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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 5

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Up.. a0l AO&nd cash býeing- scarce m a ny a famlly bas made the old worn out Hair Brush last month after month until there is no life lef t in it. The turne 'wvhen sucli economy la to be rewarded lias arrived. Timnes air e tter and bristies are down. AT OUR STORES. By3 buymng in large quantities for our 3 stores we eau save \oLney on mauy lunes. This ~1eit.lason Haïr' Brushes. We have a very superlobr Une at $1 and if yon only vaut to spend 50e we have a line 'that most dealers would eall eheap at 75c. We eaul thein extra eheap "at 50e. Stott'Li & J ury. The Drug as and Opticians, Bow- ~avlle, NC*.~a and Lindsay. M N. B -Perlaps if vo de- not mention you may think vo have none, at 80 Maiia priceaes 15C. 150 la Wbat we rg for the regular S2e no. Our et Strling SilÎer lino 18 38.00 aud -ta value at tha-t. HBSOLUTELY FREE ABSOLUIELY By eoming tb as yngtthe advlce of the exly Post Gradu- ate Optician inthe County'freo o! charge and you get the fiuest quality o! glasses science ban produce fitted vltli absolute aeeuraey sud moutnted in good servlceable f rames. They cost you just $1 if they suit you. They cost you noth- ing if thoy don't suit. We would buy thein baek at twiee. thc prie rathor than have a d4 t >isfied customer. Stott & J ury. The Druggists ad Opticians, Oshawa and Bowmanville, Ont. N. B.-We bave cheaper lhues if you vaut tbem and we are offerng special value lu Solid Gold Frames from $3 up.. GRAND FRIJNK-RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GeInG EAST. GOINteW EST. Er ýress.... 8 31a.m. 1'*Express- 6.5 8a. m *Express-..10"6"a m" ILocal ...8 18 I 3 1ngr.. 9 .m. I Passenger. l 35 P. nm oa . 642p.m.I t Express... 4.8t p.m. >Expess...ià 03 IExpress.. . 5 00« 5Dal1.t Snndays oly. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents I3OWMA.NVILLE. JULY 20, 1898. 1000o Island excursion-see notice. Mr. Albert Hanna is adventisiug bis fanm te rout. Sece ad. , Triuity Sunday Scbool wiil picuic at Port BGwmnanviile ou Friday afternoon. SA few Ladies' Spriug Coats sefling off at Que Dollar each at Couc-h, J ohnston &Cryderman's. Court Pride cf Ontario Aucieut Order oft Èores ters will attend service at the Disciples churcli Sunday morning. '1he Grand Truuk s'eili soli roturu ticeots froin Bowmaxiville every Friday dung J uly at $1.15, good te returu up to Srý,-,day ngt Couch Johuston & Crydemman sas the * are imuporting big stocks of goods for the PsuIlsud ail Summer goods must be sold regardIons of profit. Mr. J. C. Vaustone is nursinsC a sore ba.nd, tbe result cf its co-.-ing' lu too e1cse contact vitb a ciain vile run- ni! sroine rnachinery at bis Tyrone Arrangements are beiug made by the àlthodist Sabliati, scisools of the tovu tc old thein annual pienie on Tuesday i cnon, Juïjy 19. T'he steamer Gar- "City ,.bas lbeen 'chartored, sud viii thopicuie party for a four hours' 1898 Is the clovor year-a record- breaker. Iu June go vohere'yen would thougiont Ontario sud the dlover fields were covered vith great masss fflo bloosomi, red, white, alsike. Hsy vili beas cheap as straw umlly is for a, M. Mayer laslling alliues of stnav ba ta at cost. Polos lu great variety at L. We do upýhosteriun' sud