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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1898, p. 2

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theS main part ignored i 1 As ini a riot the inayor plants a battery ai the end of li fiûm IM & R IE the street and bas it fired off, ota The Loadlng Specalsts of AmerIoa everything is et down tbat happens t 20 Yars n Dtroi. * stand in thc range, the good as weii as 20 YirsIn otrît.the bad, sa there are mnen lu the church 250,000_Cured. who plant their batteries of condernnation VECUR ST ICT RE ttiing is condemnned. Thov taik as ifthey Thousands of Young and middle-aged bloc uniform, Ilke the chilren e f an men are troubied with thls ciseae-many orphnayuadmrhdvntept unconscioiisiy. They inay have a smart,- , pa simad àrhdontep Siiig sensation, amal, twisting* strca, of lire Vo the tue of the dead imarch in sharp outting pains at times. sight dis- "Saul" They baie a blue sash, or a rose- charge, difficulty in commencing. weait bud in the hair, or a tisseied gaiter, and organe, emissions. and &Il the symitois i a man alimost ready for the lunatie of nervous debiity-they have S ItC- t TURE. Don'tlet doctors experimenton asylum who utters a coniiudrum. You. ly outting, stretchins, or tearing A Giori ous Work. Yeu. Tiis winlnot cure you, as it wilre- tom. Our NEW MET110D TREAT- Young Men's Chiristian associations of MENT absorbe the striture tissue-, the country are doing a glaons work, henceremoves the stnicturepermanontly. Tiiey have fine reading rooins, and ail the It eau neyer return. No pain, Do snffer- ing, no detention from business hi Our influences arc of the best klud, and are method. The sexualorgaus are strength- now addin g gymnuasium s and bowling ened. The nerves are invigorated. and alîeys, where without auy evil surronid- the lissof anhod rturn. igs our young mon may get Physical as WFE UREGLE T -l as spiituali inprovemeit. We are 10Thousands of young and middle-aged dwindling away ta a narrow ches-e, mon are having their sexual viser and weak armed, feobie voiced race when vtality continually sapped by this dis- God calis us ta a work which ho wants case. Theyv are frequeutly unconscious iyiaaswlasprtultheu.I of the cause of these symptoms. Goneral hscla dla prta tits Woakness, Unnaturai Dîsehargos, Fail- woull ta God that the time mîlght soon lng Manhood, Nervousuess, Poor Mem- corne when inu ail cur coliege$ and thea- on., Irritability at trnes SmartiugeSn. logical scîinaries, as ai Princeton, a sation, Sunkon les, withdar cireles. Weak Bacit, enerai Depression, Lac gymnasium shall ho established. We SOf Ambitio aricocle Shrnken speud savon yoars af hard study lu pre- Parts etc. GLEET and S8RItUIRE aaonfrtemnsyadcreou Maybe the cause. Don't cons i aily pr infrtemnsr i on u doctors, as they have no exp erl nlu with branchitis and dcyspepsia and liver these epecial diseass-don't allow complaint, and then crawl up into the Quacke to exrarennnt en îou. Con suit puîlolt and the people say. "Doae'n 't he ~~~Leuav iade aiife etudyo ok evnly1 b 'u olooks sickiy. Diseaýs of Men and WoMon. Our1NW lokhae bcu o MMTHttD)TRUATIMENT wilil 0a« Let the chureh of Gad direct rather than *tiveiy tare yen. One thousand dolars; attonipt ta enpprèss the desino for amuse- *for a, case we acecept for treatmont and mn.Tebe unta h el vr cannot cure. Trimoderato fora cure, et h etmnta h ol vr Pà knew have had their sports. Williàa CURES GUARANTEEDP Wleroc tnundled haop with his chli- W. troat and( cure. EMISSIONS, dren; Martin Luther helpe4 dress the VARICIXIELE, SYPHILIS. GLEET. Chrttmas tree; mînisters have pitched STRICTIURE. IýPOTENiYY. SECRET 5 queits; philanthropists have gonîe a shat- *DRAINS fUIJNATURAL DISCHAR ug rm ii-r aepae al