The Calladiail slatesffall1 BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 14, 18918. Walking on Air, The feelng ôf buoyaucy produced b>' the action of Dr. Wards Biood sud Nerve Pilla is remarkabie. One feols brigit and active, enorgotic and full of snap sud vin., Ricli rod blood fuls the veins, and the nerves tingle with the sensation of youthiful ife sud vigor. TKREMBLIKG HANDS AM DSHÂKY MEXOeT. A HAMLTONi MAXIS EXPERIENCE aITÀ ANEW EMDCflE. 1 have speut belf a fortune lu dactans' bille. ail ta nu aveul. These Pilla seemeti te reacb the seat o! dsesase ai once, and tiey atscseenod ta pouessesreniarkablelufîuene. ever ne. Tise violent palpitation o! the heart, the trenbling aI the handïstise lues of muasculine vigor, the Iîightfuh dreans, the loss ot menory sud gen ral cohiapsýe ut the eatira systen, bave yielcied ta Dr. Ward'e Bhood sud Nerve Pis. Great irore the re.i suite ran tise use ai four boxes aIfehese Plille Iani eujoying the very besi of healh. 1 I lly behieve they are able to do for othersa mc as they have doue fot nme. Befor su ibern 1 wss a miserable wreck. Ta-ac Ia a weol nan. Yours tnulyr, 'PROS. FLYNN, 51 Ehgn St., Hanmiton, Oui. Dr. Ward's Bloofi sud IN iv. Pilla are sold at 5o cents par box, 5 boxes for $200o, st druggists, or maihod an recipt aI price by The Dr. Ward Ca., 71 Victoria St., Toronto. Book aI information free. NiON EY TO LQAN' $ 100,000. A large smna!nuy lias hoon plaeed lu imv bauds by a privato persoî for investirient, on app'--,ý,vdloais ou farro secairity fît a.tori-mOf i-e or Ton y cars-, at 5 1-2 p:er cent Inte reýt willhoe askod payable yoearly, Satisfac- tory conditions for ropaVnoat will hoarra:sged. D. B. SIMPSON. Solcitor, Jdawnaaville. Datoti Oct. 18t, 94. 4, - tf, î aZ7 Rev, Dr. Talmf-age-'s Sermion on Making andi Keeping Friends. A ct'-Q$vei fegwiatio n--Ardent FrIends and Ardent Enemrie-s-- Cam uWp th,>e Faults and Extol the Vitues--The Hearty H.and;shake and, Its Great Value. Washngton, Sept. 1.-Tbe -obsaIn'*g oI goti friandls, iricis mesi look apion as a matteCr et happy acdnDr. Tal- nage in this rsermon sýhows ta hoe n îaat- terne ai iteliigeati seleciion; taxi, lFoVeni. xvHii, 24, "A mian that bath fInnd muat show bisalf sei nenîhly." A bou t tbe sacroti anti divins art a! nskiug sud kseplag friande I speak-a subject on ihicis - I no-rer hard ci suy onue pma.ciing-aud yet fatd thougbt i of enougis' importance ta put Ih lu the middtle of, the Bible, these mwrtings af Solomaon, bonuded un oue sida by tiha pDpular psaella ioafiiantian tise othor isy tisa ofrihuga aIiab, tise greatosi oi tis praphets. It seeu2esîl a Inattar aI bapisazard lhoir ny Inonda ire bave on misotison me -bave any Iientis ai ail, but thons is nnthing accidentai about i. Tisers le a bam mnîcis govemus the score- tion sud dispersi(-ionfo! iemiteip. They did i ý"just bappen so" aDy maro tissu the zides jusi happea un ris. r 0 o ibm sun mci thappons to Ise or s4et. l- i h a science, an art, a God-given regulathan. 1,11 na bowir ndly yaa arg to cthers, anti I mil roll yp o laifriondly ailiena ira ta yen. I do pot Pay yau mmli uni hav8e nenhos. Inteedth ie Lest îay ta gel ardentfinide leta have ardent eousmîse, if you gai tisohir oumîity lu dola; tise igis 1 thiniz. Gond ne:s su ad yoiren wllialîsys fs~ nies, heeuco l"thoîr odu s a pitrputui lrobuke ta cvii, but rii antag- onin a! bfoas ilinake niruosintense the lave o! youmatibereuta. YouriLn eds- iii gather chosen arounutiyou beosuso 'A!tise attneka of yaun assailauts. The mono yaun cemies abuse yen tise btter yaun cnet- jutons wmli tbiak nI yon.' Our llest Fiends. The hast Irlands me bave s-ton lid ap. peare t aiolae jucinro men me more etpeciaîiy- obaadeti. Thare have beau tines, in amy 111e ilion unjuet assauli nunîtiphio i îy finonda, as nean as Icc-uhti caiculate, about 50 s aainte. Yen ana beunti to somae peuple by mnsycardsa ta neitusor tins nmrt"-rnity eau break, anti 1 whlmarnant uni snany af uhaEsecorde mare tiiteti ay bauds malevoleni. Au- in nature was shipwroketi about 59 centuries aga, time captalu o! tisai naiti, one Adaim, sud bis firet mata muania;, thse fanons cargo agrouati on a mua.