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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1898, p. 8

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Ao veteri , Medicir 1 Do flot neglect the hcalth of your horse. IF ageum and you -will be pleased with the resuli Cattie, Sheep, llogs, andl Poultry. Bring, us you for condition poxvders, liniments, etc., and you w of getting them filled -with the best quality of di membeî' we will mnake the prices right on, anyf buy at our store, Hood's Sarsapanilla- - - Ayer's Sarsaparilla - - - Paiue's Celery Comnpound - Comnpound Ext. Compound- - Celcry and Cascara Tonie - Beef rou and Wine - ' Willams' Pink Pilîs - - Dodd's Kidney PRIS - - Liver Pilîs, 2 boxes for - Milburn's llcart Pilus- - - Sticky Fly paper, Fly Poison Pads, etc. BO WMAN VILLE. 75e. 75e. 75c. 50C. 50C. 75e. 40e. 40je. 25C. 50C. J. $IGGIN~OT$A~ BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 28, 1898. CLARKE FAIR. PRIZE LIST. HORSES. HEAVY DRAUGHT.-Brood mare, S. A. Devitt, Chapman Bros. 2 and 3 ; two year old gelding or filly, Geo. Herring- on .H Williams, W. E, Jewell; one earoldgelding or fily, Geo. Her- ring'on, Chapman Bros; sucking colt, S. A. Devitt, Chapman Bros 2 and 3. GENERAL PuRPos.-B3rood mare, Thomas White, Chapman Bros 2 and 3; two year old gelding or fil, A. E. C.emens, Wm. Andrews, John CIem- once; one year old gelding or filly, W. Crago, W. E. Jewell, Chapinan Bros: sucking colt, W m. Stutt, Thos, White, Geo . Davidson. CARRIAGE JuDGs.-Geo. Cowan, W. S. Wri&'ht, J. B. Grahamn. Brood mare Jno. Stapleton, Chas. Morgan, A. ïamblyn; two year old gelding or fily, C. Glass, J. Eng-lish & Son, Philip Biglow; one year old gelding or fily, T. Cowan, J. B. Oake 2 and 3; one yea r old entire colt, Alf P. Mitchell; Sucking colt, J. English & Son, T. Cowan, Chas~. Morgan. Ro_ýDisTER. Brood mare, J, English & Son, Wm. Coone y, H. Jaynes; two year old gelding or filly, Win, Cooneý, R. Brown, duo, Waddell;_ one year old gelding or filIy, Capt. Brown, Aldin Parker ; sucking colt,. Win, . Cooney, H. Greenlees, R. Robertson. HORSES IN HARNESS.-General pur- pose horses, Wm. Crago, W. J. Lang - maid, G eo. Caldwell pa raugl horses ini harness, Geo. IlenrY, Allin Bros, Thos. Moffvtt; span roadsters, 15?hands high ani under, Daniel Gai- braith, Walter Cornishi, J. English & son; span carrnage horses, over 15l> hands high, Geo. Cooper, Geo. Brown; single roadster, I5ý1 hands high and uncler, R. Stewart, f. Cowan, IH. Gib- son; single ýcarrnage horses, over 15ý hands high, W. E Jewell, A. Staîker, I. Nattrass; saddle horse, Jas. Wad- deli, E. W. Loscombe, Samuel Bragg. SPEEDG-Horses in harness that have won only Agricultural money, T. W. Evans, Ira Natrass, E. Loscombe; open to ail horses in harness, George Curtis, Tindqn-- T, G. P-nntt, Port Hnpe, T. W. Evans, Yelverton; open only to green horses in harness, I. Nat-, James Cameron, Robt McCul- longli; open to al horses under saddle that have won only Agricultural money, Geo. Da',idson, Orono, Geo. J. Row,' Bowmaiinville, I. Natrass, Mllbrook; ladyý rider, Miss Jessie Waddell. Miss Allie Buckley; hanesomest road rig, Isaac Gillespie; handsomest gentle- man's turnout, E. W. Loscombe, CATTLE. DURHA.