A hizgh-grade illustrated weekly magazine, equal in tone and character to the best of the monthiies. In addition to the best original matter obtainable, the POST Will present each week the best in the newspapers; periodicals and books of the world. it will aim to be to contemporary literature what a Salon exhibit is to art,,bringing together the choicest bits of ýliterature frorn al modemn sources and givâig them a deserved place together, 'on, the line.' Vie have th1'ý literary resources M of the xvorld to draw upon. The best cwrîters of the world are practically a M retained çQorps of contributors. It woulcl be impossible- for any magazine, no matter how boundless its wealth, to obtain, as original mhatter, the wealth of- literature w'e have to -U offer, weekly. The handsome illustrations in the - POST are original. To introducie it into your family, it will, be mailed every week from now to January , 1899, on receipt of ONY EN CENTS, (The tegular siAbscipioa is ý 2.0per, year) Silver or Stampa THE CURTIS PUBLISHINC COMPANY, Philadelphia PUflLISflEBS NOTICE. Tsmn STATESMAN is mailed regularly to its subscribPgrs utul a definite order to discontinue is recelved and al arrears are paid in full. Subseription $l1,50 per annun. If paid in advance $1.00per aunuma. iVrARRIAGE 1LICENSES,-M.* A. AES, 1asner of Marriage Licenses. Residence:Centre iii eet. . E.1IILAUG HLIN, Bagrister, Solîcitor and Couveyitneer. Offie:- Blckley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Money te ban aireasonabie rates. 48-lyr, JP.J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIANS an d Surgeons, OntarioCoroner, etc, Residence. Enniskilien. 74 -1b ARRISTER, SÔLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' _DBLOCK, np-stairs, King Street, Bowsnan ville. Soicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private moncys ioaued ai iowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FFICE IN WEST DURFIAM NEWS Bock, where bihoseif or bIS assistant wil befonndfroniS.m.t09p. m. Night calis et residence, directly opposite DrýIli Shed. Caîls by telegraph or telephione wili rcceive promýpt at- tention. 1-.1 - yr. Gentlemen'sClothes made to Order. NEW. TAILOIPH~IOP. The undersigded who bas-been carrying on the taiioring bnsiness lu cornuaction witb Mason's Dry Goods Store for a numnber ef years bias comameitced business for hiielf ai bis rooms King St. west, wbere belis prepared te maire genis and boy s sits in ail the latest styles, and at lowest prices. For-tlesc who wish te order .suts, ha will carry a fultliue of samples in al the aewest patterns, Give hlmaa cli J. T. ALUIN, Fâshionable Tailor. ONTARIO BANK Bowmianville Ageîîay. DEPOSITS receivadin uSavings Bankr Dapartmen t and ,n intoreit allowed et entrent ratai.,N otiee withdrawal necessaïy. Al Cdepositi payabl on dexand, EXOHANGE Bougbt anC soldes C Dra ýfîs taune S upon Europe Uited blutes cni Ca al cio Gld, Slver and United States Gr û îk'ougbt anC soiS COLLeýECTIOINS Pro ipt maCtc turrentrn tes upoîs al parti e t 1eet rîî I s. 