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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1898, p. 5

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Bristies Anti cash beiug scarce many a family lias matie the olti woen -out flair Brush .lest meontis alter month until there is ne life le! t iu it. The time wheu sucli econoiny is to be rewartieti las arrived. Times are botter and bristles are tiown AT OUR STORES. By buying lu large quantities for our 3 stores we cen save Editoriai notes on an inside page.. Churches were well attendeti lest Sunday. Annual report of thse Ontario Bank is on au insitie page. Strawberry social et Methodist churcis WednesdayJune 22. Strawberries anti Cream, Triniity churcli. Fritiay evening, Miss Rumbail,B.A.,Clinton,is guest o! Miss Viola Gilfilan, B. A. Miss Bertha Doncaster of the Normai Sehool, Toronto, is home. The June crop outlook neyer looketi more promising then now. Strawberry Social et Trinity churcli, Friday, June 24th. Don't miss it. Miss Lillian MeLean anti Mr. Byers, Pontypool, were guests at. Mr, James McLean's, Sunday. Strawberries anti cream anti lecture Miî. James Caswell spent Sunday in Port Hope. Only 50 cents for TriE STATESMAN te enti of 1898. Miss Ciemens is visiting relatives at Colti Springs. Mm. Geo. P. Freelanti, Toronto, was home iast week. Mr. W. H. Helîyer, Cobourg, spent Sundai' at home. Mrs. B. Brittein, Toronto, is guest o! Miss Gertie Young. Miss Woolhouse, Lindisay, is guest of Miss Veale, Liberty St. Miss Annie Cale, Toronto, is spenti- ing ber holideys at home. Miss E. Beecock, Blackstoek, lias been visiting relatiyes here. Mm. Wesley James et Winnipeg,Meu. is visiting lis father, Mr. R. W. James. Mr. W. Peate, Mr C. Bown, Hoches- IT cross with fiewers b> e oies s o!fon ladies wes gmeatly eppreciateti by thne ierge audience presênt. money on many lhues, This S- timo it is on Hair Brushes. We have a very superior Uine at $1 andi if you only want to sponti 50oc we have a line that mnost dealers wonlti cail cheap at 75c. We cail thom extra cheap at 50c. Stott & Jury. The Druggists andi Opticians, Bow- mranville, Oshawa and Lindsay. N. B;-Peruaps if we do flot mention it you may think we have noue at se smaîl a price as 15c. 15e Is 'what we charge f or the'rezular 2.5e lines. Our best Stirling Silver Une is $8.00 and extra value at that. ABSOLU lILY FREE ABSOLUTELY By coming' to us yi e h advic of the only Post Gradu- ate Optician lu the County free of charge and you got the finest quality of glasses scienice can produce ftted wth absolute accuracy and mnountedln good serviceable frames. They cost y-ou just $1 if they suit yon. They cost you uoth- ing if tbey don't suit. We would bay them back at twice the price rather than have a dissatisfled customer. Stott & J ury. Thîe Druggists and Opticians, Ohw andi Bowmanville, Ont. N. B.-We have cheaper lUnes if you want thèm anti we are offering special value îi wSoliti Golti FramieS fromn $8 up. GRAND rRUNK RAILWA-Y. BowmANvilLLE STATION. GOING EAST. GeINt WEST. Express..8 81 a. m. 1eExpress ... 5 23 a. mn *Express .... 10 16ea. M.1 Local ...8 18 5 Fassenger.. *. 3 29 p.m. 1Pessenger.. 1 35 p. mn Local..... 642P. M.1 t Express... 4.1L pi. 103OS '" Ex p es.. . 50t'0 f Sundays ont>'. STO~T & JURiY. Town Agents BOWMANYILLE. J UNE 22, 1898. 5e. buvs a blouse set at Ntcholl's, 5c. bukys a leather boit of Nicholis &., buys a beit tastener at Nicholîs'. Curtain Foies in great varîetv at L. Mlorris'. Mr. Russell Borland of Oiïio is visiting at Mrs. J. C. Rowe's. Mrs Jas. Hemn, Oshawa, spent Sun- day witli Mrs. M. Hemn. Mr. C. Ceembe has been visiting his son Rev. W. Coombe, Roblin. Rev. Dr. Workmaiî will preacli in Coiborne Methodist church, Sunday evening. We de upholsterino' anti Carpet lay- iiag ili1 'irst-class sty7e at reasonable prices. L. Mo rris, If you want to buy or soul anything try an 'ad' in TirE STATESMAN, anti you are certain of success. