~, - - Th alaial&aeffal BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 21, 1898. (Prom Toronto Gloe.) arhngs Forth a $tory. i iW., tise utinersigpod, __ certify that bise hellh )of tiseBey. B. A. ___ Bilkey has for mouihs j ~~--'b a a sen deterlorating, ianti that hleisnow "--suffeing from e eveaie cnosprostration, and urgeuily req-usire immrediate cuti prolonged rosi. J. W eaglu M.D., A.Beitis, M.D., L. Holi Raid, THIS INTERVEW TELLS IT. A reporter calieti on the Bey. R. A.. IBiikey, rector St. John's (Episcopal> Churcis, Bowmccvilo, Ontario, cuing a ohurcis funciion, anti ou congratciatiug jhinm ou the great change ton tbe balter in hie appearauce, lice eveenti gentleman saiti, "Il la due eotio-eiy 10 Dr. Wart's Bbooti and Nenve Pllie. 111 suffered for aver blines yecrs froua extrêe nervousoss, weakiees andi pros- tration, ati conîti nut obtain relief. A fs-w nonthe ago h beomme ouly ton sp- r a-ou tisai extrema nervous prostration cd sel iu, as I loei flash anti appehite rapidly. Three of our four uetilal menx pronounceti me ha urgent ueed ot immedi- ea eand prnoaged rast in ondar to 'osalti up my nervous qystew, gving ne a certifi- ct. te ihat offeci. About ibis limne,' by pure rciqent, Dr. Ward's Blooti and Nerva Pillgar'ieebroait 11Y not.ie. deidedt 1 try Ihen, anti on doinig so a deideti change for the belier took place 56t once. I have since qonlinueti lekong ,,e pis, with coctinuati anti narked hune- fil antiimprovemnint. My appetibe lias reiunuot. I cmi gainLog ln fiesli steaadily, sud my general heach is n-w gooti. Puriher, I cm sure thai thase rasulte are due 10 the acian of Dr. Ward'e Blooti aMdNanve Pilla, and I hava avery confidence that they w'ill do for oIseosal biat they have doue for me" ur.,'yard', ciese ad eueIIsare sodaet ir ,ý r bs 5boxes fr 50. ai Drg isti. or o raai r eon -ur fp o? piebY siro Dr. Ward Go., 71 Vicoria Sreet. roront. 5okof ain.a $100,000. A large sein of nsoney bas beeuî piaud ila my bands bv -a private persan for iovastinnt, on approvatilaaas an tarin seeartty for a tarinof Fj -c- orTl'n years, ai 5 1-2 par cent Ic1tercst wil a as'keti payable yoarly, Satisfac- tory eooditions for reennt will ha arrutigati. salitor, l3awcanvtle- Da t etu. Isi, 14.,4' - if. a- ~ ~ ~¶?~'3 e.~ aW"~ A Book for Young and 0k3. DUR WF WcdRE M2ORDo flhlt~ M N agin.inature wbeu ignorant of the taible crime yo,,a thefaintnelruenso Ii vi' habit? Whua tonlaie aviaidthe ter- rible recuits, wemo yaar eyes opened te ; -3r peit? Bld y u ltter ou in mac- !,oodeeentactaor PellAIE orBLOOD dirifWerauenred? Joyoanow qanti than sue saeaiaruiug symptoms? Dare yenn amr lunyour rasant 0cou- dtib Y? onknow, "LIRE FAIllER, LIlhi SON." If mac-lad. are yeu con- ýtntîly living in dtread? Je uitaucageae failure wiih youon acont ofany weak- Lase c'Iaurri by caly abuuo or ltar e. csses? lav a rocsbeon druggcdwvith mmcur? Tbis bookli witi point out te y ou the rusvlt s of thase crimes and caot ont bowo oasNEW METLIOD TREA, - MNT viii positivoly cure 7(en. It showýil'uwtboacands bave beea e'cdby our N'EW IREATMENT. t proves bow w n 7UsIIARANTEE TO CUREJ ANI -IJIADLE CASE OR NO PAl. .Wo tret and cur-EM)LISSION., VA ETCELI qYPITILIS. GLEt, SIICIUR ,MIPOTENcy, SE- CRET1 DR1AiN1S, 'AUALD- Î iA7cE'c f-, L ran BADP, "The -Wages cf Si" sent free hi' eouosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION F R E E.- If unebla ta rail, write fer IONBLANIC for 1HOME - ccï. KENNEoYî 0 RGA. -1 I A M AJA.1T O: TobR7CURE IV - SOS * > Crr eu., a.ansd fit o 1niau. O-ao nor r uo ers . - Prvo', Lu,îîanCu nipsî i le eUme'tiuThuircornv modrt rpoe viet and ffect a e IjiR craal otisr fe l I- su8t ,ponl havtng hsceueAax Tablets. Thoy haecora ltho.sanda aour!wL lne n.We gve e pos- itive witten goaraute3 -o ffst a cure , su 'ach case or refuird the suuuay. PetýIO A~ FS S. per peck-it; or six plues I(fu treaimcfo t2.50it. Bu' mainpanwppruonreiuf re.crur For sle umnii ySOT&J Druggists. THE DET HOTf!j L' DROI? T Can do no more for Yen ln the way of coufotable beds andi good menS. than the FRANKL.IWN