We have the 11largoest anid best assortment of New and [Tp to-date Furniiture at thec lowest possible prices ever offered in Bowman-ville. Cail and see Fuil Lines and Dainty Designs in al classes of Furnitu-re. Now goods arrivingr almost every day. maintg vuu ui wit-.-S ness of Mr. O. Scott, Orono, we must seli ail the old stock of Furniture, etc, regardiese of price to make room for bran new goods, as we intenci to keep a first-class Furni- ture store in the store lately kept by hlm in Orono. Levi Mor risz Fuineral Direetor and Furniture Dealer, Bowmanvihle and Orono. Sewing cr ahines. There are many kinds of Sewing Machines, but where pufchasing a new machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I sell. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, ou r Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable, terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers should cail and investigate, or senitpostal card and agent will be around. Best machine oil for sale. Buy no0 other. Machine parts and repair's suppliéd. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar.. gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, PureParis Green, and best varieties of TurnipSeed. -àImnry ElutJr. Gr-eat Blis Are Now Attracting Public Attention, Bt the most important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. , For this bill we are 110w prepared to give the public..better value than ever before. For 'Ordered Clothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date line of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just exactly even with quality. We have just reedived a new shipment of Dress Goods, Prints, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for every day and Sunday wear, and the prices will seil them. In Groceries we carr, ilV the best goods and will always bc found with a full assortment of aI n public demand-all priced bargain- ishly. We also carry C *.' ain Oit,_'-il t Ou, Paints,Axle Grease, Fence Wire, Nails * .. .nd v Seeds, and Patent Medîcines in fuliL 'We don't ask- IIAMPTON. y'-. C-A, îr1t , r-stigate. FW-14 STEÂMemIPS. MONTREAL. QuFFc. Nuitilun.......1 Sept. Sanie Day- Parisien."'«.*.....: *Laureutian......l Cauifotnian - 22 *Nunidan--------....29 PLisan ..........6 Oct c alfornien.....) 111anaorc Ihus direct lu Liver-pool. Lalrniuuà lcabini>, Cirîagnia, ut cabui uni>.I l ssengers will ho trasferredwith itheir bug- gage fronsI the nuilwusationl te wliurt free RATE OFPASSAGE antIupvad retlern, '-114 uitdI upiards !"in B .eltsbl,. v7',om~Lnda or Calitulnia1. jase;Catlan o1 r Nul- midfian Y22 .50. No."w YrkbuGlsg ant gi ' 'mr tate o ~ ~braku"0ugii5Ott abin ,47itmmwrde; Sud CauDii i3&; teerage S50 Frtickets ei edveryi filforma Ulon ap- piy te Allan Lino at.leb&vIO L K 1- fl1 , DB2MRY OF UINTE STE~~î1Ç~t'~(LIMITED S (R. "N'ORTH K1i'NG DAILY SERVICE. 1 PORT HIOPE, COBOURG AND ROCHESER. SOUTH BOUND. Lv. For t Hope, Ont, Northi King 2.30 p. in. Lv. Cobourg 1.15 P. ns. Ar. Charluthe,rN. Y. 7.15 ol.n. Ar. Roch IerN. Y., N. Y. C. 7.40 p.m. NORTH BOttrD. Lv. Roeliester,N.Y.,N.Y.C. and N.1.E. 8.20a. ns. Lv. Charlotte.ý N. Y. 8.40 a. ns, Ar, Cobourg, Ont. 1.00 P. M. Ar. Port Hope, 1.45 p.nm. SUBJEOT TO CHANGE WITH-OIXT NOTICE. For futher particalars appi>' te STOTT & JURY. Agomt, Bowmaaviillo'lï Il .GILDERSLE EVE, Geueralyaaufl' ingetonl. Aima THE COL ECIE FOR YOUNG WOMEN Located in the splendid interlake region of the mut southerly part of Oanafla, and in a cty of 12,000 inhabitants. About threeliourg ride fo ootDetroit or Buffalo. Four tasoti tlrairoads and local eleetrie systemn. Cllegp Course pand Mu,ýsic, Finie ArtElocution Busines adD .etic Science ,Doprtm ent. Fmnest Bildinlg,:extenlsive groundi, ho.,em forts,strongs tsfhheZ heaith record. BEST ADVANTAGES AND LOWEST