- lu tise ier H-idîbekel. But tisaeras ai heast onue gouti trait aI human nature tisai madeti safeuy asisare tram that ahip. 1 Yeu invite me ta cnmstta yonn country seaua sesta leir das. Thanli you! I arrive about noonuofaI besutilul ,uný mer day. What do yen do?, As anan as I arriva yaa take ne anti unuter thsh iadoir aI the greai oins. Yeu take me dama ,ta tise antilichai lake, the spottod ironit fli- in u ansd oui smng the white pilars efthie pond lilies. Yeu taka ne ta the stalle anti kenuels irier. yaa kaep youn, lins stock, sud haro ara tisaDurhsamn cai- île sud tise Cardon setters, anti tisehgh sIIppng teoda. iby pswiug aud nelgýhing, th isa mîy iangsqage ihey eaunsp askl- iug Ionisamuosa onsasddîs anti a short tuadaim the roas. Than ire go back ta the banso, andeogegt me liihenîgis ,igist, andI showine thi euseits sud tise Biersiadts au tise mail, sud take me ia tise nsiroarnsanti show ne the bird- cages, thse conLanies ln tise bay wimdoir àssielug the robins la tise irceStope. Thanl yen! 1. nover enJoyati Inyselî more inathesanme eugtis af t1inse. Nom7, "mhy dor ire ual do so uvts the eharactsns cf etiiers, sud show mIi. ',Ioion sud tise music amat the brig><u Innatalus? Ne. WO say "Camne aloandsut- 1er neshowr yau that manu's ubrsco. ire is a green ScunsetiIrng pond, amdat-i taiea fltihy cehiar, sudI gues Undor tisai hetige tliers amusi ho s blacki sake. Cane anti let us fan an boum or tirs asgale ureiasmii the nuisances." Vuover Up tihe ixauits. Oh, My Ionde, better cover ura tise Inuits sud oxtol the vintues, isud tha habit onceesîtablishedti o nuivensal friand. liue.s s il become se easy as it le fon a synuga te flond ihm air miii sireas, as easyase h mi b. funtiser onlibmtheSes- eaon ea quail t te isu-p Iran the grasa. WLien ire hear eorneihing 1bat about aemas.eotiy Wboirvalaw ays enp. paseti ta bo good, taly out yaan lest pan- i sud say '"Let me àseal Belon. Iacepi tîsat baletuil elary agalusithat msan'a chamacten I wmll talis ai! iran h 25 pan cent. Ianrtise habit a! exageraîîan irbicis behougs ta the imnu un lirai ld tbe s',ory; tison I vili take off 25 par cent. fon tise addiionîs wvchbthespirit aI gos- sip lu avory commnuity bas put upun'tise origlnal stary; thon I mIll tako off 25 per cent. liauui tise faci tisai iii nan may have been put lnia circu instances o! ovon- pawering temptiathon. Sa I bava taken off 75 per cent. But I have uni heard bis. skie af tiese o~ry at ilansd for tisai res- sua I take off tise reinainiug 25 per cent. P"oe cotbYs cannot make ,Your hou.sehold.cares may 1 greetings. Wieu a juan or manian dae moul, tol uni se, tell han so. Il yau mneat aune ana misa qisimipr"oain hoaltli, sudi lu la demeusý,rtraed la -girtb sud colon, Say, '"Ho0w mou Yeu 1oal!", iaitiU.on tise ether baud, umîdar tbe moan sud tsar oI lite i ah o eapale sud exisaustoi, te ni inimodu-ica sauitany sboceor cay anytbing ai ail about physheai condition. lu the case ofI impmarveti boni iii yau have by your mords givon ianoniser imâpulse taivarti the 1abui sumd tisaja u, ile hn the case ofItise falîng bealtb yuu have a rraoteLd-cljine y yorir silence, hi wibclihacundLes, "If t mae r1-alhy se badly off, bie mid have !3aitizoniethïng abaut il. " NWoare ai1, epeiah oso ot s narvaus toiipesiasut, susceptible to klnd irards sud discauragiug irords. Fortin s conspirscy agalusi as, sud !eitan inon noot us àai certain pointe an aur may ever te business, sud bei,'each ons eay, "Hoir sic-k you leak!" thougb w. ebould tari oui ighl, sItar meeting thse firsi sud flearing bis dapress;iug asiateia ahoLild begin ta exanitie aur symptanai. W"ftOr meeting tise second gloamy