The PlebiseiteGamnPaiin.i Somne Prraetical Thoughs Sueeinctly Presented on Prohibition, 110W LT WORKS IN NOYA SCOTIA. an eyil. We shauld nat imbue aur bandsilu ur brother's blood. If is as If speaks ireli for prohibition, as the wrang for a nation as for an individual besf avaliable preventative o! the giautý voter ta go contrary ta the wvayning, evi.s o! infempperance, thiaf placeswhich, "Woe unto hlm that putth the baffle bias hieretofore hiad a faste of if, are the fa b) is neighibar's mnouth stronglest advocutes eor if. lu Nova>1 We 1have prohibition now inOnai Scotia the icense law has.leen 80 sfrin- of 599 persons out of each 600 of popu- ent tnat for more thnit inruyy uaoe poso no license to seil liquor by the glass has beeni issued lu any but two counties. one oýf thlese is Halifax countyv, -with a large num ber of iicensedl and u nlcensed bars i the cify of Halifax. An~d yet ln the 189-1 Pltbiscite- vote in that ProVince,ýý even that country gave a more than two-thirds inajority for prohibition. And so did the cify of 'Halifax, taken by itself. OOUTNTY. -YES. NO. Anapolis, 2628 850 Antigonisit, 883 948 Cape Breton, 2644 1916 Cochester, 8058 882 Cunberland, 4595 511 Digby, 1695 '297 Guysboro, 1362 2851 Halifax, 5387 2351 Hiants, 2698 489 Inverness, 1978 800 Kings, 3170 249 Lunenburg-, 2567, 916 Picton, 4100 1192 Queeùs, 1137 225 Richmonè, 978 436 Victoria, 1116 5 284 Sherbourne, 1888 166 Yarmouth,, 1883 501 Total votes casf, 48,756 12,335 Thle majori y for prohibition was 81,466, or mo re than two t hirds, only one county, Antigonish, giving a small majorif y of 65 fo r the license system. IN ONTARCo In Ontario aiso, lu the piebiscite vote of January 1sf, 1894, the coanties lu whý,ich the Scotf Act had been tried, gave the largest majorities for national prohibition. Take Bruce. which voted the Scott Act out by only 3,698 f0 5,0851 lu 1888, and after six y ears of license if votes 6,608 f0 8,100 for prohibition. And Ilalton, too, which lu 1888 iost tue Scot Acf, afterseven years' trial of if, by>onîY 197 votes (2,050 fo, 1,858) gave a major- it inl 1894 of 1,270 the-other way (2,168 f0 893 ) And Middlesex, affer four years of the Scott Act, vofed if out as an unsatisfactory form of prokibition, (With London city seiiing lu the middle 9,mal Pe d.14 viaI -U.u. -e.,, a- -n -- short step to take to prohibit the other man, so that ail will be treated alike. In Toronto only one retail license is issued for each 1300 cf present popIula- tion, and no sale of any sort is allowed on our steamboats, or in parks, or at fairs, or near churehes, or on election dayý, or on Saturdav nights or the Sab- bath. For Infants '-nd Chidren. THE TRAFFIC IN COURUT. ÊY REv. M. P. TALLING, M. A. "Ris watehmen aré blind;f They are ail Ignorant, They are ail dumb dogs, They cannot barir; Sleeping, iying down,loving tb siumber." -saiat 56ý, 10. Even lu Isaiicýh's day the above in- dictment was hurled only at the heads if could hit. So it is to day ! Not ail watchman are either dumb or sleeping, but as itwas then 80 it is now ; ail watchmen are not awake, are flot speakilng. A matn without a, Mmd( is unfit for a prophet, a proýplhet "duimb" on the greatest national issue pressing on the people is unfit for the pulpitý On -September 29th the whole liquor traffie of Canada is to be brouglit into court and trîed for its life. God is the judge. The people are the jury. Counsel for defence are alert, intelligent ,set for the safetv of their client. Counsel. for pros ecution are "sleeping" or "dumb" too many of them. 