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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1898, p. 1

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lit lutesmau. T1RSuS.5wu ~K OtU TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST ; T»Z WORLD APTICRWADS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO0, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1898. VO"MXV;o. 25. TUIE FA.RMERS' EXCURîSION. tory character of the day's ou'ting.A tobtorna tecw;tky i o ~the Colege they were enter acd yse the widow,or know she was milking Mr. M. A. James. Bowmanville, Who the President aild Mrs. Mills at their the cow ni e g ath managed the Farmers' Excursion residence and Prof, H-.L.flutt y got astheth * imt;hii ppero since hak;t he =vrtb= faas gauidabins-. of tezs witil the widowwsle farmh and ids. ph ysician at the time and respected lier, day the excursion to Guelph ayb Government institution and. farm. No aged and respectable lady, calledas a caled a very fair success. The uyi better or more profitable place for witness by Mrs. MeLean, corroborated semto understand that when hie an- farmers and their families to visit can their story as to the horse not stopping noýseae xusinmdrbi esn be found in Canada. Nothing what- at the widow's cow antxcursinud is eron a- eor occurred durîng the day te mar Counsel for Dr. Fish contended tliaf * ronage. th pleasure of the excursionists the widow was using the highway in aThe, special train of eigbt coaches that an nnlawful mariner and thiat Dr. Fish "gm'raJ was lawfully usrng if, and that it wonld ralthrough from Grafton was comfort- A CARtTWRIIGHT DOCTOIS LEGAL be necessarv for the plaintiff, apart 0~* n the Royal City about 10:0 a inFT rm establishing the.truthfnlness f lier il.,rios were reatyed t mpuo uch te 0n th theas Orhly am sa d wiceshusbicit, eesta t. opaie olsnrJde golDs art- i better th a s biesheldta s huh 1W oetriclare.exorionsweretherCe ea nat hon tesid th insn th a t ieon * of thoWesde Durba"inaexcursionactsonthus nll eesthtd a 000persons lueenncghf hthh ept ila emBlar,1885 Mri. TeR. .Loce appd e ared wa inothe le ierco waistndng n fontohCouselbaiSoicier orMrs Mcea wed te Go-vedlalrets eense. ber honedato ri ht néo thde Drhigh- and r D. B.ison orD gv r itt ~ reidntJaesMiîs M A, L.D. a, nthe wains oittie Con tnourtjdmn ae n gave ersa tenturion to the luncheaon side o n the o quitan peaeabon DM.INI O DAY A IIA redO as of£ ~àNI A ' iw n thecose gurav extheuvsosoaut +ihdraing ofthe 2lacete lud roM its eladSoiio frMs.ML a u u xv u w i v i~~notE ucdressthwor2000tbeConsleged capariousuddarstebadngein frof o2i th e pa: fe a heGveneducton gien b e. te rboadewayt oi ngé theud fit vearyer.DB.moson for30 .F. ad7p * la~~~~~~~~~~re ad efent taffomercos Mlis su.,ppoD, a ashe a siedtind a muon. petahenîn b coi ad eh gaperly attfrentson tedlu his sriedtfe w moueta terards underMIIea Derbi Y rA. BMT.dr andreat ahricltserave thou tore idthaite lo!a hoe a nelud vr m an oletinifcore If so,~~~~~~~~Iv1 JOIS O IY ER .ANivt o oisp hi rf At h Zdai, B. S. A., heonthe rback ofutl o auditshe on ibe O rda-e m ion 0 D0ayM.uad 71p ducts the field experiments, escorted into ber face. She ivas se startled by a ricli treat will await the public.