RATES. open» Septeniber, S. For catalogue andi full patclradtress, mntioniugITIrE STATEsMAN, evR.. Waz-ner, M. A., Principal, St. Thimas, Onit. Egt ate of thu c, te WILLIA-MGIBSON. Tho uini#sr*siguied bus recelvet Inistructions from N%_ILiLt4-i GIBsoru, luo er for suieb>' pub- At tlie Hoel, E amwpon. t ihe boum utS2 o'ciock, tlie tollowlng -valIimle roui etate'sibuaiet inl the Township utDariain ithe Cont>' ut Durhams, une being cum of t he souuh 15 antre ut 030in tlse tli concession ut the eaid Tunshlp ut DurliiglÇme This turmu lesupo t, ie oune outhte bet tarunprpertics i the uwu ofutDarlînghun anti huaeecteti filereun got dwlungbouse anti commutjii ontbildig. The purchâuer willi e ht i)to poss ession ira mediately uter the sale unpuymeat ut the ver- centage ut the purcliuse; moue-r hereinafter mentionoti. MYTIho purcliaser wilulie requiredt b pay t the time of sale 10 per cent. ut the pur- dbase money bu the tendor or his solicitor, anti enuuh tlierowlth lu muke $2,000 wtbin 30 tday blereatter, withuut interest; anti the balance ut1f the purchuco monoy on the t day ut Januar>', 1899, withont interest. The sumons t$2,350 mat romain apon mrtgageupun the prenises with interest ai 5/. Othor terms anti conditions will lie matie knu wmî t the tise of sale anti ela lnie eau- tinte be seen anti ameertinet ut the office ufthie vendiores solicitor bereleufler montiuaed. The ventior lias a rsent. biti upon the promises. For turtlier parlîculars anti conditions ut sale uppl>' lu D. B. SîmcoN, Bowmanville, Vendor's Silcitur, WiLLiAm GOmeoi, Hampton, Vendor, F. J. GROAT, Hampton, andthie andersigneti Aucioneer. Daleti Angusl lot, 1898. D, B, 5SIMPSON, L. A. W. TOLE, Vendors Soliitur. Aucciene"i THE MAD DOG BUGABOO. Sciffltlsts InslÉ.t Tha~t Ihere I.No xieh Tliiug as Iy'~bb 111 the Lti ' Tljm.eJournal Fwr W. BoIx writes on lThe 3u£aab,)0() tA Mati Dcg," qu9th:ý ,a Dnimber of auJhori- ties te sLow that tlier8 is nu snob diseuse as "hyçLmopob)i"and ifiiquiring if t is ., not tinie, lihrefore, ln view of thèse iu- disputablO tacts, that we Shouiti give our- selves a litlie more f'i>à'dom fromi this bugaboo of the mad dtog? What the news- papers su essentially report as cases ut 'hydrophobia' are, in roeality, notbiug more nor iess than instances 0f peuple who have been bitton by doge andi tright- eneti mbo hysterical condtions ln which thoy involuntari]y reproduce ail the sup, posed symptome of 'hydropobia .' t le a pity that our newspapar oditors cannot have a more careful regard for the feel- ings ut women duriug the sunmer mon tbs anti agree to surppress the reports of cases supposedte tobc 'hydrophubia.' -1- SThere can 15o nu meuh unbellet4, !or 'uv- avor bc.hIeaves il, the tattsies l L l ilitly outIhe bnws ut nature. wiooev behmèovein th. culprensu>'cf Grigil uver ~rnwhoever even plante a tree or t teI o tho future, lins heurs wihneslu Èsowus faibli 14 Goti, whoso naine, per. Iape ho Il1111 lint iblunsoîf douying, eut Iris fait-houÎ>' netis expansion andti l le mura01sof utsloîin urdor teu lie tesup. >w I a cunscionel>' refiglous Ilto. Ir yeu sieult i sh luto nemeble, yeni muest îbink about yuursolf---bonl whist you want, whlal >'ou like, whut respect people ongittehopuy to yuu, andti len tu yuu notbiag -wibsh ho pure. You will epuil everylbing you houoh; yeu wli meke sin anti miser>' for yoursolt ouI ofeverylhing wbicli Cuti coude yen; you will boas wrelched us yen chuose. The Outflw etftthe HeanI. Tu lov.elliers iLe ao ra. ,counterpoise, ut our unsteeti> natures. Towenii nd ut lulirns self-love le hikel>' lu cullapse ut an>' moment. Theo cutliw ut the heurt upon ullieme is lu the ordening uf Cuti, the muet intabhiblo tva>'ofut eecuring esnit>' et mmlid, as fer as riglit huinan relations eau s"cur. lb. The. Secret ot Success. The secret