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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1898, p. 7

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Sewîing Vahns Thiere are mcmx- kinds. of, Sew-ing Machines, but where purchasing. a niew machine you should by ail means geltirhe very best-This is the kind, 1 seli. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Price-' s-asona,,ble, termus nade 10 suit 'tire purchaser. Full guarantee wli, exery ï3achine. Intending purchiasers should cclli and lvestigate, or -eut postal cerd and agent will be around. Best machine oil for sale. Buyno other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, c bi.,g- bar- gain. New supplies of Boots ced'Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paî-ia Ureeso, and best varieties of Turnip Seed. 1 HAMPTON. a & eAIA J KAK jM. àil 0 w17 FUR3-R1T leil _âl H AYER would eall the attention of his,>-M num erons customers and friends that the ýw Swinter is coming and 110w is the tîme for QZ*î, Syou .to get your f.urs altered and repaired . Sbefore the busy season commences. ~~ ilats, the latest, cheapest and'Iargest stock al-ways k,-ept on hand. Caps ol al] kinds, Men's and Boys. A ' 1XI hrce stock of G-ents' Furnishings, in Ti, ,. - 4% - SColl1ars, Braces, Shirts, Socks, etc, always .55.15- nud, Give us a cali.1z M. MAYER,]- «'tý'g 13WMANVLLEýPraclical Furrier. , Geat Bus Are Now Attracting Public Attention, But the most important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. Fo~r thîs bili we are 110W prepared to give the public better-vaine than ever before., For Ordered Clothing we carry a, tasty and up-te-date, lne of Twc 's, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just exactly even with. quality. have just' received a new shipment of Drcss -Goods, Prints, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for every day and Sunday wear, and Fthe prices will sell them. n rocerieâ we carry oy thre best goods and will alwaysb on with a f ull assortment of al i nes in publicecemanc-ail prîceci oargain- ishly. We also carry Crockery, Machine 011, Paint 011, Paints,Axile Greas e, Fenee Wire, Nails, Binder Twine, Field and Garden Seeds, and Patent Medicines in full lice, We don't ask you to believe, but ask you 10 investigate. Frank rï* eowle HAMPTON. ALLA NLIN E SsrzjMSHIars MOTRuEAL. QuseBE. ...m...n.. Sept. Saine DaY 15 Numitis29 1,Pa,,min----------.. 6Oct. ItaiSmreakeAt lu ime h~t t,)Livarpool. Le uýtbao, lsteztrcab(oi>, Cartimgiaban, Sud Pesueew-i hotrnbu rtth tier bcg- gagfoinitIse nalwa>' station te ieoaSfe A iTHE LERDING ~ FOR YOUNG WOMEN Locatet in the splendid interlake reg1on of the mccl sonther>' part of Canada, anfn i Ccty of 12,000 tuabitaatýs, Abont threa boumr idI from Toronto, Detroit or Buffalo. Four traniconttneatat riroads and local electrie system. Coliega ors nt0 niFine ArtElocotton Business and Dmei Science tîepartnvout. Fînest Buildings, extensive grounds, home com- forte,strong staff,higbast health record. BEST ADVANTAGIIS AND LOWEST RTS Opens Septeriýlber, S. For catel9gue and full particuilars, address. mientioning THsE STkAcEÉMN, Bte-c. R. 1., M. A., Principal, St. Thomas, OntIý Notice to Creditors.11 In the matter of the eet ate of John Frankc, late of the tow'n of Bou- smancille, i~ntMe County of Dur- Noti'cte be,ýreby ýgiven puitrsuaý,nt te the Revis- ed Sta;,tutes OItel,1%87, Chanteýr 129, Section 19. that i l proshs- e lais aainst thea EsCle f te sidJOl-TI8 FRANK, deceased, wbodîe o orabut heTwenty-iifth day of live orto scdb~pospme adiregie'.tered Will and T esitt ftesadohFrn, ceased. on or bfr etra'tIse Twenty-sec- ond Ca>' of Octob, i A. 1_D, , C,,bir cernes, ad- dl-efsscs