Carpet lav- ha' luin tcl. stylo 'at reasonabÏlo prices. L. Morris., If yon waut to bny or seil anything try an 'ad' lu THE :Sr4.rsmÂN, sud yen gre crtain of success. Bay your F'urniture and lieuse fur- nlshiugs from L. Mlorris sud y ou will be bappy. Siould anytbilge souls y«* not ho entireiy satisfactony as ho hao ropreseontod it ho vill bbopleàs o 1 saak& ilight. Do'tf ergot thé place. Chrldren Ory for Watch lost-see advt. M. Mayer is selling ail hunes of stnaw bats at cost. 1Mr. John Allun, Night Watcbman, is quite ii. WestDurham election trial is te begin at Cobourg Nov. 8. Rer. E. 0. Irwiu sud family are mov- îug te MeDeugali rosidence, Contre St. Canadian, American and Gernian Granite Preserving Kettles at Nicholl's. John Wannamaker, Brigiton, goes te Central Prison nine months for horse Otealinee. Black Grenadines sud Black Wool Delaines in ail qualities at Conci, John- ston & Crydermau's. Mr. Roht, Collacott, Salem, cnt four acres of Fal heat on _July4.- the The Port Hope Daily Times viII not ho published for tihe noît 1ev months. The overworked editor wiii go fishing, The Str. Bohemian made lier Initial call at Port Bovmanviile Friday niglit. Sho lias been renovated sud looks quite trim. Mr. Paul Grant and sons Russell sud' Ollie, Rochester, N. Y., are visiting Mrs.Richardlinghes sud otier relatives in towu. An azeuscy o! the Western Bank o! Canada bas been opened iu Pickering, under lhe management of Mn. George Kerr, formmrly of the Ontario Bank. The Post calîs thse action o! the Lind- say lire company "a sorry exhibition" when Mn. Robt. Howe, luspector, wisi ed -te see bow they could hustle te a eall o! lire. Caroline Pare, sister o! a noterions burglar, 18 under arrest lu Moutreal lu cennection vwith the Napanee bank robbery. She had noverai o! thse miss-, ing bis in bier possession. A ver y hoavy front is reportod protty geuerall'y orer Ontario Sundav nigit. grain sud vegotables being (famaged cousiderably. Ice a quarter o! an incli tbick is reportod at Omemee. 11ev. Jos. Kilgour, late pastor of the Cavan circuit, vas -prcsentod with a gold headed cane by bis Fairmount cong-regation previons te bis leavng for Peterboro wiere lie iutends settlinz, Que peculiar Meature vo have board remarked about excursions. A citizen says hoe Iways finds persons patrouiz ing excursions who have ne money te psy their bonestdebts at home. it 18 measnrably true Ho! FOR 1000 ISLANDS.-M. A. James, Bowmauville, is by reqnest, trylin- to arrange a cheap excursion via G. f. 1R. teo Kingston, thence by boat to 1000 I slands oarly in August. Best day's outing available for thus district. Mr. Aloi, Smith lie energelie Pro- vincial organizer for tic Liberal party bas gone W est on a two moullis trip. His bostn o!fnfiendi tirougiout tie Province unite lu wisbiug hlm bon ver- age, sud complote rostoratien te healti. Tie Gazette sa 'vs ouly sixty pengous vont on the A. O.' U. W. excursion to Grimusby. Wbeu tie- public- eau get tvo or tirce excursions a veek te Ton- onto for 50c, a trip they are net likely te psy 75c. 10 a country tovu. ThiA hagAlial mutih ni.flnhnnro hat.ý voeu omavll udt home club was s good exhibition o! heavv iitting. The plavens on boti sides seemed to have littie trouble ln fiudiug the pitcb- or. Score Il to 18 in favor o! Bow- manville .Strawberry festivals wene uukuown lu Cobourg tuis season. ail churcies aud utucieties liaviîîg abandoned liat meaus of raîîing ,lunds -Nothin- but tic old time religion is offenu'd as an iu- duce.