Mrs. J. Neads aind Miss, Neads are BOWMANV 1LXI MARKETS * à à B ý _iý --- à-i~~fiiïâs.s - ------fl ÉÉMEN....u...MMl ! I yistingfriens atPort ope.Correeted by j.1eIoM-trt, hTd Miss Gertrdeaines is home _from iri: mlii rry 0pening . Ilea esdayttttt t, ,, ,tt, tt, t , U ~~~Mrs. RCherry is visiting her son,Mr W ? iFOrir 0 b....~ 0t 25 g Fred Che~~~~rry, Schenectady, N. Y. .d y ad ~ WET ai uh.. 0nO6 I ~Don't forget the dates of the Ontario I...00'u0___ and Durham fair at Whitby Sept. 29th, 1 t GOE .. 0 'rlO055 Y S TI _BR YpVbuhNo .O OOt4'ri063 __42 I ' I SQhad "~OS rwd05E04 .QSRz 3QhadOt s.81 < ALY~UhN. .04' 4New subseribers can get THE STATES- L.1 fLhd t t .O2 5~. MAN and Toronto WEEKLY GLOBE, to 13NexIl n rit3.*.. 025 il 030 eMdifs188 frr 5Cer bsresumed lier QATS, white .......0 " 22 .. Mis..R..'t ... 000"ri0 43 poiiocnKe ilndry's, Toronto.a Mii I SS SA WILE ......KEA ....O 0 0 O 40 hasdr', oono returned ..E PE, ýABlackeye, e bush.. O 60 '0 O00 Miss Nellie Pattinson bs eure-:wit .......... Canadian Beauties..60 'tO0) from apleasant visit atDr.lloneywell's, -fà î...==Êà. ........... ..... Mummey t O 0 t o 050 Z Hunter River, P. E. I. ' Smali, " 000 n 2OS- Messrs. A. Colville, E. Osborne and Annis-Fleminz wedding on n inside Bue, ' 0 47 il O 50 A. J. Bennett attendred the pigeon Page. =BUTE, best table, VI th.. 0 0 O 14 t410 match at Port Hope, Thursday. Mr. W. G. Glover attended Cobourg EGGýs, P doz .............O 0 0 o 12 i1IITV'im 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Everson and Mr.anid fair last week. POTATOES, bush.......... ()00r60 O351 ,.. u.aJ! J&UIIUit Mr.Geo. Pearce have returned fromn Mr. Ellis' letter from Scilly isies is on Ha\7 per ton ............. 6 "0 il 7 0 Areý having their first shipment of that Police Magistrate Haines has retnrn- rfuhMlobokanri> -ed from Detroit and worthily exaîtsthe Monday by a fait. $7 to $10 a Wekin leasure ua rn Ngaha ons iet - ctasa thing of beauty and a joy te Whitby Fair Thursday, Friday andi one can do the work.' We want reliable ouaBrn Nff rh dÇutsiec We have imported ton of the tourist. Saturday, this week.falesn every locality to help usfo atmoeadwih a nsc the finest Insect Powder the Black Drss Goods- beautiful Three colnmns of cerrespondence and lets and Bicycle Legings for the trade, woldprdce. t îl il1range in ail qualities iup te the flnest other news are held over. h a new procerr. . o canvassing or ex- dernand Iast year. lol poues than an hour. goos imported just received at Couh Mr.and Mrs.Samuel Cobbledickwee ay whole or spare tire. Write to-dyay.lw every flyin ls hna or Johnston & Cryderman's. oguests of Mr. I. Jewell last week. Address, THE CO-OPERATIVE IKNITTING .. ri' ___ .5e _anene, 15eý for 4 ouncles. toba reW. E. Ja eeA, o h ai-,Mrs John Percy and chijdrenl recent-PfW D11 1 flotfailto ty it bee Prehyteian ollee, wo ha lyvisited Mrs. D. Roberts, Cobourg. U II L Do ened t in i, Mrs.W. J. Hamley and Mrs, J.Shaw, EAý'-ýiCHER WANTED.