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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 3

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Natue maes he cresTHE BEST EXERCISE. __________Nature___________theafcruail Why Cycling Ha: WJn the TJndlsputed BOVVTMANVILLE, JULY 130, 1898. Now and then she gets In behalf of cycling an athlete of ranch, li Rinto a tight place and needs e"Perte'z a h olwn E IîON1K ilN "Rowing tell- on te breathingorgans helpng ut.aises where the muscles are nioyed with - 'LBýiIR ESW NG-H E TTE O FRTu DR.FI Thinlg- get stre nthe out progression of the body tell nuost on BROW.-HETELL OP HE DlFl-the muscles themnsolves, and long pedes, CULTIES TO BE OVERCOME ON TE wogdrcin trian feats wlthout climbing teillo h EDONO' RUT.Ct i nedd ~ nervous systemn. In cycling, as in run- 1rHT T i Sick 17eadache and relleve ail the. trouble icialen lg 5i h eatadcruainta dezn e aes Dstates cf ith e l~ems ate (Cniud 'mlstwe.heck disease and start thle first give deunonstrative levidence of im- - -- Dizns asaDesns fiteeatr (otne fonls ek9drcin portant change of action. - - iAC-SIM îLE eagPain In the ffde, &a. White theirmosi nterot"oe ymaSc aebe agl reiar.kable succesa ha been shown Ln curîng At this point it may be of interest to Systern. interbtdrcin "oer ynsishv enlr give the cost of some staple articles- 9shaped with referencs toi nilitary pur- fr esh beef and pork 15e per lb.;ý sait to adhat.poses, and, white gymnastio exorcises, if .kkgetabePeparaionforAs-. SIGNATURE IR7eadache T'mÂme~ x~sLva Pï per lb., one skin ; sait, one skin ; oats M yia a quail %a ue ici i nslpatlon, curieg $1.25 a bush.; potatoes 75ec tu $1 abush.; liver O wih-grace and iîgor, they are easlly carriedteStmcsadEoeso nl preventung tirs anoy no en laint, whule1p tea xrmndisncsreo ae stimulat the olv c il regulate thze bowels. $75 per M; horses about $25, and ai Event f eyny ueothe godsatvsil rthe e s. 0f scoutr It strenothens the nervres, "Feats of gymnastic skili train the as m lny they neruse it and do ail medoaihd tisead nrve centers morle than the muscles, and Promotes Diesto,Cheerful- Ach& thil would beaij ls rceas tc, those in this part of the country is growing makes rich blood. exercisa ts slight. Feats of strength often OpiunidMorphine nlor ILP£d1. IS ON THE -iVho, suifer fraya 5his dlstresslng compltainV sacr every' "ear and as the country put an injurious Strain upon the organ- but fortunately the r goodness dei n end rc ism w.'Y noT NARCsonin OTIC her ad ii~o hoone rythen ii fndopens the zame disappears. There are 5 ~i îo;aldugss s ihn orsodn eei._____ these littIepl svaluabIe ln go nny ways that two things in this whole. trip in which I CT ON.Cen~s oot. "h r per o0 h bet0 'thejByj 1 i ot be ivillng to do-without thern. _______________________ail the exercises of modern gyiinasties;W RP R Ji t atr al sck head have been disappointed; one is the lack 1J aé la l ZPî1Mr RJ of game, although we could not look for eevoftthtlasareshali bc breasting and. other nrnvements whîch ýt tmeevryouft ha hs tate hrow the suspension of support of thle illule s.i-J -. any right here, but we have attms much longer ini reaching that point thanl body upon the arms and shoulders givedhim. been a hundred miles fromi any house we expected. Bd"m sna&bewr airsi ndi-I0 VR 4sthbeeofso1ny1y~htlir.!where an h ags nmlIhv enws One uneets some strange peoffle on a proportionate devclopment of the muscles -we makes our grîeat boast. Our pilla cure Mi the littie chirmuping red squirrel. llow- t-p likena ths0ayo hmsol ec h hudr îtlotnascaeiIB T I.E 'while others do flot. ti ieti.Mn fte hudb ftesole ide fe qoitd»m« O T E O CÀwsas mri~ xva IL5 aevrysm lever, sonie of the hunters, havel1 believe at home. No man should comehere un- with a rouniing baok, and littie or no I&ùoduu Câdvryesyt ae OiL n e oPii re lern ao captured seirlmoose duigthe win--___ andose.Teytoae. st rt tlmaer. s~rl dnn lese lie can put his hand to anything. 