anCdesrptosamd foli pa-tcuicrs of theit daims Cul,' vcrioý[d the netucOof tIe sîcocrites (if au>')heidb>'them. And further take iatice that ;,fl'er thboescid T oct>' second de>' cf October 1,198, the under- cigned the exertitors of the lcstWilM and Testa- mentof thesasedJohnFraok, deesed, wili pro- cccii todistribute tIse assets -of the suC iddeceased among tIse paties eotitled thr baý inig ce- fard onl> to the cdaims of whtýf eh ten dhall bave had oie And6batthe sciii execors wll noorespensible for che asate o sid estate ojr ny parttheicof S0 dtsributad te ai' prs torir o s o h elaims they shah nos bas e reeeýiveii notice at et the time ýoS suchdlstriboution. iateiet Bowmaudtletsissixth d.ay of Sep- tomber A. D. 189K. 36. 4e-. EG E oaMeGeca, W.iJ ONES, >Eooos Ji lNE.GAI altAlIT1 AN ,AwrUL COLD.-Mrs. Wini, arkes Fine Grove, Ont., says :"I îecomnmerîd D.r Wood's Norway Fine Syrap for cuhcolds, boarseneesý and soro 1hrat Ilid an aýwfvvl eolà and cold not spcak. Olie bot île of Norway Fine Syrp credme eonipletely. itula 52. New Yorki 10 Glcegow anC Penn', "SIaeoS katlMongohiaihn 547.25 5pwrts; utl Qsbin$5.5;steanage 2.0 For tickets *nd every 1nformation ap- Pl y 10 1 AlnLias Agent. Bownianvilie, ,~~~KEA -JTR' ~DIT F QUINTE STEAMBORT, CO'Y LIMITED ý NORTH KING79 1 A ILY SERVICE.- PORT HIopi, OORG A-ND ROCHESTER. SOUTH ISOUND. Lv. Poîýýt ope, Ont, North King Lv.Cî î- Ar. Chi. ftie N Z.Y. Ar. Rocieýster, N. Y.,IN. Y. C. 2.30 P.:i 1.15p, i 7.15sp. n 7.40 P. ni NORTH BOUND. Lv.RoistrNYNCan il. 820e . Lv. Charlotte. N Y.'8.10 a.ise, Ar. Cobourg, Ont, 1.00 p. ni Ar, Port Hop1e, 1.45 pi. SUBCJECT TO CHANC E",w i (10u T NOTICE. For unfiber peiticuligts ]y to 5 STOTT &r JURY. Ageits, Bossiairle 1: 1. GILDE RSLEEV E, 11Generalyu'igtu t lilgs'Ion. The nnimbam of Iours oS bight comm- ehIne et Grenwich le recordet by an iu- strumant w-hibhworks autoinalically. Tîme nurobar reecrdad turing tima yaar w-hlah endci April ;'0, 1898, w-as1,9 ont of tha 4,454 boums durlng w-ioih theý sua w-as aboro thse borizon-that is, et Gaw-a nd vi bat is about lime sanie llei,i, aitLondon, turing lima yearrhIe dazi sky w-as ore'-c st b>' clouais about lwc thirds of tIse hme. Tlhe rainf-î'i turing time year whicb ýr.dCd on îL>e samne date w-as 1733 locheS, w-icýh le 7.1 incises loesthinlbheannuelý averape for t-ise last liSt' yeaî-e. Tire oui- ber of alu> îa sw-as J149-we dayS of nsr1n Lip f axer>' ilie ieyar Wcmkoz1, strpîerogapiicchert of lima beaven3ïs bas made goocl prograse ai tiis observoitor>' turing the year. The "zone", assigued 10 Greenw-ich is the egion about the norlb poi-a circuler section of the heareus 60 Cegreas lu diai.ter. Deing ltha year thera w-re taean for th lia bs'-wlth an expoqura of 40) mtnias S eSSocsful photograýphS; for lthe catlogut-xpoeýume frmrn8 10 6 minutes 909 w-ara laken. TheGran vylcieObsarvlator>' has nearl>'cmiee l part ln tis greas work, whch ut one or 1w-o of lime eighmeen observatories amiong w-blchimilwas tielmibtilad bas net yel beau hegun, and et ver>' faw is anywhcre near complation, time numnber of photographe, euhlt 10 h tâken et Grew-ich bing &21 for the chert and 240 for tIsecalalogu. One of thse N~ew Proc3esses. TIsa driving 0f foraigu substances loto anisriai tissus b>' meaous0feleatria cua'- ente bas beau atoptcd, it te know-n. w-ýàh hgreat succass ilubothis melical anC, dental work--iu Ibesea copaciàseming amployat principally iu oonjuuciloow-ih cocaine or corne ether unesîhatio, for time purîmosa of rentcring lime flash or lima tooth1teibc operated upon lnsansiiile 10 pain; tdbat le, the banunmbing solution is' firecet loto the tissue, and aven lulo lime' obslnate, sensitiv-e tentine of lime 1001h, ouilaco sensation w-aayer is possible for thse lime bcbig in the ýragion undar, treatienau. Actiug upon this iCea, It is proposed simulari> ta immoethie meut teà boa presrret hon a 30 par cent, solution of common sait, and pues tirough the w-Iole a cotinuons arimeet of letrltly. In from tan'ta 1w-cnt>' boucs ýthae aling l tet]1 boa cornolata, weutthe maeat le taken'froin Ibe bath' ant buog up 50 dry. Tihe elociotes in tjis case mructLbe of pla.tlium.n, sioce, if othgr mataIs, sucb as zinc or lien, w-re uset, lime matai sal"s frmet wouid bc lnju-rieu.