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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 2

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BROUOY 1 NIG A HOM E WT1t0oU T C ASH. You cal)'t teil byV aj a' sz TM aaii Saeflf r. Jo McComb lia Even iii... e. -pct v,~ . ~ ~ ~ temulleadiou to like his e we~I Robt. Knio x wvas in Toronto last v ek. Equogen Il eii uset~ Value.s A n E ght Page, Forty- s h NIuu N w p pe ,a r . L . T ra ve l visite lu -,a w 'e, - isr u , m n 0f~~~~ 1 po ssîl nown day, quite easy, ttale, nghygnrosmnt Mr. veson vishted anlOwhgefurrnire s"peak well or a competitor. to ! visitig friends, here .... Mr.' Il rzen or7sr wtome Tiaiî the ru EVERY WEDNESDAYý MO;RNING,, Geo Beers, Lindsav, was home recenlt- to owu bis homio," writes Barton chey- wa h et egv r os 'T NH OFFIC 'IRE Iv.T~~'l. . ,. Miss Lenia Davey, WesleyvIllýe, noy on 'fluyinga R ouse without Cash" whttereciplents will sa-y. WIht He Has Done, for AT TU OFFCE TE, GLAIEis home.... ,Dr. E'arncomb, NewCastle, in rhe Ladies' Home Journal. "And ho My Friend look here ! you khow how 26 STATESXAN BLOCK, -KING STREET, FU D was in town last week ... Mr. and Mrs. can, don this eiher with a very small soin weak and nervous your 1wif e is. yuW i.nw a a BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY Parees. Sleeplassneae, mghtl i.- 11 _ .. .. Mr. Frank Knox, Norwich,, was, out ready cash. By those plans a home In lieve lier, now why not be fair about itdan D nl sions. etc., Cause3d by pasI a bses, gives '4la jb' home recently.. .. Master Fred Hon.ey, puirchased outright, and cleared of debt and buy hier a box? ,uuuPoiue. vigreiz Entre Lsbrk M a n uin o ý 1r,,,is and sister, Miss Evlvn, are visiting at lu an comparatively short torm of years, A smoking jacket looks funny on:a AJAXiSI oarried in ee pckt.Pre 1,' Pae Coiborue.... Mrs.,and c Miss Pttton, To- tlie purcbaser payiug a, suln equIvalent man who can't, smoke. .AJÂMES1Editor&Proprî *~~ Gaistiv.... Mr. Edson Ket Bel1levile; ci nuniber of mthods by which snobx pur- bcuete r las~RA H~ Subserîption$.5 i %r annurn, or 81.00 if paid o iL, we wili sn it p'! p'aid. an hy always l prmeset AIA. -ÀCNiutO liïMEiDï ci.,î Prqprs. Cicaze, l1. ceOr UI'; -~ was homie recently.Mrs. F. W. Wil- cha ses may hie made," that offered hby thuec stlriLtly in advance. STOTT & JURY, Chemnists and Druggists,Bow- liarnson and family have been visiting: Buildilng and Loan Associations, endow- That weakness peculiar to springtime huittm aafi yppi' ____________Mr.________ Raekil.. Mis Edt in nuac, hog ntlm is not laiiness, t indicate theedfRemtsCtrh floodepof ______ mapilo Misser momouutr A ETIIGRTSFielding, Neepawa, Panis wil bringn strengths atcd "Of ine ailsoreso and Other Aliments Cured Transient Advertising. Ten Cents perLie -.t~U f Jeffeiy, Toronto, vstdher sister,Mrs. Mr. Cheyney concludes, '1it may bcousidsciae.50oss5e by he Use of Hi isqt insertio. ieCnsprLn u uc a.Üca .... Mr n r ui-f:ta h uIckng and boan associations Thé man who bas iiothiniz to sei, seun neto.Torouto, visited lier father, Mr, John aýre, lu many respects, to ho preferred hy neyer cares what the market is. Wonderful Little BOWMANVILLE, UL 13l 1898, niece, Toronto; are visiting lier father, in3dlvidual-mueh, however, depends on wheu to keep stili as when. to ask queste PeIllets TIMES INSERTED, Mr. R. Hockiu. . .. Mr. 