The Calladiail Statesifan. T BOWMANILLEOCT. 5, 1898 l, D D I E E R Cani't Sleep Wherea the Troub1ed on Earth May Quench Their Thirst,c 4' .~ ,-"'Dr. Talmage Secs in the Forest an Example of Hope for the Un- fortunate and Harassed of thie WorFdc--A Lesson From the Lite ofDavid. Wasinton Ot. .-r.- Tia are a'déér ut bey'. lusteati 0f running teo Wasiugoa Oc. 2-D. T.maethé waters of divine consolation andti I jdrawirîg bis illu :rations fromi a de3r slatiug your thirst anti cooliug yoier body 1 t bril thie discoursé celle aIl thé pur- anti coul in thé gooti chéér et thé gospela and shute thair thirst aut thé déé,p rivar deépe cf Gotis love you ae fghtiuga1 -< f divine cemfort; téxt, Psalime xlii, 1, Nwhole kanèl cf banniera.S ~- ~"As thé hart pauteth afttr thé watér I saw lu thé Atîi.doh a d1ogr1lying1 broks, se pantéth My soul uttér the, a s h od nt éseeiuoi GodteVoget up, anti I saiti te oiucméuntéra Thé weary vigils cf the night, anxiolil David, xvbo muet soine timé havéeceu near by, "1What le thé muattér with thuV iours that drag like days. How ofien a deer hunt. Points us hèrte vo n hunteti dog?" Tbéy unswémed, "A lleer hurt the crne ot bwuwecom hyae stag maiting tor thé watèr. The tascinat- hlm." Anti I suw hé hati a gréat swollén 'A syetemn robbed by leeplesenescf li animal callèt inla ny téit thé, hart is »aw anti a battereti héat, showing whéré niaturai rest cannot hé vgorous and thé semée animial thet la sacréti anti pro- thé antlers evut hlmn. Anti thé probe. strong. Thé nerve are at fauhi a-id faneé itrature is calleti thé stag, thé bility -sthtsoeéof you might gise aa mut 'ehîilt "p. Dr. Ward's Biot antistia Nerve Pilla are thé reméty ithat cured roehuct,.thé hinti, thé gazelle, thé reiu- mighty clip Vo your pursuéma. yen might déér. Iu Central Syria lu Bible time daîniage thieir business, vonu might worry ' MA 7EPLE. théra wcré irbolé pasture fildstiaof Vbem, the finte iii bèalth, rau mlght burts MISS EMMATMPEas Solomon suggésts -whén héesys, "I thém as înuch as héy havé hurt- you; HEREIS WAT HE SYSI chargé you hy vhe bledis of thé fLelt." but. alter ail, iV la noV worth wbile. $eon HEE S HA 54ESAS! Their entiers juttéti frein thé long grass anly have burt a hounti. Béttér hé off y At lest, afien eigbt monilis of physical as thé! lay down. No bounter bas for thé upper Saranao, inVo whlch thé r lweakness anti nérvous prrostra tion, causedTi ben long in "J.ohn Brown's tract" wilh mountains of God'a te-rnel stréugpth bock by 1vé eerie a t an est nrn vondeèr that lu thé Bible hèy wére dowu anti nior théir ahatiews. which timo 1 sufert geatly on aceounit ot isa ebýatterid condition ot mynervs, ant for clesséti amouig cean animais, for thé I saw wbole chaina of lake lui thé Wbich I was uniable tu finti any relief. 1 bave dews, thé showere, thé latéeswshed thema Adironclacte, anti from eune héiight yout fountiao medicine (Dir. wols e loot antias ienastésy. héIsohé cne 1,atihréreatiVhévè Nerve Pille>) that in ihree monIths 1moýde miy, c1(,, a 1osy ensath cns@80adtoraesad ob ra Inerves sirong, s-emroretal nrostrouibles, patiarch, loagéti for venieon, Esau shot 800 la thé greet wildrores of New York.v Ibuili up my physical syste1n aud nmode me anti brcnght bhumé a roebuclt. Isaiah Se neer are they tc eaoh othér that your ) deucy, a.nd Wi. vlu e eé o grgyu stog ni el.Teyrluvtitd pu comparés thie sprightiness f the retoréti mountain guide piéta up anti carnes thé valuable Pille 1 look forwart'0te éfuture eripple of miliènu)ial times 11e thé long bout from ,luké Vo litkethé amlali distancé lopetully. 