'beUni taCd SttsanCîle Do- mioloi or Cannaui. Telegraph Transfers MLd. o dates ii or sinalsuroi0on al ýparts nf iCaea 'his eu peeially avartageousrto per- eistlvDiar'la hniteba or the Nortb-Weit, it maires rIefunds aveilabia ai once etthîe place of ptyment. For othr a aticuiers ccli et île bank. J, ~ ~ ~ ~ îEO A cuna, E.McGILL, Acco unitagt Manager AUCTION SALE. VALUABLE PARU ln Bowmanv'ille. Poncentn te directions cetaneS lu the Lait Wil etf Jolhs Freur eceethorawili lie of- tareS for sale by anctiomi by île undensigned encionea et b lte residence of île saiS Se- ceaseS in BOWMANVILL] ou, Wedllesday, October 121h, 1898 et tle, heur et 1 O'CLOCK, P. M, ail ibis parîs of lot Number Tan linltheFinit aisCd Broken Front Concassions efthîe Townshlp decil, entciiî 11acres, more or lais, consisi- îî , ettil ~ el .,te.,,,hîn s b ands. The " tai ai e stete et cuitivaion. The lands are siinstedl about bal c mile frein tise businoîs pari et uowmanville. A nover fciiing ,rreeuî et n can ruicisuerugh ibo lands. TIers ara on the lanîd a stone Cweiig 'lieuse 4Ox52, siery aîd c luilt,baseinentfkttchen, wîtb comeodions outbuildings cie suitalle hemD,, stallea and sheds. Aise c gond orchend. The lands are uowbeiîsg poe ad S o8sas- sien can le givor. tothwith ton any plewiîîg desired te be done and full possession ou pay- meiitet fulpurclese meney. Purcheser te ai- low- ail reps ie lbe lervestotl anC removed. TERMS OF SALE :-Tons per cent efthîe pur- claie îneney te o elS edt the timeofetsale îcnd rhe balance aithin one mentI trous day et sale w-tbeut inieresi. Thse preîmety w-ilhèo ffered for sale sobjectr teea reservo liC. ,A Ceiagnaindescription' sud 'acroage of the srery enu ha seau ci ibhe office et John1 K. djal Irailh, solicitor, Bowmcnvilce. For fuithon penielîasanC condirionsa et sale -appiy te eny efthîe undensigned. Daied-et Boiviauvillo ibis twentlotb day et Soptei bor, A. D.18. L.A.W. TOEe, GEO.MiýCGaa Execntors, 1 Auctieneor. W. J. JONES 'emni JOHIN K.GALBsATH) omnil Forthswhîatter tise sale et the above ands, ou île semae day anS place wil h o sld tle gooSsý anS chsetels efthîe laie John Franir as teliows: Spcn hBay Mares, geaeretpurpose. Horse,aged. 10 Mil cows, in caît. 3 2-year 016 boitons in naît. -7 i-yean-old boitons. i yearling steen. 2 boiter elves. 53cien calvos. Brood 80W anS 8 pigi. Bout, Yorkshire whie. 4 acres inang- obis. Acre ptatees. 2!'acres ofe cocrn. 1 tiare tunnîpa. Row- etbeans. 25 ions.et bey. 100 boni anS 7 geese. 23 tnrkoys,. 1ouae.heiS tfur- uhinre anS cli sncb!inmpte os neSd ou e w-eh roguhared tarin. A hof eteher articles tee nom- ennui te mention . TElMS FOR CHIATTELS: Suins t 10 anS unden cashs, overthat emout 6 usontihs crodit on aroved notes. L. A. W..TOLE, auctIoneer. 58 . 3w. 1'INDOO M PROflUCES TIIE A OTZ .Rmssin 30daij. Cures al i'ervoue Dsies . Faiiiag Memqp Parei,, Sieepies nesi, igbtl irRa 1sions, etc., ceeueS byPa & auses, gines vigor aed iza te ahrnken organs, and quiekir but e,elyrestores LestJosLa ao r~ng Eaiilcar"in veîtpocket.Priceiï'l.6O a package, Six for ee eWeawrifffl a. .,-,e, î0 'ue,',ý mosaeg refunaded. Doa-'-r BIUT AY XuITATIOiu,ba 'Io it. we wili soni it Prepaid. nINliO REMED'Y GO., Propra. Chicago, ID. or our Agents. STOTT& JURY, Chemisti sard Ilnsiggit,Bow -I BOWMAN'VILILEF.,OCT. 5, 18U8. Guy Bros. at Oshawa, Oct. 10. Late rains have improved pasture. Stirling voted $20,000 for waterwork s. Read TnE STATESUAN auction sale flst. t Note the change in the market repor't this week. Apples'are nct an average crop iii West Durham, Electa IIaskill, Port Hope, is deadl, aged 106 years. The toývn council met last nigýht. Report next week. Wedding statioriery, new and nico(,at THE STATESMfAN office. Tax colleetors are now paying tie*r respects to ratepayers. Cobourg's swell hotel, the Arlington. iMr. and