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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 6

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The Calladian, Statesnian8 BOWMIANVILLE, JULY 13 1898. Can't Sleep, > The weary vigils of the night, anxiouu >hours that drag like days. How often they corne, and how unwelcome they are. A systemn robbed by sleeplessness of natural rest cannot be vigorous and strong. The flan es are at fault and must bechut up. Dr. Ward's llood and Nerve Pis are the remedyv that cured MISS EMMA 7EMPLE. HERE IS WHAT SHE SAYS:e At last, after eight months of physicai weakness and nervous prastration, caused by over exertion and want of rest,-during -çbicb ime I suffered greatly on account oi the shattered condition of my nerves, and for 'wich 1 was unable ta find any relief. I have found a eedicine (Dr. Ward's Blond and Nerve Pills) that in three mnontls made my Merves strong, removed ail nev vous troubles, built up my physlcal system and made me strong and well. They rernoved despon- dency, and in consequeure of talcine yo Ur valuable Pills I look forward to the future bapefu-lly. 1 have ta thauk your p.reat cure Thr nervousuess and badilyý weakuess for sny present good blealth and streugrb. Your s trully, Signed, EMMA TEMPLE, Hastings, Ont. Dr. Ward's Piood and Nerve Pis are sold at 5o rents pet box, 5 boxes for $2-o, ar druggists, or înailed an receipt of lprive by The Dr. \Vard Ca , 7ý Victoria St., Toronto. Book of information free, MO0 NEY TO0LOAN14 $100,000. A large sum of money has heen pis eed iun my bands by a pnivate persan for lavesirnent, an appved laans an farm security for a termi of Five or 'len years, at 5 i-2 per cent interestwill ho asked payable yearIL, Satdsfae- tory conditions for reayment will h arranged. Dl B. SIMPSON, Solieitor, Bowmanville. Dated Oct. lst, '94. 44, - tf. M A DF-E A MAN 4, y,-1oo-t itz., ins,5ec eos creteus 1' e ukl5, nuci *5Weif 0u lu i e. Th' ir uc il,,e mue iate mmrre,- meutnsd offets ua IUFiEwhists alLother f.5i 1n sist uo metgng thse ceanine Ajaux TablaIs. Tlièp bave ..dv ausuds andi-j cure yon. webv ePas- Ibrve srttes urnm v feta ueLIITit fn escii casaor r-un t -e u6r.Prse V Pme suak1e orsixpkgfulml tuessmeat) fer C»~. By spttnwsperporeclpof r a. Oreulx Drugglsts. THE EIMRTL luTII <Ian do mto more for yon in thse way' of comfortable'bedis and good maeala than thse FRANKLIN HOUSE, at ]Bates and ]Larnâed fts. 1I'ates are $1.50 to $2.00 per day, American plan. Wood- ward and JIefferson Aver. are only, a blockt âway, witb. cars ta aUl Parts of 1h. City. Exeelniaeor'din for wheelmken. Kl MK- JA MES A SON . Proprictors, 1LtIes and Larnud st2., DeOtroit, àieh. SELF_ DESTRUCTIONý A Powerful and Appropriate Sermon on the Subject of Suicide. The Suicide Commits an Act of Treas;on ta the AImighty--Enter EterLty Through God's Commnand--Suicide Amoang the Ancients--Evils of Unbelief. Washington, Jnly 1Q.-This sermion of Dr. lminage whiebh we senci out to-day saens s tarihingiy apprapriabo f0 c, thi Ibeme wben se many are ioaving this life by thete osvn baud, ais evil about which aIl re:isanable people are agreed; text, Acte xvi, 28, "Do thysoîf ne brs." Hurs le a wouid-be suicide arrested in bis deadly attempt..lHo was a sheriff, sud, sccording to the Rouman 15w, s hail- iff bimaesf muet sufer tise punisisment due an sscapod prisoner, sud if tise pri- soîser breaking jail stas sentenced ta ha endungeoaed for tbree or four ysars tison the eherif miuast ho endungeaned for tbree or four years, sud if tIse prisonor breaktng jail wvas ta bave*sufered capital punisbmaent tissutIsa sheriff muet sufer capital puniehment. ThlIsheriff had re. coived especial charge te koep a sharp laIsant for Paul sud Silas. Tise gaverfi- -ment inemt mucis confidence ln halls and bars ta koep sale these tvço drgy- mon, about wvbom tisera seemed vo ho saaievling strange sud supernatural. Sure enough, by miraculons power, thoy are free, and the sherif, wakiug ont of a souud sieep sud suppasing thesa sîinisters have ru away sud kuowing tisaI thay wore