,The Calladiail Statesifian. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29,,1898. FOR -WEAKNESS AND>-,OEDIIITY8 Consutmption is aften caused by a we4* stats of he blood, permiting the r4 Vo obtain a foohoid. ThatgDr.Wa§rG% Blood and Nerve Pillé cure disease and make the systen safe, he followhug evidence amply proves : I suffered for two years with what he family doctor claimed was an incurable case of consumptiou and debhlity, tellhng mie that mny life wss but for a few months at hs best. As I was about ta give Up,l 'l picked up your advertisement and re- s olved'thereupon to give Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pillé a trial. The -first box of themn workeçl such a won derful change I feit that at ast I had struck a medicine that would hclp me. I con- tinued hs use of the Pilîs, recsiving from themn day by day flesh, strengtb sud vîgor, ha fact friends of mine ihat had neV seen me for some time hardly knew me, s0 great was hs change that Dr. Ward's Pillé workcd. Out oftbe fulîness of my heart hanVhs joy of my being rescued from the grave, cornes this testimonial. 1 sbahi, as long as God permihts.me to live, herald fbrth their usefulosas and lfe.savhng power to &Il afilicted by that monster of disease that almost clahmed me for its vctim, thereby repaying you Iu a small measure for hs grand, new lease of life Dr. Ward's Blood sud Nerve ]Pis have given me. Yours truly, JOHN P. THORP, Cork St., Guehph, Ont. Dr. Ward's Blood sud Nerve Pillé are sold at Soc. per box, 5 boxes for $2.00, at drugghsts, or maled. on receipt o! pice by THE DR. WARD CO., 71 Vic- toria St., Toronto. Book of Informa- thon free. MNAONEY TOLOAN $ 100,000. A large sum o! money bas been plaed linîuy bande by a private persan for invesrment, on approvedloanson farm security for a term of Fioor Toear, t 5 1-2 por sent interest willbha sk(edpayabeyarySaif- tory conditions for repaymsnt will bc arranged. D. B. SIMPSON, Solicitor, Bowmanville. Dated Oct. jet, '94. 4o-f. RK. Th A LpAding Speciaits of Aia 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000_CLIl9O. WECURE EM!SÇION7,%' Nothing eau bc more demoraizig to yaung or mîddle-aged mnu han athe res,- esse of tbese *'nightiy l,.L-" i2ne *produce weakness, nervonînes, a feeling of disgust sud a whoie trainci . -mitoms.-t hiey unft a man for bus,ýrnc-, .nrried heudsocial balppine.-s. 1Xo, matter whether eaused by evil habits lu 'youth, uatural-weakness or sexual excessés, aur New Method Treatmcnt wili positivciy; cure yen. -NO CURE- NO PAY, Ieader. yen sneed help. Early abuse or laVer exce.-kes ii-y haxe we rkeaed ou. Exposure May h fte d seased yeu. ou "re otsafe ti c ud. Our Newethod will cure yen T, oitonnanorisk. &.0,00CU RFe4D ' oung Mn-Youare pale, feebis ansd haggard, nervous, rritable aud ex-' ctable. Yon hecame forget!ui, morose, aud despondent; biotches and pimples. sunken eyes, wrinkied face, stooping forn sud downcast countenance reveat hs blight a! your existence. WE CUREV1ARICOCELE No matter how serions rour case may ' hoor how long yen maY bave badl, a ur EW AMETIIOD Î11ATIMET will cure it. The "wormy velus" returu Vo their normal condition sud hence hs, sexual organe receive proper netîrish- meut. The organe become -%,Itali7ed, al unuatural drains or losses ccase andi mauiy pwers return. No t,..rorsry enft ut a permanent eurc-c, -sred. NO CURE, OPAY. NG -ERA STION NECESSARY.ý NO z'- TION FIIOM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED We treat sud cure îSYPHILIS, GLEET. EMISSIONS. IVPOTENOT, SRCTURIE. VAICOCELE, SEMI- NLLOSSE S, ]3LAD DUR AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BiOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unabis to caîl. wrte ýor n TI,ýON 13LANIX for P1OME LLà T 48 SELB SRET mmRI. IH rbý1jrb.g ADAMS, TUTTI ERJTTI MODS DIGESTION ,; Ariti GV a d ore a L 1u ss presencé are snt free for he rtura of ets of coup)oxus from Tutti -- i MADEFM L AMANI Big AJAX TAELES POSITIVELY CURE > .ALL N-'-a" tu,.