Mrs. F. T. Guy recently vis- ied Mr. D. Moffatt, Clarke. Judge's court of revision for Bowîna-,. ville-meets here on Oct. 18. Holidays are well over and people are settling down to work again. Chas. Calder is Conservative candi- date again in South Ontario, The best nhIVSicians sneak well of Miller's Compound Iron PlUs. M'~iss Vida VanCamp recently visite,' Miss ilelene ilunter, Antioch. No country in the world can give finer weatber than Canadians enjoy. The oldest temperauce hotel in Tor- onto, the Robinson House, is closeul. M. C. Cameron, Lieutenant Governi- or of North West Territories, is dead. Miss Watts, Newtonville's favoitîte vocalist, is recovering from recent ili ness. -Mrs. H. Wade and Master I{arrY, Kingston, visited aù Mr.J .K.Galrat' recently. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the'bcst remedy for colds and cougbs Trv it, 25e. Mr. T. E. Higginbotham, drnggist, has bought ' Mr. John Rankiti's new brick bouse on Division st. and wi move into it soon. improved in bealth. Yes, she is a, dif ferent womanl. We presnaded ber to try Miller 's Compound Iron Pilîs wïi the resuit von observe. Mrs. (Dr.ý Edick's carrnage eonitaining benself, Mrs. Geo. Mayuard andIarl Guhly was upset Wednesday by a fiue droppinp' andthe borse turnumin uo the dîlteh. No serions injury. SPERMIANENTLV CURED anS char brain. No ijectiLor abatlr effect « Indisputable testimony sent seaed, Address THE DIXON CUREý CO.,40 ParkAve..Motreal. suggetionsat Uns tium fiw-ii be usetul. Thrifty, wise and economnicai women and girls know Just wbah 10 do wben coufronted wit snch a problem. The', have a fui] kuowledge of whaî cen bte doue wft the wonderfnl Diamond Dyces tîsose niarvelous mnouey saî-ers,and the-1 act accordingly. The-y use Faut BlacÉ Dtamond D)-os prepared especiaily for feathers, w-blet give a dcep, rne and j i'astrng colon, iaJiig the featters equ.al to uew oues. Their dull and ifeless. suri tics, s-a-f s, sashes and gloves ire qîricklY- made new creations by Dia- nuond Dyes. Tise faded jacket,' cape, blouse, skirt and shockzings are nagie- ally transfox-med to suit the tashe of thh Wise-women kuow-well that failuree a.re im possible wbeîî the hopular Dia mou isiDes are used, as the mauufac- tune rs provide a special black for featb ers, and a special dye for wool,' silk, al cotton, and for eveny make of mixed or, union goods. Dr. WVaugrh will visit Orono twice a1 nionth. See ad. Aucetion sales hav\e their inningsanad Mn, T'ole is sboutiuig daîly. City pap)ers contain a picture of Ton- oato'sue palace hotel on Kiuig st. Sp)eakerEvanturai of Ontario Assemb- ly is convalescing af ter serions iluess. .Abert Spinks and Arthur Gibson, Cartwright, are home fnom Manitoba. 1Mn. Frnk Lyle, Standard Bank, Chatham, has been visitiug at home. _ r. and Mrs. M. B. Annis called hqre Mr. Levi Skinner, Dalington, has b)e'en very successful at Faîl shows with shceep. Mn. J. R. Haggaus, repnesenting McCoil Bros., Toronto, gave us a eaul 1ast week. Lindsav votes Oct. 17 on a proposal to lban R. Sylvester $20,000 to . extend tbe foundry. Mni. and Mrs, W. R. Goodwiu of Bow- manville bave arnived safely at Van- eouver, B. C. Anv person suffering front rheuma- tism will be permanently cured by the uise of Miier's Compound Iron Pilîs. Bowmanville Ilarmony Qùartette as- sisted by Miss Tilley, A. T. C , M., and Miss McDowell give a concert ai Black- stock io-nîghi. Mr. W. rmstrong, Orono, has