t SickIlendh.a and rel ie-e alil thetrombles h2cî- dent te a blijous sta- If thc sy'sten; such au Dizzîn 8sNa,sea. ,,osincse-Dstres% after .etig àPain ir, e ie.&.Wbilsitheirmost s'earabesuces s~been Sw f curinc Tlaahyt CARTER'$ LIxr-r vmft Pinsa BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 22, 1898. Heavy rains last week interrupted bicycling for some days. Mâental and physical vigor follow the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pulls, We hear, on what seems to us to be' reliable authority, that 'PH1E INDE - PENDENT of New York contemplates a change of form to the size of some of îthe prominent monthly magazines. If true, it is cei tainly a change which will be appreciated by its readers. Milburn's Sterlingileadache Poýwders cure headache in a jiffy. Try them,t hey [wil convince, ou. loc and 25C aill ,an preve-_thit.s aunoy.-ingýý,ýýnwiïdaes thy ls crrctail disorders of te, stonac edes stimulate the livor and regnuIaro, the bw: Tire .-lune number o! McCr.Ùxn's Ma- .Even if they only curesi Azine,, a special war number, wiIh wpictures o! Cuban scencos anti people, Manila pictures, portraits eto Tr Figirting_ Leatiers"anti pictures !rem Ache tley would ho almost pricelas,, to ttôoe tire blockatiing lIsquadron, anti witir ivho suffer from this diqtreealng conpia i meyatceb eelMlsFth- but fortunately their goodnes doe% nlot mYatceb G erMisFtzn< hiore, and thr.se who once try themn wi=n Leei these littlop, vainahia In so many ways that BAGYARD'5 PECTýORAL BAISAM,, l8 tire they -will not be wvilli'ng ta ta wlthOnt tisem. sadr eevotr elifrcni Blut aller all sicir hcadstnadrmd fhwolfrcug coltis, irbarseness, bronchitis anti ai lung anti tirroat trouble. Price 25e at ail dealers. fstiebaneof somany livestisaI brefinere If tire narne o! yonr visitors are net weJmake our great boust Our plua cure It recertieti in Tîmi STATESMEN il is net 'Whila othors do net.t.Snio Cîavza's Liu-rut LIvxICPIatS areovery small our fault edo hanti tire names te and very easy(o take. Oaor two plUs mû. n s, and we glatily publisi tirem. a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do Th1 po gip o prgbut by ber Enl actio long establisheti weekly eclectic 'lots agr, ous th._. Y Il St 2cot;magazine. The Living Age, et Boston vo~~ ~~ fo 1.Sl ee"yb or »etb$y nii.neyer tieserved ils tille belter than now; CÂu.1fl im21Z~ 0%.' X#ev Yl, fer its presentation of Englisir anti Con- BaU tinental opinion on lire varions aspects &MIL) et o the war between Unitedi States anti Spuan iý tresir, full anti witiehy represent- ative ; yeët il tioes net trench at ail on tire othes teatures e! tire magazine. 11 P CATCH CoLD..-It is an easy lhing te de, but ils just as easy te get riti et if PPPpPyen taire Nerway Pine Syrnp. 'Cests eîîly 25e at ail tiug stores. M.A.Jarnes, Bowmanviile, is Goveru- f t'Il ment Issuer et Marriage Licenses for M urraIcUy tire Cennty et Durhamn, during business irours at office, at iris resitience Centre- lo-,% "t-,'ýi girI. L anm an's It is poor policy te ecouemize, by go- ing without your local paper. Il rebs FLORIDA 'WATER every member et tire family o! a part et tireir enjoyment-saying nothins' ot '114E SEETHSTthe hartiship canseti the rnany neigib ors MOST FRAGRANT, MlOST REFRESHING whio hiabituaiiv boriow your cepy. AND ENDURIN O0F ALL Thre best remedy for scerf ula is Mil- PERFME.