1 havé Vo tbank yor reat, curie anti quiet Jump cf thé stag, saying, betwéen hem for that réasou callétia for oervousgnessan dibodilywe-eafe'rmiy "Thé latii ahaîl lèap as thé hart,"' "carry." Anti théeelm et Got's word lae présent god bealtb antisrd gb olno xpresset i-isdiszgusÉt, à ahunt-- eue long (,bain et bight, réfreehiug ' Tours trully, er who, haviug shot a dcer, is toc lazy to laites, each promise a laýke, a very shortt Signet, EMMA TEMPLE, Haistinge, Ont. coo it, eayiîîg, "lThé slethfîil nan toat. carry béetwveén Vlem, and,. hough for agesc Dr. Ward's Bicot audNer"ec Pilla are si eth net that wblch hée tecok lu huntiig."1 thé pursuéti havé béén dtinlntiug eut oai Kt 5e censes er box, 5 boxe for $2.o-, aut B&i one tiuy Davîi, whii. fertfroin thé thémi, héy are tfi up Vo thé top of -thé druggists. oi, r mjalet on necéeipi cfprice Iby home1 from which héobnci béen drIven, graén bhaut-s, anti thé camne Davidi de-a Thé br. Wrd CO,-71 Victor'ia St,, Toronu nisltn erth ct fa oey srie hm nt hyséa ena eok cf information Itig ertenuhoa ooysrbstenante ems r10 S caé here hé hadll otgeti, anti on théc gethen that lu hree diffarent places hée IV E r) O N banl;t of a pond or river,bor a pac of speats cof theni as a conitiutious river,t M O IN'E TO LO A hcnci insvrft ursit.Beeuoof hesaying, lfere a river thée treamà prèvions silence of thé forést thé dlaner whéréof shalil ae gla t théCity cf Go. "' siooo .startiés hlma, ani héosys Vo bliseîf, "I "TIhou shait mate théin drink et the 6 $100000. - wouder what those tiogs are afttr. " Thau rivera of thy pléasures," "Thou giratl7 i A large sume f monéy bas beau placér inl my theeil a cracthîng in thé hrushwooti, enrîchéat iV with thé river of Uoti, whicho bonds by a privatç pérson for invesîni, on -anti théi lonti breathing dt acmé rushing is fullIo,' water."1 approvéti loans on farm secunty for a terni et wontiem of thé wootie anti thé antière of a Shedi Tour Horai.. jél e or Ten yéars, at 5 1-2 par cent dé edtéhue ftétittat y Btmn tyuhv uudyu Iniérési wilbé ask éd payable yèarly, Satisfac- de edtelae ftetiktadb; Btmn fyuhv undyu tory conditions for repa 'éni Will hé arrangèti an instinct 'which ail huntrmarécognîzé buet on that supply anti contrent ycurh P. u.SIMP SO, thé créature plungea into a pool or luté troubles anti you are sourét i wth youn Daet Otla, 94Seictr. Bowmanvilleý. or river to cool its thIret anti ut tiee rne circuinstances, anti you are f1ghtlug - time hy its capacity fer 5Rifter nint long- Society, anti aou are fightlng a pursuiug an swimmmmng Vo get aWay frein thé lefeamn- Werîl, andt troubles, lustéatioet diviugp ing barrière. Davidi suys Vo h1iehf: you lute thé cool buté of hèuvenly corm- à à "!ha, that la myself! Saul ufttr rme, font, bavé matie you stép anti tumu unoundti RSI K a à%Ahsalom alter me, énamniés without anti lower youn héati ,iant it la simply C numabèr effet me; I am chaseti; théit antîén againet tootb. I do noV blame. you.0 my gonti naine, barting efter my bodiy, 1 would have doué woraè. But you are barklug a4ter my seul. Oh, thé hountis, aIl wrong. «You noeéte oi as thé rein-b te imslf- "tat elueerbasaplsbe shds sborne. Thé mbbinical writers0 20 YarsIn atrot. ntothewatér. It