'Why? Ah! That's the subject of our solicitude, Why ? Surelv not bepause tbeY deem the re- gnlt amatter ofno importance! Every intelligent man realizes that tiie grav- est issue which our vounig country couId put in the balance, %v'ill be weigh- STÂTEMENT 0F RIECEIPTS AND> EX. FEINDITURE RE BICYCLE PÎTIt FUINDJ. Receipts colectedfrom the following: ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF CONTRI. BUTIONS. D). B. Simpson. ONE DOLLAR CO~NTRIUTIPNS. M,,rs. Goodlwin, A. Beith, Miss Fisher, Mýrs. L. IL. Reide Misýs Jaryis, Miss Laing, Misses Ca-wker. Miss L. Brima- combe, Miss AdeMiss uller, Misses Fairbairni, Jas. Gale. M. A. James, NMrs. Prower, Miss Bleaklev, MisAllen, W. R. Goodwin, T. E. Hig- ginb)otham, Dr. cugin W. . ttlhtw j fC Vaenutano AstiLtn .1 (s. borne, A. Mitchel, J. BR Mitchel T Fitzgerald,John il Kydd, F. H., iydd, Ri. R. lH 11-oskiin, J RCice, J Morris, C. Kent, W. B.Tapson,A.J.and Percyflook R. Fishleigh, J. H. Cryderman, W. T. Allen, Mason &,Dale, R. D Davidson, J.ý H. H. ýJury, J. A. MéClellan, Geo. Maynard, Geo Rice., SEVENTY- FIVE-CENT CONTRrIBlUTIONS. J.Horniibrook., FiïFY-CENT CONTRIBUTIONS. Miss Thompson, Miss Couch, Milss B. AlleD, Miss Loscombe.Msrg, Miss F. Jewell, Miss Wilson, Miss Fligg, 'Miss George, Miss Burk, Misses Mason, Miss Fleming, Miss Hellyar, Miss TleMiss Hor, Mrs. Davidson, Miss XV.Jons, issB. Edsall, Mrls. Scobeli, J MeLean, Miss V'ansfone, Misses Morris, Mrs. A. Mitchel, Miss Climi, Miss Aýrmour, Miss French, MissM EliotMisborland, Miss Bugg, Miss J. Fraser, M1iss E. Trewin. Miss Mur. dociliNMrs. Jeffery, Mrs, Bounsaîl, Miss T. Jones, MssE. Hall, Miss McWain, Miss A Crydlerman, Miss Mayer, Miss E. MannMrs. Rae, M.\issL. Mitchell, Miss Bog ue, Miss B. Tamblyn, Miss R'idley ,Mýrs J. N. MDugiMiss E. Foster, J. W'estaway, Mrage, Miss Sherlock, Miss Shawý, Miss WMight, Miss M'. linghes, Miss L. Gýiffortd, Cawker & l'it, O. George, E. R. Wliht, A. E. McLatuglin. W. C. Tole, J. R.McDon- aid, F. KN-iglst,MWm. Alexander, C. P. B a ir, M. Worth, G. R. Mason, C.Keith, F'. Downs, S. B. Scobeli, C. Pinel, A. Darch, J. J. Rae, A. Gilbert, H Bask- erville, C. Jeffery, H. Alexander.. W. J. Goard, J. Scobeil, A. Johuston, F. Couchl. T\vErv- FIVE-CE.NT CONTIBUTIONS. 1Miss L. Gifford, Miss Gaud, Miss R. Mannipsg. Total $86. EXPENDIrTIRE: Paid Thos. Lyle $2, T. Coulter $6 50, Jno. Osborne $20, Geo. ll.Bickell $9.17, Ri. Witheridge $3.75, B.ýDil liug- .50, Jno. Osborne $1.8. Total $59-92. This leaves a balance in the hands of the committee of $25 08. As another available asset the Com- mitee has subseriptions amounting- to $18 which have not yet been collected. Committee: T. Fitzgerald, W. R. Goodwin, J. B. Mitchel, R.D.Davidson. tfhat is CaÈ;torla is Dr. Samiuel Pitcher's urescription for InfantS and Children. Lt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing yupiand Castor 011. 