ate of British counection, a great ad- mirer lu muny respects o!flice' ute Premier,Sir John A.Macdonald,a stroug advocate o!flice national policv and o! Canudian national developement. Once ho wus asked ta centcst West Durhiam ln flie Conservutive intemest but declin ed the lionor thoagli loyally support iug flie cause Mm. \Washington's <rouf <'eut grandfather was an uncele to ?leneral Washingfon and, lii peonfle weme lu constant communication wth tim before comhing f0, and for some time affor comiug ta Canada. The immédiate circumstances af bis dearli were ilomewliaf tragie. For t wo vears lie lad liad fainting spelîs and kuew that the end wus near. He said lie feit sa well lic woald like f0 visit lis dhiîdren once more before pussing away,so on May 28tli lie and Mrs.Wash iugtou started for Loiidon,Ont. to spêad a few days wifh Mrs. D. A Bruce (Mrs. Washington's dan g lter) intendnng f0 spend a moufli ut onddn, Woodstock, Oxford Centre and Toronto. Af fer spendiag several duys with Mrs. Bruce, on June 8tli lie took flic paper ouf on theo veranda fo read, 10 minutes af fer hoe was fud sifting linflic chair dead. Ho was baried ut Zion, Darliugton So1titLOV bmqiflVi- big0 *aLtitU1i KJiet. wiJ. 1mtrlt oqhe ' aieulmU!i hr .Saadzeud n adaij! and lis futle-r and mothler and me of bIs brothers. R~ev.J J - Rae,his pastor, assisfed by 1ev. W. Jolliffe.officlated at fine bouse and ut Zion churcli where a, short service was held, Mr. Rue made a brie-f addross and Rev. E. E. Howard assisted lunflic devotional exercises. The entire community evinces ifs higI appreciation of the spotless if e and characte.r of Steplen Washiugton. The Parisian, the favorite Aluan Lino Steamship thut fakes the Bialey Team ta, England this moufli, on hem last trip made fhe fasteet passage of tke season, breaking flic record' betweert Liver. pool and Quolice via Cape Race. Time from Tory Isand f0 Cape Ru-ce 4 days, 2-2J boums. Sec new sailiags and rates . a fhls papor. ___________________________________________________________________________ . -~ A tbauk offering service >ili be held bore tor raii-ing- funds for the Sabbath Schol ~xtSunay t2.0 pmwhen 11ev. J. JARae will preach. lnathe eve- iking 1ev. S. G. Rorke is expected at 7 o'clock. Collection at each service. womn«A wonans ih erknws hecaess ofclie woa ~rst- bon's inges, anokow the fik measre f hapinas oibl a ,a Ther arethouandso uapy wonie who o thou~hlifeWtho u knowrin h supree hapnaes of aheond dios- eaolnday hrouh a althf of bther round of~ ~~~~n wokad pv lmstlveea uudor-s led a taecae ofthes eivs u ot rnanl way Dr.Piere's F ôorI nhPesei. tionis te ioat ondrfulof illesnesî for~ ~~~~o ai gwmn.I csdreetly omn delic4 and Iporta tyg t andpiie ad sronug It fits for wifehood and moth.. eihbood. It baishes the dangers of mate>r- nity. It doe away' with the discomforts of the period of anticipationa and makf s Lb-.-s coming easy and aimost paiziess. lzin- aures the ,ew camer's health afnd au ample sapply of nourishment. Thousands of homes thaf only lacked, a baby as a f2rnul binding tie, now biess titis miariveious mm edy for the ring of childish ianghier. It soothes pain, toues the nerves and maken £ woman s work easy. AUl medioine duelers sel it. Ilmiscarried fu ie, rt~Ms lt etiaRe unter, of Cortey, I,oganC, U. aser taking four bottieKof Dr.,Pberss P'sxoeti Preseition I made my husband a present of a finet, heaithy gir." Tiny, sugar-coated granules the-t alway-s cure biWousness atid coustipaton>-Dctpor Pierce's Pidasant Pellets. They renate and ïivigorate the stamiacli lver andl boweis. All gaod medicine dealers bae themn. Nofhing else "jugt as g.ood." - A rRQMERLOUS EIA" ORDINATION .IND IENDUCTION. 