-ati Mei. le *.mm r. '~uua,», vcuid hfAbuse c- otùsr AxceoseuiIndu- cetjon,e f.cjqiiay and, Ésaroty restero Lest Vj0.44y i leder nonna. aad fit à a nu C .t.ly. bu.sinegssor uarrnse. s ouucuu.t.r &-lautya'iConsomption it sont and effete aCuuRE wsucre ait other fait 'i. 1Vptshaving the senune Aax Tablets. Thoby bal'. 1orZ, housancisanid wifl cure non. Wegieep. tive wittea sago t.te e fset euoJ SOin mch oas eor Jr.audtchbtnnr. 5r0s W i.u Package; or ix pisses (fui] treatxuenti for U250.'E mail. is platn wrappesr, mon receipt or price.. <ircniar f-AJAX REMEDY CO., i% ýbr ; For sale lu Bewmapvllç by STOTT & JURY Pruggiste. 11RE 'SE8T IHSTtL IN DETROIT Câid.asunda or ea In t Ke«e. Baibes .ooPAOq4. Woodward od jefemnâAvnesoi e block sway. R. H. Ji. BS & BON, -'r--------s lai..and LbrMit Vreets. DtreSé, Misis. . THE, VEILI3D QUJ3EN Practical Lessons Prom the Story of a Beauýti fui Queen Who Was Dethroned. DÀo'm Forth in Poverty Because She Refused ta Obey the Màn- date of a Dru nken. King- Modesty in Women Com- mended--Some Heroio Women. Mutered uiccording toA et of the Parliame nt of Canada, luI the year one thous) mi eight hundred and ninety-eight, by the Central Press Agencey of Canada,*, (Limited), at the Departrnent of Agriculture. AI[ rigbts 'reserved., heard alang dark lane aud in govern>ý<nentu Washington, July 8 -Dr. Talulage In hospitai and in almshouse corridor and this discussion tells the story or a beauti- by prison 1 gaVe?' There may lie no' , yal fui queen dethroned sud draws practicai robe, There mnay be no palatial surrc, înd- lessons for ail conditions, sud ail times; ings. She does not need tbem, fc r al Wea stand amld the palaces of Shusban. charitable men wiii uuite with the cri cll- Thie pinnacies are afiame with the moru- ing lips of foyer struck bospitaland ing iigbt. The columns rise festooned and plague blotched lazaretVti lu. grcetin' ber 'wreatbed, the weaith of empires fisshîng as she passes: "Hall! Hall! 'Q ieen from the graooes, the ceilings adorned Vashti 1" with images of bird and beast and scenes Agalu, I want yon ta consider V, shti of prowess and conquest. The walls are the veiled. Had she sppeared ýb dore buug with shields and embiazoned until Ahasuerus and bis court on thaxý day it seemis thaé, the whoie round of spien- vvith hier face uncovered she wouid paye dors je exhausted. Each arch is a mighty shocked al ths dolicacieig of oriental leoci- leaf of architectural achiÉvemient. Golden ety, and the Yçry men wba in their' in- stars sining. dawn on glowing arabesque. toxication demanded that she corne in Haugiugs of ezubre4dered work in which their sober moments wouid bave desuisedi mingie the bluenes o f the sky, hegreen. bar. As soine flovers seen ta thrive best ness of the grass aud the whiteness of the iu he dark Ian. and in the shadow and sea foam. Tapestries buiig on silver rings, where the suni does not seem ta reacli weddiug oether the pillars of marbie. them, sa God appoints ta ruost woînaniy Pavilions reacblng but in every direction. natures a retiring and nnabtrusive spirit. These for repose, filled, with luxuriant God once ln awie does cali an Isabella couches, in wbich weary lîmbs sink until. ta a. throne, or a Miriam .to strilce the all fatigue les UbjmergedI. ihase for carcu- tiîubrel at tbe front of a hast, or a Marie sal where kings drink dawn-a kingdom Antoinette ta quel a French mob, or a at ane swaliow. Axnazing spectacle! Light Dieborah Vo stand at týie front of an Ôf silver dripping dawn over stairs of ivory arrned battalion, crying out: ",Up 1 Up! on shiolds of gold. Floors of stsined mar- Tbis ls the day ln rybich. the Lord will bie, sunset red and night black snd in- daliver Sisera into tby bauds." 