putes its hot lips anti allu-ié to thîls résignation of authers hy i CU EST ITU E freuxthefiry canines ani it im fre ut hé bas hung it ou thé eFtage bhorne. sund « CU E-S RIC UfÏ lst.Ohtha 1might ci in théetiéép, a nmverb ln thé tam east tellsea a n ewhc Thouail o Yong ndiidiée-ageti wie laite et Goti's iiintîy anti consolation bus toellshly iost bis fortune Viý go anti9 mer.aretneubled with thîe diseae-many escape .trom my pursuéra 1. Oh, f or thé fIit W here thé den>abêtis ber erne., ing àD,ýaio. saay bavé a stramn.- waters oflilfé anti réscue! 'As thé hart My brother, quit thé antagonisin of youx z ý arp utin pansettimes, slight dia- paatèth after the wafier brooks, so pan Vth circunîstances, quit miaantbrcphy, quith c:haLrge, dfiut ncemrmencing, weat my soul aftér thee. O Got.' "« coniluint, qluit pitcbîug into rour pur-b organsoiin, and ail thé sympytons Thé Adirondacins are uow . popuhous suera; lhé as wise us uéxt aprnig w$ll bhé TUnE. osdeblt d-tohéy.baevîon wlth hunvens. anti the'tiserr une éng ailthé déén of thée.Atirontacks. Shéd 3on, b r eUtting, stretching, cmr téariag slaîu by thé score. Taikiag oaes euimier youm berna.' ou. This will not enré it wihlne- wl1l h a huntér, I tfougbt I wonlti like te, But very mauy of you who are wrong. s turm. Our NEW METIIOD TIIEAT- Sowehr;vtx a-cuaei t MENT absorbs thé trictumé tissue; sé hîè yti a cuael t d cf thé wolt-and if lu auy ussémblyh Shencérèmovés thée titumépénnxanéntlr. alEusion, anti as I heurd thé doge baying bétwèéu hère anti Golden Gate, Sun t It eau neyer retura. No pain, imo suffer- altl vyofte aeFacso twr Qkdta l hs iag, no dtention froin. business by our auienytf niapost hywréFacsa:t eéatt tu i hs méthotii. Theéséxualorgena are strngth- ou thé tract cf a sleèr, I seidteVo ne cf thet hat bâeen someéSinies badly tréatéti& éned. Thé nérve ire invîgoravti. anti thé huntére iii rongh cordnroy, -"1Do thé shouidta mise hoth theîr banda anti full ne-& th ofl tmanhoed mturus. tiee lwaye maté for water *lheu thèy anonsé ahoult iehématie. thera would hé WE CURE GLEET are purseet?" HéÎle i "Oh, yès, nister. twîce us many bands liftéioas pensons * Thusacleet oua ani mddl-agd 'ou se they are e bot andt hirsty an imal pest-I say many et yoil weuld de- Thosans o Yong nd i'dle-ged andti hay ko tatewte a n mnen are bariug thir sexuaI vigér at wwee h u anti clame, "lWé havé alwuys doné thé héet we y vitaity continually sappéti by this dis- whéu hey heur -danger lu thé distance coulti andtrionitVobé useful, andi wiy ase, Thés' are trérinentr unconscione théy lift thtir entiers anti suiff thé breeze wée houiti bécoméi thé viètinus of imaliga-fi of thecauseéof thèsésymptomns. Généeral anti stent ton thé Haquet rLo ran o nailmé msu eisrt Wètuèess, Unnatural Disebarge, ono en rivldsno iisa sisrt ln a 0ahaKrvcn ,Po, én eec, jt égVinocrcdrshell able.' Why, do youti now thé fluer a orrIri lt'î tileus Smatng sén- bout or stand by thé 'runaway' with rifte deér andthte more légant its Proportions saatk u eSnelyes, with dent circles, loatieti anti reuty to blaze awy.' anti thé more béautiful lys béuing thé WetBeGnral Dépression, Luét t StAmition Vaicocélé, Srunten Bible Allusions Tmue vo Nature. more auxieus thé hun ers andi thé, heunds Prtées. Dan toSnlaUlRE My triénde, that le one reeson why 1 are te capture Il? Heti thé noabuet a d(,tciors, as they havé no expérience in 