11ev. J. H.Turnhnlll,M.A., o Quie'en s College, will be ordaiined and i.uducted into the pastorate of Sti. Paui's, P7esby- terian church, Bowmau-viile, on Tues-_ day June 21, ceremony to(begin ail 20 p. m. Appropriate addInesses wifl he made by th Modorator »nd mombhers of the Presbytpry. The service is, open to the public and wiil ho vqry intereýsi- ing ail through. From 5 to 8 o'clock tea wiSi be served lu the schoolroom by the ladies after which a receptonW*ill ho held la the church.v. J. J. Rae. will give one of hi s popular talks, timely neidresses are expected from the new pasilr, 1ev. R. Douglas Fraser, M. A., resident ministers and other members of, the Presbytery. A choice pro g am wlll be intorspersed inciuding solos by Mrs. Jno.' Rice, Miss Freeland, Messrb. H. J. Knight and James Goard .selections-by the Maie Quartette and the churcli choir altogether making a capital eveniug's entertalument of pieasure and profit. Tickets t0 tea and recerotioa 25c. St*. Paui's people extend a most cordial in- vitation to members of other churches to unite with them ln giving their uew pastor a hearty welcome. Chair taken, at 8 o'ciuck î>y Mr. j. B.Fairbairn,P.M. JUEWEDDIN<G. CLEmEN-DAwso-z. A pretty home wed ding was coiebrat- ed Wednesday, June 8, atthflicrosideuce of Mr Chas. Dawson, No. ' .47 Avîmor St., Peterboro, when lis daughtei,Miss Annie E. Dawson, was married to Mr. A.W. Ciemeus,a woalth - )oung fariner of Tyrone, Darlington tý%vnship. The nuptial kuof was tied iy Bey. A. J. Harvey Strike, Demorestill1e. The brîdal party stood beneath a horai horse- shoe while the ceremony was heinZ sol omnized. The bride wvas aXired in a charming costume of c7roam organdie siik trimîned with chiffon -and lace and wore a moire silk sash and canried a bouquet of white roses. She was attend- cd as bridesmaid by Miss Florence Anîs of Ebenezer, whio wore a dress of organdie muslu, with white moire silk sash, and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The groom was supported by Mr. Chas. Dawson, broth- er of the bride. After the ceremnony and congratula tions had been extended by friends present, the weddinig part 'y sat dowu to au elaborate wedding diinuer, prior to the happy couple leaving on a honcv- inoon trip westward, A valuahle array o! presents attested the popuiarity of the bride THIAT FIRE ENGINE. EDIT(R STATES.MAN.--- The Council pass a resolution to buy au englune which they have liad rentcd for eight mon ths only to find out after- wards that it wiil not fillich requir- monts of the Uuderwriters' Association --a niec'e lot of business men. The Council had botter buy a good supply of Dr. Ward's Pis to put nerve lu the rented englue-lt is noticeabiy weak, If the Council lias actually bought the Ronald englue tliey had botter presont it to Gordon Fletcher for spraving fruit trees and, get somo improved fire pro- tection for the town. The action of the Council meaus that it would cost $1000 for the rented en- glue aud heater, $1000 to rehuild our old englue, and a heater,$11'00 for extra hiosc-$3000 to start -with-about euough to buy a good 600 gai englue and a yearly expense of au extra engineor to sieep in the building, lireman, 5 more hosemen, $200 wortà o! hase extra go- ing- to waste, extra fuel, repairs, etc., -which lu 20 vears would amount fa flot iess than $600 or $7000, or a total ex- penditure lu 20 years of $9)00 to $10,000 when a frstciass 600 gai vertical en- glue ca be bought for $3,500 and the aid englue. RATrPAYER. rPovID)ENC. Grafton----------6ooa. Cobourg----------...6.13 Port Hope-----6_ NeWtonville------6.89t Newcastle,-.-.....---6 52 Bowmanville,......7.02 Darlington.-----.8 Oshiawa Junction T. 20 WNhitbv,,--7 2S Duharton....74 Rosebauk,.......9 Port Union,-..-...-755 PARE. m .- $1.75 ..1.65 - --1.50 135 ...1.25 ... ---1.20 1.15 110 1 05 -.1.05 1.(00 1.00 1.00 Arriving ut »I;ph ut 10.15 a,m. Miiibrook-------------$1.75 Carmel,-.-............ -....-...1.75, Garden Hill,.......-----------175 Perrytown,. ................... 