çDent for congrt.gatiens to contrib- ute.-Post. The excursion business is net yiold- ing lienvy profits thus season. Tic A. O U. W.excursion tb Grimsby l'ythe "Gardon Cit.y" ou Julv 4 as safinau cial failure, scarcely anybody goin- froni t>is port or Osiwa, TicLadieS', Aid excursionie week befom-e vas aso slmI Vpatrouized. Read vliat Conci, Jobunston & Crv- derman have te say on tie first page et this papen. Tiey do net pretend to soîl erervthing at cost all tic yoan around, but at the end ef oaci season tiey do dlean ont certain linos cf goods at a loss sud tiey anc doing so now. Cali sud secure some genuine bargains. Nicholîs selîs Axle Grosse. Gem Jar Rubber rings at Nicholl's. Gem Jars at lovent prices at Niclioll's Eng-agement Rings at Rickard's are supurb. M. Mayer 18 selliug ahi linos ef stnaw hats at cen. 6 Boxes Axie Grosse 25t. nx Sat- urday St Nichoil's. 100o Ilaspherries piekers vanled at once to bny tin pails at Nieholl's. If yen vaut & bargaîla aFurnitune eall on M. D. Williams & Sou. See our linos of Secretanies sud Boek Cases at aIl pnices. L. Morris. Window Shades sud Picture Frames iu great variety at L. Morris'. Wbon lu towu dou't fal te sec M. D. Williams & Son's fumuiture stock. Everytiing needed te wean with a Shirtvaist, la 10 be ound at T. N. Rick- ard 's. Our pnices dcl y competition, as is pnored b y our rapily incneasing sales. Dental offices in BowTnanille viii bo, closed ou Friday aftennoon duriug July -sud August. t!. M.A.James, Bowmanille, Is Goven- ment Issuer o! Mamiage Liconses for tic County of Durham, dnning business hours at office, at his rosideuce Centre- st., at nigit. If your wateb is ont o! order while yen are_ - _ustak-it t 1. N i PHRSONÂL. Miss Gertie Glover bas retnmned home froni StLThomas. Mr. Blake McMurtry. _Toronto,, is home for holidays. Mrs. C. James o! Hamilton is guest a t Mr. Jos.Pattinsou's. Miss May WilsonBelbevllle, is visit- iug, Miss Annie Lyle. Mr. Rebt. Nixon, UXbridgo, is visit- ing at Mr. Goo. Downey'Î. Mr. Donald McDouald, Pickering, 18 spending vacation at home. Miss Small, Port Hope, is guest of ber aunt, Mrs. J. C. Weeks, Mr.Geo.Pearsou lias been visiting bis brother at Singliampton, Ont. Miss Nellie Gray, Torono 8 visiting hp,' friends M i4s Ma ei loh Miss Minnie E. Haines, Walkemville, is spending vacation at home. Mn. Thos. Sinu as retnnned from viiting relatives in Petemboro. Mr. sud Mrs. W. Fishieigh, jr., o! Loudon,, are guents o! bis parents. Mrs. A. Bingiaansd scu, St Thomi- as, arýe guesîs o! -Mn W. G. Glover. Mn. snd Mrs. R. Davidson, Oshawa, visiled Mm, W. Scott Suuday week. Miss Bertha McWain, teacier, is visit iug at Corfu, N. Y., guost o! Dr. Bates. Mr. sud Mrs, R. D. Davidsou have boon visiting Mn. NE Petons, Port Hope. SMrs. Gibbs sud daugliter, Nina, of Hailton are guests of Mrs. John Lyle. Miss Editi Fielding Neepava, Man., is visiting lierzucl ir.Rot. Fielding Miss Eliza Yellovlees, Toonto, 18 visitiug ber ruother, Mns. John Yellow- leos. IMr.Barber,ModolSdbool,Brampton,has been risiting old friends in West Dur- ham. Mr. Fred. E. Hughes vas guest over Sundsy of the Misses Heny, Welling- ton St. Messrs Leu sud Cecil Dunsford, Toronto, have been visitiug at Mn. F. Heal's, Mrs. John Hellyar in risiting bier daughter .Mrs. (Rer.) S. T. Bartlett, Madoc. Miss Maud Bond, Oshawa, vas guest o! bier uncee Mr. Thos. F. James, Tuosday. Mrs. H . Jeffery attended lie vodding o! bier son, Mr. S. H. Jeffery, in Toronto last week. Miss Ena Trebiicock erganint Mcli- odist churcli, is visiting relatives at Brantford. Mrs.