been appoiated Superintendent of Newcastle Fisheries and assumned the duties. The appointment is a good one, ]'dr. and Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Bow- mnanville, and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. liam- lin., Oshawa, registered at the Queens 'Ibiel, Toronto, hast Weçlnesday, The best medicine you eau tak-e is that Wvhich btiilds up a solid foundation fýqr hqalhb in pure. rich blood-Rlood's Woot~î'a has good reason to feel proud of many of lier sons and Rev. J. H. Oliver who has spoken so force- f ully aud acceptabiy ai several meetings dnriing the plebiscite camipaigu is one dleserving mnch credit. Thene is no one article lu' the Hune of medicine that give so large a neturu for the money as good porous strengtb- uiinz- plaster, such as Carter's Smart, ýWeed and Belladouna Backache Plas- ters. At several meetings lu West Durham the siuging of the prohibition sextetie, Oshawa, comnposed of Messns. O and R. Luke, Stedham, Keddie, Joblin and Fletcher was very mnch appreciated. Ail are good vocalists and their selections were very appropriate.1 DR.FowLER'SEX.TRAOTOF \vILD STEAW- BERRY.-Nothiug has yet been found to supercede it, for Diarnboea, dysentry, choiera, crampe, colie and sumn mercomn- plaints. Don't take a substitute. lnu- sist on getting the genulue. Rev'. R. A. Burriss, the energetie em- igratun agent of the Ontario goveru- ment, came in to Fort Frances on the "Keenora" Sunday nîght. ie bas been showiug the country to a num ber of prospective settlers. 11e retnrned ou Monda y a. m.-Rainey Lake Henald. For the story o f the siege of Santiago de Cuba, as it affected the people directly i ui olved, on eitber side, in their penson- ai safety and comfort and their dailv i ives, there is nodocumen t yet publishel equal to the Oct. number of MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE. There are aiso good shocrt stories by John A. Rull, ICy Warman, Robert Chambers and others. TEES S. MCCLURE Co,, New York. SHE WAS SAVED from days of- agony and discusufurt, tnt by great interposi- tions but b.v the useof be only surepop corn cure-Putuam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. Tender, painful corns are ne- moved by its use iu a few days witbout the sligbtest discornfort. Mauy 'substi- tutesinlu t;omarket make it necessary that only Puinamns shoul be asked for and taken. Sure, safe and harmless. The American Monthly Review of Reviews for Ociober preseuts in its de- partment of "-Current Iiistorv lu Cari-_ cature" a remarkable series of cartoons rccently published touching various phases of the war and its results. It is believed ibuit. ibis journal reflecis the sentiments of the Spanisb people witb great fidelit%, These cartoons sbould te studied bv ail wbo seek 10 kniow what the popular feeling justi now ini Spain really is. 13 Astor Place, N. Y. Economnical Suggestions f or Women and Girls. Taiiîer, Lakfeflid, is visitng at Mr. Jas. Linton's.. .. NMrs. Nichols, Toronto, is visiting ber brother Mnï. T. W. Jack- son .... Miss Ballagb, Newcastle, visied et Mn. Wm. Balag-h's,.. . Miss Fnsilv OdelI left Monday for Rivenside, Cal., whenc she proposes speuding te winter with ber sister, Mrs, F. W. Stuit.,,. Mesrs, O. A, Gamsbv,C G. Armst i ou and Miss Nele Follard, assisted at a concert lu Tvnone Fnrlay evening..., Mn flerbert Odeil, Ottaw-a, is home on a visit. . .. Mn. and Mrs. E. Pinder ïmd family and Mrss Wm. Pope and , on, Hont, went ho Peterboro WednesdaN to be present uit tbe wedding of ibeir br 1kh- en, Mn. Noble Graham, 10 Miss Etta ICindred.