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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1898, p. 4

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Ic this engine istotally untit for our town SOUTH 0ONTAIO ELECTION. 1 Table Linen, hall bleacheci clamasl, 6u mènles wicie, regu- and of no practical use wîth its present SA-L or, EvDNEGVNTEPTcýîIdrea A ry -7or lar price 35c, special for Fair day,25c. surroundings. SAMPL 0F EECE GiVN TEFRST _ Fine Eider Blankets 10-4 size, fast colored borders in vors,and lhe has always f avored'" havinM Th- 'dene itU~I e Wol Baeu p 64x84, ' e"' large sizere'iular a team of horses specially for the en~- Te&vieneo m witness, EdwardWit olBakt, 484 vry, / gife.Wht rrntnosese iisBaker, a fariner lit Whitby Townbhip,vau $3.25, special price perar $2.25. gieWa ratnnes hsand formerlyacting accu ntant of the value* *~par is ceommencink at 'the wrong end, and, Cedar Dale Worjks at Osh-awa, was sen- T+ Curtain Poles in cherry, ash, mahogony, and Black, wood only intensif vin- the trouble We are in. sationdl. He swore:- rng and knobs, peia each 25c. VI we musdupliate supelious ~ I met \Villiam Smithi, ex-M, P in the *r t u ' rns pca ad I eusrdfiaeasueduf lyRoyal iiotel, Whithy, beforethe electo* Extra special in Canton Flannel, two pieces nmn ace adke hsengine and use*,it, coin- +s Mbl. Vealeabotte torehrthîdTpwrtn, ok and keep .Wetaledahis heprob * hranTleit,ý Dc- inence right. Lay it ui) for the present. abilitv of the vote at Cedar Dale, where *keeping ani ail Commenrcial sub * Canton, nice soft finish, the reg. 7e kind, special 5û. Rent as we did before an engine suit- 1 nwte oeswel i 1akdi abl t te enwebav t mnae tthought I eould change ýf0 votes. I said: jects are.properly tauglit in the j Drs ods brand new, double width goods in check's 1 could with $100. Smith said te'd ,giveplisyod to the water supplv we have for it t it to me, and to go ahead and do it. 1 CEandpd s, god regulariysl for 25e per yrspecial 1C oprae ntoth pwe w hvetowas to go on and contract for the votes:BSNSSLLEE Tartan plaids, wide goods, special 10Oc per yard. move it, and to the roads on whieh we and he'd make it good to me. He gav'e *Mns ntedTpSirsYpeil25 ah me $10 to spend around Cedar Dale in + Mens lto iTOWELL opG- hit Line,l 25reveywd 3iuhs euarpielc have to draw it. Then commence the thn hoels Iopenontluoreainqelet- era f sperbfoly, iaugratea lrgeors while canivassing for Calder lu Cedar : Faîl term now open. Members* Ior aiSe watertank system suppliud wth a heavy Dale and South Oshaýtva îIt was spn* specilfr ai Day8. stand pipe, large pumping engine or Ïl the two hotels tbere, Kirpatrick's a d: admitted at any time. 8 teachiers ram, and sewerage svstem. Build a \allet's 1 s5 Sithnex at the Qneens: Splendid equiptmeut. Catalogue :C L 0 TH -1INI4G. Hotel in Oshawa the afternooln before Address,. w.LI. SHAW, Orcohn uieshsrahdsc eetosta ehv a orïrag fire hall and stables, hiî'e a competent tiie election. Election day 1 voted one* Yonge & Gerr ,,Trn-* Orcotigbsns is ece uhdmetosta ehvehdt erag engineer, hostler and helpr ; organize and a quarter miles north of Whitbv *,..,...,,... our department so as to uive us more room. la order to thoroughly apprec(iaýte the a ire company ; saddle the town with town, thon drove at once six mniles fo excellence of Our clothing you should corne and examine it. We are alway ýs pleased the liability proportionato te the en. Cedar Dale, and worked aIl day. giePehas hepepl wlllie tLUKE HAD SOME MONEY. to so our gos e forlaesae g o n eap s s edeoo w i1oit; a Lewis Luke there. He came IJ ~ I