14 is Pleasant. Its gujarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destooys Worms and allaqys, Feverishness. Castorla preveuts voniiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria;-ï relieves Teethiug troubles, cures Constipationi aud Flatulency. Castorad assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomacb. and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. Castorla is the ChRudren's'Panacea-the Mlother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "ICsstoi'ia is anu cOclicnt mnedicine for "Castorla îs no weli adapited ta clilîdren chifdren. Mothera have repeatedly tlid me that I recommrerd 1h as ouperior toa ay pre. of ils good effect upon their cliidreu." ' seription known ta meii ."' DR. c. c. SOCoo, Lozuell, AMas. i. A. ACHRM. B BrOOkiye N Y THE FAC-SIMILE S-IOQNATUwRE 0F APPEARS- ON EVERY WRAPPER, THECENAU COPA Il 7 URRAY 575I ? EW 05 "Y.? or. Boots and Shoes We have sold Piles of Boots the last five or six weeks und ha ve lots to dispose of,,yet, and very cheap-flrst-class goods at very sinall prices. My Spring stock is in-most of it-aifd we flnd our shelves crowded. We want more, room and are bound to have it, if low prices have any. thing to do with it. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at cfu I it,) byb a maêrt ofaff 2,88 But fiî and' are Yrube n, to $2.50, wort $2.O tof mm,5O Chld e's B meo andt t Bl m ý0 'it,) y amajrit of2,58. ut ivetraffle, must of r.ecessýiry hiave a futue Itired ,languîd ,niervouis n r ruld years biter voted. by 3,793 majority 1vastlv different froin Can. ada unider the wvith pimples and eruptions, you wilI .0 otëO oCide' utnadBm 5,5c (6,799 to 3,006) for national Prohibition. cre Whhdoyu at? h i id llood's Sarsaparilla exactly ineets 5ewot5c,7can $lO.Mss'By'adYohstoorsp d -ietnhso l Tm MÂTST1. ruse Whe oyuwn h j Our needs, It purifies and enriches ini prices. _________________ ma _________ _______ _________ ___________________ disease lui the world r cornes from the kid- 4, neys. Yet how few people there are who "- take any care of these delJicate lit tleorgans. Backache, lame çf baok. headaches, lilt. lessness, all signa o! kidney trouble, are aimost universal. Doan's Kidney Pis Toue an d reg'î,late the kiducys and heip themn to throw off the poisons from the Mrs. A, Brown, P 0oisx 200, Dresdeu, (unt, says: Fr3 e,r8 1f soffered -froma rps"dtroubla wliîchcatoed me imuci distiess. I flotrd of Doans Ktdney p'illa eand gort a box of thora at Swi,zer',, frug SËtor. Retors commLneing ro take theni was umiabia to button my shocs on accouas f mv ewo'nn <,oditrop-, but by lie tie I bdfiui~ Il,î e,tIbxe moi taka aoend oxaid bainve no hesirancy in reommeuoig Poa's 1K.drey Pilla for anv 1--d111,-r roosýi ai trouble." e SOc. a bo,,r on1.25, aH Lrurgists. Tii. DOanI daeyF111 C TorontoOnt L t . nu 17,AI.F ý4mCA", D A write j, r '4lo' o~sinven ors Pl s t'essd Send s q r so~nitiei ot your inventaor, rmw eli ~ou fe o~ o r i t I ,1'er t '1e of appitatoj, e Ciinoîor hands. High0t rofe: ~fg fofl0the P m, hAoION I Assciaion t.'i ai0sTt WaerWorkg AS,,oe. P. ,V. 5u ,,, atosA,' isiniso.Mem'beY (tan OFFICES: <8W'li fiWOC.5lrrtCAN. In the State o! Maine, partial Pr6rhi. This business shoul aU eai~uposi hibition has been tried longer than any the advîsems of the people. ,if înusfrest where else, and no tparfy there now with immeasurahie %weiglit spon us ail, thinks of suds a thiug as trving ta have for some pronouticttsnent -%ili be made if repeaied. Afîer a trial of forty years on the day o! reckoi.iîî g; if not the right' if was voted info the constitution by one, penalty cannot be averted, God more than the requisite twot.hirds maj. is ln earnest, however much bis people ority. If bas proved ais unepeakable'lnîay trifle. But there are two sides f0 biessing in the remox ai o! the leg-alized the question,. so authorities fell us, temptation toLt,>ghout nlue-teuths o! Row should we vote ? That is a ques- the State. tion