170 Quavs-----------------------1.65 By P. M. trains luine l6tli and al trains Jane 17hi.. CIIILDREN HALF TARE.. Elect,-ie Carsi fi-anStation 1-rnF.r,--. pcaltrain returnîng leaves Guelph Friday nîglit at 6.00 p. m. Ail tickets are good to-retnx any time up to Sat- urday-night',,Jane lsth,- - H. C. HoAh, W. E. POLLARD, Secrctary. Presideut. M. A. J AmnS, Vice-President, Manager. SEEJ)S, FLOWERS, ETC. A full su-pply of choice Field and Gardon Sceds now on- baud. including the famous Jumbo, Renuie's Prize, and other varieties of Turnip Seed. Seed Cora of ail kinds, and a fine assortmnent of Flowers lu pots. Fine fiavored Teas and Coffees. Before building a fonce cali at old Varietv Hall and see the Gem Fonce, the besil wire fonce known. Darling-ton farmers are ioud lu its praise. Note the shop-Old Variety Hall- wbee& the Canadian Express Office is now. Deal at 1BOýWMANVILLFE. MURDOCH'S, _UIAIR WORK.-Ladies wishinq liair ..Ldoim over, rail at MRs, DicluNsoN s,Xing Haat, and Cor Of Ontario St,Bowmanvllle. 43-tf M4ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. .i.LJAmzs,. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Residence: Centre Street T ENT.TO RENT-The Ladies of 0b W . T. U, are again off ering ta rent their large tent on reasonable termas. For fur- ther particulars apply to Mrs. T. E. HIOGIN- IuOTHàÂm, Liberty Street. 28 - 2w. FOR SA!ýLE. Fte eedef the late ing,bengtwn Iot 15 and 16, ln blec 8 Bowmanville, fronting on Centre Street at westand rnning lekta Liberty street. This ls a Commodia sbikdwelng in gaod repair, warrounded with ornaent.qI grounds stocked with shade treesad arden stoced with dif- fetent varitie of fruit trees ln good beartng. For ternis appt y on te pemses or te RICHARD J1. MALLORY, lng St. East, Division Court Baflff, Bowmanvi le. 23 - If. B OARS FOR SERVICE.-Berkshire and Tannworth boars for service, on Lot 34 Con 3, Clarke. Ternis $1. D. J. GnimoN Pro- prietor. 20 - i T? EGISTERED BOAR FORSERVICE BL erkshire and Yorkshire Boars kept en Lot 12 Con 6, Darlington. TERMS 75 cents. Berkshire boar for sale. GEOReI EB1RINGTON Proprietor, Tyrone. 24 - hw* $50TO LN »0«ý0 o n gaod mort- gîige s onrlty at moderate rates of interest. A LMLUaNoiioomn-ieOî le -6m. West E nd Housô, BQWMANVI LLE. A BusiýNEss EDIJOATION ENABL1*-Y Ogy To ENJ-MTTIIFS PnuOSPERITY. Canada is entpviig upon an era of prospeity such as few counitries iu tMe worid lever enjoveà. Canadian young men and young wominonght,fhereforqq to fit themselves for greater usefulness,. particuiarlv ln the cçiecilwisof life. A tiforough busîmess training lu book-keepiug, shorthaiid etc., will en- able any youth of charanter and abiiitv to nuake his way lu the vorld. It iis the business of Hamilton BusWîess Colege and Shorthaud Institute, tu prepare voung men and youug- worm for coin- mercial life. W ben the Colege i-e opens on Sept. 6th, there sliould ho lu atten-. dance a number of y oung people, Irom fOiis district. A. circular containilng ful infiormation can ho liad upon aPplvia flou ta the Principal,C. R. McC ulh Hamilton, Ont. AUCTION SALES. WÉDNnUEs*A,June 15.- MissMceDoUgaiil, Centre St., Bowmanvil le, wili seli l of lier luousehoid [urniture, inciudiug parler, diniug and hcdroom furnishw îugs. Ternis cash. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. L. A. W. ToLE. anctioneor. phntuâ,.luxse 17.-The executors of fli" Estate 0f the late John Goyne, will sel'bv aimetion at the Bowen Hotel, Hlampton,. the farm and resideuce on lot*!&, cou-. 6,. Darlingtou, comprising 105 acres. 'Good buildings, hard and sof t water- and g-ood lorchard. Termns easy. Sale at 2 p. m. _1. A. W. TOLE, auctieneer WEDNESDAYV, Jitue 22-The farm stock and chattelËý of laite Williamt Martin will ho sold, by auction ou lot 20, B. F. Clarke. Sale at 2 p. m. under a chattel motzage. Se'u bilis. D. B. SnMPsosý. Vcndor's Solicit&r. L. A. W. TOLEI, auctionucer. Th~e annmiaf, excursion to the Modfe! Farm and Ontario Agricultural College- at Guelph wil take plae ON FRIflAY1 JUNE 17 under the- aus»pices of the West Durhiam Farmers' Instiftite.. This date is a most favorable tinne for inspectiug flic Farm, being the n luifs mosf attractive and iustruetivPe condi- tion. Naf ouily farmers, but everybody will flnd very mach lu and about the Coliege and