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, President of the Bay of Quinte Conference, visiteti the Toronto Conterence, Tuesday week. N~o lady should buy a new Spring Dress or Cape betore seeinz the large anti elegant Stock of New Gootis now showing At Couch, Johnston & Crytior- man's. Tee Templar of Ham.I-ton has been sold to the publishers of Voice of New York, a leaffing .Ameiîcan temfperance, paper, and it wifl be run as a Canadian edition of V oicee Miss Martin has a complete stock of Ladies' Goods of ail descriptions at hier Fancy Gootis Store. Cail anti see themn as an inspection will amply ~Prices rea ,sonable. If you cannot go to Trinity cliurch Strawberry Social, go in during the évening and have bce Cream and hear an excellent musical prograre. Don't forget,-Friday evening. next'Wednesday evening. Messrs. Normean anti Franklin North- cote, Toronto, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. A. Northcote. Mrs. Joues, Toronto, Junction. lias been visiting lier sister Mrs. G. L. Stevens anti other relatives in town. TFle Atheniums of Toronto were beat- on in a .gamne of basebalwith our home team hore on Saturtia> by a score of 7 to 17. Rev. C. W. Watch was presenteti with a very nieely worded atidress by the Epworth League o! Brigliton before leaving for his new charge at Belleville West church. The Miltary and Naval Glory o! Englanti, as hoe saw it exhibiteti while lie was a special guest at the Queen's Jubilee last year, will be tise subject of the second of General Mille's articles on 'Military Europe' in the Juli' number et MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE, S. S. McClure Ce , N. Y. Trinity churcli Y. P. S. C. E. will holti a Strawiberry Social at the churdli on Friday evening next. liefresismentà will be serveti from 5.80 to 8 o'clock, after which an excellent programn will be given. Admission 15e, Ibe Cream extra. Everybody corne anti spenti a pleasant evenin. The Ladies' Aid Society o! the Metli- odist churcli. will liolti a strawberry social on Wednesday June 22îîd at thé churdli. Tee serveti fromn 5 p m. At 8 p. mn. Rev. J. J. ueo will lecture on "Addition, Subtrection, Multiplication anti Division. Miss Glover will siîîg. Admission 25c te tee and lecture; lec- ture only 15c; social oniy 15c. Mr. W. T. F. Tamblyn, B. A.. '95 fellow in classic phllogy et Columbia University, New Ye k, son of Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, Classical Master of Bow- manville Rugh Scool, visiteti bis parents home last week. Ho is prepar- îng a thesis upon "The Romains of thse Roian Invasion et Britain," which will gain for hlm the coveteti degreeofo Pli. D. Twe large congregations greeteti Rev J. P,. Wilson, B. A., Oshawa, on Sun- day when lie preacliet twe vory help- fui anti practical- sermons in the Metho- dist churcli. In addition te the reo.ular song service in the ovening, Miss leeliie Saundoms,sang 'Gloria lu Excelcis' very sweetly anti Miss Rumbail o! Toronto Univemsitv sang,'Comeunte Me'ý Botis soles wero very mucli apprecieteti by the large audience present. Another Bewmanville bov wins lion- ers. Mm. A L. McMurtry. son o! Mr. John McMurtrv o! West End House, lias won a most creditable place in the final or 4tli year exeminations lu McGil Universit »v at Montreal, taking the.. M. D., degree witl i trst-class lionors in sumgemy and linicel surgery. In ail 72 candidates won degmees, but very few et them distinguisheti themselves suffi- cetyto win honors. 