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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1898, p. 2

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Thie Canadiail Statesnian Ân ight Page, Forty-Eibt Colaimu Newspaper, is publisheri EVERI WEDNESDAY MORNING, ArTaHEOFFItCE 56 STATESRAN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY kl, Aï AES, Editor & Proprietor. Subscription,$l.50 par annum, or $1 00 if paid shrictly lu atvance. ADVERTISIiNG RATES Transient Ada atising. Ten Cents per tino, fist insertionj Five Cents per Lina each son- sequeul nsaertioa.. CONTRACT RATES. 1 lt tls 6ths 1 Yr. Onse Clumu----$20 00 f40 J60 51W Huîf Comn.... 15 0 25 40. Quarte-' Columuýii..... GO80016 St. 4 Xigbtlî Clumu .... 500 10 i8 26 Tweutyisve Unae ...4 50 9 12 55ý Twenmy LUnes ......... 4 M 6 8 1l Fîfiecu Lines.......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 Tan Unaes ..............23504 5lu6S Sm 11 Fire Lilaes............ 1 21 10 e 130 Tisa aboye are routzacat rates, aniiapaply ouily ta regula, husiassatis anisera. Chang-es of cautart ativartisemerts tn ast ha bandetiii at laser tliat once o'clock oaa Satumdaye -Ibis ule w-I lacb strictli enforeti. Paragrapli advertiseinnts amoîsg news items 10e a Line a cdi nsertion. Bîrtiso, 9lc; Marriages andi Deaths, 50c. fliaptaveti advertisements are mieasureti hy a cale of soliti noupareil andi sachrgeti. Ortiers for tiscontiisg 1native rfisemants musi bce in witi, tbemwise the publishean wlhl not be resioonslble. Na paper'will haeapp)eticuill ail arrearages arepaiti, except ttise option of tise pubhsher. A post office notice ro discotinue is rot, aufficteait. Double regiar rates araeharged dturing Ia:-eApril snd May anad Octobar, Navember a:;d pî-.embfer for tisplay advertialng flot con- tracter! for by the year, Ail kinds oi Job Printing done with aeafnass "W tespatclianid an reasanabie terrms. The ofce is supplsiedti ii a greaf variaty of the istest, an iMot fasidanable styles of type. Business notices iii local or uews c, lumnns isi Lnsertion 10 cents par lie Noupareil; 5 cents per. Uine eacb suissequent insertion. Notices ofmeet- augs oS any kiai at whlish an admissiali fac a barged or a collection is taken muai ha pald for. Ail cominuuications shoniti ha atdesseti, M. A. JAMES, llowmanville.Ont 'rtn STATESMAN is inaaJld regularly te ils subsoribers until a defiaila ai-tai- ta discontinue le receiveti and al ai-i-ars ai-e pai inlafSali. Subsoription1 $1,50 par annusn. Ifpait inla evance $1.00 par annum - A. E. DMaLAUG fiLIN,, EMmitar, Saliitor anîd Conveyancar. Office:- Bl1~akiy Bioe, Ringstreat, Bwavie Is eseîuytrue Fo! Ian 1 Pll, f o r etl. cilue evr cnta1i1-î',ud 5 gret rtivepowe ini eh ;at, aisvays eadi-, ai- ways efficient, aiways sat- ý lsfactory; prevatit a raid i). or fever. cure al l ier ilis, sire liendache, audicec castipîti on, etc. Ifs,. Tue only pîtl.staà,Aea wih oodIs Sarsaparla ion, tc , Tau E I . staua, a oCa adta O lr'seoa , susi ra" e. ufaihodunni Ma sun TEaRATyrr.daetu5e'ra$1<S ,'ie Six tam ~ waf% sa-il, aae, scaeS P i - ÇiSJC, 'iiTE . A73T0VE ai~ -s o . main 111edo BOWMANVLIE, EPT. 2, 1898 Vick1'a'Ilust.atxi Monthl forSep ,tmercntîs nariceonpunn rToeTiTiingYtuipa, seeti laxvng!.3sant planting lillies, soul for buiba anti other valuable anti timely suggestions for Ibis seasan o! the year. Vicis Pub. Ca., Rochester, N. Y. 50c par year. If tisera was ever a. specifir for aav ana complaint, thon Carter's Little Liver Pis are a specifie for alisk heat- ache, anti every woman, shoulti know this. Oaiy ana pili a dose. Try thein. Oaa hundreti pagiBs of reading matler xith about savontyillustrations, make up tise Septe miser'Magazine Number of Tise Onilook. Haîf