11Wé thé B3ible se mnch-lts uallusions are d egt u nibrtnbosada thèescespécial dieasés-don'V allow se tmué vo nature. ýIts partritiges are aréel obliterutèti éyé anti a llnîplug gait thé SpeialistwehameaahiféCstdt partnitiges. its ostnichés rel ou-triches anti hùunerswoulti bavé saiti, "Pshair, tion't IDiseaesofMenandWomen. OurNW te reintiéer réel reintiéer. I do net let us waete onur umumruniticu ou a sidit 'METHIOD TREATME1NT Willpsi wondér that this entiénsti glory cf thé, dér." Anti thé hontis wouiti havé gi'vén tiréls' curé yon. One thoneant d3lane ' Vxt matés thé huntére éeaateat a few suiffes cf thé acént, anti then danted *fo)r Lacasé wé aécèpt ton tréatuient Sland 'esprke n caýinneicure. Térmsmodeaté foraoune. is cheet glow anti hie respiration quiet. Off lu anothér direction foir botter gainé. e en. To say nothing cf ils usetilnese, Btwé hyse érwt nh r CURESGL RA TE O although IV la thé il est urèftsi of ahi ifttinlumlghty chalenge Voe Prth antih Wé tret andi cure- EMISSIONS, gaie, its flash dcieous, its skin turneci sky, anti thé slet bide licitas as if i. -hati VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS, GLEET. into bumen aupunel, its siuéwa feehionét been snmoothéti by invisible bands, ant i STRICTUPRE IrMPOTENCY, SECRET in owistings, is anthère puttîng thé tat sidaés in close thé nîchpet pusture DRAINS. UNA-TIURAL DICHAIG- tftcudb ibe ri h ak ft * S.KINE atiBADKB Dsese. hundlés on cnvhery anti thé shuvinge s hé CRt én0'ét rm h anec CONiSUTLTATION 1FRE, ORS> i te os us 1s ugètnstrt ille so dan tbely séém vto bavé droppéti PUR. I unhiéVo afi wmté an thé naine tatén froui thé hart anti cal'5' eut Of béaveu, anti thé stïinp et ita foot ~ITMNTLN orHM hartehomu. But putting usité ils usefui- dfe h al hclghn uat h I>laffl nese, thie enchanting créature sééma rifle, thé hotm anti thé hounti, that teiée a 'r-_matie out of ignaceetuness anti lasticitw. thés' wili havé If tbey imnst neéds break AJAA KtilllIkjOY ÇQ*, n'éea.qieca5e., i5UU LeenUé. lise amusé uu éume mneo 5555(1 bramble, four aphtes anti a cross. Sians' ' Fn alji Bwrnuvll b ~wcan nwhJmlI happénèt V o na t wbo have done théin béat Vo maté thé For gsaie owavll ySIOTT & JURM diffrent Vîmes, If net nolv, havé baci wonhti bettér have hati encb a rough Draggists.troublé arter hém., Sharp muzzled t ,néet it thet ai thein pléasuré le in tri hes sifttrubée ai revana aîiicipatlon et thé nén-t wonlt, anti thèy1 MEtreublaes. Scf roualv mai thécoulti express their cern feelings munlime troules May OfYeuhav inwortis of thé Buroies cf Nairu at thé 'rnm'nV istatke cf trying te flght hém. Some- close of hem long lite, whèu astéti if shet Dfl? M TE ZN IIlIII~ bodyr meenîs' attacteti you, anti you woulti lite te lire ber lite over again: 1 T T attactéti thém. Thés' depreelatéti yen, s'eu depreciatèdtbtero, or they overéacheti Wculd yeu hé younig agalu? Can de ne more for yen lu thé way, of you lu a bargain. anti son triétin alu i So wcnit nnt L; cosafortable betis andi gond meula tha eStreet pltrlanceî, ta geV a corneér on tbem, oua tear cf memers' givén, thé RANL.IN MOISE, t Btes or you havé bcd a bèruvémént, anti, Ouwarti l'Il hie; theFRAKLN H USE a Baes insead cf bélng subiÎssive, s'ou sare Litesa dent wuvé fordéti 'èr, andi Larnéti Ste, IRates are 81.50 tao gting that, heréavé mènt. You chargé Alil but ut rest on)shore, $2.00 per day, Amneican pla. Wood- on théetioctora who failétidtaeéffeet a curé, sas', woulti yenu ingé once more, ward and Jefferson Avés, are cuîy a or you charge on thé carélçaeness ef thé With homene oigh?