1 increasl power in ventilation, sirce ail____ a oe. gr lpe pumgebuty v e~n do atr.lhe second thing that1waspleas- met a man Who claimed to be a judge stich feats are perfommneti with ai cliesi pretee o osia no rple o prgbu llwe e acin atydsEne nwstesveiyfo ihgn h i o know what fixed and conétmîcted by rnuseilla r iffor LAefct ee.f rCn ia gve for $1, Soldeverywhf. or sent by mil of tecoid. I have with me a first-class a file was, and when told it was a file hie "It is the avoidance of ail this and the tion, Sour St)m&ch,Diarrhoea, v~i~a ~rnooe ,~.~sTou. - coon skmn cap and coat and have neyer said : "Ah yes ! Well, wbat do you do constant change of scene, air, sunhe WrmCoulisers- * ~ mq llrn ~ , had the coat on ail winter. There are with it ?" A man coming bore should and motion that bas giq en cycling the am~ead]Loss 0F SLEEP, Speople here who have neyer worn an be able to, make a sieigh, an axe handie undisputed premier posiliocn as a pastimie overcoat. Good, sensible clothing * a boat, or a house, if necessarv, hoe aa an exerciso that if niow occiupies." a-uu t c what is on a trip like this. 1 shouîd not be afraid of work, should be Tac________ Signature o wastalingabot te gme ef elthy strong, *willing to work and 'me Dldn't Get the. WIieel. branched off on this cold sude track know ow to doi.O oming here I Many are the atories tolti by speakers ~ ~ Y R .Cso spt pi n uto ny1 BRISTOL SThe principal game caugbt here, by the drew ont plans for two large boats and aiE pulcdn*esa toepne fec 1 ltsodu ek o iwaiRn esi hunerssmosebermrtifxmnktwo skipps, whîch are now completedi other,,after the fashion of .iudge How- lycu anything else cri the plea cm pr im s bt It BRISTOL S lynx, otter, skunk, dnck, geese, part- and there are no boats ait 'the Peace land's story of how R. H. Stoddard seîasgdadwilawreeypr Snet much sickness among the natives about fifty are being built. ln building bis wi± e thought ho was opening it with Tefc i mg@i cf Shis place, but one occasionaily sees these boats there are three things to be prayer A similamly veraciotls stoly lg toid I'T O a poor fellow who needs belp. A week considored ; First, gig down stream ; or John wanaînaker. Ill le reo te lac CP~~AP au s ago to-day Dr. Mason, the physician of second, crossing, a lke; third, going up baye observeti, as lie enteredl bis store c f 9 &s»,r orexpedition, and I amputated a stream. The most important consider- one momning, three boys admiring a SarsapariU a y~oung half-breed's iea lit tie above hv oro iehnrdmlso hsns flcr etme ote n se Sarsa arill ou'ation is going up 'ttream, as we shah11 bicycle in.the window. Wifh native good- sud ~~of the knee, which was gradualiy wear- to do. Anything wili g o-down streamn, themi they would like a wheel. On _______________________________ COATE0 A R lm in whis an away andi which would, even a raft, A flat hollowed boat is the, their answering lys, ho said: 1I w¶li ___ou an_ operation, soon carry hlm bosS to go against the stream, for it give a wheel te the boy who will gi-vo the ft a UT away to the ' I-appv Hunfing Grounti," must be reinembeneti that we shall have best answer to this question: 'Whom do (~ ,.1l1 he~~~~~~~~~_ __ _ _ _ _ Luinbefr, vr e sdin istrt nd1epetl e s