ESKI1ýY sud LAPPER Dise&ses. e;prm iitesbv tae ai CONSULT£,ATlN FREE. BOOS Our ommunities are 91lied with n PREE. If nable to alia,.write for and woron Who bave la thoir seuls un- QUBSTION BLAJNK fer jHO Emcasured rosouroes ta.r sportfulnosiq anai ~ RATMNT.frolilo Show me a mnan whQ e or lighte up wlth sportfuinees andi hai ne eympathy nv-L NEDY , KE GAN with the recreations of othe;s, ad I eill Cor. Idichigan Ave. and Shelby Stý so o a woi tmln block to tho kingdom of Gad. Such ian DETrROIT, 111M. are caricatures of religion. They load youing people te tiint"et a maln me ;b S 'f good lu proportâon as ho grean n frowns and looks sallaw, andt tâut thI. hoght of a mi-a's Chistiasi stature is ln proportion to the leîlgth of hie ;fiio. i would. tpade off 110 euoh nMeta for Le 1 A DA S ~bnîglit facd, radiant Christiau o Wiios face are tke womds, "Rejoice evrmr ti Every morning by bis choonrful facehi TUTTI p Fhzb sros.1UTTg lite AIDS DGES ~and say that 1 have no confidence in a man who muakos a religion of hie gloomny A vrey flryhu ooks. That kind af a man aiwaystun .e~I JicCIiS out 1badIy. I would net want hlm for tii are -Th L !ses Ircr , u fu ,ToAtroasurer of an ornhan aevum. l'2rtti Jum 3et ,.e t~ rphans would sufer. Among 40 peéple Whom I roceive4 iteI the church at one communion, theuqe was IVI ! ' ~ li N onîv aone sapplicant of whose piety I a y.'CURtE suspicions. Ho, had the. long est story t Ie-tell, had scen the most visions aud gave todis- an experionce g0 o woderfl that a>i the -. oer applicauts were, discoueaged, I was r'5", ,u .net eurprlaed th. yoar aftûr t a an that t.,.!, ýn oe i he had run off with the flinde of the Ln- aSkwigs bhsch ews oct h r i sae ths u5h. p lganp 5;, C'l .in roaces 1Wt fe to sk eatmi D.IC. i'lils of hoaven a-chiming. Thare anc cie persans who, wiues tal'king teaý THE BS MOE INÜT ii nîsten, always feel itpoilta ato k' Cau do n oo efor yoa in the. war 0f oomfotable gb1u.Go forth, O ppete yon b il, and good meas thaa the Frianklin I louae. RE4ess u u.pep 81.oto$2.4o. Woodwrdsand efferson AvenmeeSaîly i ýwfnl amusement. GoDd euns yetah ~ate at ama Steee, ~etcl, bicha*ppy. But wl»ermthere ane .U.maY sources of innuocent vloaswo whbg tamiler Danger of Unrestrained Amusement, Still funther, those. amusements anc wrong which IeaLd into expendituno ho- yond youn mnans. Money spent lu recrea- tion is not thra'sn away. It le ail foliy for us te corne fromn a place' o! amuse- nient feeling that. we have wasied aur money anýd lime. Yen may by ht have made an invostinent wonth more than the transaction that yielded yen $100 te $1,00 0. But how many propertiis have been nriddied by costiy amusemients? The table lias beau rebbad ta pay the club. The chanmpagnelias cheated tho chldren'e ,Wardnobe. The oanonsing partyibahumn- cii up the boy's primer. The tablccloth o f tfie. cerner saloon la lu debi ta the wif's fadefi dross. Excursions uhat lu a day make a tour aronnd a whia mnonthls wages, ladies whose lifetime busàiness iA is ta "go shopping," bave their caùuter- part in uneducsted childreu, bauknupt- ries that shock the ee iieletand appail tho church and that soud drunken- ness stagganing across the nlohly figured carpet of the mansion'and dashiuoe ie the mirrer, sud drowniug ou the carol, of music witb thie wheeping of hîeated sans came homo te break their old mather's hent. When meo geite sun se- montis that they canniio affordthbey tinet bro whai lhey cannot cerfrh, Sud thon thysteal what thoy om=mot borrow. First thoy go luta mo 'asmn u thon inta, thef t, sud when a ruan gete as far ou2a liai h'O 4oos not stop short of theý pnonir.Thore le net a priSon in iii. land whoea thero are iiot victime ai îmaumtilbed aimisements. Iaw cf tan I have Jhzd parents coane te me sud