-Bull, 11. Gibson, W., C. Blackburn; two year old bull, Colville Bros, Jno. R. Rzobertson, one year old bull, Samuel Alun, RR Brown, A. Tamb- lvn;ý bull caîf, Colville Bros, Samuel Allin, H. Jewell; cow, Samuel Allin 1 and 3, H-. W. Jwi 2; three year old heifer, W. C. BLaïur, Samnuel Allun: two year old heifer, Coiville Bros, SamI, Allin 2 and 3 ; onev vear old heifer, H. W. Jewell; caif, Sami Allin 1, 2 and 3. HOLSEIN.-Bull, T. N. Gibson 1 and 2 ; cow, H. W. Renwick., W. S. U anis- by. tvxo year old heifer, W. S. Gams- by, D. J. Gibson: one year old heifer, T. N. Gibson 1 and 2; caîlf, D. J. Gib- son. JERsEY.-Cow, L. B. Davidson, W. T. Lockhart; 2 year old he'f or, A. Pol- lard; 1 year old hel er, C. J. Thornton, H. W. Renwick: caif, L. B. Davidson. lin Bro8 Wm. ravgo; 2 yean old heifer, W. C. Blackburn,Sarnuel Aluin; heifei caîf, W. H. Gibson, W. C. Blackburn, S. AKlin ; 1 vear old heifer, W. Crago, Chapinu Bros; herd of Durhani cattle, Samuel Allin 1 and 2 ; pair steers, (discretionary) Thos. Somerville. SH-EEP.11 JunnaES.-WM. Hammond, A. Tamb- lyn. 1LEICESTER.-Aged ram, Alun Bros, W. C. Backburn, S. Bragg; siîearling ram, Allia Bros. Saimuel Allin, W. C. Blackburn; ram lamb, W. C. Blackburn 1 and 3, Allun lros 2; Lwe, Allîn Bros 1 and 3. W. C. Blackburn 2; Shearling, W. C, Bisackburn 1 and 3, Allia Bros 2; Ewc lamb. Allitî Bros 1 and 2, W. C. Blackburn 3. Childre Cry fo CoTswoL.-Shearling and Langmaid, Levi Sb lamb, Brooks and Lan Skinner; Aged ewàe, Brg maid 1 and 2; Shearling & Lang-naid 1, 2 and Brooks & Langmaid 1, 21 SouTimowN.-Aged rai. ice; Shearling ram, L. and 2; ýRam lamb, L. Aged ewe. L. M. Courtic Shearling ewe, L. M. Cou 3; Ewe lamb, L. M. Cot Sm1O"HRsraON.-Agi Meadows, Levi Skinner 2i ling rata, A. E. Meadom ner; Ram )amb, A. E. Me Ewe,' Levi Skinner, A. and 3; Shearlîngs, Le' E, Meadows 2 and 3; Ewi Skinner 1 and 3, A. E. MN SWINE. BERKsHIRE .-Boar, Jas D. J. Gibson; Boar, one under, Jas. A. Russell, T. one year and under, T, L. Powers; Boan, under1 and over 2 months, John L. Powers; Sow, unden 6 A. Russell, D. J. Gibson T. J. Cole, Jas. A. Russel TÂAMwoRTH.-Boar, Isa D. J. Gibson ;Boan, oneyE lyn; Sow, one year old,1 T. J. Cole; Boar, under T. Selby, Isaac, Chapmn 6 monthis, N. T. Selby, Ise Brood sow, D. J. Gibson, man. XýRX5HIRE WHITE.-BO selI, Aluin Bros; Boar, 1, unden, J. A. Rtussell. Silas 1 year .old, T. J. Cole,1 Boar under 6 months, 'I. L. Powers; Sow under Bragg, Jas. A. Russel Ceeul L. Powers, Jas. A. POULTRY. JuinGE-AlfredE Gaine, Nokes & Dilii Chicks, e" ý Houdan, W R. Kuiglitle W. R. Knight; Golden Si burg, W. . Knighit;C Knightý Golden Pencil J. F. Osborne: Chicks,J 1 and 2; Silver Sp&ngi W. R. Knight, Tamblyn W. R. Kuightland 2; Si Hamburg, J. F. Osborne buno-s W R. Knight 1a W. l .' Kight, Tamblyn Leghorn, Allia Bros, Nýo Chicks, Nokes '& Dillin2 Brown Lcghorns. OscarS Chicks, W. Sainsbury,V Rose Combed Brown Le,, lyn Bros 1 and 2; Chi Bros 1 and 2; Brahama1 Dilling, Tamblyn Bros, Knight, Nokes & Dili fowl, J. F. Osborne;C Osborne 1 and 2; Plymo J. Cole, J. P. Martin; Bros 1 ud 2; Plymouth Allia 1 and 2; Chicks, AI W-andotts laced, Oscar;S Dilling. Wyandotts whî son, . F. Osborne;( Osborne 1 and 2- W hite1 Polands, J. F. Osborne - OsbornP 1 and 2; Bf Nokes & Dilling, W. R.]E Nokes & Dilling, Gen. White Cochins, Nokes,& Osborne; Chicks, J. F.