accasi- 1lug ire mault couchuda ire did net bel quitie as, mohl as usual. Altier meeting thse ibird aur esntions moult b. droatiful, ant iïaltr inietUng the Ieurth,uiesm w. suispecteti s canzplracy, ve woiti go haine anti go tabied, sud, the aier asi pesssimiste iroalt ibe a aselese surplus ni diScumumaomat. My dear sir, ny dean madamne, ihai do you nmess bY goiug abouit ibis îonid miii diïl>seaneuiuts? le net the ai.pply ni gloomandtitrou ble and ni eni rp~pougis to mneet iii. demaad mhuisouit youn r-ua- uiug a factony ef plns an~d epikasi' Why shouibtiyou plant black and ti vuinmuthe irnt ion A tea se eltam plants thora? Pueuty aI scanlet coloreý, plety of yellam, pieuiy aI green. p1pini of.piusi, Lut Very seldain a planit blacki or blue, 1I noveâr s a black flairer, andt hsro'e ony héî'é ain t-isr, a bluebeli ransvioets, huit the, blue la ion ttie mest pat ervsd fer 1ho sky, sud w. have te lomk sep te sue ihat, and 1 Whou we look up Zn. omreroae us barn. Why fset plant alea; tise pallie of aibers th. bnlghtîme.s taisadofet he 1Do net praphesy mhfnus If you must be s prophet ai ail, blie sp Ezkisi sud uni s Jereelssah. Lu a4ment. témi prqpimis iWho fenetoit vii 1wsro dola; igisi, Ionrusy wirns lvinualy' vd1nsteti, but tise popliats Cf evl lu ouxrâsss 0gsi- erally fliteProphets. Somies of aur meathermlse people prcapsh ire meouid bave asunner aI unparalleled hoat. Wt lias baecsa veny enaifotabI. eum'men. Lent flil al lis.e meathor prephets agnesti lu saylng ire'abouli havea a iter oI ex- tranndiua-ry sevoity, blizzard on the boohe of blizzard. hir as tiseinhldesi uinion I over remember ta bàave passad. Iadeod tise sutuina aud the spnlng aimasi shavat minier eut aI the. proceseion. Rosl troubles have neoiseralds rnuing aisesti ai hein son ber chariots, sud no onuebas anîy antboriiy hi aur tiiuo ta annaunce theft comnug. Laiya3urself np îihb opeful irordsisud. dbos.eThse hymn once suag lu oun.,churciseï is unlIt un ha Sung, ion W.e houiti suspect gCana danger near Whaere me unssess delghi. 190 - - -aimier ani lHave saua t I e rai l ave only 1' thepartof thoFe unfairly dealt wjth. it." In bther words,, manage te keep misgr- don. what James Marghail, the miner, "FroeelenyasIufr4 W hen in s theoughly demonstrated that But bore canics in a defectivo Maximn, abie ail the iine. The oid àong sung at did in 1848 in Oalifornia, beloro its goId morne une la being permcuted, aliongh at no often quoted, "'Wero there isi se muai the pianos a quartsi, of a century ago was e thspi and btre got no Letn caliso mrc ~one xýa îri sain hp o table of bis employer. Cap. thing I could tikobtgtn 2000 Cured. tick as honaybees ona elas o, t ah introducer, of aonain and the earts., and When they are hated out "Where did yeti get that!' said bis em- Bitters. tbad ouly taken onqe c brisqd honeysuckle. smoke arouuid Clmb the discomrer; ar5le take wing they circie rouind iu fli.-bta ployer, The reply was. tI ai. this ;f wheu set uponî by the furies 7ou eau and tie smoke aro-und Mart'n Lutbher thai neyer coase, ,and osportsman's gun nîrigIonami aefo h'h whex 1 commenced to feel botter, and E l moringfmm aMil rce iu- have grace euough ta keep your mnouth aud Sayouarola an(, (GaUlee and Pali aud canuot shoot thora, and storins canno hatrhdbe rw f. Butn ferakgfiaosxbtiswU >'1housauds of youuig aild nddog* shut and preserve your, euipaise aud loi, Johns sud tell.i me- ver wasq 'he lire! rufine thoir wiugs, and when. they COOSOgabddus, wblchcsuldohfe beentalo t utrei à,I adh been se ever a"ire tronbiod wîththisdîlseasc-ni; u,; j, bers fIght yaur batties, van wilI fiiud Tiîat is one of the satai.ic arts, to i2ak-e flight ln ihese lower skies neath hy u ewe i.lne n h im, sne ela fB .B a ae , s~h~ emtou, smalî, twistiug îtreafi yoursolf a! rer awhilý with a who wadoasskowttuhere îsdelieth sop rou ai te lbanlttuedwsth paheysu soimn ht enm if.'Mta T . o s Sahoo ý,p