'Ne icin Dr. Mc Mutys many trientis anti fellow citi zensiS n congratulation on lis succoss at Colle go anti wish fer hlm an equally successful protessionel career. A meeting wes helt inl the Council Chemiser on the aftomnoon of Friday, June lth for the pumpose o! cousidering the advisabilitv o! startinR- a Home in Bowmenville for the feeble anti aged who are wholY or lu part dependent upon aid from the town. The meeting was a epresentativo one cempmising members et ail the Chumeties, the S. A., Town Council anti Countv Council, elso the chairman of the poor relief comnm. Atter considerable discussion a com mittee o! ladies was appointeti to cauves the tewn anti finti ont what aid citizons wvould give the sciseme anti aIse to make inquiries in regard te a suitable bouse anti the cost, tise committee to report et au adjoumneti meeting te be hieltiin tise Council îoem et 8 o'clock on »Satiimdav, June 25tli fer f ather discussion of thie inatter, when ail intemeste inluthse scheme are inviteti to attend anti ex- press themselves tavorable or otherwise lu regard to it. Follow the crowd antid you will go t Nicholls'. 3c. buvs a leether Wateh-guamd et If you want a bargain ln Fumniture ceil on M. D. Williams & Son. Coal oil stoves anti walering cans lui great verioty anti cheap et Nicholis' Vaiety Faim, Blouse sets for every one et Rick- erti's. Prices as low as 8 cents. Beits of every desciptiom anti below Toronto prices Some buekies just arriveti in blac k for mourning.;1> Not war but a revolutien lu prices et Rickard 's. Yon ean purchase the samne gootis for iess Inoney this vear than, yon coulti bis opening year. That is a fact that will bear thinkinig about.. 1Rickard is e mechanie who is lu it1 with aur watcismeker lu tise Dominion. When yený purchase a watch from hlm yon bny tromn one who knows whet hoe is seling. A guarantee tmom hlm meenb business. Very7 fine collection of spring >bats iii -ail te lao1 tyos cps.colas-- ufs Chidren's Day at Trinity. - -__ The flower service et the Congrega- tional church Sunday evening was a great success. The greater part of the 8unday Sehool tank their places on the platform, which was enlargeti for the occasion, In the center stooti a beauti s fnl massive Toua cross over six feet higli o! very chaste and artistie design,- the whole overlaitiwith cotton battinggîv- ing it the appearance of white marble, which was designed anti matie by ReV. J. H. Barnett, the paster. The main part of the service entitieti" From the l Mýanger to the Cross, anti from the - Cr osst Glory " consisteti of the princi- pal eveuts in the lite of Christ, from is Sucli uncommonly choi( bîrth te lis ascension tolti in words of of real good Groceries as ar soripture by tweive Sunday coo scholars, anti then re-tolti bv a hym= to baffle us -when we atten 1-hich ail the sýhool joinoti Tihe latter them to you through the pap part of the service by the primary de- epud e rs partment. anti the decoration of the. Fivepud wfrs 1 j. Uaelu th Methdist cweh !er. N ai.sinsteforiea hur last Marmelade, they say its just great, and only 15e ja If you relish a good old fashioned home-made Min e Pie, try our package for 10e, always ready for use. And say, we have a bottie of Catsup that would d your heart good to taste, for 20e. Ensilage, Seed Corn for feeding, a car load to hanc, which is the finest we have seen. It will pay you to se~ before purchasing. Cake-r & TaiE BOWMANVILLE. week. Messrs. PTmebi Icock- anti T.Smele et- tendeti June County Coun cil et Co- bourg. The Y P., S. C. E. o! Trinity churcis will