1'And laid witb glesmiug peari. In conneetion wben the wqmen are called ta sucli ont- wlVlh this palace there la a gardon where door work and ta sucli bero le pasitions tbe migbtv imen o!fureigu lands are seat- (iad prepares Vbem for 'iV, ani hey bave .d at a banquet. Under the spread of oaký iron in their seul, sud lightnings in their snél*liuden and acacia the tables are ar- eye, and Wbhiriwinds in their breatb, aud ranged. The' breath of boueytuckle aud tha- borrowed streugth of the Lord amui- fraukincense fille the air. Fountains leap patent in their rigbt arm. They walic up into the ligbt, the spray struck through through furuaces as thougli tbey *are with rainbaws falling into crystalin3 bedgcs of wildfiowers sud cross seais as baptism uaon fiowering sbrubs, then rail- tbough they were shimmuering sapphire, ing down thraugb channelseto marbie ana aud ail the harpies a! bell down ta their widening out boe and there luto pools, dungeon at the stsmp of womaniy indig- swirling with the luny tribes of fareigu nation. But these are ths exceptions, aquariums, bardercd wltb scarlet ans- Generaîîy Dorcas wauld rather make kaa mortes, hypericums sud" many colored garment for the poar boy, Rebacca wold rauunc:,li. rather fil the rougb of the camels,,Han- Meats of rarest bird and beast smokinlz aah would ratbgr iake a coat for Samn- up amid wraths o! aramatics. The vases uni, the Hebrew maid wauld rather give tilllsd witb apricats and aimaunds. The a prescription for Naamsn's ieprosy, the baskets piisd up witb apricots aud fige waman o! Sarepta would rather gather a and oranges sud pamiegraîiats. Melons fewv sticks to cook a meal for famished tastefuily twined witb leaves of acacia. Li ijah, P hebe would rather carry a letter The briglit waters of Eulaens, fihing the for the inspired apostis, Mother Lois uri and droppiug outside the rira lu would rather educats Timathy lu the fiashing beads arnid the tracanles. Wine Scriptures. Wben I ses a wamau going froi the royal vî9ts, of Ispahan aud about hier daily duty, with cheerful dig- Shiraz, lu botties of tinged sbeil, and lily r.ity presidîng at the table, witb kînd aud Fhaped cups of silver and fiagous and tank- gentie but firin discipline presidiug lu ards of solid gold. The iuusic risse bighsr tho nursery. goiug out laVa the world ami the revelry breaks ont luto wilder wîtbout any blast of trumpets, followiug transport, and tha wins, bas fiusbedthe in the footstsps of hlm wbo went a bout check and toucbed the braîn, aud londer daiug good, I say, "This is Vashti lh than ail other voices areý the hiccough Of a veil on.' the inebriates, the gabbia of fools sud thre But whsn 1 ses a womau of unbiusb- saong of he drunkards. ing boldness, laud'voiced, witb a tangue A Wexnau Wronged. çef infinite clitter clatter, with arrogant In another part of the palace Qusen look, passing tbrougb the streets with Vasbti lseontertaining he Princess o! the stop of a waiking beam, gayly array- Pers at s banquet. Drunkan Ahasuerus cd in a vory hurricane of rillinery, I cry stkys Vo hie servants, "Yeu go aud fetcb out, "N'asbti bas iost hier veil- Whsn I Vashti froui that banquet with the wo- ee a woiuau struggling for pliltical pre- mnuasd briug lier to this banquet with ferment, trying Vo force ber way ou up the men sud 1et me display bier beauty." ta canspicuity ainld the maasculine deama- The servants lmrnediately start Vo obey gogues, who stand with swolleu fists sud the king's command, but there was a rule bloodshot eyes sud postiferous breath Vo in oriental soclety that no; Womn migbt guard tho polis, wanting Vo go, thraough 'appear lu public witbout hiaviug lber face he loaferisin aud deflameut of popular vsiled. Vet bers was a mandate that n svereigns, xvho crawl up from Vthe saloonis oune dare dispute, demnanding that Vashtl greasy anld foui sud verînin covered Vo camne ilunuvelaed befare the multitude. decide questions of justice sud order sud Howsver, there was lu Vasbti.s seul a civliza tlon-when I sec a womau, 1 say, principle more regal than -Abasuerus. Wbo wants ta press through ail that bar- mare brilliaut than the gold of Shusl*în, rible scum Va get Vo public place and of more wealth than the, realna of Persia, power, 1 say: "Ah, what a pity! Vashtl wbich cammandsd lber Vo disobey this bas losV bier veillI order of hs king, sud so al he righte- Wben I ses, a womsu <of comnely features