-For S.S.No. lis etrnd eWinieg Mn Toronto, are guests of Mrs. W. W. sALNUN plcnsuttt BOWMANVILLE. U o Tn eteihe te EELYAlln. arywtead certificat beld. Address 1900, for $1BtATfoE$175No eJ nts. Mr. Geo. Gray was judge on heavY The D)ru-ggsts aid Opticians. Odrfo A o 15 aeis essa h eta Exhibito tT ET.Ta eial Ore fo M .James, Bowmanvîlle. IIssa h enrl ii tOJUSE T ET- eialr Pad S apacag ad Ms.Ge. WlsnMrs R KOttawa. L. brick residence now occupied byMr PtlkyPaer ipckg n rs eHWlsn r.R.K ctiinboIthkairi,Centre st. 8 rooms,lialls, etc.,__________________________________ StcyPpr4 sheets 5e. Mrs. M. Millward and Miss Wade re- Mr. and Mrs. John Mil Toronto, sf water, small gardera with fruit. __________________________preenedth PrtHop banh f hewere guests of Mrs. R. Windatt over mditposso. Appîyto R. H.TURNER, W.C.T.U. at the Bowmanville conven-Suay tien. Rev, T. Edward Inglis, Yonkers N. F AR'M TO RENT.-A goed farm of 78 Di e ee skyusefte Y., visited recently at Mr. Edward --acres, lot 18, con 7, Darlington, at $2.00 dmA1 Nov\, i n ht eve s orfthe qe.-eilmans. per arfrOe or en years, A good farmer tionWhàtis m eyeightwort toue? walmt'sd. Appty t) AL.BERT RANNý. traveller, Riekrd s yor oticin, akeuse of Prizes awarded at Bowmanville Fair Peerbo(r, Or . RTIANA, B3owmaville. teu im st ig. c.N cagefrWile End FHouse. atrd t th -ARM iîTO RENT -Near Courtice in teoung Westth End f 2n Co, Lo -V and consists We see by the Quebec Daily Mercury Mrs. Norman Belîman, London, has of 9 ce.Immediate,,possession to plow willl that Mr. R. B. Andrew, Manager for been vîsîting at Mr. Edward Bellman'sbegvn For furiher particlr apply to Morris,1 Field & Rogers Co,Listowel,was and other friends, s - - -BwavilP.0,oro h S o î .guest at the Chateau, Frontenac, Que- Mr. Geo. R. MlCea Peterboro, and Send - - r pr sintng Ms a vle psad heEn Miss ira urMeCrea who lcet isibeenPricàLIl '"'k A teSmart boy wanted at once te Iearn at Mr. 1. Jewell's. hasorturu CYCL S fo trance Examixiation and live ln Bow- guest of Miss Velma JewelLis manvifle. Must net use tobacco. edte her home in Omie-iice. 4MlOnn47O YOnge St. "i t t! lit m ?m t fl "Y ?? ?in yApply at TEE STATESMAk office Mrs. Thomas Elliott and son, Bertie, Iwas weak scarcely able te dragmy WansaMaioarvitigle* Toronto. Yo u r' self around, easity worried, and quite father, Mr. Thps.Bragg, Shaw's. S N R E S. W . M ason & Son are showing this PuIs rapidly brought about a change, nigtît prevented several citizens, from *e k t ern w Fala d W n e andI eyr el httr n y lie than I tedigBethesda Harvest Home. -E'SeS. do now, thisils frequentlyheard. Ladeshavngfus t b reaieded last week from Ottawa where tiev A BUSINESS GOLLEGE ' ~î ~ ~ At Our store you g9t the. should leave them now or as soon as took in the Central Fair and visited HaeyuAteddn?'t.>*S&I2 I S adic f h oiPot~rd psible with Markus Mayer, the Fur- friends. u 0 uate Optician in the County tilt the rush begins in the Fall. ie B. ihose requln stoves should see J. It i s the business of a business cottege aetNwYràtls lgn ndsg n and we have a, larger stock neessry for proper repairs. ta new and second band stoves te clear woinen. for business'. Theng The lts eYr tls lgn ndsg n tha al ohe deles Ldie' antesAn mmnserageont hils-stock before meving ils hard - Raffi eSBusiness finish, at our usual popular prices. to'wu eon.ried. Our prices of new and elegant mantles, both Ger- get first choice. sre.Cî al ni olg wil plas yo. atetnew wôrk and continental ste Rev J. J. Rae