OUSE, at Bates and Larneti Ste. Bates r. $1.50 te Sz.oo per day, American plan. Wood- wardi and Jefferson Ares, are only a Slok away, -a'tt cars to all parts ft tie uity Bxailnt aruemmoustonsfor bheelme. years in which ît bas beau carried, but ebip captein ours~es hie creý, andi the The Day of Jutigment. stili as keen andi mighty as when David master buder bis men, andi the back IBut is this ail? Thon' it le onîT a iret unsheatbed if. I em ome that driver bis horse, and' the traveler thequsinftnowethlstvtief in the cburc of Goad, and lu ail styles uft stone that bruises bis foot or the mud 1 usinoiieWouteIs etg f thatsou bi ehesor te dferiveime purity andi home wlll v*nish ont of ight.. refor mator7 work, what we imost need ta ol i heo h ee-ieiýe Humar arnms, huinan piens, huillan now isa battlecry. W3, raise aur litile piee tha geta hum toae ta otIe rail voices, hbîuuan talents, are îlot aufflient. standard andi put en it the naine of solieI train. I arraigu profane swearing auti 1 begin ta lQoakUp. I list,3n for art4llery maan Who Only a fevi years a-10 began ta blasPbemnY, tWO naines for the saine romblilg down the sappbire boulevards Wie god ina fcoureýs illt as r, ie.thing, as baiDgo na of fhcgiLLznterimes of heaven. 1watch ta Hea if lu the morn- Iniqtity'dependinig toc inuch n humn 5san as if It weee about turne for 1 lng sclimiters. Oh, for Gad! Dae it tnt agencies. We use for a battlecry7 the naine Gad ta arise. aei ii for bis appearance? Is it mot ot soa brave Christian reformer, but The Day of Drink. tio for mail lande ta cry out, 'ýLet Gati after awfhle that reformer duecs or ffets oid Then look for a monment at the evil of arise, and let bis enemies ba scaitereti?' or loses bis courag-e, andi îba'e fte1 druiiksanoss. Wbethcýr rau live in Wasb- I àot a letter as ing me if 1 id im ot aniother battlecry, and this titue perbape in-,ton or New York or Chicago or Cln- tbiuk that the earthquaka tuinanef our wa put the namne of soine nue wbo bc- cinnati or Savnnah or Boston or in any chties wae tbe Divine chastisement on trays the cause andi sels out to the 'eni Y. of tia citioe af this ]and, couint up the tint cirt' for is sins., Tbat latter 1 au- What we wan t'for a battlccry laz the naine saloons on tbat &trect as cosupared wth swereti by eaying that If ail aur Amien- of soine leader wbo will neyer betray us tbe saloons flvt. years ago, andi ee they eau cities gat ail the punishinent shey andi will never surrender, ani will nover are grawing far ont uf proportion ta the deserve for ibeir horrible impururies the die ircreasa of the population. You peuple eartb woulcl long ago bave cracke&I, open- Ail respect bave lI fer brave mens and i îvba are sa precIse anti prticular lest ing crevices transýcontiniental andti tken woîaen, but if we are to gui victory ail thora stioula ho soa imprudence and1 down ail aur chties sa tar under thai the along the lina wa mnussi teko the int of reebuess lu atiacýking the ruin tramei wiil tip af aur cburcb spires wauild ho 500 fet tbe Gidoonies. who wiped ont tbe Be- bava your son soma iit plted immo below the surface. t le af the Lard-s douin Arabe, uoinuulny callet IMidianîtes. Vour front door cduad Jdrunk, or yaur1 mercios that wa bave not been cortsurnoi. 'hese aideonites hati a glarlous leader int daugbter will aonme boirn with bier chul- Sot oaly are the affairs of 'Ibis wbrId Gidoon, but what was the battlecry with tiren'hecau-e lber huebanti bas 'by strong s0a atwist, a-jangIe andi racked thai ihoea Nvbich tbey flung ibeir enernies loto the drink beau turiieti into a dr'enoniac. The -sjceis a iieed of the Divine appearance, worsû'deeat into whicb auy army 'vas drink fieud bas daspoiled l hlestreets csf bit thare le anoiher reasan. Have yen ever turableti? Il was, "The sward of the gaod homes lu, ailaur cilles. 