ý PQRTHE ler's Compound Iron Pis. 50 tieses25c' PERPME~,PQR t1~ Tire JuIv num.,er ef Tire Delineator, HANDKEIICHIEF, TOILET'OR -BATH, is calletui the Summer Numnier. Thre Contents are :Fancy waisls fer summer ALL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wa DRGJTPRUESAUnew ettecîs in skirts, tire seasen 's ___________________________ AND__________suits, styles for ladies,the latest bivl fsin fer ladies anti misses, G ENEAL BELERS.stylesi for misses and girls, sty les for lIitle folks, styles for beys, tire wort table, cirurcir embroideries, fasiionaele k tress gootis, triînmings for summer k à i à k k dresses, etc. Tuai Vicron's (now. -Sroulti adora - the brow et tlîe inventer efthlir great corn cure, Pnînam's Painless Cern Ex tracter. Il worirs q7uicklv never mat- ing a sore spot, anti it is just the thing N ou waut. See that yeni gel Putuam's 111?I¶ICern Exîractor, tire sure, sate andi pain- (U N STI r-u O N less cure. for ceras. ý1 ýTiat pepular anti pleasinz fashien In the summer especially should rnentirlY, Tna STANDARD DESIGNER, the orvis e kpt ree setha ne makes ils welcome appearance witi an thebowls e kpt ree sotha noover-brtmming supply et gooti tirings. poisonoÀâs materiai shail remain in stylisir anti attractive tasirions for ladies tire ysîe te frmen and ecay misses anti ciriltiren, artîstically illîist- t h e y s t m t f e m e n a n d e a y r a t e t i a n t i ln c d l y d e s c r i b e t i h a n t ni e e remedy bas ye oifuderal ture, bicYcling, ireusekeeping anti coor- B.B.B forcurin Con t on, full mating directions accempanying evnthe most chronic andi stuh- thern. casesinflunce. Those unhappy persons wiro suifer borncass yild o is inluece. frosa nerveusness anti dyspepsia. sirould "I canot say too rnucm in favor of use Carter's Little Nerve Plils, wbich I? are matie expressly for sleepless. uer- Burdock Blood Bitters, as there is no vous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25e. remecly equal t0 il for tic Cure of Comm- Tire appearance et Anthony Bepe's stipatîcu.- W e alway s kcep il in bie exciting ster *y, 'Rupert et Bentzan' ini Imeuse as a gemerai faoîily imdicine, andi book tersa, is an event whici is being Iwould not be witionb it. " MRS, JACOB leoketi forward te witir interest by ail MÜSHR, ictu Lndig, .S. who have reati 'Thée Prisoner at Zenda' j MOSER, ictonLandng, N5. oe whicir il is tire sequel. Tt is now de- Bp '. not smnly ciurcsý Constipation, but flnitelv anneunceti tiat'Ruperteof Bent- isnw forest rend zau' will be publishetiotior airent tire known or Biious-lst Jly siînultaneeusly in Lontion, ness, Dupepsik New{York anti Toronto. Mr. Geo. N. nos s, DSpepsah Norang ias purchaseti tire Canadian Ja ndice, Liver iitfIenvl Comiplaînt, K;dney , Disease anti Blooti Bmtt rs I4umnrsFOR HOME WURK PkOr&(WDE)vuR Only, the Bet*Gods THE OOK'S BEST FPIEND Gîi Satisfacton5 LARCGE--T SALE IN CANADA. Diamlnond' Dyes the WorM-' s ~ 'fiLeaders, Do best Work. R0L;, MIE4LG WIren von bake yen maust use the best branti e!bf sn po-wtier ; when rnaking IUI5IUý,>ý1 l!,,L CO1 ajellyor ciu-,trd puddfing you must ~MHYRAftvte maire use of th~e best fiavo)ring extracîs; wieénY yensew it is, beet ecenomv te use the best secgsotton ; wien yen have' homelp tiu 10n doA sllirt aise bear i TrWO WAYS 0F LOOKING AT TKrINGS. The germs of consump- If Ail Saw Things Alike This Would De ion are everywhere. an Uninteresting World. "lIt is aà pity that miore of u ano There is no way but to cultIvate the twofold way of looking at fioght them. things," writes Mward W. -Boit in the b Ladies' Home Journal. "Thero would be If Ithere is a, history of ~synrpathy, ie gdes wedig. ndweak lungs in the family, broader and fuller living. Tlhe fact is thatths htm tbecn at wenvrreach the dignity of true living ti fightm s ecntn unness wo do learn Ibis ail-important and vigorous. lesson. A&nd that it snay ho cultivated admits of no doubil. It is smpîy a ques- You must strike the dis- tion of schooling ourselves not to con- deinn generally what indîvidually does ease, or it will strike you. not happen to be to our taste. If, for At h exaxnple, we prefer brown as a color Atte