ta dis for pressoiing Christ anld rosi- lzing that be.muet tiserefore dis, rather Iban go undor tisa exacnlioner's ax o the ruorrow and sufer public disgrace resolves ta precipitate hie own deceago. But before tIse sharp. keen, glitteriug dagger af tIse sherif couhd strîke hie hsart one ai tIse unlaosenodl prisoners arreste tIse blade hy tIsa comnmand, "D ro liyseif fia harr." Suicide Aunoug ise Ancseuets. Iu olden blases sud where Christ, ity hbad not interfored wlth lb suicide Y.s ag'e. Deniosthones poisaned blumesîf whien tald tIsaI Alexander's emibaseador bad demsanded tise surremîder of lime Athentan cambre. Isocrates killlad iiseif rather tissu surrouder ta PIilipo0f Macedon. Cata, rathar than subasit ta Julius Cas- sar, teck bis own hIfe, assd îbreo isies after his wouuds isad been droseed tors thoin open sud perished. Mlvhriflates kiled hnself rather than submit ta IPomoiey, thse couqucrar. Hannibal de, strayed bis hIfe by poison froin hic ring, cansidering lile unhearable. Lycurgus s suicide, Brutuse a suicideý After tise dis- aster of Moscow -Napoheon always carried Nvitb hlm a prepamation o! poison, and one nigbv hies ervant heard the ex-es- peror arise, put somebing lu a glass aud drink , suad soan afler tisa groans araased ail tIse attendans, and i wass omsiy siragh utmost medical ekili tIsaI ho syns resuscitated. Times bave chsnged, and yevtIshe Anserican conscience, peeds ta Ine raaad Up Oni tIesaubject af suicide. Have yon seon s paper in the lasI month that id nov announce tIse passage ont af lite -by anes own beheet? Defaniters, aiarnied at the ides et axposure, quit 1f s precipitatelv. Nlen losing -large fortuneos go aut af lIse warl d because they cannaI enduraeartbly existence. - Frusràted afea tion, dosesioiufeiicity, dyspoptie iîsipa lieuses, anger, remorde,, envy, jealousy, dlestitution, mnisaulisropy, 'are considared suflicteul causes for abse6nding frus this ile by paris green, by laudanum, Isy hoîba- donna, by Otisellos dagger, by isaiter, by leap Iras the ahutînent of a bridge, by firearise. More cases aI felo de se lu tisa hast vwo years than auy two years af the warld'c existence, sud mors lu tIse Ise mnth than lu any 12 monîhs. Tise cvii la miore and nmors. spreadiug, A pulpit flot long ega exprossed souse doubtase lawbether tisera was really sny- thiug wrong about quiviug this life whon lv becamne disagreebie, and tiers are fond lu respectable circles people apolo- getio for thse criss wIsicIs Paul lu thse texI arreted. I chaîl show you belore I gaI through tisaI suicide le tise worsl af, ail crises, and 1 ebail lift s warning, nu- mietakable. But lu tise early part of Ibis sermon I wicb ta admit tisaI seine aofbisa hast Christiaus tisaI bave ever llved have comsmitted self destruction, bul alweys lu demeitia and nal respansibla. I have fia more douisî about Iheir etarnal feliolly than I have aIfbisa Christian wha dilse in bis bd ilu tise delirium of byphold lever. Will bie shock of tise catastrophe le very greal, I charge al l masa 'sois. have bad Christian friands undar crebral aberra- lion stop off tIse boundarese of Ibis lite la bave no doubt about their happinece. Tise de ar Lord Ëîoaçk Ihessi rigisI ont of Ineir dazed and lrenzied claIe imb perfect safsty. EHow (Christ foleehet'ward tli n- siuna cyau ipsyknow Irom tlhe way ha trealed bise demionlsc ofGadara sud lise chihd Ivuiaticý sud Iit atgoywlluh vichý he isusIsed te4,mpestseietiser of sea or brain. Scotlauid, tise land prohilic of intllectual giauts, isad nouej grmnder tham HugIs Miller, great for science aud grisaI for (lad. Hoe wza anelder lu St. John's Preshylerlen churcs. IHa camne of tisa bcdt higiland biood sud wacs adescendant of Doniald Roy,,a man eminemul for ýpielyý sud tise rare girl of second sigist. Hie at-ý laiumeuts. climblng up as ho did frein the, quarry snd tise walefthtie stone-, mason, drew forth tise astanishad admira- tou aiW Bu<klaud and Murcisior, lise scientias, .and Dr. Cisalmers, lise, theolo- gian. sud held.tise uuiversities spellbouud while ho tld tisaintise story of wht ho isad