a tozeii illustratati articles, a aloi-y, a sermon, war carra- spandence, anàthie usuel full editorial anti critical teparîments ai-e inclutieti $8 a ' ear. Tise Outlook Company, 287 Foui-lb Avenue, New York. Secrofrla, hip disease, saitriseum,d 'vsý papalea and ti ler diseases due ta impure blooti ai-e oui-ad hy ooti's Sar-sapariliel. Dit.FOWLER'S EXTRACTOT WVVILD STRAW- BERY-Nthing bas 3-et been fouati to sapai-cote il, for -Dierrboee, tyuofltry, choiera, clramps, colie anti summer coin plaints. Don't take a substitute. Ia-1 sis1 on gelting tisa gonuine. Leisure Rloui-s for Septembar is a beauty. Tise mantis a! lusciaus grapes la delincateti on tise caver of Ibis beaut- The, Methotiist Magazine and Reviow1 for September i7u a gooti number. Three, artice aeverY fully il!ustrateti " With the' Fishev Folk," describing tihe Canad- ian toilers af tiese ue; "Flemisis Plot- ure,"-het atiBruges, and "Hamp- ton Caurt and its Memaries. " An able paper b y Dr. Ross, an 'That Ocher Man's Conscience," wLil show where the individual respansibilitv ta aur fellows rests. Short article an "William Thse- ophilus Davi.,on," bv Rev.W.11.Adams Orono, and "Public Libraries," by thse Editor, and "Impor-tant Orieutal Finds" with Science Notes, Current Tapies, etc. Toronto: William Briggs. $2,00 a year; $1.00 for six monîlîs. Grand Remedy for Cumghs. "I have used'Hagy ard's Pectoral Balsam anti foun i lu a great remetiy for caugiss anti cod, and bighly recomýmendti l O.M Doherty, Cumuila, Ont. lu la qaîte common ta see ver.y hearty eaters very tim, uhis indicates faulty nutrition. The systerus of sacis people cr-ave uauri shment anti ton't get it : al - thaugis overworking utheir digestive organs they are starving slowlv because what they eautiaoesn't assimilate,- Mil- ler's Comipauntirou Pis increase the power of digestion anti assinmilation, sa tisaitishe fuil beneflu will bc deriveti fir wbai is eaten. This li noticabie in in- creaseti weight anti strength, andtihie general feeling of cisufart that followi their use. Lovely woman wlll aDpear at ber best when arraveti in the stylisis aud tasteful- autumu apparel shown so au- tractively in Thie Desig-ner for Octobar. Capes, jackets, costumes anti othergar- ments for thea growa woman, young miss anti little chilti are illustrated la thse most taking mannar. Tise lateuit linmillinery la also dis playeti. 2Asde from tisefashioîîl mater tisi nunaber coatains an Hollowe'en coînedy, two short suaries, an in stalmeat of an excel- lent serial on chilti culture, a generoius. supply o! fancy word patterns, , besities articles an cycling, current ,lîterature, floriculture, interior farnishings, teecup fortune talling, toilet beautifiars-, anti receipts for tise kitclîen. Standard Faghion Co., 82 West l4tis St,, New York. 1IIow SHE wAs TROULLED'61Iwas afflicteti with that tireti feeling' ant ihad, no appetite. A frienti ativiseti me ta tr-y ilooti s Sarsaparilla whilis I titi ant iin a short lime m*y eppetite was bettar anti that tireti feeling was goane., Since then we alwaî s take Haad's when we neeti a blooti purifier." Mrs.S Kinceh,Bieatrice, Ontario. Hoati's Plls are tise anly pills ta take with T4oud'8sapula Be sure and got Hooulu, NEW HAIVEX,. Mr. sud Mi John Wtýhëritige visit- eti friends in Toronito, Ycenitly. .....Mr. Gus Moore. Gaderich, visitetifri-ends here.... Miss Editis Gootie vislueti in Toronto, racently .... Mrs. Chas. Van- Camp bas returnedtota er home et Oma- ha, Neb .... .Mr. Will Mcore anti sister of Hlampton recentl v visitati Mrs. W.ll. C. 1. AT HAMILTON. arers of Ontaria'o, il!iiime~t iinHamnilton in Iheir tenith nnalconvention. 