'and Mrs. - Peter! the individuel. As a rul, one cen, 1 ho- ions. BIýE0F ADvEn1ISEMENT sali ths i Yr. É onlTrtoJ ein are vstn ieborrow mouey muai more advat- Mr. N. .. MInor, bicycle makor, wIth . --_____________6m 1 il.bT IT'flhl is brother, Mr. Jas. C uei. .Mr.tageously on a mortgage fromn ans Individ- an odhat olw h s f i-sdu t16 bien wet orn, an e i ECoueiToono untin, viitnglive . ak onstitti onlos are buse op Mil sicn t 66s & Co., bicycle orot, ne- One Column ..........120 00 $4 6 100 II i, I l 11%Norman M. Beet s and sou, Noel, off Los ual then from almnost any other source JJIILI I1.Li....... 30026 4 Angeles, Cal , are visiting at Mr, John Thbis is especially the case where the ap -e' CogudTo ls otr alCnd ys 7c"Iufee nna Quarter 5ol00.8 0 16 6 Beer's ...Dr. and Mrs. Beatty and plicent for e loan is knoxvn to ho 0of cor- sanyae e~~ î. d eoÏstipatîon, aavüopanbed by, a long Telgth CoveLun ....... 40 50 9 16 18duheBeti6 ee eetget reot habits and industrions," ness. They make the weak strong. train * ditressing 1ypos had j'O Twenty Llnesý..... 4 00 6 8 13 ofM.A .Gm ..M .~ and__________ We wonder how it cornes that "a lo Xppetlte, a -lenit stoinaàcli, wu n eianbo, Nifteen Ltnes .........3 50 5 Ir 50 12 (Condensed from the News.) off Mre A.ll ¶xamuy. .n .01.'.s wld is and erous coul ntsi oon lerabeeaito. Ton Linos .................. 4 50 6 50 ilIOH J. McArthur, off St. Cloud, Minu,, are Uises for tihe Horse. in th al oe ee n detsZwaas osd:al mcain Pi-e Lines. ...... 5 0 0A TOH visitiug hier father, Mr. H.i Moulton,.. So. after ail, the wbeel isn 't' golng te n g. mouts ago I declded te try Munyon'x The above are coixîraet rates, ai-ii appiy Only --Mr. W. Wilson, Uxbridge, and Miss renderthe hors. usaess. The hors. hen a One offteu wouders how so mudli good the dyspepela cuire 1 was compbetely CilirCd te regular busiîiessadvertisers. ,Emma Hall, Toronto,visited lier father, vital advautage over the bicycle, W. can't music eau be so unmercifuliy butchered and arn to-day la thse enjoymeut of exce- Changes of contraet advertisemnents muet be Misses Jessie, Annie and Mary Wad Mr. D. Hall, Diminion Day.,.. R, Mo,- wit the latter, at times. lent healts and spIrIts. ,I arn ahi. to eut handed te not.later that nuie o'dock or.Saturday dol are visiting their auîît,Mrs. McGîli, meut, Esq., and son, Mr. John Moment A Western man la canuîng nice, juicy ,A man's wifeshould aiways ho thedr an dentnore uno too Paarath avris omonwil c tsit amfong ewsitm London.... Miss Mary Coatlam bas me-_ B. A., are taking an outing on the for- Indien poules, each, one makIng six cases sae ospeciall tod herno husband but if i0s ioociisrin sture hoe .... Mrs. Yeo s..Oshwa theru lakes. ... A large pienie party of 48l one-ponnd ceas. These auto poules she is weak and nervous, and uses Car- meaiea'i -Imeememtle eqré @7eyom faits to e Births, 25,ý Marriagos and flentis, 500. i iii e.Ms.WmSutvis- from lere speut Dominion Da on the rost aIl the way frons $1.50 te $2 eaah. ter's Iron Pills, she caunot be, for thev gays. i ee te