seau aof<od in"Thse d Rebd S&d- atane." Tise man did more than auy tha (lad of tise bille I. lise"(ladoïllise Bible. aud he struek hie tuning Iork on the rock af Cremarty unîiliha brought geolagy and thealogy accordant lu divine worsli. Iiswo books, enlitied "Foot- prints at tise Creaor" and "Tisa Testi- inof theIse Roks," prolalmniing tle banns af su everlasetngnmarriage between geuin e sienceansd reve4atioeb. On Ibis latter bock ha tîoihsd day and, tb.rexgis love af natureansd love et (lad, unIE ha coassnet loteep aud hie bralu .z tva war, and iho was lonud dead wltis a te ,roIver by bie si, lise cruel instrument b:îviug had two hulets-ona for hlm sund the otiher for tise gunsmritis wIs aItishe vuoner's inquesi svas examlulng lb ansi lm'ii dead. Have yen any doubt aI tIse boa-ifcallon oaI Hu*,Is Miller sItar bis bat biraI-n Isd cesed throbbing tises winter igisI lu bis sludy aI Portobeiha? Ausaug lise milâistetaerbh, amoug tliuigisti- est of heaven. No ans douisted tise piety of William Cowper, tIse author of those tbree groat hymne, "O For s Closer Walk Wibis God," "Wbat VariaseHindrauces Ws Met," "There les aFountaiil Flled With Blood"-William Cowper, wbo shares svmvh Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley the chiel honore of Christian hynalogy. Iu isypochondria hie rsslved ta taIse bis owu Ife anDd rode ta the river '[bams, but tound s man seated on saune goade aI that very point fros wbicb hbe expcctod ta spring and rode hnck tahie home, aud that nlgbt tbrow bimiself upon bis own knife, but tIse blade braIse, and tison ha hanged bimsaf ta the ceiling, but the rape braIse. Na wonder that wbsn Gad inercifully delbvered hlm Iras tisai awfnl demenlia he st down snd wrate tisat other hymn just as mesnorable: God moves in s systeriau s wsy Hie wonders ta perrorm. Ho plants bis fo*teps lu the ses And rides upon tIse strs. Blind unholiof is sure to err And scau bis work iii vain. God le his own intérpreter, And ho wlll inake Ib plain. Tresaso tite Almnik1st- Wiie wa make this isereiful and righteous allowance lu re-gard 10 Ihasa wha xvero plnnged inta mental incohar- once I declare that thsemnuwbo lu thea usrs-of hie roeau, hy hie own sct, enape the bond bctween bis body snd bis seul, gues stralgbî mua ,perdition. Shah I1 prove iv? Revelation xxi, 8, "Murderers shall have their nart in ths laka wbicb burnetis witb lire and brinstone.' Revelation xxii, 15, 'WltIsauI are doge and sorcerers and whoreinougers and surderers." Yau do ual believe tise New Testament? Tissu perbape yon blieve lIse, Ton Coimssnd- monts, "Thon'shalt flot kilt." Do you say that ail tisse passages roter ta the tal.mng of thse lite of otisere? lisais1iasit you if you are flot as respaneiblo for your owu 111e as for tise life aI othersl' God gava yon a speciai trust iu hIeé and made you tise custodian of your 111e, sud ha made yau tise custodian aIfiao other life. Ho gave you as weapons with wblch ta defoud il lwo arme ta strike back sceail- ants, two eyes to wstcb for invasion, sud a natnral lave aI hIfe which ought ever ta be on the alerI. Assassin stion of others le a niid crime canmpared with tiseasesase- înatIon o! yourself, because lu tIse latter case lb is treacbery t0 au ospeclal trust. Il ie thse surrender aI a castle yon svere cspecialiy sppointed ta keep. It is ressan ta naînrai iaw. sud itlis treason te (lad added ta ordinsry murder. Ta show haw Gad ti the Bible looked picture gallory in came parts1 af the Bible. tise pictures aoflIse people who bave cas- mivted tifis unnaînral crime. Rare is the iseadhess Irunk of Sani on tIse walis af Batbeban. Hors is a man whcased lit- bis David-hO test in stature chasing 4. Here'ie a man who cousulîed a clairvoy- ant. wilcb of Endor. Hors is s man who, wbipped in battie, lnstead 0f snrrremsder- ,Ing hie cward wilb dignity, as sany a man bas dons,ascks bis servent ta dsay bis,, aud wbeu tIsat servant deoilned, tison, tisegiaul plants bbe bilt0f hie sword lu tise esrtb; lbhe sharp point stioking up- ward, sud ho lbrawc bis body on lb and expires-the coward, tise