-Naw-York T'ri-un.e. Tba Growth of Towns. -Apcording te, ricant elmtistias concamo- iLng lima populations of 10w-ns froni 1800 te 150It appaars liaIt uring tisat perlod 'ie gUyt.InIJJUU acte Jeu,, ucu 0150 <lu .t1.1~14- stardani, Birminghamn, Brusseis, Man- eéester anC Romse., I bas inureased time- Ëobi et Copenhagen and Marseilles; four feAC ai Prague, Lyons, St. Palersburg, Parts anC London; tivefoit ai Drestan, G.ologna, Breslau, Hamhung anC Vienne; sixtiolt ai Leeds, Liverpool anud Warsaw-; sevenfold a, SIseffeld and Glasgow-; eWlgM fliaI MunIch; nii(mfold et Leipizg, Badtc-1eslim eut Bamlin, and teifoît et Baltimore. 'Butý ail lIse is uotbing coni- puemate10the. 'gmuwth of New- York andC PhIlldlpbla, wimicim le-day bava1weut>'- five limes tlirimiabitesnts lime>' bcd eu tirs begbu'ng of lthe century, or Ilka Bm-oklyn, where for avar>' ilhabitank, in 18M0 Ibere are now- 339! Whema wil il and?-Westminster Gazelle. NîUMber5ug Hairs of Hecad. Thosa w-iraare- lhimsting fo r- limaknow-l- ad-geo0f tth evGra.e nuumber of luire on the humau. baiC w-ll now- be able te cal- sf>y lhaim ouging. A number of esavauts bave just beau couinling e squiore inch cf haire onthe ieads of Baverai lplSrs, and haya coma 10 lthe conclusion uhal the average iumber le 1,066 haire. Bv mneas- seg lime suirface aof the enlire baud it w-ll b. easy 10 calmniate the numbar of hajs OL Ise.averigp e Saf. Anoîhar set of "bhair so-enthts" borve mode diffemilt cal. c epens. Accortiing t10 em a ilof0 ah.IsIlipe 1111 iof I4 0lfs>1,(time S4e end of the round figure na 11t xnlgh1 aliasube reakueda t-hie ~sa lh~Igs);a tazIz basiCp wes 1I15,OQ i and ' 1 a eC poli sS, 00 re-âup & tis1sdiffaranam e i-; t f o;is >Iir U Get the fin-st eut et finir et ube ,J.erahLdnay eshow, splitlime kldDey« ;ýeiuIS eJves andi tnint off ail lmahe s *0ftlintd. Ct i'hminlto suiall pé, ràstiSu a slow-pan and, caver with til7d, wa-uî '; stand over a moderatç time eut bmîug almno"I 1 ltoln'point. Drain Ibhis off, covar egain with colt Wateandeu hast agalme. Do Ibis Ibroea imnes. PuS oua tablaespoonful af butter 1mIee frylng-pan e-ut 0cr ummlia 0lce hrown *,thiaet oua tablespoopfui'oSf four eud haiS a plut of stock or boillng vwelar. Stir constentl>' mw-tis a oodc p,3çn nliil Il Ui, s.Att oIWt lt!mh3Uam oiofni f Worceterimiré sauce, Ouatalaponf o f nsrm ketchup, a.1 asoon 1i4of ilcimen bou- quet, saItt i;pappar, anti the k(Ide>'. Stir agaln unLIl tira kidnay Is thoronahi>' heatet; leke froni timafine eut serveimi- indatall>. To Keep Gtlt Frarnes Cleaîî. To clean gaît pictura fr- es, bouthlie whiita oS atmegg; ad! to ih oua plant f c waec; io,çen yout fruimcs w-tbh tw" rnxture, usiueg a spasi-ga. Thes ýIûwth a sa i lianuel caeafully ,-,ipos Taîlto asec- ont iotlperfeiclî rytî--rd h thîe f aanee ehit uLbbhr. If lthe Scenies aie( n& cIsau ant bright ater ileis teeimt yso'Uzlid baller tue sliern te a giIu.r asetý Whez Colnumbustiscovenet Cube in léSho nmad tliliaud Juana. DAILY SUN PHOTOGRAPHiS. Valuabie UeoOd' of 0Wl ols Fa'- ad at Greenwich. TthŽ sun le photographed at Greenwich on iEvery clear day, according to the3 lest annuel report of the GreenWich e bý:arva- tory, for the purpose of