I i I .4 i i i 'J Agents for Frost & Wood Ilepairs. Ontario Bank. Opposite p. p. i H p. p. p. p. An Eye Opener Is the bargain yoii get in Wall Paper, Windlow Shades, Curtain PAlS, You want the best, prettiest and most for y our money, 1 wlll give it to you. Inspection will convince you. My aim is to give perfect satis- faction. New Music, new Stationery,newGame Books, new ,çiew Pictures,1 etc. BOWMANVILLE. zut Q.îaiau ftattornuu BOWMANVILLE. JUNE 29, 1898. SIR WILFRID LAURIER N»D GOOJÏ TuILS.R Thu second anniversary ai Liberal triumph is thus fittiag aliuded ta by the Mantreal Daiiy Hurald: Goad times have made their, welcome appearatice since that 28rdai June two years ago. It is nat ta bu argued that Sir Wifrid Laurier and bis colleagues are wbally and saiuiy rusponsibie far this. These admirers af bis declare their belief that so long as bu remains in bis present place ail wiil be well wilb the material affairs ai the Daminian;but however tbat may bu it is the avowud apinian ai business mun who have no, reason, an political grounds, ta sing the Prumier's praises tbat a consider- able share af the impravemunt in trade is traceabie ta bis influence exurted in behaif ai Canada in Great Britain lasti year. And wbat bas buen donu for1 Canada in Great Britain appuars likuyiy naw ta bu done for Canada la aur rela- tions witb the Unitedi States, for which happy cansummation, if it shaulq sa prove, we shah bhave ta tbaak Sir Wil- irid's lieutenant, Sir Louis Davies, especiaily. Altogethur it bas beun a mast satisiaci- ory twa years. Canadians bave gooti ruasan for rejaicing at the course af evunts and are entitleti ta look farward ta the third yuar af the Liburai rule with expectations tbat it will furtber justify their confidence la the mua wbo, an the 2rd af June 1896, *ure placed at tbe beati af Canada's afiairs. OsnÂw Scitoor4 DEmoNsnTÂTioN. -i The second annual school demoastra- tion helti under the auspices ai the Obh- awa Town Cauncil and School Board, fll bc tIsSU-osei ri .LOPV .Car, ~OIIC on Domnion Day, J uly lst. A grand procession ai pupils af home and -visit- in' schois,,Boys' and Fire Brigades in unifarma, and headeti by the band, will march ta the park at one o'clock. An extensive program of gaines anti sparts has been prepared, consisting ai base bail match, foot andi bicycle racesjump- ing, etc. ýAiso a foot-bail taurnament between visiting teaams(Oshawa barreti). Valuable prizes for alevent6. Baud concert and ire iworks in the evening. Admission echool c-hildren in proce.sion andi uniformed 'brigades, free. AIl oth&rs, ~e Chilldren Cry for C gA 1STOüà'R 1lA A CIIEERING WELCOME. Onu good trait evinced alwavs by aur Presbyterian frieuds ai St Paul's con gregatian is their great fidelity ta their pastars. They pay their rinistcrs wel and treat them well too This iý as it shaulti be. 11ev. J. H. Turnbuli, the young divine wbo has entered so au spiciously au the pastarate ai St. Paul's will, we opine, share ta fullest exteat the confidence and' good xiii ai bis parishioners. The cordiality and delight maniiested at his induction and recup tian could bardi «Y have been more assur- ing: and unless we misjudgu the rever- end gentleman heis justly worthy of ail the sangine expectatians beld hy tisase to whom he is daclied ta minister. The absence front town of the Disciples miaister and the iiinuss ai Rex'. J.- H. Barnett ai Trinity Cong-regational church was greatly rugretted, but their people were present ta unite ln the weicomu ta St. Paul's new pastar. Rex' J. J. Rac vaîcud the fraternal feelings ai the local ministers and conveyed the huartiest good-will of the Mtbodists of Bowmanville ta Mr. Turubuil and the very large number ai Methodists present at ail the services and especiaily at the tea and receptian showed haw deepix' intetrusted thev fuel in the welfare af St. Paul's. The vury best of goad feeling has ever existed betweun pastars and people of thôse twa larger cangregatians and the indicatians are that thu iriund- ship wiil continue ta broaden andi deep- en under thc hew pestoral- relatians.