suicide 1Iliere is Abitopisel, tbc Machiavelliof olden blîies, botrsysug bis beet Iriond, David, tn ordor tisaI ha may becoine primo minister af Absa, sud joixing tIsaI fellow lu bis ettespb et parriCide. Nor getng whal ho wantsd by change aI politios ha taIses a short cul out of a diFgraceful 111e itb tise sulcidd's elerulty. Tisere ha la, lthe ingrate! Rere le Ablinelecis, practlcalhy a sui- cida. Ha le witis an army, bobabrding a lower, when a wonman lu tise tawar laIs a grindspano Iresn lie placo, and draps il opon bis bond, sud with what life ha bas eIt l is is craclted ekl, lha colmmnande hie armer bearer, "Drasy tiy swird sud slay nme, hst mers say a wçomn slow me." Tisera is bis post-nsortem pistographin l tise book oI Sanael. But tise ierc aI Ibis grocp it Judas Isemrol. Dir. Dounc saeys ha was a ugartyr, and we bave lun aur daty apologImsefor is, Ând what wande', ltr hs day wlsen we have a rB-ock revealilg Aaron B8urr as a pabteras af irtue, ;sud tIlle daY wher wa uncaver a Elalsie cf Gsurgü Bond as tisa heu efactrase acf hteraure, asud lu 'hic day -when thareree=betreayals eof Chrisoth ie parI of seaof hie pretended sposles-a betrayal se black lb min;tl;Rtilnlaby of, Judas Iscariot wh)ite! Yel Ibis man by bis awu iband hisuug t1p for exeraîlon of ail ages. Judas Iscariot. ', Z acrases ef Slf ud. Ail tise ood mon sud woîsaen of lhe Bible loft Ie,(lad lIse decison aI thairý eartisiy terminus, and theyî eould bave soid iwlhi Job, wha ised a rigist le comn- mil suicide If any yman 'ever hiad, wisal wllh bis dastreyed property aud bis body aflalamo wltI nsulerablO tcarbunclo and everything gene Irons hie home ex- celtishechlef curse- af Il, s Pestiferens wltqaud four garrmiaus peeM pleolling hlm wltb easfortlless aK whiliaho ile on a heap ef ashes sratchlag bis saab. with a vnle ofa broken patlery, yet crying eut iu trýimph, "«Allishe day. of my ap- poiubed flme wlI I wait tifl MY. change cames." Notwtthsa"dlug lis. Bible la against by tisa loabissomne and gisastly spectacle of bisosa Whso have huried themselves cul cf lite, and ualwlthfftauding Cbristiauity is against l suad lise arguments sud lise useful lves sud bise illusstrions deatise of ils disciples, It le a tact alammiugly patent tisaI suicide, laon bthe inorsase. Wisat in lis, cause? I charge'upan înfidehlty sud' agnastiolsus Ibis wisole thlug. If tIsere ha ne isereafler, or if bisaI iereaftor ha blise- ful witQouî ieareisce ta isow w. ive aud how we die,-wishy uat move back tle. ld- lut dôcis b.tween Ibis warid and tise nexti And wheu, osr existenaceibere be- cames rouhifoame why fiel pas. iigisI over lot ely*inu? Put Ibis dawn amoug your saab solemis reflectios.,Tisera bas nover beau a case ofl:suicida wisere tise operator was net demneuled andi tiseref ore irresponsible or su InlIdel. I challenge ahi lise ages sud I challenge tise unîverse. Tiser. neyer bas been a cne of self destruction whîle lu fu approclation of bis immartality, and of, the fart that that immorality wonlid ,be giorinus or wretcbed according as ho accopted Jesus Christ or rejected hlm. You say it is a business trouble or yon, sav it la electrical currents or it is this or it is that or it is the other thîng Why flot go cloar back. sny friond, and an- knawledge that in every c: sa Il te sthe ab- dication of reason or the teaching of i- fidelity, which practical]y enys, "If yon dan't bko this life, gel ont of it, and you mill land fiet4er lu annihilation, wbere there are noa notes ta pay, no persecutions to suifer, no gant ta torment, or yon will land wbere thora will be everything glori- ons and nothing to psy for il." In fdelity bas alwsys beon apolagetia for self im molation. After Tain Paine's "Age of Reason" wsss ublished aud widely read tIsera was a marked Inorease of self slangbter. Evils of Uubelisf. A man living in London heard Mr. Owen deliver bis infidel lecture on social- ism and went home, sat down and wrote theso words- "Jesus Christ is ana of the weakest characters iu bistory, sud the Bible is thse greatest passible dacoption," and thon shot himself. David