keepie , , ateeord of its spots. In the pa;ýt year photograpbs were secured on 191 days, and thos(- taken on 183 days wera seiected for meas- vrement and preseevation. Froîn Indla and Mauritius photographe3 taken ou 181 eay-filling up gaps in the sries-were received, making a total of> records on 364 days ont of the 365 of the year-tbat Is, on one aay only out of the whoie year a photographie record of sua spots was no', soeured. Pbutographing tha sun for this pur'îose bas been a part of t e routine work of this ob-servatory for the last f orty years, It was the lirsG regnlaiý service to Whsc-b photorranhy was put liv astronomers. niothe6r of an beir to the bouse of Ilona- p)arte, When w4r 1betwoen France and Gertnany wls decinred and Ereïor Na- poleon took the field the Empress was appoin)tefi ragent (Jnly 27, 1870). Imma. aiately after the revolution in Paris on Septesobar 4 she hastiiiy lcft th e 'uiile. and ascaped from France, 1indî'g five days later at Ryde, in tbe Isle cf Wght. Caiaden bouse et Uhiselhurst wiî; subse. queutiy soiectel as a residence by toc Lin perli le. Emiperor Napoleon Ill. (lednt Chîsel- bursù January 9, 187,3, and ih 1<7, theý Prince lImperia]. wbo hbad occu iqp :ied the lfoglisb arm1jy in the Zulu V, vins killed. In 1881 tha EmFiprocssir n cýd froin Caiden bouse to the Fý,iro ce h estateLin Hampshire, close to tii3 bic Xt of the county of Surrey. ACCEPTING FAVORS AN ART. They Are INet Graceciullvbc, p, d. Thera are a great inany f .-' ,-hips ruined by thre unwilliingiiss ox n- n s ida or tbe other to aàcopt favot,. 1 cl girl friands unitad hy many :ia ties are forced apart bocause tl _ýpiorer due foiisbly thinks that she :.e;ruId inake some return fer the protty g4f s, the party invitations, the tickets t)i con- crts or matinmeawbich bier friend loves to reanember bel witb. Sbe lînows that she is unable te niake any return, so rd - fuses the, good times, and by doing s0 not oui>' deprivas ber friend c;o the keanerst de-igbtlbnt hersait of man>' opportun 1- ties for pleasure, and the family circle at hoine of the recital of the fresh and novai experienca çvbîch contact wiîb the world outsida of bier home wouId svrely bring lier. Faoons are of man>' sorts. It sonietimes bappens that a Woaitby woman niay ~lsh toSeand a girl to collage,' to'hcip bier In ber music, 10 encouraga ber in bier desira for an art educatioin; sbe may giva bier books, taka bier ont with ber end giva bier opportuniie for hearing great artiste. When a, girl bas, en-h favors nffered lhir EUGENIZ. Leadug P int i, t1l'e Sei Ldfe of' the EX-Elupres of'nitIse French. Engenle, ex-Einpress of lima French, and widosv of Lc~ii Napoleon, le the o-ùebî f Doa ari Kimkpatmic, of 1ai-ha .b . D freei-, Counuase D,,xvaaer ta Moeutijo, w-hcsa father ,.w-as Euglisb cûnýai at Malaga et tIsa petiot of ber inarriage erltb thoe Count Ce Mont ijo, anl odicor in -Ihe Spanish army. O the teath of tha Count de Mont.ijo bis wieow- was laf t wilh a fortune adaquata 10 the mitnnaof the position of lber- self and 1w-o taugimîcre,, ona of w-bom married the Duolie of Allia anCd Berwick. For Rgnit'haCountss e Tba. a higimar destin>' w-as resarveA. Ber mur- niage 10 the 1um i,-rom -Nap-ioleon III. w-as celebmated ;ith h magnificence Jeu unr>' 29, 1853, aI -NoIre Dauma, the Em- press thon bing Lun q-l Y wenty-seventh ycor. March 16 , 185 , sha became the praceIJeuca of it. Theivno adu r> xeachel tbe bottoni of bis purse. Bis lbard earued saviugs were almost spent, and, altiiough ha hafi strugg-ldou witb undy- lug hope for nian>' yaars, it, is hardly te becwnca at that ho, fait ciccouraged ard disgoisted with the statesmanship of the coutiry lasha d oni t. "On1 the last nigl 