ousness sud'bolinesesud imodesty o! bier aud of adroltuese of intellect sud eudowed nature nése up ixto nue sublime refusai. wit alil that the scbools eau do for hien Sho says, "I will noV go Into the banquet and of higb social position. yet inovlng uflveiled." Ahasuerue wassinfuriate, aud iu saciety wlVb sup-crclliausness aud bau- Výasbtl. robbsd o! bier position sud ber teur, a% thaugli she wanid bave'peaple estate, Is driveit forth lu poverty sud know their place aud with an undafiued ruin Vo sufer h $coru of a nation, sud combination of gigzleansd 'strut snd rbo. jet ta recel-es hs appisuse of siter gener doniautade, endowed with allopathie lu- aions, wbo shall rise up ta admiire hs flitesîmals of seuse, the terrer of dry martyr Vo 'clugly insolence. Weil, the last gonds elerks aud nîilroad couductors, dis- vestige o! that feast ls gone, hs last gar- covarens of siguifleant meaninge lu plain ]and bas faded, he Isèt sncb bas fallen, conversation, prodligles o! badinage sud the lasi tankard bas been destrayed, sud innuenda, I say, "Vasbti bas 'last ber Shushan is 'a cula, but 'as long as the veil." wocid stands thème wiii hé multitudes o! meno ndd women familar with Via, Bible wbo wiii cons int Vhils pieture gsllery o!ftiod- sud admire he divinue portrait o! Vashtl hs qîxeen, Vasiti Vie veiiad, Vasiti hescifice, Vasiti the mfilan . InuheVia ret'place, I want>you tV oo0k tapon Vasiti he queen. 'A bine nihhau, layed witb white, drswn acound hec fore- heild, iudlctcted ber qlueenly position. IV wass11o émal honor Vo bé, qusen lu suci s cealin as that. Hack Vo hs rustie o! hen robas! Seo the blazeofo ber jewels, sud ystit Vlé noV necessacy Vo have place, aud ragal rabs lu order Vo ho quosuly. Wben I ses a woxnan with tant faithinl God putting ber foot tapon ail mesunesé sud salfishnass sud godîs dlsplajy, going iaht forward ta serve Christ and thé race by a grand sud glanions service, I say, "'That woman la a qice," sud hs ranks o! heaven look oven Vie hattîsmuents upon Vie cocouation, and whetbsr abs coincé up !nam heshsanty on tie coin mous or hse mansion o! hs ýfashionichle -square I greot lher wlth hesbsout, "Al hail, Queen Vasiti !" Things eVoC..ngider. Wiat glocy was Viren tuhVe brow of' Mary o! Sctlaud, or Elizabeth o! Eng- land, or Margaret o! France, or Catherne o! Russia couspared wiVh Vie woti o! soins o! aur Chitian mothers, many o! themngone it lory; oorofi-hV--Wi M entioued lu hs Scnîptunes Who pot han aDi laV Vthe Lord'é reasury; or o! Jepi. thab's dauighten,. who made a demoustra- ian o!frnseliéh patriotsm; or a! Ahi- gail, wha nascued thé bordésud faocks o! ber husliaud; on o! Ruth. who Voled nuder a tropical- sur-lor-pon, aid, 1eip- léss Naomol; or o! Florenoe' Nightingale, wia went at midigit Vo stauch the bat- Vie Wounde o! hs Cnlnmea; or of Mrs. Adonîramu Judson, who klndled Vi. 1gb té o! salvation ýamld the danuss of Bar- in-a; or o! me. Ramans, who poured out ber hoiy seul lu -wonds, wlei wlll forover ho assoclated wiVh bunter's bora, and cmup4ive'e chain, and bridai boum, sud Iutne's tiroi, sud cucfew'é kueli at the d3 iing day, and scoresésud hundreds o! ,womsn unknown an eartli wbo have gîvon wator Ve Vie Vhrsty, sud ,bread ta he i ulsgry, sud modicîne Vo thé ulck, sud ensileVe the disoniarad. their footstepé éa'a Cruelty. .Again, I -wsnt yau Vils momnlug ta caneidar VaébVi he sacrifie. Who.is Vils that I sas caming ont -of Viat palace gâaa o! Shushan? IV seméVo tme that 1I bave seau haer hofons. She camés homelosé, honéeless, frindless, tcudglng along with a 'broken lisant, Who le @ho?' It laVashtî Vhs sacrifice. Oh, what a change it was iran regal position Vo a way!arer's crust l A littîs wbile egoa approvsd %a'%dsougit for. Now, noue go poon as ta acknowiedge hem acqnsluitanceéiip. Vasi ti thé sacirifica. Ah, 'you sud I hava sean IV xminy a ine! Heme lé a home empalaced with bssuty. AlViat efunement sud books aud wealth can do fan Viat home bas basa doue; but Ahasuerus. Vhe huébaud1 aud the father, le akiug boid on pathé o! éln. Hé lé