trehuesdcrsl Displayed advertisemonts are measured by a itedl with Miss Aggîe Somervile.... grounds off Mr. O . Scott. . . .Miss Clarin- H1ov nice. This pony meat may become mako her 'feel like a different woman Munyon'a Dys:ýppla cure isealtirelr curesF 41,1 scalo of sottd nonparell and so charged. Miss Mary E. Best spent Dominion da Hughson, aeeompanied by bier brot cie of the stable articles of food, but is so theyý ail say and their lusbauds say orme t Indigeston aeet -ýtemoeb troisllb Orclers for discontinuino. advomtisements muet Day at Mr, Thos. Waddell's .... Mr. T. be nlw r eefrmIpraKn îe o.tenglaet hlk0 t 0tO!4 beroiningoemw. ~u ulse itntWdeli eoaiglsocad.. sas. ... Mm. J. C. Hemn and Miss Shirley It'. enough to make e vogetarian of one. Some men are so busy criticizing the breaks op à euld la a few bou. Prtce 2e No palier will ho stop]ýed until an ammaae Mr Wrghsn os attended. Trull Morrison, Bowmanvilie, spent Domini- A party near Portland, or,.,, la putting preaclera thath tuey can't douhs anygooizhs arepaid, except attie option of the publishgai aitl ienC.. -. Mitss Helene Hutrion Day wîth Miss Lillian (4amsy, ..up quite au extensive plant for tise pur- thm îv. loungs. £'rlce, pos Ofic ntie t dscotiueis otsuficert. ndBearie ostr respeud'ing' hou- Mr. Neil Reuwick, Ottawa, son off the pose of grinding thoe nice borses into eslo.duy' Kneli.qpfleunpin Double megniar raies are eharged during days at home....ý M.iss Edra Rowe is vis late Dm Reuwick. and sister, Agnes of. some fine substance to b. used as e fer- Everybodv f eels froc to advise a if, thse bock., licns ankrlssd *11 tonus,ot Mîrch, April and May and October, November itino.ircuiMs etaWdelspntrf osv i oeadi Muony esé Nere stops a:id Decomber for dliplay advertising ual con- ~,brcuiMs etaWdelBowmanville visited friends bore . .. lizer. sputrf o aebsmony u lnyo îeve ure stp eroaes n tractodl for by the year, ...-. Mrs Darb an agie aldo tlerrs odfv edo Sel we ge@, th&t bot a a food end a nover does any good. bî,lids op tihe system. Prloe 25C.esesra1 PrsDrb andd doflte aoeb onntn StîkrBos sold fivees friend in Houe. U.ituytias Headaceis Cure étope rébadacse 'la Ahikide t ob mitin dnowlt natosefrînd inHod.stock reeutly, four off whicl averaged. fertIiier the bsorne hes th. long ensd of The Bell Telephone Company lias a three mIiutes.; Frie 25e. and dospaicis and on measonable terrms. Tise A woman wlo is Wveak, norvous and $40 oacI. . ... Mr. Douglas Scott off the q%. string. Yeu cOssldn't set e bicycle nîce display off motors, batteris tele bMnyon'as Pile oIntMeui vosltivelp curesRý ofaiet anspid mst anabl style ttypo e. 1'tm 16,t0- o-if piles. Price 25c. offcte aunid t a roa te oaftypo e. sleepîess, and wlo las cold bauds and Britisb American Assurance Association alny more than you could a profeasionel phonos, cafi bouls and other electrical ,ufn lihoed COrs era<lhestes ahi Impuritire Busineoss notices in local or nows edumna, Omet foot, cannot feel and act like a well per aliowed $852 as flre damages on the beerdling-house sea~k. Il la equally as instruments lutewidwof t aec the t>lwô.Prc 2e S M inthe indw o îtsagecy unIou e Fernale Itemedies are a bo6a te %l insertion 10 conts per lino Nonpareilti 5 conte per sou. Carter's Trou PIS equalize the Town Hall.... .Reeve Lovekin, Dept.