grounds, to interest them. The tarmn is aow in fine condition. Tickets good going on p. inu. trains Tliursdav, June 161, and ali trains Fr1- day, June 17; also Speciat Train Jane' 17, as fo]iows. ing at about haif pfice. Hosier., We takeespecial,.p)Éide in having a good selection. Ladies' and Children.'s Hosiery and our trade is., ver/~ larpe in thisline. W& always have special values. We have just placedi juteý stock a speeially nice G3-émaun Stocking, very fine goods, f ast black, seamless fee \,,splieedi ankies and fashioneci, s.pecial pe-r pair'25c. Tan Hose for. Children and Misses, just placed in stock, al prices and, simes-. Our special Une- for- IBEys and Women, ribbed, f asti- color- at 10c per paivr; go like hot cakes. H-ot Weathe--r (%dSo'uods. Blouses in abundouc and flie pricos are se low that ilo-one need go withouft this. most- comtrtable summer garmout. Ladies' Linon Skdrts.hang- uieely, fit well, and very cool, prico on1ly- $1.25. Silk Gloves and Ventilated Corsets ffCromxutonÀ) Orzrandie Muslins .sp&t Musilus, Lawn3,,. ee. .- For Mon wo haveý Linon Coats frora $1.00 up, and Black Lustre Coats, _good quality-at $1-25. Gàood Footwear. At populan- prices is our moffo. WVe waut f0 give aur- enstoniers goods that will give them satisfaction and full value, for tho4x- mouey Specials-this week. Boys' Boston Calf Laced Boots, baud poggod, heavy soles, sizes Il f0 5, special 75e~.' Men'sý Gralied heavy working Boots, baud pegged and rivetted, rogular price-$1.5O, special $1.10. Children's School Laced Boots, sizes 8 f0 10, special 45e per paiîr. Misses' Casco Caif Laeed Boots, stroug school boots, sizos il to 2, spocial for 60Oe per pair. Misses tan Goat Oxford Shoos, J. D. King mnake, spring heel, odd sizes, regalar $1.35, special 65c. elothing, Strangers arc surprised at the large range of clothiug that we carry, o! course as we said lu a former aunouncoment, clothing is comparativoly new with us but we have-sfmnck if riglif, having the riglitgoods, at right prices. ehave suifs aIl sizes froxu blouse suifs for thec lit fie fellows riglit np to meu's lu alszsI you thiuk of getting anythiug in clothiug, give us a look throngh, Special linos of Pauts iu Tweed and Denima. Boys' Kifickers aud Men's Vests. Overails froma 50c, up. Meu's Tweed Pauts fror $ 1.00 up. The clofli- iug wo sou is wcll made and well trim- med, will wear weil aud fit well. Buy your Clothirig at - the WEST END HOUSIi We pay the highest price for ail kinds of fartn produce. John McMurtry, [Ab rxFry] -r rti 1 -L -L ý-L 1 1 ý-i -L -t ý-L New Black Dress Goo0dsý There being such a demand for Black goods thi season e bave had to repllenish our stock and we hiavl just rec~eived a handsome lot of "Pi'iestley's" famou Black goods. You eau feel perfectiy safe in Ibuyini Priestley's, beeause at whatever priceý youw may select th.e 'will give youî the very bclst satisfaction. Priestle-y"s rep> Irtation is worid wide and they cannot afford to 04d anythi-ng but wbat is righ.. Piriestley's fiÏie ail wool wo,,sted cord with ,4,ilk, figure,.4 inches widIeI the newe-t patItern, special $1. ai ya Priestley's Ezi4ora silk warj),ilenrietta, special $125 Priestley's lôreily Brocade,, satin finish, al w'ool, 45 ine-àe wide, special $1.00 per yard. Pries.tley's Paneies in the neweýýt patterns, aIl wool, A.2., t 44 inches- widie,. al wew goods, at 50c, 60cý and 'Îe,' Priestley's BIaek Lustre, very brâiant finish, lovely- goôd, special 759e- p&r yard. Freneh ail wool Bliack Serge,. very fine twillI, 45 inrehesý wide, best- value in CanadIa, usoally sold, f ar 60 p.e~r yard, speciiùl'5@- yer yar d. French iBlack Cashimere, ail woô], satin flnishý. spe«ýi value at 50cý per yard. New Laces. We have just piaced into, stock a very fine lot cof new- laces. Silk Laces in Blàek aind Cream, iiiail widths.J Oriental Laces in GiÈeam and.Butter. Valencienes Laces a lot of new fine goods ail widths. an&I prices. New Moire SshTlho - Uekier,.w,1. , .,Fny SasI Ribbon n R1Taccta Beit, i goodin,.s-