will dliscuss "Dreamns Yl M .Cd'gl, Hamilton, Ontario We did not carry over We are now sioin hundreds of ihom and'Dt:eamers" next Sunday night for doees tuin uia fiietianra a single garment from -ail new-beyend quest-o, tié finest the special benefit of yugpe ete attract the best class of pupils. The last season. tot& J ry. so perfetttti ng up-to-datee morning subject wl e h'snccess of its rnany graduates is evi. Th Dugiss ndOpican, oi-Mantleseersow lati part of tcGse fJh, nrdcn the Fr- dec of tuis efficiency. Circulars. D o u eoese Th Orusawaandtiins. wcountry. CouciJohanston & Cryder- ward Movement prelgramn. Foro noinormaionddrss, . R RtCil manvitie. inhw n Lnsy an. Dr. WV. H. Seymour just hoeme fromt a Fi i! ifraindies .tMCl n u otalnw The W. C. T. U. annual election of four vears'sojourn in European medicaliohPrnpaHmltt.O. gouCatil ew al VRNKRALWY. officers was helti on Tuesday last la the co01lls was recent guest of is uncle natty, all at popular prices... GRAND FUKRIWY primarv clasb room of the Methodist Mr. W. H. Williams, Orchard Farm. Asonw Des -od BWVIL STTO. churcli The following officers were He is a son of Rev. J. C. Seymour, a As e rs od BwAvLESAilelected': Honorar - President-Mrs. S. superannuated minîster of Bowmanville in . GOING EAST. GoINs WEST. Mason; Pres.-Mrs. T. Hoar; Vice Pres- Methodist ciurch. innv Inu1Jendless variety. 97 press . u a. m. 1 *Express.. 5 28 a. m idents-Mrs. M. Crydermant, Mrs. (Rev.) The Ladies' Aid of Triaity churcli10. *lexpress,., to0iii a. m, Local.5I 18 1,J IL Ba>,nett, Mrs. J. H. Jury and will hold the irst of a series of parler Is practicaily and tlorenghlv «m Passenger.... 329 p.m. :Passenger.. 5 p. m Mr L.Quik;el Local .....542p.1. t Express... 4.31 p. m Mr.LQikRc. Sec'v-Miss M. A. gocials at Mrs. Freelands. Beec Ave.,.p- taugit by expert teachers at - ~EprM.. iOS" Eprs.. 5t '* Bunner; Cor. Sec'v-Miss Neads; Treas. on Fridav evenîng, Oct. '7th. Tice tic, *DxtaflY'lolx. pteSunndays only. -Mrs L.A. W Tole. socials tait winter were very enjovable ~- STOT &Jua. ownAgets Last'Sunday morning tic Sacramnent and the ladies -wiil aim te make tiem se BRITIS I- AMERICAN ~ of tic Lord's Supper was dispenserd in this season. All are cordilaly inviteti. *St. Paul's church.- A large congrega- Admission ile 39-2w. BUSINES-S COLLEGE ~1t~ ~~U % ~t~t~#~I tion among them several new members Ntcso iis arae n eta .;..BidnTrno BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 28, 1898. seil. o i hîrnadafi 50 cents; when marriielcne r star t nih anfi gradute assisteci -4w ___________________________ curci greetedt tem. Tic singing and obtained or fixmerai notices printed at aý to positions. Write for free prospee-- recitations were of'& igi order and the tis office, insertion kMee. a- tlrus TilEP1LEISCIIE VOTE. wiolc service was thoroughly enjoyable. DAVID HOSKINS, _ This Children's Day service cornes IOm hrtrf cctPic annually and is arranged by tic GQner- OsenEI oravle et. 17, the wif e This good otd banner ring of West a seby of Mr. James Osborne, of a daugbter. __________________ Duhmbsfrmn er togyHART.-In flarlington, Sept. 25, the wife cf i Durham lias morany yefr srgy Thc Brantford Excpositor published Mr. Ernest G. Hart, of a son. supported. alîgetmra eom when la its special fair edition last week tic Mîisoa. In OshaLwa..S8 lýIIN"R.