'at or,flt nticed thab tn the hlstory of this Lord and if Gideon." Put Gad flrst, raihers. sanssoi the tunleraI lyre af plai tGoa turne a leat about avary 2,000 wbuever von put second. If the army oft errng drink! Fasten tighter ths victime! yearýs?. Gcd turneti a leaf, andi this world the Amorican Bevlution le tota feo Sir up the fdames! Pileou th3 eorpses! was fitteti for hum7an reeldence. About inuerica, it mue ,t ba, "The sword of the j Mare non, wexuen anti,! îdenfor Ltoer2,000 more years passeti along, anti Goti Lard andi of Washington" If, the lGer- sacrifice! Lai us bave wbýALe gnerations turuoti another leaf, and it was iho mans wani ta wln tbe day' et Seda-u, i on fimo of evil habil, anti aù the sobint of tieluge. About 2,000 mare years passoti must lie, "The swoi of the Lord and: the cornet, flnie, barp, sackbut, psaltemy ou, andi Il was the Nativity, Alimoi 2.- VortMMoltke." Waterloo wias won for thei anti dulcînier let ail the people fali- down 000 more years passati bT, andsiehowil Engllsh because mlot only the arined minu andi worsbip King Acbl or you shahl probably soon brun another leaf. What it et the front, but tbhe worêhipers lu the be caussi luv tho feyfurxnaos uzder seine sh l .ie 1annot say. t in~yb b cathetirals et the rear, were crying-, 'ihe pliiclplattorin!dmli1 e aliea asrsiie0 sworti ef tho Lord and of Wellington." I indiat Ibis evil as the reglie, the turpitude andi tha establlshmoentaf rigbie. Goti First, fratricide, the patricide, the matricide, oueness In ail the eartb. 1Ha cea do it, The Mthodiats have gone in triumph1 the uxorloitie, of the century. Yt undar and hae wiUt do il. I aun as confident as if across nation atter nation with the cryiwbat innocent andi tilusl-'v andi mirthfiul it were a1roady accomplisheti. Hovr oailiyl "The sword of the Lord anti of Wesley."n aines cicoholisi cdeceives hé preopiel Tt b. eau do it my text sugge It lbdace is a "cordial." I e"itas I t le an not ask lodta 10bur gea humderbolt The Preshytoiaus have gooua from i vctnr3r 'ey enr"' t le au " appetize. " t ile of bis power, but jusitu ris. tram, the ta victory with thei cry, "Th.e&Word nf e "digeste." t le an "Inviigorter." Ltt Iroue an whlch ha site. Only that will' the Lord andi of Jon Kno3x." The Bap- le a "dattlerx" It jk a "nightcap." Why be neeessary. "Let Goti arise t" lieu have conquereti millions alter mil- dntte u utergtlbt. lions for Christ mith tha ry, "Thse sword dEs? beaofPerin rý t on b. nhtlabeso edemtlon. inieam of th. Lord and oeTu~dski.?" The Aimer'-"sstuefnce et Pieri of "Concience Ib,will bhia dn gr O ~emcnpotoea eau Eliscopalanis have w3u their nîightiy Ste fr Fiv am, e cf eartach," twl an etigo ren o vay wiVb the cr7, "Thb, a'word o e b I"Tare ofOnauEenal ep"Bond "et ols," 1ighty irt. t wiii be ne sending tioww Lod etdo Bisbop M'Ilvaine." Tb. vie- pcbe et an Thtcna]LrnDisy" *'Ono the esky of the white horse cevalry of tord st toewh antirst B t teWr htNvrDis"Oxy evnor ruiing war chariots. Me toyi îoios h btledfe. uonce in awbîue la thoaeanytbing ln thsa l uly ise. Noli sStngneu as we want a battiecry-suited to'ïail secte titi. of liquons ta aveu hint thein ati qýi- 'ijiiot'qn aw o fh lesitng l th of eligionisis anti te al lande, 1IDnaiin- as in the cas5e o sormoc, lbtîy 1 es . 1ainc fbi egn ot aIe as the baflbicry cf Christendom in 1 v~~t I sorma~ htIfroin bis tbronu watching themuilg the approaching Aenaageddon the airdaoier. t s au honest otfaIl the forces of blaspbemy at npk ot my tout, sounded b'ef ors 'the ark as il nSdr mgl ho so ý!Ma niraad n fIýIbeakng, apnd - wan t fut haedeneb was carriedta toMouut Zion, 'L-t Goddi"s' mashi"courand ia nks~~~bt raigat bnt aedn arise; let his enemies ho sctteret." dl.petlan specatie usOad h2 t heir 'Nonst antiare nest surely orgaiaizQd As far as oar tinile minci eaa jucige, it lie M rspcsmnaaad u owIll bestir bhiniseif andi say: "X- saols bou tme or ý)dtoris. D,--e-Is goeotte ma"s hebody, andi ma* ie. enomles have dtiel ime long euough, st etseaboutalieu fr ti thao rinc. oo -seul, andi mas hbis businco, and iMash anti their cup of in quity» Is full. I have of this earth have goue fer enough? Was bsnam tl. "four a int'Oxcne u! But gîven thon a1Opportunitias for. repent- thoraeaven a tinfe-wau sntowascantde-u ca a I'bis dispeneation