ut suces le concenturation; wiervm tire bas blicoua groal lite, Gr -a great week, tint hue gone beore. Taste, evorytblng a hilhie, look ah everytbýing a ritho@, but1I've for une lhiu-g. Auythiwg iu passMlN Wa mais 'ite knows ibbc e»t anti meves straîgial for ft, anti for it THE BEGGAR'S NOVEL. SCHEME. Hý% Ho f vet it"en iDollars a Week by Noul Shavlur. Ab,ýouýttwo months ago Cliarîe Cogli- lau, Cie Nvell-known'English acluor, walk- elti owen Broadway late onie evenlng anti wats accostoti by a brîglit-looking young inwn, neatly but vory plainly dresseti, who hati about a tivo tiys' growth of hourd on bis face. Ho approachotithe actýor in a most deterential inanner, anti causot i hm lu stop by the uovlty of the xvay in whlch hé asketi for, aluns.Th yomug no xplaineti that ho feit consiti- erable diffildonce in asking a gentleman lu aid lm lu hnis liandiaidistress, but MrL. Cogllan looketi kinti-hearteti. anti tharefore he would tae the liberty to rûlate bis troubles. He bâd only been in the ciby lbree tiays, anti by bardi bustllng hati managedti o secure a place to go lu work thse next morning. Be batin't uny m-oney t3 pay forhie nigt'e 1odgnigs or -V c~ a uscrý,-lo custoiB tba bave In, ou f tise Sou CIIISea ÏiE aus'sait Mt'. Walace, '"of Imarrylnmg 'agirl te a "Ue or suime iîîoîm'iate ubjeet, 'WhiliItg smppised te adt as a sort ut sc àeg lfor teia.horMeomngs ut the miRÏTC6 us- band. "llt le nul unusua," suiti Mme. Wu.- huée, "fer 'womnin Ibis countr>' lu b. marrieetol a stick." But Mnr. Wallace, witi the cen scupeni cr11>' ofthte masculine mind, refusedteIc deuns It a porontul ntte. -Pearson'@. Diamends Made by Pressure. Aisotier methoti ut pnotiacing auamnsi bac beemzi tovieti b>' Dr. Majnorana. Cir- bon, boult mu inbte elecînit, arc, îe sil.i miltt lutoe7-pressure uf 5,w00 abioshee b-,- rl h abeaction Cet an exlosi)ve cropouilou asesuaitpisten leaving a iaiâs O graphite anti n6iou critn -With im,tnute crystale tuat have the ppop- enlies otfaaimna. 'flic>'have nuouiorç cunsîn-rolul 'value, bowovon, thun thooe madle b>' Moissan's precess. Cent asaCiusr Englleb oxpenlnseuts show' that eoài le u oxeellent antoriel tor sewuge fîltra- tion, havi'ng a speelelu lpQwvor ut rpiuovlli lIme_ pvr. orgimlo nuf~týe -,elitus- ent leIg rmahlbbeigh ant ostirey Iffl fr eai he soidier titi nul requiro lu be tldt lwioe IBe guI ouI immedialoly. Two duys laler thero was a roview aI Rlatit, turing whicb Prince Wilbelîn Sighured the cuiprit, anti sont for him. "Lieuenat,' ho suiti, "atter you wenl eway the eti tumueti up four limes mure. I prevonti yen. trons winuing tour limes tbe maximum, -whîch you would certaini>' have stakti. 'You will tmaw on me for, that amoulît. But bake mu>'ativice, du nul ganîble egain." 1The memoirs ut un olti Grmun generul wbu livedte l sea hic luet victorV ut SeLan have statoti as foi- luws:-"It was the kintines utthe esson that cureti mue ut gumbling. For mu it wnas btter than e yeer's imprisoni-nont." -New York Tribune. A Lesson Iu Wisdom. du ure tue proati the silly uoti"n of a bellot lu 'bytirophobia' Iban ,unythlng else. Women have hadti Ibir feelings playeti upon long ononuszh by Ibis folîli notion ut 'hydrophobia,' anti enough nu- necessory suffering bas bean inflîctoti upon tbe clog, xvho is utten killeti for notLiuig but a popular tallacy., Il ie higli time thal common-sense eboulti mbe; that w. shoult be)liovo the fact that there le nu sucli lhing as 'hydrophobie,' anti riti ourselves oft îrsu.bugubcio of the mati tiug." PARENTS' TIlTLES. Çihiidreu Who Have D-op1-1 Papa and Mamma for F.ther and Moblier." 'II was brougbit uDn, 'Saitia fonti futher, "lu say father and umolbûr. 1 nover tireameti ot Saungp.%aa ant mamma Whou 1 wias a ohilti, anti 1 shouiti have matie ukatiwork0fif 4iî I huti triei. 