NEWTONVILLE.THE AOTRESS IN LOVE FOU OVER FIIeT i YEABts. * NEWTONVILLE. Living ai Our, Best. Mi~Wn1w~SoItbingsyrup bas ben uebv The n adin sates an D no. tr todu agreLt ting:youAn Ophielia Whio 1r.eai Vll i in Love millIons of mlotheýrs forth rci1dren while N ,~D pê~ V.I your-a hife waitiu for th With IRer young llamîet. tehn.If dIýstu!rbed at nItndbroken of Statsilail ls, tea ~0Ujft ah aýSti ailw..< Ther Meth.1Xa aOlvaJYill- orrnht3 aytheettaitn anecote afarou a Jýzbb ufr n published ~oo~ ~ Thebi~ o1d4~(111i- thie Military; Rifle Matches at Tor eoortnit' 'wbich tua -vé coine lU li ~eeê1 ora i.ansne witbÀthe ga1in of Cuttiuig teeith end at once an~ VE WED N-ESDAY MýORNING, 1) 9 Ol tI2Ro4.]ay boo k s. . The Preslvterianis are 1111 rn a great iîlùËive, for the gbr i of k4era history ai-d gossip, thr sf msaeao tit iure5 DiarrhOea ïAv TEE, OTTi0e wodsed. Mrs.a n ta Win his si1e Of ap))Ovl and' Il Heroines on th Sae.. reutlates the, soitiaeh.î and l i , cures Wind AITZ FIEan-d Gilmore .11111 do good to niien. It iq harder ta i01ff n rti tris0 oac ea o n give 1ea cuvy t, thle wlole System. 26SAEI¶NBOK IGSREfamily bave b-ýen vîsiting-1 frienlds at Cth tIn obsuarity, acting thus, than üoio n f h sttand ofs 1-1ale lea Mo-adrs. Wislow-s tthe taSL:m is for chpren 26 TAENA LCK [N TRELine. .. HrEgrlughes is recoveriing on thq bigh places af the. fild, wlthin "erwaapritt pu . Fil eeitin os olesn of th olt ibs th rea fo i 'I.HgiLOCk-hart the ,iew of ail, and ta, do deeds of valor littC theater ln Lincol 's n Fide crponfoeofteletadbetfae from hi illes a. 3 Mr. Hhg *n 'hs ns and nurses in the, -United States. BOWMANVILLE, )NT.. BY sud euy wO opetite, is tiUe and daughter, Hr lopkins, Glenco',. mat whloh rival arsuies stand still ta gaze. the cold December niglit of 1661' 'When liîe 2Sc a bottie. Sold by aldruiggists thro.ghi- InHed' Plurs, whc &1 have beein visiting friends here.... MNIis s But no such act goes withouit the. Swift charming Mistress Saunderson, as Ophe- SOWS otheoldgB syueadap. orMe s i afe cranan ue~Hattie Reid, 'Milhbrook, is viSitingl" her recognito end the. ultiniate reconipense lia epsed, lie loveS In otliinsterthe I. A. JAIESEditor & Proprietors u8pta' da"ta sd ure. re IlPiec father,Eii Ridge.. -,Mr.Harvey Dický- et OIiepes ~rav ueret h _____ drgiss 2e C Ro &C twIl as. Teno. iitdhi ote.M. T Chriledtea y amtcbitions young Hamiet of the. nigiit ýal1ýey, rnoisti i ohr.,ýr Teull falthfully th uiso orteelaquent J3etterton. Sh. vas beautiful TW 0 O IAVLE Subsc riptionS1.50 pru auntun, or $100 if paid The. eisty 1Fil1o t lke wfth xIlo4 s Sars~sarîl Gea. Thompsont ',isited his parents re- station t us te th utri'. t116 gifte and se mma pure; h. was handomne and Bonwmanviileq le beautifillitute on an strictly lu advance. -. 1 MrlIlarol centlyMitchelEnnikil- i and? sntrvia itebartin anaryrs- howsurg1 e a .sr h rl erîene Porrtuddb Patnrfu cney ]en, fias beenl visitirlg friends here ... ane a rva irttosas1ryemtuetil adoration was flot forgottenlu i vroku otBwmnil abro Lake Mrs eackand iutile son01 are visiting bore thse piliary and sae te find the o, tIlle taik of the, pil, beîwj3ve thu act, Li ntrosd n 'f ":u"' "Yttdt e (xaie ÂI>VERTISING RATES Mlace Weil in ilrok . r M rs Bnotr, ble trait in people Wiso try ta