ot pat1enca la fte"-e r a thora ee sin fure sa do-trough lying labels cof many et the atno aihu h ga hhh liftedtowai Qod, tellig h0mte d ' eshoPe, gooti POelWho are triati n longer." Anti nawlotibogins te canstonlitfdhodacti Loklel tghlmbis&.aniy a 11111 ujacer tons la eaalh antimieansd what nuunteins give way untier phomn o ifl ta? ook ingthe ies. wan ttg sema latvîgoratîln, bave unwsl1 hie righl foot I know not; but, standing pbasy aroad Wh* tooulg prtantyltingly got en Ibsir tongue the. fangs of ilu-the full radiance anti grandeur of bis Would it b. posible for any one te cal- ibis cabra that stilîgs te death se I~rg a nature, ho looks this wayý andti hat, and culat. he runinens of, lunes thal the ratio cf the huinan race. bwbseeue r etee!Ba naine of te Ahnihty loti anti ut .esus The Deadtly C up. phemore, white anti dumh. reel duwn te Cb'-st are every day taken imrrevrently Others are ulueti by the commun andti thir tianun anti those Who have traileketi on the lips? Profane e'iearlng le as mucb ail destructive habit of trcaiing cistoin- in ihat sqhich destroys the bodies anti torbitidon by the law as thefi or orson rs. Ant iltis a treal, on their eoinug te suis etmon anti famillos wili fly with or murties, yet who exacutes il? Proten- towi., anti a tseat w'ile the bargaining eut tact on the down grade of brokan 117 la werso thon theft or orson or mur- progresses, anti a reat wheu tii.purcbaso decenters, andtihle polluters ot soclety dcr, frthee crimes are attacka on hu ' te matie, anti a treat as ho leaves towu. that did thoir bcd work witb large for- mauuty; th" al an attack on Go&. Others, te tirown their troubles, sala-tunes anti higb social sphere 'yl over- T'he. xr Oui& erge thamuslvss wîtl Ibis worse trouble. take ta their desceni the degratiet rabbIs Th!#coutryis re-einat fr bas-Oh, the worMla e baltered and tlatesti et underground ciiy lite as tbov tabnîhi hiA e mn tr avpoembg n ue t sf blos- anti hlasted wlth Ibis girowlthg eavi t la *ver the eternal precipices, and the veorîti phem. Amontraelig i Rsjlawasmarq andi more Intrenèbeti anti fotiff.ad. haîl be lof t cean anti dean for bbe suppieed te b. a clergyman. e"Wky doe They baNe millieu 1s et dollars subscribeti trientis of burnanity andtihbb worshipers iyou take me te hae a cýlergyman?" saldta bxrarsbal andi ativanccotihe alecholluetoflnlghty loti. The last thoru plucked th ian "h, sit te usia, ah foce1 i 1y em e andi leet anti gov- off, thbe wenlt wIl biq lotI a bloomlug rosa other Âmericaaus swer. ' The crimes s ara bbe vaes,majortty of the ofEceholders on the besoin ot thel Christ who caume bu *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Q maip7n uituiy oivr1fe tthis-coeuntry. On them side 1h07 hav. gardanize.IL.The aarth that stooti snarl. ~twliwat b 1th m aoftIL.but for zthe 1enloeetithse mîahtieul poliicol POWO2 et lui Wlth its tlgeriah passion, Ilrutlng T he Sins Thèa-t Beset 't teenth C Qod Com.s Before Man, Says E BIasptemy--The S The Finlal Wasbcnîgtou, Sept. 15-Ibis erousing bicus y Dr. Tainage wui excite lu- tercet ýby,,the manner lansvicb i t assails suminefutIhe greai evils uow ebroati. The subject te "Enroules Overthrawni," anti the tait Psalîns lxviii, 'l, "Let loti arisa, lat his enemios be scattarot' I" A prcceeeioc was fumedto an carry the aror secret bou, whicb tluough 001v Sly feet 9 inches inl eu- th, anti 4 fuel 3 uches lu hight anti tepth, was thea symbol of lotl's presance. As the leaders ut th. procession lifiedti lis arnainentati anti briliaut box by bwo golden poles rn ihroaugb four golden rings antisnai fr Mount Zian ail the people esareti the batl. hymnu ut y toit, "Let ltiarise, let hise eemies ha scattreaL" The Caineroniane of Scohieui, ontrageti hy James I., Who f raetiuponIb leni ne- igians forme the' ivere ofes aend by the terrible preuto f ruosuimont, De andeutTanrner, and b vIhoeprr sive lawseuofbhreisI ajnti fbanles il., -w-ers tiiven o proiaiin 'yenagainsi tyrauts anti wenua forth to fight for theJr rliglous iibenty, anti hoe noor-ntubahrbecaune rediwi hcarnage, aeut