3My chiltiren uni lutely have auivays saiti papa anti mammun. I don't know how they guI startoti that way, but at the outset anti for a long tlil tey neyer thouglul of saying anylhiing else. Thon the ulder unes 100k tlu suYing father anti iother. lhey likedti Iess tifles botter, andti tey thouglil they wero botter form, tou, anti Ibey lapught tue youngr chiltiren aise 10 507 tather anti inother, anti nuw they ail say tather ant i nother. "The oltier chltimou soon accustomnet themeelves te the change; the yuunigar chiltiren were a lilîle ehIy o-rer il uit tiret, but lhey aoon got pretýty Nveil usedti t l anti uow we raroly housr in my hous. papa anti mamma; hit l father anti mucher. "Anti I muet esiy I like lt botter. AÀ»4 I don*t lhink it le hecause Ihat le the way I was brou gli up, Ibougli lhos3 tilles certaiuly do bave tu me an olti anti familier anti affectionale sounti that is very plousaut; but I thlnk I like father ant ieulter botter, anyway." Artistie DînuierGvi. The Itieal dinner compauy Is neyer large; six has been sei to, u hothe magie niumber, %but eigbt anti evon ton are per- fcctly munageable, bolli in the malter ot smooth service anti ln the higher bar- mionies. Do nut confine your shoine lu lîstimale tr-uie, but adtielu helr piea- sure anti your oxyn the fresh experienco ot meeting now spirits, whose congeniai- 11v you have tilvineti. A roally artistic dinner, il is the wri- -ter'scounviction, ahoulti nover oxceeti tour ceurses-luclutiug the coufe., The echenie ot the dînner is that acci dieli sha libe perfect; worlby oet he palale anti ot the appellte--onjoyed lu thoetili for us mer- its anti nut be trificti xith ant iinslantly furgutten. The seçonti point lu import- ance le thel a tilsh shah hoe as attractive lu appoarace as il je perfect in fiavor: that il shoulti ho placeti upun the table as an addteti onjoyînut anti hospitality serveti by the hosi or hostose. The thîrti point, also ut importance, le that a din- uer shoulti le seusoneble-not an antdci- pation ut seasons-tor every chosen article sbouiti ho ut ils very beet. A ean, hitl- eliriveleti January loniato, whicb hue ii- borne ils truvels, is but a forlumu apology for the plump anti lusclous summner pro- tiuct-certinly nul libteti for un "artis tic" appoarance. Corrected. A chance visitor lu a rural nelihbor- héoti sieppeti mb a littie ant i uliquateti school bouse lu see whal, the educu -iouai methotis outIhe lucality wer-i 7 A sleepy looking toucher waii "Ér e chuss lu islory recito. "What oanyuu say about tmi- Utle ut Bunker Hill?" ho asketi. Af ter seemlngly painful reflection a boy et about 17 gol up anti trawletioutl besi latin gly: "It was a ur >eal liglit, anti-simst-it Was bore Ihet GLen. Grant seui. 'II caille, Isuw,Icoqurt. "Thau shows howîvlnch, you know aboat kt, " suiti the leacher derlsivly. " it wus Washington wbo saidti Ial. (rant bsàdu'l evea beeCu hum thon. Yuu eau efleaTzr sehool anti leurut your 1LIson, VKINDNESS DID ITr. Mow a Fainou s C,-rmir -IGolerat Was Cur d of (ambiing. In Austria andi Gernany the army laws against ganulng wore, andi 5h11 arc, very Sti lut. MWhcuthe Ducby ot Baden w as, ocoupicti by Prur-,iani troupe atter their supl'ressing th-, insurrection ot 1849 the ofilccrs quarterod ut Rastatit wore warned against playing at Baden Budon. One summer evonrng King (thon prince) Wii belm erolled mbt the gaming rooms andi noticeti an officer ln civilian ciothes sit- ting at play. Ro had won twîce on the reti, andi was about to pick up his money when ho cauglit sight of the princewatch- lng hlm. Torror-strickon, ho sat quiet, not dtirlg t o reach out for hie winnings. The red. turueti up a thirti and thon the fourth lime. As the maximum was quick- ly reacheti, the prince toriched the officer on the shouldor anti saiti, gontly: " Talo up your