very firs gn of thee s o eaonon earth why we should fadling health take Scott's hat is fW atseraisttagin Weear.._0= D11 me CiT & ioWhof ChdEnùîs Tr Onto.altlaS eDr.Samel Catohra prescriti onifornfaso wariyo bus vodcan co le ar ittlorean C hrdure DIrrhoeaan eind ler Opumorpiandleves amlpisd mrue re ctinalmoewofol \ iwit yohshts te àctcsbtne l sahanls usiu o!se thing i thle, still oftainng or srngTehigt al-,crsCnsiainad ltin tndvug l iews.o Seeîn a se oo d Ma- inis t hnes oprto on or se or verthig dos ov ece~ar1y erece:Rev J Ok moeforo Cast gori assDroats, th Foodrupsands tCestora0. tiulr anie. f weal touhtalke rsîW hteerGodwof; 11ev. H. s. tand Boels, g.ivinguatyand i irty y~eegarstosea uean atheaindksaity heioo last unooretsaine pole n this world ae athwof Nwarket to raMfirisohe ofhuldresanCa-teor etro'M rien and b judgl uiteesI g entv sa och .AgosoMn thoe whno assec llti " . Mihes; Rev.0c. n. ig to Bathurstsns. atol peetsvmiig or bar, detisive aud cornn-ir, a jsief OI&ONCý't,-no ud ue irhe n idCle atrarle ofthing Wor e t Istilrerigousr. on tue Tornto tr1ubleJ.. cuddet tonstiCpatria. antoria.ulny otheriua viand, theig os be .,id brige 1cnes. nF. oroto llon- Castora ii clethdiie Foodastreguatiss wlathetomachde mear thoe tat hadv m ty.respt o t h oo ev. H. J Dobo o D ffering.; cS. iadre. ohes hav repe gateltd medtatread l sp Caorape opinmfons ab oth n h rdaers." 1ev. A.11. Snewrson te ora. fasood eteet hlep nce sitiotr ls e e." 'Th h asr hirjdiensi ev.aadian cher.A.oes fteWarofo .C sonLwlZ as l .ACE, .D roie . barddeciive ad fial iann 181gisif ' is heC.E adng atceinathrs oth r hnthe ightes andSiceesr." Junbrnde ;Re.W.F. Cada oney latrai Magaln ndiiefr4 atoi ss eladpe ocide aretoe r ave t he msht rsc fortelffzine. SiRJh . o not ufei th THid En Mohrhv eatdyclmehtI r-eccvin.r, bîuîas urio r ay Re . . ' sdrlnt oeB y fit odefc pntereilde.' srpinko nt'1ý 'Thsao o oelnwht hs e el fCanadaH's ofitah e anes.CsC.SOD owlMs. .A RERM .Booln .Y k~~~~~~~~rs~82-4i ala debmei hefetbtAn the Caadingaiclce inite Hi ts er rme satly lac-isCoadhlai nse diferenfbtheC n a cruiserC SI IE IN,-,-r E O had ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ie onaSiri o le.ItwsR n batoehnpGa tor ot antha pr ardhle o.1as flod Ctyaiaho.ew a tredbaýt destroyera mWonorofQnd newht or. Ho wos gling,10whieornis, an roureada'iser oryakttesip hêo eaîed a dvbisi ,lhitesl son, olerg n an o the cr ret of adst posou sfrutrar nt e asi striswhich obscuare This sujeci.AP E R OexRY-/AP~R Hhad onaed a beorlthsin tire P &1-maAndo te ielyaticle s that ondMra parnt h ho askd te octor rvhorie ut bis dtoe. boatdes therarmonitere ,.and~, ,e, n.Ritbor. sI"e asýgid tondCalior, an ree risrt soras. Teh rnis- was ho proted onsft ese t i. serle s a go icàcure 0fthissbeélte P E R N EV R R P E "Do Yeu sieep in it that way, anl cur e 'Aiton MCàrthy, Q. C., M. P. Alto- up n a seat?" lie asked, in amiazement.___________________________________ "No, ît vwi11bo macle n'P Whoen you are gether the number is certainly the xnost randy 0 ravro.' ~attracetive andi valuahîp of recent issues. ~ The man did flot exactly know what Ê% m ii "M.ade up"l meant, but hoe asked no mo'a TIIE EDICAL COUNCIL,. uIf questions. Ho sat in the drawing-room uiEImaPýin W ul% iLmu tJ and smoked, and flnally ho ýsaid ta the Farmers the merchants and tire jour -_______________________ oonductbr: nalists of the Bouse compose a large "Wll, ggnos'ilrn in." t î mdemajoritv of its membership and thev "Ai rght sr;you brtr i mdoshould demand a reconsideration o! the Scranton Coal, ail sizes, at harbor, - - - $15.25 per ton, upkdino.semi pr !extraordînary privileges andi powers- Scranton Coal, " deiivered to any TJhe a akdt h manprto thoughtlessly bestowed upon tins medi-patoton -- - - 575 