et Bothwell Critige antýi Airtie blase anti Drncmclg the bat- île byn andthIe battie shout of ibose glaions nid Scotclsmeuuwas tl tit bave chiosen, "Lo,,t GQotiarise, lat bis eenom l e s o sceret." What a wimlwvind of power 4was Oliver Crmuwell, ati bow iv 'ivkhis soidiers, usaapn bbc "Ironsidýe," lie ,Vet trainvic- tory ho victory .Opposing enaiesû2uetedi as h leooketi e tIbe. Ha oleiaýIjseti Perhcano it as eagilv ane a suhûoumaýsier a scbool. Ht pointetiJbis inger ot Berkeley cusAtla, anti il was taen. lie ardered ir Palpb Hapsa. the general, in dismnauit, anti ho dismenbet. Sea CroinwAl] nach- !na n aiyih Lis erny anti bear tbe bat-1 Vecry ofth ' e " fonsitie," laudesý a storro eut solenu as a deathkcell, standards roaing before il anti caveiry borses ging hack au thoîr bumu.cbos, anti annles f y- iug et Marston Mocr. ai Wiucoby Field, at Naseby, ai Bridgewater anti 1)rt- nor-"'Let loti arise, let bis enenues ha saelereti!" Wbet tattle C-y? So you cee My textisle 00 like a cous- pliinentany andi. tasscetid sword that you suu-etiouee sec baung up lu -a parlar. a swomt that was nover lu haineo andl unlv Vo ha usuti an genemrai traininug dav, but nmare like soins waapen camefuiy bang up lu your homîe, telling ilsstero f battles, for uny tt ahngs lu tie Soripture crin- Dr. L crme '*<oo k.1 "-When I was iret narrieti," says Bev. Dr.'Lmîmrpastar, of Tramnt Temple, Boston, 'II bad y strict ideas about Sunday observance. Mes. Lorimer hati a coloreti auuiY for c0ok, anti Ou the fimt Sunday atter she came I weut ibito'the kitchan andt ld bar I titi uni want any Suntiay vsork. su she cnulti prepare thse nmeals for thal dlay hetorehauti. 5h. ditin't say one word wbiio 1 was talkIug; then sha lookati op, andi, pointing to the door, exclimeti: 'New, look hyar, Mars. George, you juet go in dan anti Pli tend tu me kitchen!' I went, anti as noar as I can remeunher, aho bati bot tinnersSui- days os long as she stayeti witb us."' A GOui ija. Thegooti man le a useful-nan. Ho la nul cli oruaneni. He bas bis wonl tel do, hie place lu socicty to fil, bis influence t0 exant. Ha e stËitul; others shame lu his gontinees. Ho scellera hIessings ail elonig bis patbwey. Ho la nu cumiberen of the zrounti. Theme le neither a buynan nom a divine demnut for his romoval as iaises. Ha is sparo(i year efiar -ycan ou account of bis pDdcleee y his pra1yer, hie instructios, bts counseis, his exeiýmple, hie spirit lant isiedeetis, ho in- proves anti honofits ail wbo came iithin bis resdcb. Sun andi Eartha the Same. A scentif e tiiscuvury of great interegt le announceti frein Italv. Profaseor Nasinu oft Patina bas communicaeeteluthe French Academy the msult of bis Investi- gation inbo b. gases issung fron the earthlii lu anie districts, ainong wbioh haý fuDds coroniun, biherte known hypo- be-clyonly as a contituent of the sîsu. Tbis le au, annotunneaeuiof the iiighast intarest iroin e scienlifle point of view, as ai once confirnjiasg thse results etspectroscopie excoat9 f the sun, ati adtiing another prkoot ut the stibsian- >ilaiitentiiy of naaterials ilu the sun anti bhaeaertl'. The Siiei* Antiqualn-o-he ciieboro f tbnaw- !ne the elipperaltifer a bride cornes tiown trouai iery auci3nt ines. Long before the, Christian ara a defeatet iefbatwauld tae fÉ bis shoas anti handtbn ta the vicier, to show biset the inser of th.e hoos yleld-> eti up ail authorily ever bis suljecis. Iherefore, when the family of a bride throw lippars aftte ber tbey ruban that they renouivea ail autbority over ber. Do you untieretauti? Smetetin-YsiTs~h. away the lippene they usedte1 spank ber witis _________ Mlases as' a PFili. The lowevr grades et molasses have proveti unsalabie et auy peying pries.ý Meuy Louistana pieutera dumveti rme- lasses in the bayous, outil the authori- lies fnrbetie il. t is nowi useti as a fuel. bing spnlnklet hy e machina aven the bagasse, or the sugar-cne tmoun whicb the joie. bas beau exotat. Tbis, whan put inobbcef ne, hume wtth a strong beat. Its coal valua is areeber than its value fer any other use, and o ven a hun- droti thousandto lne weme su useti lest year.