Hume wrote these words: "It wonld becfia crime for me ta civert the Nile or the Danube fromn its natursi bcd. Wbere, thon, can bc the crime lu my diverting a few droDs 0f bload fromn their ordinary channel?" And, haviiug written t9%o essai, ha loanied it tea afriend, the friend rsad it, wrote a latter of thanks and admira- tion and shot bimseli. Appendix ta the samne bookr. Rousseau, Voltaire, Gibbon, Montaigne, were apologetia for self immnolation,ý. In- fldelity pute up no bar ta people rushing ont frein this xvorld into, the noxt. Tbey teacli us it does uot make any difference' bow youlilve or go ont of this world. You will land, ithor in an obliviaus moa- wbeS eor a glorlous eomowlîere. .And lufi- delity bolds tIse upper end af the rape for tise suicide and aime the pistai witb wbich a man blows bis, brame iout and mixed the strychuine 'for the laet swal- low. If înfidelity'could carry the flsy andý persuatde the, majority of people in this country does fnot iake any differ- ence how you go ont of this world you sill land safeiy, the Patoimac wouid be 'se ful 0f corpses the hoats wonid be itape ded in thoir progrese, and the crack of tIse suîcide'e pistai wonid be no mare alarming than thse ruînbie of a street car. I have eonetines beard lb disoussed whetber the great draîiatlet was a Chris- tian or fiat. He was s Christian. In bis las wiii and testament hoe commonde bis son] ta God tbraugh tha sacrifice of Jesus Christ.I1 knoov that lho considered appre- cistion of a futurs existence the mîghtiset hindrance to self destruction: For who wonld bear tbc whips oji4 scorus af tise, The opprcssor's wrang, the proud man's cafitnmeiy, The pangs of despised love, the iaw's de- lay, TIse insolence of oMce and the spurns That patient surit of tIse uuworthy takes WIsen ieho isseif might hie quietuesumake Wlth a haro bofikin'? Who wouid fardels begr, Te grant and sweat ander a weary life, But that the dread of somathing after deat- Tisa undiscovered counftry fromn whose NZo traveler returns-puzzles lise Nill? ýWoubd God tsaItIshe coroners would ho brave in rendering thso rigisî verdict, sud when bu a case af irresponsibility Ihey gay, "Wiie tîsis man was îemeuted ho took bis ile," in tIse otisor case Ëay, "Hlaving read infidel bocks sud attendod infidel lectures, wicisobliterated Iras Ibis nmaisesnsnd ah apprecisiion, of futurs retribution. ho commivted self sîsuahter." Itelbgbon's lBrightI Light. .Have uathing ta do witIs au iufldehîby se, cruel, co dsbasing? Gansa ont of thal bad campsny invp tIsa comspsny o! those wha beliove the Bible. Benjamin Frank- lin wrote, "of tisis Jesue or Nazareth I bave la say bIsaItishe systes af marais ha laIft and tise religion ha has given us, ara tise best bhiugs the worId bas ever ceeu or is likobv 10 55." Patrickt Henry. lise elacîrie.iebem pion cf liberty, seys: "Tise book wortb al other bocks pubý togothar 18 the Bible. " Bejamin Rosis, tIsa load- ing physialogist and salomist Of biss day, tise great medical scientist-what tlid ha sayi' "The ônly bmueansd perlecb religion le Chrlcianly." Isaac Newton, thle od- tng philosopýher i ýhie ljime-wbat dmd ha say? "IlIse sbiîotpilosaphy on earth te tise phiio.sopb i voftisa gospe.", David Bsesvsteýr, et tisae pronuciation of whase nase everv sciantiet tIse warhd avar bows bie isead-David Brewser sayiug, "Oh, Ibis religion has beauý a greatl igisb la me, a very groat igisI al My days."1 President Thiers, tise groat Frenchs states - man, acknowlsdging AbtisIha prayod whebc ho id, "I Involse tise Lord God, lu wiscm I ami gla te, believe." David Llvingïton, able te couquer lIse lion, able la conquer the pantiser, able taocuoquer lise savage, yet conquered by Ibis reli- gion', 50 when they find hlm dead, tbey fInd hlm.onbis, kues. Salmon P. Chase, chiaI justice efthbie supreme, court of tise United -States, ap- paisted by Presidant Lincoln, wili taIse tise wilusss stand. "4Ciif Justice Cisase, please tale what Yeu bave 10 Say about thse bock commeuly callad the Bible." Tisa wJtess replies: "Tise .came e lime lu mny 111e wheu