eron the car. Thon ho went hack totathe dras- prcal counc-il -- 575pe tn Ing-roorn. Tecoaslr ercc Cal earirl "Thy lllok lie,"hosad-'«ou in a'case now under discussion two TeP I' e r enieCol at haror 4.50 per ton. wîll bave te show me mine," " pLysicians, possessedof alteuifa- 4446 deiivered, - 5.00 per ton. The conductor s'lowed hlm la bis berth tiens called for bv the enactmnçnt o! the and loftI hl. The man looked ail it, thon Councîl, entered into thre emplov o!, a Having, handied Scranton Coal for ')3 consecutive ho1 wont hack ta the rear platform o! tho man who advertised. Their punisir- car and closed tise door. Ia a few min, ment has been te edpie o hi er and almost ail other kinds at tinies, we c'an recoin- utes ho stuck bis isead in the car and MemhershiP iu the Council, The Eng- mend the Scranton as the BEST and CIIEAPEST in the sbouted: . lisir o! the affair is that after a raw boy "Look out, l'in oomlng," and hoe made bas gone for winters te a-medical schoôil market. The public can aiways depend on getting dry, a rua for bis berth wlth7 bis clothes, or he is duly licensed to treàt every iii that ;well-screened Coal, as we have sufficient shed capacîty most o! themn, under bis arm.' In the flesir is heir te if hie will only hé "regu- for th upy fti 1scin mornlng ho stuck blis hoad out betwoen lar" and observe the I-ettiqruette', ftr iespl of thisscin tise curtains and cailed the conductor. Council. While another man may walk Weaea nt&pttpeae opytevr "How in thungder am I going 10 get tirehospitals o! twb continents and hiv et arksitetpîce for ailkî d o C ase theri a an out en Ibis platform te dres vith all spend half a life tîme in preplaring bit- hgetmre riefralknsofCas ri n these people ookiag?" -';elf te tell the world that ire is equippeti Seeds deiivered atour Storehouse, corner King ai-d George The conductor explained 10 iim that te treat some one organ of tire, himal4SresoraPrtD li tn hoe would bave ta dress in bis brth, He body with an intelligent knowledge of tesoa PrDrln o. did so, but t took hha two heurs. his subject, if ho dees bis tellinig in the Just to hand a large supply of Sait-coarse, fine and, niewspaper hoe is, accerding te the Coun- ari asadbres esfRc atfrC-l cil, a "quacký." The thiug us absurd cari asadbres esfRc atfrCtl The Beautîful Women of Toledo. anti would net survive an heur's public and Horses, also fresh ground Grey Plaster in barreh--l As we claîteret alonglieý. roulghly cob. iscussion:-Sitïicoe Reformer, June 9,whc- bled streets which led ùo the Zocodover, 1898. w eihý, are preparecl to sell cheap orcas. 3acle' or markeot-place, wvomen came te, the win- Fertilizer a srpeciatt, T.imber, ' T--h ,1 - i dows te bave a poop at the stragr b Tîfhr J ~~ ~ ~ s arrvedwit sub nly baste T HE îL U BAN SUFFERERS Doors, etc_, aiways in stock,: Inspection ivtdadsts are very beauliful, the women of Tolodo, faction o'uaranteed. tali and wiilowy, and as dark as nilght, and as mysterlons. Tone ate we eaw tisat Oneida Chapter, Daughter of the N l.C 0 every iran reja tbrougi wbich tise darkt~c I E .< .~ N1 v oye o!tise Semitlo maidons fiashed dowvn American Revolution, Iearn of upon us was eursnounted by the sacred 1h ree Essentials. BoWMANVILLE. symbol, and that Al are orthodox Chris-_______________________________________ liane in Toledo lb day. Whilo the croods - have -vaaisbed, the physicai characteristies An American lady, resîding in Guan- mw have Dot; and w e mo n evory side fagces tanamno, Cuba bas wrîtten a letter ta tire-ý which bteise story o! the vanisbod races Oneitia Chapter, Daughters efthtie Mac.IILI more interest1ing1,y than even the desertot A merican Revcinution, speaking et sein e "Toledo, tlbe Imipeial City et Spain," by tirat ameng tire