- In adding THEa STATESMA-N'S' words af welcamu ta thase sa cordially and generausly extended by the ministers ai PresbyterY, the ladies ai St. Paul's especaliy and congregation andcitizens in general, we must supplument tihe report ai the proceeding.-s as publisbud on an inside page of this paper, by say ing baw vury thaughtful, iri endiy and Christ-Iike weru the greetings aof11ev. R. Douglas Fraser, the beloved and successinl pastor ai St Panl's for the past thirteen years. Ris earnest wards andi kind wishes for the flack andi the aew shepherd who bas suceeeded hlm bave been subject for much admirationi and favorable comment and have we fuel sure raised him, if passible, yet higher in public estimatiýn. Rex'. Mr. Turnbull is an energetic Young man, scbalarly and brilliant la bis attain- ments and natural endawments, and enfers upan the pastarate af St. Paul's witb the unanimous sympatby and gaad- will ai a layai and faithini ofllciary andi people. May bu bave a long and happy pastarate la St. Paul's, rich la gooti fruits for the Master. A VERY ARTISTIC STOiflE. We were gruatly surpriseti an going into the Big 20, the Book, Stationary and Fancy Goatis Stare ai Mr. W. T. Alleu, ta see the great impravements that have been made. It bas been fit ed tbroughout witb poiished birch tables andi asb shlving whicb look very pretty witb the carvings andi turneti patries, which give tbum the appuai'ance of a boak case, also a chin «a bracket which wauld adora any private residence, as an aver mantel. It is by far the mast expensive store fttings we bave ever "ean. We doubt if there is a store in Ontario that can compare witb it. It refiects great credit on the taste ai Mr. R. n- -Af.w f. *i 1-11-A -1- always beun up-to-date ln ever. tbing bu bas undertaken, If yau cail, Mr. Allen 'will be pleasedtsisow you as ha diti us the impravements matie, also anything else youi may want la bis lina as it must ho a plessure ta show gootis ln so well arranged 8stre. Wu con giatulate hlm andi Mr. Ândrew on the tastediiplayeti andi hope it will bring incrtaseti trade as it is one of the most up-to-date stores of its kind carrying e"erything ln the book andi stationsry linos. It la wortbi while lookia.g juta îhis place for the refreshing influences of such aqpick ýspan place wiIl rumain witbt you for days. FARMERS A PROSPEROUS EBÂ. A BusiNzss EDucÂArioN ENÂBLIts ONE TO ENJOTnt-s PROSPERITY. Canada is entering upon a n era ai prosperitv sn as few cauntrie in the warld ever enjoyeti. Canadian yonng mua anti yaung wamen ought,therefore ta fit thumýselx'es for greaternefles p articularlv in the commercial waiks oi ife. A thorougb business trainingirin book-kuuping, shorthanti, etc . wil unf- able aay youth ai character end abjilît-% ta make Ufis wa « in thé world. It is titu businessai Hamnilton Business Colluge anti Shortbauti Ins4-tute to prepare yaung mea anti yo-nng- women for com- merda$l ifhe. W hen the Collage t-e opens en Sept. 6th, there shoulti bu in attan- dance a number oai yaung people t-rnm titis district. A circular containing ful informnation can bcb ati pon a pplica. tian ta the Principal,C. R. MCulougb, Hamiltons, Ont. Mental and physticai vigor ioliow th>e use of Miller's Compound ti t-ou is. Should see ofir Samples before plac- ing their orders, we have the Ieading Brands at very low prices. A full lune of Machine Oils, 011 Cans, ilar- vest Tools, Etc. We invite a compai ison of quality aad price with goods off ered else- where. Rd.