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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 8

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The Campaign AgainstI Worms,, Bugs, Blight, Has Oommenced, PARIS GREEN,I BLUE STONE, INSECT PQWDE.RV HELLEBORE, FLY POISON, MOTM îCAMPHOR, ETC.. ETC., Atte So Id At The liotest Pirees. BEST WORK, LOWEST PRICE. JAMVES GOARDf'S JEWELRY STORE j& ÇHOICE ASSORTMENT' 0F STAPkE 9 QQP§ @anli NQ9Y9Iý.TES REPAIRINO A SPE CiALTY. COURTICE. Miso Edwardw, Keenoeis visiting Mrs. John Walter . ... The Mse Worden, Orchard Hill, have returnnd from St. Catharines where they attended closing exorcises of Demill College.. . . Miss Cotton, Town, is guest of her friend Miss Maud Oke. . .. Mr. Chas. Doney, Toronto,and Miss Hoskin , Town wb'aeel. ed out to Mr. D. Clarke's Andprere join. ed by others and ail went for a pleasant "Pin. Returning Ice-creamn and other refreshmnents. were served -by Mr.Clarko BRADLEY'S SCHOOL HOUSE.l At the close of Bradlev's school about twenty met ta witaess the presentation ta their teacher, Mn.,Cyrus W, Siemon. of Haydon, who is leavýing the school to attend the Normal Sehool. Mn. Edoar Ross occupied the chair and adiniialdy filled the position. A short prograrn was given by the pupils after which a nicely written address was read by Miss Myrie Milîson and the presents con- sisting of a fine gentlemnan's companion and a beautiful volume of Longfollow's - êîîiâ wèé i resonted by Miss Maud Hoddon and Miss bizzie Parr. Speeches wene given by Messns. S. Souch, D. Heddon and a number of others and were suitably replied to by the teacher., Ail are sincere in thoin regret aven Mn. Slenns leavlng and wish hlm a successful future, Sumoent CoLns.-Are often 1-andeet to g et id of. 'Try Dr. Wooýd's Norway Pme Synup. Pleasant to take. AI- way effective. Pnice 25C. A BUSîINass EDucATioN ENABLESl ONE To ENJOyT Tis PRosPERitTy. I - THE: MASO"N Co. BOWMANVI LLE. iJULY YPOINTERS. ~ This store has quite outgrown the old idea Eof taking it for granted that July must be a FE quiet month. We a re offering this month such Ean array of new and seasonable goods, along Ewith many lines of which must be cleared, a Ewill certainly make the, month of July, one of/ Ithe busiest monthsg of the year for this store and also one of the n3ost profitable to our customers, Some of the bargains are suggested by these "In black a nd white."- INo salesman's say so, but a gua- rantee of quality, workmanship and material straight from the makers, is the " Sluter Shoe" way, Their naine adpietamped on the Goodyear wlt d sole with their self des- 0 crîbing tag, telIing bout the Beiesd,...ustm rvc; r ctt 653homes, they will have ta includo snakes Betesd . . Mate B.Nonhcotk(5) and lizards arnang thein farnily pets. marks) and Miss Laura Cox (620 marks In an article on IlLife in Manilia" in successfully pnssed the Entrance Ex- Tui Yorrrn's CompAmoN for the week amination.ý . -.Mn. A. L. Pasroe attend- of June 30th*, Charles B. Howard says: ed the Plebiscite Convention at Toronto "Our household rncluded three on four representing Solina Division .. .. Mn. J. Chinese 'chow' dogs, with thick orange- B. Fairbairn. postmasten, Bowrnan- colored fur and coal-black tangues, and ville, the Misses Fairbairn and Miss Pedro, the hanse suake, a small python Brock af Toronto spent Saturday,guests which tnavelled about inside the canvie of Mn. andMns. Thos. Baker. walls and kept us fnee frorn rats and DEATiH To Waius.-'My little girl 7 mice. Pedro neyer came ont, and we years aid used ta grind he- teeth at were nat distanbed at ail by lus prax- ni£rht and had pains in her stoniach. 