The reaest f al Lier, 11e s dingfirs rae aîd Iexp'ct illto pull our boats by hand ail these five you love bet?', " Instantly one cfr the IG l Stomach and Blood Medicines. soon be out again. Sluîce toming hiere hundredmiles upstreaîn w'ith fmom eight boys crieti out, "John Wan2amaker."1 "Oh, W oJd LuJLLIj e U U I have been astonished at the num7ber of to ten tons of freight, which means no!" hoe replieti, "you noyer saw Me lie- ________________________________ A SPEOIFIO FOR people starting fonthe gold fields by this "work.' Two of our boats are 35 feet fore; yen cannot love me~ bost." ',le then _______________ route. Itiîs a common thing te see Sen long, 8 foot beamt and 8ý1 feet deep land tumned te thie second: "Whom do you love Rheumnatism, Gant and'- or twelve big outtfs pass 'in a day, She skiffs Aere 18 ft. long, 41 f t. beam andi bes? The insînuasîng answer cama,SratnCailseathro,- 5.5 ertn Chronic Complaints. averaging front four to forty men un 14 in. deep. 1,Ve shahl have about fivo ll ahradmte. EcleteSrno ol eiee.t n ___ ach, oach man, as a mule, pounding- tons in oaci boaS starting off, besides sald Mn. Wanamakem; " it is an admirableScatnC l d ivr oay Clanean urf tc away aS about Shreepoor oid herses, the mon andi tilt we get Se the Pool river answer; I think yen, will get the wheel." , part of town -------- -- ----5.75 per ton. They Clas n uiyte and in fact every herse is poor when li 1 shall consider it one of the grandest Thon te the third: "Whomn do you loveThsor enieCathrbr- 450pron Blood. r~~eaches this stage cf the gamne. One plieastire trips 1 shahl lever experience.. bosS" Josus Christ," sald the boy. T e People'orB nieCat rb , 4.0pro. ___________outtit had about sixty heati of oxon, and Just fancy fioating down the -grand olti ".Ah! that te the best answer of ail; the 46 d;eee,- 5.0prtn they, t00, were getting very bean and McKenz ie, within the aretie circle with bicycle is yours. I ani glad te sec Yeu Haidade Srno l or 23 0 ponecuti Ail Druggists and wouid soln not be, fit oven for beef. ne night ! There is no o.old lu this beginning the Christian Illfe se yonng.ghade crno ol o 3cosctv Most of these outtits were heading for part of fie Peace river, ateSt if bas Wbat le youm ulame andi whero do yonyerad dlleral iDealer8s, the heati waters of the Laird anti POIly, nioS yeS bleen discovereti. 1 rnay say live?" "Moses Isaaes, Chatham street," eran alotl th k ds tti s,-w cnrci- anti would like to go by the Nelson, but here that cf. the hnndneds cf empanies replueti the boy; but hie lest the wheel.- mend the Scranton as the BEST and CHEAPEST in the 1 am positive not a sini-le ouf fit would Oone tbrough b y this route, ours has 1The. Independent, market. 'The publie can always depend on getting dry, 7' ~ ~~~~~~~~do so bofone the 5110w was kene and the been fie favoedeone bv the a1udsonw lsr Col a wehv suicet hd unae hvintendet ingU a o r eoad he a Nilet of Etiqiiette. we.-ceeened Ca, asw aegfiin hdcapacity K idney Trouble river nafe. rove goîn up Joan Cch Mn. 12Mfisdsr ct, nald e hief factor mlsacoe riveS Jn, a incd 1 25 m il hs ditctoimeluturnt A truc genflemn usualiy feels that it for the supply of this section. OR YEARS.milen ahve Dunvagn, anti 9) milesonly goS the napue of being the hes,-t je essenfial te ho courteous te thle asf as WT ar asnth pat reae topy te ey FOR YEARS. abovtt this place, anid, frnm there they cnduucted outtlt on the rca(l, !u uýt î 0 th gratat but easutt din noSatprprdt py tev inendeti to cross fie countr, goîng realy was, auîd-hat if any were SucceO always recognize ths. Th fanous Talley- hîghest