-Worth. 1 ETEÂMfsRTi'5 MONTISEÂL. 9 A. m. Parisian*...........8Jn Carthaginian. 25::. Californian........ 30 Numidian .......... .7 July P-arigîan------------ _14 QUEBEC. 6Fp. m. Sme Day 'Parisian anti Californian catI ai Derry. Laurenti an,19te abin only, Carthaginian, 2nd cabin only.' Pessengers wiii bu Irassferred with their bag- gage from the rallway station ta the wharf fret of charge. IRATES OF PASSAGE. Liverpool and Loi donderry-îst Cabin $ft 50 anti upward ;return, t,105 anti upwards '; nd Caýbi4, (tiiiuding Londoni) ,3M.2à. ' Stetrage- -verpool,Dex-ry, Beifast, Glasgow, London- $23.50. New York to Glasgow anti Derry, "taEte of Nebragka"Mongolian,ist eabiss *45azdupwards; 2nd Cabiu $855 steerage 823,5o. Y'oIr tieketg and every lnformatIon ap-. Piy te Allan Lime Airent. Bowsnanville. OLD DUTRHAM BOTYS. A largely attended and enthusiastie meeting of Old Darham Bpys was heldt Monday night in the office of Mr. J. W Curry, Cit Crown Attorney. Repre- sentatives of both East and West Dur- ham were present. Mr. James L. Hughes, Public Sehool Inspector, occu- pied the chair, and Mr. Thos. Yellow- tees acted as secretary. lt is the ini- tention to hold an excursion this vea,,r ta Bowmanville on Ciie Holiday. Next year Port Hope will be visited, s0 that bath the east and west riding-s will be taken iln, The plan is ta have a special train, ta, take anc, of the regi- mental bands with the excursion, a id ta Wear uniform. badges and caps. Thie selection of the latter and the making of arrangements were left lu the h jand s of a committee composedof Messrs. J. W. Curry, City Solicitor Caswell, Rev. W. J. Barkwell, J. D. Keachie, Gog Porter, Dr. Bawie and Dr 11.'J. Hlamil- tan. The association will meet again one week before the date of the excur- sion-Globe. 110W TO SHOW CHARITY. How much easier and pleasant wouild the pathwav of lule be, did people always take time ta consider before paissing judgment. Many a 'man's usefuluess has been retarded and in some cases wholiy ruined by a few thoughitluss people who on the spur - i the moment decide that because a pstr-on's voice, manner or apperance is flot jttst what they cxpected or have been accustamued ta or because bu is different from some onu else he possesses no good qualities. This thought has been suggested ta us at this time when so man v new minis- ters are caming ta, new fieldsof labor in thiq district. They have came from a place which they have learned to laok upon as home, from amang people whom they can honestly cal riends, ta a strange place and among strange people. AIlow yourself ample time, friends, before you criticise, judge or condemu and in nine cases out ai ten '-ou will live to congratulate vourseif on SO doîng. It takes ttme for people. ta Iearn ta kuaw each other, and'your new pastor f euls even more lonely than you do, for he is ail alone among many strangers, w hile you are many friends with one stranger. Whatever ý u au l ta do, ýe sure you do not pass judgment mentaily or publîciy an your pastor un- tii yau have taken every opportunity af ascertaining his goad qualities as weli shis passible few failings. Seek ta malce him fuel at home. Show hlm by your actions that yau have only the kindliest feelings toward hlim. That in all parts ai the work in which lie is so deeplyinterested he max' count ou your hearty and uarnest support. It is a bard -inatter to find an Amierican horne, no matter how -Zz humble, in whicb there is flot nmusic of sorne kind. it rnay be tht music of a piano, an o organ, a gui- - tar, a banjo or simply the mus- ic of a buman voice. There cau be no question as to its refining influence. But there le one kind of mnuslc that is iisinlr frarn tens of thousands of bornes andi withcnat wbich no home can be tboroughiy happy. It is the