1i îrity. We slept an strips of matting, gave hen Dr. Low's Pleasant Wdrrn spread aven cane seated couches, the S>'r-np and it acted quickly and with legs of which rested in bawls of waten goad cffect.' MRs JoE DOTY, Part Gil-,ta rvn iisfo etpdstrn Tree lots of N'ew Blouses in fine Cambnîc andi Muslit, Whfte - Linen, Collars and LCufs, these are broken in sizes, and, S inelude negular $1.5p gaods now for 50c, 75e and $1.00. SSpecial values in Yeilings, Laces and Summer Gloves. ERemember we carry a luil stock of Butterock Patterns. ~-Ask for an August Fashion Sheet, free ta enstamers.. The Groceny and Boot and Shoe Departîents are alsa E>ffer- ing many special attractions in addition ta regular lunes. gentry, that cannot be kept out f mtheu $30,$-0Z $5-00. hanses. Wash stands, sideboards and TYRONE. refrigerators are protected in the. sanie a petit.ERSH E~ Visitors: Miss Mabel and Miss Irene t erpa ullyonotoV-LU I AJW.h.1i Harris, Detroit, Mich; Master Perey powder, and flot a visage would be lef t c ~ Hicks, :Toronto Junction ; Allan G. in the marning if a wash-stand rested Sylvester, Enniskilien; Mrs. Ri Fallis dixectly upon the floor, Tiny littie GRAND EXCURSION à. and son, Leslie, Toronto ; Mr. andMrs. green and, vellow lizards used to dart T A.W avtOoo;M.Z. Pollard, about among the books on the table.,OSr ad n O t JOHN HELLYAR, SûIe Local Agent. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane,Oak- after the lamps were lighted,devouring St. a d n'R y _______________wood, Mariposa, were recent giests of the insects whxch. swarmed arouuid the R O% 88 bamn gave a most enjoyable outing to would drop fromn the ceiling, ai hting T o rot nI 8 8 Mr.S.Polar. .. r. ndMr.SBin- igts Ocasonll on tes 11zaTdss P oplrteamr cmmences her eua a part y of young people on Thursday with a reýounding 'smack.'" PERRY ekytist o1rueo last. Lake Seugog was the ultimatum MAsoN & Co .Boston, Mass. QensCt. II.Y U YSh rZo ir th e o~~~~f the tnp. Fishvýas abundant. . ... Mr. QensCt.FRD Y JU Sh 13oir th el tori frmbigcuh n ottebuei hc.t ieti YERY FRIDAY DURING JULY leavingevrFia mu ortnatly r. itcellwasin own Themanwhosays he doesn't want Fare fromn Newcastle $1.25ý; Bowman J3OWMANVILLE at 7.00 p. in. S . I I I C I~and dressed the painful wound .... The to be reembered. .t a Christmas ville 1$1,15; Darlington $1.05. Tickets Itetiirning leave Toro~nto at5.00 p. m reigho program on Sabbath evening. %r.good tgon ltrison Friday ad NEWCASTLB and Retnrn, 65r, SArthur Annis led in devotional. exercise Visitors in fown will find some very good to return up to Saturday night. BOWMAN VILLE and Return, 60c. Inten persed with heartily sung seîec- pretty Souvenirs and other hanàdsome We have the largest and best assortmlent of New and tions were papers by MJisses M. Adams arilssil o rsns o hs asegr on byda rail can tak the san isfreaior ckts te, and B. Brent. Misses Ethel Curtis who are lef t behind, at T. N. Rickard's early xnorning train if they se, desire ar- ed fer one ortwo weeksby paying 25e extra, Up-to-date Furniture at the lowest possible prices ever Florence Fraser, G. M. Werry and B:' Jewellery Store. Cail. riving in the city byseïen o'clock, or For further information apply t offered in Bowmanville. Hancock also contributed pithy brevities <they can go b>' any other train during H. C-N, Tihos. NIHAN Cai an se FliLins nd ainy esjnsin ilon the topie 'The right use of time. th---- ----- --ii th-xcrso Agent, flownianvllle. CaladseFl ie n anyDsgl nalDuets were sung by Miss May Potter tda.lvtrnzg hsEcsio19-4mn. classes of Furniture. New goods arriving almost every and Mn.A. H Brent, Misses ÈIsie and *yo 1u have two clean days in Toroutoand da.Lena Cade. Tennyson's 'The children's Have vou written on avoîd coLd lake winds and possible sea- day. HosQpital' most beautifullv and patheti- E rneo sîckness. Secure your tiz!kets at the P erkSTiRED BAnd Y ORkShire- Boase i Hain ouhtte uriur nd'Lnerakn bqi alydelivered by Miss Jennie Me- Enrn rP. S. Leaing REnTEE BOnyfomSOT Brsie aForse orSIto lla in bo gh th F rniur an Ï nde ta ing bu i- Lajshlin brought the service to a close Aj up town gnyfo T T & JURY Lotis Cou, Darlington. TERMS 75 ens ness ot Mr. O. Scott, Orono, we must seli ail the old stock ~ drshl n't examination this year ? If so. send vour th a rvouadi lo sdra rpreor rse. GEORGE HEEituiG£ ...Te Misses Adm eda At name, addres a and teacher's usane to tedypeiuadi o sdmyPoreoTru.2 w of Furniture, etc, regardless of price to make room for Home' on Saturday. ... .Miss jJora M'. be returned. brnnew goods, as we intend to keep a first-class Furni- Mr.arders visiti hnle Lindant CENITBAL BUSIs FOLBO RM FOR SALE OR TO RENT> ture store in the store lately kept by him in Orono. Mrs. b. A. J. Short gave a children's Dariugion. GoÔd dwelling audout bnuiilii party in honor of our A.merican visitors of Toponte ~1) goods511iln good tate of Cutivation), ploî,- onMnsy nd receive fuli -partiemlars about the i59 fntBodso h berne o possession next Fait, full p)ossession Mareh- the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~89 use ofHnadsYlooti oh aUSsinbgnigSp ,Gv vu resfrcaost rvl JAMs MOEooli rne 20- ate PAIN of aIl kinds 9uickly relieved by âward to the successfui candidates for ap Is.e vIyr Ylo i.Nt- alSsinbglnn etjt iiv N/Ir rrer ror onyn otrvl AE Monday. Broen FA. L e iîngýmr s teqa itfrsrisAriehu ddress, W. -R. SHAW, hing agents and run a great riskof b- ARM FOR SALE BY TENDER,4 ~'unralDireto au Funitre Dale, Bwmavil an Orno. matîsnm, stiff joints, more muscles, etc. oneierrTnno ng dissatisfied wlth the restât, -when F 0 Oaores being lot isgn4Drig TAIT &- CO. will make you a good ings, 2 acres orchard, firewood, hard antiso BLAESTOK.________________________ CryonPorrais fr te sme r lss ,,,er. 5 miles from Bowmaanville. Possessie BLC'TYV Cayn otritVorthVsm'oVls grs-ento plow Sept lit. Fua» possession1 Ma, ~JW aU~~1iU~L~tItt1UflZFOLY.The trim littie steamer 'Cornet' Capt. 4 ,mnyadbsretStifYu. cohourg, or Msint MTAD Popc BOWMANVILLE. JULY 20, 1898, Mr. Shepherd, Hamilton, has been Baiuyl, rns tae Lwi~yeerysaf Notice t.o C roui tors. m:mnil.a~i eJ .Fz Satnda lavig he wne'swhaf,13e R1~ESIDENCE IN BO0W-,MANVILL, MAFL GRVEvisiting Mr. Fred W. Lee. east of Ciesarea, at 8 a. mn. Capt. Bail MFOR SALE.-4he residence of thie la NPEGRV.Maxwell's school picnicked at Osha may nun on Mondays during t he hoi R lichard J. Shaw, and grounds andiland adjo 'Nir XVll effry asben aidnp ithwa-on-the-lake July 12th. Mn. Newton days to accommodate the CO.rpers at In1 the matter of thie EstaeoWlla Onyrgudweyuaetodht liig, beingtown lots 15 and 16, in ,loci~, ame leg. The result of plaving foot- Lander, Teacher. Washbn Bsad tisapet ail Martin laite of thie £ownship of any photognaph can ho renewed by one yrest and ruunin%back to Liberty street. T and the fane is triffing. Cteei teCut fDra h elyi goato h ih r-i ominodieni nick dwefllningoo bal... Visitons : Mrs. Welsh, Pont Mn. and Mrs. J. T. 'Hancock arrived ,lrenýh Cosuoruhm vh elyisinrato h ih ro $Il, dwt raent g)Od retoc Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rundie, Be- home fnorn thein tnip to the 014 'country farmer, deceased. cess. Don't be gulled. Corne to us and wiîiaseade trees andi garden stoclosa with d thesa, n. nd rs.Fre Flntoi, o Frdayeek Thv rporthavng ge ai suhw-k done satisfactorily and ferent varities of fruit trees in 9ot Ile1, Thano.. Mr. ainM Snowdnf, rold vriywpeasan Tern e pNtiors erbyavnpusu ao ebate chaply s i ou otr.aehv o em Pl ntepeie o to i L5o tht( ) orbue rohrbidnpoo alLO, K n St. East, Division fine honse to Mn. Frank Cole, HarP- tat ail ersons dain St tis gis JMA 8 ,f.CL ton, for a satisfactory figure. e oflre illiam. Martin, late of the towusbi gnaphed or stock either, don't be ______________ lu~~i the County of Dunham farmet, OR O EVC.A - H__ ___ ___ »~IK 1 L N de ea1 d w h. o d ed on or ab out th e 210 -a of M.. .Bo m u u anc S R V- A , l ioo , NEWCASTLE. Misses Campbell and McGaw, Mark- Receuit visitons: Misses W7lite,Tonon- harn, guests of Mr. Wrn. M. Wtton; ta, guests of Mrs.c(1ev. R Taylor; Miss Lonsley, Woodville, Mn. Chas.and Misses Minnie Jarni sonPontypool,and Miss Tamblyn, Orono, guests