0f the session hae re11înained tUIi9 o'ciock and thcon loft vith- ont. the slightest hope that 1the bill wýould ba pa Ho. ereturnied h,11is hotel,1 counîted bis nioney and foundalt1la fre payîng bis expenssto New york lha wquil]bave 7ô ccntuloi.That night lhe wtî ent liebd sad, but not antirel>' hope- less, for, notwithstanding ail bis trials and disappointmneuts, confidence iu bis ultimata succossl neyer desertcd hin. Iu other words, hae knew a good thing when ho saw ht. The next morniug, as ha was going to breakfast oua of the waitars lu- formed hlm that a young lady was in the prrwating tocao hlm. He went, ln ïlimediatoly and found that the yonng lady was Miss Ellsworth, daugbîer of the commissioner of patents, wbo hbcd been bis niost steadfast friand wbile in Wash- ington. I coina 10 congratulate you, profes- cor,' she said, with sparleling oyes. I'For w-bat, nîy dear?' repliad the pro- fessor. I'On the passage of your bill. Didn't You kn.ww? I'Oh, you muet ho misteken,' s-aid hae. Il staitiu the ae tili late lest night and came away because thora wasn't any prospect of lis pa1ssage.' I'Ami I the first, thon,' she exclaimed joyiully, 'to tll you?' I'You,, are. if it is really so.', And ProfèPssor Morseý soemcd ahmosi afraîd to balieva tha good no4ws. 1' WeIL,' she coutined, 'father romain- ed until efler adjounmaut and heard it pessed. Ha bold me ouly a few minutes ago, and I asked hIinif I could net1 mn over and tll you.' I'Aniai,' said the professor, bis feel- ings nearly- chotiug bis uttaranca, 'the 1 rst mesaga that te sent froin Washing- THE FIRST TELEGRAPH-. Misms EiiswOrth's Message and Slow Sha Carne 10Senti IL "0f couanme, " rem arked tihe aid opeaa to, -1 won't s tear10the teteils of ni> tom' , but I gel tn prat>' close froin Pro- fec;soýr Morse bimaseif, ont il ougbt 10 be tr-ue. Bores how- I have altvays under- stoot il: Professor Morse, baviug eturn- ed froue Europe, w-Ont at onçe 10 Wash- tington, w-bera- ha ' bis efforts te gel hie bil passed appropriatin , e30,000 for the purposes of -bis naw -elugraph. Tôw-art the close cf the stssui5lo 0f1844 the Bo(use 100k Il up and passed it b>' a large majoril', and il oui>' remuained for the action of Iha Senate. Ils progrees, as migi ho c iiaýgined, wes awaiîed b>' Pro- fassor Morse w-itb the mnosis intense iter- est eut auxiat>'. There w-ero oui> tîvo days bofore the close of the cession, and it w-ad fount, on examine-tien of ihecal- cime shoit accept timngnocefuli>' and ton te Baliminore shahl ho sent b>' >ou. niis ieipailsei oLe w-Ith ao dear conscience. Tise favors ara II 'Well,' ebe mailiet, Ilsh-shi kearuyeinbtietan ate h10 cah tsif oiCgangla nol al o onOuasite; lber brigiml face aeute10your woc.' bta n at eethth l agi enthusiesîlo appresiaîiou meurtnilucm t "Whmitelise lina wee in procose 0f coin-a flagrant nagleci of tut>'. The inupail lima w-osiauw-be ls forlunalae eough t0 pletion Pi-ofesclor Morse w-as in New- iste, howaver; w-ouid imt ha intimidatet bc able ttu dspense fmvrs. York, aeutrupon recoiving intelligensceandsimuî cureot hactugime. isa mmgdeemivs ________________ îlt it w-as lu workiug orierlho wrote t horta t 0 ouI bau w-aTed lu iea0flimaâ timose inncharge teliingathonsInot to of tne on tise Prolinmmciatioli of Pepys, co n hretUii heinttetas Th 1lo. alerPeysmit an>' message ove;- iltilbsarrivai. cntamnplals,eii nore, but of lime exact ina- ascollectai eihn ue n10aC mat eut for ils oxecution. On'tIsaI nt er 'lima HonbWoltcrmPpysnbas Washington adsn se-entcen xarieties of the spelling 0f tlima 9 ablenigmt e traîiendouis stornnb9k nimne, nC a lye cma tras uon ia ~nota 1u M-ls Ellsw-orth, loforîsing bar over Paris. As lima heur, forlime expectsd.' Frnmchbforma Papy as autlsorit>' for tlie liaI ad w-uw at'1ngu l ispo-appearance of tiha newcsmnel-s rew- neai pronnailation farorat b>' hlm. Peeps 1ean ,akig er w-bat message hime lima ieraw-ara nformustof w-bat Nwae saemns. tofoiiow -thie usual pracîlce, asimouonda. To lise arepiiet, 'Whal lu .t hpe, n h,.vý,i.arpt4 Weomssfor Wemys, aud, nioreover, i i bame bsdy gtP ordhtha ' sr lue hiar olleeguas autgeiii 10 g tbt', i!