ville. Soleîtor for tiha Ontario leautl. Frîvate noney s loaned ai lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O "FFIGE IN WEST DURH{AM NEWS VBock, wbere blusslf'or iris assistant wiIl befoundfromf ia. . 9 p. in. Nighl cails tl residence. direcîiy opposite Drill Shed. Cuits by, teleeraph or tlephona will receive promspt at- tention. 171 - yr. R.PEATE, TAILO Gentlemen'sClothes made to Order. NEW TAILOR 8110?. rhe oudersiTnad who has beau currying on tihe taiioring business iu conneetien witb Msons Dry Gýoods Store for a number of years lias commancad business for himseif at is moins King St. west, wbere hae is> prepared te make gents and boys suits lu ail the latest stylas, and at lowest prices. For those whe wish to order suits, hae wil carry a full lina of sai s lu1ai the newet patterns. Giva hlm a catiesi J. T. ALLUN, Fâ8htonable Tuler - BOWM ANYIL LE BICYCLE deneraI REPAIR SHOPI w. FisH4LEIGM, Praetteal Machinlst,I'fÔi Màker, . Lock and Gunsmith,j Special Machinery for hundliug Bicyce oRe- paring lu %il its branches, and ail Fine Machin- ery. 4JYCLISTS.-Have your wheels put in trim by a thoroughiy practical machluist. Bicycles, Lawn mewers, Sewing machines, dlocks, Typewriters, Rifles, Cutlery, Locks, Biectrie Beiis, Dental and Surgical Instruments. Saf e Locks, Ironi Steel and Brass work of al kîncis, MARKET BUILDING, Iowmanvi lie ONTARIO BANK Bowmanville Agency. DEPOSITS r dein l Savi nga Bauk Daprmant und un inteeat allowad aI currant r ates. Notie of -witdrawal uecesary. Ail deposits payabi on demand. EXCHTANGE Bought and sold andDrafts issaed n pon Europe, United States and Canada, also &old, Silver and United States Greenbacks bonght and sod COLLECTIONS Promptly made t curet rates upon ail parts of Great B ritain, the United States and the Do- minion of Canada, Telegrapli Transfers Made for large orSrmali aum on ail parts of, Canada. Thinsissýee!ally advartageousto per- soslvng Mantoba or the Ne:ýrth-Weat, il usakesthefun ds availeble at once, ai the place of paymeut." For other partiluarS ati it tt'c hank, J. A. MCCLELLAN, 1 GEO. McGILL, Aceountafli, Manager. merchantable Wool. LEWIS QUICK, 20 - 4w. Boivmanville. TIIE oR M ~ HINOOO REMED PiiOnoCES TIEE EV ai -Itrs i essFiigMmr > Paresis. SteopleSSn, igltiy Emîs- sions, etc., caussd ly past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunkn orgune, and quiictl7 but su-sly restoresa Lst Ma-hood lin.4d or yonna. jeaily arried lu vot pooket. Prices$1.00 a pack sso, Sfi for $5.050 wUfh a sartten guraniee to cue aoe p4woees. ofwrn1ed. Dox'T BUT AN. IMITATIOM, bU- insktR n harina IICAPO If pour d.-ogjt h.s not jR en. tprepaid. flar2jllieEMDY O.,Proprs. Chicago, Ill. or our Agenis. STOTT, & JURY, Chemiets and Druggists,gow. manvilie. A man will die for want of air lu five minutes, for want of Bleep in tua ays, for want Of water in a weck and for' want of food in from twenty to sixty days, from broken heart in less than ten pages, from want of a tire-puncture- pever, HIONEST IIELP FREE TO MEN. Tint CANADIAN STATEsmAN, Bowman- ville, is authorizcd te state by Mr, D Grh= Box 13, Hagcrsville, Ont., thtayma~n who is nerveus and debil- itated' or who la suffering from any of the varions troubles resulting from over work, excesses or abuse, such as uer- vous 'dcbiiity, cxhausted vitality, lest vigor. unnatural drains and losses, lack Of dcvelopment, etc., eau write to hlm in strict confidence and receive FREE 0FF CHARGE fuil instructions how to be thoroughly cnred. Mr. Graham himself was for a long time a suff erer from above troubles and alter trying in vain mnany. advertised remedies, elcctric belts, etc., became ai- mest eutircly discoraged au'd hopleaS. Vin.9,iyh 1,,a fMd in in nId Ceroy- man, ýrh se ind and honest advice en- abled him to obtain a perfect and per- maanent cure. Knowing te his own sorrow, that so many,,poor sufferers:are being imposed upon by unscrupuleus quacks, M r Graham considers t bisý duty as anhonest man and a firmn be- liever in