hold a Strmwberry Social on Fridav, June 24. Rev anti Mms. J.H. Bamnett attentiet the meeting cf the Congregationel Union et Toronto. Rev. J. L. Alexander, Mititleville, Ont., visited lis parents anti other re- latives home lest week. Mr. J Molyneux Brown, traveling ropresentative for Cycling-, cellet on frientis home, Tuesdey. Mm. Bon. Heutierson anti Miss M. Goheen recently visiteti frientis et New. castle anti Newtonville. Mr. anti Mrs. H. C. Brittain anti Mas- ter Douglas, Stathroy, are guosts o! Mr. J. M. Joness, Retreat Deiry. Rev Morgan Wood of Bond street Congreg-ational cliurch, Toronto, wîll lecture in Trinit-v church, July 5th. Mmi'. M. A.Beuo-hman anti Miss Mary Butchart o! 166 Jl'uron St,, Toronto,aee visiting in town guestso! Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Tise Meson Co. anneunce a 10 days' sale that sisoulti scatter bargeins al over West Durham. See big edvt. on lest page., Mr James Bellwood e! Drewry Bluff, Va.,came te lis mnother's funeral butwes twe liours1late in reeching home owing to train conneictions. 1Mr. anti Mrs. M. Burk attendeti the wetiding et Miss Inez McPherson, 201 Carlton ct.. Toronto, twin daugliter o! Mm. Jas. MePlierson, on Wetinesday. Tise que rterlY meeting o! the Local Union ef Christ ien Endeevor will meet in St. Peul's churcli next Mondey ove- niug et 8. Public inviteti. Colection for expenses. The Education Depertme nt lias de- cd otit give, diplomas for the best kept sohool proises anti bas issueti a circuler of instrucetions te shool inspectors i e gardung the matter. Miss Cerrne B. Mertyn, eccompenieti by lier aunt andi uncle, Mr, anti Mms. Wmn. Jackson, Oshawa, are attendiug the weddiug of Mm. Harmy Jackson et Orillia to-day.(Wodnesdey) SPECIAL vo 1BICYCLS-rS.-A cordial iu- vitation is extendeti te ail bicyclists o! Bowmanville ànti viciuity to oel et Tinity echurch Friday evening anti have Tee Cream anti enjoy a goti pmogrem. Mr. John McMurtmy was in Montreal iast week attending the graduationîox ecises ot McGill College wheme lis olti- est son, Mm. A. L. NMcMumtry receiveti his degmeeofo M.D.,as neticeti elsewhere. A public meeting will ho lielti in the Council Chemiser. Bowmenvilie, calieti ini the intorest of the proposet-I ome fer the egeti anti infirîn, onfSaturdav June 25 et83 p.m. et which the public are cor- diaiiy inviteti. Rev. M., P. Taiiing, B. A., e! Knox Coliege, took occasion whon in towu ou Monda>' to visit the Hîgli anti Public Schools. Ho is deepl>' interesteti in education anti consitiers Bowmenville is blest witb gooti schoois. Four things you shoulti learu te do, If you woulti meke Yeur record tmue; To tîink without econfusion cleaml>' To love your fellow -mie sincerely To act fmom b ouest motives pureiy To trust lu Goti anti leaen secumely. Base bail next Fritia>. A ivery fine gamo is certain. Toronto Athieties vs. Bowmauviile. Our boys have been making a capital record Tumu ont. anti encourage them b>' your presence. Admission 15c; ladies free. 1,ame cali- eti et 4 o'clock at1whicis boum all shops lu town wil ho e loseti. A strawber social nuder tise aus- pices of Bethestie Epwomth Leagno wil ho heiti et the esidence o! Mr. T. R. boar on Fiday ox'ening June 24tli et 6 o'clock. Select musical anti literary pogremn will ho given duriino tis eove- ning. Admission 15e. Êverybody cordiallv inviteti. 2w. Reat irrdodli'g new advt. See our linos o! Secretaries anti Book Cases et ail pricos. L. Morris Window Shedes anti Pictume Frames ii greet variet>' et L. Morris'. 'Wheu lu town don't feul to see M. D. Williams & Son's tumniture stock. Our prices de!>' competiti on, as is proveti by our rapidly inereasing sales. L. Morris. 