ý block away, wth cars topîl parts of thé racident acurrenytio 'ugune chne JiV sou might, wouh! you naw City. elènUt 7accomîmodations for invaliti,'anti you fret eud worry anti ecoîclerc yuda? Whéémeu ani wodenwhs s'e cauothé wîî ite Wantem thmough stornîY wilds, IH. lJA MES & 80N, Proprietors, othen people, anti yen ungrlly blême thé Falct anti ustras'?, Dateanti lamnetiSé.Dtoi, jc. neunulgia, or thé lars'nlgktls,on thé ague, Nlght's gbaims' atehes fleti, av thé sICk bpa*e.ho% The tact Is vou M'~1i i émn ei iope'e siVio arounid us sbeca, A hu-ndred men were searching for this Hleavenward, away. lest man, and bis fami1ly and frientis Relief for Trouble. rus1hed out tao meet hM. ,and. ,%s had Yes, for some people in this world been agieed, ut bis first appearance belis loir there sesuis nu let up. They are pursued -were rung and anuns were fired and ban- *mi Ton from youth Vo manhood anti from man qluets spreac:, andt ie'resouer Iciaded with 5 bood Into olti' age. Very dîstineuished are presents. Weil, when saoelo you step Lord Stafford's hountis, tb Earl of out of this willterness, wbere you bavew . Yarbrouhs ountis, andi Quéen Vie- bean chilled and tori andi sometimes lest toria pays $8,500 par year tVolber master alfld tbe icebergs, into the warin greet. of buckbounds. But al of heffn put to- 11]9s of ail tbe villages of the glorifieti gother do not laquai, lu number or speeti and, your frientis rush out to givo younm or power to huai down the great kennel welcoming kiss, the news that therA ls ef hountis of ,vich sin and trouble are, afother seul fbrever saveti will call the owner and master.1 caterers. of beaven to epreati the banquet, of trouble and annoyance and pain ant ini the tower, ancrwbile the cbalices click We are surcE lou do not. bereavement? My text gives it to you in at tbe feast anti the bells clang frein the I Nobodywants it. 'But it cornes a worti of Vree letteme, but each letter la turrets it will he a scones s upiiftin g 1 to many thousantis every year. a chariot if you would triumph, or a pmay Ood 1 may lié there Vo take part in Itcomestothosewho have had tbroue If yen. want tVolbe cowned or a the celestial merrimént. "Until the day coughs and colds until the lake if you would eslake your thrst-yes break aud the sbatiows fiee away, bé throat is raw, andi the lining a cbain of 'Ibra lakes-G3o:, tbe one for thou lflté a roe or a young hart upon the membranes of the lungs are whom David longeti anti the one 1whorn mounitain cf Bther," infiameti. Stop your cough Davidi founti. You niigbt as Weil meet a________ wheu if flrst appears and you stag wbich, after its sixth >lle of run. Christ's Law of Love. remove the grQat danger of ning at the topxnost speedti tbough Christ's faix cf love knows no éxcep- future trouble. thioket and gorge anti with the breath of in. 1V embraces all that eau be loveci. It the doge un its béais, has came in full look$ upiwardtiaV God, tbe giver of ail sïgbt of Scmcon laite anti try to cool it4 gooci, anti outward Vo cvery human 5 P~ projecting and blisteral tangue wlVh a being. It éxcîndes no foreignér andi no drop of, dew>fromn a blade of grass as Voe eemy; for éveil the enèmy ls to hé loveti who flîngfromn trouble anti sin, with get Goti. It mcognizes Hlm as the uni- anythlug lesa deep ant i hgh andi broati versai Fatber, the -source 0f every blès- and. Immense and inflnite and tiétama ing, thé founVain cf goodes antilove, than oi. His comfort-why, it emblos- 'the authar of Ilfe temporal and éernal, soims ail distress. Hia arum, 1V wrencbés tbrough whoee Son we bave salvation, off ail hontiage. Hie bandi, fb wlpes away, and iV gives Hlm Vhe fullet love of the ail ears. Hias Cbristly atouement, 1V béart. 