'Juutut aight years ega, the- second annuate. C. E. Convention was hetIIn the samne fair city. That convention was characi- erizati by magnulicent mausir. haîpful inspiring atidresses. Ail wiso were present xiii remember tise kindly,simple beartfolt wartis of tha late Professor Henry R. Drummoati, andtihie earnest massage, "Larger things for Christ," from R1ev. Francis E. Clark, D. D. Eight years have roliati araunti, anti again Hamiiilton ext'entis a warm wel, came ta avery Enideavo r la the Province. Tise meetings a! the convention begins Tuesday- afternoon, October 11., at 2 o'clack,. in the armory-Iba largest building ira the city-anti will continue uintil Thursdav'eveuiing Oct. 13.Every meeting la caýnnctian wiuis the Conven- tion,' except the Denominational Ralles will be belti on tue same building, wiîich wiil ha comfartabiy ýýseateti andi beauti- fully tiecarateti witis flags, bannera anti convention calai-s which is xii be purpie antigalti. The nausir o! the conventian iii be, untier the direcýtin fDi'Mr-. W. F. Robinson wbo will contact an'lus mense choir o! 500 voiceq. A number o! taleuteti saloista anti telarge orchestra will elso asaist, with ail, the mascof tise lents annuel convention no doubt, xil be of tise verv best quality anti, a most dlightful part af the pragraus. Ina the- malter of speakers the array of tLal1ent presents an irresistible attract- 'ion. Tise Sllowing are among the speakers oxpectedt6tabe presanu ,11ev. Munga Fraser, D. D,, His Warship Mayor Cal quhaun, 11ev, R. Johnston,B. D., 11ev. Ellîot S. Rowe, HIon. Gea W. Rassa, 1ev. Elmare ilarris, B. A,, 11ev. J. A. R. Dickson, B. D., Ph. D., Miss Lottie E. Wigging, 11ev. A. F. Mc- Gregor, B. A.. N. W. Hovles, Q. C. anti 11ev. Francis E. Clark. D. D. Tise Junior Worksisop, Scisool o! Mthatis anti the exercise I'H. M. S, Juioar Endeavor" will be aoI mare tisan artiinary interest. Tise asual cheap rates xiii prevail, i. e., regular first- clasa single fare for round trip. Ený- deàvorer iii «yau be thora? You xvîllj miss macla by remeining ai home. The Endeari-rs of Hlamilton axtenti you, a isearty welcome anti will entertaini yau masi isaspitably aItisheir homes. Ta inaure yau a billet senti in your name anti eddress on ar before Oct, luit ta Mr A R. Gibson, 84 John St., North. At tise same time pleasa natify the County Socrtery o! your intention af gaîng. Exchang-es pleaso capý.-Eti. VIGOROUS OLD AG E. MR."W.Mf. ELLIOTT TELLS 110W TO >OBTAIN IT.e He lIas Been Subjecita Fainting Spelis anti Cramps-Was Gradup.liy Grow- __________________________ 1 1 t magazine. "Lawn'l'ennî is re vGou... jurE. I. vanCamp anu Mirs. atug iVY itKer amII iv eaKer. ________ presented in very natural attitudes by Jesse Tenul reoentIv visited Toronto IFromn the Echo, Plattsyille, Ont. H htHsMuh DR. J. C. MIITCHELL, the artist. This plate is unusually chic Toronto friends. .. .Mr. Will Frankcon- ehuHiilot. SEBEROF COLLECE OF PHYSICIANS Jand dashing- The Ladies Paris desiguis ducted the service here last week. DIr. Williams' Pinký Pis have attain- Ba0âelors are flot usu:ily crediteti with S..LYL anti Surgeonîs, Ontar o,Comone-r, etc, Jin fine, resmk nr, aupievnoi Xaai ed a inast enviable reputation in this mi ,l Imwarijg iii theo ofr uf ildh-rn i Resictence. E-nnisaplicn. 74 1 D. BU~RKE SIMPSOLN, B ARRISTER, SOLICITORi, etc. MORRIS' .