music of childish laughter. A baby's prattie je the best mugic for the home. A baby ie the anly tdc that man finally binti together in abiohite biies usefuinesand confidencea a n an i a» wo- man. It ie a cold andi cheerless home tbat neyer knowe the music of a baby'W laug-b- ter. There are thousantis of bornes ail over this landi that were once checrîcas and cbiidiess, but are to-day happy and Ilighted w!tb babyb-ood's smile, that blasas Doctor Piercels Favorite Prescription. It is the best of ail miedicines for woinen wbo suifer from weakness and disease of t4c dîstinctly feninine organe. t acte lretItÉt on tbe delicate andi important orgairns, giviipg thern hea1th, strengtb, vigor andi tlaticity. It allays inflammation, beals, ulearation, sothes pain, stops debilitatig drais and tane the nervaà. It fits for w*odand rnotberbood. t ride hsLatern Ù& itperiis. It banishes the qtialrnsofte tpeetaaî perioti and makes baby's adveeut tasy and almost painiesa. It insures tis hLIlds bealtis anti an aaple supply of rîourisb- mcent. RI, is the 4lscovcry of Dr. R. V. Pierce. an emainet tandi ekîlifulseeas, F R ORSL R ET- li~StVts, flo tLU"l!A lMU14L implrnena Âpt ioue 10 A LBERT HÂAIRN Traveller, Peterboro. 26 - 3m. FPAR M FOR SALE BY TENDER.- 100 acres, being Lot 7 Ccn 7, Darlington. Good clay loarn, good buldilg, well fenced, orchard, fi-ont üreek running rough'it, bard vater- Pos$eeson $0 plow &fier, >haaveat, ýfu possession Mai-ch ,189î. Tenders receivedup to Àng lot. The higheot or any tender rnay flot be acepted. JoHN Buix. Janetville. 25-5w. 17ÈEES FOR SALE .-The eutîre U Wyof the late JohnH.Manning Troe lsoflered o sale on esy terme. In atd£tîn te 70good working hives a spply ofilecessaries for beewkeeplng wfii1 bc lneluüedI n the sale. For fariher partieulars addrea, J. W. SPÂRLING, Bowmnanvllle, SAMUJEL POLLAKD or on the premii$detu Vas.,J. H,Ât<N. 2q, - if. IRýb B R STAMPS.-For fine Rubber CURY 0C., 84-86 K!ngSt.,Eas,Toroý1ioJ0nt. 7-if. I AIR WORK.-Ladies wishino- hait- atdane over, cali at 1Mus. Dicaîaso;Sxl np Esanti Cor of Osntario St,Bowmaniville. 43ýt MJA1IRIAGE LICENF JAIssuer of MaA4 Resideue: Centre etreet. CAM1ERA FOR SALE.-An' Eastman, No. 4,Foidsng ýKodac, takes picuresf 4x5 inches ; sîze of Camera when foldeti 5xj 61 suches,; fitied wîtb a speeially seleeteti rapid rectilinear lens. With Camera'are tbree daouble plate holders foeussingeltîantian excellent foldingtripod. Outtit cosiabout $27.00. Wi i besolti ceap. M.A..JAmEs, Bowmanville,Onit. - 22-tf. RESIDENCE IN BOW MAN VILLE RFOR SALE.-Tle residence of the laie ltcLard J. Shaw, anti groundis andi landi adjoini ig, beîng town lots 15 and,,16, ln blocke 1M, Bowmanvine, frontsng on Centre Street at wesi antiduning baek'to Liberty Street. This ba eommodt.sus brick dwelling in gooti reiair- erroantiet witb ornarnental groandts stocked with shade -trees and garden stoeked with dif- et-cnt varitîcesof fruit trees un gooti bearixng. For teris apply on the premises or to RîieuàHi> J.MÂLaoay, 1kinig St. East, Division Court Biliff, Bowmanville. - 3 f. "P OARS FOR SERVICE-Berkshîire 11anti Tamvorth boars for service, on Lot Con' Clat-ke. Terme $4 . PJ. GlisoN Pro, prietor. 20) - ti. R EISTREDBOAR FOR SE RV 1CE Beaieanti«Yorkshire Bae eton Bershle br fr &le. GEORGa H"RIîswrau ~ TO LENI1) $50 0 M on gouortmoi goge secim ity ai moierate rates of llnt(rest, A. E. McLAuGuus OuotorBowmanivillîe)tn 16 -6m. PARM FOR SALE BY TENDER.- FK DO0 acres besng lot 19, Cou 4. Darlliugton kno-wn astbe'àtuart Fan'. Gooiframetitilld ingo. 2 acres orchard, firevooti. bard andooi, 'va'e t. nil"e rm Bowma,,nvili,. osts given te lo. Sepsl si. ulpi.. inMat-at ý FARM FOR SALE OU TO RENT-, 1A 5ô acres, be3inug partig of Lot 29, cou. 4 and i Dat-Iprt<,. . d delijng.