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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 4

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6444....~$*~,**** 9VVVI Il FARM ERG Shonld see our Samples before plac- ixxg their orders, we have the leading Brands at very low prices. A funl lune of Machine Ois, 011 Cans, Har- vest Tools, Etc. We invite a compailson of qualîty and price with goods offered else- where. 1 Rd. Worth. Agents for Frost & Wood Repairs. Opposite Ontario Bank. An Bye Opener Is the bargain you get in WallI Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poles. You want the best, prettiest and most for y our moneyjl will -give it to y ou. Inspection will convine you. My aim is to give perfect satis- faction. New Music, new Books, new Stationery,newGarncf ,new Pictures, etc. BoWMANVILLE. BOWMÂNVILLE, JULY 20, 1898. Fai lures in Ontario are few and of minor importance-rùiost o! tbem owing to a lack of business knowledge and tact. Manitoba, witb Brandon as a centre, is becoming an important source o! ,suppIy in tbe egg trade-for British Col- ~uiia. United States agents have been through Canada picking Up ail the bin- decr twine tbey can and prices must likely be higb. Murdoch bas a big stock on hand. In wbat bas already come to him, the Cana dian business man sbould find cause for'gratitude, and for what is likely to corne te bim he may look for- ward with devout and happy anticipa- tion. says tbe Monetary Times. Last year we bad a great crop in our fields and it belped everybody, inspiring hope THE COUSTRY'S PRO(GRES8. Canada's fiscal year ended on June Bth and the preliminary figures to haud indicate the most favorable sh ow- iug in- many past years. Iu the Customs, Post Office, Railways and Public Works, and lu tbe Miscllane- ous,. tbe returus show big incre ases, the Customs receipts alone being $2,149,000 in acivance o! those o!, last year. Tbe Excise Departmenti however shows a heavy faling off o! $1,800,000. The total revenue on account o! consolidat- ed fuud for the year indicates au lun- crease over $2 ,000 ,000, nor ba s the inu- crease reacheci its li muit yet appar ently, as the figures for June are more than $900,000 in excess o! those of the cor- responding month last ) ear. -The -Savings- Banks returns --are- equally satisfactory, the amount to the credit o! depositors hein.- $48,577,000 as against $47,130,000 a year ago. An. incre ase o! 8 1, 447.000 in the year wo uld not appear to indicate that ]oss o! pub- lic favor ln the Goverument Savings Banks wbich bas been so confidently foreshadowed in the Conservative press. A surplus will be a ne* experience, for the last was ln 1898, while since that date the deficits have emounted to over $6,000,000. At. lest the beneficial effects o! the Lioera] admin- istration are beginning te mani- fest theinseives in an agreeabiy practi-, cal manner. WHAT, LAURIER & CO' ARE* POING. There was a bit o! untruitul'humor in the News last week Tbe Bobcaygeçn Independent was stated to be a Liberal paper. How could it belie its name, Mr. News ? It is true that Tupper & Co. whom the News deiighted to serve wbile they feci it with Goverument advertise- ments, left a great legacy o! debt to be paid by Laurier & Co,, and tbe inactivi - ty o! the former in matters o! national progress makes it urgeutly necess2try for the latter to go into heavv expendi- tures for'the purpose o! promoting the commerce o! Canad a. 1! Mr. News wiil take a look into the estimates for 18l9.9asd work doue at the last session, ho will understand why the Dominion expenditure is being temporarily in creased, and bow much useful legisia. tien was put through. But. lu the face o! this increased expenditure the Government reports a million dollars surplus. The Dominion Pariiament ati ha Iast session did a great deal o! effective work: 1 iii, I i i i West End. House, BOWMAN VILLE. A CUJNTRYX WE~IE i'KUJJOF. The position 'wich the Dominion took In tbe Imperial Jubilee demonstra- tion a year ago as the Premier Colonyv o! tbe Empire is beiug maintaiued,,and strengtbened ail the time, and wbileý it is freely conceded tbat fortune bas fayored us witb more than usual bount- eousness, it would bc kdle to pretend, that good government aud the pro gressive up-to-date legislation bas not bad very much to do with the marveil- ous advances our country is making, and the high estimate in which she to- day holcis in the Empire. The policy o! our Goverameut, the opinions