>BLOCK, np-seairs, King Street, Bowmaua ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. ' Private niontys iaanied ai iowest. rates. ROBERT YOUING, V. S. O FFICE 1 N'WEST DURHAM NEWS Block, whereWhmacif or bis assistant will be found from 8 a. m. to 9 p, m. Nîght eaiis at resideDce, directly opposite Drill Shedi. Calis by teleg-raph or teltplione wili receiva prompt at- tention.17 -yr. R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemei'sCîothes matie to Order. NEW TAILOR SHO?. The undersigrned wlio las heen rarryiag on thse tailoriîîg business in cannection wlth Mason's Dry Gootis Store for a number of years bas commanceef business for hiaiseif at bis roanîs Kiag St. west, wlisre be is preparedte t make gents and boys suits Ini ail tbe iatest styles, and atilowest prices. For those wba wish to order sais, lie wili carry a fou u lne of samples lu al thea newest patterns . (P1ive hlma ral J. T ALLIN, Fashionable Talior, BO-WMANIlýILLE BICYCLE 1-AND- General REP AIR SHQP. Practical Maehinist, Tool Maker, Look and Gunsmît,. Speciai Machinery for handing Bicycle Re- pairlng in ail uts bi-anebes, and'ali Fine Machin- ery. (JYCLISTS.-Ilave your wheeis put in triai by a tboronghiy practicai macbinist. Bicycles,, Lawn mowers, Sewing macines, Ciocks, Typewriters, Rifles, Culery, Loeks, Eiectrie Beils, Dental and Surgirai Instruments. Safe Loeks, Iran, Steelan 'd Brass wark af al kîsids, MARKET BUILDING, Bowmanyille ONTARIO BANK1 0Bamuville Ag'-acy - DEPOSITS receiveit lu Sas-ises Banik Departuseîsh anti an intercat allawcd ahcarrent rates. Notice cf wtbirliawai naeasamy. Ali dapasifs payahu on damuns, EXCHANGE Boug&ht and soldaaitdDraft, isouet upan Bai-opa. Uitet! States anti Cainada, lso Colt i Sus andt Uniteti States rean'tcks bongisi anti solt COLLE~CTIONS Pronspfîy mad tiaieurreisf rates upan ahi parts, o! Great Bitai, tise Un'ited States anti the Do- mnou cf Caadau. Tele-grapli ý,Transferà Stade "s1s-'cis Iais-0 rus ahiparis oi C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t ,s ',a Oa al .vat5au ar- sers 4v,,, a...'. -i . ~. ~. W tu mal,-c, ~. ~sa.' a~aga ripes .naýI covering t our o! tilarge quarta pageti. A faw relialue agents lantiifreni sac- lions o! tisa counntry eau fiat profitable employement by addi-essing Mi-. Chas. A. Dixan, Publisher, 908 Ai-cii Street, Philatieiplia, Pa Loads toi Hre altil nad HappinOýssI. Paine's Celery Com- pound used by a Mother' and her Daughter. Rheumatism, Nervous- ness and Kidney Dis- ease Ban ished. A letter tliat should inspire hope A Guarantee of new lite to every sufferer. Wells & Richardison Ca. eomtipljesto fin a t2pr,, Hpnlaaaa ajin. 1 fliiik i na telly yii Wftitiusn otMSSE E AY R ta you'rag-arding tise beneflus tieniveti bv my teugister anti uyse ff Srn tise use a! vour Paine's Celai-y Conpaunat For y cars I xvas troubieti xith i-rhat- matismu and uervouanesa. I1xvas treat- et by tiactons andt riet madicineafater mieticine withaut, aay gooti rasuis, aFortuately a friand o! msne ativiset me fa, i-y Peine s Calai-y Compounti. f titi sô, anti ater using four baIlles 1 founti I xas stronger anti becter than I bat beau Suýr yeurs -My taugister as caret oS iituaiiseasea ater isaviîsg suffaredSar ixels e >ouis, bv asiag a few baIlles o! Peine's Cëeaiy Conpount. 1 advsse ail suffering froin riseumatisas nervousnessandst kitnay troubles ta give t he cempoant a triai. Yourss siniceriev Mns, L- T,,LEaaAVr, Ci aeau-, Onlt. xvomun xvha tesire canifort in tisis world lsae coi-n shelier. Patnam's Carn Ex- tractai- shela coi-ns in txva or ire ays, anti witbout tiscousfart or pi. A huai-red imitatians pi-ave tise value of Pulnam's- Coi-n Extradai-, xvhicb ýs ai- ways safe sura anti painleas Sec si- nature o! Poison & Co.,io on each bottie Soiti by medicine dealets. Purest and Best for Table and Dalry boadultera.tlon, Neyer cakes., COLUMBUJS. A vory interesting xetding bois Place on Watnestiay -14, et'tise rosi. tance a! Mi-. Samsson Roberts o! Calums- bus wben bis sister, Miss'M4ary H.lRois- aria, taugister o! Mrs. Rosilla Rlobants xas uniied in mariage toMn. Williamo J. Poilock zo! Bark's Feuls. Tke bride xvas