-L. E. Cooke o! Georgetown is rislting frieuds lu Bowmau ville, Tyrone sud ý'Vitby. Messrs. Geo. E. and W. S. McKowu have been spoudiug a few days at Coboconli. Miss Maggie Yellowlees, Toronto, lias been guest at Mr. Jos. Brittaiu's, ",Hughenden." Mrs. W. F. Dolsud children, Now York,are guests oe!lber father, Mn. John Higgiubotham. Misses Loua snd Hattie Barîloît, Madoc are visiting their grand!ather, Mn. John Hellyan. Misses Lillie sud- Fl Weich, Park- dale, anc gueitîs cf lie Misses Osborne, Wheatlaud Farm. Mrs Frank Mitcelel and Ivo chilidren Rochester, N Y., are guests of, Mis G, Mitchell Centre St. Mn. Frank Trebilenck sud Mn. John Motmenr, B. A. Orotie, are camping near Sturgeon Point. Miss Adeisaide Lick, OshaNva, bas taken first class lionors at Toronto Col- loge of Muiic lu vocal. Mrs. Stephen Cleinens sud Miss A.L. Clemeus have returiîed froni visiting frieuds aI Cold Springs. Nirs (Rer) J. W. Cooley sud chiid, St. George, Ont., are staving at Mn. 1R. IL. Turner s, Centre St. Lieut. Norman Rae, Oshava, lias gone te Buffalo toenolist lu lie Amenîcan Army for service iru Cab a. Mrs.. F. M. Griffith sud Miss A. L. -Skinner, Toronto, bave 'been visitiug Mms. G. Mitchell, Centre St. ,Mn. Thos. Bingbsm sud Miss Colville attonded lie weddiug of Miss Lawson at Bobesygeon lasI Wednosdsy. 1Miss Annie Evwant, milliner, Is homo fnom Bobeaygeen looking as if thc noth country air ?îas agneed witi ber. Mn. sud Mrs. W. Sharp sud Ivo chl- dren sud Mn, D. Lillico Peterboro, are g-uesîs o! Mn. John Allun, Liberty St. Misses M. sud L. Colville, Onono, vero lu Lindsay, Weduesday, en route 10 nortieru lakeo to join a camping party. Mr. sud Mna. E. C., Southey enter. a lange number .o! gne.sts at thoîr iandsemne residence Weduesday oeuing. Miss Emma, MeClelan, Lomno Villa. gave a sinart part 'v Friday eveaninl ionut lfier uieces,%the Qisse# Bittain o! Toronto. Mn. John Harvey sud- vifo sud Mn. George Hanr ey sud bride are here f nom Eastz Livrpool, Obie, guests o! Mn. Michoel Leekiant. Mr. Sami. HanIer, lie dorver cartoon- Ist o! lie Toronto Wonld, (a Durham boy) is nursing a broken sheuider blade He aId Mrs Hanter are'at>M>illbrook. Capt. Gamnet B. Hughes, son o! Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P., L'in4aay, lias come eut final lu thc matriculation examina- lieu t0 the Royal Military Colioge, King- sten, A number o! citizens vero disappoint- ed aitich noîs-appeamanco oof Rer. Morgan Wood, Toronto, vho vas te have lectnred in Trinity churcli Tues- day oveniîsg. Illness was the cause. Miss Evelyn Dumas, Vermout, is vlsiting her uncle,Mr. R. Dumas. 