k Freizo Ulsters, good iength, ail wool froizo, realiy worth $6, special $4:.50. Aise Ulsters at $, 8and $10. even hanging. WVho knows tili it is $40. I told himi about Smith and the Iii J > As Beaver Ovorcoats, .Nýavy and Black, Silk Velvet Colar, stylishilr made, flrst ciass fit, special $6.00. tried ? The above outine of a sheme $100. Luke said $40 was ail hoe ha il As Beavr Overcoats at $8.00, 810 and $13.00.y is the only oneo that wlll mako the pros- canvassod John Sherrin and gave hlm Men's hoavy al Wood Tweed Suits, double breastod Coats, well trimmed Tand well made iu every way On nin o t ilbeefciv;n82 for voting for Cader. Austin Me- Ae 6t 0 seil$.0 ontengue go itwil beeffctie ;noGrail, P atrick, Sherrin, Fred ?icLaron, szs3 o4,seil$.0 doubt itwill cost monovporhaps 825,00û William Hayesjoseph McGýail, Artliur a-IeWohave a reat range of M's Suist alli s.Ai oBiackWorsted Co-tGs and:Vests Hlia Tweed of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a rsn xedtrn nana tpeo n onMdaeach get >? e uPants, all'woo i, c o s e s eniadseawpie.n ilion - of a prflrst exlasstwearersauwellamadeplsowenadithhnlinen thtead, regular prico $1.50, Fair da,$ f charge besides of, say $1,500 te $2 80 5 for their votes. I ûffered Edward Cordtoroy Vests for Men, nice soft finish, very special $2.00. But what mattor, it will run the en- Morris $5, but ho wonld net take it: ho !rý IN 3 O S FO F R IF wanted $10. Thero were others I don't SP- gine. romember that I paid te vote for Calder. The last excursion of the seasonSP C FL I Q TS FO IPd . D \Y What is the Mayor geing te do with I next saw Smith a day or two after per Men's Grain Blueher Çu1wr]ngBots:, hand a tem ofheres nw, atea te rawpeling, in front of the hotel in Columb- -t egdraywrt$.0,pcal1.5 eut that stately' engino eight or ton uweeh ie.H gedt etStr. ar e n UMns ie g nBotM , e, me at the Queen's iu Oshawa that even- Do1l a limes a year, a man te exorcise the ing at 9. He did, first in the lobby, next C.d . 4. -" soies, coin tee, special Fairda $1.8 team, feed fer the team,a place te stable uipstairs lu a privato reem. Ho gavle me P1iT a. a y thm n crofr hin â mmdateanorder on Luke for $30. Heie wot over FiULLy Sept . I -Bos6osotCh eedBothadpgged, cait alxndture or f sAyn600, adan the list ef votes I had bought. I had a FAEron1np-0tli tee cap, a good strong sehool bot 1izs o cptlepnireo a$60ananlist and gave ite bim. I paid monev AE rudt Y 5, special 75c. annual charge of,say $500 fer man,feed, te others hesides those I have named. I1 ,~Lde'KdBtoBos aettp c& exponses and accommodation? it bas presented the order te Luke, and hoie Ladies'sewen soies, coin tee.tspecial 85e said ho hadn't the mronev. I thon went n Y 5 %sensoscito.pcal8. beunhinted that these herses could do te Smith, and ho said hoe didn't under- _______________ Ladies' Vici Kid Button.Boots, pat tip, teainn %when net used. Is the tewn stand it, fnr Luke had the money, I saw MeKay soles, Ainerican make, coin toe, going ie carting business in opiio- Luke again, and ho paid me. regular price .12.00, special $.5 sitien te our struggling teaîinst rs? This evidence created a sensation in MissFnDnglKdBuonot, W hat advantage weuid thore be lu vig theutro. hl h ins a patent tip, MeKaY sewen soles, PO!nted and coin tee, special Fair Day $.0 having a teinfo crt gaivda ing Misses Glove Grain Button Boots, Rivited soies, pointed tee, speciai 9,9e. the engîne ? When wantod it wouid ho ENFIELD. Youths' heavy sehool boots, hand pogged with tee cap, speciai 65e. away. It would be as effective te ar-VOT RS' '.,IO1 rane wth loal eamtwr te do the Recent