assistet bv bei-cousin. Mitaýs Anale Nicisofiso! Uxbiiitge and alsa aeatetie by boe- nioce Besale as maiti o! houai-. Isi groomi was supparteti by bis broth- er,MrRbr Pollock o! Brooklil. Tisa cerepuony was penSai-mati bv Rev, E. A. Tonkin o! Colunubu)Is, Tise bride' was p-eseasleti xiti a amber o!f seful anti costly pi-sants. Tise guesta xvene'tise immediate relatives o!' the bride anti groom. The happv coupleiefttise same evening for Bowmanviiie, wisere tbey xiii spenti thei- iîoneymoan visling fri-ents before repairiing 7to ubeir aew homo in Brandon, Manitoba. 'Fbeyj xiii be foiloxved by 'tisa beat xvishes andt beurtv congratulation o! lhier many1 friands. If you use Diamond Dyes You make Dollars. If You use Poor and Adu!lerated Dyes You rulin your goods and waste Mone0y. Tise ladies o! Canada knawxveiiuaI lise using a! Plamant Pyes means is saving a! marny dollars, andti iousancts cointnuniity. ni-obat l, fiaotfar mati- ciao bas bat sucis a large ant i ees- iîî sale haro. Tise reason la tisat tis medicine curas. Oit anti yaung alilce ut-e, benefitteti hy its use. Racenuly xe printetd an aceaunu of a remankabie cul-e oS a weou knawni lady o! Ibis place thi-ougi, :.tbe atganoy o! Dr. Williamns' PinkisPls, ent since puhiiisiag tisai we bave ise'rd o! anathor sirailai- case. Mi-. Wmn. Elliott, a fermer lizing near Brigist, la a ýweii kuawt figure there. Aluliaugisan o ait aie aalust asi i xvalks ta tise village, e distance of near- iy a mile, for bis mail. Manv ycanu ga hae came fi-onu Scatienti ta tis aim an xvicis ha naw lives anti cleereti il o! foi-ast. la conversation itbhlm, lhe ralatet ta an Eciso reporter tisa falloxv- in,-: "I eus78 'years ofa!eaanti strang eudtbaaitby for an olt ma. Mine bas been a vigarous constitution anti up tli six yeers a g. Iardiy knexv xhut it xvas ta have a da 'a'ý ilinesa. But tisen mY heultis beaua taSali. I bocame sabjeci ta ci-ui'ps ilu t'he slomachi. I xva's real- et b 'y doctors, but raceiveti no benefit 1 gradually grew xveakei- anti as I xvus pat tise lsree score anti ton I thougist my lime hati came. Next I bois Sint- ing fils anti ofian I xvould bhava ta bo canotd back ta tise bouse entirely vbelp-: bas Thse toctors saiti my trouble tras general wk ds ue ta ait ugo -anti ativiseti me to ar arisoe stimulent iiis me to use whlenI 1fait a falalmuesa cauing on, bai ibis I refusetitta I but ieut ln tise paper o! Di-. Wiiiiams' Pinlu Pilla anti thougbt tisev wouiti ha specualiy udupteti ta my case. 1 t-led one box but tisey dit niot seemn ta help me. In fuel I theugisl I Soit worso . 1 deideti t- continue Iheus, howevový, anti a! to- taking Saur boxes there xvas a mai-ket im rot'omeaî. My strength returned auia 1was sua langer iroubled wilh fat - ing speils. Ina six months' lime with tisg treafimeat I gained fifteen pounds, taking in ail eigist boxes of lise Pills. To day I um a xvell ma anti I owe mv complote recoves' t D.WliasPn These pilla cure niot blv purging tlhe mysteni as do ortiinury medic ines, but by eiiing tise blooti and strengtbeuiag tise ai-vos. -They cui-e rbeuusutism, siatice, locomotor ataxia, paruirsis, heuart troubles, erî-ysipelas anti ail forais o! xeaisnasLadiles xiii fiat theus ui uniclitiustcine for ail alimenta poculiar ta tise ex; restaning beultis anti vigor, antid -nig a rasv giow ta paleatnti suiow cheeka;. Thora is uia o)tis(erý meticina 'ýjutst us gooti." Seo that tue alnl nama, Dr. Williams' Finis Pilla for PalePeopla. la an everv packs- but. it is evident that tbey stutna hava originai uaatsoïs' A mnuidle-ageti gentleman, a! that samie a! h!'