-InOshaRa.ESet.W17, theL.feDofSM, tice electors have been glycu a chance. names of some clever students who have Gco. Minor, of a daughter.1,tewiec î Wc desire te sec an overwielming ma- been winners at tic receat publice usE.-In Oshawa, Sept. 18, the wif e of Mr. B~-AvLE jorly gien o-rnrro lu avo of ro-sehool examinations,witi their portraits L. Ruse, of a son,.etlOfc n i om bv One of tic gop is iveli knoninB SÀvyAF,..In Cedar Cale, Se pt. 19, the wtfe cf bibition for reasons we have set forth manville ha.,roup ned oren in 0Wm Mr. David Siayyae, of a daughiter . oon wîîî. wo oiet onth irt ae fths suelLtiaver ine-Epgvitedre sm-THoOses.-I-' shlawa, Sept. 19, the wife of Mr. M.Notic[e,8 tol 1' Etroiitr Qtrn tr ontcfrt aeo u ise e almr i Epstrsys :Wilfrid Chas. Thomas, of a datighter. yilb rn rm9a .t temperance workers devote the day te Vaustone is the star pupîl of Miss WILSON.-In Ohawa, Sept. 21, the wife cf Mr. ~b tOoofo .m efrliends.-Butter and Eg-gs and Groces Due Bis taken getting eut tic vote. Swell tie record Mîdd]eten's Junior Fourti, Division o. John A. Wilson, of a son, 2 p inand at Newcastle from 2. 30 un- t>dmnin htth osadgrso He is a son of Mr. A. L. Vanstone, anti NoBL,.--At Boyne Water Mills, Dar-lington, tiî 7p1 m. nth eodadforha ah tod nin htteby n il fa brigit anti promising pupil he is, tee Sept. 23, the wife of Mr. W. WV Noble, of ao i eodau erha ah West Durhiam at a distance will refer TcWC..U.ldetaetsdanigbter. Mondays of cacl Menti. ~'n orEs fSadr ak The W. C T. U. adies tke thSMxirTIN.-Near Hanmpton, Sept. 22, the wife cf ý n orES fSadr ak te witi pride, saying 'Beholti what a methoti of expressing their tianks te Mr. A. Martin, of a son. Golti plates, Crownansd Bridg work noble wor was donc lnu my homelandtheti minister 'and trusteles of tic Con- 1 uad lPainless extraction are specialties. of Di-riam' Let tic vote speak îoudîy. gregationalchurci for its use on Sept. MARRIED._________________ EvervIsteforrtheirlCouoty Convention; anti Cooetn VOIIFN.-In Bowmanville, Sept. 26 Evey eectr ieuti ot tomorw. te Mrs. A. Tourgcc,. Orono, anti Miss b Rev. J. . H.Trlulul, M. A.. Air. Arthur A' va rdemn Bwanil. o wî oxb, Toronti(, anid Miss Aisile Voddeii,Bow: stc fnew anti elegant gotis than day, October 3rd. Tickets 25e anti 85c. year S. fPIl the past sixteen years. day, Sept. 29ti at 12 o'clock neen. Pettiek, agecl77 years. ca n teSuftes and Couches. Dîig oo uteatilnis CLuIM.-Tu Listowel, Sept. 25,Jchn M,Climie, c c a e t o l i h 7"ýj 1 o l ja l r ce, 1M rs. Chas. Sm ith of Jim es, O i o,. N icliols know s w nere te buy cieap. ageti 6 years. eta l o s h p i i e o l o -, n o t r g o s e k o tiMcrf orNowlihetichtim teoraethur re 65o te ateWio PETER 6 eas foanwSuit at Ccucli, Johnston & SL-5Ars o2,M R O OrCry for c's Gon 5ir, 1 rn11;n-n n e ost o ,l ael. Agent. i ~~~Men's HRats la tic latest Englisi anti FonOdasiigio, mlust o osa meiNew hIei gcI shiclig. otdeiasl oî wo Jhaston&y tca a's t .4C oa LdchlontInquire at IA mein styl ýrýe jus evt iCullcto.Fo em pl 0W ÂcR TEE STATES-MAN offi:e. F I alDirector ani"urniture Dealer. Bowmanvillc and Orono.