I doubted th ise dvluty Of tise Sripturas, and I reselved as 'a lawyer sud judgA I wosld try bise book as I wauld try auyliing lunlise court; rocs, lakiDg evîdence for suid agaluel. I-. was a long andsiomius and p'rfogiad, study, arnd, uelng tishue prîncipies cf evW61.en u bis religions mater as I al- wy» do l acuarmatesIbave coma te tâ. decielaun tisItishe Bible is a smepr- naturesl book, tisatIiLisan case fr o(ld, aud tisaI tise euy safely for tisa hulusu race me la 10110w ils teaclmlugs." ""Judge, tisaI will do. Go back again.ta your pil- 10w of duel ou tIse tanks of lhe Ohio." Next put uron thse wltness stand sasrosi- rdent0ftlieUnited States-Joisu Qulncy Adams. "Piesident Adaine. wiat hava yen lte eay about tise Bible sud Chris- tîauity?" Tise.pËesîdeut replias: 11I have for mainy -yaars made it a practice la read timougitise Bible once a year. My eue- tom lu ta reud four or five chapters every morulug lsmediately after, rissug Irein muy be& .Il employa about an boum aIfusy tise sud' Seems ta se tisa nsst Suitable Ianner of beginning tise day. In wisat lght eoever we-regard tise Bib1e, wisether witis refereuce la revelstion. ta istory or te nsorsiity, il le u lval uableansd ilu- axisaustibia mine of kuawledgeansd vir- tue.", "Cha,,ncaleor Kaut, wisat do yen tlhnk aI tise Biblo" Au,ýswer: -"No otiser bsook ever addrecsed itself so anIsantsa- Iively aud so patissllcallZ ta thse jasgmasst sud moral ceuse of m&n Ziud." "Ednauiid Burke, whal :10 yau biitr o f lhe Bible?" AnsYwer: "I have rend tise Biblis, mc- Iug, ucon and nigisî sud havae*ver ince beau the isappier anid botter manu for snob readin2g." Sentenace of! infidelity. Younsg mon of Aserica, comaeout ef the circle of iufIdei-mostiy sade up of crans and imbecils-inta tise cospany of intellectual giants anîd turn your back on an infldelity whicls destroys bodv, sud ROUI1. Ais, infideiity, stand up and take thy sentence! Ia tIse presence et God, angels and mon, stand up, taon sonster! Tby lîp blasted with blaspheumy, tby cbeok scsrred with uncleauness, tby brestis foui with the corruption of the. ageel Stand up, satyr, filthy goat, buzzard of vIse nations, laper of the canturis! Stand up, thon mouster, infideiitv!1 Part muan, part panther, part reptile, part' dragon, stand up and take thy sentence! Tisy bande rad witb the blood iu which thou hast washod, thy Irait crimson with the isussu gare throngh which tbau hast waded, stand up'and take thy septence! Down withthec to tise pit and sup on the el,(bs and groans aI those tbaou hast do- stroyed sud lot thy music be tise evarlast- ing miserere ef those whom tIs3u hast damned i I brand the forebesd of infidel-, ity witb ail the crimes of self immolation for thse iset century, on tIse part of those esho had their rosson, My friands, if ever your 1fe, rthrough Its abrasions end ite molestations, shonid seem te haunubearabla, and you aia tespted ta quit it by your awn bebest, do n considar yaurself as worse tban others. Christ bisseif was tompted te csst himself Irons the roof of tIse temple, but as ho resistad 50 resist y.. Christ came ta medicine aIl woonds. Iu yonr troubla I proscribe 1f. instead 0f death. People wlso bave bled iA wrsa tissu you will ever bave lb bave gane sangfully ou tbeir way. Resosher tIsat Gad keeus the cbronalogy of yeur lIfe with as snuch precision as ha keops the cbronology af nations, your gra ve as well al your cradie, Wby wae lb tisat at sid hight, juet at nidntght, thse destrayink augel struck the blow tisat set bIse IsrseLites Irae from bandage? Tihe 4310 yesrs were up et 12 a'clack tIsat uigbt. Tise 430 years -were not up aI 11, anld at 1 o'clock wonld hae heen tardy and toa labo. TIse 480 yaars woro up aI 12 o'oîock, and tise destroying angal etrnck the biow, and Irai wss free. Anud God knows just the bour wben it is ttme te leau you up from eartisly bandage. By bis graca, sake flot the warst of thinge, but tise beet of them. TIsera is a sorrowless warld, and lb is su radiant tisat tIsa noanday sun is onl.v the iowest doorstep, and the aura, that lighss p aur