-, svcnt lu tolsee bis nsarriedsister, anti foiiatl ber trying ta amsuse ber lule boy, Who uns about five yars aid. Nat long afrsr ho ur-ivet se stépfsed ont of tise ronîn ta attend tas seame on sobotI unatter or otiser, leavlng fisiwý A4)megistisaheriili. Tisa boy ayad is'im dubiously for seuie minutes. Ha -,as' a sFsaaMssd ahilti, if aver tisera e a ana, anti hati no idea & af king praomis- cuaossaatrlsnlcs Uihe bbeiasatrieti ta malta the littie one laugis, but ail'he gaI for bis antdoa wan a saur leok. Flnally,, wifJ'aut xvarn- ing, the eh«~bas-sioue rrying. 'Becs waa a qmaandat7, fte ha sure. Tise man ditin't dura ta pick the boy up anti soatise hlm, I-is atuampts lu a verbal le weore dl.çmal fai4iures. What shoîsîiise da? Ftnau1f a thouegit st-udt bihu. "Ci-y lbuder-f saiel the ma. lise cisilti obeyeti. "lLoutiar yet," urgdcthetisahielor. A yell wen.t tap that xvruld bave doue oredit ta amea Indien. "Louicýr st4i,"' insisteti tbe maandi the boôy tifd bis beatta a bey "Luirl lirly bowliat bis unclaý. "I won'i," aýnespëde I snfant, and lie shn' 1bisl ea w itis.n,,Ilok anditas quiet far tbs i-est o! tiseda. The Goiti of Traht. To set ae's mind nainiy an externai mis a.d eawIslanozS a mark o! tisiun. Many persans pi-lie tise Bible for Isg eotyand ieautiful bissting, pepe anti Cprln -11ybut net for is oontenol. Ilt ise revalatïou e4hIin tia bok tsait gives it ia &ise A&nw isoak May lisve rostiy anti beaut1hl imaitei-4 iin ls cavera, but nà totsr - book lb to full of thsegsld o4 rta sa fthe Bible. Tb. saune is tnise af an7' publlcaticu-its vailue is in itsmatter. The -clreap zpapr back doeal net alter tise hinilic yâu4 of tise boc. Tise volume o! the fiest* ssaieia]s and filieti til the sost beauMlul h lai! 4anepicturesa is notblng to ltàetýtii-Y- pilgias wunderin* aven ts, trae]tjess dostýrant Sahaa if tà tait hlm ndZ bow to-finti bis ay-. Boa- tifrd seýrinionisawe the e» VhNtiat feér Aire feelings o! dratitutis absent Ia toionP 1flat claver ga'tleman 'wbo doas tise Pi-i veoDia»uin laCornisillisl not quite sati-fflu isiEsa ti#4 ubject. Ibis la bis way ,eofpatting il: "As gratitude dependa upon imagination, il may xveîl isa tisait omen., iaving less im.iginatiÈon tisan mn ar ie lc , ea'ifel. Tise doctai- A GREAT CARBIDE PLANT. Eniargmeut r t-eEstabiishmeamt at SntSte. Marie. Tise0 Uniren Carbide Comparly of Chaois arranging ta grentiy eniarge is plant et Saut St. Yarie for the production 0f calcium carbide. The pl.nt at Niagara Falls will ha conitiniueti, but that ut Appletan, Wis, wiil, it la sai, bu diaoatiniuat. As la well known, an intense boat is necessary in the furnacas of a carbidu plant ta fuxi tbe materiais of whicb the carbide is compaseti. Tbis boat is best sarureti by the passage of carrants of electririty tbraugb great carbon ressiauces embetidinir the fua-naces. Twenty dynamos will bo used jn the pl.ant a oSo,antiythebave bea'n purchased. T1heseý machinas are single-phsase, 10w -trequenry aleruatars of 500 kilowatts each, doiivering 2,500 aîuperas at 200 volts.. They wil ha ex- citeti by fivo direct carrent machinas af 100 horse-poýwez each, andi the large'order also includes the switcbboard. The dynjamros will ise gater-driven, tbe plant bcýing locatcd at the fauis of the Son for that purusýose. It ih saiti that the caparity of the plant, whiois will ho the larestinl the wcriti fer psotucing cai-bide, wili he 100O tans n day. The buildinges wili ho largoeanaugli toaracousimodate doubla the initial caieacity of generatars and fnrnac"e. The order for the alertrical machnery is ane, of the largest over placed for aiternatingruerrent ganeratara. Whe Late Mis. Lyun Lintun. Mrs. Lymnî Linton, wbo bas mast dieti ai ber residence. at Maivara, was nlot orly oe of thse nost wîdaiy rend aovalists of oui, tima, but wl ha for long remem- berati as one o! thse mosi