graduaily going dowu. Aftem awbiie ho wilii flounder aud struggle lîke A wlld béatith h unter's net-fanther away from God, farther away iron Vie iglit. ,Soon Vhs bniglit apparel of Vhe cbiidrsn wiii uru Vo rage; souVihe boutehold sang wIli bhcmme the sobbiug of s, iroken béant. The aid @tory avec agaîn. Brutal cenaanc breakmîg up the usniatt e ast et Lapithas. The bouse full of outrage sud cnuolty and abomina- tion, whiio rudgiug forth tram Vtie palace gatearan.Vashiasd ier eblidren. Thens are homes lu ail parts of!tVisls and that sre in danger of.such brsakiug up. Oh, Ahnctînrus, that vmn mhoulc st.and lu a bonie by a dissipa ted Ide destroylng Vhe peso. sud confort o! tiat homo! God for- bld that yeur cbildcon abauld ever bave Vo wÉing their, banda sund have people point their flugen at thein as tbey pass down Vie étreet sudsy, '"Tiers 'goos s dunkard's chid?" Goci forbid that Vhs littie ftest should ever have to trudge Vie pati o! poyerty sud wretebedness! God !orbld that any evil spirit haru o! Vie wine cup ar tie brandy glanss sould corne forth and uprooti that gardonansd with a lasVlng, blisterlng, aIL cousumnug curses *bin, foneven Vie palac, gate agaluét Vashtl aud he chillren. Lif*'* Casmpfines. One nigit durlng aur civil war wIw Vo Hagerstown tVa look at Vie army sud 1 stood ou a hlIuitop atud lookêd dowu upon tisus. Isw the campfires al Viougi Vis valcys sud ail aven Vie bille. It was a weicd spectaýcle, those campfires, sud 1 stoad sud watched thein, aufi hs soldiers who ivere gatbored arouud theni wsre no doubt talkiuga! theij homos sud of the long mardi they had axen aud a! hs battles they wene Va fight, but sftec awbils I saw theseatumpfices begin Vo iawec, sud tbey contiaued ta lawen until they wene asu gone out, sud Vhs army slept. 1 vtwe-, lmposiug vben I saw thé campfirs. IV wae imposing in hs dack- uses wbea I thought of that great hast asleap. Well, Godlooke dowu !rom heaven sud ho secs Vhs firesides o! Christandom ,und hs lov d anse gatbered around those fireeldes.: These are the camp1irf s whers we wacm ourselves at hs close.o! day aud talk aven he batties of life ws have fought sud hs batties that ane yet ta caua., God grant that wben at lasi these fines begin Vo go out sud continus ta lower until finalhy they are extlnguished aud Vhes aches o! cansumed hapes stnsw Vhe hearth o! the aid honîestead it may bc hecanseswa have- Gone Vo sloep that sloop F"n'om wbicb nous aven waks ta wesp. Now ws ara an scmuy ou ths mardi o! lif e. Then we shah be au amy bivonacked in Vhe lent o! ths grave. The Silent Martyr. Once mars, I waut you Vo look at Vashti hes suent. You do noV hean any outeny from V hs 'oman as she goes forth froin the palace gaVe. Fram Vhe very dig- nity a! ber nature you kuow theco wili lie no vociferation. Sometimas ilu il! it le necsssary Vo make a netont; sometlmes in lifs IV le nscessary ta resist; but thons are crises whsu Vhe mast tnriumphant tbiug Vo do is Vo kesp silence. The philos- opher, confident'lu bis nswly discovecsd principle, wsitiug for the comiug o! mars intellicest generatians, williag that in shouid laugb at he iightulug rmd sud cotton gin sud steamblansd telagrapli, waiting for long years thrangh Vhs scoif- iug o! philasophicai echoals lu grand sud magu ificent silence. Galilea, coudernued hy matbematîclanîs sud monks sud cardjnass, caricatured everywhere, yet waitiug sud watcbing with bis telescope ta ses Vhe camiug xUp ,if stellar cs-euforcemeuts, wheu Vhs stars lu their courses, would figbt for Vhs, Coperuican system, then sittiug dawn In comploesblindasse sud deafuess tawaiV foc he comlng ou of Vhe genenatlons who would build bis monument sud liaw at bis grava. The reformer, execrated by bis coutemnporarls, fastened lu a pilaory, Vhs slow fines o! public coutsmpt liucniug under lin, ground under Vhs cylindans o! hs printing preéss, yst calmhy waiting for the day wben puclty o! seul sud hbo- ism o! ebaracter will geV Vhs sanction of eartb sud Vhs phaudits of beaven. Afilirc- ian endurng withaut any camplalut