etittiug pains ai unmes, slight dýis- of allies. Hait nat tlâe warld giron ta warle, May ho made ont of uotîng. If of heaven. Ai Batimore, 1 talked intoa aylf. R.T .jyE tnoe ~ c~re,,if in lu eemeneîug, weak ,dChrist an bis arrivai, ai Palestine a. very. rIl Christlian fair rannded, cna phngphTi.clurcoaingt vealoit California's woalih ta ail nations, rgUD,_ omissions, and aIl the symptonist.cmu hngah h yidrcnann h and te-day I have only put befure you a Que.' .1t!nervous debîlity-they have STuý-1 bold. shouder thons would net have been sensicai spinrit lu regard ta «the-4s precdon- Wnrds was sent nul ta Washington, and pcmnothvau ofdisfre- WjRE. Do't let doctors experinentou nuie-hait as mny angeis chautiug glary iuated in the worid, w. shauld have the the nexi day that cyltader fran anither ecnnItivaea din !rn- :00 bycutiug steteiug orte r- out of the hymnbooks of tiL s'y, bouund illennumn luahu#e six y7eeks, for pionuagraphie instrument, "when turned, hnnyatmbeu cf iesno- .B..crsBiouesSc tu. This wilW MEt cure yoa t lre- qin blacki lids of înidnight. Had it net wnuld nlot that ho lamb and lion, caw gave bacli ta - nu the very words I had a ail etndît go ou it the eail tra-o sia e, Sao, Ctoaed Tangue, iMENT absorba the etricture, tissueý heen for the hesvy and îagged and tortu- and léopard, lyiug dawn ingethor? Noti- uttered the day hetore snd -sith the. sone tion s osiain""ae oge hocorenvesrieturNpeainsel nus cross Christ would nit have been the ing but the grace sf Qed eau aver put lis intonations. Scold in a phonagraph, in, e otnio fombuies b ar admired and loved ut more 1people thart ino sucb a habit of mmnd sud heani as sud it wiii scold bacs. ' Pour îuild words A MINISTER'S EIGHT RULES Lîver Complaint, 'auindice, Kidney method. The sexualorgans are strongth- any beiug who ever touched font on oither that. The leuadency is ln thu opposite intto a phngrnpi,<aed li will ratura the seead rksth blo od. The nerves are iuvigoratod, and the saqteru or weAtern bemisphere. lu- direction. This i. the. way the. world gentleness. Soeioty and tîhe wonid aud the That Witt Ihaure thse Sucess of Mi ies, ê[nks h lo t ofllsomauhood returns. i>stoad therofore of giving up in dospair taiks: 1 put Mny naine on the hack of a church are ,phonographo. (jive, thon Cliirch and Pastoral Work. rich, red'and pur-e. It is ï, highly CUREil GL E eas n ave enemnies rojoice lu the mîan's note, sud 1 had ta lay i, and I acerbity sud rag ram nsd arerb- Mrs. Lymn Abott, i. the Ladies' concentrated ve-etf'able conlpOuud. housands of young aud middlo-aged tact fthat theyrlyfryutena op wîhh nover agaîn put iny usi nu ty and rn- raîoiyuwl o Home Journal, lays dnwri eight'ruies nnaehrngthoir soxual vigor an,! fui sud e.nthbasýli admirera In other back et auy mnan's unte. I, gave a heggar baek. Give thoni practical frio-ndliss, tSa are seta ta a --isjî 7.eoe à, esoofli -ritaiity coutiuually sapped by this dis- words. there is no virulence that; can hin- 10 cents, aud liv. 11iniutes sItur 1 saw sud ibey will givo bacli pratia f1ried- fl chureb sud pastoral work. These she the dose for aut case. They are frequently nconscious der My îext Iran camiug true, "A ulan hum entsrinig a liquor storeo tospîond it; I1 lineess A faîher asksed bis hisý daughter, has the ministor biisolf procilainî: offhectseofthscausems Gneao!latbahhesedsmut hoymmslftol ovrs.8n Ge aCat oral10gar -Nlr" W * i h ta*evrhad bd c thats Untrl icageFtl 1. I musi b. always roady ta cail wben 10 to 3c, drops for * * meg Mauhoud, Nervusuess, Puni 1ýen- frieu illy." 1 beiped that youug miai sýLartin busi- you?'." Slte suwered, "I ïion't koiuvited. children. .Addi tue L e: ry, Irritability, at tiine8 Smarting Sou- e'? Il my ambition te prujeci, especîally 1 ness, and, lo, after lwiie camao aud nss it.bcusIlveevoryhod;(y." .Me*a' taeysra !a r ae rusi sana, en Eyo it deprio c1r,,ek upun the youîýg, a thcught which Muay apeued a stors alînos next dcou ta mue "A maýn that bath friands muasi show rand ta take me ta one o! my peupla. ofa Ambition, Varicocele. Shmuukeu boniguly shape tboir destiny for tbhe and stole my custameors' I uvhll neyer hiinsol! 