( Ried Caps, J. P. Mar Bros; Cliicks, Nokes & D Lanshangs, J. F. Osbo: F. Osborne 1land ý2; D( Knight, O. Scott; Chicks, O. Scott; White Minorca, Chicks, J. F. Osborne1 Bantams, Nokes & Dilli hurn; Chicks, Nokes & 1 Partridge Cochin, Nokes R. Knioeht - Chicks, Nok and 2; bise'retionary, Blh Nokes & Dfillino. 1 and i Il JÎln 0e p DRUGGISIS. F. Osborne, W. 'R. Knight; 'White Bre- men Goose, J. F. Osborne 1 sud 2; Geese, W. R. Knight, 0. Scott; Ducks,, Rouen, Nokes & Dillino',W7.R. Knight; Ducks, Aylesbury, J. V. Osborne 1 sud 2; Ducks, Pekin, W. R. Knight, Tamb- lyn Bros; Pigeons, Nokes & Dilling 1 sud 2; Canary, bout singer, T. W. Jacks-on, Mrs. A. A. Gamsby. FRUIT. JunQaE-Edmund Prout. AîPpLs.-Best collection correctly named, Farncomb Bre.s, H. C. Bowen; Northern Spy, Farueomb Bros, J. A. J erome; Ben Davis, I. C. Boweu, Fanacomb Bros; Rihode Island Groi- ing, H. C. Bowen, J. A. Jerome; Bald- wins, Hl. C. Bowen, Geo. Stephens; Golden linssot, A. A. Gainsby, Faru- comb Bros; Ribston Pippia, Far-icomb Bros, H. C. Bowen; Stark, A. A. Gains- by, Geo Stephens; Spttaonburg, FIarlu- comb Bros, 11. C. Bowen; Seek.s, H.C. 'Bowen.- Farucomb -Brn ;Canada lieds, J. A. Jerome, N. Spelby; Fallawater, pAi-ýpý~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cow W.nsr'tt C.iu Ouaitti.Mrs AI 1 un»- Y JIiLè ý àb gteCLIUA 1SrP F n O mdN)F-IS bldick, A AGmb rwîokMs ea Miss Shaw Tes Cosy, Mis.s Shaw, Mrs W J Cooper Table CetreM ceEdna PRenwick,Mrs A Tourjea Table scarf, E Morris, L Morris Piatllre scrf. Miss Shaw,-mra R Brown W ock- ed Wak oldrEMorls. MorisSilk Patch, work. Miss Shaw, AAG amsiýby Outlinç work, Miss Young, IMrs W bCbaikFaney knit- tîur, cotton, coarsaM ec, Mrs W L Coh- dIedlck Faucy kuiitting-ý, fine.. cottou, Miss Young, Miss Shaw ýFanicy knliitting wool, Miss Shaw, Mca W bL obtdlkBraiding woot or sýItk, Miss Yountg, A A Gamsiby Braidîng ctton Miss' Shaw,1 C G Armstrong i4Co)llection Fancy Work, Misa Shaw Arraseua work, Miss Young Mci E Brown Faucy Tabla. A A Gamsby Chain stlteh, Mary, E Litite, Miss Younîg Maxi- cati needia work,MLiss Peïcy,Mrs A Tourjea Pin cusion, Miss Sha'w Ethel Lockhart Otomant, A amsby. Mis YungFoDot stoot. Mca W J CooerA AGamby t ekets, A A Gaimsby Edas Rnwick.E1MorrsSmoking cap, Mis A Tourjea, A A Gamy Matia drapecy. E Miss Youg Roman mboday Miss Young, E Morris Tabte mauts, Mci A Tourjea. Lana! Raîîiwick i tessA TujeEthel bock- lhart Pauels, E Morr-is. b Moris Fceuch Art work, McaTureJ od Anient Articles, Miss Shaw, T W Rkr>untion botes ou six differeut materia,ï],,ca 'iA'IToujýes, Mrs J Woodi Discretionary, Nttin ectton dune.alias Shîaw Nettlng aille, Miss Shsw Jwl-1 woik, MiKaýSkaw 1O G. A. Stephens, H C. Bowen;KîgOf (~ n Tmpkins Counity, FarncomrbBrs s ~ ~ A. A. Gamsby; Snows, Geo.Sthe, S o n,! J1ohnm2awea;St Lawrence, H . ovw-ý en, Farncomjb Bros, Bien Pip)p.inHl.C. Bowen, Geo. A. Stephens; Cri, tE Geo. A. Stephens, Geo, Beer; Crab, white, Geo. Beer. PEARs.