Vhe.sharpuese o! Vhe paug, sud Vhe vio- lence o! the stacîn, sud hs ha! V o! Vhs chain, sud the darnuesé <of hs uigbt, walting until a divine baudi shah ha eprit fanth Vo sootha Vhs pana, sud bush Vhe storin, sud celasse he captive. A wlfe abusad, persecuted sud a perpetual exile fron evsry earthly comfort, waiting. waitiag untîl hs Lord shall gather up bis dean oilidren lu a bsaveuiy'hoainsd no pon Vasbti wîlli ever lie hrust out froi Vhe' palace gaVe. Jesus, in silence sud aaswering noV a word, drinkiug the gali, bearng Vhs cross, lu prospect o! the raptunaus coasumînstion whn- Augels tbrouged his chariot -wheei And bora hlm ta bis tbroue, Then swept their golden harps sud .uug, "The gloniaus work'is douaI" Oh, womau, dosetno this stony ~ Vashti Vhe qusen, Vashtl Vhe veiled, Vasht hs sacrifice, Vasbti Vhes suent, maya yauc soul? My sermon converges laVa Vhe one absorbing hope that nons o! you msy ha shut ont of Vhs palace gaVe o! heaven. You eau endure the hardehips, sud hs privations, sud the crueîties, sud Vhs ruiefoctunes of this lil! if yau eau auly gain admission theca. Through the biood a! hs everlastiag coveant 'îou go, hrough thosa gates ornueven go through aV,ýall. God forbid that you sbould at lest ho banished fron Vhs sociecy of angels, sud liauised fron Vhe companionship o! youn glunified kindnad, sud bauished for- avec. Tbraugh the rdcl grace o! aur Lord Jesus Christ inay you be enablad ta iml- taté the example o! Rachal and Hannali sud Abigaîl sud Daborah sud Mary sud Esther sud Vashtî. Encan, Sue'. FatIer's Wines. The iather of Eugane Sue was a physi- clan with exalted patients al avec Eur- ope, -who sent hlm Vhe cholcest wiues. The Itmperor a! Austnia, foc instance, hsd contributed Tokay, the King uf ]Prussia nana bock, Qusen Christina o! Spain pricehess Alicante,' Prince Metten- nich ganuins cachet d'on, sud so on. The whols was kaptinl a large Iran cuphoard lu he study 'of, the leanued physician, known as hs Eizevic libnsny. Eugenu was thon a collage fnesbmau, aud, baving procnrad a ekeleton key ta Vhe closet, withu bis friands, Adolphe, Adam, Vecon sud othens, 'procesded eveny nigIt Vo lu- vestigata Vhs contents of hs botts. NoV wishing Vo have their explorations pre- maturely stopped, tliey took the preca.-, ian Voe MI1up hs psctially exbansted flaiks with wstsr, suad thon ta reseal them. Wbsn, for a long tumeas ! enwand,' Vhs doctor brought forth sampias o!, bis preclous stock for the delectation a! gusets w Mty !if, suAVhsIo.apay-VaseV IV les s deai a! truth. ,Chanci manier- sbip lu its only truc senée useané trans- formation o! character, sud that, as ew &Il kuaw, tends' ta prosperity, ti-espits s prevlhing notion that anly uuupnclpled people caally urosper. O!Vsn a young per4an is waiting for just a word or two, juét ona question, ha- for decidiug fully ta becomeana open sud profeslng Christian. Haro is Via ofpar- tnnity for an emineét campanion, for a thaughtful Sunday sehool eachan, for a zoahous member o! Vhs Christian Endeavor Soeicty. Frfipnd@, laookîtnound, and Vhimký o! your scqaiutan es wbnued. Vo "crofs aven the lin." Spaak ta thein. 'i'ey are liksly Vo9lie fan more nespansiva Vian yau expeet. Just Vils appial o! your. Vo thein higienr purposos maay lié ail tiat Ili neded V'O Influence tiens for lîfe. VE.GETARIAN ANIMALS. Féline and Canine Champifons of the No-Meat Diet., Visitons ta hs vegetanlian exposition atV tie Memonial Hall fouud uothing Vo try their faiti80 sveneiy as Vhs vegetanlan est. It was fat preseut lu persan, for Vhs Puflicient reason that iV bas basa dead thece two yesrs; but ies portrait lnu lis shows il Vo havae'been a more than usu- ally comemtjy specimea o! its kiud. Mi& Whitfield, its ownar durnug Vhe fourteau yssrs o! its aarthiy career, accents tbat ths likeness doese n mors than justico. Quesu Mab was a& Vsbby, long-!ursd and fineiy msrked. Hec iu!sucy wae sperxt under Vhseliset auspices, ber motion baing s Pansian sud lier birtbpiace a clecgy- man's bouse in Shropshire. She camus laVa hs cana o! Mise Whitfield at Vhe age of thcse waaks, sud since then iii ber lamented death nsînainsd under -that lady'e roof, noV aven pnoviug inconstant, ase some fiash-eatiug breeds do, wheu 'hs baxsehald reiuaved froin Shropshine ta Thoruten Heath. Qusen Mab.waésa vegetanian, noV by education, but by iustinct. 