moleet t! orage girls rau bitiser and thithlr to %,tl uaa fifia ~ w incioit» In Transient~~ Adendsng Teu Cents perzt,( LîneJ viiJc tbTrs Barrie . r.doats f S a Ba ilieboro, vstd MsBari r you; te put tile kindest construction on receive witis a srnile the, tappings under the Ontario & Richielie2u'Lin'e cl bothi walys lu frtnsietn Fdtieg. Cents rLn each sub- helian and son are visitn e ah nldat n od;t oevl h the chin wile their warce weebogt summer. Theý population of Bowmanville is be- fisqt insertion. Fie enspe.Ln tween 3000 and 4000. Streets and sidevraiks are er, Mr. EIward J oues .. Mr. and Mrs. 1love of God even the. unthnnkful and and as the. fine ladies ln the. boxes Wei- tirat clase and ndoeresidences are mumer- CONTRACI RATES. Truscott, Port H-ope, were recent evil; ta b. content tai be a fountain lu comed the amoraus glances ai ariient ous., Streets. pici buildings aud residences CONTRCT RTES.guests of their daughter, Mrs. S. R. tise midel ef a wild vaUley of stioies, swainls arounld the.are lighted 'witb eýlectriclty. Abunidance 525E~l 0one ....IIEMI Tess MamiT pr a e n> otection. Tlisu e~lesalhtcfb IM IMtNSle i r. E~OO GREM turned fram visiting with Orouo iriends ers, or ntov and again a thirsti' siieep; 1badmlve the. traditions of Opbefla's desired. Th Doi ,nioni) Organ & Piano Co'S. ODCSTEAOE ýVand l de tues always, and Bot forthtiî. Imperronatlin by tise boy actresses before gatatolsfranacungPianos, Qr- -______ - - - ResulteinsodaJ. cure8 rioc abtfrte o o-to eouïn u eebfx e a gens, Bicycle Rimes etc., are iocatedlhere; -also OfeCluin.....20 00.$40 $6 100 allNervousD]iseae. Fan' n Meary Aw thels ii jan, bom vil le Rube4rCïo'es works. Thre aIe Raîf Column ........13 00 26 40 60 pareas, Ssepiesenees, IÇightly7 Eanis-s ge' ua....e. Co8m . 00 16 26 40 sin stc. casdb atares iS I Isrdity of masculine actresses, aven ïf a ed in Canada fo qiaetsd121ny Qure Coilm gogo CaSO d51 makes ao hrrnke life.F. an. 1~'r aucl olle esae .rlTs b elln ulicadHg sho o lighth Columu .......5 00 10 16 26 neor nd sze t ehnik orgnead quiekl stre'tC se 18 urely restores Lost $Mewe NefOnlu Carbou orlino LI>.JLitson wet-five Line ...4 50 9 12 18 Easiiy carrned in vest poclet. !rice $1.00 c pacaegq ,efndadCrbu.acpe lit mnstL sofe ETeco ehureles are Mexhodiet T=et Lines ........4 00< 6 8 13 Six for $5.OOeeit a csurfte. a c reo gat laugisa 4i-i ad Rn t Ctholic,. Onily two Iiotell ith reaspn. Fifleen Lines ........3 50 5 7 50 12 !norley refssded. Doe'r ï3l, ý MZT.AT1ON, buTç !ibuorrideo efud siutoswecetd.I"in*ifpgaL ve :1dtli-mei 0volqe. Ten Lines ...... .....2 50 4 501 1 5QI Il lendt onar havin anDPO Ife of.~ soinseu, b5,00 sile nnryCalsI epn trsaeunierone and carry fut i in es of s.1 Fie ins...... 2 i506 10 ot it. we will tells itnd cfpa~i liai cls gods coaamti over Ln araa ao2500simrr'CaisIl epu o)r r The above are cutteet rates, anld appîy onîyr Jas. C"j'eyo Port Hoe miles of unbroken vildernees. Tiiay are face visen, Lifter btc.a ecm kinmfiri e Slces gooda coeition Agai kee ta regular huieedetsr.STOTT & JUTRY, Chomistg andDruwgists,B)w. Hopecn rauesan ftélgr tedLa i einn Hiilt' PID$Se$CneC h lýl Xt 1 ontiaturdai'As mlgiit b. expevted, venlean le pretty the ecenes ta ascertain tse reason, ise vas ofethe mosthq ihn locations on th