1V reaches out béyond family antidMI M d makes us ail right witb thé past andi ail neighbbrg anti citizens Voa al humanity rigbt with the future, ail rlght wlth everywhere, the malt ignorant and de- P forever. Lamartine telle us that King ail. It Is the grandest, Vhe most expan- stops cou-lis of al kintis. If Nimrod saidtu V bis firée sons: "Here are sive cf ail sentiments, thaè, which most does so beca-use if is a sodlh- Vreé vases, andi ond laeofclay, anotber of enlarges thé seul, that 'çhich brlngs man ing and healiug remiedy of great amber and another of golti. Oboose no* noaresa oOoil. If thé cbumch by its power. This makes ittle gr'eat- wbich you wilI bave."ý Thé, eldet son, Idéals lo lifting, and If it shall finally est preventiv e to cousumption. baving firet clolce, chose thé vase of conquer thé worla, 1V ts bécause Its out- gtld, cri wbich :was wrltten the word reach la larger than amy other that thé "Empire," and when opened 1V 'was worid knows. Pattlotlsm isa noble, buV Put one of foundta V contaiu humait blood. Thé Christian consécration is divine. Jéesus second1 sou. maklug thé next cholce, gave thé- highést law, the Most philoso- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ch3se thé vasé of amber, Inscribeti with phical ruie cf pure ethics, nay, of pure thé word "Glory," anti wheu openeti IV religion, -,ho world bas evar hoard, that Plasters over vou r 1un gs contaîneti thé ashés cf Vhosé wbo ware béy'cnd whilh human spéculation canuot once callit great. Thé third sou Vook thé isé, wbôn Hé laid down tuat law, neot vasé t cf ay and, openiug là, fouind t o f justice nomr of rlichVécîunet, on which AwI eia enîpty, but' ou thé bottcm of it Was in- Christanisy méts: "Thou sbait lové-thé scribeti thé natis of Ood. King Nimmod Lord hy Godc with ah Vthy heart, anti For fur-nts i' taýMPetopaypont. aedbscourtiers which vase they thy néighbor as thyseif." ilsndo ite thought weighed thé moet. Thé avari- MIaIAvt ' clous man-of bis court naid thé -vase of JacrcIih èhr h xlsv evo~ goiti. Thé poète sald thé one cf amber. emé îenteresting facts bave receétly 001om t 1the mo-t emnent phyairlans But ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t télss nnsiihémtyas uthé, United States. Unuîual oppor. Butes nélt mér 0f dthé nain ae Gibeen conîii dwith réfeenek to fises turities and lng experiencée tmi- bacns on ltttr f te ain o Go nSdyitWte frée v Il th .11 c- Tuwihe a unîvémsé. whlch have thé power of geuéating àu"otly fi èmfriv -theynl ined1ehi oul-wslghed électria dîsahargés. 