nortberu beavens,crnfound- ing astronomers as ta what it ca n ha, me the wsving of tIse banners of tIse proces- sion come to taka tIse canquorors hbome fram church triomphant, and you and I bave 10,000 rossons for wanting ta go thora, but we will neyer get there eitber by self immolation or ixepeitency. Al aur sins slain by Christ wha came 10 do that thiug, wefevnnr ta go in at just tisa time divineiy arrauged, and froni s concis divinoly spread, aud thon the deung of the sepuichrai gaies behind us wil ba ovorposvered by the clang of tIse openiug of tise saiid n)eari hefaro us. O God, what- ever otbers inay cisoose, give nme a Chris- tian's life, a Christian's death, a Chrîs. tian's buriai, a Cbristian's ismortatityl Mains Prohibitjiu. A goad doal is beiug' said about thse failuro ta enforce tIse Prohibition Law. -As soon as Neal Dow was dead the littîs dogs hegan ta barlc. Of course, the law nover bas been perfecbly enîorced, and it bas nover been ciaisned ýthat it wss. Tise law againet stealing isu't perfectly enforced. Here arc came facts about Maine: Beforo Prohibition thora ware in Mains seven distilleries and two'breweries. No* flot one'of eltiser in tIsa State. Msny cargoes of West India m were lsported every year. Now, not even ane puncheon is roceived. Formerly, romshaps, everywisere; one in every bamiet, Now, in more than threfonrthe of ithe State, issving Ibres- fosrths of the population, tIsagrogsbop is nnknown. An entire generation bas grown up tlsere never hsving seen a saloon or the effects of one.ý The qusntity of liquor now sold is flot oue-twentieth of svhat il was .hefore Pro- hbition and tIse city is twice as large. Tise people used ta spend evory twenty years mu stroug drink the entire valuation f, tisa State. Now, one million dollars wfill more than psy for ail tisa liquor smuggled into te Stabe aud sald lu via. lation of 15w. Maine saves anFnually more than twonty million dollars, wich but for Prohibition would ha spoul, laet, wasted lu drink. Maine iq now ona cf the most prosperous Sîstes lis tise 'Union. Bafara il was the poorest, Tisera wss dissipation, unulhrift sud decay. New everywisare is seen tbrift, industry, prospority.1 In 1884. after an oxperience of Prohi- bition for thirty.îhroe eare, tisat policy wss put lu tisa constitution hy 77,045 Hew te Make Fire Extiwegulshem'e. Take 20 pouLde of cadommesait and 10 paunde aof Gal ()~lsao (iate cf aum- mania), ta bo had ofaI au drnggist. .ad "Andi you've t.da bcm el 0join tisenavy?" ":TIsat's rigis." "Tisu, Achlbsld, you wlll make mae a soemu promise?' "Promise any old tbtug." "Welh, 1 waut you to promise me tisaI belore you begin tc, figisi bie Spaniards you'l take ahilbise navy buttons off your uuiformcsud nack theun away, with dîrectiau#s thaltisoey ho sent ta se. Navy buttons maIs. such hoveiy isalpîns, Arohi- bald." Thse Poice of Coxxscience. If tise voices of anscienoe'sti11 speake »e yan, len and heed it, lorthobagIs yon may gag-your moral seuse, tisoogh you msy crowu al' sermons tisougimî until yen ara indiffereut toaisl these Ihing1, lIera uçiU cause a tusse wisen lhey will wake ta Doww life again. AAzd if t due te nervous exhaon? hings aiways m-e odhetakth. Hpc>n an yora bsiýc uaehen suifer- ing Wfl he.1dache, n-rvou& potainand greaZt P17>,SiCaI Tbwý yunt ffl i rý le tô be rid or ~iàmdtpression of spirits? j4.ov? Uy rentoving the ce. By taking It gives activity te ail parts tisat carry away useless aud paisons materials ram yonr body. It removes thse causecof your suffering, because il re- moves aIl impurities frrm your blood. Send for aur book on Nervousness. To keep in groad iealtis yau must have perfect action cf thse baweis, Ayer's Pilscure cou- stipation and bilicusuess. Wà-He do ou, otm Perbape yau wOmmld lfIke 10 enculî sorne cruSenît, bsiciauî about sjour Condition. Thisà write us freely ail ie partteniars in your case. You wtll re- ÂditessDE J.,>aÂER Lewefl,Mas On r(eal cin uîriiii..iseverv joker talks about u~~to the 1lonidike. I had Sait 'SALT Rheum of the worst kind, as our family doctor called it, and could flot get ay igto cure me. 1 read -of -urdock Biood Bitters, and deterinined to try it. I' got one bottle and be- fore 1 used haIf"df it 1 could tell<it was doing me goDd, and after 1e u taking six bot- dles 1was per- R U to-day arn a happy womnan at beîng cured of that terrible disease. " MRS. MAGDALENAVOIGT, Rhîneland, Ont, B. B. B. is the best remedy in the world for Eczerna, Sait Rheum, Tetter, Scald Head, Shingles, Boils, Pim- pies, Sores, Ulcers and ail Blood and Ski Diseases. DENT I S TR C. HARNDENS, L.