'Froi Vhs: ime when she desnrted nature's sustea- suce she devsloped an extraordinary pas- élan for vegatabies of ail kînde. Hec fav- orites were peas, heans, sud Brusseis eprouts, but uothing camne amise. Sbo îvouid go ont lnVa hs gajrden aud est strawbsrrles off thein lieds Beetroot sud dates she revelad lu, haugh thosearan at uneomman fellue astes. Iu Vhs care'à patatoas she made a distinction. She wouid devour thein with avidity so long' as Vbsy wene noV bolled. With that ex- caution, she bad no panticulan vl0'Výl' about cooking. For bevaragas shepre-i !erred milk an d cocos. Han singulan dl-tV did noV affect ber beaith, for ése l)vd ta ber mature age ln Vhs hast condition sud Vamper., On camlug .Vo Vhs ticklish point o! Queeu Mab's vegetanian principias, it le aecesssry Vo make a qualification. Vege- tanias, as ws know. conelét o!fnions than ans sect. QuaesuMah inay liscallefi a vogaetarisu of the second degnes. She was noV averse Vo washiug iown a cauifio-,ven witb cream, sud she would est meat at a piucb, but ber prediieciions wece maulfeet frora Vhe finét. Wbsu she could test vege- tables sha would not est meat, sud sa ths animual siameut wss gradually dropped out o! ber bill o! fans. Most-o! ben pecu- hian astes were acquined during ber cou a- try lifa, when a lange garden miuletêced Vo hec svsny desine, sud a!ter caîng Vo tawu ber unletresé made a point o! saeing that Vhe daily cabliage was not dimin- iebed. Did Quesu Mab catch nce? The ruth will oui; uow sud again, but rsraly, she lapsed ta that extent.' tut fat in malice. "She wouid noV play wlch them," said Misé Whitfiald. Ons lest word, sud lt 10 a saddeuing ans. Quesu Man's dsughter sud ouly descendant bas éucceeded ta ber place'lu Vhe bausehoid. She ls avonaclaus ineat-eater. As s type o! -a vegatarian dag may lie mntianed Lord Buts Brunea magnifi- cent épecimnuo! s smaooth St. Bennard, standing thirty-foun inclues higb at the shoulder, wiVh the famnous Plinlimusan blod ou bath sîdes. He is hy Colonel Bute, ont o! Lady LIII, sud was bora on Mardi 213, 1893. Hie awner1 Herbant S. Riant, fïret sbowed hlm at Cruftts lu 1895, where ha was "bighly conîmende." Since thon Lord Bute Bruno bas lived the lif o!ofesée sud luxnny o! a household pet, but ha wili nt any tins turn fnom Vhs tempting steak or chop-eveu from yapag duckliugs, piuuîp partridges, sud Vhs ssvory grouse-sud choose, iuslead, appies, oranges, melons.' muts (which muet ha crackad sud peeled for blîuu by hie hunuan friends)-iîî fact, every kiud o! fruit aud. vigetabe. -London Sketch. WVhat Becomnes of Vhe Corks, Conke are hrowu awsy in great quan- tîtues, sud very few peoplea thinic there lé auy value attacbed Vo thein s!ter they bava served their purpose once as stop- pers. Neventhelesé great quantities o! aid conke are now used again ln Vhs manu- facture of iusulating covers of steampipas sud boliers, o! ice-boxes sudile-bouses, sud ather apparatue talbe pratected froin Via influence o!hoast. Porvdered cork lé also useful foc filliug lu borses collars; sud the vecy latest application o! this mater- ili léthé filing la or pueuinatic tires with cank ebavinge. Mats for bath moimns are made o! cork, sud iV antans laVa Vthe composition a! linoisuni. Cheap lifs pre- senvare ara uowawscafiiisd 'with battIs conké eut into littie places. Two Coiseldences. Two coîncidances lu Vhe lives o! Dis- raelsud Gladstone are painted out. Iu boyhood thsy wero bath edueated nader Unitarian mîniéters, viz., Disraeli under Vhs Rsv. Ellexer Cogan, wbose Greek schoiamsbip Dr. Parr ackuawledgad, and Gladstone under Vhe Rav. William Lam- part, o! Liverpool (or o! Lancaster?). Disrali died on Easter Tusday, wben Via flret macniug lessan bas Elieba's la- ment aven Elijah, '«O my father, my father, Vhe chariot o! lerael andi Vhs hanse- maei thereaf." Gladstoue died on Ascen- sion Day, wlueu Vhe firet ovaaing lesson bas Elisha's lainent aven Elijali, "O0nmy ifathen, my fathen, Vhe chariot o! Israei anamut3rum, ýpmbreu; wnIs., Nweesn lu a 1 - -- 1 --- -. fcouu 111e! And le al Vils faIs. hope? Not if that glanions o-mnornow le God's great Va-mocrow o! InfInite timie.