pungent erities o! ber sox. She was borna t Keswick on Feli. 10 1822, ber father being vicar of Crosth- traite, and ber miotber the daugister of B'ishop Goadenongb h o rfae She was somawbat of a "eotn dalugbter," anti spent more time among ber !ather's wail storked isookebselves than he approvoti. Sho carly formeti an ambi tien ta havýe a raroor, whichs liketrise; scandalizeti ler fanîily.Fo those times sbe wns dacidediy'ainct" She camie to London when 23 yeara ef eganti began ber story-writing wvith "Azolb"' the Egyptian. Tbiis ue fol- loTred up witis "Anymuon'e: A Romance of tbe IPays o! eroe "whlcb she brought ont with tbeecnoouragepmant anti ativice o! Waltcr ,S"vage Landor. Among ber best-knawa eariier works are: "Witcb Storiàs,"1 "Grasp Your Nettie" (1865), aseti "fOurselves; 1 sys o Wamnen." lu gas, howver, witb the pubs- Ulcation in 1872 of "I'be Trac History of Joshua :D.ividson" that barc naine waýg really madie; anti no long interval olaps-et isefare, titis book w'f~jSwdby "Patricia JKemhall" "'theWorld Well Losi,"' "Untier Whieh Lord?' "Witb a Siliten Thrcad," '"1Cbristopher Kirklapi," and i nan'yira. Mrs. Lgsen Lisitai, oen a! 1er reaching tihe ailotteti span af tbree score year's anti tan. was'stili very busy with ber pan. Till vary n sariy tihe iast sha warked bard, altRrsaing ber Nvor.k witb orfn and ,-flt. 2 S PIlIrING orl13100» UEBUi'YTh, 410Mi o ChIe 11Il x S1ai% nMost MmIesC. By the ald of The 1D. & L. Ersplnlk, 1 bave gotten rido!aiiarklng cough whichhaEctroubled efroEr a year, and bave gained r.mýnldûr- tbiyln welghi. T. H. WINGHAM, Cf., Mntreal - ec. and $1 per Dttie DA/VIS~ & LÂWRFE G O,. iited, MONTREÂL. 0 MALIRIED PEOPLE LIVE LONGEST! TrZ, mtim. uy the MaIage License from "M. A. JAMES spuonuedb y theGov er'iment, Is'suur .or t h e Coainty of Durhaili,':ind itb properg-ý care wlilliast alife,-tiiue aud K7" give you happ)ie.s.r MORAL -Doin'tremraïi un- marriefi. Yo)u can aiso arrangerý to.bave the VWadding Cas-ds and couspiete audit printed la orthodox fasiibvîoir obliging hlunbie er vant M. A. JAMES ssuer of Marriage LiceQnse at bis residenre2-7 C1temrSt.. nUr ait':iaSTATES MAN ofifice, Bowmaaviiie. Tf-IE RJ',K-4L iANC( Loan and Savings Comnpany, Of Ontario iucorporated tnder Cbe.tpter 160 , S. O. 1897 BOWMANVILE LOCAL BOARD) M. A. JAMES, Esq.Prien (Editor anti Proprietor QCÂEUDIÂN STÂTF-5MfN) J. H.JURY, Esq. vice-Presidlent (Druggist and Opilcan.>, R. D. D AVIDSON, Esq ebol Secretary- atuleratti tvesm eiIar agcerreY oa buy., :If your tealer toas nattli ' T.II -Suieii hur"saea goas ntitie bs ! aoay. hevon-hstve tbeeus, they xiii ha sent poat paiti uneo iz n f-mîe ailmet." To sugur Messrs MACDOUGALL&J:ONES, Solîcitora ,godadtelsofon.. heo- aI 50 censis a b x, or six boxas for 82.î5,thse piîi, isowever, tis- îisrist gjags: "In (Equity Chsambsers, Toronta) dan worliag.Diemonti Dyes com byinal1ap immense vuniaty,mneril anti funss yadloqii ýtise Dr. Williams' Mati- defense oa!,tisa aisauugneti sex 1 aboult ilike JOHN GAU D, Esq. Vlao DianodDys re reare i fotvcine Ca., lBrocl-kville, Ont., ai- Sobaneet- ta record a cafaof gratitude la a goîne1ai(Bulder and Contractai-.) DiaraniDys re reprei l farI adv, New Yii.tisaileSt me a litail, uaaurnfui. I lied senýjt W. W. TAMBLYN, Esq.. M51 A. aigisi tiSeront colora for tisa coloring of _______Chfflotteý a bc,(,' for beai- hrthd-yý lacs (Bowmauviila 111gb Sehoal.) uvool, sutk, feuthers anti cottan goats. Ia time a! gi-oct trouible lb la some autuun, and i-t h e'cakfast te-day sishe Minuta anti simple directions go, gitis cuori Atafiat oisers ini trouble aslo. Raîi: ', rts you for tht e icigsni O nena anxeraJs a eaecispackage oS Diamoîîti yes, 5 so tba o as n"'h'Isil tat yna-' iealiennýate een as, tisa moat inaxperienceti persan eau do wsi? îersa. at hrot.