monoy anti go, lest oue of your par-cularly, but lieotii wa u. go lu his uew plis the next morning looklng neat anti dean. Be woÙld Iberefore b. much ublîgedt lMr. Coghlan if lhe woulti kinti- 17 give hlm ton coule wlth -wicbIci et, shavacir luthe noriug. Tise stomy was su luil that the actor, -,vho le uotoriously lndiffcreniuite lb. value ut money, tiipped intu his trou- sers pooket anti presenîtid the youn" man with a silver dollar anti aent on bis way. About a week ufterward, wbil, i' o ing froiqs the Lotos Club ta bis botel, Mr. Cogbba wiisacco;iteti by the saine 7.- iýug man on Fitth avenue, witbot -. recugui4eti. He wae tobd tho sainie ,,.ry. Desiriag tio earu Ithemrouliinsido ut thie ueow sbeiie M. Cugtlau saiti nothiug, but lnivbti1th. yeuug man t o rnme with Lim te 1h.ecale otthe 1Huffilun Hliueo, where, after sltttug down ut one ut th,, tablesý, ho rèhltrketi: ":ýeo bore. Yoiug nan, you 1: I me *thie ome story ou Broadwvay u,ther niglit, anti I gave yeu $1. Now L want you tletellme ah about this cen whïi6e w. have a dink." Tih. young man'K face iigbîti up andi b.e gave vent te an uneasy laugh, aà lis ?eplILI: "Well, mlstev, .tbe trinks are un me, a1 se.ý you are 'on' lu me. I bave beou workiug this scions. for nearly two yoars. I camne te Ibis ity broke, ant Inl twu or tbree tai y eocured a position, anti, desir- lIng to look odean ana noeat whenI 1Weaut to mly new employer tie et tiay, *'ho Idoz cams e ie oask & paus.erby te gîve mue money enough ho ge)t glievetiIn lb. mornlng. 1%e gentleman gavea me lifty ents, anti the idea struck me îtbÏt ifI eesbolMjý ake monoy as easllIy as liant I -would tfe a ted lua go lu work ail tia5'las a tore for' $8 or $10 a weük. Sa I ko-pt Il up, anti manage le pick up anywbe re* freus $25 Ici $30 a week. ,1I lvin lua huard. ing bouse wbere 1 psy $8 a week for My board and bave a few dollars for éothefi and ti peding mouoy. -1I have saveti ou the average for the last elghteuth months $15 a vreelt. If I cen keop Ibis up a few munîhg longer I sin coing off lmb some emal'l cily anti stan myseif Imb some 11111e business lu whlch I can, mako a living." "ýBut du youu nover gel shaved?" asked the acter. ','How do Yeiu alwars keop two dais' growth of befrch en your face?", y"Oh, lhat's easy ,noughý" replik theb young Man, uý)îls n grlmn. "I shave with a baýrher's hair clipper." Mir. Ooghlana ackuowledged lbe cern andi puii f@r lIe drImuks. Il bctihote ed te al.losv Ibis yomun nmanuh part with asvy et hies ing«ulonui-y aacquirot mony.-New York Tea>j LESSONS 0F THE FLOWER& They Are the Great Teashexs and Speak a Unîversai Languagè~. "'Nothing touches us su muchl n Ibis ivoriti as flowere If -,ef wlll only waeuh IbeÏi, runtersandthte messages tIse> ex- halei anti prQ11t by tbem." Wribeý*ïàwarti W. Buk in the Ladies' Home Journal. "I wLsb every-ody un Ibi s .arth mlgbb love fliweme. Flowers cen do se mucb for a man or a wounln. No one enu raise flowors, live amomig thein, loN7ethem, anti nul ho btter for their influonce. Dy their hlrth the>' show us how, out ufthlings liard, ouI et disappoiuirrent anti fail-uro, by the overoumlng ut ohstacles andt he bensting lu difficuli taeks, creep forth the moulu beauitul resulurs. Dy their cultiva- lion tbey show boxv tifferent nature ueea di-feront trealments. By the man- uer in wbich tho>' refuse tu Ibnive near weetis tbey teach the cleurest lessun of bu man association, anti show Ihat sin is an intrusionii his wrl.We leamu the greut- leç501n thal wils bbc oMost gergeous flowers appeal lu our adiraion, we love the fragment unes the hast. Ever>' lesson, every p16,asure, w.ecaui leemu anti tiotve frein tl"geulent ateseongers oethl.eM'lii. The flluwrs speait a uni'teeaul leguage: Ilie> adapt thomeelves le grave or gày. A flowe7 1-a ever nisunderstood. We associ- ats