11ev. T. W. Jolliffo, Coiborne, was guest of Mr. R. H. Hamley Tuesday week. Misses M, and E. Worthi are visiting friends at lingersoll and other towns In the West. Mr. R. F. Bragg of Wînnipeg is visiting at the home of bis parents, Con- cession St. A lot of inew Dress Goods worth from 35c to 50c. now selling at 25C. at Couche, Johuston & Cryderman's. Mr. Chas. E. Rowland of the Univer- sity of Toronto was visiting last week with Mr. T. GJ. Brag-g B. A. iMr. and Mrs. Ttios. E. Jeffery aud twln daughters, Mary and Marguerite, Toronto ,visited frienfis ber on Saturday. Mr-T. A. Brown of Stratford bas been appointed Director of Musc for Ottawa Normal School. ie is asou of Mrs. W. Brown, Euniskillen. We notice the familiar face of Mr. R. Gilbert iu the old stand, Victoria Build- ings, (Young & Co's) Friday. The city of Kingston seems to have weaned him pretty well from the town of bis boybood davs. Dr. J. H. Elliott of Hampton, assist sut Medical Officer of Graven nrst Sanatorium, lias passed his f!ft_ýs -ear exaîninstion of the Council o! Physicians aud Surgeons o! Ontario and îs now a full fledged doctor Mr. F. C. Trebil- cock, awanville, Mr. F. W Marlow, Blac'istock. have successfully passed the Primary exams. of this Council. The Provincial Goverument of Brit- ish Columbia has honored a West Dur- hiam bov'.Mr. Rd.Lawrence Asbton,son of Mr. Benj. Ashton, Hampton, witb ap. oitment to the responsibie- position of HernMajesty's Justice o f the Pesce for two districts lu British Columbia, name- ly Yale and Westminster. Siucli a position lu a new western country carnies with it more onerous responsibilities than lu older sections like Ontario where la'wyers are tumbl- ing over each other for a living. We congratulate Squire Ashton on his well menited prefermeut. Newspsper men are blamed for a loi of tbings theyv caunot help, sncb as using partiait.y in mentionifng visitors, givin.R news about sonie folk sud lbav- ing ont oth)ers,. They smmply print the news they can find. An editor should not be expect ed te know the naines aud residencoýso! ourunclos, aunts sud cousins oven if lie should seo them get off thc train. Tell hlmi about it. lt's news that makes the newspaper, sud evory man, woman sud child iu the îieigbhborhoo4 could be associato oditors if tbeywonld. Pleasebaud inycur por- sonà]s, births, marriages, doatbs sud al othor rnews items. White Piques and White Duo.k for Ladies' Suits and Shirts just received at Couche, Jobuston & Crydermau's. Notices of BIrtbis, Marrlages andDeaths 50 cents; when mnarriagc Iîeenses are obtained or funeral notices printed at this offie, Insertion free. BORN. Gîasr.,.-Tn Orono, July Ist, the -wife of Mr. John Gibson, of a daugliter. BuNicrT.-In Newcastle, July 3, the wife of Mr. F. J. Bennett, of a daugliter.. WsjnBER.-In Darlington, July 7, wife of Mr. Jno. Webber, of a daughter. TABB.-Near Endskillen, July 10,, the wife ot Mr. John Tabb, of a son. MARRIED. TOTTEN-POLLOCK.--Ât thse residence of tifse bride's brother-lu-Iaw, Mr. C. H. Norris, Port Hope, Julie 28, by Rev Dr. Smith, Dr. J. G. Totten, Dowington, Michigan, ani î ns daugister of the Iate Andrew Pollock,of Durlsng- ton. MALLETT-SAVÂGE.-At Port Perry, Jane 2q, Rev. J. H. MalietI sud Miss Riya Savage, teacis- er, Port Perry, HAys-SoBn@,-At St. Mlchal's Cathedral, Tororlfo Jnne 14., by 11ev. Father Doddoworth, Mr.Geo.liays,NXewcaetle, and Min Este Somers of Scarboro. JErvERT-KELL.-At thse residene cf the bride's mother, 20 Cerrard street weet, Toronto, 21] Eby Re(v.JohnüMahan ol Dorchester, as- sistedlby 2v .F.Germa D D ,o1 Toronto, Solomon Hope Jefferj and Ïesxetta Agnes, dan her of tise laie William E. Kelly. PÂyNz-In Manvers, July 2, Mary Esthser Payne, agest 9 years and 5 moaths. ECK.