starving people thîe Stophen Bonlsal, in the Century. tirings seem to be essential-condensed ________________ nit, quinine pilîs and Sett's Emilsion 1 f Boots and ShoÉedus et Codi iver Oil. L i Gond lgnre ta Sssdy.Tire requesil for Scotl's Emulsion was e ItlaI etirnated tbat the triple alliance empliasizeti by the following statemenî:%fii (.lfl' 1I -Germany, Anustria and, Italy-could put ' bytewomJ ae oewhnac-ý In n.K "Ci ,,#EUO n* 2,806 iattailions, 1,088 squadrans and 1nally On bis lastI legs, hati inst conte li 6,758 giins iib te field, as againsil 2,688 iooking 0bihon.hap tbsdn baltaliotis, 1,75:3 iqiedrons andi 7,954 M e,soti. htifnI happy soîne m oneIl WhaesdpieetBostelslfieo xwesanhaeot guns aiflise double alliance-Franco ans i 5sO had flottoha emmone lp het e hv odplsoIoditels ieo S ek n aelt Russa-shoid war break ont hetweeln sfe hrnetteThisaae nete atteto dispose o! yet, And very cheap-flirst-class gootis at very smali prices. týrep. The tripfle alianice would have the et the manu!actxv.rers, whe enteret ilito iMy Spulng stock is in-most ot it-and we finti our shelves crowded. ~aaesI~nmbero! ,ès~,e. Grmay crreponee with tthe Cuban, Relief W6 Wanî more reom anld are bouantot have it, îf ý low priees have any- Lias i,5atthîiions aof ifiuant,, .i 50ý Co'ite, nifounti that Scott's Em- thing to do with it. alrysqarn and 3,0214 ca1lnon; Ans- ulsion was'beîtng usetiin tire cases of' . tria, 934 iîsua0ilias, 48V 5 îqudrons and extreme starvaticn where solid footi Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at ,1l44 canno)i. nad Italy, bu', 6attalions, conîti not bie preperîy assimilateti; $1.00. Men's Cal! and Cordovan BMs, sewcd and rivitted, fremn $1,40 145 sqplaêronis and 1,590 cannon. On the wbereunon thev matie arrangemýents to $2.50, worth $2.00 te, $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50e, other hiand, France bas 1,133 hattallis, for senTing 500 botties, to be distri but-75e wrh5c 5,ad$.0 issBy'adYuh' ocrepn 500 giquadroas and 4,176 eannon, and ed ifree in each relief ship that the cen ot 0e 5,ad$,0.Mse' oy'adYuh' ecrepn Rtnsâia, i,55 abtalions, 1,253 squadrons mittee sionîti senti forwarti, andti in priees. and 3,778 cannoni. now heing useti in -Cuba withi. won der- We wilI teli you what tife stocký is in each and every pair. The fnl efficacv. rao ed that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now in Luther'. edlgRing. Tbe estimable ladies o! Oneida Cbap- stock un every lhue,, The public is invited te inspeet our stock; no Many generations haýve pýssod aw,,, ter have been r-erv much gratifieti aI trouble to show geods-we do il with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; saince Màartin Luther livoti andi'Vas so tle prompt Èesponse witi which thir SalSroirnyad li ,Dcýn,'h vr ts ht ab priieta figure during the tromblous a ppeal was met. The exampleset wiîîSalSrpfnyan li;Deante eybs hteub urns o ib h~ry t he Ilucl~. t u oobably Ile useti effetively upon tire bouglit. Cheap trasli dressing is dear, it will ruin the bot sl appli-ý ttrStim nI lar',teei, Ia larger nanufacturers of quinine pills ed te. weddine ring of lisi great ladro!limhe andthie condensetl mmut people. Repairinig doue in ahl its branches in first-class style. Fine work refornition les tilliun existence, ansi bas bonobbtdiia eee' bpa Te~i nidsrilBrefrIemade te order, sure fit or no sale, Than'king my customers fer past 1Dusse,ýl@lor!. On t isarpe tsto !Alegl at iiigent a Nvmr eors and hoping for a.*continuance of tire tame. lime crucg(ifixion of! Christ, a amîl right wirereih tiie.se salaýries 1are pid ; J. C. lq r41b-y sbanding for a cdrap af blood. The Lnndy, inspector, 8112 ; Jas KRavanîgir txlsdl'ition le: -Catherine V on Bora laacaetaker$300;Maria avana +, mal