fio'*.Sewîi ah 1thé juyouusseasens ot our lives ws well. rluwers otten, speiak ho us whér) our wortis scem powurlass ta ex- ptoswbul wo roally mean. They are the dainfieslts cË Loti's hantiiwork. Tbey casH to us vci cure for thons, la love Ibeni, -rcWirtilng us witb prodigallt>' whou we r so 1rheir 1beckonlng.fThIr mes- iî is Diie. Like an Aprîl dey, ',sha- - cow andeurihine is lite.' But/goetbe i Joweme ,gyw.w, and 'wo cons, te, 3nne by tbs wa3" tutarob.' A STATESMAN OF RUSSIA. in, Great Reaction, Ambassa io r Andrew D, Whiite contri- butes, tu the Century a sketch ut ";A Staicemnan of Russia, 'Constantino Pe- bedauostzeff, IPro'-uratir-General outhle Muet lioly 3yDnuti.After speaking uftheb tieath of Alexander Ir. at the very time when lie was granting liberul institl-. tions. Mr. White enys: A tbis tieath the turdy Young guards- man ,jocame Emperur Alexander III. t la rel uteti by men conversant wilh RUS- sien allairs that et the tirst meeting o09 the iînperial councîllore Loris -Melikoff, bolioving -that the Young soverigu wOuld be led by filial roverence lu continue the liberul policv lu whicbhie father hid tievoleti hie lite, matie a speech taking this for granteti, anti that the majority ofl lb. couneillors seetid fully in accord with hini, whon sutideuly there urus. in Yl - . - ci y- ý - - - . ., "., v-- na 1 bis b! 1 enois Sno 1 Lim ma'-il Èhis ta!!. manut. scholariv v man, who, et tiret ver>' simply, but lia- al>' withbhuruiug eluquence, presented a tifferent viow. According ho the chroniclers outheb.per- loti. Pobedonostzeif btld the Ensperur Ibat ah so-calleti iberal measures, includiug the constitution, wore a tielusion; that, bowever such Ihings might ho suitedti 1 western Europe, lboy wer. nul suiteti te Ruesia; tIbal the constitution of Ihal Emu- pire buti been frons lime insmemnomial 1he wili ot theauntuoat, tilreclod by bis uwn sense ut espusihiltty ho tue Almighly; Ibal no other coinstitutonm wee -possible in Russia; Iiat Ibis alune wus littedte t te traditions, thr laxve, the itieas of'tte bundroti millions cf varions races,- untier the sway ufthlb- Russian coopter; tint lu other parts ut the worbd constltutloràaL liberty, so cehbet, heti ulreatiy eliwn Il- self an absurtiity-socialîsm, wli Ils plots anti bombe, appearing in ail quar. lors, allempte makiug 'ugninet ruheme uof nations everywhere, ,andtie b.les t o presideals heving beon ussassinalet ini the výer>' country 'ahere tree lustilutlono weree supposoti lu have taken the nmuet ccumple houa. Ho insiseet that the pria- ciple ut aubhorily lu hunsan govemumient wes ho o esuvet, and that Ibis pripie! existetî as an effecýtive forceo uly inlu Rssie. This speýech is saidt l have carrioti aU beore il. As ils immedlinte nesuit came lb. retiremient ut Loris-Mýelikuif, f ollowed b>' bis death, nul long afterwarti, uporî the Riviera; the outrance of Pobedonuet- zeif among the imuet charisheti couniiers ofthIe Emperor; anti, as lb. cousequence, ufthIis, the suppression uoftholie untitu- lion,,Ihe tiiecourageunent ut every hîheral londency, anti thai complote ronctior ,wbîlci te lu full force ut the promeut hèp-u. A Valuabie Hint "My huebaut," sai a ph1vsicl.n'5 -wife nul longg ugo, "chancedtolsceoune day, standing on a shelf oulsýide ou? kitchon xiutiw, some mouitis of jli! couing for the night's dinuer. ThLe> were uncoveroti, as tboy were ouI otmeatch ut cuts. uand in full viow of cook's wathbui oye;ý but lie questionet me about thamu, anti esked if il wus our usual oustum lte louve jolI>' thueunprutecti. I was ohlig.d. ho repi> liant, su tar as I kuew, il aa 'Then,' lie saiti, 'ion'l yuu kmîow that, wben w, medical mon want lu seur. minute organismes for investigation we expose, gelatine lu the air or lu places Wbero wo bave coufinet i eilguant germe? Théi