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of l)iu, I S geans, Ontario. OV'FICE.-t)ppositc- Express Office. VITALIZIfD AIRý. J.M.-BRI MACOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Bear of Messrs. Iliggin- botham & Son's Drug Store, (DOWn stairs),' BOWMANVILLE. Elu E~U GIVEN AWAY!tý QDINPRESENTS.V AThis Is NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE ECkNEM%'E A-but a STRAIGIIT BUSINESS, propositi &n~ AAbeautiful Present to everyone-PRE A CONDITIONS: ATc earh persan sending us 2 cents in silveY Afor 3 moaths sbsnto t 1zGENTLEMAV AFARMER MAGAzUNE. tCp incilde the beauitifq ~ Special' Cliristmas inumber. we will mai A -l reeIthe bMl winLruresents voi2 mtyn s elecot e-JIIZ: A1 1 , - t>eCflVytarI5 A Old Enameîe Scari Pin (tise lateel novelty,' Afor lady or gentlema) clued at $~,or a AKlondikoe Diamned Soma fPiný-sLperfect geni~ Al vahuad at $1.25, or 3 Pieces of t-e Lutesltj A ue~Msici (Instrumental andVl au A Xt $1.25. <A value Of $1.50 for 25(.' A Yau shoueld taIse advauslage étthIile tC AAT ONCE. Gentleman Frffer Maa In A ls th andsernest FarmsMagazine A ~ l rAnerica AIt contains 96 pages pro!usely ilistratedi, and V Ais edited witb a view ta nake it uneicome ansid Aindespernsiisle isitor ta every tarm fireside, A Instructive aend Ieteresting w ta fearisner? o! every class. A p 0 Ie ol lar s Year. Ten Cents e cpgy,V A Brther Josiathan Pulflishing Co. AMAanhsattanx Bulilding, t i I 'I The Leadlng Speclallsts of Amorloa 20 Years la Dtrait. 250,000 Cured. WL CURE STRICTURE Thonsands of Young and middle-aged men are troubied with this disease-luany unconscioualy. They snay have a snart.- 4inig sensaton, a$ma,,twistingstream, shrcutting painsat tie,siilt dis- cha,diffilty in commecigweak orgae, eissinsad.1ilth. yptm of nervousdeiiity-they have ,STIflO TURBE. Do't let doctors experimenton you. b cuttingstretching, or tearing you. TMs wl flot cure you, as it wîll re- turu. Our NEW METHOD1 TREAT- IMENT absorba the stricture tissue; henceremoves the stricture permanently. It can neyer ireturn. No pain,b suifer- i ng, no0 detention from business by aur method. The sexualbrga&ns are strengh oued. -The nerves are invigorated,.and the blies of manhood returns,. WECURE GLEET e Thousands of Young and, middie-aged men are havsng, their sexuai vigor and vitaiity contnunally sapped by this dis. ease. They are frequently unconscions of the cause of theso symptoms. Genierai Weakness, Unnatural Disebarges, Fail- ing Manhood. Nervousness, Poor Mem- ary. Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken ËYes, with dark circles, Weak Back. Generai Depression, Laek o f Ambition Varicocele rShrunken s Part, et. LEET-and SThICTURE ma eths cause. Dou't consut fauily doctors, as they have no experionce in1 these. speciai diseases-don't allow nak x rmn on yen. Consuit ialits w@havmade ahf e stndyof Disease ot'enandWomen. OurNEW METROD TREATMENT will posi- tiv'e cure yen. One thousaud dol lar" 4fora case we accept for traatment amid e annot cure. Termas moderate forea cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure: EMISSIONS. 'VARICOCELE SYPHILIS, GLEET. ýýTIIICTU14E. ]MPOTENCY. SECRET 1>~AN.UNATURAL DISCHAIIG- Eý5 Kl'INY sud BLADDER Iliseases. -C)XSULTATION FJREE. BOOK<S PIIEE Il unable ta caîl, wWit for ý1UEvSTION BLANK for HOME 1BATMENT. KENNEDY&}KERGAN Cor. Mkhblgan Ave. .an'd shelby st. 1 upen this erime 1 peint yoil te the PE)Raes' 1 i -L -L 1 1 1 i.t czTOTT ý.sofrv. littie one. bnÈ vebil Irnnw-" i -1-1 -t t- ý-t

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