of our statesmen, tbe trend of public feeling in Canada, are watchecl and canvassed to -day as they neyer were .before; and the Influence o! Canadian sentimett upon Imperial policy is a most potent factor to be reckoned with, With crade increasing fifty millions a year, with tbe tide o! immigration swelling rapid- ly,with capital and capitalists more attracted to the magnificent opportuni- ties offered by our mines, and our vast agricultural and cattie raisin- facilities and the goyernment in the bauds of men not only alive to the requirements o! the hour and needs o! the country, but also capable of providing for tbern it may truly be claimed that, as a nation, oui' lot is cast in pleasant places. )IILITARY 1MATTERS. TnE 45TH AND 46Ti BATTALI.ONS. For the first time in its historv Victoria county bas a battalion the heaaiquarters o! wbose companies are within the county. Tlb. bas been accomplisbed tbrougb the transference back to the 46th -Dur- ham"battalion of No. 5 Co., Janetville,i and the estabiishment o! a new coinpany at Fenelon Falls to take its place. Lt Col.Sam. luges. M ,Pin comniand. ,Major R. HI. Sylvester, Adjutant. Major Eustace H. Hopkins, Quart- master. Capt. J.A.Williamson. Pa3 master. J. W. McMillan, Chaplain. Surgeon-Major. J. W. McLaug-hlin, Surgeon. Surgeon-Lieut. D. Shier, Assistant Surigeon.-- No. 1 Co.,Cameron, Caipt Wm.Heuley and Lieut. A. C. Moynes. No. 2 Co , Lindsay, Captaîn Garnet B. Hughes and Lieut. Charles A. Sutb- erland., No. 3 Co., Lindsay, Capt.W.Holtforf, Lieut. Sam A. Suddaby aud Lieut Andy Williainson. No 4 CYo., Omemee, Capt. W. Neill and Lieut. R a. No 6 Co , Woodville, Capt, Staples, Lieut. McMNillian and Lieut. McKay.1 Since one year ago there have been many changes in the regiment. The headquarters were moved, from BDow- manville to Lindsav, the two old Dur ham companies o!, the 451h being transferred to the 46th. AI new c 1ompany was formed at Woodville. 1 t was found, however, that Janetville co.mpany' beiug the onlv one flot in Victoria country did not feel at home among the other companies. For the general advautage o! both battalions it bas now been transferred back to its old num ber, so that the 46th henceforth will have beveucoinpanies. wAmong* the officers lost to the 45th wthin the period o! about a year are;- Lt. Col. John lhughes, transferred to command the 46th 'Durham" battalion,. Capt. W. S. Russell, Paymaster,, resigneci. Major Rowe, transferreci to the 46tb. Major Brown, 4 Capt Milligan, di 9 Capt. W. C. King, d4 9 Capt. Nasmyth, i Capt. Hunter, resigned. Capt. Wallace, resigned. Capt. and Bt. Major Evans, retired. Lieut. Alex. lRoss, resigned.1 Lieut. J. D. Tborntou,resigned. Yet, thou gh nearly ail the officers are new men, sudtwo companies are only xecently organized there are !ew corps whose officers are so well qualîfied as are those o! the 45th Victoria Battalion. The determination is to have every officer qualified with proper cer- tificate forthiwith. There are already more first-lass certificates in the cox7ps than at any period lu its bistory., THE 1LÂTE REV. 1P, C. MDO WELL. Death bas removed from our town àZev. David Creighton McDowell, one of its most respected citizens, who passed peacefully to bis reward on Sunday ev- ening, July Srd, froin paralysis. Up to a sihrt time previous to his death, de- cýeased had enjoYed gond health and bis short illness and death were a surprise flot onl ' vto the people of the town but to bis brethren in the ministry. His lift- and work are welI knowýn here, hain abored as pastor of the Church Streetcongregation,now merg-ed in the pre-sent Methodist cburch of this town andi was very highlv respected. Deceased was born on Januarv 11, 1828, in New-Town- But] er,Fermànagh,, Jreland, and came witb bis father's family to Canada when a boy of twelve years and settled in Clarendon, Quebec. 11e entered the ministrv of the Wes- leyan Methodist churéh in 1846. In 1853 be was xnarried to Sarah Ann Metealfe of L'Orignal wbo survives hîm. lis first charges as probationer were at Richmond, St. Andrews, Matilda, and By-Town. In 1850 he was ordained at By-Town, and afterwards bad charge of the following circuits. Toronto Eâst, Oshawa, Perth, Kemptville, Pres- cott. Matilda, Pembroke, Smith'ls Falls, Barrie, Toronto, Owen Sound, Bow- ,manvîlle, Flesherton, Wingbam and Sunderland. In 1891 be was superan- nuated and lived over two vears in Port Perry then removed to Bowman- ville wbere hie bas resided until his death which occurred at the family res- idence, Liberty St., on July i3rd, 1898. ln bis 75th vear. H1e was elected President of the London Confercuce at Owen Sound and has filled positions as chairman o! Districtz for n>anv years. He was a delegate to the First General Conference in 1874. He bas been es- peciallv active ini the interests o! Ontar- Sio Ladies' College, Whitbv, since bis 3suýperannuation. Seven cbildren sur vive hiTn-Mr. Frank M McDowell, Toronto. Dr. E. C. MeDowell, Norwav, Miéh., Mrs. (11ev.) J. J.