-Conrectly named, Hl. C.Bo arYon, Farncomb Bros; Bartleit, \W. 'S, Gamsby, H. C. Bowen; FlemisiBeautv-,à ry Farncomýb Bros, John sae;Sedn Wmi. Caswcll, Farncomb Bros;, Dhe d'Angouleme, Geo. A. Stephens, Wiu. ~Caswell; Winter Nellis, Fatrn:omïbF Bros. pý4e.s BPLuMs.-Any varietvye, A. A. Roufe, Robt. Moton, jr;'any vanîe, v edllb-red. G. H. Lînton, W. S. Gamisby; ui vaietY, 'bine, Farnicomb Bros,W.S t, also for G4amsby, any' v Yeiety, green, A. A. Lur receipts Rolfe, W.S. Gamsby; collection, R1obt.1 iii be sure GRApE.-Red, W. S. Gamsby, John rugs. Re- Waddeîl; black, Farncomb Bros, W. t n S. Gamsby; green, Robt. Morton, jr., hng Tou W. Caswdll: discretionarv, Colbert *apple, C. J. Thoruton. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. JunGa-James Philp. Geraniums sngle, Miss. T. Beýer, W. S. Gamsby; Fuchsia, singleý, MsA. Tamblyn; Fuchsia, double, Miss T. Beer; Gladiolus, W. H.Toki, . S., Gamsby; Begonias, W. S. Gamsby, Gr. H. Beer; Foliage planDts, W. S.,asy W . J. La.nmid Phlox Drummiiiondii, 'W. H. Tonkin,1 A. A. Gamsby; Stocks, W. H. Tonkin, E. Morris; Balsains, A. A. Gamsby, W. S Gamsby; Astors, A.j A. Gamsby, E. Morris;,PtuiaA. A. Ganisby, W, S. Gamsbw'; ahlias, W. ,W & S O4 . H.Tonkin, Farncomb nos; Verbenas,, VI S $.A. A. Gamsby, W. H. Tonkin; plants othen than grown in bouses, W. S.1 Gamsby, Mrs. A. Tamblyn; Green rami, Brooks house plants, W. S. Gamsby, Mlrs. A. 'kinner ; Ram Tamblyn; Cnt flowers, W. S.'Gamsby, ugmaid, Levi A. A. Gamsby; Table bouquet, W.- S. rooks & Lang- Gamsbv, A. A. Gamsby; Hand bouquet, cý we, Brooks A. A. Gamsby, W. S. Gamsby; Floral 3; Ewe lamb, design, A. A. Gamnsby; discretionary, and 3. 1 pansues, W. H. Tonkin. n," L. M Court- VEGETABLES. M. Courtice I JUDGES-John Hughes, Thos. Stanton. M. Coutice; Late potatoes, Farncomb Bros, N. T. ýutc 1 2and 3;Selby, oarly potatoes, Fanncomb Bros, rtice 1, 2and T. J. Coie4 best variety potatoes, Farn- intce , 2 3 comb Bros; Tunnips, Farncomb Bros, -ed ram, A. E. W. J. Langmaid; Carrots. table. Farn- and 3; Shear- comb Bros, N. T. Selby; Beets, table. ws, Levi Skin- N T. Selby, D. J. Gibson; White Cab- leadows i12, 3;, bage, W. S: Gamsby;,lied Cabbage, E. Meadows 2' Farncomb Bros; Onions, red, W S. vi Skinner, A. Gamsby; Onions, white, W. Caswell, ve lamb, Levi W. S. Üamsbv- Onion, notato, John S. Veadows 2. Robertson; Cauliflower, W. S. Gains- by, Wmn. Caswell; Celery, W. S. Gains- by, D. J. Gibson; Six tomatoes, W. S s. A. Russell, Gamsby, Faracomb Bros; Two pùmp- vear oid and kins, 'r. J. Cole, Fred Blackburn; Pars- J . Colo ; Sow, np, table,, Farncomb Bros, W. S. Jt Cole, Cecil i GmIsbv; large squash, Oscar Scott, 6 months old Fred Blackburn; collection vegetabies, Davev, CeciiXV. S. Gamsby; Carrots, field, Farn- S months, Jas. comb Bros, N. T. Selby; Mangoids, T. ; Brood s0w, A. Best, Farncomb Bros; Citrons, Robt. al. Morton; jr., A. Sharp; Six Radishes, G. aac Chapinan, Beer, Farncomb Bros; Musk-uielons, car, A. Tamb- Fred Blackburn, Thos. Smiale; Water- D. J. Gibson, melons, Farncomb Bros, Thos. Sinale; 6 months, N Peppers, W. S, Gamnsby, Farncomb n; Sow, under Bros; Sun flowers, CusnAdanison, sac Chapman, E. Hall & Sons. iIsaac Chap- HEimmv& SoNs'SEiLsTris A. A. Gamsby; Mangoldsý, T. A. Best;- ýoar, J. A. Rus- Corn Ensiiege, Oscar Scott. ycar old and DAIRY PRODUCE. Ls Souch; Sow, JUG Coiwili Bros:. aDGs-T. Smith, J. W. Coliuish. J. Cole, Cecili,,Cheese, 501b or over, factory made, J, 6 months, S G.Hoeyiand 2; 10 lbs table butter, [;Brood sow', A. A. Gamsby; Crock or tub butter, fusseil. not lcss than 25 lbs, H. C. Bowen; Pre- served Fruit, C. G. Armstrong, Mrs. R, 13owen; Pickles. Mrs. W. L. Cobble Flobbs. dick, W. S. Gamsby; Jelly, Gertie ing 1 and 2; Davcy, W. S.. Gamsby; Home made 'e Bread, H. C. Boweni, A. à. Gamsbv; sud 2; Chicks, Buns, Mns. R. Brown, Mrs. W. L. Çob- pangled Ram bldick; Honcy in Comb, Geo. Beer, Chicks, W. R. Coulson Adamson; Honey extracted, cd Hamburg, Geo. Beer, Coulson Adamson, Maple J. F. Osborne Synup, A. A. Gainsby. led Hamburz, AGRICULTURAL 1IMPLE MENTS. SBros;Cis ile ecîilie JUDGS-H. Middleton, E. Dawson Black Ram- DoubleCultivator and Scuffler, Coult- and 2; Chicks, bard & Scott Co; Stubblii Plough, G. n Bros; White H. Linton; Pair Harrows, Couthard & tkes & Dilling; Scott Co, Double Crniage, McLaugh- g, Allia Bros; lin, R. Foster; Single, Carniage, R. Scott 1 sud 2: Fobster l and 2; Seed Sower,' Couthard WV. R. Knight; & Scott Co; Cutter, McLaugilh lin 1 and 2. ghorn, Tamb- icks, TamblynMNUATRS light, Nokes & JunoaFs.-John Hu[ hes, Thos. Stuýiith. Chicks, 'W. R. Fisunat, ait woot, Wm. Coocney. Flanniel, ling; Spanish cotton warp, Miss8YounW-. Coopay. Ftan. CckJ. F. natplaidmCoon1y.Fauinet btaiukst,M!ss Cik, Yaung, JmsWdê RgCarpet. M;rs. A. touth Rock, T Tobrjee. 'Rag tuai, A. A. G-amsby,J.A,Jeroma. Chicks Allin Wooten Coveriat. .1 S. Robestson.Wsî. Cooney. R ock, wi CuDterpane, S. Bragg, NVui.. Coonay. Wo.leu Il R hiteeSheels, A. A. Gamsby. Win. Cooniey. Woolau lin Bi-os , & 2 ; Stuekiugs, A. A. Gamsby, Mary B. Little. Scott, Nokes & Wootan Socks, Mary B. 'Lttae, Mrs. %V. L. S Cobbledick. Mittens. A. A. G'amasby, John S. ite, D. . Gib- Robarison. Wooten Ysrn, Wra. Coouay, A. A. Chicks, J. F. Ganishy. Disretonary-Fioor Rug, A. A. Crested Blaek Gatnsby. ,.Chicks, J. F, L ADIES' DEPARiPTMENZT. Home Circle concert will be given on Friday, Sept. 3oth in the Sons' Hall, Ty- rone. A choice programi will be given. Such well known talent as Messrs. Arm- strong and Gambsy, Orono, vocalists; Misses Nellie Pollard and jennie Mc- Lauaghlin, elocutionists; Mr. A. A. Beach, vîolinist, and others will contribute. Do not fail to attend the best concert of the season. Admission, hadults ioc; children 5c. For particulars sec bills. It is because they impr:ove the power of assimilation- thai Miller's Cumpound Iron Puis increase the number of red corpuscles and increase the weight as rapidiy. AUCTION 'SALES. WEDNESDAY, September 28.-Mrs. M. Doughty, north of Pickerin.g Village will seli hier farmi stock, implements, a rd 100 acre farmi advertised in Tua S-,T1TAN. Sale at 1 p.m. Lunch at noon. Farin sale at 2. Attend. FRIDAY, September 30.-Miss Melissa ~Welch, TYrone, will sell her household effects at 2 pm Ternis cash. L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 5th .