christian sympathy and kind- uess, te give his feilow mén the benefit of his experience and assist them te a cure. llaving uîthing te sdil, he asks no money, the prend satisfaction of haigdone a great service tei one in need, lie rightly considers an ample e- ward for bis touble. If yen write te Mh-. Graham y on can rely upon being eured and upon absolute secrecy as well, Addrcss as above, cnclosîng a stamp and roIer tethe STATESMAN. No atten- tion howcvor will be given te those writing eut of mere cnriesity, therefere state that yen really need a cure. Miss Maud HIedges, Toronto, visited friends here. Mr. Thos. Fielding visited his sister, Mrs. John Rickaby. Mr. John Jackson has been appoint- cd Collector of Rates. Mi ss May Vinson wheeled down from Oshawa Suinday week. Mr. Frank Cole, Haînpton,was recent guest of Mr. 0. A. Gamsby. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Thomas, East Whitby, visited Mr. H. Hooper. Miss VanCamp, Bowmanville, was recent guest of Miss Bertha Jones. Mrs, John llallctt, Wroodbridgc, has been visitinge at Mr. Jas. HaIlett's. Mrs. (14ev.) Chas. Adams, Flinton, is visiting her father, Mr. Edmund Cobble- dick. Mr. T. W. Quinn, Parry Sound, la visiting lis brother-in-law Mr. M. L. Travel le. Mrs. (Dr.) M. M. Tueker, son and daughter, are visiting her parents in Belleville. Miss Florence Reed has a new Me- Çrsjwliççl and Mr, Jas. E. Richards, [a Winhesteirý Mr. T. W. Jackson, we learn,is short- l1 to be gazetted as Deputy Game WVarden for this district. Mr. Geo. Henry, 6th Une, sold to H. Elliott for shipment to Montreal, three fine, young fat'cattie, average 1500 lbs. At a special meeting of Orono Lodge, A. O . U. . June lst seventeen can- didates wcre initiated ty Grand Organ- izer Allen. Mr. Norman Hall, Miss Ethel Foster and Miss Rogers whceled down from Bowmanville and spent Monday week wîth friends here. . Mr. Mayers, the traveller who went over the embankment, with a load of heavy trunks about four years ago, was lu town last week. Mr. Geo. Armstrong, who is guest of Mrs, Armstrong, sr., is manager and one.of the shareholders of the McKin- non Dash Co. of Buffalo and St. Cathar- inca. The wefl known strengthening pro- pete fIon, combined with other is sunerfect nrvine, are. Z 1ound in Carter'gIron PýU illas, -which strengthens the nerves and body, lm- prove the bleod and complexion. Fifty-fenr ycars age this month, Mr. John Finlay landed at Bond flead, Port Newcastle, frem Ireland and with the exception et a couple cf yeara bas ever since resided on the north cf lot 12, 7th con. Mr. Finlay la still buoyant anud appamently has maîîy years cf active lufe ahead of hlm. BRIGuuT's DisEAsE, BEATaN-ý.-Mr.Jobn Ilook, 3 Edward Street, St. Thomas, Otît., writes : "Doans Kidncy Pilla cured mý son cf uncîpient Bright's dis- case. 18e had terrible backaches and night sweats. and always feu tired and worn. Ris nerves were unstrilng, his iep bad and appetite poor. Rec com- m,.ed aking Doans Kîdaey PuIs and la, new eompletely cured. Yoars of Agolly and Rosilits of Kîdney and Feffalo 1,Comlplaints. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Gives Mrs. Stone a New Life. Btrongly Recommends the Medicine that Ban- ished her Trouble. Paine's Celery Compound the Only truie Cure for Kidney Disease. Wells and Richardson ýCo, Gentlemen : For more than twelve and- s-teman'ch troubles, and had been at- tcndcd by five doctors, and tried mcdi- cine aftcr medicine, without any good resulta. My snffring a year ago from kidney and stemach was dreadfni. I waa lu such a state 1 conld net livc,and conclnded there was ne use te try any other meduenes. Il owever, I was ad- viscd te try Paines Celery Compound. Befere I had finishied the first bottle I had improvcd verv much, and after a few more bottîca I had neot been so wcll for manvycars and am now a different persoîl.