-ýWlliaw George Jordan lia Ladies' 4Home Jonrixal. Adjustabie l'ires for Wagon*. Adjostablo mion tires for heavv i-\egons eacu ha lutd la suitablo widthss anti nbh easlly put on,, bbereby eonveniu th ertdilary roati destroyer In10b a r oad i s- breve..- sur Jthse centucries, anti heiicti tbeam stand ail the myrmnidons of the nation world, sabanie, upllyonlc antidiaol.Lbl à,* bayant ail luuoac effort te oyerthrow ibis Beetile of decanters or capta-e ibis Gi- r alter of rnon juge. Anti wbila I appreve 0f ail banian agendaes cf rfomiuaI woulti .he E d of the ine- utienly daspair if 'iva husd uthing aIse the End o the îne- Bot -ehat checas me ,etisaI oun hast troupe areyet ta 1con e. lairoiief artillory' ..entury. jlis neserve. Our greatet Commander Ibas nul yet fuhi>' Viken the f id. Lt ail hall is on their sida, aillheeven le nu aur sida. Now "Let loti arise, andti libi Dr. Talmrage--The Prevalence of enemies ho scaiipeo." Ihen look ai bbe impiiniita oft lise 5is of City Life-.- great dîmies. Ever ant non thora are in the newspapers explosions of social lite Judgmnent. liaI usake thua tm-y of Sotiain quile no. -Most part tise fatlii> la husheti rp. gpectebie, "for ac thing,", Christ sers, Anong the Atînondache Inmat the tua- warma mre ialorablo ffir Soclamn anti li- oral procession of a ainu 'botwo ticys Batrha hnlrte hrzn n isefore bcd talion unter a flashbof ligitu-, e sideas rotgreoter light. Lt te ne ing 'yul. boasting atter a Sunday ofj unusuai bhing lu aur culies ta se. men lu 'york l inte faeltis_ iai he bcd cheitedi igi positions 'yith ti r atIrceamnilies, laocul t fanada y uyhnw, andt he minuonrefunetiladies wiliing sohenuly lta 'yho worked wfth hlm outhie saine Sab nmarry the vory s'yine of social>' if the>' harlu but e helpiesa hawelthv. The Bible alaao-rh under tie saune flash.- denunciahion againet au impure lite, but yeare ega in c Pithsbumg prison bwo mnany of the Ani-.ulcan nînislmy ntteriug mac Nvere talkiniz about the Bible etua iunnoitbdak wr.eaie.Ii Cbnristiauity, anti ans of thero, Thoinpean iniquity' lest some oIt libertine thmnw up bynmappliodt1out Christ a ver>' bis chanci pe'y. Maehinery onganuzeAti l 10w anti villainous epit'he-t, anti as ha was alt@cte f h ntdSae n utioning il he f.ll. A physýIci*ari 'is Ca nada b>' wiluho put yeanly linlthe caîheti, but ne ielp couiliho given. Af ten gininlg nili oft tis Iniquîty Ibousantis n day yiug 'yli t itoudeti pupils anti et le unsuspectiig oethbie country tarin- palsiedta hngue h pagssatiout of Ibis bouses, one precures enfesslng lu lie 'yorhd. Ln a cemehery ln Sullivan Coruni>, courts tiasaI aitcdscpplied the Infernal lu Ne-w York State, are eighb lectstonos imarket 'yitb 150 victime lun six menthe. lu a ine and, al alike, anti these cre bs ht fnh0eewpaes4uAmFc1t f-aute: Lu 1861 dipithenia rag.et inlutie, swing Open the dean Of thig liàtr bouse village, anti a pyscinas nemankabîr et social crruption! xoue utcm Roccesstul lu enriug his petienits. Sa con- befors extirpatiokn. fitient titihbcaunie that ie boastedt iat The City èl int. n case of diphîberia couiti stand before Whll the Cit>' Van carnies lie esou= of jIjr ndtiflnalhy dctied A ,lustghty adlotit uie sin, trous ths pnîsoîl lulihe police produce e case ,f tlptharýi ba 'o ulti court iuamning by nsornîng A11e full tiffue, nul cure. Hiis youngest ch!irC szon et br if we do net'vçaut higlu Amierican lite bu t00k the tissas. audtieitiaidana chilti hcoins 1k. 4uIal t o bbc court of Louis afler another until aIl bis eightheid tieti XV-, 1 Put mhiionalre OLotharios -and ut diphthenia. Th. biaspieman uhlelengeti'tie Pompadours z4 yquiýr hbmnnVstoýne Ainsight>' lid, anti lid acceptadtihie palaces int a -ran cf poplar indignation' challenge. Du not thilk that becausa loti anti drive tiens eut etrsof al asca bas been, silsut ilu mur case, 0 profane lions. Wbet prosZpe:ct of Fenelal purIfcat ion sçearar, thai b. la desti. lathere nothing enu iber. i. as lcsng as asI nimrer water- now in tise pecuil!ar feeling of