- Capt. Jas. Wight, Lot 13, Con 2, Darlington, will seli hils fan stock ,new thireshing machine, implements, furniture, etc. Sale at1 P.m. Sce bis. L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, October 1.--Martha Hanrvey wili seli on the Mlarket Square, Boýw- manville, household effeets. furniture,I stoves, carpets, etc., veny little used. Sale at 1 p.m. Attend for bar-gains. Seo bis. L.A. W.TOLE, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Oct. 11-Mn. W. Aldswortb, lot 23, con. 3, Darlîngton. having sold his farin, wil ýell his valuable stock, machinery , implements, cedan pusts, etc. sale at t p.m. Sec large posters. L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 12-The farin and chatteis of the late John Frank, lot 10, con. 1, Dar-lington, will be sold. See advt. in this paper and posters. Sale at 1 p.m. L. A. 'X. TOLE, Anet- ioneer. Do flot sitfer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessany. Carter's Little Liven Pilîs will cure>~ ou Dose, one pili. Small dose. Sinal price, Small pill. CONST ANTLY Baby BacIy Afflicted with Eozena. Medical Treulment Usoless. Cured by Cuticura.. my niece's littI4 baby boy had Eczema anl oyer bis face, so that ho needed eontuua watchiing, and ho scratchedl tho sores COni- stantly. Moruinga, iesface, hai¶ etothes wvoutd bo stained 'titi blood. SEà neyer .oldtae hlm ouI, his face 'tas so fuit of sores. Sho iad medicalti trettent, aud tried eve '0 bc sheiseard >of., Sie comm eced using ie CTI'CURA tEitEnIES. The 3sores Zift is facead ,esvs enfiretr cured, sud uow is face la smooti and rosy. Mrs. L. J. ROOT, Nw Scotlatsd, N. Y. SPCInI) CURE TnxÂTMENT FORs ERaY MASY HUcses, rcnL j.s o IRn.-Wr bthetiswth CecURîA SetS thr.onthe b5Wetd. PoTTas B. &C. Gos,., Sole proit.. BlSto. En te Cure Every Baby Humeor, Cee.- FAZ1 FOR SALE.-75 Acres, Lots 2nL5, Con 6, Darliutoii. ood state ,.f cultiva tion ; bard aud soft water: buildings sud tances in good repair ; ý mile frotu Solina : daily mail. Most desirabla location. For ternis enqoire of W. A. LAMMIMAN, Solina. 30 . tf. F ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-20 -Vacres, lot 13,14, con 1, Cartwrikht, 140 acres clearai, good elay loaàn, wll feneed,good buildings.Oood 'trits. Possession given to Pl.w immediatety. Fuît possession Marehi , 189 Apply to j AMY$ SCOT, Ou the premuises or to Osrea, P. O. 38 . Sw. m AM'WORTHLS FOR SALE-A ...Luumb1 er of choica hrugbe Tam- 'totiasM sud boar, tîwo) malis ld f, fr sala; prices i. D. J.Grnsoa,ý BowîuatnyIJle. Caklot 5M, Cun . TP BO.%WMANVILLE. DOMi-ýESTIC MNFATRE S. Gattma'ssirt su clla, rsW LCobble- Lie, Mi T~rja Qili, oolrMiss Tina 'ee,', AAGmb Qit.Logcai Mci A Sonree, irsW J oope Qeitý, drawn, Luttle iro MchnaQuiliting, any atcri (, May B Àtte Fancy, Qoilting, M EÉ adet Miss T GRAI-N AND SERDS. JUDGys.-T Smith, J W Cornish Spring1 wheat, Wm Cooper, Fianry C Bowan Fal wheai, Jas Leask, Thos Little and sons other varn spr-ingý whaat, J Davay, J Allun Six rue ebartey, Jnio Altin, N T Salby Black eyeJ pans, JBucklay 2 >Whila eyad peas, Jnio Aîlin, JDayey Siiiillieas, Jas Leask Oas white, A A Rolfe. A Shairpa Corn, yellow, R Hatl & Sons, T J Coteý Coru, white, T J Cote, ' arncomu BrosTioy sead, Mrs C Wismer rwo rowed barley speciat W J Langmaid Fiax, speci al, W J Langmsidà. riINF ARTS. JuooaGS.