'Messrs- 1L. Morris & Son are'doiug e splendid furzuiture business eat tCeir Oono brancis anti wero nover busier et home tbazîgno,,wY. A ver>' fiue anti choice stock o! Ladies' Spring Cýoats anti Capes; ail naew gootis, just receiveti et Coucis, Jolinston & Cryderman 's. M. D. Williams & Sou are sonding ont largo numbers o! be-1-room suilee overy week. l'le quality anti price must be ail riglit judgiug !rom the business tisey are daing this Spring alreatir j. big And. Goodl :e and mammoth assortment re gathered here are enougli npt to convey a fair idea of pers. Here's a minute's glance: If Notices of Birtifs, M1arriages and Deatits 50 cents; when inurriage lcen ses are obtained or. funeral notices printei ai titis office, Insertion free. BORN. DREw.-In Oshawa, June 13, the wife of Mr. A. Drew, of a sor.. HALL.-In Oshawa. May' 23, te Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, a danghter. KERR.-In East Whultby, Jane 9, the wife of Mr. Fred. Kerr, of a son. HÂMLYN.-In Oshawa, June 15,the wife of Mr. Wrn. tiailyn, of a daughter. REBSON, -In E ast Whitby,Jane 10th, the wife of Mr. James Reeson, of a daugliter. GIsseN.-In Clarke, June il, the wife cf Mr. D. J. Gibson, cf a son, UNERWOO.-In Orono, Jane 9, the wif e cf T. W. Underwcod, Esq,c f a daughter. HALL-In Newcastle, June il. the wife cf Mr. John Hall, cf a daugliter. MOFÂATT. In Leskard, Jane 3, the wife cf Mr. Jas. Moffait, cf a daughter. VANNET.-IIi Solin a, Jane 15, the wife cf Mr. John VanNest, jr., cf a son. MARRIED. GmISOli-SÂluîS.-At the English ehurch Tcr- cnto May 24th, b>' Rev. W. T. Allain,Mr.Élugh Cecil Gibscn and Arvesta Saints, bcth of New- castle. LANG-TEBB-On Jane 15 at the residence cf the bride's parents, New 'i'rcnto, Arehibald Lang and Annie Tebb, ycungest danghter of' Martin Tebb, formeri> c«Newcastle, Ont. COcuE HOSKIN, At Hamiltcn, Jane 1, Dr. Edgar M. Cccke, Toronto ana Miss Edythe L. Hcskin, Hamilton, daugliter cf Thcs. Hositin, fcrmerly cf Oshawa. COI)Y-COCHANE.-Ât Terce toJane 8th, Miss Clara Alexandria, eldest danghîer cf the late S. A. Cochrane, barrister cif\Vhîtby and Mr. Arthur But-k Ccdy,, Chicago. DIEU. PRaasoN -In East Whitby Jane 20, Idiante Davidson. beloved wjf e cf 5r. James Reeson, aged 33 years. Funeral to Unicn Cemeter>' Wedniesday at 1 p. mn. WiLSON-Ai Cobourg, Jane 18, Prcf. Johin Wilson, LL. D., aged 83 years. BELLWOD.-In Bowmanville, Jane 8, Jane Wade, relictcf tht laie Charles Betlwocd cf Clarke, aged 92 years. WiLsoN.- At Whitby, Jane 12, Margaret Moore, beioved wile cf Mr. Hagh Wison, aged 63 years. MCDOUALL.-Ia Oshawa, Jane l8th Margar- et Douglass, beloved wife cf Duncan IdcDougall aged.54 years. PnoccORe-At the resideae cf bis brother, John E. Proctor,Esq.,,Millbanik' Brightia,ont., J osiahi H. Procter, P. L. S., aged 76 years- SLÂÇ*n.-At tht residence cf ber son-in-law. Gi' .Allen,l9Hcwlaiid Av,TorontcJuae 1iSCatri- arie M afion, widow of the taie Phitander Slaght, fcrmerly cf London, aged59 years. ALLIN-fîl Dartingtca Jane 17, Frances Swnale Bragg, relict cf tht fate Richard Allia, agd7. years, 6 mnoettes. BOWMANV ILLE MAIRKETS. Correctedby J.McýMartry each Tnesday FLOUa, e 100 lbs ........ $2 60 to 88 10 WHEA;Eall, bush... ouoù O 075 SprÎn,ý .... 0 00 il 075 Ried 1 fe .... O 00 i 080 il GoosiE .... 000 et0 70 BARLEY, e bush, No. 1 ..0 84 f O 40 il if il2 .0 26 0835 if Il il8.... 025" 080 e fiTwo rowed, 0 25 0 O38 OArS, white ai ...... 000 f 0 27 Ryz il............. 000 e 0 60 BUOKWBAT Il......O0 00 i 040 PEAS, Blackeye, P bush.. 0 55 iln0oOu fi Canadian Beauties.. 55 il 0 0, ilSiaîl, et 0O000il 0 5U ilBlue, le O 17 et0 5 BUTTERt, best table, V' lb. . 0 00 le O 12 D'ias, edoz ............. 