ris Pcragral aderlemet Imn e n St. John's nscrkat and hanU soleninlyi'nformed 1tiat, tise 'queen walî shore. insertion. To.n pientiemsul 25 ane Mar iges nfiL Dah,5e _____________________ i aua ieUcr oo n been ueld for a 11h11. as live cents a flot quit. sisnved.' THE STTEMA ll. popflar Ilocal news- BirîbeatrlSieUleSfOlledRl pou.nd. ______ 'Oddsfl:sh!' cried. the king, approciat- ~,pr and enjo ,s c vry extensive circulation.. Displayed advertIsemeaýts are* mieaeured ii'afor &;yaar and a haif Doctors' treat- ing the. point; 'I iseg lier snjsyspar- hnetnstan e- ady t. 1 m o Be libera induc. calle ai solid noupareil and so eharged. BO MNIJ,,SP.1,19. mn aîdt ephm ~%yu rcr1rdon. We'll weit till ber barber bas doue, CorI .odncivtd Ordere for discontinniing t1dvertieemente muet Lhýe. lie in writing, otherwihse r-be publîÉer wiul net From lie Port H-ope Times, As W ti Irst.'ltatrteRetr 1IBR' tellgna"loP be resooneilil i -, aa io reay (lo i.Opila o u e-drs are eas.y to take, harfiless iiu ae- phone pole.~~~~~~' These yards were used 9d getHamiet, -Bartou Boots, ap- iuaduetorenyhdae u areiaid, exc:e t at the option ai liie pbihr ~ Double regular rates are chrged dnring n asie.resident cf PotHpOt-a.Cû 15' bAprilindi' afti Otr November ou Tuesday week at 1h.e residence ai Prorsn t Hpey ait. Mr. . i-Sost hV~ %j A eaor madebina a slave ai love, and as;d, Pcember for iIaI,ýy advertiing net con*M.Jh ace ea t eun h h basafe tr ou Wa1o ste tb Table and Dalry. Pures adeStlayeri' of Bacchus. A beautiful voman tracted for hi' thse year,MrJonPsonrM.VrotmWoasafe ne nWIo tetI 1 i kde fi Job Priningïi! doue vils neatuess occasion beiug tise ielebration, af the amd is veoil and. iavorably knlowvin lu as Mrs. Booth, according le tise duscrim- A a t r t cte ldesppiiefi anw 11h creaibtre fh lbttn i hirmrra and viiit.Less thani twao To Han die thse Famiily W.faîh. lnuing verdict ai the youinger Cibbeir; d8 pti n nraoal er e eebtuulnver iay . years aga Mr. Cros-rey vas the recipi- Ti levely lu couintenance, douiate in f orm, lateel and most faslfinaieI styles 0'i type. Tise affair was a compiete surprise, asý eut af i Ilc sym-pat'-y cri account af a e1anr'vnoea iemu and, oreover, pleasiug as an &ctres. I Diarrhoea, Business notices lu, local or iaews edýumns firet 1wcryIf ac'sba adnr n Insertion 10 cents per lino 5oprl Scouts por neither Mr. no-r Mrs. Pascoe, had tise severt affiction wvhIcîh bee l dDl' arue etenîeyt thed dancr" mer. Fols xf oeif WIld stffrawgby. agneeaici'kt bchsuan admisse,ý ion i' islîgutest intimation oi il. Tise relatives iflg hlm Of the. use af is ile_-, -and aio unriedbaebl evatcWie _________ isarged or c collection Is taken mustbe paidior. tbinking af their niany kind auîts and irom doing !lis lr blovept wa 1vodd Mrs. S- T. Rorer in the~ Ladies' Home day vnt Elereavryva waubtJournal, teliug isaw to do lise familly Tbe Sairaclous Bergail. oa Thiere are nae.y peopl1e miartyrs le .Ail communications should b, cddressed, unbouuded hiospitality, decided ta show s0 sudde'nly and. coinpietely that thil waesamg. "And beiag untrained, tiey Lying np close agninst thei. end a n hvlcmlit h olifu r M. A. JAMES, their respect. The neigbars bearing Times considered the miater would bie nturaîlly select thie mast dificult wny af