-W S Gamnsby, T Siuith AMATnI Ot, PAINING Copy Landscape, MiisShaw, LMorris Marine, Farucombe Bros L Morris Animais, Kata Cotvll,Mrs A Tour' e Ftowars, LMorrisj E Morris Fr-uit, Mrs A rourjea, CColvitie Collection oit palitings,Mrlis A Tourjea Paiuting ou valve t or satn, Mrs W J'Cooper, EMorris Fancy jars, E Morris, L Morris Psinting on china, E Morris, L Morris AMATEUR WATER Cooas Laudscape copy, E Morris, L Morris Marine copy, E Morris, L Mq)rris Flowars, original, E Morris, Farncomb Bros Fruit, original, E Morrts Animais or hirds, E Morris, Farncomb Bros Portrait, Mrs A Tour-jea Best collection of 'wat8r cotors, Farncomb Bros CRAYON DRAWts,AMATEUR Copylandscape Kate Colville Figure, Ente Colvllle,Fartîc,,nîb Bros Peucil drawinÉ, tandacape, Este Colville Miss Shaw Figureffarncomb Bros Sepia or Montochrome, Landsoape, L Moris, E Morris Pan and ik sketch, Miss Shaw TO CURE A.COLD INi ONE DAY. Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablais. AUl Druggîsts refond the mioîey if il faits 10 cura. Price 25 cents. BLACKSTOCK. The Harmony Maie Quartette of Bow- nianville, assisted by other talented, artists will give a high-class musical and literary entertaament ia the town hall on Fair Night, Oct. 5. Grand chance for Cartwright citizens to eujoy a hearty laugh flavored with. good music sud mirth-provoking necîtations. Admission 20c. Sec bis at Fair., Da. Low's WORM SYup !S, death to wonms every time, safe for the chiid. and so nice the children lick the spoon. Price 25e.. O~Dtess, Goods,, Silks and Velvets. As fine a collection of Dress Goods and Silks as you'1l find in a day's travel will bc found ln this store. A stock complete with the Newest and Most Fashionable Fabries that corne to us direct frorn the wor1d'is leadingrnarkets. Iu Dncss Goods the Newest aud most desirable kinds are being shown, iueluding. INew Covert Cloths, ,Venetian Sitings, SEYEN :Serges, Po iNTj S OF M E RI[Y Plain and Fancy Clotlis, tNe Sewn: tinder the bîîî ý Priestley's Black Goo)ds, iTakes one tiLrd less sewlnsie B ITmei "enytosoepeoplç , Bk HenriettaG -7. 4, Cives -firmer' fsenlng -FacyLutes legs sewing. ac ri lé,es ~~ 's, 5: Mooksa nd uhooks easiet. , ac radEfes e ~ ~ u Noird 'liho eey, Etc., Etc., Etc. I. lias mhore rellable hump ho u asrucu fFnc io cause free from thread under bill. Orasot*et fF 7., .Same price as comnmon sac * was nover so large, nover so, Sgood, ranging in price fromn 50c to$8135 per yard. *Our SURl stock embrp à,ýs e very.. I *thing Novel and Styl.J n -black : Silks, colored, Silks and Satins, *suitable for Blouses, Triirmings anct Linings, including our two famus linos of India Silks at 30e ab I Silk' Velvets and Velve teens *we are showin g a beautifuil rntage R A P l of colors suitable for Trimimings and Blouses. IiOO N~Y'~ * Of course we expeet you will 4personally inspeet these beautifUl goods. The ehoieest now goeds will bo the flrst to go, ehoose while our stock is full and complote. Rernember wc are headquarters for all the most relîable Dress Linings. Have you seen the NEW RAPID 100KI AND EYE, a, little higher lu price, but rnuch ahoad of auy other sort. Ask, for the new Fasuion Sheet, it will assist you in developiug your ideas for y our new froek. EVERYTIEING FOR MEN... New Neckwear, New Hlats, New Underwear, New Braees,. New Beaver Overcoats, New Nobby Suits, Ne w Waterproof, Coats, Ne'w Ulsters, ets., etc. THE ASO Or JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. IlTAIR WORK.