-... Mr. O. A. Gamsby reeently soid 10 Mn. Graham, of Pont Penny, a handsome driving tnare,sired by Anuex.ý ....Mrs. Parker Snmith, Cobourg, aecompauied by ber sister, Miss Kate Hngbsou, visitcd ten fatter. On ter returu home 'ste was accompanieci by Miss C. iHughson. CLARKE NEWS3 (Condensed from the News.)j KENDALL. Miss Nellie Stark, Bethauyvisited 6th Line frieuds . . . Mrs. Doal Stewart, Detroit, vîsited at Mn. Neil Stewart's.. .-R - C. Cowan and family wi]l remove to Orono .our tirst pnizes ou horses came ie t t t line, wttln about one mile, 10 Me'ssrs. Geo. Cooper, George Henry, R. Stewart, and Wm. Cooney.. : . Several people from here iutend tak- iug in Millbnook fair.- Mustunot be coufouuded with co mmou cathantie or purgative pis. Carier's, Little Lis-enPisare eutireiy unlike tbem lu every respect.- One triai wihi prove them superioritv. KIRBY. Mn. James L. Powers is home front tise Nort West. * He visited. his cousin. Mn. and Mns. Albert Powens. in Dakota bie called on Mn. Win. Robbius. Mrs. Jos. Chapmn is home f rom a visit at hier danghter's, Mrs. Geo. Cain,Wei- come .. .. Mn. and Mrs. John Rickaby attended, Lindsay, fair.-... We regret to agalin have 10 refer 10 te uuseemly conduet of yonng men w-ho cecue dis- hurbance outside the cturch during Suuday service. Yýoun pulse, is il regular iu ils beat or is it weak and intermitent ? A weak pulse indicates à w-eak beant. Milburu's Heant aud Nerve Pilîs is the great re- rLe.dy for weak,pitlpitating teart-make llsern shroug and bearty. CLARRE UNION. licher Souet attended Lindsay fair .. - Aldin Parker purposes stowing tis dlriver at Wbiiby fair..Mn. aud iMns. Samuel Cobbledick, Exeter, visited Mn. W. L. Cobbledick ...Miss Mtc;uire visited ber cousin Mns. Jas. Tambîvu. - .... Mn. John Parker tas been quite p oonly... Mn. Aaron Davis is lhusy training bis spiritred Zyco. . . . Aldin Panken's Wilkes colt took 2uld prize at Orono's provincial fair and Mn. S. D. Souch's famous biog, Manoit-Heno, w-on first. Tbe wel-knowu st rcugteuin'g pro- perties of mron combiued with other tonies aud amosi perfeect nervine, are f ouuûd in Carter's ]on PuIs, w-blet strengthen ttc nerves and ttc body, and improve the blood and the, complex - ion. ANTIOCH. Messrs. T. Viekers and T. Hanness are arranging for a tuuting trip not, .... Miss ggie Somerville 's ciass iu Presbytenian Sabbotb Scbool, pneseuted lier with silverware, and an address. Miss Somenville eutertained ttc class at supper .. .. Miss Helene Hunter w-as recent guest of Miss Kate Rutherford. .... Mns Walker ansd Mrs. Simpson, Port llope,visiied ah M.G.L. Waddell's. .... .Miss Jeunie McNeil w-as guest of Miss Aggie Somenville..-. Jas. iWaddell'lî driving shed is onward. Biliousness: 'For the past-few- years 1 bave suffered greahly from bilions ah- tacks, but afier usiu 1tw-o bothies of Burdock Blood Bîttens I w-as couJplete- iy cured. I consider B B.B an invalu- able remiedy" Daniel Schwabn,Neawdale Man. PONTYPOOL., Miss F. Fee, Toronto, visitiug lber' frieud Miss MeNei, bas netuned home. ....Miss Cow-auand' Miss Bnckley, Onono, visihed Mrs. WNesiey Geuy Mlýrs. Tîsompson, New touvilie, visited bier daugbter, Mns. Stanton..The aunual. services in connection w-tttc Methodist SabtatSebool w-ere tl Suuday' and Monday