3nedh. . Draw oui fran. utheri ibeir interses . ýParts, etc. GLEET sud STRICTURE baie sud the bores! ton. Belore yeu show again help a yonng nlan ta stant tu huai- Th prtof Sac-rife.1 raibOr than intrude sy, own, bjut aiways - 01may bcthe cause. Don't ceusult family yourscîî frisuuhly yen muai ho fniéndly. I nearitntd nwa xi eighbaor WoV wautý suoth--iing liko luai opinit of assumesa cummunasetn thmrva- docters, as they have ne exporience ii au rstdi bt" these- spocial diseases-du't itho do ni roconnîend a drainsthzad genas- pramnised te a su ad hé broke lus, word, scicefor ot h-n whlch was sen in theý mnt oI îlie ton. Quaelisto oxpeîimeut on ye. Cousltl ity. Thora is sucb a thing as preteudiug aud the psasînhs wssi nighi bcfor, hoe cor- Enhs haui h ri the starin a 4 . Neyer 13aVe s bouffe Withat having 0. HA~RNDEN, L-.DS cpeoaliuts, whs have made a hile study o! h nrpotwt teswe erce islfr"-l mnae!otcnii."g c ýi wsust rdý , ý DîieasofoMenandWomn. OurNEW a . u apnr wtbotarbieuwsroteohnsît fr ai île n.lira"boaangtlnugthcemo ws a wih0a an aluhe cîLGrdutofICî t'ihldi g aeDrR', ~s IiE7T0D TREATMENT w-iil ~ r bi iedsrcat u al aîe oaessiin u euun il thnee were inth ri wa ur struggling fer 1 . Nover mneai a persan îvitb crîticismng5u iîai t-,el- cure ycu, Oua thousand llhrI againsi tissa and wish thon cahanty sud ssifieh, and ni over,7 additlanah, their 1lvem. A boat carie ta ibeir relief, or!fauht-iudiug.OFI .Op siExîe5Oie. ~ rr scas weaccepi fer' treaât neut an'd - Ja e r.ed u bis treacbery by a ns ru asto byptalie ae udanp a iout n iton iPaar o sla siuya o 1AIE I ce-naene. ersndeatoercue, sounding kiss, sud caresses nay bo on the' rçàll eitheir exluîvses ad u ho reîuse ttse tsaIng Fn preaching. CU ESG ARANT deÎnacl Bote Eii xutogicai Cor- anutheF boit ta ibe d00o10r ihat sbute thon' fing i tei Tom, He ha inct noady ta go 7.,~uyopcal h ater's wy Wa rei ud ur: MISIOS, boras, the- threo headed due ai bell, hark- ou rnsnah ih wrdTe na a atsn ino loniger." A suad tr-y to carr-y Nia qapii witb ne. JtJ5 YINV %r VARIflOfELE, SYPHILIS, GLE. iug ai uls, uhan the wolf laý sheep's ciotb gsi cheated eut o! $1,000 or )nsntr ass liko that, ho ha saiher or ladesu . ne slwis l mm that it -lm My R. i9 1i A' UBEII ?STRICTURE IMPOTENCY, SERTiug is briadiod bide coverod un by proteti or dlsappolied or botraycd, aud i hý hml uppel rauks of sooiety or owrbashuosa ta ril enl ta a1 couaciausuoss DRiNS] UýNATU{A DICT ar- d'eoptive3 ano sd ie de7athîu hbowl higa gse thez W.-.ansd 1-ase 316.- gs ranvrkji, wii slways bave. pleuty o! o! Üati, sud ta an, undorstandiug o! their D * S.I{DNY n&I~DfERBiases ' caone lan iunnocent bl.atlu g. aiben boit, net roahîzîfl that whila the7 frienis. Whist iîmirue uîaaward lsre 1u relatiouaship wyiti Hlmn. ~ FE.If unaie( taoi-îto Cu i flierseli writes aif Lard Maaired, wbe, hock eibors eut tbey hoktessve lu Golward. W. muai bo the fiaonds of Ged QUS ION LANKý Ion HOME aliter cauîiîinlg nany outrages upas sud soin. day ibey wake up ta lîit thorn- i jf wu waat lita to hoaur friaud. W. eau- Tha, Castie iaperoi T~AMN.the people, seemed sudnyte becone selves imprisaneti la a dastardly habit. nii( treat Christ badhy ahi aur lvey aud Onýe of Ireiauý1' rugilci mmd Office.