- At new stock which they have justrecei ed direct fromn the manufacturers, the farmers ini large companies ever the the occurrence that she' had barely Hamptoui's pcipnlar sea-side resort"- Sfields and made lis department of the strength te enable hier te get into ber Willow Point-a real old-time Cornisb. bth iEnglish and Canadian. werivey istructive. The farm is now bouse with the milk, upon reaching tea party will ie preceded by a rare lit- bo in very splenidid condition for inspection. which conscieusness lef v er, black erary programn given by the school and A verv pleasing episode occrred i darkriess surrounded er, and she fell a quartette of ministers; Revs. J J. soc o al ins frm ahea Jute up to the finest ]russels the Dairy School iu the afternoon. lin On the floor, from whiceh she a! terwards Rae, E. E. Howard, S. G. Rorke and H. Decemiber last at three Farmers' Insti. managed to drag lierself ta a lounige Thomas. The greatest attraction for imprte.. ls UnonWol ad Tnin At Suaes n al ize uptotute meetings iu West Durhiam Miss where she walted absotuteWly elpless the children wiii be the soldier boys Laura Rose, Instructor in the Dairv nutil the returu of lier daumhe; bofrmOsaate os rigaeo forb îey rs chool, Guelph, was eue of the Gever -amnîee e irwns 7he widow Me'caif st. churcli who with their rifles fou b fveyads ~ment delegation and se highly pleased added that failing to hear the carniage and regimentals will give an exhibition were the members liere that at the an- in its close approach, was causedl by the of fancy drilli' as the soldiers do iW" Diec fromi the makers in Lo don a lot of Linoleum, the cleanest and nual meeting tbey took fermai action te drîver having with the intent of frigliten- Don't mîiss thîs, boys. Other induce- Diarectw te atsfctont.y rt ig and aunoying lier driven off the inents are foot-bal! and other sports, most durable coveriug for kitchen floors. 7 A coinmittee was appointed te draft a road on te tbe rss se as te corne upon free boating on Lake Elliott, etc., etc. ,nitblereslutonstrngl apre~no.lier quietly. 'ilie herse she said stopp- Tea will be served by the ladies frein of ~~~uthe Ge re nt'ation rnlu seprNdnlý ed mtien it came te the cow and reach- o'lctiialrefd Anii es range of LceCurtains, l newdsgnf rom 25c per pair euto th Gclver lady becturerin seondFnn- ed its head over bier back and pushed4 'octilalrefd .~ i m ns ac il dif day at ternoon the theuglit occurred te its nose jute her face.when she svrang hAls, heiampone-oik neye o is ~~ v~eî'y ~~rne goods. ~~ eue of the members, that the resolution up and saw that it was Dr. W. A. Fish he, teel u-a oet oiw inigit e pblily pesetedte issWhe was the awful offender, as lie had A granei higli class concert-musical- No bttervalu sho n Inany f te abve ues b anyhous ose,ut tbe Dafry Shool. The Secret- charge of the relis, and lie liad with l berrv-etlieTican ori Osiautwa, No etervale ho n i ay f te boe lDe b an ,hus i ary inivited sucli members as were hlm eune James Bailey who Qeeing that oiveul by stars fromToooOsa, Canada. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ""' ~~~preset in the building ta the front, andthyaducesuycrreetthi wmnvlOrnadTrnente CaanaduoaM...A.Jae Vc intentions and fully alarmed lier tliey churcli at 8 %'CIoksap e ag Preside, te ,,cali the meeting to order, laughed at lier and drove 'on, butpeater5cfor filrti5ý crn.v ic.o Co cido ils o l & Cr d rla and'explain the mafter. The buildingstr:nge to athco ermvd, aadC3eEeVbag eec h lut, o n ýed Mr H.f C Her, sujffernn2 follewing this lne,«elt ; that and eiijoy a big day's pleasurê t eecrtaJobwo rnd hisresînvonfroni a srreng able weman she had de-f"' r reIy rioett: and was net able te successfully carry nutrs'tition - Th i s indo ic eofplte on lier old time trade of a w'.eaver ; that ntii .Tessese uhpol BewmaurvillejJune 7th, .1898 - betore tbis incident she liad beeei able crave nourishment and dont get t; Miýss RoeDairy School, Guelph, Ont. te earn $100 a yenr, but ai ter ibis sîîe althoughioveiworkiiîug tlïeilr digestive the ar strvig.slowiy becuvuse what DEAn, MADAm,-We beg leave te ask bad become so.weak that lier earing i- ar loi assil)-ii1aîe Miller's as a favo)r your acceptance e! ance- pithud decreased to a point wiïichi te eat do 11W OPRCREA IEE. pression frem our members ef our bearty PZe could net deflrýe. Shie told His Compoiind Iron Pis invease the, tow- etO HouerUR oWHEI. rs of digestion and as.-imilatioti, so NOVL AY O ROCREA FRS CLSsive addresses giveri iast year ut the hauds o! Dr. McKibbon Who lîad treat- that the full benefit is derived front INEw $75 HIGH GRADE BicycLE. meetiiin-s of West Durhiam Farrùers' lu ed ber and had run up a bill of $25 wht1 aeTi i oiebel ý stiubýýied a Bomanile. ron an agins lir vhih se hll o fr bencreased weight and strength, aud tbe a v eo u Te Tmes ublshin Copany Blekýïtk;and lu tbis connection we unable te pav,and she asked His Houer general -feeling o! comUuôt that follow the dma o'their use. See o r e'v in s t ae,198mdl ailthee îàtest Institutesfor Ontario te give us the by Dr. eidec adce h Iai hSPRATIN(; FRUIT.TREIES. men, te any man, womnau, boy or gMr meetings at the sa me places this year. Dr.' MeKiblien and Dr. Fisli were viii-1 The Ontario Department ef Agrieul- wlio wilb send lu a club o! 85 paîd sub- Ricui. ERowN, Clarke, age ias for the faver et Cartwright ture lias been giving instruction in F or s *ring ?scribens te the Duiiv 'Cîmes ut $3.00 per GEo. A.ý STKPEENS, alnt, Coni. inhabitauts lu the liue o! their profess spra.yiing fruit trees ut thirty orchards F~ r S r n 'year, Cor 65 paid. subscribers for 6 W.MOtlUNTJOY, Cartwrighit, ion as physiciaus; that their rivalryliud lu dufferent parts of the Province. Be. otsat$150, or 130 fer 8 menths at ArrEnsTE»: assnmed sncb proportions that net satis- ports sent te Mr. Orr,Superintendent mn Do not fail to cail and see what we have ini Furniture. 75c,) or the sainie wiîeel for a Club o! 100 H. C. b1(An, Secretary. fled with attemptiuig Vo estahbili thoir charge o this work, hv just been ItW l1pa ou for we are offering the best and cheapest uiscribers te the Weekl 'y Times at 85e M. A. JAýmES, Vice-President. superionitv liv the successfui m'nage- received ut the Departmout, te the IIt Wl I~~~LY y per year. Club gettevsw have the nriv- W tDulamFrmr' ntiue.mnto cases eutrnsted te them tey effect that fungus is now appearing up- line of Furniture ever betore seen in these parts. elege of sniz part Daily and part Asteato !npeettvso leha ut times resorted te thé apiation on apple and peur trees, aud threateng notruleseit wsquteiprmtu is ose rs wip teechpass- te do extensive injury te these creps un- avig bugh vey Irgey t agoo dicout fom e ecune subs-îiptiens te thes aes Sceywsqut mrmtugisRs in their respective carniages, ne boss clecked ut once by sprayirîg. -ri ont f ougtbusiness, wt god iscountd som a s te r qat n uthe country. vs ry mucb h rnied y hi t wîth the inîtention o! disfiaying sect eneniies aise are morenenous, - wlolesale firm going oo bsnes ou Smpo, oeterwthsbsritense tedth trinad te n ex- fotitudo lu faciug pain. It aise thau usual tbis year. - ,Apples, -with ti Samples, togther with eutcrin toissstory undthenttiin cross-e-eaceetionePoi0 theOSpy, S have-setsetewl1a ad bargaifls. Cal n ei saw y lauetoso rs eto plctocllent respenso. After ackuewbedgiïng oxaminatien ofthewidowandIDr.McKib- where properly cared for thene is profil goodsMX heels willie shipped sainie day list the klundness o! the West Durham bon by theCounsel fer Dr. Fish that the ise e! a g00d Crop. lu spnay'lng appie od.of subscribers is nocived ut the Times people, in thus recognizing brsrie io udntbogi lier asioertviresceesec o pe etespue Office- 18-10w. te the Institute, she made a capital w18 menot ftertectidouni atreesBo checkx mixtren!, adas ot, ugî judertaking spechteth fumesad armrswîesfew weeks a!tor Dr. Fish had compebled Copper Suilphate.4.