market price for ail kinds of Coarse Grain and NotingdidMr.R.E. PitSoe intendeti buigbot thre musf close. Mv addre4s for th reîan- ~jp ~U;Seeds deivered atour Storehouse,corDer King and George Nohn ddM. .mni e rthen hxeatd tr pc Sil e hi Neso .,u ho -iui %e il o -o tioofpltnsinakgbs u e any good until be got y u i rmS.Jhnt hi rpst of tie quînmeï i be Fort ýl<> tlake boof at a dinner party that lie gave. Streets, or at Port Dariinarton. ouftfo t ont hi rpsdPhorsen, in careù cf - B CO-, Men- The grade rau thns:hadas nl Satc re Doa's idny ill. dstiaton.I sn o te oinin hatzieRivr istict ýi EmononTePrince of fie bbod-M a e Js ohn large upyoSat c rsfn ad DonsKinyPus horstte m wyiîî offr ontred her hrs J. E. BRow,. he onr of sending yor Royal High- dairy, in b-ags and barreis, iRetsof Rock Sait for Cattie Throughout the county of Leeds andti he re ing hff, f ,roti ti heoe _______ ness a litule beef? tic Town ef Brockviile there is no medi. pick ousougi. to ept emsl dciv Culrr r o eaDkeMnege emtm and Horses, aiso fresh ground Grey Plaster ini barreis cn pkns ghyofo l idofwithout womking. I believe wvhaf a tredyen a littie beef which we are prepared to seli ha o ah rde' Kidney Diseases as Doan's l(idney Pisl ie ntAlu ýll0 50 Tenati qiaru may 1 scndcha fo cs. Br ie' AsCanada'spieneerkidnevill,introdtîced urmiin nan in tiÀs country toîti me, lu~T aqi-aqiFertilizer a, specialty. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, by r.Jaes oa, t linsvlle Ot;or.: That one ca n alway s fravel cheap _________ yen a littie beef? ýy Mr.James oan, o Kingsille, nt,, C Z T 1 Te a iscouDoorso etc., ahav aaysosin"stockwasInspectionIspictin tedv and satis-is In 1885, tiîey stand to-day far superiorer by wafon. Ouflits tromn aill parts cf The bosS physicians speak well otý lt tic beef. p~hv to, 5 ail the imitatieons and substitutes that Sie, wonld have passed us A few have, Miilen's Compount Irn Pis. To a Baron-Baron, do you take bec!? faction gutarnteed'. Ihave been offered fe publi in tir steaci. become disceurage;aod have solti ut - L E L LNel Mr.I. R. E. Pitt, the w-el-known con- anti returued, whitîe othîers witîu un- A man wio has a job hasat turne to To an untutled gentleniai-Monsieux, & j ad ay, I av hd ~deydaunted corg wene deteriniied to bo piaying billiards lu the forencen. £Ofilo bel! tracter adbuider, voices these Satehntani.leceatu To hie privat. secretary-Beef.Z%Ê7 mients when hie sas aeh in go nue-Ittruh o-ehdasce atremadalezmtu con- Btteewsyta neirproaeBwAvLE trouble for years. 1 had trieti numerous Spo0t, Whith thoy had pictunet iun their diSions of the skmn are cureti bv the us pures r wa t infi'olerm peraedBWAVLE remedies without much relief, anti hati mind, but would not sa v wliere thc spot of MhNlller's Compoundi mon Pis. prno , ant. He inl lievrant im ntd gîven up my back as gore for goodi, but was, anti oSiers t idti îot knew where It takes consudterable self-control Se madie an interrogative gesture with the. since usinig Doan's Kitiney Pills flic resuit tieywere going but were simply "drnift- keep stili wheni so .nobody is tefling a carving-knife. Bn't, If the inuat wemo bas been marvellous! Thýe pain is ail îng wîth the tide." stenY or singîng a song we have already geod, soma of sus would noS trouble mcc gone. 1 ieel like a ncw mn, anti an MesS cf te oufits carry a vears pro- ciard anti which is new to our neigi- how we were Inviteti t.