ove'hnigseeo u olma n Fal' compl ai Wi'ld lravber. Bowanvll.Ou aiilthagh thy mslaie shw he ofa sufficient i) iterest ta ils readlers ta ob don ieude mprcnitos its ankigstn n tii. Aquarium as an el vouerfu' leen E tra Ofem I flot a good isSe. Dr J. . Michel vastain an interview vith Mr. Crosggev,. shooldi b. easy vomit. Tise person r88pon- about fu» inches lu leugtii. About six thecttbdirhebu otsIniel PUBLISEn'S OTICE. appointed chairman and aiter gti luwn sustne r Co gre todis e ilfos InA l 'sible for thei.ily vasi shoulti reelîr or eight luches ai the. eel's laul pmojocted the luflned anti irniîtotd hovel, so tisat FIJLISEU' getin lOiugStay a bi ilnes 'I Apilunderetanti a certain amioun af cbem- cloar ai thse stani. Swimmxng about in permanent relief le obtciued. --the people uicely arranged on the 1895, 1 vas laid up for seven veetýs vitb Istri' lu order to preserve the coloring 1thle me tank, there vas a bergaili about Mrs. Andrew Jackson, Hongiton, Ont., THE STATESMAN is mailed regularly benutiful lawu, expiained theabject ai, typhaid fever, and .aiter I recavered ini different fabrics, andti l understanti six inches lui leng ,liihc prescinîli'took %ande tise f ollowing letter: IlFor lise ta ils suhîcribers until a definite order thse visit and spoke ai th4 many gaad 7ro Zh ee yrgllgbgnl o 0rnoesan nivrossos a notion tint t ivauld likze to lie lu lier., past two or thre, ta discantinue, is receiveti and ail qualities af lhe bride andi groaom, then sinl il- wseypanuidead Torvutlefnesfoisrntae sug agninet the. rock and the. overhang- years I bave beeu a lutbee veeks il vas tire. li mes île slle siienit ituow the condition andi char- ing projection, and Al came up ut tie tatilmry itded arnears are paiti in fuli. Subscriptiau calleti upon Mr. A. L, Pascoe via rend ntural size-nearly as large as thnt acter of the. libre of visai, and tie dli!er- endi af the. oel and tried ta votige itselfin funi disease diannhoea. $1,50 per annum. If paid in advaîice the iollowiug addness- telephone pole," andtibe pointeti ta u once between la t and tie fibre oi cotton. belveen lie col anti the, rock; tiiet la, te 1 trioti every rem edy. $1.00 per annuni. Mr. and Mrs. John Pascoe. stick af timber, ten luches lui diameuter. If tie coloring inatter lu a coloneti gar- cmovd the, el avai' andi tait. ils pince. 1 hertrd ai andi spent DEARFnînns,-t isvitipleaureNalhiug the doctor did gave nie au1y re- meut is acid an aik-alin, soap viii dis- Buhibegleotitdois;terîrugagl ra lief, andt 1 cansulleti anaîber vilb the salve or neotralize it, anti the - arment le a geoti deai ai, strenugîl in an oi anti goodrin dea oft nïmey A. B. MeLAUG IILIN, liaI your relatives meet lagether Ibis same resuit. 1 suffered far nennly five viii corne froni tie vasi exntirely faded. ta e et l place firmly. Tii.e" bra il bualinetull Barristor, Solicitoracut Cnetr er owmuve. noonh anti g oie h wliïý11hpee ora BlckeyBlck KngCnvyaee. ffce-allerno an reet yau and your fans- motsvinIntcdts vuigbe- Tii. average iouevife neturns ta ti.he ue off n"iieditn anti icadetiIbpeet ar Monei' t0 ban aI receonahie rates. 