ask me to go asud bog ihair boy off froin the con- sequeuce of crimes that io had commit- ted âgalnetl hs amplyr-the laking of fui,"- eut cf lie puey W1 ti, r the "usr'ngmnsçf jhe a"coua-"i IWhy, ho lied salary elionghîte psy ah blwful ex- pOuditure, but pot enough saary ta muei 1is s~iul At h d a uansud again1 ae on ndim1 aidfr h lion unaivaiiug. Ilo Hebnlhtly lia path of iua'oeeaad ariumement opens! The ronflg t maeys: "N2OW 1 Iarn off !far M good liwe. Noecr mi*d ctoouuy. lilgel moi%6y-souaehow. MW"ts a fiue raadl Whai a beutiful day tsmnpike! Cbznè, baye, .111 igli your gbasses! Drink Long life, health, pie uiy of rides jusl 1ke tus t!" Iardworking zis.on Irear the cdaller eofliheeeim look Up sud ftai: 1'Why, I wandor -where, thbse fellows geltheir movoy treitWe 'bave te tili sud drucige. Thoy do nath- iug." Te those geymon litega ibnili and anexcitoment., They stare4tlother peopleansd ln ti4ri2 are Risred at. The wtei daminjingles. The cup foàms., The. chieoks flush. The eyes flash. Tho mid- nii h ears their guffaw. They swaggor. They jostl* dorent mon on lie aidewalk. 1Thoy taire the naine af God ino vain. They paredy the, hyzau they bearrncd ai wocr uthr's knao, sud t&.0a1 pictures or coming di&aater ûbe7 èry out, "Who aniop"sd te 1he. qaunsol et sema Chei.- hIan fnleud, -"Who are yuim?" Passîag atonrg tho Street sonne niglit Y>-iul Ùeai' kkY gragshop, the attle of the w*ýamâu'@ elub, lia rush of Wt pollce.. W:t le i.Malter uvo'w? Ohi, thl.s rock. le .uug iman bas booj ikl.d lu a grog- iiiii subi Icarryhfm ihors. ta es h ie ment by the companiouehip into whch they put you. If you belong ta an organi- zation where vou have te associate vvith the Intemperate, with the unclean, With the abandoned, hoivever well they nmay be dresscd. in the naine of God quit it. 'Ihey will despoil your nature. They will undermine yonn moral chanacter. They wili drop you wben yau are dostroyod. They wiil not give one cent to support your children when you arc dead. They will weop not one tean ai youn huril. They will chucitie ovor youn damnation, But the day cornes wheu the men who have exerted evil influence *Ùpon their feilows wii ie br bonght ta jufiguent. Scene, the last day. Stage, the rocking earth. Enter dukos, lords, kiugs, beggars, clowns. No sword. No tinsel. No crewn. For footlights, the btindling flames ai a world. For orchestra, the trumpets that wake the dead. For gallery, the clouds flled with augel spectators. For appiause, the oiappiîîg floods of thc Cea. For cur- tains, the heavens roiied. together as a soroil. For- tragedy, the doom of the de- strayod. For farce, the offort te serve the werld anîd God at the sanie urne. Fer the last scone ai the fiîbh act, the tramp of nations across the stage, some te the right,. others ta the left. Again, any amrusement that gives yeu a distasto for doinestie lufe is bad. Hovo mauy bnight domeetic cincies have been broiten up by sinful amusements? The fathen went off, the motber went off, the chid. went off, There are aIl round ns the fragments of blasted. househoîds. Oh, if you have waudercd away, I would liko te chanun yen bacit by the sound of that one word, "Hlome." Do yeu nat kuow that yen have but littde more trnie te givo ta dom estio welfare? Do yeu net soos, fatuer, thdi yaur children are sean te go ont !,ite the World, and ail the infli-.nce for good yau are te have aven thora' en must have now? Death, wll break lu ou 'your conjugal relations, aud, alas if yen have ta stnd over the grave of ane ,Who perishçd (1fmom your negieci.' I saw a waywari 1 huband standing ai the deathbed of! lis Christian w1fe, and I ýoaWhan point te a ring on berfingor and. hoard hon say ta bier husband, "De yen sec that ring?" He repicd, "Yos, I ee _I. " "Weli, " eaid