rour tanguc In- Places it le usual te soue4 70unlg o- or, uabhingiluthie nuineuesof your brain mca ai oexcahicunýeaing stand iantid m thet lucicates that Goti Mer coma te perr eut gigglc anti roli up ber cores sitis- aveuiga yoom blaaspeiesalaor le already ways betOrae 01e Of bose fIret-olus satyre avsngng ,hinu? But thoe cases 'I bave of feshioable ife anti ouithe ballrooin nuticed, I blieve, are onhy a te-w cases fonr joie fin lu the dance, the Maarnal wbere thereo r htîdmedo. Failleske5s esaperon meanvçih.is auing freinthse i t1cm quiet ile avoudth e horrible eau- 'yindow, ounlisescene? Matces iare mael jspiclty. Phyoicians suppres ilsomn lu eavon, lhey se>'. Nat suci matches, tbronglu professionial confidence. t la a for tise briiestosse indicatias bbc opposite ver>', ver>', von>' long rolltisai coptaine raglan. the naines of thase wise diet 'iitis bIcs- lise evil le ovarshadowmng ani Our phamnies ou themr lips. cibles. By sona thaea mmnoralities are Sail lie crime railIs on, up throuuh cahiea peucatillos, gallamtries, ecceatrici- parlars, up Ibruigischandeliers wti lies, anti ara relegatedti a tise'realms of lghts ailleblazeanect trough tise pictureti joculariby, cuit faw efforts are heing mate jcorridors ot lubrenuns, eut ibrougis bus>' jagali tthoin, lotiblassethse "White aichangos, where Cath monts uath, ati Cross" movemeni. as lb le callati-asi donn irougi cli the hauntÈ ef sn, erganizallun nuaking oainigbty assault on ningiug wth thi aretiing dice andti tisovih!lotiadfarward the tracts on Ibis craUAling billiardi balIs, cudt is laughter subject disbrihùtet b>' the religions tract of bier wiho bath farguîten lie cavenantj sociables of the land! loti halp parente lu ut tsr ardo, anti round tise ci>' anti round tise great work the>' are duing lu îying tic continent anti rcund tha earth a seeris- 1 tostart Irbir chiltiren witb pure princi- ig, baume zsonge fuings t ot l y noj ls oti hop ail lagilaeus in thoeir Nothing did Mrn R. E. Pitt any, good until he got Doan's%'Kidney Pllls. Throaghoot bthc Coanby of 1Leds and th. Town of Brockviie thora je no medi. cina spoken se highhy et for ail kinde of Kidney Diseases aÉs Doans Kidncyý Pille. AsCaneaaspinrkurkidneyphl1,introtioced b>' Mr. James Doan, of Kingsvile, Ont., i. 18S85, they §ianti to-day fer sauior te al the imitations anti sabstitutus that hava beau offéeu the public in thuir stcati. Mr. R. E. Pitt, the well-knowýn con.- tracior anti hbiter, voicos thon senti-. monts mwben bu says, -"I bave blidkitine>' trouble for yuars. I bat triet -1nmurus remedios withoui inacb relief, ant i bnc g:Ivan up inv back as gone for gotbut ýsînce osing Doans Kitncy Pilus' he rasuit bas buen marvuhloas! The pain ie al gene. 1 feel like a-oew man, ani cau higbly festify te the virWoses of Doan's Kidua>' Pill.' . HaR' inePD!, sl.d b. Grdealr orfsthelylCha e c Detlofe Ofice 5o esar o ofM sr ,Higg25 C.tH Am R SN D' Dug .Sto e ( onstars), BOWMAN-0VpoiLLe ENA ThIis Is NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE Sý A --buît a STRAIGHT BUSINESS Proj A beautifuî Present teo evsryene- A CONDITIONS: Toec person sendiog c5 25 cents wAR o auL-bS suhacription 1, to litheGa1 Îx Chr'ulri-stunas nom ber, we wili v oeadl thýe lollowing preseuls yen 21let t REE- A buautilul Queen Vict (1014l Enameled Seart Pin (thse latesi niov Afor lady Or gentieMa) vaineti et $1.2, AKlondike Diamonti Scar Pin- a partect A valueti et $1.2S, Or 5 Ple ef tise La ASheet Music (Instrumental antiV beau kc Atuit$.uu5. (A valuaeut $i.So for 2z50.) A Ye should lake ativantage of thie AAT ONCE. SGentleman Fariir Magazl As tahe tlandsoniest FarinMagzne A in A-menica AIt contains q6 pages polsîy11 A leediiad with A vie- c;tc aka ia A lodaspensible visuior ta ev-ery fa7- A Instrocti -vE aussi tere-ýi-,g A tVafarnuers oi every lss g' ie D~ ollar a Yean. Ten Cnt à» C ABrother JonatisautPub!