ýood y he escndntsof hean>'young lay og haebuprend of. Éowtiem -a lbr as uue âe tIsu aioptt b' Ia dscedans n Tlia e message w-as 1w-la. repeatet, anCdimItie. -s oneict. diunist',;s star- ie-lina, lime fmii>' <of eao lime with them groauest simces. As e' Papys Cockerell. Paeps le aiso time rade- ~a iansi il.oprmu -s But, aIs, il W-as rLiinmg ix lerrenb - ~~mate known (Governor Seymsour ct Cou- i~k;- mpruitwetI a bridge. Hue is, I lhissk, stroug erltemîce nectiaut calaed rupou Profesýsor Morse ont anlOnglish esetablishment bai-Cb>' and in faorrof Peeise. At tIhe semie timme, I cane the lIrst message for lise State u blleeatisat ha this naine, us il ubeihr 1buh on oe ftoeue w-os-s, tIsa pron unciation of lime vow-el lelima grorndt liai Miss. Eh]sw-ortli w-as ai articles. NexIt a> tise billw-as seul, no$S lias eltanget since tIesa svemmlaenli ceu-n- -s atofni'itted la lim bs lanicte presideul of the republie, but te tur>', and limaistIsaename liiiPepyese nH, Bical< ociey anCutrtu ia iebis Fitus Acimes, M. Tarthoeamy S&lisl- sita> w-as actually pronouncet. Papes. This ca Scil> o Cnuecilcut hes the Hilaire, -witim a 'roquest for rcimbu»&Ne- opinion me gro uctat on lime phouetic spel lgn dslydameong lst ivs 10nmtmnt. The lettar w-as ,cbaraclarls*o. loge Peaps eut Peyps w-blch hava coumme isîlers of goid."-Naw York Sun. l'You, monsieur, w-ho are raputad ta ho towmît10u8, aut both timesa would repra- A Bleautiful Incident.lima oni>' snirrlving Carbonaro hn FraneS, sent Papes:s ca-a, us lu voa, break, muet know Imew bondit i l for a S1p>' 10 b. gruat; y-a, as lu oba>' ondthlia>. In this Two Amenicaos w-ho w-are crossing thim dertciett hie -ekin lun tIsaaxacution 4d mattar, isowver, I bavretothlie courage Atlantic malt10nlime cahin oua Suda>' hbis dul>', eut w-atmulyn~ilp of uiy 'opinion, aod I uni net, limrfore 'nigis esn yn.A ie'sangIeeIbis -eut 10 M. he Presitant of lime repe.b. prepared te adopî ibtis' pronunciation. ' lest bynin, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," lie."-Aiieert D. Vaîstainin SaturdU' NÔtes eut Quarias..0ne -of thami heurt an exceeîlin-gly rhch aRîoiw. _________________and beautiful voice bhbluthlm. lHa look-________ Cover Dunig arouti ndutalbuough ha dit nul know P.lime face, ha tiought that ha knew- the Time raesou liatitilLe necassar>' le be - ie.Se w-hýn tisa music ceasat, lio The Oaly Thlng LefI. lumnat eutnPket tisimtn If belied been "Flow-dees Blankli, gel along? Ha sa7j time bod>' lies dow u Iste meintention of lu the civil vrer. Tise man ropliat thatlihe $,bat bo's tlacproudtotebuadute bouaIt nature tliIlsiouit rail,at tIs tai île bat heuta Confaeteasoltiar. t*0 511 heurt espaciall>' siouit ha raliavet oS ils 1"Wan eti3'uas sucim a place on se-ch a "Es gels Ivuotes."- regulair wonkuan nal>.Sa that orgun ntgimli>' askot tha flrst. males tan sdroItes a minute legs tlimn &"Ya," hae replied; "and a curions__________________ ,%ben lime bot>' le lu an uprightl posture.tho bape lmInglw-chbi This means 600 stroItes lissixl>' minutes. ,,1 bymnbas recalletlati>' w-es 'Uheefare, I b t-h t eurs that a eman posted on sentr>' dut>' near timaetge ouf a usuali>' spente lu leking bis nhghtl's ysfiw-oet Il w-as a, drk nigiml utC ver>' colt,,ACARRIAGE MRKEK utre heurt le suret neari>5.0ý-0 fslrokes. anC I was ae utIle frigbtenad becanse lime Sfee e er rmwa e As it puimps six aunces cf blood wlitheen eeipoeitmcvrnar ufrd e er rmwa er c-it itsaff es fAboutlnigml.