0f tefifty 5pecies of ulame in your case. vnwl eev TeWgrlci Ton Ilncertain. flehes possflng -orgamm capable of giving proMe èlv.withoUt ceeu. Ajd mesDR. tJ. C. -&YER, For himn I thirst; for bis grace I heg; eléctric dîsabarges, Vhmeé have a particu- LowelI, a. on bis promise I huild i ny ail. WlVbout lar Intéréat. Thèse are thé torpédo fleh, bisa I cannot hée happy. I bave trieti thé which la found lu thé Bay of Biscay, anti wold, andti Vt doigiwel enough as far as belongs Vo thé s 1kate famnly; thé eléctrie It goes, but i1Vla tac uncertain a wold, W1 ef the Orinoco; andth thVtinderer toc évanescenit a worid. I am noV a fllh, fount inl thé Nlle and othér African Evervbody like to tell sensationsa prejudicèti witness. I baye nothlng waters. Thé chargé le dévelopéti by saine news Whether it is gdot or bad. against thîs wold. *1 have béen oeeof chemical pmoces océurrlng ln thé plate luin ___________ _______ thé nîcet fortunate, or, +,a usé a more which thé eleatric e nén filaments. and Christian word, oeetofithé meet blesééi antInlusaine Instances thé diechargé la of mén-bléssut in lu y parents, blesseti frein thé bead Vo thé tail, wbile in thé i o deîe lu thé place of xny nativity, blesétdInlucase of otherfIshes thé reversé la true1l my bealVb, bléased lunmy fi etofwork. a fuil-sizédti lectrlo éél or gynut bleseti i mv atuml tepéraentthé voltage la probably fremn 800 Vote K idn0y0 blesset.Inl my fainily, blésseet in my volts, and laeéasily capable cf atunnlng Pehp hyr h suc fyu l oppurtunitiés. blèsséti In a comfortable a man. Thé momeutary curménts aret e ~ te'etésuc fyo i Lvehbooti,,bleosed lu ths ýhope tlhat my suflicleut Voatdéfitet îaoet ér or lth and ou fon't know it. îou wil g VohevenVhmughthémants n atile V i o notetior He re's how you eau tellI seulwil go tabeaen hrouh te mgneizea nedle Itla o-b ncted If you bave Back Ache or Lame Back. pardoning Mercy of God, anti my body, thas thé génération 'andti ntèusity cf thé If you have Puffiness under the Eyes onlese 1V hé eet at sea or crernatet Inl disehargé are untièr the contral 0f thé or Swelling,,of thé Féét. scomQ conflagration, will lie down lu thé animal, whîch la apparèntly lun n way If your Urine, contains Sgdiment of gardeus of Geenwood among my kindreti affèctei by thé action. Aise, thème areéno any kiud or je High Cuf-ed andi and frieutis, sema alreadv goné ,and lnsulating matériaulu thé flsh, aud thée cny othèrs Vo coIn. attér me. Lîfe Vo, many gréateet èconoîny le shown ln thé gêanera- IfyuhaeCated Tnu n bas bén adisapointaient, but Vo nie i1Vtieof the electrical enémgy. NsyTseiitéMuh bas beu a pleasant surprise, anti yét 1 If you avte izythells Heaace déclare flint if, I oli net féél that Gotifo aeDzySelHaahs wiàs, now my frieud anti ever présent Wlsdom Front a Lunatte. Bad Drèams,- Féel Duil, Drowsy, bélp I should ha wretcbéd anti terre The i s a place néar Olaegow, ScoV- Wèak and Nervo-us. Then you have stniokèn. But I want more et bim. 1 iand, wbsré a rallway tracit rune for saimé Kidnéy Complaitit. havé tbought lover ýbis taxt anti preaohéd distance baside thé fonce of a lunatie The socuer you s 'Prt talcin9 this sermon Vo myseif until witb ail thé asylum. At one time seiné workmeu fl9AN'5 KIDNEY PIILS arouseti énergies cf my bcdy, mmnd and ivére busy repaiing thé rack wbén au the miore quickly will your héaiih retuM. soui I eau amy out, "As thé hiart pautéth inmateocf thé asylum approachèti one of They've cureti thon- atter thé watér brooks, so p)auteth my thé laborèrs, andi froin bis position on thé ands of cases cf kid- seul af erthée, o Got." mnér aidé cf thé lxièlosure, bègan a soméj- ney troublé turing the Faith in Adversity. what pérsoptai conversation. past vear. If you are Throngh