last, Mr.iH. Simp- sou, urono, addressed the sehool Sun- day af ternoon anîd the pashor Pcv, R. L. Edwands preaclsed to ttechcildren iu thc evening. Mouday tea w-as sened. Thc concert ',in the eveing w-as mnost succcssfnl-. The ebjîdrenuwhbail been tnained by Miss Lillian MeLean and Mr. T. Rvan. performed their parts admirablY. Antists of exeephional menit in the pensons-oh Miss Edith Cow-au and Mn. L, Bnciýley,Oî-oïio,Mr. H. Dunslow, Blackshock. and Miss Bradley, Betlsany, coninibutedl some vainable numbens. Mn. Thos. Stanton occnpied'tbe cbair. Tbatsks w-er-etendened10 2Mim Mfc- éi~en and Mr. Ilyan and 10 the visituna. F OU OVER FeT Y VEARS. Mrs.Winslow"s Sooihingbyrup las beanuqned by taillions cf moterns ton their chidren w-hile ieerhhng. If disturbed et nig hi anS breken et yonn naît b.y c sicir chiCd suf ering anC eryinà with île pansofet iîng teetl senSl et once ana ger a bhe t ir.Wiîlw' oobngSyu MARRIIED PEOPLE LIVE LONGEST! Try ht sometime. Buy the Marriage Liceuse from M. A. CJAMES, appointed by the Gev. erumeut, Tsuer for thie Couuity ef Durham, and wlth proper acre w-i lait a lit e-time and MORAL-Don't remanu n- mnarried. Yen can aise arrange te bav e the Wedding Cards and complete outit pri ,nted in orthodox fashion bv your obliging humbeser vaut M. A. JAMESissuer eofariaef.'os aI bis residenee27 Cenitre St., or at TEE LAv mAi, office, Box#mauville. HAYRDSYELLOW O C 1iJý sproiril to relieve and sure to ar.u~aod soe throat, quincy, etc. priée 25c5 Syrup best muedieinle to expel wormns Okildfren lkit t-wormm doin't, co0n stitutes'a good cow% but I none about the heneficial ef'eeti% resulting fromu the use of Ilood Purifierj as a tnnic, appet- izer, blood puri- fier and aid to ~~ thorough diges- St'ion for coýwa, sheandhiorses wlien they are put on dry fod-à Ider in the Fail, it assists the orgne of the stomach to extract all thje nutrimlent f rom the fàod and puts thei n ngood strong Leal. thycondîtion forthespVring LEMING, MILES &e. CL m à a ., ~ A~nt,,Montoal.Pro ia 25 ets. and 50) cts. a package. In the summer especially should the bowels be kept free, so that no poîsonous material shall remain in the systemn to ferment and decay and infect the whoie body. No> remedy bas yet been fouiid equal to B. B. B. for curing Constipation,, even the most chronic and stub. born cases yield to its infliience. "I cannot say toa much in favori of Burdock Blood Bitters, as thore is no remnedy equal to it for the Cure of Con- stipation. We always keep iît in the bouse as a general family mnedicine, and would flot be without it."i MRS. JACOB MOSHERý,Pictou Landing, N.S. Bi.B.B. not only cures Constipation, but' is the best remedy111 known for Bilions. urââdook ne.,Dyspepsia, Complaint, Kidney Disease and Blood B i0ttort . SA QUICK CURE F1OR COUGHS and, COLDS h, Canadian rcrmedy for ail THIOAT AND LUNG AFFECTIONS Laxge Botles, 26 cents. P,VIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Prop'. Perry Davis' Pain Killer. New York Moitreal 9 A. M. GP. M. *N1,umidian..........i1 Sept. Sanee Day Parisian ............ *Lpurentian... ...1 Californiani..... ...22 *Numidian........... 29 P'arisian' ........... 6 Oct. ýLaurentian..... ...13 l Caiifornian.......... 20 " Il ý *Steamiers marked thu-scdirect teLiverpoolc,. Lanreutian, 151 cabin oniy, Cartha-, iffiau, 2nd cabin only. ýf Our tilip'n ci Ni rs - is lookln-- Mue Il 1 il. i. K.- -ill r)llr , Nova ibeotia- -.Airs -t 1 i 1 1 "I