48-lyr, ý l on the occasion which bas prompteti'O ga,nv8 - decrea e ni b emen hopeful l1ud-' ai ariceipreryl d-fotepunvireisrckailesieai a wlady vitac vof us to unite wîtiu yiu l celefratin, lhe cot«eifrasottii n hnIe-c tue spl met, anti made for il undercroib'uîgJ. DU. . C MITMEL, Ieutilisai fur welinud foeca soret e ad tvai bio- nitdebSgetino hov tiey mai' bé fuil etean, but vith the. saine resoait; il olreExrca I).J .MTHLtetehauuiversary of vou odding Wild Strmwbete nd tobi md bttr wrrte es. Iatte r!-pd' brcbaesedwhchs a is Wid taweba 1pacall otl .11. nt Srone COLOutaoCoouor ete dai ulcers formed on tise luside of tbe leg cles arA returueti egaun tie noxt veok lnu ta ierok in l er and commeucedti g il acr le t M etc, ýy closeli' teiu therok.orditengra adSr eon nkillon 4 W ae asdrtiIi eso ils above the aukie. Tise ulcers were exacîly tie saine uuisatisfactory cani- backed off aileh anti triedt a <ag of~ directions andi vas cureti in ai very ol _______ ear t0 be a mare fittîng lime ta olffer coulti put that mncb mbt tbem,' aiJ lie bikl fores wm, at pis ii rm d e D. BUHIE SIMSON, ur well vishes tisan the exact day afinldicated an bis thumis anl abject ani Theess eoi's ieati vas anoonti on tie etier igyfovsailitfrme D. BUTRKE SIO , ORS ieauvrayo n ail egh Frls Most people have muni' linge 112 aide o fle rock, iliere lbi cçt"tin't'ste __________________ next , yea ni hll 1 va reI hv vici they desi-e te succeeti, innocent ie a ou na ama.lebr ..BLCnpsarin tel Bowîïan Twenty years have pnssed awav sipoce iaraniecotr btm e nitel theunselves, oxcept vvien they intenfere gail basitot off anti darteti for tho eei:s ville. Solicitor for te Ontario Bankil. you stood ait lie altar-you bhave bad ulcers ivere as bail ns ever. Tise tioc- vilh a igier aiIu anti vortiier parpas. tiuniipeilnebrnslcotiALWAYS KEEP ON 91AND PrivaI. maoys loanoti ai loweel rates. yanjy nisroeat nn itr rnuct i ies heii rIt iis tus confi& of amnis. this gdain bite. Tii. eei starteti as tough lt bat K youn frieuds that t- witi yau lu latu- inflam liont ai the veins. Thev dlidn't ai dutie)s, tint naites l'Ie alen su coin- ba tuo i ibnnct u ru YOUNG, v. ~~~~ seem lnvvaItdofnmbw piez anti so difficuit. The questions corne the cuti of £ho rock anti off ta tho othen ROBERT YOUNG ne unio ailmspsIhv.snce e, anti Io desarti ai dofogett , hwel eoutinunlly before eveni' toougirfuletoflitakcuininh.vens 0 Block, wherE-bumself or bis wilpased awray, and we ho&l etMn. Cnasgrev 'e relief cause lu a sîrnuige the higeS Ibi cai veah a st bor mey ie aen sItyes hl thf funrgall dier befonndfrom8fcm. to9p. ni. Night celle at tbem in lise belten lanti. mannen, almostbv chance' anc înîighta eialenbuth o -étbe oklIpacudrteovhn-ngTE L%0LîDOfPNOt resldence, directly oppositeDrillShed. Catis hi' And nov, ve ask vou t0 accept these say'. H1e tells of uithis vai', 'I Sati a a eAab um h ot<eiai? ,kuIlc ode i vnagn HERE 1$ NO WIUOR 0V PAIN O telegraph or telephone wll receivo prompt ai- ntnsohaec- relative living near Teesvater, namleti 15itli.l to, leadti o slill bet ter anti i'aci.-N8w York Sun. TAhE FINKERA R WIXTEROIARE tentuon. 