Visitors:. Mr. and MrsMak' "* W tkeoerfrtoespndd a- werk. It mighi cost for the wor.k equal- Alten ai Mr. J. Virtue's Miss M.West- rat -n, om.WJsiuhm taunfr piec 19P». p.iion ,n .irn, t t .rnewnn,_ Dà.4-4-,.i- Iy~~~~g we ee pranu.u atay' ... h uiiast fteTonl o sot ihthe latest fashions te be had wol o b faig wyorthes Mr. . Braley's ; hic.A .111-s. s it wounet hlas otrogawy, oYr te's, Mr. . Bradle Chica. At-his Darlington i n the Countyt of 'free at our store every month. GCTet oiie. nioey.Plase cnteporry ifye Goard. Bewmauville. and Miss Mabel Durham. have any influence with the twins, have Pascoo at Mr. R. Pascoe's. . .. Mr. Fred NûiS hereby given that Ihave transmîited them doter action. They knew as 1Iluribut has gene te Detroit and Mr. or dellvere0t the persons mrentioned lui inuch about herses as they do about W. Ilmphage te Cleveland.... Mr. T.- List Act" the copies required by said Secctionis Hall lest a valuable horse fom the heat te be transmittedor delivered oi the ist, maSsl themn. Get them te wait .until atter cd «at Manchester,,,.. Visitors te Toron« nliaiyt eette ovt atesi Jauuary îst next, when wo cau assure te Exhibition : Mr, and Mrs. J.E.Dyer, nniipality at elecîlons for memnbers of tbte rRKLdiFO SFRSEVC-nl- you they will ho sent se high that their Mr. A. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ormis- LeiiaieAsebl n a uicpl îc mmA R Ko.ihn ii R O ET-erCutc iT tonMrMrs ad abe Pwel, n.tiens; and that the said list was first posteS np C.~.oe oer, eali at Mas DiciîSON S,EÀng F north balf ef 2nd Con, Lot 30, and censists -" Proved Yke , ý .r L_101a thre'bred clethes will be quite eut of fashion when ton, M .si rs .aadniil owll r., at my office, at fHampton, on the Tenth day of East, andCo f Ontarie 5t,Bowmnanville. 43- if ef M acres. Immediate possession te plew will- Berkshire Jear are kept'for service on_ lot 19 and Mrs. . MeCulloch, srM. M Septmber, 1898, and remains there fer binpec- begvn o oie atclr ply te con 2,Darlington,MavpieGr-ove. Fe 'c. Pr thyreuu."emmerte nin .McCuiloch, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. tie. ý AE-A good driver, genîle ESIHER, SQUîaaEs, Bowmanville, P. 0., or on the rT. eu Je.khi'e ad sowýs lu in fer sale an te tie ea arewtrndngliMr. . ideyMr ad rsj Electors are calied upon to e-Jamine tIse said ORdA farm. n,7-GW an h ite olbro andigHll r.L idey r nd r.ý.F goedloekinig -Inqoire aI the 000ES T.J. Bvwmar lc 7 w behin." F F. uribt, Mn J. lobb, ME lis,and, if any omissions or any other errors a Sfic.TATES-______________ aleng bhn. .P HrbtarJ Hb isE ,re found'therein, te take ,immedfiate proceed- A fie WVoton, Miss F. Reynolds, W. Nichols, lngs te have the saiS errers- corrueted accord- ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-100 ]BRICK BOUSE T'0PEN.-That - ~ ~ ~ ~ prb A mcA j j inort "'OMe.iai Fare,-ln ethhî1o o ,Cn. ,te vry desirable biick ,.resîdeii'e and gronnd %cCtgleh, . Ashton, WATE.- \l*xanerN-Nideny L Todif, . Dit~t.i .W...--'.'-s'. . I~>h fNised.-fer room stream ef w ater. of mLeot'of, nn, tehome 0f tbe lati i S. Manniin, cr l ý,exnerNNiier,. oddf S l t w-oei' 1 3e larke' GoS buildings, Stoesstable, oreharSd Cnesin t.,l tetono .Ewman- f.EL eated and unS3edfrtwo iigh Scheel goo ee ofaer ne ieeas oirby. dville, inr garit .i and exellent fruit. Po N Kiveil, Mr. and Mr. S. Deacon and -ow.thesi ncpt. LIT,>. atut S. TSN rdrqurd.Lav ddesFor furtbtihr nrtiulars apply 0Mas. jAMES ssinSpt s.Frfurther particuflars apply m fmiY. Clr'fiesi ullaS.a TTSÂ fie î15 W* CARSCADDEN, Bowmanville. 33. tt Miss MASINON, 83 czar St., Terenlte. 