Jésus Christ maké, thie (3od ":Hard work, thaît," hé saiti. a uleé hy catn your God, andi you eau withstand any- -Trotb,.an' it le," mépliéti thé laborèr. cure vou. 1 tbing anti evrytbiug, anti that wh ,ich "Wbat pay da3 yé gev?' Book that tells -al affrights others wil Inspire you. As lu "lSixtéén bob a wéék.". abotDoaul's Kiduey ,nnée of, au èartbquake whéu au od i "Are yé miaimet?" Pills sent fre o auy Cristianwomau wus asked wbéthér eh e Iian.wcrsé luck--.ndý havé six atidress. ivas scaréti, auswèréd, "No; I am glad chiltirén besities." The Doan Kliney Pull r-C MR tbat I havé a Goti who eau shako thé A pause; thén saiti thé iunutic: "Ili-x Co., Toronto, Ont. , word;" or,'ae lu a filanciai panic, wheu Vbînking, ma man, yé'mé on thé wrang__________________ a Christian inérchantwae ustétiif hé aidé o' thé fonce!"y- did noVtéar hé w;oulIdbreak, answerèd: _______________ - 'Yés, I shall break whén thé Fifiéth Néo Wonder They Roameti. Psabu breaks lu thé flfteénth verse:, A mau whoreoéntîy wént Vo Niagal'a O. .A.RNDEN, L.D.S. Caîl upon me in thé day of trouble. I Falls ou a bridai trip eays that ho was Graduaté of thé Royal Collèeecf Dental Sur will dlilver the andi théu shait glorify coueiderably aken abacit by thé olti geons, Ontario mue.' " Oh, Christian meii-anti womén, guide whom hoebad hîrèti. The guidé hati OFFICE.-Oppoeite Ex pre eeoffice. pursuéti of aunoyances anti exaspérations, sévéral timeap)pear.îd dispiéaseti at thé VITALIZED AIR rémembér that this hunt, wbéthér a aili Louisville man's ather open lavlshmènt____________________ bunt cr a hunt lu full emy, wii oon bé of affection upon his néw feunt imaté,AC E avIf ever a whèip loke ashumeti anti but hé' saiti uethiug ti1 ho founti a Jr7!B I ready Vo linkie o0f sight, lu laebn'111 ehance Vo muté bis stroké a telling cime. . WlE the Adirontiacta a dear by oie tremeti- "Wbat a roar thé talle mu3ke " saiti thé as plungé loaeBig Tuppér laké gets hridegroam. "IV la wouderfui !" DENTIST. awal froin hlmn. Thé disappointeti eau. Thé aid g uide lookétid iegusteti. lue svrimns lu a littié way, but, defeatei, "Tl'tsnti' odru"hésî. swimis out ugain anti cringès with II o a asa eelkhmpu hmate n tte tofbsolti talle anti listén Voa ailthé stuif thèse <ffice.-Rear of Messrs. 1Higgn- hé teought, ,lrom eany allier banian Home IfluiLences. LI h contains 96 pagés protusely iltIustreteti, adt bèings. Hé was, startléti ene day as héieRach one of us le bounti te a ité1 the A l editét i wth a view la mate itaýwclcoriie adV hoard a stèppiag on thé bce, an 1 héie ittlè circle iu wble-bhé lires botter anti indéspènsibié visilar te every t-iifieid coctéti thé rifle réudy te mixeét auyvbîog happiér; éach of us is I ounti to see that A Instructive fid nti luérting , V that came néar. Hé founti a ma, bure out cf that smiali circlé thé wldest gooti A èvèy date footeti anti insane from long exposuré, May flow; euch of us ilnuy have fixadinl n olraYé. TnCnsa .1 upproachlng hlm. Teting hlm into hies bis Mind thé thdught ibat out cf a ringla A Brotheké Jonatihan PubIishin- Co. V ca.xoe anti tindliag tires Vo wamu hlm. bousébolti may, flow, influencés which V hée restureti hiruanti founti eut whéré hé shah stimnulate thé wholo commoavvéalh Mea attn ui4i hati livéti andt ook hîm Vo bis boni, anti janti theé wbolécivilizéti - world..-Dean AChVgo founti ail thé villauô In areat excitemçnt, Stanley. I