gelatine speedil>' attraces and boltis thlens. I'ni fraiti your tiavoreti geatin. dues lthe seme. Cool lbe jelly, if ym must, but cuver Il witi a piece u of e muslin.' Aimd we bave nhways doueslilat stade thon. " 1h is te be tea'od blinI kil- chou prucosses are sources of ilînose mure ftben thn is iniaginoti. Iu man>' city bouse$ Ihe little hitchen annex, where sltanis*tho rotigerator. amîdi tibre tari. ous eabables are koplu, ig directl>' ugaincl a train. Yet bore stands daily uncovere& mlk, butter, otten costards and pudd.ings, anti varions othor absorbants. The aven- age cuok is ebsoluteiy ignorant ut î,int-, tam>' ceuse anti efttc, anti thoernl vigilance ut the house-mother is lime tam- ily's chiot categuard., 1 Grant Few comminssions. "lThore le only une kinti 0f advertising thal le a cure shol." tieclamedtihbbcman wbo guI nich by veritying bis theony, "andti iat's in newspupers., l've guI a business uow thal keeps 400 mon onib ýe keen lump, but I bati lu go broke biefore Il lied4 lu get commuin sensue. "I bat a greal ct n once, anti il woulti have matie mie rici if I lied kuwn as much as I (Io nuw. I wrolo a book that attractt a greut teieu of atteution anti Il resuiltet inlumy being cealled tihIe West as a lecturer. Ta speuk entiioly wliahin lie tmutb, I cahieti n-yselt. I was ativiseti b>' a good fniendtiel put nmy numo in lb. papers anti accompamy iii will i ei niti preseuntatIon utfnîy' monts. But I1lîmouglit I kuow e trick wurlh two, ut theati but miy ivence agent, whci was trauellmg for his eat uianti expenses, floodti Ibe owns Nvb3eoI was ho appeur wlihbanitibils. Thie mute sonsofuthoIlium .ny wetstern etitore mati andti te>' put up a job oui mie in the Very tiret buwnI 1wout lu. As 1 wenlt rons tbe tiepot t hoe o uly hobel in tb. place I wes eloppot b>' neurly ever>' resîdomît, olti anti yunng, witboul regard lu sex. Tfhe>' were, ell auxious for my autograpli anti I glatI>' gave iltot thoni, buuking upon it as au ativcrtise- meut, That oeouing I took In, as I sup- puotid, a youug fortune. But when I went ho the box ofificeouter tho lecture I fount ns>'man mn a tieuti aint. Ever>' person that camnelied wrlllen over my> name, 'Admit the bouton.' Itvas3 busiret anti strundoti. 'Fruns that liane tu Ibis I bave asked througatle paucre form eny- hhing Ihuat I wanteti." YKOW a Day May Be ILos. All work Le for Goti, in a certain ceuse. We-do our business for BIen. W-e koep binefur Hia. We drive the teaun, or rn tie angine, or kecp the books, or seli the go.ati, or cari> the mail, or sew tuec ie4mg, or build the lieuse for Hlmn.,1lîence wo miust doi bonostanti goti wonk always, tvbaler Our usoupalion. Il le ah for Guti's oye. -Yet il is true Ihat besities wbal we oeilour week-day work, ahI ut us have spoolal work bu do tor Cuti, ur "Fathor's business.'"- ae are in Ibis world for Christ. Part dt our dut>', lu addition lu our secular sifFaîrs, le lu do gouti in ltbeways Ihat ur divine ldaster mu>' indicate, to peornnthle Iaske ut love anti service that He may all t ho us. A Il ut our bus>' days, for exunîplo, we are lu ho gelo, kiadl>', ,patient, Chnistl>', te ever>' une tvhose lite louches ours, lu the boaviest pressure ut ur task work ve muet noever l'ail te do the kintinecu Ibat xve are calletci lu do. We muet nover b. 100 mucii occuplot Inlu Iis worlti's affaire tu do the part ufthlie gooti Samanilan, If b>' ur sida we linti e wountiot brothcr. We must gel itoener>' one et our tays corne work for Christ. Wéo eh romnembor the sdur>' utthe king wlio coumtet that day letlu whiuli soma othor 1'ite bati not beon matie happler. That ta>' l este in a Chrnistian lite which bas nu record ut hheseingtluthe -wunit and glur> te Goti. EdIsea Won't Taik Inbo a Plîonograpb. "'Mm. Edisoun hae perossentl>' refaseti te rogister hic voice'upon