- i -%eat a failure as a fertilizer Iu these wixichhas attraction lately fiom passors woni1en. lBno ofany kleqndt anadmisonNoticesof et circulation, remoiOve nervousness and Reeve Armstrong- audCouucibor Honev- *wc respects, et hgast, il le no cofupetîtor by.UnderMrfl.L.Simpson,tie offic lias muuyon'e Caerrs flemedes never fui.V-1I isarged or a collection is takeni mustibepaid for. give streugtl and rest. wero appoiuted te procure information e;i thu hors.; l le eompletely ouiclessed. tâe u iv uies-iea. trr tise almsu ice C.emates tabe* as to probable site and building a Towu, He1 ,lekn-ere esn b pearanee,aud seoms uow to be lu botter 25c.-ceenseÀIand beei st rlee lu AU comuniatîos shuld e addesse, NE TONVLLE.Hall ...., The Orono Cooper sîop lias eero efraid th. over-loaded, under fed, bauds thars ever before. The service Mun'su estse pemees resv nt" Ah ~ M cmui Atin JindleAMdESse, N WO VL been leased by Mr. Edwards, Coîborne busdedetnboawuh hcmeis much improved.-Owen Sound Sun. Munyon'i ýVItailser, a great toente end ýc Binvil't MrJaoMicel r.Maead.... Mrs. Amos Cobbledick and Mms. D. uàeless May dry their tears. Hie will me- etorer et vitas. streugti te weak people. si. F.wavibn Warsh Jaco Michel Mrs.gte Moas and W. mais,: au ne oas i sgo o odAs te cure for cacis di5se, At ailr,ý Miss Gertie Moase 'visited friEnds lu g1ti reýtI t25 deenate to vioo W.mibtn.bcus .l edTm Dafigonan shw... r adM. S., tobe held ln Bowmanville lu or a a fert4lizer. Ho wili ho loved because glýXA O LOLSSES soIsl iattets oPrf vio n i A. E. MoLAUGHLIN, Drito au Olaa..-.M.adOctober. h. in a kiud and noble andi beautifu unl- AtLO L DESES ronto. Otter uo. un sO i Bamxiatem, Solicitor and Conveyancer, Office: Mms.David Ferguson and ffamily.Lotus, ma&l for wîom the bicycle will propame ai.,0 o . îes Bieakley Block, King streo, siowmanviile. visited Col. Hughes..,.. Mr. and Mrs. FOR OVER FIiT Y YEARS. emootis, level bighwayi, svbeme lie will Its victims are Pale lu Color, Subjeet to Monoy to boan ai measonablo rates. 48-lyr, Sharpe and ffaînily visited MrJ. Shampe Mme Winsiow's SoothingSyrup bas been ueed by happfly exemplify thea zood and g.ucious Dzies aptto f l er at Cadmus. . ...Mm. Ed. Hughes s p nt millions of mothere for thelr chldmon wbile purpose for whici Ife was lnteuded. iznnPliaino h er OR. J. C. MITCHELL, Sunday wook in Newcastle... - Mr. Bort teetlling. If distnrbed ai night and broken of ________ n te itesn ypos EMBEn OF COLLEGEOF PHYSICIANS Baliagli, Toronto, was guest off Mr. W. your restiby a sick cidsufforing and cryingAn tedirsigSypo . witis the pain of cuttiug teoui snd ai once and M ndSreoOnaoooeetc, G. Jones... Mr. W. H. Reid, M. P. P. get a baille of Mme. winelows, Soothing Syrnp! .Aztec Stones for Grieding Corin. Prom the Eclo, Platlsvillo, Ont. Residence. Enniskillen. ,~ l4ad a successfful barn raising receutlv, for Cildmon Toethiug. Il wilh rehieve the pour J. A.