-w-heu everythiug w-us acntion and nervousness. blonoditi bs lmgblsessien tIsaisit w-ouIC rr>sîilliansiI w-as feelinig homasîck anC turing 5lte>'dâ, w-buen a wn 1idusuil>' miserelile and waary, I thougbi I wouit CrdbyMlun' er in anu tirigIsi position. N ow-, the bif> m omodlmseib>laa g oCsnbn id bNerve Pls.Har tepeusil-for tts w-am'ntlm ountise igor hyninwdr Nembr engnPibilbycm oS lIse grhs ailnd tas lime bloat fiows y ,1rmmu siigti yn go mnsch e-tre slow-j>' t.hroLm lim te valus 'A.1iMytr ust on Thceais clayot, No tiw6 or profession je exempt from w-ban oi-o Is Iying town lima wamnmtb l Ail mry be!p frorn Thea I bming; d2ese oi derangýem1ent of the heamt and lu lime educedtcirculation nst b. <up- Coverrni>'tens hes ond serves. Thea pressure oS work and the mlet b>' sitra coveigs.-San Francisco Wlitm the slTdow of Th ,,r wiig.' memxlalvwor>'arec iou ndtle praduce alérions Chrulce."ASter singlng limaI a strauge peaoe oeauequenoaa soonecr or ià%er. came dawnÏ upon n-e, and lhmougli tishe ~ j b c'tic, in tbe Beer, >long nigIs 1 fait no. iora foasý." _____ An ppaenî>' ubloniaîla uuaîmuamî "No'w," sait-tIse other, "listtn ta, ni>' An eparnty athriatve tâe -n star>'. I was ;ýta Unii slie ui w-s lu wesi publigiles eomeauti>, says a Lonton lime w-oodc Ibstt iight witm a part>' oS exchIan;e, 1tulima eft cOls liaIquinine w-us scouts. I sasv Yo11standing, alîbougIs I telng soli te. brevrers Ser use, as a subsmti- ditnlseyn ae.M a si hi ý -i tps, andti tîslw-len limeBofi ilefosscsasnyuw-tngiewot etIniand Bovenue w-as appaeltbîms elrblw-osyusn u:- aaswem glven w-as timet tIse transaction "'lvrm> eeiaesbu viw b ue " re o,,;csal Witim limashatcýooSfb>'w-mmg, Timt. of course, doas net prove liaI a I sit, 'Boys, iow-er your rides; w-e wil-i boer mada w-im quinine or otber bitte-r 9go iso.' "-Thme Presbyterion. lian hope me>' ho a sfel>colt, for li possible tisaIlthe vendo-r sssgbt 'ha con- A (nxiMmanm. - r, Douait Campbmell, lime w-al-knoim violedunoter lime Sale of Footf and, Druge "Vacs, sui," saiC lthe coloret citizen, car'niages maker of Barijston, Ont., sald. Act, If a courts teok lima riews liaIb>' "Bren Willi-ams is a comm' ilion, I tel, "I bure boon Irouhiot off anC ou for tort boer or ale*w-as genereil>' -nnterstood a yen. Hoata bis business carl>' an' late." years wili weak action of ni>' horI and ferusantedtliquer mada frouam mais ond "And w-bah is bis business?" ilervoùtenees. Froquentl>'myheerlwoul&l fluvored i w-li hope5. "Weii, suis, ho gôt So nbc'b dot ho tes pulpitateandu flatter w-h greal violence. laye bock adced 1u05bise iooo>' out." alar-ming me axcecîlingi>' < lften 1 had Where tIse Miractle cause 1.. "Ati interest, I supposel" sharp pains in y heartand couldnet seep l'Weil, 1Undle Resbur-ry, Lew ,Ciii yen III eekon go, stb. Yeoi borrers $5 ouae -al a ag'i. 7, got cbox oS Mtlhbrune IlLem the - rinone?" week,, an' yen pays $6 fer i-stido nex' Heartcand Nore Pillsandu froi thein de- "Il '-, ts a pow-'ful sanisou, Morse w-cak." isealmos iemditebenofil, Tie-eyre- Joimo. - "That's big bîtercs,.qi" 1oe eio tm'serean loctea "'W'.aI w-as il about?' "Dat vihat I1 , suh. Be a business myut eýte,reciovingcvol>'ymniipm "'ILsias 'bout l esc cohen tbnc-'dmss s ,oeh- o a ebig iholeoîbuonevorint rube nCe1hlm ioares an' flic thou-ind fisimos bLitellSet is bucsiness."= \-'i a Co nnstitution. 10 gi est-f ,!ealtljysieep.", nevn ieocutlovesmud h îs,'Il - ili, D1.palpitatioen, lbrohiig, izzy eue fattel 1sau ieu lîcbsn la t a ie tia ou, oie-'-di o n ba~~ spolâsa, norrousucas, sleepleFsness, v h But vrllier s igftIs ombcloota se: - u eroloesy (.