- Hare. On)tarlo Ladies' College, Whith.y; Mrs. (Dr.) Leitcb, Toronto, Mrs. T. E Hio' botbam, Bowmanville. Mrs. T . C. $Vich- olis, Uxbridge, and Miss Addie Me. Dowell, at home. The funeral which took place on Tuesdav. July 5tb, was attended by the following bretbren in the ministrv: Beys. J. J. Rae, pastor; Dr. Dewart, Toronito; Jos. Kilgour. Peterborn; M. R. Young, B. A., Port Hope. T. W. .1 llffe, Coîborne: J.- A MacFarlane. Lindsav, Hy. Thomas. Hampton; W. 1-1. Adams, Orono; E. E, Howard, Black- stock. W. Jolliffe. Bowmanville; Dr. -MeDiarmid,-Whitby: JL-P. Wilson, B:- A.. Oshawa; R. N. Adams, Tyrone-, A. J. H. Strike, Demorestville; J. H. Bar- nett, (Conzregational) Bowmanville; J. Leister, (Discipfe) Owen Sa-and. Tbe service was conducted bv 11ev. J. J. Rae, pastor -of Bowmanyille Me.thodist churcb, assisted by Rev Jos- Kilgour, a personal. friend of deeased, 11ev. Dr. Dewart, wbo delivered short addresses; 11ev. T. W. Jolliffe, President Bav of Quinteî Conference, read the scripture, 11ev. W. R1. Young. B, A., and 11ev. W Jolliffe led in the devotions- Besides the members of the fami]y already named, there were also present at the funeral 11ev. Henry McDowell, Aurora, brother; r.and ers. J. H.. Metcalfe,ý Pembroke; 1ev. jJ J. are, Mr. Frank lare, Wbitbyv, and otbers. A inomorial service was beld in the Methodist church Sunday evening last at wbicb reference was made to two valueçi members wbose deatb occurred qtercntCv-r. StephEn Wasbing- ton, lnaepechr and 11ev. D. C. Mc- Dowel!. 11ev. Mr. Raetook for bis text 1 Cor. 15.58 and delivered a verv force- fui and practîcal message to the livingz while proper reco-nition. was given o! the influence a( the lives of these honor- ed brethren wbose labors are ended. ITAIR WORK.-Ladies wishîng hair LA.done over, eali at MR$ DicKils'ý,ing East. and Cor of Ontario 5t,Bowmanviile. *4s-tf. ýMARIAGE LICENSES,-M.- A fflLJAE, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Besidence - Centre street. B OA AN BOAIOSE for sale. L ADY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE.- New thts Spring. APPlY et STATESMÂS office. 25 - 1w. 1: UBBER STAMPS.-For fine Rubber -bStamps. Pads, Ink, etc., write to Gzgo CURRY Co., 84-86 KCingSt.,East,Toronto.Ont. 7-tf. fENERAL SERVANT WANTED,- ' At once, fer general bouse work. Apply at the Drug store of J. Higginbotbamn & Son, Bowmanville. 27 . tf. LOIý-BtwenBowmanvlehr ing a blouse, books, and other articles. 5'înder oilease leave aiSTATESMÊAN office. 26 -1w. i RlM TO PPi À e,.. a ID--R--Y GOODSAah, IMMII We are probably off ering greater Bargains in Our Dry Goods department than ibis town bas ever seen. We pre- fer getting baîf prîce in a great many cases than carrying gools over and we find this is the time to sell them. Just fancy, 15e Muslil foz 7c ; 15e Prints for 8c ; 60c and 75c Blouses for 39e ; 20c and 30c Muslns for 1,5c andi 20c. 5 dozen Ilsample Socks in Cot-. ton and Cashmàere, and Colored Cotton, fancy, at wholesale price. Men's White Du'ck Pants for the bot weatber. Men's Cool Coats at low prices. Men's Straw Hats, we are selling- balance, of what we bave in stock Worth from 25e to $1.,25 ail for 19c. Will sell ail goods listed lu last week's paper at the clearing prices, as long as they last. CLTH I N G We have too many Boys' 2-piec e Suits and lu order to -reduce the stock we will give a special discount of 10% on aIl Suits sold this monthà. John McMurtry. 4 Boot and Shoe Sale A success. We bave sold large quantities' but we bougbt very heavily and we stil have a gQod assortment of sizes. The.-e goods are pronounced by everybne as the cheapest lot of Shoes ever shown in ,t3owianville. liemember they were al bought at auction, sold to the'highest bidder, and we were fortunate in having the great snaps knocked down to us. You will probably be able to-get any size you want any time up to end of next week.-Don't put off any longer than you can help.

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