- pounds. ateto a o REVA AUGH, L. D. S. on the importance of gamuin~ ail the lier te puy lis accournt; thut Dr Mc- Lime fesh)......4 Apoundcls. always receives prompt and personal tetin'ý rFEE A knowledge they can ou he1s jeets lin. bin lad made hîmsel! very bùsv lu 1 water ...40 gallons. RAS OPENED which tliey are most interesteti and clos- 1eto il h ae htleha upn p&silael W uight. ~~~~~~~~~A Dental Office lu the Roonis above edo rxaksb srn apae il. ent'le widew on occasions from glos tw T h is xuay b loie u themi te scrid their sons aud dauglitens îBlacks-tock te Bowmanviile lu order te by puttin- lu a bag et coarse mnaterial, M. . W LLIA IS & 5 ID WILIASS ~ tethçDaiy Shoo, i oxly or shrtconsuit lier solicitor, that when the and Phanig i t soas t) e )c cver<id b~ time, widow reýeived lettons !rom lier solicitonr the water. Siake thIc limie ln alcut the fi o W L IuM.Waugh bssetfu years ina Xýým ictand, M, New cte doector recoivcd a viiitfri the sainie uantity of water. Thon imix the Agellts fo&oiinOgn nd ins First-class Toronto Office and le prepar - Cewiuty Councillor, -made a short speech widow; lliat the Dr. wont te different two, and add the forty gallons o! wa ter. BWAVILLE. cd te do modern Dentistry ut moderate COMnudatOry Of whut had lieudrepople te wonk up evidence against Dr. Warin water wibl dissolve the copper ocrrn rthe advice t iknad donco ey nes qlhtelloe edlthauncold wtr rate. Mss oseaftt seinglie gointenest in making Dr. Fieli properly If the lime is at ail dirty, strainth Goid plates, Crown and enidge wenk the precese! actai butternmaking be- ric-imburse the widow for lier lo2s. The lime solutinn. a spocialty. fore tlîat audience aud istulu igte ler nefenence te thec daim o! thc widow and BOWMANVILLE. . explafuations, whys aud where res, for hen ste ry by the Counsel for Dr- Fisli WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST P o_______u_________ the syseni she advocated. wrasumusiuig aithougli rendered in a, AFREE Auiûng thc promirnt public meu and SMiOUs wuy. Ho saîd that te lielieve ~ ,TY'~ f~f HIP farinons frein this district present when thèé widow's stery required a belle! in a Ta'aveiod Extencivoly Threughouàt tile SCIMIIMIRSHIP tbisceremeniy took lace were: Mesgrr. conspiracy on the part e! Dr. Fish, bis Previnoes-Interact[ng Statemente = = nom T. B. Carlow, Wardeli of the United herse sud thec cw,as without the assiet cn*ig lExein. la A 111gh Grade BUSINESS COLLEGE Coutiis of Northumberland and Dur- auce ofet aci eue thc incident nover r a i le sworth wlnning. Entrance and Leavi ghum, ceil F. MacNac-httn. Counties' couid have hnppened., Dr. Fisb liad to STELLARTON, N. 5.-James R. Mu#z5yo Cancies rth e ear, hy inarîtn hato he Cberk, Jamles Hlunter, Viceý-President, drive the herse ou te the grass; the cow a well kuewn violilist, of hs place, wlno Mnst. .have. .more ..m...i.. ..han. ... Clnrkeý.Asa Cloute, JohuHl. Devitt.and lad te lot VIe he)gk rse apuc nnet aeîdetesveytnegf. h rnoliu & U.

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