îis ouetpboi off-,gonaseinale troubles, afler affect s of gmt c Unele Rasburry acre cnet ibis le ad&rild Q. etc.Pre c.abxo3fr î2,uai faw- meomentssaaditativriy. lim o j ~- Iinnupiter-Caný't ycu,use? fil' baL raa . ib..Io.TrnoGI pibad: bisdu-,m- ethait t be <Iuump "SXf-m "!,-'f-h.i- .can "Wý1eii, Marge Johnu, te asercle, c atndeutthis oItdcas jc- oosliea Zlion, ;;"sne,-mlihcdciesn -tuo îay perception ef de circunis:aucos, le trlht.I w-as nvrse niiortifiat lini>' DYÉ;p palaThme v Co ual gm'lpe, -aicfike dat tey' ail dla'l bugt " j4I.-9etroit Free'Prass. ,or weak. Evey pUll acte perfeotly. STORIES 0F THIERS. The French State,,man's Cowardicea"4 thse Com i.ia! -ide of IL Tbere are stories of Thiers' cowardlc tvhicb bis greatest admirers and sinceree friands bave neyer beau, able ta contra- "diat. The sem,,i otc accotent of his arreet ou the ,noring ofttila coup d'atat would reach the kame of coinicalit>' but for a sceue enced et Bordeaux af lo tIse cer 'tulation of Paris, le w-as then in li, ternrr f being apprahendad b>' Gan. cIta, W-ho, for the spaca'of four and tvcei< y boums, saemed. prelpaé-tra set lthe Who, e wo)rlC aI Cafienca r:ither than con- sent b0 tIse peoce wbich lait an anC ta hie Cictatorship. Those salsthougli lu- tansely comic, paleii before, Thiae' enlias w-han fear mode hlmthe a-,,ailar instaad of the ussailod, No lia w-as too0 glartng, no pretext 100 flims>', no stop too menu, no comubinotion 100j absurd thal balC out tha lilghtest chance of eatiefying hie w-ralb eand al4aylhng bis w-bIta livaered pot- troonary. And, inusmucb a zs the most subîla of bis Cevices w-are totransparent 10 imposa upon tha niaresl ahild, hie icugar incraased flot aI Ibeir frustration- for no oua trotii*d 10 frustrata lhem-. but at their bing uublished. Be neyer forgove Mme. Beuher for bavin2g made hini the laugbing stock of the wLIhofo France. Whan the "vice emparor," os ber hushaud wac ironical>' called during the empire, 100k up ais rasiaence onceý more iu Paris, Thiers lim- madiatl>' dispatchod ea numbar of deleo- tiras to keep w-atch. Oua evaning Il sud. danly poursd"cl and doge," anti Mme, Rouhar sent umubrellas for avary single dalectira, apologmzing ai the came time, for providiug coi>' cotton oues, "Madame regrets," ceid tIse serrant ln bis mistrase' name, "but tunes are 1ao bad for silk ones. She buaeme tll you, boworsr, Ihat w-han the emperor raturus you shall hava silk onês ta watch M. Thiers." Tha imperialiste at the Cae de la Pair tiC sll baller. Tbey Ireetet the tiozea, "mouchards" told off ta report upon, Ibeir Coings like men and brothars, in- ritedtlhem to join thair colupan>' end suppliad thîni more than liberaîlly wtth refreshnients. Then Thiers hurst out iota frantia rage. 'Il reail>' baleea tbose mountebanke of imparialists are try-ing te maka a fool of mie!" ha sareecbod cte nîghl at the top of bis falseito rolca te lthe Marquis Philippe de- Marsa, w-ho, though an arowed partisan ef tbe fallen regime, w-es a fraquent visiter et lhe pra'sidene>' ai Versatilles lu virtue of iris mfother harîng mairriod the Comte Roger <Du Nord), a stanch rapublican a n - ,frlcnd ofTiere. As the marquis did not enswer, Thiers ecreochet bouter than aever, expaallng hie intarlocutor ta Cen>' lbe impeachment. III rai]>'ballera thoseý mountabanlis of lmpariallsts are trying te niaisa a fo01 of me!" "Absoluel>', M.e. Presidant,"-'w-as the quiet repîy. "TlÏey are net oni>' trying, but succeettug. " This proved t0acsnucb for the irascible 1'11e man. A fresh gang of informnera w-a oruareafta une uaA- 1-suD.,a i- t u WIâ&ýmm w 19 0 aA m lu@@@ m a Il - i 717 7ýV,.

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