a phonogmapli ovlader for repehition, " accurdlng bu ami anectotal hiogruphy ut Inventer Edison lu the Ladies' Hume Journal. "Te omrn fnionde whourget i hmtlu Alk mb une of Ilies-e machines Ihe gave bis roasun: 'Lt woult m.ake ras ulbk wli t ieguitel es placamtied on pho-no greplis everywbere I tumu; "Drop a niekel lu tie shuot anti bea Eison u4. No, nu; nouie'ut thal for met ' Tice toue of voie. lu wbiclhai ttoti W> ob Jeon matle it l dluly ap. pDUOrt ltt e coulti noltior to coaxeti nom sImaggod 1inýcgrauting lie requesl, et-en thouigliho a m d an offofutoner tboueiand dllars for, a lvémuu a' k, Lu perfeotiig tlime phuýnugrepi be hus, ut courue, benulligodti d alk Imb the ma- chine frequeutl>', but the cylindor le ah- wexys zerrapoti se thal bis vuluece nnul bu rron-t.To oîue chose friandi, however, io ne'iuctantIy gave a cylintor recurtiug a tew ot bis wcmds, andtiel a young mars Who parhlcularly inioresieti himu hoe gave another ou which le recurtioti is favorite stur>'. These une bthe uuly lwo in exist- ence." ]Europe'. Two Gayest Capitule. "The streets unefilhet wilh heautitul Ibings, muet>' Gernian oflicors," -ariltes 'Lilis,n Bell,, fruni Berlin, in the Ladies' Humie Journal. 1'Theo oui> trouble is thal t17cy Ibemeselves scoeukuuw It uni>'toc, welh, anti asi le>' will nul givo us an>' of t&,e sitoalk we are obligedtiet admire, tf4emii rons Ilie gutters. The ouI>' ia>' yeu cenkee Grmnisfros. uultnyo lutoIlle nîlitile uoftIh, îrotjes oal],' sldeýwajys anti prehenti you un ar pînilnlaîg ýtheb hpwidws-areseeme a;icit>' u lOisuren; lBenhin a cil>' of van. Thie strots ut Paii isa oie stui ut soldiones as B3er1iu, but Froui c oliere urenent ia- pesv.Tfiey axe o esioianti bat]> tiessed anibatil>'gruomieti. Their tronsors are mucli 1.0 long. To me the>' semi ,uod ui>' a hoît et the nkle tbu tumn theýn lire perteul Russian blouses. But Engll'safl iGerennsoldiers eern mta ho la Wiwt olcondition-as lhuu gitthe>' Ugk; o wma t a moment' à not4m. --i i--l 14 OnIy seven commissions were granteti tO non-comnîssioued otticers in the British army last year. Fourteon wore givenl in 1896, 20 in 1895 and 28 in 1894. Lor-d Wolseley, the commiander-lu cbi'ef, objecte strongly te promotion from the Easily Ar ranged. "Dear Charlie, if I marry you, willl Ljou get, op and make the lires in the rnng?" "Darling girl, wo will get marrieti lu the sumumer. Before wintup You will gel csed te the- idea çf »t4lng the lires WEflKJ RERVOUS WOMEN- Suffering fromn palpitation of the beari, dizzy or faint spdlsï watery blood, etc., call be readiy cured. AManitobal Lady Teusl About Her Cau. There in no need whatever for so many vornen tb b. thh, subjecti of feint epel1s, beart and nerve -weakness, anïaemia, or wl of those beslthl detroying ailmente peuir 0br o.Mil- burteHeat ndNerve S Pille regulate lthe eri beat and mnake il etrong aînd 1fuhl,ý toue the nerveq, enricli the biood, ani relieve the pain jand weakness from which eo Many women Mrs. Alex- anider Steo B V Pigeon Bluff Main., writee a KEART & account f low: NERVE ".ýi have geat ILS pleasure in giv- «P enceofMiihurn's Beart andi Nerve FIlls. For abouit ton yeare I was troubled with throbbing and flutterig of the heart. 1I trieti five dloctors andi several remédies but nons ef them inci me ranch gooti. Lately 1 heard of Milburn's Heart. and Nerve P'ills and bought two boxes. Bot ore I starteti using them I could nelt do my house work anti gave myseif up to die, as 1 thougb,,I would neyer becureti. Now1Ifeel really s lndid since taking the pills, do my woris, enjoy my Méals and loci as if there was à, e thing ln lite worth living for." Miburn'e Heurt anti Nerve PIl, solti by ail druggists at SOc. a box or 3 boxes fS61.25. 7. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Onit. Gront aM. ii ~ A , e eole.