fa be.answemed affer intelligent ln- NLY PARTIAL RitllN quiry and fervent prayer. By way o! But lu Maino, lt Nova Scotia, lu suggestion, however, if mighf be yen- Iowa, lu Kansas, aud the Dakotas the tured, the 1yiquor traffic hao a record;, prohibition is ouly partial ut ifs best. and that record cughîta be examined, The mtanufacture and importation 'of for if if 15 fa be acquitfed ift rust be be- liquor is flot prohibifed, as is proposed cas1i1ab rnone "o 1it" f0 be doue un Canada. \Vitli the seli- Again, if you can see on which side ing, the making, the bringing it in God stands, if wouid to vo)te and the carryingif through the country according ta MIS will. Prophet or no ail closed, and suitable Government prophef every prtriof will have a hand depofs opened for legisiative supply, -e l h usns.!non mrd may expeef much beffer resuits lu Can- not, dear voter, make a mockery o! this ada than have yet been. accompiished pendiDg judgmenf day . If you voteffor elsewhere ecudemîtion of, aliliollc beverages, A PARTIAL FAILURE. von are bouud by ail thaf is noble in )Xe heur prohibition spoken of by ifs mauhood, and sacred inl service, f0 work enemies as having been a failure wben- for the enforcement of vour verdict. A ever fried. What they mean is thaf if usere paper victory would be a dîsaster faîled'f0 wîpe ouf the entire traffie, root To vote like a chiitiauP and wben the and banch. But nobody ever claimed cause seemns won u)te deert like a heathen thaf such a thing could or. wouid be oh- will comsnend itsel1f ither ta deity nom tained. If bas nof been obtained by demos. To0 kili a irce of such century, the laws againsf murder, theft, arsan, growfb will requjiire mioreý thun a vote. burglary, bigamy.gabn, counter- The axe mnust be laid f0 the oot of! the feting, or any other evil thing, though free. A light heart miay casf a ballot, tried lu this country for a hundred but if needs grit, g race and endurance years and more. Ail thaf prohibition- ta swing an axe. ists claim is thaf if is the best way and .1 the only ~gtway f0 deal with so great v.-.,,Need the BRst The germs of consump- tion arc, everywhere. Thereis no way but t. fight them., If there is a history of weak lungs in the family, thisfit must be constan.t îYou mujst strike the dis- case, or itwiil strik.'e you. At the very first si .gn of failing health take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Iiver Oil i th Hypophosphites. Tt gives tliw body'.power to, re-sist the gern f consump- tion. 50C. sand $.00, *Il druggigts. SCOTT & DQWNER. Qonts, Tomme.. The Diamond Dyes G'olor ail Class- es of Goods. Diamond DYes, as far as general use- fulness is concerned, are fulr aedof ail the~ aduiterated packaýge aiidsoî orease dyes now before the puic.U ~hesecrude package dyes and sa grease mixtures are very limited luý their poivers. "r'is true thev Ile semblunce af colom te thîn and iis falirics, but when tried on good dIress matorial ani heavier eoods sncbý as tianîsels, wursteds, tweeds and clîh.s, they are simuily worthier.s. T'he Diamond D, es owiwg ,ta thIrý, greaf powers of penetration, thieir per- fect solidit' and depfh of shade, tîjeir purity and briliancy, are adapted to ah classes of goods from the tlhinest gauze fa the heaviest tweeds. Tii great ange o! work, possible oniY fa the Diamond DyeF, is wbiat bias madei them 50 popular ail over thte world. Ifvouwould do yaur dtýeing womk ia proper styvle. use iamond DYes. Avoid