- Pewette recently discovemod and ____________________________ . M. SmonPortousplaod it 111e sufferer at once. Depend uJ)oui1h11othrs, seured two mont pOSlOIil prehistomio Anomia,whicl literally meaîîs biood Bowmanviiie Baud ai the Pireman's rerlaies the stomaci and bowels, cures Wind motel Stones. They weom taken from the lsuai w in ea lrio D.BRndIMSN C osfs te angonmgy taied es syfammtiom. prhsui oseus i ona ctah ext w mo g f teprsnt days adi D. URN SMPSNDemonstration et,-Niagara... . Masler C¶isutnte medcsnfamiofleur of e room lu the eig'hth etory ut'ea tn mngyuggrsai young ARRIST 'R, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' Frank Staples las been visiting fmiends% Mme yisas Satiuu theu fho syten - oie fftereet aad B.>BLOC K, up-stairs, King Street, Bowman at Loskard .... Mm. Arthur Smith bas tethig p leauln to the taste sud is She pro- Four foot of bat guano wes taken troin nlu oreof eln u«osm vil.SlctrfrteOtroBn. rtre oCnigo.serip0uo uune of the uidost and beet femahe the fluor and tise atones fouud 5udor in. es pom otbstoulaeE T'SO* f ville oitor for led nîaria B a t eundt annio.1bcaeadnres inh the o i United States. The larger Stone wo.ighs over 100 pouinda, many, but emoug tbe most noticeable riaemnylan aihesrae. Itise orlisuebbrcogniz- Pue 25e a bo tice. Sold by ail tirgiets tira' -ho4@.biuîyi r alo Lh ae lp n us ed soonor or later. There neyer lias ont the warld . ne sure and ask forl Mm. ýix And Mr. Pewetle hqat sesadflut in reploof.h fcisadgum ROBETYONG v sben uyoxraagntaderisngoff SLOWS' Soatiig Syrup. Mr descendiug the tour laddoïs placed et lu- shortness off brealh on slight exertion W L d-,FEICE IN- WEST DURHIAM NEWS Miller's Compound Trou Pilîs, no fier- tervh f-mts aet h ~ts izies eebaahs oke O Blo k, where bimef or bis assistant wil iug head linos followed by exaggoratod SOLINA. casile, a distance ut 100 foot. The metal off tbe vital organs, palpitation ofthil befondfoms m.109 . m Nilit aîh at talmeni, bt ntwitstading itap-is about two foot long hy by eighstetî in- hearl and dropsical swolling off th, esbo wide, le et blue graniteadsus limbs. The more off tbese sylîîpins iseen.direetly opposite DrillShied. Calaby pears to liec pmeity weil known tuaI they Mrs. Alouzo Wood and family laha vehe sdfrva a and ustoo souîemrnedfrpmttea teheri. o71 -eein wilurevlrup are the best medicine for building up returned fromn visitinig frielids ai Sea- CUREShtth ne desaeM, Aon hs h hv ifee tentin ' flvr the systemn and curing ail d iseases me- grave, Port Pemry and other places wa- duus ta ueotrede remn. mn hoexhohv sîf sultînig fromf poor biood. .' nortl mucl improved inlhealtb. . .. Miss veeinieishetsa Iebtu 0fro nemaadfodacreiMs __________ Anie ice as rtumnd brine rom the grouve lu wbicb the smnaîler atone Emily Webb, a young lady iesidingD SE T R AnPEAiE TALO W itb e shlas botu n home roh slid up a.nd clown, crusiing the grain. noar-Woiverton, ot. Miss Webbs ssS NT R .EATe'sbuE dtAIO SOHOOL SETONN. dol r e ..Misss Loenua de toahe Tise susallar atone or grisdem was* found 'My illness firsi came on wheu I wasAN ___lmn'Cote Peade Weilkp andLama ox neer tise largor. about 16 voars off nue Mv complexionSU ME PearlWestake ad Lara Co andwas a pale wiixy colm ; I was tmoubled S M E Mr uul5Is 1 Wlirs roovi-Masters Bort Nomthcoii and Artbur -u.kwith goueral weekness, dizziuess andCO PL NT Entenc axmia Mire City utto-ns. tise