- The use cf Phincas Celery Compound aise banishel my nervons- nesa, I can therefore recommend Paineas Celery Comnpound ito any eue suffcring from kidney- , female and ste- mach troubles . Yonrs truiy, MRS. GEO. STOSE, Egans ville, Ont. MCCLURE'S MAGAZiNE tor June la f ully illustrated with portraits of Cuban rui- ors and leaders and pictures of Cubait scenca and incidenta Stephen Bonsal, writing from Admirai Sampson's flag- ship, the very centre of operations, tells the story of the movements and adveu- turcs of the blockading- fleet ; James Barnes contributes some stiring "Songs of the Ship.s of Steel"; Josephi Earle Stevens wrîtes of Manila ont of his own experience as a resident tiacre. There is other war matter in the number. TuiE S. S. MCCLU1tE Co., 141-155 E. 25th Street, New York. FOR OVER FWÈT Y YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrup bas beanu sed by, miltions of moîhers for ibeir chldren wbite teetiig. If disturbed ut nigbi and breken cf your resi by a sick cbitd snflertog and ry ng with the pain of cutiing teeib seud ut ence and get betiecf rs.Winiow' Sethng Y'u fer CbitlrenofTeetioin lws'li reli- Setbep folittasufrer uethone. Tetnd oponlletherso iheretlane mistakea bQutit. Il cures Diarrboea regutates tbe stosnuch and beweis, cures Wiud Cetle, sciIons the gums, reducas Iiufammation. and gives tan e ana esergy te the wbete sysiem. Mrs. Wînsiows' Seotbîng Syrup fer chitdren teetbing ispleusant te the tasie andi 1. the pre- scription cf oeaof the oldesi andi best femais hs'clans ad nurses ln the Unied States. lîe25e btte Sold by ail drugglsts tbre, gh- oni the worid. Be sure andi asit for Mrs. %v ut- SLOWS' Sootbing Syrup, It is stated Harley and John David- son will ride on the Michigan State cir- cuit. That weakness peculiar to spring time is net laziness,ît indicates the need of toninlg up. Miller's Compound Iron Pilis wiil bring strength and vira to ail such cases. CO0 doses 25 cents, There are65Obicycle manufacturers in Great Britain who are tumning out 2,850 different brands of bicycles. DiARRRiESA la too dangerous to neg- lect. Have it promptly checked by Dr. Fowlcr's Extract of Wild Strawberry. cures diarrhoea, colle, cramps and ail bowuel complaints. There areinow about 90,000,Germans cmployed on bicycles showing an in- crease of 35,000 over 1996. Wck ontitutions arc built up by, Miller's Ceond rnls otr say tiuey arc the best tenic after sickncss Tlîey make the weak streng Good.for Evil.-He: "Jack is an en- thusiastic wheelman. He even argues that the bicycle of ton benefits the ped- estrian who is mun over. She: "How" Hec. " By emphasizing the fact lie opght te ride, and thus inducing hlm te get a machine. Asic your grocer ror BURDOCK:BITT.S ~00000 C 00 I ad OOLDS The Ca"=ie Remedy for a TR ANDAx LUNO AFfECTION-SI Lauge Bottles, 25 cents. DAVIS & LÂWRIENCE CC., Ling~t.d, Prop!.. Parry Davise Pain Xlir. New York Montreai Do You wish To Purchasa A House? Do No0't corne ta Rickard. But if you do wish to purchase some nice useful article fer use in à~ house corne right here. There are Cloeks for your Parlor, fpr,, your Scwing Room, for your Kitchen, for your Hall and for your Bedroom. Kniives, Forks and Spoons for your Table and not a piece but what is reliable will be sold you. For Presents,-Tea Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cake Plates, Pie Plates, and every kind of thing in Silver Plate. A great many pretty articles iii Ware are kept iu Stirling Sil-rer and the prices are withiu your reach. Ail kinds of JewelleryRepairs and Watcli Repairing done by T. N. Riekard wiIl be donc well. I$n in Canada more competent. f T. N. RIC";KARD, Jeweller anC' Optician, Bowmanviile, Three doors East pf"Standlard Bank". Grocers' due bis taken as cash. SICK HEADACHE,however annov-inz and distressing, is pOsitiveliy cured b]Y Laxa-Livea Pils. They are teasy teý take and nes er gripe. t,,ý,jtinttes te de a Generai Banking BuSinem a t IL' 'Da' 'y De, 1 L,311li-S a TI el M, fil uUL i years Lwas amicted vnth i and elood iieaith tomows, the use of! f.1.1 p. 1 ' ý < a t-" -1- 1- 1-1-. -e ý Il ýl -L LI L-L 1 UËLIÀBLÊ OFFER.