of Mrs. Ettie Fee, Toronto, at Mr. W Conlin's; R. J. Wery ; Miss McLaughlin, Ton- Miss Eva Brokeushire, Havdon, at hen onto, at hen father's. Mn R. MeLau-h. aunt's, Mrs. W. Piekard; 'Mrs. Mann- lin; Mns. T. Staples and Miss Staples ing, Ra"-manî ilie, visting Mns. John Garnie, visiting old friends ; Mn. and Otton; Miss Annie Douglas, visiting Ms. C Hastings, Hampton, guests of ier. sisten Mis. J. IH. Tuer, Stratford Dr ot ;M.SutBadrnNe Miss Ida Lang, Kirby, guest of Mns. L. Dor, Pater ; M. turat rAur, N B. Davidson ; Mn. and Mrs, J. Douglas Miss Eý R. Brown is home fnorn Toron- and family at Haydon - Miss Mary t, for vacation ; Miss Veale, DeKalb. Powers, Kirby,with Mrs John Riekard; Illinois, guest of Miss Hayes ; Miss L. Miss Edith Scott, lilagarsville, at home; Mitchell visiting in Toronto .... .Princi- Miss Annie Bowen, rono,visiting Miss Dai Gilfillan preached an excellont ser- Allie Middleton; Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. mam on Sunday evening .. . Miss Nellie B~ett, pont Hope, with relatives here; Maroney lias neturned fnorn a visit to >Krs Aggie Rowland, Dpseronto, at Oshawa .... Mrs.Preston and family are home; Mn. and Mns. T. Il. Clernexce, viiting her parentsin Lindsay. Shaw's, at Mr. W. E. Jewell's. .ii tcbing, irritated, scaly, crusteti Scalps, dry, thin, ind fal]Ing Bair, cleansed, pnrlfied, and beauti- led by warm shampoos with CurrcuRÂ 5oÂp, ind occasionai dressiugs 0f cUTIOURA. purest Of bmoliients, the great est ekîn curee rreatmesst wlIi produce a dean, .healthy scalp s'ith lumuriat, Ilustrons hair, whien ail else fails., Sold throuzhoit the weeld. P'OTTrsa Dace AN)CE. COUP,, ,ile Pope . os.-. »ý ',iowtoproduee Luxuriant Hur," masled free. SKINS ON FIRE -h EieuwzsofstsnIyeI£Dz vmaY. A. JD., 1898, are requeste t odîier r oor2OIarverelc of Angust uext to the undersigneti solicitor for bred youn erks ires ant sows Iu pig for. s3 the atiministrator a statenient in wrtugcoM.J CLBw anle ~-2 taining full particulars of their claims antiofthe nature of the securities (if any) cid 1190them And get an amateur ta do it fan you. against the estate of the saiti dereased. We will go to any part of the town or )OARS FOR SERVlICE.- , ýBerkshi Anti notice is herebv fnrther given that afler- county and do Snell wonk, and give you anti Tamwerth boars for service, ouj the saiti 15t5 day of August, A. D. 1898, the ad- sornething durable. Get your farnily 34 Cou 3, Clarke. Ternis $1. D. J. Giînso ministrator of the pruperty of the saitidec dt group taken on the lawn this summrnr pietor. eso -P del proceet o distribute the as.e, o th sit deaet amng the' parties enietieti thereto, by us and we will give you somethîo havîug regard only to su-h cdaims as lie skall fine. See samples. Haâve your p=etoFA r have notice of, as above required, and the said tkn tstudio. The very best and R1'4OriE aciminisretor will not bli able for teasta na A N ,T D R or any part thereof, so distributedtet any per- latetsyesear idwdsly sou or persous of whose dlaim lie shail not have Pictune frarnes an hand. A choice lot reccîvedunotice at the time of snck distributioia. cail and tee thern. When desined we That 200 acre farm, lot 17, Cou. , p ah W. F. ALLEN, D. B3. Sîsersom, can take aged pensons at thein homes Three parts of the farm untier cultiva tio01.Lf Adminîstrater, Solicitor for Administrator, &nd give you sornethîng fine. Capying session in Mardi 1899. For furtier pr Bowmauvilir. Bowmanville. done from any picture. Thanking ail apply to MfR. FRED ROGERS, Ennukil Bowmanville, siuly il, lfs. 28 -4w. for past patronage, we nernain, P . 5-4 braises,sores, wOunds, cuts. frosthiies, T I O atgyard's eiiow l creuprinTAT O The veny best Machine Oil at Ik sions, ete. Price 25c. -BowmANviLLE. ard's. , is yeur Protection. fflMz wante anýs anc[ û%her -mref)îeal E a a a wý 1 a w m 17 TE qumàe-w %5--ff a m %&--0 m IV TT mmun r-

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