-Rea--r of. Messrs Migýgin- I>1~~~O Iriendhy andl iuv;ted thens ta a banquet. Na Iriends toeothene, éthe are no fionds 1oxpeut mmlteatalvigy wscsîs came lta iala u a ~i a- bîa o rgSoe itEN EDY S KE GAN After mugtos .1 e of orssa fend bs& ta thori. Tiers'. au lslaad hall wEy ho- neading et a s@a fightin wbhih Lord Nel- non: the \aucisi et i uoathrs been served hablsw a hc wasn tweo EnlnCotat ni Inad son captaroti a Frenh oflIcor, sud when; averluied Lake S i sud h as one Cor. ihia Ave and Shelhy St, ia thaso timîes a signal for the servants esîlefi the hIe et Man, and tbe Ëeas chasb tus French oleor, effera-ïd Lard Nelson a! tihe iposi pniucely resdaue i Ie (Down stairs), DEýTROtT, MIOH. ta briag nu ths dessert, but in ibis case againsi ail saides aI ht, sud I ani tld uJs bànd, Nehsa replieci, "'Firsit give me land. Evoutually î' 111 in deeay sudBWM NILE i was the signal for assavsishn ta enter thora le ne More lovaly place than thse your qw 1 rd, a-ad tien give meý yaur wss nat Ihbabitef.i. As ussual lu sncb cmr- BOWMANVIL_______________ à* ansd sîay tbe auests. Hie preloadeti friend. Ishe o! Man, but irben aman bcoeus baudi." 'Surrentier Of Our reshstaDaOotO ciin tnces whcntise peaeuntny wanieà liness iras a crnai trend, sud thons are ' insulhr lu bis dispositionu sud cut3 hlm- Gad miuai procede Gnd's praifer o! pardon ta build s 'iguty, ropain a road,anay Fa pepl bcseleha aeho. satofrathmsuada ia nld aus. Repeatance helare fargivoneu;s. thing of ibm sort, they toolr tise Stones '~VE W 3,Oceanie Tides of Gost'e Grace. sympathies, ho is dosîmicablo. sud ail -Yen muet, givu un your rebellions swond tramr theolad-casils irbicih ras dis:apear- anoms.d Bhd IsAthat I oceau.t eei belons you cau gai a graep aI tio divine hug piceuhai, irban one day flic ithen ore,'MI - '-r,~ sieuu.y y ou uis,, ha friendly. Ue your Lord Londonderry paidi a visit ta bis iPESNB - G a,,-~- -.- î,~e a - Ii- ani right with Coansd mn, sud ibis The Puise of the. Kead.ý Oh riagonaseaoaItig p isb pynperty. Wuen ho sair the stats r (0 e -hao~toyongaa gace will beome easy. You mnay by Novi supposiug tisai y.. h k a have the ftieudship or Goti! Wî'y, WO ve esi wias la, aud refiecteti ou the - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~q o 'iî'- anae oruursluta a anstr is t egeperatien pot s'lght to ard io couilt sifard te bave ail thO world againsi 1ac Ë,s hi wssl semc daiieiw bs NOT a OUESS or PUZZLE SCHEIMI --u ,w reolkto inetio tau nature tonao -liai a, STANhI BUSNE seroposititiie wt temnim Tf r-eir, -G Cmrýee a ge.i.blanoe of ibis vintue, but the grace sud; anhtadyusa u tc ssd ail otisar warlds a-ans us il BU h itn IieIanlsdoe r seu evNyESî ment au affec+s t tJ.ilt- f t eitfait - I- ot Gad nou ublîiel- lift Yen hniîo ht tics 4r" "a. A man bat ha nde had God fan us5. He cotild lai a m;ni rut ia he glory of Ireliid, ho doeter- A A batfmi Peeti havoecredthnusendsa.Ve ailue', Wa pvos. Sahhing on ths river Tisanes tire vassale Muet show blinsî frlsndly,," Fuiii Mlot oui ibis universe, sud li nohr iadtaptascpete cachna, ane auna, havieg tho p-auo aia st-kîs the th Inr hi int CONDMTONS: ltvwitu urns t iet ~ a goud ieowesa nagi10jthis Lv all forums of appîrapplate saluits minute niako s botter universe. I hav ibai bdeamaeupni- Tochperslîn suding-. 2s Cents iu ailvr -r. ý------'~ ri n th hodIait new j 0e , notss tsr IE .ME, Mail. in plaie wra pe, noonrei-eat, re.Circular -AJAX REMEDY CO.,,iOebnut. For sale lu Bwanvilo by SýTOTT& JURY Druggists. HE Can. deolnmoreno fr yeu inthe way of comiatable bedsansd gond mneals tisai tise FRANKL.Ift 1-USE , at Etes and Larned Ste. Itates, are 1..0.h 02.00 pen day, Amenrhcan plans. Wood- ward .,a dJeffesn 2L-AVe..are nisi>'a bleffl avay, vwth cars ta soXi pertes f tise u'hoeomcn. M-. M. JA MES & SON, Proprietor, but-es anl Lanmed St. Detroit, iLcli. hanses anti pulleti on the grountied ahi- snd puhlit ita piecca. The oamers nt the, oliser groundati vessai maitadti ihl the titis cane ii antI sasîly fleatead tiesa hhpeut ef!.1 'tii *-ahlE3. SOe May pull anti isul anti haul ai car gruntoti haman nature anti try ta gstith ie botter condition, but thera le nnthing like the oceanie tîdes a! Gad'a upiltn grace. If, irhou undon tisaflash of ibe IIky Chosi, us sue api Omis bibles anud defeçte anti de- pravithea, me tiihib. vorl-iulent andi