ail imitation package dyes and -soap preparations. The Diamond Dy1) r flret sud best for home use. neceded fa toue the nierves and noîîrish the w hode systeni. I cures aIl blood' hum irors. blood's Pis cure sick healache, uau- sea, biliousness and ail lit er ilîs. Price 2-5 cents. A Selous Case. Too Dilil cuit and Com-. plîcatod for Ordin- ary Medîcal Aid. Paine's Celery Comlpounld is the Iiglity Resdllor. Mr. Forsythe says:I am pleased to recornrend Paiu&'s Celery Corn- Pound ; I believe it is t~he best medicine in the world. Welhý & Richardson Co. Gentlempen.-Foar twaye ams I was is Sloir ondtin o haltý.'suffeing from nervouness, faiukting spelis, pain in thse head, tfomaceh trcùble and loss cf appe- tife", 1I as under the cure o!f wo dbc.' foshut received ne bemetft from theïr trýatînent. 1 aleo used tira baffles of a rec!moînended patent inedicine, but witii o goond ruts1 was tben advised b'. a netzbor vta use our -wonderfui medi - che aine>s Celerv Comnpound. The use of this marvelous medicine seaui pm-,oduced the very best resulfs. I at-n 2'laci ta report that my heýathis improv. ed îlu every respect; Ian strouger, sleep breffer, and my appefîte' is gaad and nafural. I am*pleased e ecW r mend Paine's Celeri' Cempound 'tail sick people, as I believe i s tme oeýst medicine lu the world. Yours tmuly, A. FOassrTuE Mauvers, Ont. reason we do that is because we, know. Latest Spring styles now li. stock in every uine. The. public is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks,_Bags, Satchelsi; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain ; Dresfling, the very best that caui be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli- ed to. Repafiring done in ail its branches lu flrst-class style. Fine- work made to orde2r, sure fit or no sale, Thanking niy customers for past favors and hopinç for a contiuance of the i-ame. Beaver Block, Bowmanville. OROne Day's Work We -ivo this Crfi- t fo,, rg ro dozenpaîkages cf Exinisti Pftar a, o es ah S-id yOflddocs ad we forward the perfumor, pospi id PAM ~"- 'mare [TEES F011 SALE.- Orcar, lS omyJ. Mifuot so'I wili t ot suitatile further part 0 Plowiag poeeoota once, full pý ' a Btwsi i T'he asîfire ILS Sicr Ileadacie and rele. il lie troubles mci. dent to a "'iou ta 1f i yth em , s aias eaigPin luhe Sida, &c. Wh'Ile thermosi ruaabosucceslias beenm shown la curing ar tvraUibain l ConstIpation, curxng at *tbil annoying com laint, while È _rrect al disorders of t m t;stomaich, t, bàe'lîver and regulaWt 1h bowels. E'Vi,s - rey Only trred Ac e theywou be lnce Ptfcelem te *.ose Who ufrfo ths dstressing com5nplaint, but fortunately thecir goodnesc does flt end here, and tSimca who once try' them wi l ind tlsese ittie pill a valin Luso manr ways that they 'will fot bEý willingz to do wlthout themi. But atter ail si cir easi Ishbane f se many lveq that ber. h îwhre ve mrrle our great boast. 0Gtr pill cure it whîie others do flot. C IRTEa's Lxrrz.s LivE.ri~Lta are ýery amal and very easy tetaire. One or twoilla maire a dose. Tbsy are strcty vegetabie and do flot gripe or purge, but by taeir gentia action Î lease al who use them. 1la t 25 cents; vo for $1. Sold everywh.r.., or zen, by maL i C iTZ Mise, iZ n 'N"I Murray& FLOIDAWATER MOT THE SWEETEST MOTFRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO AND ENDURING 0F AIfL PHRFUMES FOR THU HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. I AHELTHY -v- rl -F 1 il a a . 1 -1- --v"7- --i