33,qw* c t-rTHEN 1NI) NOW. CL ARRE FAIR. C U T ý Inthe chorus of congratulation and Twnshtp etf Clarke Fail Faim ai Oro- f endorsatien which has been caiied forth ne, open te the, Provin(ce. The biggost M l I1b y the succoss et the Governmeut's et- fair et its class i n itarieý. Great aat-t forts te bring about Imperial Penny tractions. Big prizes effered ton speedt- Potge tI peaatte fuel a word et ingi he ring. The best hers-e, T . O .caille, shoepwio fruit, etc., lu theM appreval fremn a distinguishod member Province onExhibition. Ample accom- This is tlrrUe of et the Opposition. Sir Adolphe Caron, modatien for everybody., Large Posti Master General, ini the lato Gev- grounds. Go od horse ring. One thous- BUVVIVA I'VI L L E. P'iCeeS in Mnb ernment, saystht o iays 'approved anSl dollars in premiums, $200 nl lines of Imperial Penny Postage, butcould on and see ht on Monday and Tues - net sec hew Canadla could afferd it, day the 19th and 2th et Septembor. The ]Books for instance :-A ehoice as- Possiuly if the money spont duriug bis Dîrectors Will use yen well a nSho g lad somtmen~t of the best authors, regime in paying contrp ctors for carry- te see you., full loth bound, geod pint, ing the mnails had been $,, 00 less, as BUL BSNAIN 20.ote laagssopo, sthv~ A vory pleasant closing scene was, that P AIR: D AY Wall Paper stili te the front. A are, the ex-Posi Master General wouid et last Monday eveniug, which took lange lot, beuglit at great re- have been as weli able te bring about place ai the Lakce Home et Messrs. Jacob duetion, just reeeived. Yen the reormn as bis successor was. But Pollard and C. M. Cawker, when they get the benefit, ail my negular the Minister who was'responsible for were each presented wîth a beautitul 'bery soonby the party tIsati mots stock aise redueed. the expenditure et $112,700 during the ihte once a week for the season, Linon Window Shades. I keep ne election et 1892, in that section et Que- and the tollowing address:- EI"L opcned are mounted on best which by his ewn confession was "milk- Mrs. Pollard,- relions. You wiil have noedo" fromn the public contracis, could net DEAn FRsUzNs,-Knowing as we do Fardy0ilb peddopruiy oeua u tr n e o or trouble with these. ho expectod te trouble himselt about that the season for our meetings hereFardy ilb a'p6 i o 'tu t ocl torSoean sefryu- th ie cneîse i dprmn.must seen draw te a close, wo cannet selves js how our pîe n od utyu Picture Frames and Framed Pictures,thmie cn isoflsdpatn. allow this ope)ortunity te pass, wîthoutjutpie adgod sityu lower tlîan ever. There were ottier depatuienis also, thanking yen very heariily for tle gon- Room Molding,--I have i, plain oak, whene public works might have been erous hospitalityv, yen have extended te gel o titorfem8c erfoo. arnS utan nede perrisafoctot.etIuissasonelytbu ovr inc bO ur xhbitatthe Far- bute th ex ibt a 01F toes A special lineofet"Souvenir et Bowman- oS, butteor the scandalous looting et the ae bSyu laan oea l ville" goods, jusi the thing for visit Public Treasury, wbich made the record laefe constrained to frvy ene Tell your friends to meet you at the WEST END JEOUSE on Fair Day. A s. sa ulspi tsho oe the late administration a b, e-wordi small token et oun regards for the many Read over this, list earefully make a memorandum of what you want and shiop a~s early scheol supplies and statienary. among the nations. Il is net a pleas- acts et kindnes.s roceived by us trom e- anttas tereailounceutr's ham, Please accepi these Berry Spoons as poss1ie tn akt ealorcutyssae rustiug lIai you will r-ceivo 1tbem lun Ladies' ail wool Frieze Jacket 1, double