-Ladies wishing hiair .A..done over, Cali at MRS DIcaiNSoa'slKin Est, and Cor of Ontario St,Bowmanville.,45- tf, ELEVATUR FORýSALE OR LET.- .IOwing to RIi health the subseriber is pre- retoetertaini propositions for the sale or las fbselevator snd, coal sheds at Buw- roanville Station. This is a good opportunity for any one desirouisofenterîag the grain aud coal business, W -. LocKHAÂRT, CUT TRIS OUT and send to ns withl iive cents in silvar, and you will get hy re. turn muait a golden box of goods that *ill bring yen la more money iu oue month, than fuv- thing elqe in Amerîca. A. W. KINNEY, B. C. S. Salemu, Yarmouth, N 3S. 2 13W. BEST WORKI LOWEST PRICEÎ JEWELRY STORE A CH OJCE ASSORTMENT 0F Q.J n a g M -rpf.J.L. ,u,,.. L.j R EPAIRING A SPECIALTY. The undorsigued wiii ho lu Bowmau- ville q.nd Orono every Saturday for the purpose of buyiug live hogs for shîp- ~ment. We desire the continued patronage anîd co-operatioîî of farmers, se that we eau hsndle them in large numbers,then we eau ship cheaper sud make better sales. We canalso stop tue practice of paying commissions sud givo the far- inons the benefit. Come sud sce us whcn you have hogs to seli. J. & H.. B. FosTEa, Drovers. Box 208, Bowmanvihie. 28 14M, ORSALE-A good driver, g-entj and good-looking: Inquiro at the SrATJmý XAN Office. ann gage sceeority at moderate rateýs oc f !- tere A. E. MLuan SlctrBwavle0 16 -6m. NOT !!,YIANY Know HOW *To Buy. a Therefore ail eau not soul watceq that give sattisfaction. What do pediars and boys know of the mechanism of a watch ?S Many have paid t'Too dearfo their whistle" ight in this vicinity by punchasing from these peope. - Wheu you waut a Timie plece, buy it frorn a meehanieý, ho lias the right goods for y ou. Toironto Fair is comînýý on, see it but be careful cf your rnoney ni if you want a Watch, Chain, Riug Clock, Spectacles or anything in th the hune of a first class w,,,ý1iatchr, buy froi4l T. N. RICKARDe- Jeweller andOpticýian, Bowmanvle Bowrnvi1le Fîr-Sept. l6th.-. G RAND DISPLAY TYRONE. Ouessing or knowing shoes,. The diference letween buying a pair of "Si3ater Shoes 1 1ai-d a pair of comimon Shoes i s just the diff~erenêepresented. in a sealed letter and an opened one Q ,1 with a responsible signature. The sealcd lett er alay contairi a large cheque, or ibâliff's notice. The opened letter-well youi know Just what it is- The common shoes nmy-'ýbégood ones under-the fii b. but how do you knoNv? " Siater Shoes " hear a pedigree tag whichi tells exýactlvi the lèàther they're of, its wea-r, peculanities or fau1t. Goodyear Welted. $,3.oo, $4.oe and $ý5.oo per pair. 'ALOUR "TUE .SLATER $HOE-."p GAT.i Fi 1 im --i- , i ýt -r- M , 1 1

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