Lios palpitation off the heami. I wus placed NEW~ T.AILOR SHOF. ledo and.W Joh TPol', ew r.Tlhos tion at Osha wa. .Mr T. Baker liait a nTheO city ut Minicis l callcd 'Mueucisen under medical treatîneni, but the medi PrIue 35c.aet af - llso ad oh Pol Nwcsiebae eiffar die reconilv en aodWi in Gomun. Befome il wes Musenchen il u rsrbdb iedco i u drugglsts. Tise rundersig.ned wio bas been carmyinI ntecn c foad ae col culo in aarb Wia s "Mînisn, tiserbe diiintç foroto ino USTTT bahl coarc focotiugtescto badly -etia abwr a Meheth dmnuiofrappear todo me any good. -~As lime - R the laîîoring business lui connection w'?, bouse ... Mr. Robt. Doga=a u-fne,,M.D .Tae scno-"necs"ls omn Wr o etb a lwybtsrl rw . Mason's Dry 13ood dStore fur a numbemuof yeams caser na fine fon--ce ...d Mr.m Dm M. rie sene-Iionh, h emn wr o etb Iwssolbtsrl King5t westwbereie uspepared t mak r, n New ast . l .. r i H. . dMs plaîing selling oui... Recetit visitors: "muuk," su thut the namne of tise city igwro a nbet oay ..' Kss in I et eresle s ormearbiome BooMr 1iorace Ashton off Davis.~& Co., signifies "littho munk." The neme waswokautheus, ndm imb gents and boyàsSuits ir all the lateel styles, sud bas purc'hased a newMc Cormnick mowor wr bu h osadm ib atI'owest piices. For tiese wio wish to order .... Mm. W. Il. Clamke bas the conîraci pork packing Co,, Toronto; Mr, and received 700 yenrs ega. ls lise Middle of would tremble 10 sncb an exient ai tle suie, ie wÈ1 carry a full lins of saiols in aill .Wry itetefhhnwspÉenGvhmcl off taking the ciop off thue late WmM~ar- Mrs WerGey Co; Messrs. Thomas tietfl century n nunber of, monka slightbisî exemiion tbat I could scurceiy tie nwestar~eiîs ve lm acaîltin's ostate. . ...Master T. Bell isvisiting Hogarth and Chas. Hoys, Toronto. 1flying trous Hlungary ostablisbodla clolster sitand upon my foot. Thion my stomach _________________ J. T .A LIN bissiserMrs.P. errn.S . ad ed a colany on lie site af the old towis, became s0 weak thai I vomited almost J.T.ALIuNabl Tuier er Mrs. F. Perri n.. MikeGre.a are and travelors usecd ta, spenk of the pInce evvo tbing 1 aie ; I grew despondent 0000 "'""'~Q ________________________visitiug Mr. F. Perrin. .-.. Mr. J. BasBMel dn, o Menben" WhIner tho ly anfeared 1 vuoialunotrecover. Wrhile AUC~CR kervilie visited frieucis ini Bownrianvili ibis -condition a frîend urgod me 10 FORà GOUGH leHugarian rectnse wus smalier than bis tvD.Wlas'PkPiadIfo coLDS BW A VLEBCCE recentlv.... Mr. âobt. Martin had a finle Bavrda curoso biîri a oedteaxie ftmIldsd1 OWMANVILL BICUL s ep klledby doe. Vluedai 7sîmpîy un expression ut affection bual esne IoEl an improvemeni and T here is onse litil emaxim been asceruined was iladdeued wiîh hoe o Tbatuow 1 wiîî iamo, P et anid Bst for Table ansd Deiry 1 ,ronewed lite. Athe end off six bx VV". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tn r'S 4 ~ G -,Altis or ill edi I n l moe els Tiore is largo aignificance lu the strengtl, and coior 10 my cheeks, andThCaaanRaeyori PratialaelnstToî ekrGood auipetite flnd, pipe is not tle one wlo suffers. pinse, 'le good noijglibor.." Il moufle tact, brightuess toIlhe oye. I still cantinuedAN gouorsity tbogisi'husss synpaiy Jhes stili eoigtinued Iaking Dr. Williams' TIROAT ApLUND AFFECTIONS Sirou andos rosy cocîrs iulore;t. il iînplies a nature h ving tise Pink Plls until I bad taken in ail1 Lec atiGuenttaAnd vigor ol mind. soia q ahît copld xeitb4 thc uhî i uelobxsadIcn mtflyas Large Bottles, 25 aciats. Prqunpihymwc '-tairurrent rates t epen ail parts meitoveo fa Toronto,-... Mrt. liemb. (i- AFUl.LqR~( aic c edr d unr et uilk ïoto- i,5ii............4 7 "uy 1 I Therefore hlis in a position 1- posck. DSEFASEhS, 'o gfet faýA efiIv uth opportunity off obtan- mînin aiCci da .... The gardon party lust week @i th-e LE.tu f ppe.atblpouusa ut o h Telegrapli Ti'ansfers beautiful ldnn off Mi'. R. Brown ',Rs a CURES GUARBTE OR~ Na ft'! ter cnt ino bits, Turn klto lie tumeen, ýParh4,an sud Caýlîfiiaiola nt " n godîa telwetprcshc Mode tomblarge oru îîil sueus ai, ah' part, of ver pleasin- afasir. The (lronu band - andi serve wibh oysier "ei.i4- sis.-n -Mm'. S. L aDmy canxada. Thuis isopeciahhy ci' -'goîo Per- rendemed soîne. defi4'htfui seeiodions. 0grAT 1 cZTRFý: T. Ramer lu lie Ladies' Hoaie Journal. caia, let'siony Natogna md~ ontet i Cnaa l hes sens livin îý 1,l. i io or the or:hî 1, -, it Struwberries and otheýr edible s w ere lu 1 EMISSIONS, VAPICO -'E.E, SYPHT' 73 Pssoagors will bu îransferred wlti thei i avaîhucile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INRVU Ï)RoItBIpacLbuducudIb'ron rgbl ~ 'i', Cl EL,ýc Thse Uscual kwarci. gage froui the i'aihway station ta lie wharf froc 'oo Olen0ony (aiIfe Fo-r otier a'ticulas telat the bauk, shone on a happy' camrpany. nî HVIt-.105 MANHOID1) Kil D_ Truap-\5y de ýyoî teaî the docto.r 1 rcharge. A ebncIikr sl i ý ,à P L, D1sAýDEF CON! se? Yeu seesu te WoIre bva ga'-u~ .11 sa n'ouslcad sini A. Mir G_410, MCGILL .ILAI\R. AE FPSA E ,with anv one in the Dîiiis A conlclMauir r DONTf~iY, 't I-în- bee fltleru" n for Lii cr LeoSu'deî~ wben you i-Q -n' Vâtclïc fronî ;te .o~lii. u il-su I wruIMîdur huai îlce n l i ,Le th ese 1iir wts r'ci l -c paid - hîrn , ou ttr, bu ing from ont. wbo ~tI1~ER' SOuci t' rus al 'r. c i> tc 'lu'i\ utc- o.iuiu o o lu)1.5 s " kovs -wha, hc is sel1ing. AGar c' 'c' ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ '~~ , 'i,;r ~,~ ~ -~a, - 1 fii r~ h~îi~ nabsue Si- Moor à Tlsuek' Mouisit ( %bitupd uow ru',9 Sec ie 'b tcf e 'Wîtciïs anîd o t0oits suie ait i.dl. iî:'à 1s i.r ii or.e PRAE T GURd Me- set eerîwh-rýi, reiailjYc-i asleidu.i.2nd Cli E ioat 2t~.wiil u'rcd t!0 icntne î ac te n ail i I Wih ci pusiliiv oricîss of ti-r frira business, J'e oJ ~ u srcu o fra exposue- Aa hr r m eroswlo a mc usuare ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ar pu<el b- rîl. StIs' dn harmiesi- loe trcmnct -cdrr<'it TCir ah are afi ned Mr- teu a 'O. t ti t andi evcry iufomriatton nlp- t-5i0ian-u a nd i. o -oae~af-sf i2Ior'atAve., R(Ou 'l cosîîago an ie ru Wi' sre i..JMIS ' fllhllUIfl.~~ ~~~ ledispuesble c s"r ny'sentrsaled. Acicresu îîe eat ,rupa itu w,î e elrat hca o îavl ajý THE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--I DIXOIN CL Ai. CG ,S Pa.rk Av..r, Monireal. -ib.ns an-j_ pý>jj 1, tiu w rda .eA ejýToIMDîle c ee n ,,iîn cýe than ene t4hau in .,nt ks unvte

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