breasted, -but-. P. TREBILCOCK. but when the Opposition press anS plat the spirltinluwbich they given, and BowmANVILLE. form speakers, fromn the ex-Cabinet that your crop et Fruit will ever ho ton straight up, new style collar, lu G'reen and Black, sizes Ministers down, persistinl talking about abundant, and when Yeu lha - 0casion 32 to 40, speeial $3.50. extravagance anS boodling, anS in te use them, youn minds will hc- carnieS 4~Z4~% ~back te the many happy afîerneenis we Ladies' ail wooî Frieze, very heavy quality,,;lartige ____________________ reased expendituro, i becomes the have speut together ai N oun pleasant seszs3 o4,seil$.0 BO MNIL.SP.1,19.duty et public journais te remind the "Pont Darlingion" home. We, trust velvet collar, double breat, szs3 o4,seil$,0 BOW ANILE.SEP. 4,188.electers efthte pasi. Thev should net that we shah ho ail permitteS te meet Ladies' Fine Beaver, Jacket with braid and velvet ho allowed te f ergot tIc record eftihe togther stan spen myaeneens asd trimming, nice dressy Jacket lu Green and Biac(k, sizes FLOUNDERING. Doparimeni et Railways and Cana1s lu tinhe asi n weu r meleinand 32 to 38, spoecial $6.00. when tle 14 mile hranch efthîe Si. hiope to meet wbere meetings and part-- ï-irse Wo gaihen troi he skitinluthe lasi Charles Railway cesi $1.760 000 instead iugs are unknown. Extra quality Frieze Jackets, velvet co1lrras; issue et oun ceniomperary, The News, et $13,000 as estimated, anS 6 miles e ine nbhate fins seams, light fawn, hight green, light blue, heather and titteMayoranS- his council are about île Tay Canal cosi $476,128 instead of MRSMORE. ) thaeoi le consider means te put their $182660 as estimated, since eaning MSM'RAY ~ " lcalszs t$.0ad$.0 tee segieiioasly Boi ienitlemen mado suitable reple Black Curi Cloth Jces neat and uobby, $8 and $10. eiepanthîe ine ngle ina w Y about $100 a year towards the $2,500 o e~te bmevsadterho.Jces ehc h il oofsm asisane tit hicesis the country anuually te Eloquent speeches et a happy trenS 7~~r l, thc tewn, Tbey are te ho congratulat- mailîtain. Thenihere is the Galops wvré maSe by Aldermen Cornish, Tait 01unri u oSd on awakening te île positien et Rapids Channel un the Cornwall Canal auJ others. ,, UUI affa irs. Thc article " Hopeful1" lu our costing double the contract price, and, ..l- las Isue asstaile icm ie be no the admission et the' Ministers !lu AUCTION SALE. 1~IbI 3aii ~ IWI [18 cessity et Sing something. We advise pa neur, is evon thon useless; and . xr pca nGe lannel thbm te realize Ibm iu capaciiy aud the Siekq Island Dam lu the saine le- SheURDselTld efeci beluiee ando- 2 5 inches wide in liglit and haSîemte vrt enitc fcality upen which $155,000 was expend- taie ofthe late R.J.Shaw. T'his is abig'. dark colors, p'ecial for~ Fair tînce et our leaing anS best i CtlzOl1. cd and thon the werk siepped. At least sale anS ah miusi ho sold. Attend eanly.WD y 0c ý"ad Sunely île tewu bas ne longer any con- a Sozon ethen transactions, o4ually Adjoins dm111 sheS greounds on Nontîl atc e ad fidence in thIb deliberations. Everywaeulmithoqtdlubsd- side on Centre St., Bowmanville.'lneetsi alto ifr takeefmakes mationsuotwoisethanSde- Terms cash,.lieuse anS loi will b ho.. stpte aemksmteswreadpaniment atone wheu it was under the , fforod ai samne timue. ujc te a ne- eut patterns, full 32 luches widie, themselves anS our town more ridicu guidance et Hon. John Haggart. served bld. Sale, ai 1 p. m. sharp.-L. 'heavy quahity', ree-uiar 7e goods, special 5c. louis We, ranp&twhat w enidl rhat. A W T&rp. Aiietnnp--. See abills. I

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