-London If- bigbly testify te tbe virtues of Doan's visions but some wili fail fam short et bons, Bits. Kidney Pills." h~~aving enougi to hast tiemn f111 nexf Tic future hs uncertain, but if yen- 1 T e 'weaYer Doal Kidney Pilis ýare soiti by ali spriloe. One mistake nmade bv many is koep your blooti pure wif h llood's Sar- Reapisg as We Sow. -w deaiers oïr sent by mail on receipt of tha't in~ laying in a stocký of provisions sapanilla you may be sure of gooti ceacnSdn it iea elv prico, 5o cents a box or 3 boxes for $1,25. fetcfitneasabutweasiai.l W a ec ou i h cte a wd aie ~ o s n ne TheDoa Kine Pul C.,Tornto Ot. uciinthî conty as at home, is The July Canadian Magazine con- influences agata. A muan will reap fthe overiooked. la our company thoeare Sains mut-h eatertaiuing readiug mat- samne as hie sows, and hoe htrair shall ho ~U I < ~ 'g ' - ~ini alH fourfeen mon anti twehve et them ter. There are four stories, two of the meapr W. go eu sowlng carelussiy ~ II '. FI ~ ',. i la thinteon days afo 60 lbs.of fresi pork, wîîici are bv Canadians. Miss Joues' nover dreann that wc shnl ah sec or ______________________ O U ~~ I\.~ ~ 250-l-s. f fns bee beie abu _0 seon aril on'wiieat ce-s~aan hsusm a .cre Exp ert Phelps gave it Se, is purofession ns a C41uliht in a siower hy slipping St over Beaver Block, Bowmanviilo. positive cure for sleeplessness. wastinoe strongth, dyspepsia, biliousnoss, live' h ud t ileleifnanedke Lady ni kidney troubles,, nieumatisîn anti the Weersoer (Irv anti ctufortable ant il mesiralgia, -andin 1i every case 1it has, nef. iaterfrre in nny way -with usugthc IPR MP Y S CIJED Dyers. truumphed over sickaoss anti disense bantis. _____________________ when ail oSier medicines faileti. aeHm au. Wrwite for our untercstung books lIncuit- Mrs. Williamn Warter, Spny, Ont., Paine's Ceiery Compound works mýon- (aeHmPue ors iclip m lta yoiu arc sm-indied. says: "-Yonr Diameati Dyes are excel- dors lu Ste senson et oppresive lient. IS Fd Raaid Moses junior, to bis Scndis«k lu hkduCl r'c rofYur letan nthn-eoldno amp cmehuesi ,cie modi re1-hitli3cf,, càars buto hatie am inventona r iniproellci' it zid ive ivill tell ntntiL olinwSmtm 'vs ia nryat togj 0sepae',wowsao4t hsiehm you fre'e our opinion ao Io whctier ut us Susaehomkectis.Diamont werak, langui, irritable anti morose , ,I vlt h,-, ye re dot v1 yen pmobabiv p utentaicti. n a i specmalty D'ves alwaý s give me etmtre satista 'tien Ifbnse ihie ehns it it-s ute se hard wtt Jot stick yen vears cfafplue -ticuis r e.iotoc un etl ci ha outi3 Hgigiiest i-eferenecEt furnuieti. Mrs. MeNeil, Stanley Bridge, P.E.., ailes mon anti women te go througi f mn rnessure I h so ~ARIO & MRlONsays : "I have useti Diamonti Dves witi he otn tdiyfuw ensu vanitsaunoder pair, dis viil lie de fiffi gnons success. 1 recommonti tîom ie anti euengy.fogm'yuhi ueim i ek PAEN SLCITORS I EXPIRTS laiswcFait oSui i~ io Lo .ug.~r etytsmreos~ der, for de. sallê of de xnonish, pause,." dlvii & 01hatta ladiesee'S wrdeoe vtis 5he -l cil -vj ýE- Ltuureyt c rYti av Mr, Moses pauseti. Polteloie$etoe c Lginerut, OacleOO M ing For coloring- tress goot1is ttiey are medicino tit mîfiopgs are tnhkitùg Âptied sineLutUDiveroitby, Mem"eo - ne' Patent Law ÂsoclatOu. Aunrican Water Worl., just61 4.,bu. u s e ' oqi n Association, Now Enuztend water MWorke Asser. Mrs.* L. RiNwateOn. vs.pudm u vgrains apee' or 1n Betl cf civil Enigineers. e W bave uscii your Diamonti Dves>ton digestion, happy disposition anti cou- Soa i Slp wore fnighitcned by <legs at oais NEW Yf tIl LIFE Bl9'. MU5ELBAl the hast ton yonrs anti nt themtu e bo tinueti gooti health. PainesClr 4 lnl fl - TIT. 13iru.I WABNIDiICBII li.1. I fie bcst d3 esmatie.' Compound maies people well. weter>adm'oea>rcpi 10&C.M TR L'

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