she, "de yeu remâtuber Who put il thore?" "Y s' aid ho, "I put ht there." And ail the past seemed te rush upan him. By the îmemory of that day whcu lu the presence ai mon and angels yen pramiaesi te ho feithini lu joe and sorrow -sud lu eicknes aud ln healih; by thobe mMry aof tloso plesnt hoiurs wveeyon eat together in yaur uew hoioFtiking of a ýbright futuire; lu the crudle and lihe excited beur whon eue life Was spafed and aohrgiren; by liat sioktbed, wha-,nii. jitýt1.eue iîflted up th. hande and eoalled fur 1holp and yecmknew ho rhuçst d(ieansd beput orne arw around eacli of your anck sd hronght yon Vcry near togotior in tuat cdyikmg xie; by~ the --lte rae in h a-- e neêver think ai wlthout a rush ei teans; by lia famuiiy Bile, whore inItlisoriesi of hoavomfly loe WLe h.brie! but eopres-' slw record ocf birtha anci deathe; hy the negiecte of the pasi and, by tho agonies of the future; by a judgxaent day whon hue- bandesand wives, paroente snd chikinen, in immortel groupe wibi stand te bo caught up lu ahinîng array ir te shrink dowu luta darkaess-by al l tai 1 beg yiou te gîve homo your hast affections. 1 looek iluair 0705 tob-day, and I ask yen the question t-hat Gehazi askcofathei Shunammite: "Je il Weil witî heeq l It wall wi4th thy huebanfile il wtl i tl tluy chili?' God grarnl that Yt may be evcnlasiingly Weil 1 DecrdiagDeti7 Lot meo say taea&l yuia mo% yoiur style of amusement wii decide ,0oi mrilnal deim4y. One uight I saw a yauaýrg man aM a etruoet ctr e videntiy *oubteug-a as ta whioh direcîtici o bel adb*ttestke.H hsd hie hat lifted higi eneugx e o could neo h ad an ln4eierntlofrgead. Theo Mîglt Time for Werk. This stary i15 ld of su occentrIe preachor. On. day, on visiting tie churcli, ho found a whitowaser ai wark lu lie church celler, snd, le ils barrer, the. in was whisii ing a vcry llveiy air as ho i4'd. The proacher roprovod hum was out of plaCce lin sucli anl difice, ervn If il was lu the cller. "Bog yonr par- don! " said lthe whtewasher. 'lI ,forgot wiere 1 was' ÂeAnd tien, îI.eshow lie was sorry, ho staniofi le whietliug 1"«Old Humd- rod."' His hand, of course, kepi time to tie music, sud, "Old H1undred " unado tho whiewash bmnsh go woudonfully slow. The preacier watcied hlm fer s few minutes; thon lie cied: "Oh, go back tot your danc lune, or the job will nover ho doue 1" Cost of Auterican Wars. The otisuiated cost of Amenican wars is as follows: Revolntionany war, 17751-82, $1M11,193,O000: war with Great Biintau's, 181-11, 10.1 00O0; Mcxican war, 1841 4, lOh.Ob.00;civil wTar, 18(51-61, <atsid,,s lu Fur l'racle. More th-în 1OOr)UOO cals' ekins are ueod every year in t-he furi trade (Down stairs), BOWMANVILLE, ~'soo GIVEN AWAII A This la NOT a OUESS or PUZZLE SCJIEME A-but a STRAlGtIT BUSINESS propobitlejn. A beautitui Present toe veryone-FRELI i eahpreCONDITON: To each pe scsnding us a cents ilu vri for 3moaths subscriptiOn tea TIsa GENTLJItN ,FARMER MAGAZINE, te incinde the beaiui S"Special"' Christmas niumber,' we wili iii Aauy oneof the foileiowug resents yen ny select PRRE: A heautiu uooc Viçcà"r1 oliu(li-aest no 1 1iy Afor lady or gentleman) vaieed at $Ims. oý AKlondike Diansend Scant Pin-a perfeci e, <-valueat ai1,25, OnrSNoeeS 01 tise L A .heet Music (Instrumental sud Vocal) value % t $x.25. (A Vainle cf $1.50 Ion 25C.) AYou sisculd take advatagleof et tbAfe AAT ONCE, Gentleman Farmer Maéazins A Ns tise llndsomest Farm Magazine I A In Amerlos is vced waia ýiatae o i a iii s¶ad Aix2despensihle vis5 t 'tcry fa;ni £reside. A Instructive ond Interesting tu te frmirs of every lai 0 n Dollar a Veer. Ton Cents a cOpýYv ABrother Jonathsan PtiLsliing Co., AMasmimttan Buildi. The very best Maehine Oil at i ]Lk- ard's.

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