-Rey. Ernest Evans. I!eliîng Ettch Other. Snob -heIp as -weeau gîve ssci other 1lu this wold is a dehita eacb oCher, and Vhs in who parcaives a superiority or ca-,iaity- lu-sasubandinate, sud iusithien Confesses it nom assi-sté iV, lé ulit mereiy Vths withholden o! a kiadues, but Vie comimilten o! an lnjiiry.-Ruskiu. An Apron- as a Banner. .An apron lé Via noyai standard of Per- sia. Gos, a Par-ian, who was a black- snith by trado, raimod a neoat wlmlch pmoveo uëeos!pl, snd bis leathen apron. oovsred with jswýels, lé still bonne la. Vi, van of Persian arnîis'. How is r1is? Perhas sleepless ni&hts caused 14~ or grief,> or sick- nea, or perhaps it was em. 0 omater what the cause you ecmot wish to look aid at'thirty. Gray ihair is starved hair. The hair buiIbs have been dcpcýd of proper food or pm"nre flfam. Iers increases the circulatlUin in the scalp, gives more -f1ýüer ta the nerves, supplies meiss- In¶ elenients ta the hair bus. Used according ta direce tions, gray hair begins ta show color in a few days. Soon it has aIl the softnîess and richness of youth and the color of early life retprns. Would you like our biook on flhe Hair? We will gladly send it ta you. w"Ite am i Uf you do not obtain ail the benïefits you cxpectcd from Uic Viý,gor, write the doctor aboudt . He' may beable ta suggeÈt something of value to you Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Loweli, Mass. A man w hlia- a j-b hasn't time Vo be pla.yný, hill ai d' in the forenoon. 'A HnEALTHY W'OMIAAN. Nine-Vauthé <'fail Vhs suffani-tg/aànd disease la tbéh orl cames froin tbhlkid. neys. Yet how few people there are wbo -rtahlanaycareof these delicate lic Vhsorgane. -Bac-kache, lame liack,headaehes,ist. lassass,aIl signe of kidaey trouble, ars almast universal. Doan,'s Kidney Pis Tous and regulate the kidueys sud halp thora Vq throw off ths poisons froni Vhe mystem.' MirM.A -BrO-wn, 1P O. Box 2001, Dresdeu, Ont., sys: - For yeare 1 suffered froin dropsical trouble výib caused me inucir distress. -t beard of Doan'. Kidney Pilla ",dlat0 a box of theum at hrvi-aer's lJrug Stars . Bfors commencing ta take thora 1 was Un2able, te button my sh-aes oul aucoont ot m Y SWollen condition, but by ths rime I hadfinished the firrt box Icoule do thiswîtbon iaconverience. Ihaveuow taken a second box and bave ne hc-eitancy in racommnendig Doan'e Kidney Pilla for an y ICdney or Droiîsicel troubla." Pries 50c. a box, 3 for $1.25, sdi Druggicts. The Dean Kidney Pii1 Ca. Toronto, Ont. DENTI lSrY C. EARN--ýTDBUJ, ÊL."D. S. Graduîte o! t'Ih , By'i lCourge (4i'-u VTTA LII7D AIr.ý J.M.'BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. office.-?ear of Messrs.. fliggiu. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Dowin stairs),. BOWMANV ILLE., Xju*j$ mu00 GIVEN AWAY! A IN PflPesn t vryoSe-TS. AÏ ARE AGAZINPEsnto ietyhe bFR55 h A Special'l Christmnas numier, we will mail Aa2'ny of aitic ioliowing preseuts you Insyri CoId Enamseléd Scarf Pin (Vie latest aoveliy,M Afor lady or gentleman) valued ai $1,25, or a AKJlondike Dhanmond Scart Pis-s perfect s cal S-valued at $-1,25, Or 5 Places oftVhs hatest ASheet Music (Instrumental and VOcaI)Àliuad N t 45.25. (A value of $u.5o for 25e. A o Voeshouhd Vake advantage e Oth fc1r AAT ONCE. SGentleman Farmer Magazinev A s thVie landsoisast Farmn Magazine AIt coutains c)6 pagea prafusely illusiraied, aud V A l edited with a view to makeitawelcome sud V Aindespensible visi tto oevery tarin dreside. < A Instructive sud Enteseting A o farmners of eoery tips. AOne Dollar a Vear. Ton eia oZ Brother Jonathan Publhshing Co. AManhattan Building, a -t -t t- ý îrk a 1 ý 1 k 1 1 1 1