Ïsin,' A Chicago. ~jr I ~ I MI i ilui iý 0 F i ki El onit its raging ela'ys, shaîl lie dowu a hamb aet the tact of the Ljami of lot, 'iîco uùcokaVey ho sns of tlia 'yarîti. Andti naw tise betlhing L eau wieh for yon, andthle hast thîfng I sien 'ish for mysoîf, is lhat we imur ha efounti hie werm anti uctiiguisclat a ent atiVs5tic Irlande lu that boumr-wbec lotishalise anti bisesunriassheal ha scetterati. Tire Coustry Graveyaîrd. Shut lu b>'4a largo, overgrown atone well, or les s..pjctorcsqueiy guardeti by long limes of, piokat fonce, tise buryiug grounti of a ibVIe countr>' village je net, elwaf s attractives(o tha aee t the firet glacce. 0f tan, 1)7 rcomparison 'yitls the great gardntiaccmenlE)s sncb as lie upon bise outirîs eofesrlarge ellios, with them 'ielvet Iaýwns anti billiant haeso0 ihewers, the quiet louai>' place appeare neglecletu and for'lorn. Inn., GtMr. la sure to b. solbe ens nos uer of it, vejr>'ce-w ana haro in aspect, laid oui accýordlng te the modemrnian, wihu a fs-w -wThlte ahafts gleaming frein ausong youug ebmuis anti new-turfed plots of greens. But beyondt iis, al slaa wilterness ef grass, vinas anti wild plants. siooling up ameng lise slaniing beati- Stasses et their owu sweot 'yl Mau lias ludeoti neglecteul, but oui>' look a l11110 cdoser anti rau will Seo tÉbai Motber Na- ture does net torgel. Ovor moeny unînanketi graves creepe a bangle of- iintiweeti, aboya vhieis a huis. timeu deloate pick ileasoins pose lîke guartien sirits ever> mormnug, glisben- ingà with draps et dew-andatiïrin g genil> un tisa breeze. A pontierous monument la sumountietib>' pîuar tenu, anti a greunmd sparrow's ceatIslebenealhisI,. Ofien a usother hrt's aunal tfest moe.ligiti>' upontia moes-gmown lbIters as iaie ehirpa to h thit.«e nues below, euaxink thlisonsl Ibeir fJret -lilgisi, lucouseancutinbeha. Near b>'tise royal goitian-reti note againet a a ligray' siab oetei. lise anlogistie verses isehdw, wblci uigit es pnaoke tise visitor t0e mils, *are matis voer- .ble b>' a cliiïgsug gmoavti cf gray anti orange mess, discrnetiy periviîîlg nul>' an occasional ,werd te b. seau, quintîr out with f"efr the, anti "fu"for seul. Tise grass waves oveýr paise andi graves aluka, anti wbere olt i tabetones bave faihenon theInacstise btackhar>' vines are wneabh.d acmoîse hem inl l>'urve, green lu op rig, elarret wlth vwhite lu sunner, deep ati in auumu, anti clweys boautiful. Tisa belle t cows, retumniug lazllv trousnliseir postures, tink-leSofntly trous tie roati; andth li tIle graverard, oc ou+, of lie 'yorhti, altbough so nean, Il soms le acscpibcea ut sormew thon a place of poaca. Wi.se Chitirin. First semeli hoy-We got a, new hais>'- et our bonuse. Caine do'wn frein heaven lest nigbt. Second sînal oy-We batonue, but il tiietianti wenV le ebaa',n. Firsa enmalboy-Bei cher, il'à ise semae kit. Teaahe-Wbat do we leemu frein the stur>' et Samson?- Tommy (witi nnplesaeut resuibe euhil Every doclor knows tisat wild cherry bark la tise hest remnedy known 10 niedical science, for sootbing anti healiug inflamed thnoats andi lungs. DUr. Ayer's Cherry D,.-.cioral ,Plasilers over youi lfangs We now hava ssoe ethe moat ont- Dent pl.ysan in tbic lnitad Sfates. UocsuaJ oipas-ennitir.s aipi lonlg pOi ece emiitifit I t"ieifor* giviflgYou minStie advuce. Write froaly aiC, I partieutars tusvosr cae.,T AddeaDrJ..AER The first sigl-i of spriug ia 10t see kites haniging la diff eresut trees Kidney Trouible FOR YEARS. Wlthen tishe hlti t, their feet u'et and Simtecocld gve tlem a 4feddl baffia botlof bot d14I, a close 'of Ayer's cherry Pecc£var5, ant i put tluem e bt. The, chsesjes are tbey wilI be ail rigU insithse monning. Con- tnethe Che~r Pectoral a f ew day, iriil ilcotigh hIas dis- aOlti cougls are also cureéT; we mean thie cougbis of brûrx- cutis, weak thnoals anti irritable lungs. Even the iard coliglis of consan'upffion are aîways natie easy c ntd fre q uently curet! by thie rdalintued uýse 6f Teacher- Of oourse you tuderstand the dIffereuce between liking sud loving? Pupil-Yes, marin; 1 like mv father ana motflar, but .1 love pie. i ; ... -f- . - m e -M -,- .. - - . éf- ý ý ý . - 'S ý ý ý - -- , 1.- . i t. Vit.-S M JMM! -1 ý-L ý 1 a l la _LF-a AI- -r -L -1 1 Ï-l qw -. .9mý "'d»ý dMý -