-In Oskwood,Maripoea, July &, (Charles Eck, aged 85 years. COLWILL.-In NeWCastle, JUIy 0, Gordon Charles, son of A. A. snd Huldah Colwill, aged 1 year 8 monthe. McDoN&LD.- In Bowmanville,JulylO,William MeDonald, painter, aged 39 years. BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. Correcteld by .LMeMurtry eaeh Tuesday Frus V 100 Iles........ 82 40 to 82 90 WETFail, bush... ù 0 iGO " 75 fiSprsuff .... O W e 0 75 es Rd ife ...0 00 el0 80 e'Goosz ....O 0et 0 70 BARLEsY, ibugh, No. 1 .0 34 Il 0 40 si 2 ,0 26 0386 f i il .... u25 e0 30 I fiTwo rowed 0 25 et 0 30 OA, White l ........UGo 00t 0 25 BRu.............. ..0 ù 045 BUCKWEAT Il............O G00 O 41) Mr. Fîiar Lockhart, Montroal, il home, Miss Norma Couch is holidaying at Port Hope. Miss Edilli Odoîl, Guelph, 18 guost o! Mrs. J.B. Mitchel. Miss Shaw is spending ber hoiidays at Brockport, N. Y Miss Richardson, Ilew York 18 guest of Mr. Wm. Trovin. Miss Edua McMurtry, Gaît, is guest of Miss Hilia Logan. Miss Cors Snowdon, Anrora, is gucat at Mr. T. McMurtry's. Mr. Robt. Tod, Toronto, la staying at Mr. Thos. Tod's, Division St.0 Mr.Budge, Port Hope, was guest at .Mn. P. Tnob)ilcock's Saturday. Mns. Jamies Hobbs, Toronto, is visit- t ber father Mr. Digory Truscott. e PICKLES. Evaporated Herse Radisli. Cross & Blaekwell. fleluz Pickles. Menton Pickles. Tomato Catsup. Tomato Chutney. FISH. Frenchi Sardines. Can Salmon. Can Lobster. Kippered Herrîng. Can Haddie. Bloater Faste. SOUPS. Royal Worcester Sauce, Mock Turtle. Juhiene. Mulligatanny. EnglishWorzester Sauce. Royal Salad Dressing. Breakfast Bacon and Hains cured speciaily for our trade; need no commenting, upon. To buy once means continuons buying. Goods delivered daily at the Lake. Caw.v.ker & Tat BowmANviLLE. I I I AT- AU11TIis ]Vontb. This Sale will abound in Snaps. We do flot purpose carrying- c ver a dollar's worthi of Summer Goods. ,We -will accompiish this object. Bargains offered will be startling- and ai- rnost-beyon-d conception. We rely on retaining public confidence, and always do as we advertise.- The choicest truits are. always the first plucked. Corne early and secure the best, Notice to our country f riends.-Butter and Eggs and Grocers' Due, Bils takeni aQcash. ZOne ctoor East of Standard Bank. SR mVIASON & SON§ Bo-WMANVILLE. CO (40 HURRAH ForM Bi 2 Goer &Bol She ioe F. PARR & CO., Hurrah, for the Big 20 Grocery, Boot anid Shoe Store. F. Parr & Co., have com- pleted their business by putting in a fine stock of Boots and Shoes. which will be sac- rificed at 'Cost and during the shoe sale there wvil1 be off ered a gencrai uine of Groceries very cheap for Cash.. Produêe taken in exchange. F. Parr & (Co. BOWMA.NVILIL, Most every one will take a littie outing this month and lunch goode Il Ilwill be in'demand aInd these days the market disguised with the naine of Bargains, it makes one ask where can. we buy reliable goods at reason. able prices,? We have a reputation for high class'goods whieh we mean to, mention and g-oods bought froin us that are not as recommended are cheerfully exchanged or money refunded. --- -- -- .-- -- - -- - --2-- - - i fi -1. ict. 1 ,Ug- -.- i - - i -1 -L ýl.. . %

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