Ivary easy wmtuliailers, W. mIN taq n hu ihoin oharacicr for tblngse ommenatary ad not dm=atpW. If ype monld mli your mira oye s IiMole ipiq 't4çarswasIi, yon moult int a M4te ln iv, t*?extrac- tion nI wih lwm0i keep ~us us yen moult not bave muob imae te aboul- -emua ro ansd -n Iînrts le nilit ns% he bam iin yaur ncdghlbor>'coe. Inaa Chnribtian spirileeep on oxpiowing thse charsoumns (Ç)hoss yeu ineai, antiI ami sure you mi ldsuehn uVsad for, a touiudation ni tràisililness. se poleÇ4 lih" tise esastethbîg osu eatb le te gi'v a ned, et reeogaition? Te swing tis ead f rons uidtute ide, as ilsen Il le maggcd la tenlsIon, ha nnnatural and izaci pler.eant; ta tbmnxvht back invites vecrtige, but te drop the etalu in greeting la na- comupanied.t igise httlee xeonnt iaiail day long anti every daýy you aslgbt prao. jtiGO itirithaut the leasi onaanao! fatigue. Sa, aiea. tis stra ur fnIthe baud isadicaies baud shisskhg;tise kn-àc Lkis nit matie se hat the langons can > mrnoui, but se wats eat tii. dungens eai3 tura ta, as izscIiispiru hante, anti tis thuasb >divqidsl 4,eaeand ti ot Inem tolie ngens, sa îlist- hilue p ng ùrs take yeusr aetgibor'a h-anti .î ga. .14e ttis 1umb takies il su the ctiqp, sud, presso4 togotihe, aIl tiieqlacuitis of is "Islt iepeld - ý l-e~'#t us le baud shahaîs;. Basides tisis evory- day ihea yeq mient eut lest yoursoli usp mii kInd theunglte. hiuti worel*, kiati andi ki4 naui tuastua Outrien bard iene h muate ail tinge. Tise muet bnillisîsi thing Iraoirn ta as ha ligisi,sud fan tise creamîhan nI that bhoahny uset a iWord af enînnanti. As out oe!asflini a, tmatiera- tiaon stnikesa a prk, no oui ai Sue Word flot @truck tise neonday sun. Fon the nîaking e! tise proeut univers. 1 ta net ron-d tiat Got i ited se lunch as a linger. TiseBible Iraq ueuuly apeaka o! Catis haut aud Gad'e arum ant Cod'e shanidon and God's beit; tison suappose he shouid put baud aud arm assiunîder anti foot ta utuiesi tension, what couiti ho îlot inake? Thai fldofai upb temnntrated sud uutiemioîîqimated stnength you înaay have fon ynur prasout sund t erlaatlng friand, mot a statoîy antircent Iri--a4, bard te gsi ai, bIit se appracl'ýAhle eeiniry nausinion sa mnur .e ail tise dauýresud mmndeirs ara amýi- ebit said, "I aims betour." -Asie aà ide dtion, saisigis tion, a >,ae ait alirsys open taon. My7 Iour-yoan nid chIu t ga bî-, di met «7 lausil heur, mter, wiec "Ya Sentiiag fon bis a3oaitategive hl= entersa taithe people mon, no hangar ta remoeatonestrain tise building, b. lun. stmuceoti hm ta hava tise pince enýcuoset iritis a Wall six foot high sud mal capet 'ta keep eut irespaseers. That biuig donce ho ment hie may anti dit not retuiru ta Irelsuti for tbree or four yoars. Ho tien founti, te 'bis aîmazemeut, tisai tiseait bastea bd disappearat anti lu us place thae m as a big mall iuchaing uoîhiag. Soudin;Ig on hie agent ho demaudtuet knNy wly bis ortiers bati nom beau car- ïIet ont. Thé agent hasstoti tisaitiey had beau. "But wmare l h.l.ensile?" temaudetd lise Marquis. "Tise ensile, is il? Bedat, I built ibis mal l i hit, My hardi 1I l Ine t d gong îmiles for iieaieisls miltish as In tella; thismassta isild tisemi Lard Lonadonder-ry bat sait aetiing- whbever about preservIng tishensilet wmmmli te no a thlag oethtie paît. Nover- 0 faul«sthi w-sU le a te" «ca. AFAIt,ýMVP MAGAIEtsî, ta iniciptie tise beautifel < A Spca"Chrisinas aumbor, we wMil ail % A~~~~~~~o an1nsa betlowu resentsynaa k\ select FREE. A bea1utîfi Qaear VictoriaV AGoit EssamneledScari Pin (thie latoît novelty,w V Afor iady anr gentleman.)valucci au ',121. on e SKloendike IDiamünut Sean!Pin a per i , e1, $ x: --alued at $1:25, or 5 Pieces oftkte La eut -sheet Music (Instrumntail anti Vocal) valut(i ut, $t1.25. (A valu :e of for2: c.' A Ynu slsould teke ad vontdge U; Asf er ' ON AT ONCE. A ____THE. Gentlemaa Farmer a zie A la the IIuaoeiPai az- ine A lu contains 96pýagesproluýely ilinstatot i fal V A us edliteti witha'ieý" wsakei amplond tiV A rdespcrnsIhe vstmuevei y tain firoîlie. lsss;tru(tive sud ltsete Cr 0.Dollar aVc t<l-.