~pi aivn n atig .eS as gooti trns as a professionel tiser, fo,"Dà 1o' adCaLýe l anra feigadsoh Bear ini mitsti that imitators aire con ae ut ar tA 1 sl tiusually hi-sing ta copy tise ste le at iPaie. package of Diausoid as, Whea yau a, yîiPaer cmeionecrtiepwisfLa fauy tiyes Son home de eing ýseeta ta oui-IrhArl a 5.1 S'ru u-fr-ml .vePliTyarsuetcr. dealer suppies you with he Dia tnantiý long c e rri <i"of Ihmuty, las-oie ns ai______ Dyes ; 1no other make o!ftixes wIl 1do PFRMAN ENLY U t051 eo i i "ia- an00'n THE FPAR, r,'Xsitf prfns o odç youir wori. titis profit anti sati- 1 in iioiuaiiyrei fCm ra ulia, mns o uIula !ios-name iseraits tiseim tise t tna -,j Sos_] ati W lls&uchai-tson GCa. Mon lis-aifrly s "-sab1a, 1r--ibe ici, imeneý-. kaîgaii aai 0aoit uaaaCinEt-co u ua ra* orvdalbokISmeiiasiaa 1msa pptle absala tiansa ndstsimple aoutolai-b ; scust Iiipaa ctsiaa c? c ct.Aidbaiy finirwa io -oisdrsXntiy Fi!tv imitations prose i1110 h lise , Si-ce teauni-address. TPE DIXON CURE.CO.,.401PacteAva., Mo.tîeal. applications nu - -.,antuings gin A riuggit1 ratiser Obsin Ietter- For OVER Fli'TV VEARS. ,,,WnsowsSoothîingSyrup ba beensedbpy mnillions of Moeher' for e hi dlen white teehin. I ditubef atnigt n roken of your V rilb asik lchiid sffrtl and cryin with the 1pa1*i of dning tee r-thscridi t ncean get aboulte of?>Mrs. Wniw'SfbigSyrup, for ChildinTeýet!iiig,. T, wiil re liee the poor lite afea t once.Depeîd uo irimothers, there isnio ist k botit. <t (cures Djarrhoea regulates the stomacb a, nd bwlcrsWind Collc, softens the gitns, reduces inflammation, and gives toer ant iiergy te, file wile system. Mrs. Winslows' Solothing Syrup for chldrea teething is pleasant to the taste anid ie the pre- scription of'one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25C a bottie. Sold by ail druggIstsc, hro,.gb- ont the worid. Be sure and ask for Mrs. W EN- SLOWS, Soothing Syrup. TOWN 0FBWAVLE Bowmni'ii sbeahtîlu1"Ylysitua["Lt iluail einience, suitroudii b pictuesqe senery, overli oking Port Bowmîwmville Ilarbor S o La ke Outarlo, aud one of the prettiesi expansas of water lu Canadat. Iu sommer boas ply daîiy lut fuill view up aud dowu and theafine hoats of the Orarin & Richelieu Lia eal boili ways lia sommner. Tire population ai Bowmnanville is be- twaan 3,)00 sud 400 SfrecEts and sidawalks are first ciass and i auisome realdancas are inuimer- 0115. Streets,,pabltc buildings andi rasidences are iq4hted ,witb eiaectricity. Abundance, 0f spriiu w ater, go oitddrainage and raliabie fire' p)rotet,ioni. The postal service as ail that cauhe des-ircd. The Domninion Oýriait&- Piano Co's. grea I itoris fr mauufacturi gPianos, Or- gau, IicirieRims, etc., are locatathere ;aiso, the Dwmnvile lubbeCo'wors. Thera are, excelen Pulie ai i~r Scao .~,notsurpass, cd lu Cabnýcla for-equipmnc aniaficeny The churehes are MAlî,hoit,Prsyrin Episcopîiian, Congragational, Disc iple a;nd Roman Cathoile. Onily wo hotels withreo- able rates and other modemn couveiencues. Stores arc ionmerons and carry fuli lines of ail! klnid, tilirst class goods ;cotmpetition is ken and i.prices a;'Ion DIasin a eity. ýTelegraplh and telephonaiesy* stefms couneet the town wltb al plac ecar andl distatnt. Port Bowmanville ip becolu favorite sommrner rcsort, being ,ouae of fic mos healthtul locations on the nortbh Tna rATSMAa laIba opuar lcaJnews- Thic ownilstands ready to oSier h-ueiraildu- Ineurs 10 factories ta locta l Bomanvine Cor,ïresponidance ivited. ders ara easy totaka, harraless it ac- tion aand sure to cure any hieadaches lu fromi 5 to 20 minutes. -T -tý- f 1 or

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