171 - yr. chairs ada ohvecasnt ueWilliam Baptist. H1e hearti of my rli wortiierppoer is il likeli' te bide IEE th e m m a v i l re ca l i t a o r m in s t uis d itio n a n ti se ul e d to fne t a tr yv D r . th eîfro m v lie v l" A s v o an e er tb se s ffl iere T a u l H a s D a 't G o. L I E V E . muesat reunion anti tise love af voun William's Pink Pille. Ris reasoni for qusiL aarevsihlieii nl For mani' tiecades the "lshovepipe", bat LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUJS- neomiedig heuis salti vsconscientiisly, lie rightful limite ofbsbc re0f dsod.I asid eTrUTEs. TH-E GENUINE. BOTTLE R ~ P A5T ;TAI LOR fred liane assemblati whose praye, s g auete hdei ai saeriovs - mciil eoeca, basude~ beoau ao sore hi' od ant baos bia rBEARS THE NAMsE, SN Gentlemen'sClothes ma tie t a Order. that you m ny be spare tie r o e Jý ru l nbotilg ,w e a Il iase facioinec w l h rîinz0 w PERRY DAVI eaci otber's socîetv. faileti decieti1' r le nii TIns tie doe for hea, l i te,are afin lu grei race an In lie struggble novr W e earueslly hope thnt tiese kîndl- less Ib î ive weeks lie ulcers; vere el ýy t'l cà -- fo îtý- s th lo e f urig iov ee Czech anti- b c o nnu in*tbI ýý'i~ I I NEWV TA.ILOR SIlO?, feelings mav aven continue tili we shahl compileli' cunati andtihIe 1 svelling,ý, mu 7ý) h ov fhDl 1àefr eo h loue omlaat is afars în bvetaMY leg disappanet. Tii. ulcens, nieyer uîoey iy tish e'o ele effort te domm otthgTutnl rce ant il 1v a s R ED P PL The undersignetiwIlhas been uarryig onbv opetdteafarsta aet re-tus-utianti mi'legis just about aIs bi'r'ý tic effortR tod ngî uuiascmsasli.i ri1 the tailoring business lu coi11ection witb do with thse llîings of Ibis 111e, anti then soutît aes the~ uther mie. [1 1,11w now lui n zea tovu r vealuig a"vpp. Masoi' Dom yeCeduisorfi hilme e oo er-nitetin uheb grat anmilly above. tint Dr. William'É Pink Plus io Welglit of tise, Average Baby. Iu tie. pins'i days ai, lie cowbo li i. Lof theES 1 ingSI.cwent, biree ler preiiaei ata iaite siaut nbh of your relatives, cureti me visen doctors anti ail otier Tise average baby 1boy weighs seven ""LI anti voolu' yod" a toudenfýoa WhvbaLONG S geuts and boys solOs lu ail lie latest styles, euanAdPAOR medicine failed and I ami villiug, tbal pounds andtihle dear luttle nvgirl a vaied tro the street of Wolfviie veax- Tri' il sometime. Buy the et lowest prices. For Ihese vho wisb -ta ortier ALPSE the dletails of my ilhmiess anti aunre Inifle o-ver six pounds. Whou tîioy bave ing, a SIEli; bù mugit hanve lad il; aiat ta Merniage License firai M. A. ,suite, ho will carry a fuit Uine ai semplos lu ail Crogre thise ewestpatenmîe, Givehins ccl E. G. PAscoR, matie hioovu Mr. Crsr ,xvb ile 1-4s11aîaied lie fuIl devlelopument af Inart. Ple ir fun, 6ut the covbeys woÎld JAMES, apolteti hi' the- le J T.AL ITHos. PAscoR, yeams of age, is nov aI vomký evemyv day. hoati tiey should. w Ill limes ne muiAs s"cei' k-111i tise venren. of Dorbain asîd1 wlvthîproper J. T ALLN, A TERILLBAR. i be nature ai Suls vont tint ai liftlingI am ai bitl. TisaI xvii maire lie average Te. appear iii n to-vu 0f Boiema no-w, cane lill lest a lue lfime anti Fashionable Talon, A.Tb'LEA. ienvy b.g afor anti feeti, le plrool aI voter balance 14ü pontis anti is genitie hwvr cnn li c sfagtgv e eiues __________________________ A ew l ou negior jouig u is compîcte necoVeny. 