000 le O 9 P0TrATOE5, bush..........(0 00 if O 25 Ray per ton............. 6 f0lIl70Ou BOAT AND BOAT-HOUSE for sale. ýAPPlY tSTATESAsui office. 25 -1w. AZSBCCEFOR SALE.- thsSpring. Appi>' et STÂTESMAN office. 25 - 1w. FARMTORNT 50 Ares, parts F of ots 0 ad 31 Con4 Drlinton Pos- sesionaitr hrvet. or urther particalars appt>' te ALLAN TRULL, Box 241 Oshawa. 25-3w, JH OUSE-KEEPER WANTED.-On a faim in Daîlingten. No famil>'. Geod wages to rîght wcmnan. 'APPlY te FAHMEEBex 241, Oshawa, or at STATESMAN office Bowman. TEAHER WANTED.-Male tea- S. S. Ne. 17, Darlingten. Daties te commence alter hclidays. Applications received ape te July lst. Simule salary and experienee. JEssE WILLIAMS, SecretaFytreamurer, Enniskillen, P. 0. 15 - 1w FAR, FOR SALE BY TENDER.- 10acres, beiimg lot 19, Con 4, Darlington, kacowmas te'StuartFaim'. Gcedframebaild-. legs, 2 acrese rchard , firewood, bard and soft 1 water. 5 miles freinBewmanville. Pcssession givento plow Sept. lst. Full poslessban March est l@[U9. For paraiculars appmy te J. P. FIELDS, Ccoorg, ciMaus. JoHN MAYN ABD, Prospect St.,< Bowmanville. 25 - tf FARM TO RENT. That 200 acre fairm, loi 17 Con q Darigica. Three parts eof tht faim nieler cul1teivation. Pes- Session lea Marc ý 1899. For further paitcaula, s apply to MR IRD ROGERS,, Enulakelleni, P.,O. 2 - 4w. REFRGERTORFOR SALE-One gf cc oiderfowsale i a vsefrgratore;ain. F ARLM FOR SALE (AtTO RLENT,'- 150 alure's, hel ngeilrts of Lot 29, Cen. 4 ai, d 5, Dril,îgion. Giood dwelling ,,a!,d oit, geod sou lagiodsiQie Of (àlt; vatice. Pllowilig possession nexi Fall, fuîl psesnMarc O 1 1899. If noùt sold soo"" *HI1 e rtited fera terma- of vears. For Furihner parlicalais apply* ta JIAxBSMOOBE, Brepklia, lOai. 20 - tf. SEGxGS FOR SALE.- SWhite Brahamas ; ttioro'-br-ed- Noue better. Setlig of 13 for i5t- 8OMA . B. JAMES, Bewmanvilite BARGAIN DAY At S. W. MASON -& SON'S Popular Dry Goods House FOmJRI52 WEEKSu SCommencing on Wednesday - May 1I8th, 1898. » CO garant2y values every day tha:t will Spend yurmoneyîin Bowmanville Tnd si, foit r that w ithyou n buy not go to (ýot for hatwhic yo canbuyequally as cheap at home. Wîe say it, and we prove it.-We will not be unctersold by any house i the trade, ultbe i' ng the test of value. 0, Notice to Our country friencIs.-Butter and Eggs and Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash. teOne cloor East of >Standard Bank. B01VMAN VILLE. For Spring 1101188cleani g. White Blank Wall Paper, complete combination Wall, ceiling and borders, choice floral patterns, light and medium calors, buitabie for any apartment, per single rolli................................. New Glfimmer Wall Papers with 9 inch borders and eeilings to match pretty floral patterns in ail colors, for Bedroom, Sitting Room and Hall, r)er single roll special ....... ............. ...............~ . Gilt Wall Papers with match 18 intch borders andi ceilings, pretty floral and eonventional patterns, cream, yellow, olive anti pink colors for B-'edroom, Sitting Room anti Hall, per single rolli.......1 New Ingrains, 30 -ichi wide, latest art shades, bfue, terra cotta, olve, with ceiling and freeze to match, per single roll, special... 2 White Enamel Curtain Poles, 112i hby 5 ft, fluted, with fancy bra-ss trimmings, complete wIth curtain pins, speclial............. 5 Ebony, Cherry anti Oak Cartain Polos, 14 ichi by 5 f t, complote with brass trimmings anti pins .................................2, ~ R.oom Mo6uldings in olive, pink, green and oak, shaded to match any paper, special per foot..................................... W& T. -ALLE - L -L - 1 A

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