- ay B rother Jor'nha é?PuLi sh iun'1- a. V A Mauutta Bîsidiag A CIicago moiLhBr ca-nla ihomn and tlàen as ha ret iataopigant iiof Itheonieom9tÀcs, not unesad u uian nature, saici te ber, "Why lid iyenu nam y bI)oroe Sh ausivreot, 4"Thons irasn nue tao ry ta." Noir, I have te toi yous tiat irbil, bu - man sympaihy may b. absent dj-ia, aynDpathy la alwsys accessible. Clive God your love, anti gei bis have; your senvice, anti seur. br-ta houp; yeun repeutance, sud bave bis pardon. Gti a filenti? Wby, that ireana aiyoun wauads netiicsted, ail your surrows soat1isd, sud if son. sudtien Catastrophe shaubti huri you 'Out a! eanth it wmuid anhy huni you ie h-savon. The T-o Chritius. If Oed le yaun find, Yeu cannt go out of the Nirnît tua qulckiy on saddaly, go Iar as youn aira happinese le coneera1- eti. Thon.airene tireChristiase iro en ter- eti heaven. The eGu was standing ai a wriad.w qlu perfect hseslh,"watchiag s shoiror, sud the hiiglaig iaetàtauy lei hlm, but lb. lightniuýg titi nitflash dois thse ky ais swifily 'as hi£ spirit Ilased upirard. The Chnîsilan mia iho died oan the eame jay noxt door had beau fora syear on lire Iailtng lu healih, andi for the basi t treeo menthe had euffored Iron s discaso ithat amatie th*aiguts alee0plees suandite day. au anguih. De you not restl hly l kthat the case oelthe cal o n a tiitly 7wasemore desir- ahi, ibap thee whvo suierel the, shia- iug gaie ihrough a long îapeo f tlasania and congqestion -Inathe one csi mas Like your - standing wesihy ai a taon, knockluIg aud waitîtag sud wauýdejiag i wil eçver spçou5 and knecklig aadirat- lug aigain, whilin tu heo tiser eso te.w as asinging open nofith m(onai ithe tir9t toach aI youn kiauclibo. Qive your find- sbip tn Gat, sud hsvs God's finlailp Ion yaa, anti even the irors*i seoltent wilI b. a victary. Hoi r efrash4vg le huinan frheutship, %nd truc fionda, ihat pniceiose lenassures! Whou aloki2ees camas suad trouble camas aud testh cormes, ira suti fon aur trlonds finit of ail, andtihem appcarance ha oun daonwsy la ay enisie a o-i,;cnei sud whsi lhey -have entecd we say, "Now'lti i l aiigisil" Oh.iffbaiï mruid ire do wiuant peseýnai fris-nde, buâinefs frianids, fam-ly iëhnds? Bu.t w-a want seîn-tblag mhghtl. rthan hunean Iind- ahhy linii. egreutexigoacies. Wheu Joua- tisa Edvvands, lu bis limni bum, ad glven lise hast good-bys te ail bis earthly fInonds h. iurna4 su big piloi sud aset isi crys, confldautlY sayilng, ".Noir ihero la jus oI Nazanetis, nîy truie anti neyer tailllg IZtnindi" Yee, I admire buman frnshhp ses emia Iu tisecase ofDavid and Jànathan, oI Peul snd Onesiphonus, of Herder sud i3oths,,nI Goltsmith anti Reynolds, aI Beaumont ahd Fletceor, of Cowley sud fHsrvey, af Erasmuis sud Thomias Mone,,aI Lessing and Mondais& eon, ai Lady Chunchilsud Prineess Aune., orOrestes sud Pyladlea, Baci ne, questiag ihat himeeli mnghit Uesthe point of!ths dagger, se theailier migbt he spanod; of Epaînluandas ad Pélopidias, ivbn loeksd uhehs, shisîe la nbattle, deter- mninedti di. togethen, but tise grantiest, ths rsîgisthot, ithe teaderesi Iiendahip lu aIl the univ-ores is ibm findship beieon Jec>s CfE-lst sud a iseliovîng soul, yet t ell-tale signa or age. - useci Uaccording ta directions it *gradualiy bnings iack fthce Icolon nf youth. At fifty your *hair may look as it did atg fitecu lu t ECkens the hair also, stops it from fahhinag fren dautruif. Shiah ve sent yon ourboo~k ou the Mlain audis Diseases?j Ï70 e siAdvfc o Fs. Il yeo -ýetetti.astbebe»e- fits y ou elpeCtSfrei cn-eus f tise Vig.r, ;rite the doctor about ht. 11,b,y ibare is sons 4liffic~ wihyuTerisjsýtein w5 e eai ý ernje ÂLdress, J. C. AXEit,-Lowefl Maso Sanie peoîmi- i ,--i 'It-ineatus af s uppol onrtiaice BYSPPSI 1A. 1~