%ant ~bllil(Mntg3 goisuLsgootn. Et oC rtllti'auiha. Fiawidng Pitstsbo nxiFa]!, fuiliPossession bMatch 1Î, 1899. If 'iot sutI Soon witl be reuiteci for a ttflW of rears.k;. tr I"ntket- partivutars appiy tu JAMEs oo&1, Brookîsa, oui. 20 - ti. ~ wWEST END flOUSE BOWMPýNVILLE.w .We Sellw iFine Dress Goods, 1e And our New Black Dress Goods are the correct thing,. The very newest in the mbarket and made by the most reliable manufac.turer in the world. 'Chic" UOWfl's1 Maily .aded fram Priestley's Blkool Figured Fabrica because the ffrmness of the texture and exquisite weave -yield ideal draping qualities Combined with tbis is the a±'igisnaiy of the designs in Black Wool Figures -in Matalasse effects, Armures, ~ Pebble Clotlis and Wool Ca.nvass Cloths. MIK F~~ior the streeti , a eaing or for P i s l y l the hue, Fashion dictates from. acosthe water as emmlen±iy cora Black WooI Figuired Fabrics Our Linings are Ai1 and we have everything needfùl. We also carry a fine assortment Sof tr]mmings. You flot only get the newest andbest, but you save money by bu\ ing fi s. 1cAil Wool Creponne in Liglit Biue and Pink, double width gbods, regular price 45c, speciai 19cper yard. Black Kid Gloves, odd lines that were $1 and $1.25, clearing o't, per pair 40c. Embroidery, nice Swiss Embroidery, 1 inch wide, regular price 5c, special 2c. E3OYS' 2 PIECE SUITS. CltngtcLr ? We wilI offer some special inducemen-s in the Boys'Cltigt la out odd lunes. Nice 2 pieco Suits, pleated coats, checked patterns, îîght Scolors, good wearing cloth, knickers lined, sizes 24 to 28, regular price $2.10, special $1.75. MEN'S FjNTS. We have jtist placed into stock Men's White Duck Pants in ail sizes, brand niew goods, special values. We have a few odd lines of Navy Blue Serge and Strip Patterns Pants about one doz. in, ail which wîll go at- 75c. ]BOOTDS .AW.DwekOu Look out for our announcement uncler this head next. ek u 'ý, buyer lias been'in T~oronto attending the big auetion, sale of fine-Bot and bias made big purchases which we expeet in the end of this week. SThen-look ont for bargains. This will be the biggest sale of Boots held in Bowmanville for many a day. We will advertise the sale in good time so as to give everyone a chance, flot a pair to, go, on sale before due notite Sis given. G7zEý0oCE E=Lm S_ S Sugar is in demand now. We have a big- lot and will selI at close prices. Gem Jars at very bottom prices. Highest price paki for ai kinds of Farm Produce.j John -1McMuirtrýay. , SEALED TENDERS Addre«sed to John Lyle, Town Clerk, Bow- manville wjlI beceie up to friday, July lst, 1898, for the purchase of the 43,000.00 PIRE DEBENTURES. Copies of the By-Law can be had on application to the Town Clerký By Order. ALLAN UNE IBOTABOT-SE for sale. _L YSBCCEFOR SALE.- NetiSpring. Apply at STATESMAN office. 25 - 1w. R L S.-Between Bowrnanville wharf Lor stati, and Neweastle a pareel contain-( ig a blouse, books, and other articles. Finder E uilease leave at STÂTESMÂN office. 26 -1w. 43 FARM TO RENT.-150 Acres, parts of Lots 30 and 31, Con 4, Paýrlington Pos- session after harvest. For furtheir partieulars b( applY to ALLÂN TRuLL, Box 241 Oshawa. 253Sw> 11OUSE-KEEPER WANTED.-Oni Ha f arm in Darlingtou. No farnily. Good F wages to right wornan. ApplY toPIAIMEILBOX il) 241 Oshiawa, or at STATESMÂN office Bowman- B vilie. 25-1w* w T ACHER WANTED.-Male, tea-,' ,ýrofessional o non-professional for >F S. S. No. 17, Darlington. Duties to comnmence J. after holidays. 'Appilications recelved up to B July 8st. State sala-y and experienee. JEssE - WiLA~xms, cretary-treasurer, Enniskillen, P. "J 0. 25 -lwl -J wiii ht% hold af, Prrmrdýà-ýt. Park- Oh§Lwft 1 m M AnçLrewý tile landierd. whe hafq 1 e. -W 1 on . .- i 9i ýl i . 1 ze cil ..il --ýw . IJ2'rllngtom TERMS 76 iý,ellt8ý ýt rt -t 1 1,Lý 1 1 ý 1 11 1