11e le a 111e slalom 1-25 pauntis. M.Baby, if hle car) pmlmv agr oif.Ti zci MOrALý - A' roeinun tise sentiments expresse in luthe above lodg fint ai Dm. Williams' Plu ille b. induceti ta Stbid u sragviiregaýrdl tie bigla at as syniboile 0f every- mevnried. You cen aiseo ar-.ouý vonîti ast you kintily 10 accept tisis anti never lets an pporîunity pass ai mensure on. foot elqiit incos ad -liîa b tiai is German ant i nagouistic t0 10 have the Weddin- a silvn In sevic lu he ope intyauspenkiug a gooti vont ai hemy. Baby @ue foot %lx ine1eu l ie1'igiit On ier tbetrr, -,. A igs bat lits the sanie affect dcopteuttpntein -AND- The above statemeut-vas 'vruta blrllsday. Zta Ozeci as a reti fing isas on a hu, vauit M.AJA Soea mloLiuo may be long spareti ta enjoy many an-bonti.uergniaIPt y W hyis ia thug le, cf course anobloor iblei re i euce27 Contre St., or al TuE SPAvEsý Gene~~~~ rabefAIRSH P ulnxuu iyamvdigdyad o te 1te udy aige Feruart Hopetr',I 5pihbl'bcueighlth iioB avle on tsso id i re Û a~zd 'u~~. i~i î~î.~-'~ of For te"s îlO~~.,bent vr. igiî tin Oin'(Bo oaugsue RgisSebol. EXCIIANGE uu~~~~LoIk arang i. cls itara in bis rarc iob ý a io-n-gae 0f lit Boc4,tutl etht coltr anti ainf s4dto, Uu It, -sdCn" lGsi prp pactient, andtihle Ihuseteeoor -0aî an0Oreiet d Incoprtt _Se ni a bouok of bolv dloctrni e. FOR neainte-emnlueH- bock the linon ciosois and ti ,1 a4c o a's Velia li ertexteld uri erbe suorisirliaish ropros s, too th iný - o ni Cf 'G fo ai, pain. COLL~~~CTIGNS ~~PERMAN ENT"LY CU R ED get int the huitler's demaini. Ai4 i'-, bsVESTEo IN DoMI31NIoNGo-NeNBou, Aise iatpemtlisaenni______ -rcPt mae"0re"tsi pnai t hot publicIuy o loss of rose frou husiness, ON cr3 other teprtnito' about tI O'edoa sroel ivniy 0S -E fOfJîiîu.~~li ai Great Brit, bb ynu. a"e pCteý ,b Do ' hontie be tresîmnint. froin endu ta end er. rCe lu, lu or -Minion ai canada. isuou-diatereuus Normaiapp lise. Calaile bv u' u . ster l SuRemus FuNxos At-aIL uSe, 1898, iîý ju -!Aa~ oeitVvantily. 3omp]xionî 1lo ~c,,.nieee Telegi~~~.r aph Trnfr er itei, ui I6836.3 ]lv itthon the toy lu, th. voisrl'aiil 0I~ uaieîaa fa Ils'ci b es oevr ndeeoei h a otetb3 pur baavrton pos i d S. Ani erPl.Tsa'aeuetau-, Mî,Je for large or C'ai Suil al! paurts of 171E DIXON CURE CO_ il@ Park Ave., Montreal. czin open mi' dress;ng case aut Liveteetsth Dousutu nt Catuinada in thee hano ur oefe tnioussrt, i An afe Calt.Tis issl2eeialuy atm' cageol-sen pe-! u'eauntg abel sos vug ut Mauttoba oe! tice North-Wesc, ht ________ b te atirletgemen inotl a! i'.C MoEcaESHIe OVER 28,000. làin, an e:,il conscience feeisAî. TUIE FARt PEACcVý peî'lumoifngoo mgAï4s the funns aveulablu e eus'm attse place ca, Ae rbe orogroi na- ne~AP~uly Canadian ns tsitus bnaviuug no ekn ýAuM î!1u Y'I ilo lie fire uoess ils nulst name herauls M10 i~ ht uu w. p' yMent, No otheer paration~ aven toue Dow'l, bcutt i j ves' b-snty for sj.l ing all1iances or bu-anch-esi foueigncandlessicalthy cuibcbu brbight lIte fnre, sa h,. Patinlees C Eru Exracolensea- !:,,ot he1 particules s calltIe b aik.' s mmliv people So MootI- good aS Hloot's lie nrsi plc ICali flot lose il. ant i nconîues.Eu iniformation, ratts, etc., senýt on ý'Tees.LAY W'suu-u-e_,ileiai -rrt's Md h si; H.S.. c,-o-i . -; E'sT puif e roti c'il anti eha-ngeti 1 ty imttin rove iz t0 behe, beet. AecouusiabOt, Jau-t tinC. < x' itbnui aski,' a quetsiion." ÀTUG Sapt. ofOrganiza-t;ien mnto OnI. - t 'me 01en)(LtGo.-Tona Ace- Qllal) c,, e hýe (if - T1111ýs l Kompis. Ai tug fss.